Striped diet: stunning results without damage to the body. We land on a strip of slimming on a striped diet that is better than a striped diet or proper nutrition

Fail off the streets and see in every showcase a slim charming fairy - a dream of any girl. But sitted image Life and Ne. proper nutrition They lead to the fact that overweight is covered with the stomach and sides, and here's its own appearance at all. What to do? Of course, resort to the help of exercise and striped kefir diet.

About nutrition restrictions

In general, all diet can be divided into several subgroups, depending on what they do ...

  • counting calories;
  • the percentage of BJO;
  • chemical composition of food;
  • further deception of various psychological techniques.

Kefir striped diet belongs to the last two groups. Here and the benefits of the monodi, and the trick, from which your body does not solve that completely hungry times came.

Once strip, two stripes

The essence of a striped kefir diet for weight loss is that you alternate days. One is the first, the third, the fifth and further, how enough you are - you eat only kefir - it is allowed to drink up to 1.5 liters of this drink. The second, fourth and so on - you eat as usual, naturally, trying to stick to the covenants of the right nutrition and excluding high-calorie products. Also, that in white, that in multicolored days should not go beyond the mark of 1500 calories, otherwise the ownership of the Wire will be deposited indefinitely.

Drinking kefir follows small sips, slowly and strictly room temperature - so you will get the maximum amount of useful substances. With a strong hunger, it is allowed to add two small vegetables or fruits, naturally, as low-calorie as possible, and not tomatoes, they conflict with fermented dairy products and interfere with the absorption of useful calcium.

Important! Kefir worth choosing 1% according to GOST. This is the best option on which in white days you will consume no more than 600 calories.

You can sit on a diet from a week to three, depends on your needs and source data. Weekly diet Saves two strips, but the extended version usually make a "three-way" - white day and two conventional consecutive.

The second day will be at the same time 1500 calories, and the third - at 1200. Such a 21-day course is the most gentle option, especially if in mono-kefir days a little to feed yourself with a non-fat dairy product or low-calorie fruit or vegetable.

You can unlimitedly use clean water without gas including white days, as kefir does not cover the entire need of the body in the liquid.

Think over the menu

On any diet, it is better to decide in advance that you will have several days. It will protect you from breakdowns and harmful snacks, because the refrigerator will always have the necessary useful food.

White days divide 1.5 liters of kefir on 5-6 receptions, drink the room temperature product in small sips.

On days per 1500 calories:

  1. Morning - oatmeal on the water, 200 g
  2. Day - cauliflower soup, carrots and zucchini, 1 plate, chicken for a couple, 200 g
  3. Afternoon snack - an apple or peach.
  4. Evening - cottage cheese, 200 g, 1 egg skey.
  1. Morning - steam oslet of 1 eggs, 5-7 walnuts.
  2. Day - cottage cheese casserole, 200 g, orange, 1 pc.
  3. Afternoon person - vegetable salad (better not to use tomatoes in it), 250 g
  4. Evening - low-fat fish, boiled or for a couple, 200 g.

  1. Morning - Salad of cucumbers, bow and cabbage, 200 g.
  2. The second breakfast is 1 egg scout, day - vegetable (carrots, cauliflower, zucchini) soup with buckwheat, 1 plate.
  3. Afternoon school - cottage cheese souffle, 150 g
  4. Evening - baked chicken fillet with herbs, 200 g
  1. Morning - millet porridge on the water, 200 g, 1 cucumber.
  2. The second breakfast is a smoothie from kefir and handustrian berries.
  3. Day - Fish soup (low-fat varieties) with carrots and cauliflower, 1 plate, bunch of grapes
  4. Humannik - a glass of ryazhenka.
  5. Evening - cottage cheese (200 g) with a sliced \u200b\u200bpear.

On days at 1200 calories:

  1. Morning - buckwheat porridge on water, 200 g
  2. Day - chicken broth with carrots, 200 g, loaf.
  3. Afternoon school - pineapple.
  4. Evening - 1 Egg Ski, cottage cheese, 100 g
  1. Morning - boiled brown rice, 200 g.
  2. The day is boiled or on a couple of turkey fillets, 150 g, Mandarin.
  3. Half date - a glass of kefir.
  4. Evening - cottage cheese, 100 g, baked apples, 200 g

  1. Morning - cottage cheese, 150 g, apple, second breakfast - kiwi.
  2. Day - stew vegetables (zucchini, carrots, cabbage), 200 g, boiled buckwheat on water, 100 g
  3. Humannik - cottage cheese, 100 g, sliced \u200b\u200bsmall cucumber.
  4. Evening - Natural yogurt, 100 g, Salad of apples and pears, 200 g.
  1. Breakfast - loaf with a teaspoon honey, cottage cheese, 100 g.
  2. Second breakfast - carrot salad and sea cabbage, 200
  3. Day - chicken broth, one plate, loaf.
  4. Afternoon snack - peach.
  5. Evening - baked zucchini with greens, 200 g

To whom Zebra, and to whom - an evil tiger

Like any power limit, the striped diet is not suitable for everyone. It should not sit on it if you:

  • suffer from acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidney;
  • have lactose intolerance;
  • pregnant or nursing mom.

For the remaining "strips" are not just safe, but also very useful. Kefir, like an oily product, restores the necessary acidity of the gastric juice, saturates the intestines with useful bacteria, displays slags and toxins. In addition, the dairy short alone affects the condition of the skin and hair well.

Green and red light

What products can help you in this difficult missile weight?

  • polyvitamin complex;
  • spices and spices;
  • rich fiber cereals on ordinary days.

But the next list is under the ban!

  • sugar;
  • fast food, roasted, salty and smoked;
  • dough products;
  • alcohol.

It is also worth remembering that physical exercises Allowed on ordinary days and undesirable to low-calorie white, in this case the striped kefir diet will be even more efficient.

Weigh the pros and cons

Advantages striped diet:

  • not hungry;
  • budget;
  • kefir contains many useful substances;
  • you can play sports (but not in white days!);
  • soft physically and psychologically.


  • there are a number of contraindications;
  • slow.

Good afternoon, dear friends of the site "I am a village"! So you want to lose weight, but sit on tough diets is just unbearable. There is one wonderful option - a striped kefir diet.

It is suitable for people who do not withstand strict, hard diets or cannot refuse the usual nutrition. The results of a kefir striped diet - weight loss range from 5 to 12 kilograms in one month.

  • First day you drink only 1% kefir - 1.5 liters per day and water to 1-2 liters. Welcome without sugar.
  • Second day - eat healthy food. For good results, a striped diet, you need to abandon fatty, sweet dishes, eliminate alcohol.

Two options diet

  • Soft - wellness. The first option implies unloading, getting rid of slags, improving the body.

Duration diet from 7 to 14 days.

In this option, you also alternate days, one day - 1.5 liters of 1% kefir, the second day - we eat the usual food for us. A dropped kilogram will not be much, but the body will get good recreation prevention.

  • Hard.

This version of the diet allows you to lose up to 12 kilograms in one month, subject to certain rules.

The duration of a rigid diet from 14 to 30 days, it is no longer recommended to comply with this diet. You can repeat in 1-2 months.

Stiffness is to limit the list of products that you eat in not a kefir day.

Attention! If you really want to lose weight, follow the nutrition strictly, there are good reasons for it. In a kefir day, the body actively burns fats, reserves and postponed on an ordinary day.

If you don't have a lot of calorie food in no kefirous day, the next day there will be no burning of the desired amount of fats and the result from the striped diet will be minimal.

It is recommended to make a set of exercises, which will help get rid of hateful kilograms. It can be a run, cycling, active dances within 30 minutes, exercises aimed at training the problem areas of the body.

Important! Physical exertion can be done in no kefir day striped diet. On this day, the body is weakened and busy with cleansing and conclusion of slags.

Products that need to be excluded from your diet

  • Fattymeat and fish, sausage products.
  • Confectionery (candy, cookies), exception is marmalade and marshmallow, but very in small quantities.
  • Alcohol.

Observe these simple recommendations, and the striped kefir diet will make its own business - extreme kilograms will dampt. If during a diet, you felt bad, stop and return to conventional nutrition. Do not pier on food, and do it wisely - eat not in large portions, eliminate heavy foods.


  1. The intolerance to kefir.
  2. Anemia.
  3. Pregnancy.

Nutritionists praise a striped kefir diet, she enjoy the celebrities around the world. This is the most ideal diet for people with obesity of 2-3 degrees, gives a good result in weight loss and helps to normalize metabolism in the body.

Try, experiment, select the appropriate diet. I wish you patience and good luck!

A favorite way to bring your figure in order is the transition from the usual nutrition to comply with the rules of some kind of alone.

There are quite a lot of them and there is from what to choose. However, lovers of alternates often notice, as a few days after the start of the nutrition mode, the weight will cease to decline.

Moreover, he can even stand still or increase. This is caused with a protective reaction of the body on too strict limitations.

In an interesting way to lose weight, which does not fall under the influence of the inconvenience specified above, is a striped diet.


It allows you to combine kefir days with low-calorie. Due to this, the diet is moved easier compared to the monodulations and gives a wider choice of products in the preparation of the diet.


  • it is based on the use of a useful milk products - kefir;
  • fast and efficient results.
  • the costs of the ingredients for the diet do not exceed the costs for ordinary power;
  • it is easier to be easier than more stringent consumption-based monodi, for example, only kefir or only buckwheat ;
  • reduced the risk of stopping weight reduction, since the day of the strong limitation of the calorie used is replaced by the day relative to the full nutrition. The body, therefore, does not have time to include "emergency" mode and start saving fat instead of burning it.

Disadvantages and contraindications

  • with excessive and long use of kefir, there may be problems with digestion;
  • duration diet - no more than 3 weeks due to low-calorie diet;
  • it is difficult to get used to the rules, constantly limit yourself;
  • difficulties are possible when combining such a system and physical exertion. With a combination of sports activities and diet, the result will be more clear, but the diet does not cover the elementary needs of the body in the energy and the necessary nutrients.

Contraindications: Diseases digestive system. It is also not recommended to follow the diet with pregnant and nursing breasts for women and people with obesity.


Possible weight loss from 2 to 10 kg for the entire period of the diet.

Diet rules

A striped diet has several varieties depending on the duration and degree of calorie limit. A similar feature of all options is the alternation of days:

  • "White" - the use of only kefir (about 1.5 - 2 liters) is allowed. It is important to choose a quality product with marking on compliance with the requirements of GOST. Optimal fatness is considered 1%. The label should be the name of the product - "kefir", and not "kefir drink", etc.;
  • "Multicolored" - the diet consists of maximum useful products common calorieness no more 1500 kcal.

How to eat in "Colored" days:

  1. Forbidden flour, salty, fatty and smoked dishes, fast food, desserts, etc.
  2. Thermal processing should be reduced to a minimum. Alternatively, you can cook for a pair or grilled.
  3. It is desirable not to combine proteins and carbohydrates, vegetable and animal protein in one dish.
  4. The general menu scheme looks like this: for breakfast porridge from cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, for example) on water without sugar, at lunch - vegetable soup Without adding potatoes, roasted and pasta. For dinner it is better to eat protein food With garnings from vegetables.
  5. The last meal is no later than 7 - 8 pm.

If the diet is combined exercise stress, then go better in the "colored" days. In addition, it is desirable to take vitamin additives and complexes at the same time.

Although the diet implies the use of the milk product in large quantities, it is necessary to remember the drinking mode. Kefir cannot fully satisfy the need for fluid.

The daily water rate is at least 1.5 liters. For permitted drinks in "Colored" days also include tea without sugar, coffee without additives, such as milk or cream. Alcohol is also banned.

Varieties striped diet:

  • Weekly.

Following the diet for 7 days. Changing days in order "white" - "color" - "white" - "color".

  • Diet duration 21 days.

The most optimal method of alternation: 1 day - "White", 2 day - meals 1500 calories, 3 days - meals for 1200 calories, then again 1, 2 and 3 days, etc.

In the "white" days, especially if there is a strong hunger, you can add 1 - 2 fruits or vegetables (except tomatoes and tomatoes) / serving of oatmeal / portion of protein product (low-fat meat, cottage cheese or fish, up to 150 gr.).

  • Diet with a duration of not more than 3 weeks.

Huming independently chooses the duration and methods of alternation, as well as calorieness of the diet. Regardless of the selected type, it is possible to repeat such a system only a month after its end.

The output from the diet must be accompanied by a 2-week nutrition with the daily norm not more than 1500 caloriesYou need to take from useful products.

The "striped diet" is popular for the efficiency and availability of its main product - kefir. This nutrition system is an alternation of kefir days and days with a conventional diet, but with reduced calorie content.

This diet is a find for those who encountered the so-called plateau effect with other diets. Usually, during weight loss, the weight decreases, but sometimes the weight arrow stops on a certain indicator and does not move, despite the meager diet. Such a plateau is explained by the natural reason: the body decides that the weight has reached a critical mark, and tries to keep it.

During a "striped diet", an active decrease in the amount of nutrients (kefir periods) occurs on the day, which warns the transition of the body to the "emergency" weight retention mode. This ensures regular weight loss and the inability to appear the effect of the plateau.

There are several options for a "striped diet".

One of them - for 7 days alternate kefir days (only kefir is allowed) and days of ordinary power with reduced calorie.

Another popular option is a diet for 21 days, in which every 3rd day becomes kefir, and 2 other low-calorie days. Such "strips" for 3 days are repeated 7 times.

For those who are difficult to withstand the day only at kefir, there is an option in which a small number of other products is additionally used in kefir days. In particular, with a strong sense of hunger in a kefir day, you can eat 2 vegetables or fruits, for example, cucumbers, apples. Such a power system is designed for 21 days and is called a "striped diet for hungry".

On the diet you need to drink fresh kefir (no longer than 3 days from the date of packaging) with for a short time Sucidity.

On the usual days, the "striped diet" you can use the usual food, with the exception of high-calorie and harmful. Preference should be preferred with raw vegetables and fruits, freshly prepared dishes. It is better if the food will pass minimal heat treatment. Meat, poultry, fish and vegetables are recommended to be prepared in a double boiler or grilled. It is necessary 5-6 times a day with small portions.

The advantages of the "striped diet"

On the "striped diet" for 7 days you can get rid of 3-5 kg excess weight. There is no effect of a plateau, often caused by disruptions with other diets - motivation disappears.

The pleasant side of the "striped diet" is an alternation of strict kefir days with ordinary nutrition days. Kefir does not have time to get bored, besides, you can not give up your favorite dishes at all, but choose the least calorie from them.

Thanks to the use of a large number of kefir, you can balance the intestinal microflora, as a result the digestion is normalized, the condition of the skin, nails and hair is improved.

Disadvantages and contraindications "Striped diet"

The "striped diet" refers to low-calorie power systems, which is why the risk of returning dropped kilograms after its completion.

During the diet, there is often a strong sense of hunger, especially at the beginning and in kefir days.

The "striped diet" does not suit people with lactase insufficiency, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system, teenagers, elderly and weakened people, pregnant women and nursing women. In chronic diseases, before starting a diet to consult with the attending physician.

What products are allowed?

During the "striped diet" for 7 days and 21 days the only allowed product in kefir days - kefir, you can also drink clean non-carbonated water. Other days use the usual food, but low-calorie and with a large protein content.

During a 21-day "striped diet for hungry" in a kefir day, oatmeal is additionally resolved, several fruits (except grapes and bananas) and one protein product (chicken breast or low-fat fish).

What products are prohibited?

In kefir days it is forbidden to use all products that are not included in the list of allowed.

On ordinary days, fried food, fast food, semi-finished products, white flour bread, baking and any sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

Menu "striped diet"

Menu "Striped Diet" for 7 days:

The "striped diet" for 21 days consists of 7 three-day cycles, or "strips". The menu of such a cycle is as follows:

During the "striped diet for hungry" for 21 days, the diet is no different days from the above. Menu of kefir day:

Tip 1. You need to drink fresh kefir (no longer than 3 days from the moment of packaging) with a short expiration date.

Tip 2. Preferably 1% kefir.

Council 4. It is allowed to drink tea without sugar (up to 5 cups per day) and morning coffee, but without sugar and milk.

Tip 5. In kefir days it is necessary to drink as much as possible net non-carbonated water.

Tip 6. To avoid rapid return of dropped kilograms, after a "striped diet" follows for 2 weeks to adhere to a low-calorie diet (no more than 1500 kcal per day), gradually increasing calorieness to the norm.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

Very often girls lose weight with. However, these are quite complex techniques in which the body is constantly experiencing hunger.

Simplest for mastering the method is the combination of two techniques. This includes a striped diet. It includes a monodirection based on kefir and.

The essence of this zebra diet is that there is an alternation of kefir and low-carbid days. In this case, this technique is much better than two alone separately. It will be perfect for those people who are not transferred.


  1. The duration of the course is up to 30 days. It all depends on how much kilogram man wants to lose weight.
  2. You can reduce weight by 8-12 kg, subject to all rules and restrictions.
  3. Thanks to the change of changing modes, the body is not included in the stressful situation. It cannot adapt to rapid changes. Because of this, the weight continues to leave constantly without stopping.
  4. In case of hunger, you can eat 1-2 fruit.
  1. Buy kefir without any chemical additives.
  2. The best percentage of fat content is 1%.
  3. Before drinking kefir, you need to warm it (this applies to the beverage from the refrigerator).
  4. On the first day of the technique you can drink only an effortless drink.
  5. You can not drink more than 1.5 liters of kefir per day.
  6. Daily caloric content - 1500 kcal. It is impossible to exceed this indicator.

Pros and cons

This combined technique has both positive and negative sides.


  1. If the usual kefir alone was unbalanced, then this technique has all necessary vitamins and microelements. One part enters their fermented milk drink, and the second of normal nutrition.
  2. Remove slags and toxins from the body. Soft cleaning occur.
  3. This technique suits people with chronic diseases.


  1. Very fast weight loss in the first days. Because of this, the general condition can deteriorate significantly.
  2. Nutritionists do not recommend adhere to this technique for more than three weeks. You can harm the body.
  3. Psychological disorder against the background of a lack of favorite delicacies.

Menu and varieties

To lose weight correctly and not harm your body, you need to know how to make a menu striped kefir diet. However, the diet will depend on how many days the course of the technique is selected:

  1. On the first day of the methodology you need to use only kefir. Next, there is a low-calorie day menu:

So kefir and low-calorie day alternate until the end of the week.

  1. . Thanks to this technique, you can reset to 6 kg. After 6 pm, it is impossible. Maximum caloric content of low-calorie days - 1500 kcal. In kefir days it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters of kefir. Menu of a low-carbid day:
  1. Diet for 3 weeks. According to nutritionists, longer than this option, the technique cannot be moved to not harm its body. Such a long technique differs from the two previous ones that the third band appears in alternation. The first day is kefir, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of kefir. The second is the caloric of 1550 kcal. Third - low-calorie 1200 kcal.

Menu of the second day:

Menu of the third day:

If you are going to extend the technique for a month, then in after 21 days, adhere to the same alternation of three days.

It is unacceptable to fry food. You can only use quenching, baking, cooking and as thermal processing methods.

What can and can not

On such a difficult, but a tough diet is better to say that you can use:

  • non-fat meat;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • fermented fermented dairy products;
  • fresh greens;
  • vegetables with the smallest starch content;
  • least sweet fruit;
  • toasts;
  • green tea;
  • oatmeal;
  • and buckwheat.

The rest of the products can be attributed to the prohibited.


Nutritionists advise not to change the proposed menu to achieve the best result. However, they are allowed to add different to be a variety. In this way, various cocktails based on fermented drinks can be prepared.

Side Effects and Contraindications

This diet itself is much better than individual techniques, but it also has some contraindications:

  1. It is prohibited for any disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. People with lactose intolerance.
  3. Lactation and pregnancy.
  4. Children, teenagers and elderly.
  5. Cadic problems.

With long-term use of kefir, various side effects. For example, a disorder of acid-alkaline balance, meteorism, stomach pain, stool disorders. Also, this technique may cause increased drowsiness and weakness.

Exit diet

To fix the result, you need to adhere to strict rules:

  1. In the first week after the cessation of the technique, only fruits and vegetables can be introduced into the ration.
  2. At the end of the first week, vegetable salads can be prepared and refueling them with olive oil.
  3. In the second week, you need to switch to broth without meat, and to its end with lean meat.
  4. Daily caloric content for two weeks should not be above 1500 kcal.


The striped diet is much easier to master than the monodi, and at the same time effective. The main thing to comply with all the rules, do not forget about the right output and then you will achieve the desired result. You probably already know about other diet with kefir (, for example) and therefore this technique will be more gentle and no less effective.

Striped diet - reviews and results

Vera 25 years old

I wanted to be slim like all my peers, but I could not start doing the first steps. There was a fear thing that I spend the time was wasted. In order to gain confidence, filmed on the reception to the nutritionist. An experienced doctor sent me to the right path and offered to take advantage of a striped diet, as the monodi would be too complicated for me. For me, this technique was not easy. With difficulty handed over for two weeks, but it achieved.

Catherine 37 years old

I repeatedly heard about the striot diet and from my girlfriends. When I wanted to lose weight, I decided to get acquainted with this technique closer. At first glance it seemed to me that I could not stand it. Scale diet, purely kefir days. However, it was enough to endure the first 4 days and everything went much easier. I took advantage of a two-week course. This was enough to bring the figure in order.