What you can cook the oven furnace for the house. Oven as an autonomous heating system

Human heating system has long been a Russian oven, which was built in the middle of the house and made it possible to comprehensively heating all the premises. To date, one of the options for solving the heating of the house remains furnace heating. All of his work is based on the use of solid fuel, which can be represented by wood, coal or briquettes for firebox.

Using the furnace as the home heating systems have their advantages and cons that should be paid attention to.

What to pay attention to?

  1. Efficiency of construction. The construction of the furnace takes a small length of time. Financial costs are insignificant.
  2. Easy to maintain. It is enough to clean the ash in a container for ash enough in time.
  3. You can use the furnace, both for home heating and simultaneously using it to create a unique interior design. For example, the fireplace can be attached to the furnace and then you will receive not only the heating device, but also solve the issue of aesthetic furnace design.
  4. Stove heating Creates a unique atmosphere of comfort and comfort in a private house.
  5. The ability to regulate all the processes of the furnace, ranging from the furnace, burning and maintaining heat up to the temperature control of the room.

Of the negative qualities of using the furnace as a system for heating at home, it is worth noting:

  1. From warming up to the complete return of heat into the surrounding space, a lot of time will leave.
  2. Uneven room heating due to the fact that the air is heated near the oven, and closer to the walls the temperature is significantly lower.
  3. The location of the furnace in the middle of a private house occupies a sufficiently large part of the useful area.
  4. The use of a furnace for heating residential premises requires more effort to maintain purity in the house.
  5. The furnace requires increased focus on fire prevention.
  6. There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Varieties of furnace equipment

Another attractive version of the Russian oven is a furnace-rocket applied to the heating of the house. It makes it possible not only to heat the airspace of the room, but also to heat the floor due to heat circulation along the floor-in-center airlows. The whole design is calculated at the design stage. The entire heat heating process is carried out due to the fact that the hot gases rise along the chimney and go there. Air temperature rises and reduces pressure. The arrival of the next batch of air enhances the combustion process and with the maximum increase in temperature, hot air goes into the air lines. As a result, heating the house already at the floor level. Chimneys are built at the bottom of the construction, which is an unusual design of the furnace, given that it is used for home heating.

A simple design of the "rocket" oven allows you to build it on your own. This is a great oven for heating at home with minimal financial costs. Works on solid fuel, in which firewood, coal, old boards and dry branches can perform, that is, everything that has the ability to burn.

The furnace heating, represented by the design of the oven, made by their own hands, will warm you with cold evenings. For its construction requires chamotte brick designed directly to build chimney masonry and ensure its quality work. This type of furnace is unique with the presence of a massive podium and inner chimney. Options may be much, it depends on your imagination.

"Rocket". Stages of construction:

  1. Put the platform into two layers of bricks using cement mass. For this purpose, a broken brick for the first layer and one-piece chammatory brick is suitable for the second.
  2. The construction of the inner pipe of the chimney and the furnaces.
  3. The outer chimney is located at the floor level and should not exceed seven lengths of the inner chimney.
  4. Laying of the outer wall. The greater the height distance between inner wall And the external, the less heats up the top surface of the furnace and more heat goes to the outer chimney, which gives greater heating of the residential premises.
  5. To the upper bricks lay a metal plate.
  6. The furnace can be designated in the form of the arch.
  7. All furnace design cement mortar With the addition of horse manure. "Rocket", the walls of which to strengthen in a similar way will give more heat into the floor chimneys.
  8. Finish the construction of an external chimney.

The furnace heating to this day holds at the peak of popularity in individual build houses. They are used in direct appointment in order to provide the heating process, if there are no other options for heating rooms. An additional goal that is pursued by the hosts of private houses is to create a certain degree of comfort and comfort by using in the interior of the furnace structure, which can be supposed with additional functions. In essence, the stove rocket satisfies both requirements. It is worth giveing \u200b\u200bit the corresponding exterior design, and it will become a highlight of the interior of the residential premises.

Such a type of heating as a furnace in our time is considered ancient, but at the same time a masonry furnace or bourgeois is typical for the countryside for many - the main way of heating the room. Let us discern the pros and cons of this heating system.

Despite its minuses, the design and decorativeness of the masonry furnace is not to replace. This heating device may become a good composition in the interior, as well as serve you as the only decoration.

Pros and cons of furnace heating

Bulky. This type of heating can occupy a rather large piece of residential premises. Such large sizes are very easily argued: support for the coziness and a warm atmosphere in a room, large and dense walls restrain and retain heat even after the combustion process has stopped. The massiveness of this heating device depends on the volume of heat and recoil time.

Inertia. The walls have one feature, they warm up for quite a long time and also cool for a long time, for this reason, you will not be able to drastically change the temperature, especially to increase, however, a little open window, you can lower the temperature. The design of this heating device does not provide direct heating of the air flow from the combustion process in the furnace. The whole problem is that the warming of the wall requires most of the heat.

Minimum efficiency. Despite all the opinions, the KPD of the furnace, which uses firewood - no more than 25%. A large piece of heat leaves through the holes in the chimney and to the street. Even with such a minus, you can find a way out of this situation due to tricks, an increase in the length of the chimney to 35-40%. Such solutions make this type of heating cumbersome.

Lack of security and partial automation. Heating with a furnace requires constant control. You can also get burns and sniffing the room due to reverse thrust.

Simple and convenient use. Relieved and throw firewood can anyone, even a child (but, it is not recommended to allow children).

Easy accessibility. The fact is that not in every location is the possibility of installing modern heating systems.

Full absence of problems with resources.Wood products (boards, firewood, rods) can be freed almost everywhere.

Alternatives to heating stove

Alternative technologies exist in our time, in fairly large quantities. These technologies allow you to fully automate the heating process. Such alternative devices are divided into such types: working for addition and working to the boiler. In view of some reasons, I can not fully provide the room with heat.

Tirdo fuel boilers

Boilers, which work on solid fuel and pallets - one of the most popular available rooms for the heating of the room, which do not use gas. Such boilers fully create and maintain the desired temperature in the building at any time of the day. But still it will be necessary to add resources 1-2 times a day (fuel).

  • To get firewood, you will need to sweat. Perhaps they will have to be conducted from afar as woodworking is not developed in all places.
  • Stocking firewood throughout the year. The year is the required period, for the year trees acquire the necessary energy value.
  • Dependence on firewood instead of gas.
  • Heating with firewood under a certain quantity is not cheaper than gas.
  • Keeping firewood is needed in dry rooms so that they do not lose energy potential.
  • Over time, you will need to cleanse from soot and other residues.

Heating heating based on water circuit. This type of heating is a mixture of using solid fuel and a traditional fireplace. He is put in the room. In many fireplaces, installed water Capacitywhich is heated. Due to such features, you not only heal the air indoors, but also warm the water, which then heats the warm floor.

Features of the design and operation

Ways to create this heating system:

  • heat exchanger, installation and subsequent masonry furnace;
  • installation.

Another way, more time-consuming. To implement this method, you need to disassemble the furnace.

Installation requirements.

The water layer should not exceed 4 cm in thickness. The walls of the coil at least 5 cm, but in the case of coal use - even more. Failure to comply with these parameters, can lead to wall fire. Under no circumstances, do not mount the heat exchanger close to the wall. Also required space during the heat expansion of the serpentine and you need to pay great attention to fire safety. You must leave small aircraft between the septams of wood and the furnace. Otherwise, the fire is not avoided.

What can not be done during the operation of the furnace:

  • cross the furnace;
  • leave stirring things without proper supervision;
  • it is impossible to leave open doors during the firebox;
  • for furnace sliding, apply GG or LVZ;
  • stop the furnace 2-3 hours before sleep;
  • delete all residues - slog, ash, coal.

A variety of modern electric, gas and diesel heating systems puts a difficult choice in front of the owners of private and country houses - what device to install for heating living space?

In fact, the choice is much easier, because the cost of the finished system of heating from modern materials is often "on the pocket" not for each homeowner. That is why last years An increasingly popular furnace heating of a private house.

Heating at home using brick oven It has its own characteristic features and disadvantages, it works on certain types of fuel.
In addition, each owner who has established a stove in the house should know the basic rules of its operation.

Each device has certain technical capabilities, uses a variety of resources and varies in design methods.
What you need to know about the oven heating at home?

The heating systems of this type operate on several types of solid fuels:

  • wood;
  • coal;
  • lump peat;
  • anthracite.

Fuels differ not only in the form of release, but also by the amount of heat allocated by them and thermal ability.
Some of them are used for a cold furnace extract, while others are used to maintain heat for a long period of time.

Before installing furnace heating in a private house, you need to think about the location of the most important element of the system - a brick furnace.

A brick oven is recommended to erect near the carrier wall in the center of the room to optimize the operation of the system and increase the force of the thrust.
If the weight of the structure exceeds 600-700 kg, the foundation of the building (or its specific section) should be strong enough and to delve into the ground at least 0.5-1 meters.

Construction of heating ovens two-storey houses and cottages should be carried out only by professionals and taking into account the characteristics of the building and the materials used during its construction.

Only in this case, the furnace heating will provide you with uniform heating of the room with minimal heat loss.

Benefits of furnace heating

The heating of a private house oven does not lose its relevance even during the period of complete gasification of residential buildings.
But in certain cases, the use of an antique furnace is the only possible way of heating at home.

Why stove and what are its main advantages?

  1. Use an affordable and relatively cheap type of fuel.
  2. Autonomy and independence of the system (design can be installed in any part of the house without the need for access to various communications).
  3. It does not need to be preparing for operation.
  4. Chimney heating does not harm environment and man's health.
  5. Laying of the furnace does not require serious financial investments.

The system of furnace heating of a private house is most simple in operation. You only need to lay solid fuel In the furnace, ignite the fire and melt oven.

One square meter of the furnace can warm up about 30-35 square meters of the room, taking into account the possible heat loss.

In addition, only a real brick oven, crackling firewood and live fire create a unique atmosphere of heat and comfort in the house.
The furnace can become the main element of the interior of your home.

Like any other method of heating at home, the furnace heating of a private house has its drawbacks.

Firewood or coal for extracting oven is sold in free access, but for their storage it is necessary to take a special place protected from open fire and dampness.
In the cold season, it is advisable to stock up the fuel of the future, but you will need much more free area for storing it.

Among them, first of all, it should be noted:

  1. The bulky structures: large-scale ovens "eat" a significant amount of free area.
  2. Comparatively low efficiency (room heating and maintenance optimal temperature It takes a lot of time).
  3. The process of burning fuel must always be kept under control.
  4. The need for regular fuel workpiece and disagreement of its storage.

It is important to follow the process of burning fuel, not to give it to fade or flared up too much: small sparks or burning coals, randomly departing from the furnace, can cause fires near the surfaces.

The brick furnace is always supplied with a special output valve, which is closed at a certain time.

If you do not stick the damper on time, then all the warm heat gets through the pipe straight to the street. If you hurry and close it until the fuel is completely combustion, you can choose carbon monoxide.

To avoid such risks, many owners go to cunning and drill several holes in the valves. In this case, the carbon monoxide will go into the pipe and pass with just a small part of the heat.

Before making the furnace heating of a private house, it is necessary to fully develop his project. It is very important to clearly know the location of the structure, calculate its size and choose the building material.
Only when complying with all the rules, you will receive a reliable and efficient system of home heating.