Definition Stenography is general meaning and concept. What it is wallpaper

Stenography (narrowing, close) is a type of writing through a set of signs, abbreviations that allow you to quickly fix oral. The speed, originated in ancient Egypt, gained the present name and current alphabet thanks to John Willis at the beginning of the seventeenth century.

Stenography - a set of signs decorated according to geometric or mean guaranger. The geometric system is based on geometric shapes (circle, sector, ellipse, horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines).

The geometric system is designed to record single-stroke words and combinations denoting the action in the future. The intersection system is distributed in European countries as well as Russia.

The feature is lifted when writing vowels and lowering when writing consonant letters. Morphological and phonetic systems are separated by type of cursor. In the first graphem, the morphemes (prefix, root, suffix, ending), in the second write sounds - phonemes.

Famous systems

Isaac Pitman is the creator of the phonetic system, which in the forties of the nineteenth century was presented in the form of labor called "Phonography". According to this principle, the words were recorded according to their sound.

So according to Pitman, the consonants are presented in the form of geometric lines, and vowels on the letter are denoted by points, strokes. Through the thickness of the strokes is determined by the bellivity and deafness of sounds. The Pitman system is officially used to record in the English parliament.

The system of Dupluoye is based on a different sign of signs. Many grafts resemble hieroglyphs, have bizarre outlines. This type of coggling was promoted by missionaries in the new light.

Wallpaper Gregga is represented by a minimum of symbols. So the vowels are indicated by the icon located above the graphem, below the graph or crosses it. This system has a direct and reverse writing of characters. The essence of the principle is reduced to the use of rounded count with a slope. The latter made the system of the second most prevalence in the world.

Who will come in handy this skill

Willing this technique will not remain unnoticed, all looking in his records involuntarily ask questions about the effectiveness of the method, about the timing of the sweeping.

The ability to quickly record texts on paper will be useful to employees of large companies, where the flow of information is constantly updated, and you need to have a lot. Maintaining records relieves scholarsing from concerns that strangers will imbued with his thoughts, ideas, plans.

Aspectation by the method of cursue will be warmed by attempts by curious colleagues or acquaintances to penetrate personal information. Electronic and sound speakers are not a guarantee of data protection and the more convenience of working with the text. So, if necessary, to analyze a certain point in the conversation must be engaged in rewinding or listening to the entire record.

On the contrary, when conducting records or abstracts through the junction method, it is possible to fix the main idea immediately, in terms of the fields in the fields. Such an approach makes it easier to work with the text in the future and contributes to the best perception of information.

Record speech by a routine way - the reduction of words when writing is not obtained from everyone. In such a situation, the mastery of stenograph will benefit and will allow you to record oral speech in a timely manner. Stenography - which is suitable:

  • secretaries;
  • journalists;
  • students;
  • doctors;
  • lawyers.

In journalism, the speed will allow you to fix the information of various volumes in short timeYes, and the voice recorder can not always be at hand (who knows when they meet an interesting interview or ingenious thought).

Students, especially medical universities and colleges, this skill will not be superfluous. Permanent memory training, a recording of a large flow of texts, many of which will be useful to prepare for the next exam.

Studying: Alphabet and subsequent steps

Stenograph - alphabet, whose symbols include elements of traditional letters. Reducing consoles, endings allows you to record complex words by several brush movements.

Learn to sneaking can each

Each can start the cortification, everyone can be patient, notebook or notepad, couple of pens. Not required special training this method Available absolutely to everyone, and the necessary attachments are minimal.

The stenographic alphabet includes elements of handwritten letters, which facilitates memorization. For successful development of the method, regularity is required, knowledge of certain rules, which will save from the need to memorize thousands of abbreviations.

To simplify the memorization of the graphem, compare them with the elements of the corresponding letters. This will allow, seeing similarities, easier to remember the alphabet. The first time of recording is better to lead in the notebooks into the oblique line - it will take care of accuracy and will help make the handwriting.

In the initial stages, write slowly, but accurately reproducing the outlines of the signs - prerequisitewhich will help to understand your own entries. Grafts denoting consonants in most one-dimensional (only six belong to small - smaller) and are written with inclination:

  • for example, the letter "b". When writing, consider that a narrow oval starts from the basic line of the notebook, go up, then to the left, ending in the original point.
  • "B" reminds the fishing hook curved upwards, the lower part of which is the third of the distance between the main and the reference line.
  • "G" String handwritten.
  • "D" Tailing handwritten letter and a long back.
  • "F" first one third of the handwritten letter (similar to the inverted graphemus of the letter B).
  • "Z" resembles the eight with the left left upper half.
  • "K" straight with a slight inclination to the left.
  • "L" point is slightly elongated left.
  • "M" last one third of the line
  • "H" sign Tilda.
  • "P" inclined with crochet directed to the right.
  • "P" is written as b, but smaller.
  • "C" the lower half is lowercase with.
  • "T" horseshoe open book.
  • "F" reminds eight.
  • "X" is similar to the printed r. four
  • "C" loop similar to the final part (tail) handwritten letter C.
  • "H" is similar to the letter of the letter M, but more convex.
  • "W" one-dimensional S - shaped sign.
  • Small S - shaped sign, the final part of the letter "Sh".

So to small signs belong to the signs l, n, r, s, t, etc. Publications are connecting lines of different lengths and tilt, which depends on the position of the next sign of the consonant.

Computer speed includes mastering a blind ten-chart. This allows you to read, simultaneously driven it on the keyboard. At the same time, each finger occupies a clearly defined position. Begin to the method followed after the development of the main skills of working with a computer.

Mastering this technique requires a certain position of the fingers. So large on the button, the gap, indicative on the letters a and o (find the last blind simply, as they are indicated by points or strokes). The remaining fingers are located in the second row on the right and to the left of large.

Working at a computer requires a sitting straight posture, elbows must lie on the table by forming a straight angle. The purpose of learning on early stages - teach your fingers to a certain position corresponding to a specific letter.

When the running finger, the rest retain their positions. The latter is achieved by the multiple execution of the same type of exercises, following the multiplication and rhythm of contact with the keyboard. The main thing to remember the keyboard is tactile, not visually. To this end, you can close the paper sheet of paper, then do exercises.

Computer stenography is optimized, a number of programs for quick recording are created, endowed with the following properties:

  1. To enter, it is enough to move the cursor depicting the letter of the main text in the working window.
  2. Localization of letters is made according to their phonetics, and each letter corresponds to a set of letters combined by sound.
  3. When you hover on the letter the cursor opens a window with possible options for the latter.
  4. With the introduction of two or three letters, the words are automatically searched in the dictionary, then only the cursor movement is enough and the word is displayed in the entire field. Thus, alphabetical information can be entered without clicks, which increases the speed of creating texts on the computer.

Stenhibry, like any occupation, requires regular training, everyday practice. Move the score can everyone, for this, should be guided by certain rules, stubbornly exercise in writing and reading texts.

So, deciphering texts is aimed at developing memory. The latter allows you to remember large excerpts of texts and speeds up the speed of their playback. It is important to train reading and writing at the same time, not only to record, but also decipher the texts, trying to accurately reproduce the graphs, and transmit the meaning of the above.

For what time you can learn how to scrap

Skill development occurs slowly in early pores. Getting Started, rewrite ready-made texts, replacing all the elements exactly. Next, proceed to record text under the slow dictation, it may be errors or difficulties when playing letters, however, is a normal practice.

Remember that the fastening of the skill occurs only in practice. To start training work simple wordswhose writing should be repeated several times. Gradually, accelerate the pace, reaching the stage of writing 60 words per minute, proceed to master the writing of solid texts.

Improving the skill, go to fix the basic moments of the text in the form of an abstract. An outdrawal will help focus on a clear reproduction of the graph. Pay attention to the compounds, the correctness of the latter is the key to the successful transmission of the meaning of information.

Compliance with spelling rules is a necessary stenograph condition. We work out the skill every day, adhering to the cursor conditions, and the result will not make yourself wait. The development of the entry-level letter takes up to three months, but it all depends on the perpetuity, therefore the timeline may vary for different persons.

Remember, stenograph classes require compliance with certain principles:

  1. Carefully read the rules for writing the graph, reduce the elements and their compounds.
  2. In addition to theoretical aspects, constant improvement of skills in practice is required.
  3. Scuffing training must be regular.
  4. When forming the skill, start with a slow but accurate text creation.
  5. A set of signs should be supported by reading the error correction written.

There is no magic keyboard, no magic fountain pen capable of helping in this situation. It is necessary to simply take advantage of special icons, allowing and writing and printing very quickly, connected.

In one reduction, a whole proposal lies. Without "emissions" when writing and without subsequent decoding when reading. Writing abbreviated signs as simple as letters - only graphics looks compact.

Multiple repetition of the same texts - necessary work Over bugs. Teach yourself to accurately maintain records, stenography does not tolerate carelessness, be patient when making stenograph.

This type of fixation of information will help both students and employees of large companies. Stenography trains, attention, concentration is a workout for mind. In general, the speed is similar to the development of a new language, and all new contributes to the development of new neural connections.

In this video, you will see a lecture on the stenograph:


Abbreviation - this is discipline, which, referring to abbreviations, symbols and signs, seeks to so that the letter could be as fast as it is . Stenograph systems are used for speech transcriptions in real time .

It is important to emphasize that although the stenographic systems can be studied quite quickly, they are not easy to apply them in practice and acquire the necessary speed to decipher speech. That is why the use of stenograph is not distributed in everyday life, for example, in the academic field or on most work places .

The history of the stenograph leads us to 4 centies to our era. C. when a Greek philosopher and historian named Xenophon Used this to make biographical transcriptions Socrates. In their etymology, we find Greek terms corresponding to the concepts of "speed" and "letter". Outside Greece, the Phoenicians and Romans also used this technique fast letter; In the Roman Empire there are records of its use from the time of Cicero, throughout the first century to our era. C. According to the conclusions of the Greek historian Plutarcho.

This system has developed and began to be edited for further study, although it remained in ignorance for several centuries, Up to the modern era. Only in 1588 English Doctor Timothy Bright Saving him from oblivion and, thus, passed through other countries of the European continent, such as France, Germany, Italy and Spain, and this process took more than two hundred years. The invention of the Spanish version of the stenograph is attributed Francisco de Paula Marti, cryptograph and playwright of Valencia, in 1802, and its system is considered many of the most effective From those that were discovered before his time.

Currently, several symbol systems coexist, so the first step of learning is the choice of the one that best suits the time accessible to study, and the speed that we intend to achieve when writing, in addition to the accounting of the preferred system in our profession, the three most famous which adapted from English into several languages \u200b\u200bare Pre-anniversary Gregga, Jubilee Gregga and New Era Pitman, favorites from the 19th century to ensure maximum speed .

  • pigment

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Shorthand (from Greek. Stenos - narrow, close and ... graphic

a high-speed letter based on the use of special systems of signs and cuts of words and phrases, allowing you to conduct a synchronous recording of oral speech and rationalize the letter of the letter. The speed of the stenographic letter exceeds the speed of the usual 4-7 times. C. was known in ancient times. One of the first reliable monuments of S. is the inscription by stenographic signs on the marble plate found in the Acropolis in Athens, belonging to 350 BC. e. School Ancient Rome Along with the usual letter (Abecedaria), a high-speed letter was taught (Notaria, from nota - sign). Roman S., applied to 11 c., Was called "Tironov notes" (by the name of its creator of Tyron, 1 c. BC.).

The term "S." introduced in 1602 in England J. Willis. Starting from 17 V. In the whole world, about 3 thousand different systems were proposed and their processing, currently (1976) there are several dozen with a constant tendency to reduce the number of systems; For socialist countries, the transition to unified state systems is characteristic.

In modern S. distinguish systems for the intersection and geometral. Signs for consistent systems are taken from elements of ordinary letters, combined with the help of a connecting line. The signs of geometral systems consist of geometric shapes (circle and its parts, direct different inclination) and are combined without connecting lines. Both S. type were invented in England: Geometral - J. Willis (1602), K.S. Bordley (1789). Geometral systems are accepted for languages \u200b\u200bwith relatively short words (English, Franz., Up.), mean - for languages \u200b\u200bwith long words (Glory., Skand., It.). Specifying and phonetic systems S. The first adhere to the spelling of ordinary letters, the phonetic systems build reductions on throwing letters corresponding to inadvertible sounds. Russian Systems M. A. Tern (1874), Z. I. And A. I. Saponko (1913) was built on the T. N. Impact principle - from the median vowels, only the one for which the emphasis falls is discharged.

In most systems, consonants and vowels have different designation. For the designation of consonants, elements of an ordinary letter are taken in the meanings, the vowels are denoted by t. Graces of vocalization are changes in length and direction of the connecting hair line between signs of consonants, changes in the form of these signs, in particular their thickening (push), changes in the position of signs (increase and decrease relative to the letter line and relative to each other). The composition of stenographic signs for consonants is non-language, which facilitates the adaptation of the S. system to different languages.

The first original and applied in practice by the stenographic system for rus. The language was the system of M. I. Ivanin, published in 1858 in his book "On the wallpaper, or the art of cursor, and the application of it to the Russian language." In 1860, for the first time in Russia, S. (according to Ivanin's system) was used in the St. Petersburg University to record the dispute about the origin of Russia between Academician M. P. Pogodin and Professor N. I. Kostomarov.

After the October Revolution, 1917 there were new systems S. - M. I. Lapecina (1920), N. I. Fadeeva (1922), N. N. Sokolova (1924), etc. in the 20s. S. was taught on different systems that the development of stenographic education was slowed. Based on theoretical and practical comparison 7 best Systems S., produced by the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR in 1933, the Central Bank of the Republic of China adopted a decree on the introduction of the State Unified System System (Gess) in the RSFSR, which is based on the Sokolov system.

The hessis adopted in the USSR is a consistent system is based on the study of the biomechanical patterns of the letter, on taking into account the frequency of letters and morpheme in the usual letter and frequency of signs in a stenographic letter. One of the principles of hess is the standard of drawing (the word is discharged in one uniform method). Vocalization is based on changing the position of signs relative to each other. The most "convenient" stenographic signs (since. The least deformable elements of the usual letter) are indicated by the most frequency units of the language. Hess is adapted to Ukrainian, Uzbek, Georgian, Polish, and others. Languages.

Gess gradually improving and simplifies to achieve maximum psychological simplicity of recording and facilitating training S. Main areas: 1) An even greater approximation of stenographic signs to elements of the letters of the usual (handwritten) letter; 2) elimination of signs from the system interfering with the unification of compounds of consonant and vocalization; 3) Reducing the number of fusion signs (i.e. signs of combinations of consonants).

LIT: Ershov N. A. [Sost.], Review of Russian stenographic systems. History, criticism and literature of Russian stenograph, St. Petersburg, 1880; Sokolov N. N., theoretical foundations of the state uniform system of Stenograph, M., 1949; Yurkovsky A. M., Stenography Through the century, M., 1969: Petrasek J., Dějiny Těsnopisu, Praha, 1973.

N. N. Sokolov, N. P. Okodumumova.

To art. Shorthand

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


Watch what is "stenography" in other dictionaries:

    Stenography ... Orphographic Dictionary

    - (Greek, from Stenos is narrow, and grapho write). Art writing with conditional signs, swaying for speech. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Stenography of Greek., From Stenos, narrow, and Grapho, I write. Art writing ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Shorthand - Stenography. Consissive stenographic signs. Stenography (from the Greek Stenos is narrow, close and ... graphic), a high-speed letter based on the use of special systems of signs, cuts of words and phrases, allowing to conduct synchronous ... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from Greek. Stenos is narrow close and ... graphic), a high-speed letter (exceeds the speed of usual 4 7 times) is based on the use of special systems of signs and cuts of words and phrases, allowing you to conduct a synchronous recording of oral speech. ... ... ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tahigraphy Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. Stenography of the SUB., Number of synonyms: 9 borzo-methods (9) ... Synonym dictionary

    shorthand - (Stenography is not recommended) ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

    Dictionary Ushakova

    Stenography, stenograph, mn. No, wives (from Greek. Stenos is narrow and grapho writing). The method of writing through special signs and contractile receptions, which makes it possible to quickly write oral speech. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Stenography, and, wives. The method of high-speed recording by special signs, which makes it possible to quickly and accurately record oral speech. | arr. Stenographic, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Women., Greek. Mistress, abbreviated letter, sleeping for speeches. Fit writhing letter. Stenographer, Pillar, scribe. Explanatory dictionary of Daly. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

Almost each of us heard or met in the literature, this mysterious word is "stenography". What is it and for what you need, a few people know, and very few people tried to master it. And this, it turns out, an extremely useful thing for a person not only of the past, non-computerized century, but also modern.

Stenography - the ability to record information very quickly with special characters. In other words, this is a high-speed recording of human speech at the time of her pronunciation. Pretty impercession will arise: why have such a skill? However, students, and students, he would come in handy at lectures, where the teacher does not particularly care about whether the listener has time to write everything you need.

On the appearance of stenograph

Symbols of stenograph, which can be considered the first or one of the first, were found among the monuments of the Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians invented their own speed. With its help, the sacred pharaohs of the word were recorded. Stenographic (as a convenient recording method) was paid attention to other ancient civilizations. So, the Greeks and Romans, very observant and striving for excellence, also actively used special signs for the fastest fixation of valuable knowledge. It was the period of ancient Rome and Greece that the flourishing of stenograph is attributed. According to historical data, the ancient Roman stenograph created Tiron, Assistant Cicero.

Ancient Roman stenography, whose signs have numbered nearly 5,000 units, was difficult to master. If modern stenapography is a letter, that is, each character means a certain letter, then the ancient system was like, that is, a word was designated in one mark. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to study it.

The official birthday of the stenographic letter is considered to be December 5, 63 BC. e. - The time of work of Tyron above its system of signs.

Thanks to the stenographic method of Scripture, we have the opportunity to read the works of William Shakespeare. Competitors of the theater of the famous and successful, even then, the playwright was sent to his representations of the wallpaper, so that they recorded literally dramas right during the presentation. And, no matter how the author of dramatic works protest, they were recorded, and precisely thanks to this reached us. At that time, the stenography was even lyric.

But the letter stenography appeared after the events in the Globus. John Willes created an alphabetical system in which each symbols of the stenograph tied to the sign of the alphabet. From this point on, a new era of the development of stenograph, is much simpler and easy to study.

The famous zoologist's scientist wrote his book "Life of Animals" with the help of stenographing information. Studying animals in their natural environmentHe did not have all the conditions for an ordinary letter. In the field, on the road, for example, riding a horse, it used the stenograph language to maintain a diary. When enough information was gathered, Brem sent the diary to his wife, and she, deciphering the record, passed them to print. From this example, we see that stenography helped people more than once to record records in the most extreme conditions.

Stenography in Russia

In the time of the appearance of the coggulation in Russia, any complete stenograph system has not yet existed. In the 15th century, the People's Wapond was recorded in Pskov and Novgorod. In the 17th century, stenography was used at the first kings of Romanov. Peter the first also often resorted to the help of stenographers.

Great Russian writers recognized the superiority of the speed letter before easy. Among them, F. B. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy. Full recognition was from Russian scientists N. E. Zhukovsky and D. I. Mendeleev. The works of these great husbands were composed of stenographically recorded lectures.

In times, only units knew stenograph. Such experts were mainly in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk.

The Soviet period was marked by the fact that a small group of stenographs worked on the recording of historical events of October, for which the approval of famous figures was approved. In the future, this method of writing has become more sought after, since it became clear that with his help, any written work becomes more efficient. For science it was invaluable help.

Types of stenograph

Stenographic systems that currently exist at the moment are divided into several features: according to the features of visual design of signs and, depending on which unit of speech indicates one sign of the system (word, morph, sound). According to one of them, the systems belong to the mean or geometral, morphological or phonetic - on another basis.

Course and Geometral Systems

In the geometral systems, stenographic signs are formed from geometric shapes: a circle and semicircles, points and straight. Curly systems are signs formed from parts of the letters of a conventional alphabet, tilted to the right and have an oval basis. Curly signs are considered to be more aesthetic and comfortable in the draw.

Signs in consistent and geometral systems are relatively varied in drawing: lines are thinner, then less, signs have different heights, size, slope. Therefore, the records made using such systems are more pleasant and easier to read.

Morphological and phonetic systems

The morphological systems are characteristic of Western countries, because in their languages \u200b\u200bthe established order of words, respectively, the senseless parts of the proposals have a unchanging position. The proposals of the Russian language are dynamic, so the morphological system of stenograph in it has not gained popularity. Instead of inadequate characteristics of the language, the system was proposed alternative, called phonostenography.

Phonostenography (phonetic systems) is represented by the stenographic system of Teren-Alexandrova. It is a way to quickly record speech in different languages \u200b\u200busing special signs for this. Systems Systems form a phrasgrand - a sign denoting a whole sentence.

The alphabet of Paukanova-Alexandrova will burn 40 characters that make it possible to take into account the sense-sensitive sentences in writing, regardless of the language on which the speech is described. In these two systems, conventional cuts are not taken into account. This feature helps to quickly master the phravigraphy - one of the systems that includes stenography. The signs of phonetic systems in general are more accessible to master the skill.

Modern tendencies

Stenopography, the training of which is not as common as the usual language, as well as all the language systems of the world, seeks to simplify, in order for users to be easier to apply it and master it. It strives to combine all the systems together on the basis of rational considerations. The purpose of the transformation and development of the curtain is to combine all systems to achieve conciseness, content and versatility.

During the studies of the stenograph, scientific methods and connections with other sciences are used, first of all, with studies of the physiological characteristics of human speech. If earlier, in past centuries, the creators of the stenographic systems acted at their discretion, now innovations are introduced taking into account the peculiarities of human use of the language. It is important that the factor is that when transferring the scuffing system from one language to another, there is always a need for its changes. This greatly complicates the creation of a universal system.

On the signs of the stenograph

We have already learned what sneezing is that such different scoping systems. They disassembled their main differences. But the signs of the stenograph of the Russian language have their own interesting features.

Visually, they consist of parts of the alphabet familiar to us. They are easily and beautifully connected to each other. Even with a quick letter to the stenographer, it is important to remember that the signs should not be distorted.

They denote the letters of the alphabet, but their writing is very specific. Between consonants, vowels are not written, but are put only at the end, at the beginning of the word or separately. The consonants are also connected by special rules, and depending on this they can read or not read.

Writing stenographic symbols

Unusual ways the writing of stenographic signs relative to the string. There are three levels of writing: in the string, above and under the string. Levels are replaced depending on how signs are connected. The connections themselves are always short, because the most important in the cursor is simplicable for the speed of recording. In addition, thanks to short connections, recording is compact, and this is also important.

Now that there is a sufficient amount of information about such a sign system as stenovography, what it is and how it has developed for a long time - we present. There is also an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it was used before. But now the epoch is completely different than when the stenography was more common. Where does the stenograph system apply today?

Stenography in our time

The relevance of the stenograph of information is maintained in our time. Studies have shown that human speech is five times faster than the opportunity to write for it manually, and a person can only write about 20 words per minute, despite the fact that says approximately 100-120.

Obtaining a quick letter skills today would be useful in the work to the Secretaries-Referentam, students, high school students, journalists who prefer to keep records manually - all people who face the need to record fast and accurately, for example, at lectures, seminars, press conferences And other public speeches. For students, sneaking information may have another, extremely important application - Writing cheat sheets. They are compact and incomprehensible to others, therefore, even being found, cribs may simply be not recognized as such.

The advantages of the knowledge of the stenograph are not limited to the convenience of quickly fixing speech. Mastering the skills of the cumulative will save time and effort, improves the quality of work. In addition, it is proved that the stenograph develops thinking, the ability to clearly and mean their thoughts.

How to learn stenograph

Today there is nothing complicated to master those useful skills that wallpaper gives. Training can only take a few weeks. If possible, you can sign up for special courses. Here, professional stenographers will introduce you to the basics of stenograph and will teach what they can.

To visit the stenograph, there is no special preparation. The only thing that will be required of you is presence, willingness to learn and write accessories (notebook, pen or pencil). With a shallow study of the stenograph, you can learn to record 60-70 words per minute (instead of 20 words in the usual language), and if you are seriously learning, then and 100-120 words per minute. Large results will not be so relevant, because people practically do not speak with greater speed.

Stenographic recording seems unusual newcomer. At the beginning of training, it is always difficult to get used to the new principles of the letter, however, after a certain number of hours of practice, it is usually treated.

Cons of the stenographic letter

At all positive moments, the wallpaper is not ideal. With a very fast recording, there is always a risk to write signs so that it will be extremely difficult to disassemble them later.

A more serious disadvantage of the curtains is that it is practically no spelling rules. The easiest example is writing in the prefixes "A" instead of "O" due to the fact that the compounds with "A" are easier. To compile stenographic abstracts for its own use, this does not represent inconvenience. However, this principle of writing can be used to get used to that follow it and then when you need to write in a simple language. After all, no orpography has canceled in it.

New direction

For centuries, people were only available only to the classical manually used by stenography. What it is, we have already studied in detail. But now there is a new look. What is computer stenovat and for what it is created if modern technologies Have a lot of other ways to quickly recording speech?

First of all, this system concerns the area of \u200b\u200binformation protection. For a long time, after the opening of this direction, it did not develop a single terminology. Different concepts were created, and as a result, it was the main difference between it from cryptography: if the latter implies encryption of information, then the concealment of its transmission itself is the task that stenography solves. Programs of varying complexity are designed for these purposes. Easy and accessible in terms of use, and at the same time free, - FOX SECRET 1.00. With it, you can hide information in popular text formats, graphic and sound. As a result, the user gets a container with hidden information. The file in which it is hidden is naturally increasing in size. From the container information is extracted using a password.


Stenography - a way to quickly recording information that has been used for many centuries. It developed and transformed to our time until such a system was created that could meet the needs of many languages, as well as to be compact and easy to learn. On this, the development of stenograph, as well as any other language, did not stop, because there is still a lot to do so that it becomes even more universal. It is for this that all the walls of our days are striving.

We sorted out in the basic concepts that turn on the wallpaper, what it is and for which she would need it in life, they learned about the classifications of stenographic systems, the features of their signs and connections.

Now that we have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis unusual writing system for us, we can weigh all the arguments in favor of doing it. We hope that our article was cognitive and useful for you.

Shorthand (from Greek. Ufent "Narrow" and HCETN "Letter") - the use of special simplified signs to quickly record human speech. There are also the names of Brachigraphy and Tachigraphy (from Greek. Brachys "Short" and Tachys "Fast"). Reduction, as well as simplification in drawing, distinguish these systems from purely alphabetic. The speed of the stenographic letter exceeds the speed of the usual 4-7 times.

Currently, the stenographic systems are divided into two groups - geometric and mean (musical alphabetic) systems. So-called "Geometric Scropper Systems" take a circle or ellipse, part of the circle, and straight lines are strictly horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The first modern systems of reduction were geometric. Such were the systems of Pitman, Boyd, Taylor, Preview, Dupleuye, Gregga (John Robert Gregg, 1867-1948, Ireland, Shantonagh). The geometrical principle is suitable for single words and analytical structures, so it is distributed mainly in England and France. The cursive principle was developed in Germany, which vowels are denoted by lifting or lowering the graph for consonants. This technique adheres to most European countries, including Russia (Sokolov modification), where state languages belong to a flexive system.

Alphabets were Gregg and Dupluoye; mixed (positional) alphabets - German rental and gabelsberger system (for example, partial ignoring vowels, for example, passing "a" inside the word), Swedish Melina; Conrsonant - Taylor and Pittman, Teeline Shorthand (developed in 1968 James Hill and adopted by the National Council for the preparation of UK journalists); Alphanumeric sludge - Boyd, Reimiller.

A rather rare phenomenon of syllable ("antislog") wallpaper, invented by the Englishman R. Boyd (Boyd) in 1903. In it, the vowels are designated by corner and looping signs, and the following agree on them - the orientation of these signs in space. The principle of turning symmetry is involved here (signs are rotated at 45 °): AF - G, AD - L.

Another division is on morphological and phonetic stenographic systems.

Gregga system is based on the parts of the ellipse, crucifically crossed by two inclined lines, Pittman's speed - on straight lines and quarters of the circle turned to different angles.

In 1588 Elizabeth I issued a patent to Dr. Timothy Bright to the "shorter type of entry of letters in order to facilitate learning." In the same year, Bright published his scolding system called "Stenography: art is shorter, fast and secret recording of letters." She used a combination of straight lines, circles and semi-rapids to record words groups. Bright argued that his system could be mastered in two months; Later, criticism argued that it was as difficult to do this, how to learn a foreign language. Dupluoye used vertical and horizontal lines of different sizes.

The first alphabetic stenograph system on a geometric basis appeared in England in 1602 with the book "Art of Stenograph" John Willis. Other spelling systems were followed by this system, among them - the tachigraphic alphabet T. Shelton (Thomas Shelton 1600-50), which was used by a popular memoirist S. Pepis, I. Newton, and T. Jerferson. Englishman J. Rich became the first to record " New Testament"And" Psalms "stenographically.

In 18 V. There are many new systems; Among them are the system of Thomas Gurnney, a court reporter in Ould Bailey. Young Charles Dickens used the Gurney system when in the early 1830s he worked as a parliamentary reporter "Morning Kronik."

The first spring-on stenograph system, a highly named "art of speech signs", was developed by Franz Gabelsberger (Franz Xaver Gabelsberger; 1789-1849, Germany, Munich) in Germany in 1834. It was founded on the Latin alphabet, was relatively simple to adapt different languages And therefore got widespread in 19 V. In Austria, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Russia. In 1928, she was adopted in Italy as official.

Competing systems in Germany - Stolz (almost identical to Gabelsbergeru) and Roller (HEINRICH ROLLER). In 1924, a unified German speed-based (DEK; Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift), adopted to this day in Germany and Austria.

The first serious phonetic stenographic system, that is, based on speech sounds, and not on the rules of writing, appeared in England in 1783 in the universal stenograph of Samuel Taylor (An Essay Intended to Establish and Standard for An Universal System of Stenography, or Short-Hand Writing) . Adopted in the English Court, Taylor's system came out soon on the international arena, since the first varieties of this system were printed in several European countries and in 1819 in the United States.

IN taylor coffer The vowels were written only at the beginning and end of words, some sounds were designated the same graphem (S-Z, J-G, etc.). Signs are purely formally reminded by the sludge writing of Canada Indians. Isolated letters mean words, for example: B (BE, Been, BY), D (Do, Did), F (of, Off, IF), G (Go, Give, God, Judge), etc.

The most popular stenograph systems, if we take the time from the 19th century, were invented by Isaac Pitman (1813-1897) and John Robert Gregg. IN 1837Pitman Created a phonetic system called "stenographic recording of sounds" (the system this very much looks like a jumping of John Bairome). Re-delivered in 1840 called "Phonography", this book marked a breakthrough in creating a really effective coggulation, in which all the words were recorded strictly in accordance with the sound. In 1852, Pitman's brother transported this system to the United States and founded the Phonographic Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio. 97% of North America Stenographers by 1887 used the Pitman system or its modified version.

Count of consonant sounds in pitman cursor represented geometric lines. Public sounds are recorded using points, strokes or other icons located near the corresponding consonant graphem. If the vowel precedes the consonant, the first is written above or before the consonant graph, and if the vowel follows the consonants, it is recorded below or for the consonant graphem. Brief voice sounds are recorded by dots, and long-lines. Pithman's sweatshirt was the first phonetic in history, first, in which the thickness of the stroke had the meaning of the walleral / deafness of the consonants, and the first, where the foundation of the consonants influenced the type of curve: signs of explosive consonants - straight lines, friction - arcs, alveolar and dental consonants - vertical lines. Now the surname of Pitman is associated with a sortopus. Its system is used for 20 languages, including Latin, Japanese and Tamili, and at present it enjoys 30 million people all over the world. This is the official system that records reports on the meetings of the English Parliament.

J. R. Greggwho took possession of Taylor's cogvopsy by 10 years, rejected the angular geometric forms of Pitman's recording and created more rounded. In the "phonographics of light line" (1888), independent symbols of vowels and consonants began to be written with the inclination, which facilitated their use by people accustomed to the inclined writing of the letters. Since the stenograph system was phonetic, Gregga could be easily adapted to any language and is currently the second most prevalence in the world.

Mistress Gregga Notable for the maximum possible economy of the alphabet: consonant signs consist of only one stroke (signs for vowels are loops and hooks with diacritics). Another innovation of Gregga system is the alphabet unit for direct and reverse writing signs (for example, the sign for T is written from the bottom up - /, and for CH top down, although it looks graphically as well. Location of signs for looping signs for vowels invariant.

Gregga Rights Adapted to Afrikaans, Esperanto, Tagaloga, French, German, Hebrew, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan Languages.

The third after the Systems of Pitman and Gregg is a system called simply "speed". So its system called its creator, teacher of stenograph from Connecticut, Emma Dearborne. The system appeared in the United States in 1923 and in Britain in 1927. Initially designed for a typewriter, the speed was modified in 1942 so that it could be applied using the pen or pencil. As a form of a reduction in the letter using Latin letters and punctuation signs, it has an advantage over other systems that writing more than 20,000 words can be transcribed using only 60 rules and 100 short forms and standard contractions.

Specificity French systems Dupluoye It consists in using different signs of the sign / (for example, k, g angle of tilt 45 °, L, R - approximately 30 °), as well as the variability of signs for vowels (depending on the surrounding graph, they have 4 radially symmetrical options). Like the stenography of Pitman, this system is nonlinear, and many words have a very intricate configuration resembling hieroglyph. Another French stenograph system - Prevunay (PRIVOST-DELAUNAY). These systems were replaced by Cosmasar raw, 1651.

SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM DOOPLUYEY Besides french Adapted to German, Spanish and Romanian. Interestingly, this speed has been impossored by missionaries (see missionary writing) among the Aborigines of the New World. For example, this stenography served Chinuksky (shopping pidzhina on the basis of the Idea Chinook, which existed before 1970 on the north-west coast of the Pacific Ocean from Oregon to Alaska); Salish Liliver Languages \u200b\u200b(ST "BT" IMCETS), Thompson (Nlaka "Pamuptionsin, or Nlaka" Pamux), Okangan.

The first stenographic society was established in 1726 in London, but did not last long, and only in 1840 a new stenographic society appeared there. In 1839, Kznigliches Stenographisches Institut were established in Dresden, in 1872 Dupleuye, in Paris Institut StiNographique Des Deux-Mondes, in 1851, Pitman opens Phonetic Institute in Bath (Bath) with compartments in London and New York. The first journal dedicated to the stenograph appeared in England in 1842. The first International Stenographic Congress took place in 1887. In 1949, the Institute of Stenhibry and Machinery was organized in Bulgaria. The first who published the stenographic system for japanese, there was Kogi Tagussari. In 1883, stenograph courses in Tokyo were opened on this system. Currently, there is an international organization of Intersthenno Stenographers, which unites the scorpirators of many countries.

Description of the hess.

Stenography Hess is a blatant and unscrupulous inclined letter. Signs are of different heights - one-dimensional (N, C, s, T, P, C), two-dimensional, most, three-dimensional (b, h, x) and four-dimensional (special signs denoting abbreviations). Alphabetic signs can perform one measure up (as a conditional trace called control), but not down (the lower conditional feature, on which most stenographic signs are written, is called main).

This stenograph system is based on positional (or music)the transmission method of vowels (raising or lowering signs for consonants affects the quality of the previous or, in rare cases, the subsequent vowel).