Diet 4 weekly eggs and grapefruits. Two eggs and grapefruit

Are you going to lose weight and do not know which diet to choose? Indeed, get lost in the new-fashioned correction methods is very simple. Someone grieving multicolored pills, and other Tibetan berries buy others for fabrical money. And the non-coming is neither another that the most powerful weapon against fat is sold in the nearest supermarket. These are grapefruits and eggs. Surprised? But well acquaintances to all foods presented harmony to many beauties, famous and not very. Would you like to know how the fat burning duet works?

Principles of method

Already from the same name it is clear that the soloists of the egg-grapefruit diet are 2 products:

  • Grapefruit is the famous orange hybrid and a pomelo, whose juicy flesh has a refreshing bitter taste. Antioxidants contained in the fruits reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and the notorious vitamin C increases performance and strengthens the immunity.
  • The composition of eggs includes valuable polyunsaturated, mononaturated and saturated fatty acids; Vitamins A, B6, B12, E, D, TIMIN, Riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, etc. Besides, the eggs are slowly digested by the body, thereby providing a saturation sense.

Acting in the bundle, the substances contained in grapefrutes (it is recommended to choose fruits with red flesh) and eggs (you can alternate chicken and quail), accelerate the energy exchange, which leads to fast decline Weight. Another pleasant surprise: Coenzyme R, which is part of the egg yolk, restores the elasticity of the muscles, has a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, hair and nails, and therefore, from the diet you will come out with a tumaled and beautiful.

New Year's video recipe:

The list of contraindications of the egg-grapefrute diet includes:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to citrus and eggs;
  • diseases of the tract and liver (acute and chronic);
  • reception of medication drugs;
  • increased skin photosensitivity.

In any case, before the start of the diet, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Diet for 3 days

This extreme course will come to the rescue if you get rid of extra kilograms you need as quickly as possible. But to read it to read this test, you will have to stock up. In the next 3 days, your diet will consist only of egg proteins, grapefruits and plenty of drink. The power scheme is as follows:

  • On an empty stomach, drink a glass of mineral water without sugar.
  • After an hour, eat 1 protein.
  • Another hour - grapefruit, etc.

A day should eat 7 citruses and 7 proteins (14 approaches). Probably, such a menu will seem a bit "crazy", but at the end of the course you will not regret: per course takes up to 3-4 kg of hated fat.

Menu for 7 days

A more sparing week-old course of egg-grapefruit purification is relatively easily due to the introduction into the diet of vegetables, chicken, lean beef (veal) and low-calorie dairy products.


  • 1 grapefruit;
  • 2 eggs welded screwed;
  • green tea.
  • 150 g of boiled chicken fillet;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 small orange.
  • 200 g of chicken breast made on the grill;
  • 200 ml of degreased kefir.


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 200 ml of citrus juice (any).
  • 150 g of lean meat baked in foil without oil;
  • 2 orange;
  • glass of mineral water.
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • a glass of minimal milk milk.


  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 250 ml of pure water acidified lemon juice (1 h. Spoon on a glass).
  • 200 g of boiled lean beef;
  • 1 grapefruit.
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • mineral glass.


  • steam omelet of 3 eggs with fresh greens;
  • green tea.
  • 2 chicken legs, boiled or grilled;
  • leaf salad (with no restrictions);
  • a cup of black coffee or green tea.
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 2 grapefruit;
  • 200 ml of pure water.


  • salad of boiled eggs (2 pcs.) and boiled carrots (1 pc.) With sour cream (1 tbsp. spoon);
  • black coffee.
  • 200 g stewed vegetables;
  • 200 ml of citrus juice.
  • 150 g of marine fish baked without oil;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 1 grapefruit.


  • 150 g of degreased cottage cheese;
  • a glass of fresh citrus juice.
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 2 grapefruit.


  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • half grapefruit.
  • 200 g dried beef;
  • 1 orange.
  • mineral water without restrictions.

As you can see, the seven-day diet is quite boring, but the rules should be followed unquestionably, otherwise you will have to start a diet from the very beginning. But the result is worth: in a week you will become easier by 5-8 kg.

For 28 days

Unlike the above-mentioned variants of egg-grapefruit cleansing, the four-week diet rate is carried out much easier. For 28 days, it is recommended to adhere to the following power mode:

  • Breakfast: halm grapefruit, chicken egg (skey room or raw), 1 tsp. Spoon of low-fat curd.
  • Lunch: Vegetables (fresh, stewed, boiled), lean meat or fish baked without oil or boiled (portion - 200 g).
  • Dinner: 1 egg (prepared to taste, but not fried).
  • Smells between meals: citrus, green apples, dried fruits.

Experiments are welcome! However, only permitted products can be used in culinary work:

  • Meat: chicken (without skin), lean beef (veal).
  • Vegetables: corn, bell pepper, onion, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, fresh greens.
  • Non-fat fish.
  • Natural sugar substitutes: Stevia, agave syrup, honey.
  • Fruits (except bananas and grapes).
  • Nuts (with the exception of peanuts).
  • Olive oil.
  • Degreased dairy products: yogurt, kefir, sour cream.
  • Drinks: Herbal and green tea, black coffee, rosic decoction, mineral water without gas.


  • Celery, cucumbers, bean, potatoes.
  • Smoked and sausages.
  • Baking and sweets.
  • Cruise porridge.
  • Sickles and canned food.
  • Black tea.

At the time of diet, intense physical exertion is recommended to be replaced by leopard hiking walks, swimming and uncomplicated houses.

Exit diet

Since the egg-grapefrute diet is considered one of the most rigid methods of weight loss, it is not necessary to finish it immediately, but in stages. From the second week is allowed to eat lungs vegetable soups And meat broths, with the third - cereal cereal and legumes. The body will experience a smaller stress if eggs and grapefruits will continue to be present in the menu. And, of course, after the end of the diet should not be carried away by sweets, pastries, smoked and oily food.


Like any other program of weight loss, egg-grapefrute diet has both fans and opponents. The first notes that the method helps not only to lose excess weightBut also get a vitamin charge of cheerfulness. The second is considered a diet hungry and unbalanced. However, even the most incomparable skeptic will not reproach this program in low efficiency, because it allows you to lose 1 kg per day. By the way, doctors also do not greet the consumption of citrus and eggs in such quantities, therefore it is recommended to sit on an egg-grapefruit diet no more than 1 time in 3-4 months.

First, with the eggs you get a light protein, which is well absorbed by the body and long gives a feeling of satiety. Secondly, there is a detailed menu for four weeks in the diet, which means it will be easier to observe. You always have a clear instruction before your eyes, so you can plan a menu for a week and you will clearly know what you can eat, and from what you should refrain. Thirdly, simple carbohydrates, sweets, fat and sharp dishes are completely excluded.

Egg Diet: Menu

Although the diet is called "egg", you will not have four weeks in a row there are eggs. The menu has a fish, a bird, and beef, and, of course, vegetables, fruits. We offer the detailed menu of the egg diet for 4 weeks.

Egg diet: menu for the first week

This week breakfast every day is the same: 2 eggs Drink and half orange or grapefruit.


Dinner: , but only one type (for example, only apples, only pears, only oranges). To mix different types Fruit is impossible!

Dinner:Non-fat meat, boiled or grilled.


Dinner: Chicken without leather (boiled or grilled).

Dinner: Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers, carrots + 2 eggs + 1 Toast, roasted without butter, + 1 grapefruit or orange.


Dinner: low-fat minor cheese (for example, Adygei) + 1 Toast + 1 Tomato

Dinner:grilled low-fat meat or boiled.


Dinner: Any fruit in any quantity.

Dinner:Low-fat meat (boiled or grilled) + green salad


Dinner: Any vegetable in any quantity (carrots are recommended, green peas, beans or zucchini) + 1 eggs scrabble

Dinner:Boiled or grilled fish + leaf salad + 1 orange or grapefruit


Dinner: Any fruit in any quantity



Dinner: Any fruit in any quantity

Dinner: Meat (Boiled or Grilled) + Sheet Salad

Egg diet: menu for the second week

Breakfast is the same as in the first week.


Dinner: Meat (boiled or grilled) + leaf salad

Dinner: 2 Eggs + Sheet Salad + Grapefruit


The menu is the same as on Monday


Dinner: Meat (boiled or grilled) + cucumber salad without refueling and without salt

Dinner: 2 eggs + graffruit


Dinner:2 eggs + boiled vegetables + grain cottage cheese

Dinner: 2 eggs


Dinner: Meat (boiled or grilled) + 2 large tomatoes

Dinner: 2 eggs


Dinner: Meat (boiled or grilled) + 2 large tomatoes + grapefruit

Dinner: Fruit salad without refueling (for example, apple, pear, kiwi)


Dinner:Boiled chicken without leather + vegetables (boiled or paired) + 1 grapefruit

Dinner:The menu is the same as for lunch

Egg diet: menu for third week

In the third week, diet can have all the allowed products in any quantities and at any time.


Fruits (except grapes and banana)


Any vegetables (except potatoes) are fresh, boiled or steamed.


Vegetables + fruit


Fish (boiled or grilled) + cabbage (white, broccoli or color)


Grilled meat or chicken (boil or cook on the grill) + boiled or steam vegetables


One kind of fruit


One kind of fruit

Egg Week: Last week menu

On the last week it is important to clearly observe the size of the portion: permitted products can be eaten at any time of the day, the main thing is not to exceed the quantity. Here is a detailed menu of egg diet for the last week.


4 pieces of beef on the grill (75 g each) or ¼ boiled chicken without leather, canned tuna bank in own juice, 4 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit.


200 g of boiled meat, 4 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear


300 g of boiled vegetables, 2 fresh cucumber, 2 tomatoes, 1 vska spoon of grain cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


½ Boiled chicken without leather, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 graffruit or orange


3 tomatoes, 10 leaves of lathouse, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit


Boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumber, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, 1 grapefruit, 1 cup of kefir


1 Bank of canned tuna in its own juice, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 vz spoon of grain cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit.

  • Contributes to strengthening the immune system;
  • Supplies 12 basic vitamins, macro and microelements to the body;
  • Have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Useful for muscles;
  • Help the work of the brain;
  • Reduce appetite;
  • Beneficially affect the condition of hair, teeth, nails;
  • Help to lose weight.

  • Contributes to the restoration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Helps to establish the work of enzymes;
  • Burns fats;
  • Normalizes blood;
  • Improves the absorption of glucose;
  • Removes craving for sweets;
  • Optimizes work nervous system;
  • Helps cell renewal process.

While compliance with the diet, it is necessary, since the citrus does not affect the dental enamel.

Types of diet and examples of the menu

Depending on the time you can pay a slimming, a grapefruit diet with an egg is several species. Consider the exemplary diet and the basic principles of each variety in order.

For 3 days, tough

The menu is based exclusively on grapefruits and eggs (egg whites without yolk), welded screwed. For the day you will need about 6 proteins and 6 citrus. Use this: To breakfast a glass of not carbonated water, after the occurrence of hunger to eat proteins, after an hour, use grapefruit, and alternate until the end of the day. Salt, sugar, spices, seasonings are prohibited. You can drink exclusively water.

  • We advise you to read:

According to the results of the diet you will lose weight by 3-4.5 kg. But after short and hard rations, the weight may return if you do not make a smooth transition to the usual routine.

For 3 days, emergency

There is a easier menu option for three days. You will have significantly fewer egg proteins and citrus on this diet than the previous one. It is transferred not so hard, as it is permissible to use boiled vegetables, green tea, yolk and black bread.

  • ½ grapefruit, glass of tea, black bread and egg welded;
  • 250 gr. boiled vegetables, 1 cup of tea;
  • ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs, green tea.

Salt and sugar for the time of the diet completely exclude. Water is allowed to be used in any quantity. Green tea is better not to drink more than 3 mugs during the day. Judging by various reviews, at the end of 3 days you will lose weight by 2.5-3 kg.

For 4 days, gentle

A four-day diet is reminded by the previous one, the truth is not all vegetables, but extremely potatoes. 1 cup of coffee per day, apples, carrot or tomato juice are allowed. Be sure to drink 1 cup of non-carbonated water for half an hour to 1 meal.

  • 1 cup of citrus juice, black bread, 1 fruit;
  • 250 gr. potatoes in boiled or baked form, coffee 100 ml;
  • 1 glass of juice (preferably tomato, it also contributes to weight loss), pair of eggs, tea mug;
  • Spices and seasonings exclude from the menu, drink coffee and tea without sugar.

The results vary, on average for 4 days takes 2-3 kg., But if the initial weight is large, you can lose up to 4 kg.

For 7 days

The weekly diet is already more suitable for promising weight loss, includes boiled or stew vegetables, chicken breast and some cereals.

Day 1

  • 1 cup of green tea, 1 middle apple, egg welded;
  • Rice with boiled vegetables - only 250 gr., ½ grapefruit, cup of green tea or coffee;
  • A glass of grapefruit juice is allowed to eat up to 100 grams. boiled potatoes.

Day 2.

  • 1 Coffee mug, 1-2 eggs, a piece of black bread;
  • with stew vegetables - 250 gr., ½ citrus, tea cup;
  • ½ Citrus, 1 egg squirrel, a glass of green tea.

Day 3.

  • Tea, 1 egg, small apple;
  • Rice with boiled breast - also 250 gr., Glass of grapefruit juice;
  • Boiled vegetables salad, ½ grapefruit, tea mug.

Day 4.

  • 2 egg squirrels, a cup of coffee;
  • Rice with boiled breasts and vegetables - up to 300 gr., Glass of juice from citrus;
  • Vegetable salad, a piece of black bread, green tea.

The results of the diet are not so fast, as the first three, but judging by the reviews, hold long. The diet is not particularly strict, but helps reset from 3 to 5 kilograms.

For 14 days

The menu for 2 weeks is entirely and fully identical for 7 days. To try this diet just repeat the cycle of the last 2 times. Limitations are the same: sugar, salt, spices. Before each intake of food, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. The results are slightly better than the previous one, on the 2nd week, the weight, unfortunately, is discharged less eagerly. Judging by the reviews of weight loss occurs at 5-8 kg, provided that they adhere to all the rules.

For 4 weeks

The longest and gentle diet calculated for the month. The results come slower than on previous rations, but to keep them easier. Breakfast is the same for 7 days - 1 egg craft, a piece of black bread, coffee or tea. For 2 week: 1 apple, 1 egg, a mug of green tea. In the third week, breakfast is as in the first 7 days, 4, respectively, as for 2 weeks.

Day 1

  • Breakfast;
  • One kind of fruit (apples, pears, citruses);
  • Boiled chicken breast.

Day 2.

  • Breakfast;
  • Stew chicken breast or fillet;
  • 2 egg squirrels, a salad of cucumber, tomato, onion, greens, 1 piece of black bread, 1 grapefruit.

In the salad you can add a bit of olive oil.

Day 3.

  • Breakfast;
  • Cheese with minimal fatness (without restrictions), 1 piece of bread, 2-3 tomatoes;
  • Boiled meat, glass of grapefruit juice.

Day 4.

  • Breakfast;
  • Apples (without restrictions);
  • Fresh vegetable salad, stewed chicken breast, citrus juice.

Day 5.

  • Breakfast;
  • Boiled potato salad, carrots, pair of eggs, 1 grapefruit;
  • Fish cooked pair or boiled, lettuce leaves.

Day 6.

  • Breakfast;
  • Chicken breast, lettuce leaves, grapefruit juice;
  • 2 eggs, vegetable salad.

Day 7.

  • Breakfast;
  • Boiled meat, cucumbers;
  • 1 egg, lettuce leaves, 1 citrus.

This menu is not a direct guide to action, but only one of the types of possible diet for a week, try to fill your food techniques various species Meat, vegetables and fruits to get the necessary useful substances during the day.

According to the results of this diet, it takes from 5 to 10-12 kg. Before you begin to stick to this menu, consult your doctor.


Despite the number of positive feedback, the egg-grapefruit menu is not suitable for everyone. If you have:

  • Individual intolerance to egg squirrel, yolk or citrus;
  • Problems with cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Various liver diseases;
  • Peptic diseases;
  • Gastritis;

the compliance with the above-mentioned rations is extremely recommended.

These articles will help you lose weight.

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The menu consists of three main techniques of food, the snacks are not provided in principle, but if the feeling of hunger is very strong, cucumber or raw carrots will come to the rescue, but not earlier than two hours after the main nutrition. Every day it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of pure water, you can mineral. Tea, coffee without milk and sugar are used in reasonable quantities, a couple of times a week can be a dietary cola or soda - if without them.

Balanced power supply does not tolerate rearrangements and replace meals, so you need to be patient and faithfully in success. Pleasant bonus - all products are absolutely available, and if you spend a diet in the summer-autumn period, when fruits and vegetables are abundant, then also budget.

Menu for a dairy diet for 4 weeks:

Breakfast: daily, throughout the diet

  • 2 eggs welded screwed, 1/2 grapefruit / orange, cup of coffee without sugar / tea.

Week I.

Day 1:

  • Lunch: Apples;
  • Dinner: lean beef, boiled or cooked for a couple.

Day 2:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled without leather;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, lettuce leaves, sweet bell pepper, tomato, refilled by lemon juice, toast from bread with bran, orange;

Day 3:

  • Lunch: Sourid grade cheese, grain bread toast, tomatoes;
  • Dinner: veal / lean pork, boiled or grilled.

Day 4:

  • Lunch: apricots / peaches / seasonal berries;
  • Dinner: chicken fillet / beef, boiled or cooked couple, lettuce leaves.

Day 5:

  • Lunch: 2 eggs welded by screwing, zucchini / carrot / podlock beans, boiled or paired cooked;
  • Dinner: Fish, baked or grilled, cucumber, 1/2 grapefruit.

Day 6:

  • Lunch: Apples / Pears
  • Dinner: beef / veal, boiled or cooked couple, lettuce leaves.

Day 7:

  • Lunch: chicken fillet, boiled without skin, tomato, green peas / zucchini, boiled or steamed, orange;
  • Dinner: Boiled vegetables of the same type (broccoli / cauliflower / zucchini).

Week II.

Day 1:

  • Lunch: Lenten pork, boiled or grilled, lettuce leaves;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, cucumber, tomato, sweet Bulgarian peppers, refilled by olive oil, grapefruit.

Day 2:

  • Lunch: Veal, cooked on the grill, lettuce leaves;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, cucumber, tomato, sweet Bulgarian peppers, refilled by olive oil, orange.

Day 3:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled, cucumber;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, grapefruit.

Day 4:

  • Lunch: 2 eggs welded screwed, vegetables of one species, boiled or steamed, cheese of low-fat varieties.

Day 5:

  • Lunch: Fish, boiled or baked;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by craft.

Day 6:

  • Lunch: veal / chicken fillet, boiled or grilled, tomatoes, grapefruit;
  • Dinner: orange, apple, peach, slice melon.

Day 7:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled without leather, tomato, vegetables of one species, boiled or steamed;
  • Dinner: Lunch menu.

Week III

For every day there is a list of products, the quantity must be moderate, portions are the same.

Day 1:

  • Fruits any, exclude grapes, figs, bananas, mango, dates.

Day 2:

  • Vegetables any in fresh or boiled form, eliminate potatoes.

Day 3:

  • Fruits and vegetables from the first two days menu, except excluded.

Day 4:

  • Fish boiled or grilled, vegetables, white cabbage.

Day 5:

  • Meat of any kind, boiled or grilled, eliminate lamb, vegetables.

Day 6 and 7th:

  • Fruits of only one species.

Week IV.

From the daily list of products, at will, make up different combinations, but products do not replace others.

Day 1:

  • 200 gr. Boiled meat / 250 gr. Boiled chicken
  • Cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Orange / grapefruit.

Day 2:

  • 200 gr. Boiled meat
  • Cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Apples / pears / oranges.

Day 3:

  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Boiled zucchini - 1/2 pcs.
  • Orange / grapefruit.

Day 4:

  • Boiled chicken without leather - 1/2 PC.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Peach
  • Orange.

Day 5:

  • Egg cooked in a cool - 2 pcs.
  • Salad leaves - 50 gr.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Grapefruit.

Day 6:

  • Chicken breast, boiled or paired cooked - 2 pcs.
  • Brynza - 120 gr.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Orange.

Day 7:

  • 100 gr. Low Curd Curd
  • Tuna in its own juice - 1 bank
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Grapefruit.

Reviews of egg diet:

The egg diet is strict, but those who endured it, are satisfied with the results. Weight leaving gradually and systematically, there are no sharp jumps, so you can avoid sagging skin if you combine diet with sports. Contraindications to the use of this diet are allergic reactions, because eggs and citrus fruits can give an unpredictable reaction not even inclined to allergy. Any kidney problems, gastrointestinal tract, especially biliary diseases should be an obstacle to the beginning of the diet. Since in the egg diet, the minimum amount of dairy products is needed, a doctor's consultation is needed for additional reception of the vitamin and mineral complex.

Many people who are known for them or not, seek to lose weight to look decent and beautiful. Some women suffer overweight due to health, so the question arises how to throw out overweight and at the same time not harm your body? An excellent option is a weight loss technique with an egg-grapefrute diet. Grapefruit and eggs are easily absorbed products that contain the minimum amount of calories. Moreover, due to the presence of ascorbic acid, the metabolism is rapidly normalized, and the organism is replenished with the beta carotene beta.

General information about this diet

Grapefrute and egg diet is famous for its effectiveness for a long time, even the famous Hollywood stars. In fact, the whole thing in products.

Grapefruit has unique fat burning properties that allow you to destroy calories forever in one month. One hundred grams of pure fruit contains 35 calories, it is very small, but despite this, it has enough useful substances that improve the health and functioning of the body: minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, organic acids. During weight loss, all these elements are very important to support the body in normal.

The next important ingredient is eggs. They are also considered universal for weight loss, because the eggs are almost immediately absorbed in the body and do not form toxins and slags. Eggs themselves are very nutritious, so after their reception, a person feels a feeling of satiety for a long time. In the complex together with the grapefruit, the body splits harmful slags and fats, takes them out of the body, and weight goes in front of her eyes.

However, one should not think that if it is an egg-grapefruit diet, then it means that it is impossible to use anything else to use anything else. On the contrary, it is recommended to use as many different fruits as possible: bananas, oranges, grapes and mangoes. For a beautiful figure, fruits are always helpful and will not harm. The main thing is not to eat the fruit of different types during the day. For example, if apples included in the morning ration, then the use of oranges will be undesirable. During this day, you can only eat apples.

Grapefruits can be replaced by oranges, as they are much easier to buy, but they do not have as part of such a number of useful trace elements and a special enzyme that promotes weight relief.

Of course, during dietary studies, the full effectiveness of this diet was not proved, however, many of them were convinced of personal experience.

To obtain the desired result, it is important to adhere to some recommendations.

Here is some of them:

  1. If a sequence of receiving products is clearly indicated in the diet, then the ingredients should not be changed, because everything is specifically designed and thought out. This is the same thing that taking tablets clearly at the specified time (during, before or after meals).

    Diet nutrition

  2. The next important point is not to exceed the specified norm, since it most often disrupts the day balance and will act diet nutrition reversed. The menu already includes the desired amount of products and their diversity. It is allowed to receive some fruits in an unlimited quantity, thanks to them you can easily slide the attack of hunger.
  3. It is important to understand that even a minor from our side a deviation can lead to a zero result, all actions will become unproductive. To achieve the desired result, you will have to repeat the diet again, even if the entire monthly cycle of healthy nutrition has been completed.
  4. The main in the diet is the use of liquid. It is necessary to drink clean water as much as possible throughout the day, the recommended dose is two liters. But if the body does not accept such a quantity, you do not need to overcome and extend yourself. It is also very dangerous to drink more than a liter of water, it is hard for many organs, especially for the heart. Due to ordinary water You can throw a few kilograms, without doing sports exercises.
  5. The next moment is the cooking tips. It is forbidden to fry any components included in the diet on fats and oils, use industrial sauces and broths. You need to boil the ingredients, can be prepared in a slow cooker, a double boiler and in the oven, but only without adding fats.

Additional requirements and diet principles

For food, you can use spices and spices, but only natural production. Such spices, which are written: "For Plov", "for fish" "for meat" cannot be used, since there are chemical taste amplifiers, which are harmful to health and moreover, contribute to strengthening appetite. After the diet, if there is a desire you can apply any spices for food, but at the time of weight loss is worth refraining.

Egg-grapefruit diet

At first glance it seems that the requirements are very many and mostly some restrictions. It is not so, there are also crossings. One of them is at any time if the feeling of hunger does not give rest, you can eat with a light fresh salad, carrot or cucumber. Having a feeling of hunger ordinary water. In addition, it is allowed to drink coffee and tea, but put in them a sugar substitute. You can drink dietary gas, the main thing is that there is no calorie in it. If I really want sweet, then once a day you can eat special candy without sugar.

The whole diet lasts about a month. Exactly for 4 weeks, a person will be able to reset no more than ten kilograms if it is necessary to reset more, the dietary cycle should be repeated several times. However, in subsequent times, it is necessary to act on another scheme, to eat according to the rules of the first week, and then the 4th and for the month of them alternate.

Diet food in the first week of the month

The diet is carried out in different ways, you can eat for several days, and you can - 4 weeks. If the second option is suitable for you, it is important to adhere to a specially designed menu.

So, the meal in the first week includes the following components:

Fruit salad

  1. For breakfast: two chicken eggs are boiled (hard or skey, how much more like), and the half of the grapefruit is eaten. In addition, you can drink fastening tea or coffee, but without adding sugar. Sometimes eggs can be replaced with solid cheese (no more than 50 grams), cheese or low-fat curd, up to 80 grams.
  2. Lunch: It is allowed to eat any fruit, and throughout the day there is no fruit of another kind. It is also recommended to include tomatoes, boiled vegetables, low-fat cheese and toasts into the dining diet. From meat in the first week, a chicken is allowed without skins and not fried. An excellent option will be baked meat with vegetables, a beef can be taken to the extreme case. Portion of the dish should not exceed 250 grams. By the end of the week for lunch, instead of meat, you can turn on the fish: pike perch, heck, cod or cambal, not more than 150 grams.
  3. For dinner: one grapefruit or orange, 150 grams of minced meat or meat, 1 egg and boiled vegetables.

During the week, it is possible to change products (for example, fish on meat, boiled vegetables - on a salad, instead of eggs - make an omelet). Also for snacks throughout the first week, any fruit can be used in except for bananas.

The first week allows you to throw two and a half kilograms.

Detailed menu for the second and third week

On the second and third week, breakfast is used the same: two eggs and halves of grapefruit.

For lunch: Fresh or boiled vegetables, any low-fat meat, toasts, tomatoes and cheese. The lamb in this case does not fit categorically. On the fifth day of the second week, a fish is recommended.

Boiled vegetables

For dinner: several eggs, juice from grapefruit or orange, boiled chicken, baked vegetables.

During the second week, grapefruit is used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, but it is not recommended to abuse this product, since an allergic reaction is possible.

In the third week, the scheme is approximately the same, only there are no special restrictions in the number of food intake. It is important individually for yourself to make a diet and to stick to it, it is not worth it.

The last week is complete, you should not give up, and perform all the tips strictly for the purpose.

For breakfast besides former products, you can also take a few cucumbers, a little minced meat and tomatoes. Vegetables can be eaten fresh, boiled, stewed and baked.

For lunch and dinner are the same products, only the portion increases slightly: 100 grams of cottage cheese, half chicken, several toasts and 200 gr of any meat or fish.

In order not to gain weight, it is important to eat regularly and small portions. After 4 weeks, a person throws 10 kilograms.


This diet has its subtleties, and there are a number of contraindications:

  • prank ulcer
  • allergic reaction to grapefruit or eggs
  • in the period of menopause
  • colitis
  • cholecystitis
  • increased acidity and gastritis
  • during the admission of drugs
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • kidney and liver disease

Before starting an egg-grapefruit diet, you must consult with a nutritionist.

So for fast slimming An egg-grapefrute diet is perfect. However, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a weekly diet, do not exceed the number of products, drink as much water as possible. If any negative reactions suddenly appear, the diet must be stopped immediately.

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Mar 19, 2017Voletta Leak

The article discusses the egg diet. We tell about the general principles of diet and permitted products, give useful advice and reviews. Following our recommendations, you will learn how to find the menu for weight loss for different variations of this weight reduction technique.

Egg diet

Egg diet (protein) is one of the ways of weight loss, allowing to eliminate excess weight in almost the absence of hunger.

The caloric content of one egg is only about 100 kcal. At the same time, it presents useful trace elements - calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins - E, A, D, and groups B, as well as niacin, providing nutrition of the brain.

Diet on eggs involves compliance with certain important rules:

  • for complete assimilation, boil the main ingredient only screwed;
  • divide at least two liters of filtered water, optionally can be replaced with green tea;
  • in rare cases, drink coffee or black tea, but without sugar sand;
  • when forming constipation, add more fresh vegetables to the diet;
  • in the case when the main ingredient is bored, replace its degreased cottage cheese;
  • under the observance of a 4-week diet when hungry occur, eat fresh cucumber, lettuce leaves;
  • eat any low-fat meat, the exclusion is lamb;
  • smoothly leave the diet, try not to use refined sugar and continue eating eggs.

Fundamental rules

Before choosing this way of weight loss, check out its rules:

  • eat three times a day without snacks and night meals;
  • in all salads do not add salt, butter;
  • prepare chicken meat without leather, everything else - without fat, eliminate pork and lamb from the diet;
  • eat citrus in the morning, as they contribute to a decrease in the volume of the stomach.

Allowed citrus - grapefruit and orange;

Many people are interested in the question whether there are eggs on a diet to those who have serious diseases. Contraindications of this technique slimming is, namely:

  • allergy to the main product;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

Main types of egg diet: for 7 days, 14 days and 4 weeks. Below are tables with a complete description of the allowed products with each weight loss method.

Before proceeding with the egg diet for 7 days, read the results and reviews of those who have already observed.

Violetta, 23 years old

Egg diet - chopper-corrupt, thanks to which I have good figure. I rarely sit on it, but the effect is enough for a long time, dropped 4 kg per week.

Camilla, 30 years

Dream of a thin waist, but are afraid to look at the scales? I recommend to sit on the egg weight loss technique. Personally, I "fleeing" five kilograms, I liked the result.

Below you will find the menu for every day of this diet that allows you to lose weight by three or four kg.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday 2 eggs, grapefruit 1 egg, orange, 0.15 kg chicken 220 ml kefir, 0.2 kg chicken
Tuesday 2 eggs, orange juice glass 2 grapefruit, 0.15 kg of chicken meat 2 eggs, orange, 200 ml of low fat milk
Wednesday 1 egg, tea mug (optional with lemon) Grapefruit, 0.2 kg of meat 2 eggs
Thursday Omelet of 3 eggs with the addition of greenery Salad of vegetables, 0.2 kg of chicken meat egg, 2 Orange
Friday Boiled carrot, greenery, low-fat sour cream and two eggs 2 Fresh Carrots, Glass Juice Citrus Stew with lemon fish, egg
Saturday 0.15 kg of low-alcoholic cottage cheese, cup of citrus juice 2 eggs and orange Mineral water
Sunday 2 eggs, half grapefruit 0.2 kg of meat, orange Mineral water

Egg diet for 2 weeks suggests the same breakfast for every day: half citrus and 1-2 eggs.

Below you will find the menu in the table for two weeks, you will learn from it that you can and what is not there.

If there is no number of products, then eat them in an unlimited volume.

Day Dinner Dinner
1 Week
Monday Select one type of fruit: apples, plums, pears or watermelon 0.2 kg of boiled meat or steamer cooked
Tuesday Boiled or baked chicken Vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers, 2 eggs, dried bread, orange
Wednesday Non-large cheese, tomatoes, toast 0.2 kg of boiled meat
Thursday One kind of fruit
Friday 2 eggs, beans, zucchini, carrots Non-fat sea fish, salad, grapefruit
Saturday One kind of fruit Meat, salad
Sunday In the boiled form of chicken and vegetables, orange Boiled vegetables
2 weeks
Monday Meat in boiled or baked form, salad 2 eggs, salad and orange
Tuesday Meat in boiled or baked form, salad 2 eggs, salad and orange
Wednesday Meat in boiled or baked form, cucumbers 2 eggs, salad and orange
Thursday Bad cheese, 2 eggs, vegetables 2 eggs
Friday Boiled fish 2 eggs
Saturday Tomatoes, Meat, Grapefruit Tomatoes, Meat, Grapefruit
Sunday In boiled form vegetables, chicken meat, tomato, orange

For all the time you can throw up to seven kg.

With a four-week egg diet in the last two weeks, these products are divided into 3-4 daily portions.

Below are 3 tables for weeks, starting with the first. The first 2 weeks breakfast is the same - two eggs and half orange.

1 Week:

2 weeks:

3 weeks and 4 weeks:

Day 3 weeks 4 weeks
Monday Any kind of fruit, with the exception of bananas, grapes, dates and figs 0.15-0.2 kg of meat, 3 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers, 1-2 toast, canned tuna bank without oil, grapefruit
Tuesday Boiled vegetables except potatoes 0.15-0.2 kg of meat, 3 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers, 1-2 toast, pear (or apple, orange, 20 g melon)
Wednesday Allowed fruits and vegetables from the list 30 g of cottage cheese or innocent cheese, 0.2 kg of boiled vegetables, 2 pieces of tomatoes and tomatoes, toast, orange
Thursday In boiled or stewed fish, lettuce leaves, boiled vegetables 2 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, half carcass chicken, toast, grapefruit
Friday Vegetables, chicken, meat 2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, lettuce leaves, orange
Saturday One kind of fruit 0.5-0.7 kg Chicken, 2 tomatoes and cucumber, 0.15 kg of cheese or cottage cheese, toast, grapefruit
Sunday One kind of fruit 30 g of cottage cheese, canned tuna bank without oil, 0.2 kg of boiled vegetables, 2 pieces of tomatoes and cucumbers, toast, orange

Egg Diet Maggie - Menu

The egg version of the Maggie diet for every day allows you to throw up to 20 kg in four weeks.

In order to achieve such results, it is necessary to strictly follow the power table, it is forbidden to change lunch with dinner or breakfast. If you do not like a certain ingredient from the menu, then remove it, and not replace others.

If you fail in the menu or in the displacement of meal, you will have to start everything in a new one.

Below are feedback from people who adhered to this power mode.

Angela, 39 years

Four weeks of limited nutrition for twenty dropped kg? Easily. I can not say that there was no desire to eat something forbidden, I think many sin with it during weight loss. But she stood everything and is now satisfied with the digit on the scales.

Anna, 45 years

I do not like diet, but at my age only they help throw out overweight. Sit on eggs, the result is 9 kg in four weeks. I think it should try to those who have too much overweight.

Below is a table with a detailed description of the menu.

1 Week - Breakfast for a whole week will consist of several boiled eggs and grapefruit.

2 weeks - Breakfast for the whole week consists of several boiled eggs and grapefruit.

Day Dinner Dinner
Monday Boiled meat, salad 2 eggs, salad, grapefruit
Tuesday Boiled meat, salad 2 eggs, orange
Wednesday Meat and cucumbers 2 eggs, orange
Thursday Large cheese, boiled vegetables, 2 boiled eggs 2 boiled eggs
Friday Boiled fish 2 boiled eggs
Saturday Meat, Tomatoes, Grapefruit Fruit salad
Sunday Boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, orange

3 weeks:

4 weeks:

Day The list of products is specified for the whole day.
Monday 4 piece of boiled meat or the same amount of chicken, tuna bank without oil, 4 cucumber and tomato, toast, grapefruit
Tuesday 0.2 kg of boiled meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumber, toast, one kind of fruit
Wednesday Low-fat white cheese, 20 g of cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes and cucumber, toast, boiled vegetables, grapefruit
Thursday Half boiled chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, toast, orange
Friday 2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, orange, salad
Saturday 2 boiled chicken breasts, 2 cucumber and tomato, prostrochy, 0.15 kg of cottage cheese, orange
Sunday Bank of Tuna without oil, 10 g of cottage cheese, 2 cucumber and tomato, toast, boiled vegetables, grapefruit

Orange and egg diet

Under the rules specified at the beginning of the article, the first results in five-day weight loss will be noticeable on the third day. In this case, the total number of lost kg - up to 8.

The menu of a five-day egg-orange diet is easy enough: Eat three times a day at 2 orange and 2 eggs. Total: 6 oranges and 6 eggs. Cook 5 eggs, separate themselves proteins from yolks, as you need only proteins. Sixth egg boiled screw. If you wish, eat green salad and do not forget about drinking mode.

When observing the protein diet for a month, the number of lost kg can reach 18. But this method of weight loss is allowed only to those who have no serious diseases.

Inna, 28 years

My weak place is various diets. I have been fully worn out, that's just hardly forcing myself to eat something for breakfast. But I know that this can lead to a breakdown and new beginnings, so forced herself in the morning there are those products that are listed in the menu. I am delighted with an egg-orange technique. At first she adhered to her 5 days, the result was minus 4 kg. And then swung on a monthly protein, lost 10 kg. Now we have 55 kg, and there was 70. I feel like an empty.

Zhanna, 50 years

She adhered to a protein monthly diet, "fleeing" by 12 kg. I think it may be better, so I want to repeat it.

Eggs and grapefruit diet

No less effective is a grapefruit diet for weight loss, allowing, on average, reset up to 2 kg in a few days. Duration: Not more than 7 days. On the diet you can eat only eggs and grapefruits, the menu includes 3 meals for which you can eat half or a whole grapefruit and 1-2 eggs.

Since this method of weight loss is designed for a short period of time, it will not help those overweight exceeds 15 and above kg.

Below you will find the reviews of women who observed it.

Marina, 27 years old

I love citruses and eggs, for this reason, a protein diet with pleasure was adhered to her favorite products for breakfast, because it was in the morning watches I had an increased appetite. Usually I sit on this method of weight loss before traveling to the sea or holidays.

Inna, 36 years

I did not like the egg-grapefrupteed method of weight loss, hunger was constantly attended, dropped one kg in four days.

Egg Diet Reviews

Below are the reviews of thinners on an egg-protein diet. Due to the fact that the weight loss technique on eggs and diet diet based on this product is not suitable for everyone, and not everyone achieves the desired results, then the opposite reviews.

Margarita, 18 years

I wanted to look at all 100 in front of the graduation, so I sat down on an egg-citrus diet. Lost 4 kg, got into prom Dress And in the photos turned out the most beautiful. I think that the grooved girl looks confident and beautiful, so I recommend all the slimming on egg whites.

Julianna, 25 years

I know a lot of those who have lost weight on the ich diet of Osama Hamdiy. I tried to stick to her, but I really seemed to me limited and tough. No longer experimenting with it.

Alice, 23 years old

My feedback on the first day of the diet 6 eggs is something. First, a strong hunger almost completely fills thoughts, secondly, it is extremely difficult for him to resist. Kept my result - minus 5 kg.

Mila, 44 years

I know that on the eggshell weight loss method, it is necessary to strictly stick to those products that are specified. That's just I did not need a colossal result, so in my diet was green tea, egg, raisins, chicken breast, kefir, apple. The result is minus 3 kg per week.

What to remember

  1. The daily volume of filtered water is at least two liters.
  2. Before compliance with the diet, make sure that there are no allergies to the products.
  3. When the diet is changed, we should start slimming on a new one.

For a native diet for 4 weeks to truly brought the desired results, you must follow the thoughtful diet. During the diet you need to abandon coffee, black tea, sugar, milk. The only thing that can be green tea, you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid in a day.

Since vegetables are present in the diet, they can be eaten both in the raw form and boil, without adding oil and fats. The main rule of the diet is that every morning the diet should consist of 1-2 boiled eggs and citrus fruits: grapefruit or orange, fruit enough and floor part. Citrus is well there in the morning, they contribute to the reduction of the stomach, and the eggs will not want to eat for a long time.

Egg diet for 4 weeks

First week diet


  • Breakfast: boiled eggs, orange floor or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: Fruits of the same type.
  • Dinner: boil, or fry two pieces of fish, meat (with the exception of lamb).


  • Lunch: pieces of boiled or roasted chicken fillet.
  • Dinner: Two boiled eggs, vegetable salad with cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, salad leaves, 1 toast, orange or grapefruit.


  • Lunch: Degreased Cheese, 1 Toast, 2 Tomatoes.
  • Dinner: pieces of meat, fish, in boiled or fried.


  • Lunch: Favorite fruit.
  • Dinner: Meat or Fish, Vegetable Salad.


  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs with boiled vegetables (beans, green peas, carrots, zucchini).
  • Dinner: fried, boiled fish, vegetable salad, orange or grapefruit.


  • Lunch: Favorite fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad with fish or meat.


  • Lunch: boiled or boiled chicken fillet, boiled vegetables, tomato, grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: boiled vegetables.

Second week diet


  • Lunch: vegetable salad, a piece of fish or meat.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad portion, grapefruit, orange.


  • Lunch: Fried or Boiled Fish, Meat, Salad.
  • Dinner: boiled eggs, orange or grapefruit.


  • Lunch: pieces of fish, meat, with sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, orange, grapefruit.


  • Lunch: 2 cool coated eggs with low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled eggs, orange or grapefruit.


  • Lunch: Fish in boiled or fried.
  • Dinner: A pair of boiled eggs.


  • Lunch: boiled meat, couple tomato, orange or grapefruit.
  • Dinner: fruit salad of peach, melon, oranges, tangerines, apples.


  • Lunch: Boiled chicken pieces without leather, two tomatoes, boiled vegetables, orange or grapefruit.
  • Dinner: like lunch.

Third week diet


  • The diet consists of fruits that are combined with other fruits, except for: bananas, grapes, dates, mango, figs.


  • Boiled vegetables (except potatoes), salad, impossible dried fruits.


  • Vegetables, fruits, favorite salads.


  • Boiled or fried fish, cabbage salad, boiled vegetables.


  • Skin food, chicken, pieces of boiled meat, boiled vegetables.

Saturday and Sunday:

  • Fruits of the same type: apples, pears, peaches, apricots.

Fourth week diet


Four pieces of fried or boiled meat, fish or ¼ part of boiled chicken with a vegetable salad of three tomatoes and four cucumbers, tuna bank, mackerel (without oil) one toast.


200 grams of boiled or fried meat, fish, cutting out of three tomatoes and four cucumbers, toast, fruit: apples, pears, orange or grapefruit, a small piece of melon.


Portion of cottage cheese, or cottage cheese replace with low-fat white cheese, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers 2 pcs., Toast, orange.


Half fried, boiled chicken, three tomato salad, cucumbers, toast, orange.


Two eggs, one salad leaf, three tomatoes, orange or grapefruit.


Two boiled chicken breasts, 200 grams of cottage cheese or cheese, toast, two tomatoes, two cucumbers, a glass of prokobyvashi. Before bedtime, you can eat orange or grapefruit.


A little cottage cheese, jar of tuna (without oil), boiled vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers 2 pcs., Toast, grapefruit or orange.

Under the observance of the egg diet, it is important to perform everything in accuracy, without changing dinners and dinners. In the event of a breakdown, the egg diet can be continued, but it will have to start at first.

Eggish orange diet

There are many varieties of this diet, but each there are eggs and oranges. It is in these two products that are few calories, so you can do for a long time without heavy protein food.

Express diet

Short-term egg diet will help you lose a few kilograms in a short period. The diet is designed for a week, if desired, you can extend. The basic diet makes eggs and oranges, each day you need to eat 6 pieces.

When observing a diet costs oranges and eggs are in different timeFor example: two eggs in the morning through time two oranges, as it is undesirable to mix eggs with fruit.

Since it is a strict mono diet, it is allowed once a day. Vegetables: Fresh cucumber or boiled zucchini, eggplant and green tea with honey. Before bedtime, you can drink a glass of kefir. If, when observing the diet you are tired of oranges, replace them with grapefruits.

Long-term Orange Egg Diet

An egg diet is designed for three weeks, in the first week you will lose weight by 5 kilograms, for the second week for 2 kilograms, to get rid of the third of the couple of kilograms. IMPORTANT Following the diet to withstand the first week, in it every day you need to eat 9 boiled eggs and 6 oranges, divided into 3 receptions. The second two weeks is much easier, except for eggs and oranges, you can eat fruits, vegetables, greens, in raw form without adding salt.

So that the egg diet for weight loss is effective, it is recommended to play sports, thus preserved muscle massAnd you get rid of fat deposits.

Eggish grapefruit diet

If you need to throw off a couple of kilograms in 2-3 days, you can not extend yourself with hunger, but use a delicious and satisfying diet. For this diet you will need: eggs, grapefruits and green tea. If you follow the diet, you must strictly stick to the menu, so on the day you have to eat one boiled egg, three grapefruit and at the request of drinking or water or unsweetened green tea.

The menu consists of three main techniques of food, the snacks are not provided in principle, but if the feeling of hunger is very strong, cucumber or raw carrots will come to the rescue, but not earlier than two hours after the main nutrition. Every day it is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of pure water, you can mineral. Tea, coffee without milk and sugar are used in reasonable quantities, a couple of times a week can be a dietary cola or soda - if without them.

Balanced power supply does not tolerate rearrangements and replace meals, so you need to be patient and faithfully in success. Pleasant bonus - all products are absolutely available, and if you spend a diet in the summer-autumn period, when fruits and vegetables are abundant, then also budget.

Menu for a dairy diet for 4 weeks:

Breakfast: daily, throughout the diet

  • 2 eggs welded screwed, 1/2 grapefruit / orange, cup of coffee without sugar / tea.

Week I.

Day 1:

  • Lunch: Apples;
  • Dinner: lean beef, boiled or cooked for a couple.

Day 2:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled without leather;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, lettuce leaves, sweet bell pepper, tomato, refilled by lemon juice, toast from bread with bran, orange;

Day 3:

  • Lunch: Sourid grade cheese, grain bread toast, tomatoes;
  • Dinner: veal / lean pork, boiled or grilled.

Day 4:

  • Lunch: apricots / peaches / seasonal berries;
  • Dinner: chicken fillet / beef, boiled or cooked couple, lettuce leaves.

Day 5:

  • Lunch: 2 eggs welded by screwing, zucchini / carrot / podlock beans, boiled or paired cooked;
  • Dinner: Fish, baked or grilled, cucumber, 1/2 grapefruit.

Day 6:

  • Lunch: Apples / Pears
  • Dinner: beef / veal, boiled or cooked couple, lettuce leaves.

Day 7:

  • Lunch: chicken fillet, boiled without skin, tomato, green peas / zucchini, boiled or steamed, orange;
  • Dinner: Boiled vegetables of the same type (broccoli / cauliflower / zucchini).

Week II.

Day 1:

  • Lunch: Lenten pork, boiled or grilled, lettuce leaves;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, cucumber, tomato, sweet Bulgarian peppers, refilled by olive oil, grapefruit.

Day 2:

  • Lunch: Veal, cooked on the grill, lettuce leaves;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, cucumber, tomato, sweet Bulgarian peppers, refilled by olive oil, orange.

Day 3:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled, cucumber;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by screwed, grapefruit.

Day 4:

  • Lunch: 2 eggs welded screwed, vegetables of one species, boiled or steamed, cheese of low-fat varieties.

Day 5:

  • Lunch: Fish, boiled or baked;
  • Dinner: 2 eggs welded by craft.

Day 6:

  • Lunch: veal / chicken fillet, boiled or grilled, tomatoes, grapefruit;
  • Dinner: orange, apple, peach, slice melon.

Day 7:

  • Lunch: chicken breast, boiled or grilled without leather, tomato, vegetables of one species, boiled or steamed;
  • Dinner: Lunch menu.

Week III

For every day there is a list of products, the quantity must be moderate, portions are the same.

Day 1:

  • Fruits any, exclude grapes, figs, bananas, mango, dates.

Day 2:

  • Vegetables any in fresh or boiled form, eliminate potatoes.

Day 3:

  • Fruits and vegetables from the first two days menu, except excluded.

Day 4:

  • Fish boiled or grilled, vegetables, white cabbage.

Day 5:

  • Meat of any kind, boiled or grilled, eliminate lamb, vegetables.

Day 6 and 7th:

  • Fruits of only one species.

Week IV.

From the daily list of products, at will, make up different combinations, but products do not replace others.

Day 1:

  • 200 gr. Boiled meat / 250 gr. Boiled chicken
  • Cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Orange / grapefruit.

Day 2:

  • 200 gr. Boiled meat
  • Cucumber - 4 pcs.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Apples / pears / oranges.

Day 3:

  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Boiled zucchini - 1/2 pcs.
  • Orange / grapefruit.

Day 4:

  • Boiled chicken without leather - 1/2 PC.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Peach
  • Orange.

Day 5:

  • Egg cooked in a cool - 2 pcs.
  • Salad leaves - 50 gr.
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Grapefruit.

Day 6:

  • Chicken breast, boiled or paired cooked - 2 pcs.
  • Brynza - 120 gr.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Orange.

Day 7:

  • 100 gr. Low Curd Curd
  • Tuna in its own juice - 1 bank
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cereal toast
  • Grapefruit.

Reviews of egg diet:

The egg diet is strict, but those who endured it, are satisfied with the results. Weight leaving gradually and systematically, there are no sharp jumps, so you can avoid sagging skin if you combine diet with sports. Contraindications to the use of this diet are allergic reactions, because eggs and citrus fruits can give an unpredictable reaction not even inclined to allergy. Any kidney problems, gastrointestinal tract, especially biliary diseases should be an obstacle to the beginning of the diet. Since in the egg diet, the minimum amount of dairy products is needed, a doctor's consultation is needed for additional reception of the vitamin and mineral complex.

The egg-grapefrute diet cleans the body from slags and toxins, removes an extra liquid from the body (due to which volumes are leaving) and, of course, contributes to weight loss. The combination of egg protein and citrus in the menu leads to a significant weight loss, a decrease in body volumes. The effect is due to product properties.

  • We advise you to read: an egg-orange diet
  • Contributes to strengthening the immune system;
  • Supplies 12 basic vitamins, macro and microelements to the body;
  • Have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Useful for muscles;
  • Help the work of the brain;
  • Reduce appetite;
  • Beneficially affect the condition of hair, teeth, nails;
  • Help to lose weight.


  • Contributes to the restoration of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Helps to establish the work of enzymes;
  • Burns fats;
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels in blood;
  • Improves the absorption of glucose;
  • Removes craving for sweets;
  • Optimizes the work of the nervous system;
  • Helps cell renewal process.

While compliance with the diet, it is necessary to drink a lot of water, as the citrus does not affect the dental enamel.

Depending on the time you can pay slimming, the grapefruit diet with eggs is several species. Consider the exemplary diet and the basic principles of each variety in order.

The menu includes exclusively grapefruits and egg proteins (without yolk), welded screwed. For the day you will need about 6 proteins and 6 citrus. Use this: To breakfast a glass of not carbonated water, after the occurrence of hunger to eat proteins, after an hour, use grapefruit, and alternate until the end of the day. Salt, sugar, spices, seasonings are prohibited. You can drink exclusively water.

  • We advise you to read: how to lose weight by 3 kg in 3 days

According to the results of the diet you will lose weight by 3 - 4.5 kg. But after short and hard rations, the weight may return if you do not make a smooth transition to the usual routine.

There is a lighter option of the 3-day menu. You will have significantly fewer egg proteins and citrus on this diet than the previous one. It is transferred not so hard, as it is permissible to use boiled vegetables, green tea, yolk and black bread.

  • ½ grapefruit, a glass of tea, a piece of black bread and an egg welded by screwing;
  • 250 gr. boiled vegetables, 1 cup of tea;
  • ½ grapefruit, 2 eggs, green tea.

Salt and sugar for the time of the diet completely exclude. Water is allowed to be used in any quantity. Green tea is better not to drink more than 3 mugs during the day. Judging by various reviews, at the end of 3 days you will lose weight by 2.5-3 kg.

A four-day diet is reminded by the previous one, the truth is not all vegetables, but extremely potatoes. 1 cup of coffee per day, apples, carrot or tomato juice are allowed. Be sure to drink 1 cup of non-carbonated water for half an hour to 1 meal.

  • 1 cup of citrus juice, a piece of black bread, 1 fruit;
  • 250 gr. potatoes in boiled or baked form, coffee 100 ml;
  • 1 glass of juice (preferably tomato, it also contributes to weight loss), a pair of eggs, 1 cup of tea;
  • Spices and seasonings exclude from the menu, drink coffee and tea without sugar.

The results vary, on average for 4 days takes 2-3 kg., But if the initial weight is large, you can lose up to 4 kg.

The weekly diet is already more suitable for promising weight loss, includes boiled or stew vegetables, boiled chicken breast and some cereals.

Day 1

  • 1 cup of green tea, 1 middle apple, egg welded;
  • Rice with boiled vegetables - only 250 gr., ½ grapefruit, cup of green tea or coffee;
  • A glass of grapefruit juice is allowed to eat up to 100 grams. boiled potatoes.

Day 2.

  • 1 Coffee mug, 1-2 eggs, a piece of black bread;
  • Buckwheat with stewed vegetables - 250 gr., ½ citrus, tea cup;
  • ½ Citrus, 1 egg squirrel, a glass of green tea.

Day 3.

  • Tea, 1 egg, small apple;
  • Rice with boiled breast - also 250 gr., Glass of grapefruit juice;
  • Boiled vegetables salad, ½ grapefruit, tea mug.

Day 4.

  • 2 egg squirrels, a cup of coffee;
  • Rice with boiled breasts and vegetables - up to 300 gr., Glass of juice from citrus;
  • Vegetable salad, a piece of black bread, green tea.

The results of the diet are not so fast, as the first three, but judging by the reviews, hold long. The diet is not particularly strict, but helps reset from 3 to 5 kilograms.

The menu for 2 weeks is entirely and fully identical for 7 days. To try this diet just repeat the cycle of the last 2 times. Limitations are the same: sugar, salt, spices. Before each intake of food, it is recommended to drink a glass of water. The results are slightly better than the previous one, on the 2nd week, the weight, unfortunately, is discharged less eagerly. Judging by the reviews of weight loss occurs at 5-8 kg, provided that they adhere to all the rules.

The longest and gentle diet, designed for 28 days. The results come slower than on previous rations, but to keep them easier. Breakfast is the same for 7 days - 1 egg craft, a piece of black bread, coffee or tea. For 2 week: 1 apple, 1 egg, a mug of green tea. In the third week, breakfast is as in the first 7 days, 4, respectively, as for 2 weeks.

Day 1

  • Breakfast;
  • One kind of fruit (apples, pears, citruses);
  • Boiled chicken breast.

Day 2.

  • Breakfast;
  • Stew chicken breast or fillet;
  • 2 egg squirrels, a salad of cucumber, tomato, onion, greens, 1 piece of black bread, 1 grapefruit.

In the salad you can add a bit of olive oil.

Day 3.

  • Breakfast;
  • Cheese with minimal fatness (without restrictions), 1 piece of bread, 2-3 tomatoes;
  • Boiled meat, glass of grapefruit juice.

Day 4.

  • Breakfast;
  • Apples (without restrictions);
  • Fresh vegetable salad, stewed chicken breast, citrus juice.

Day 5.

  • Breakfast;
  • Salad of boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, pair of eggs, 1 grapefruit;
  • Fish cooked pair or boiled, lettuce leaves.

Day 6.

  • Breakfast;
  • Chicken breast, lettuce leaves, grapefruit juice;
  • 2 eggs, vegetable salad.

Day 7.

  • Breakfast;
  • Boiled meat, cucumbers;
  • 1 egg, lettuce leaves, 1 citrus.

This menu is not a direct guide to action, but only one of the types of possible diet for a week, try to fill your food techniques with various types of meat, vegetables and fruits to get the necessary useful substances during the day.

According to the results of this diet, it takes from 5 to 10-12 kg. Before you begin to stick to this menu, consult your doctor.

Despite the number of positive feedback, the egg-grapefruit menu is not suitable for everyone. If you have:

  • Individual intolerance to egg squirrel, yolk or citrus;
  • Problems with cardiovascular system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Various liver diseases;
  • Peptic diseases;
  • Gastritis;

the compliance with the above-mentioned rations is extremely recommended.

Diet for 4 weeks! With these words, many may experience frank horror. But only until they see the proposed menu, recommended rules and do not recognize with what weight you can say goodbye. We are talking about an egg diet.

The egg is one of the most nutritional products. After all, it contains all the necessary elements for the formation of a new life.

Here are a lot of vitamins: a, groups in, e, d, k. This product is rich in this product and minerals: iron, phosphorus, copper, iodine, calcium, potassium, etc. Also in the composition of the eggs there are a large number of full-fledged protein, amino acids and many other biologically active substances.

The essence of the egg diet is that for 4 weeks the main, but far from the only thing, the product becomes eggs. During the entire period of weight loss from the food, "fast" carbohydrates are excluded: sugar, confectionery, potatoes, etc. Thus, some carbohydrate starvation is created for the body.

At the same time, when eating eggs, vitamin H (biotin) comes into the body, which stimulates the absorption of carbohydrates. With their shortage, biotin begins to "take" carbohydrates from fatty tissues, that is, fats are split, and extra kilograms are lost.

With egg diet, fats of various origin are also excluded: and vegetable, and animals.

Move the egg diet without much irritability helps lutein eggs. First, it is a powerful antioxidant and prevents the formation of toxins. Secondly, Lutein supports the psychological background. Thirdly, it helps to strengthen the body, makes it more hardy.

From the above, it can be seen that the egg diet is not based on starvation and low calorie food, but on chemical reactionsoccurring in the body.

An important point in the egg diet is that the eggs are good and long the feeling of hunger is quenched. At the same time, their caloric content is quite low - 80-100 kcal in one egg. And it should be noted that this product is almost completely absorbed by the body - by 98%, which means that it does not produce slags that prevent slimming.

This diet for 4 weeks allows to reset 10-25 kg: the higher the initial weight, the more kilogram goes at the end of the diet.

It should be noted that those people who decided to make a beautiful relief of their body, that is, to do "drying", they can successfully combine exercise of weight loss on eggs, since for such workouts there is a lot of protein and little carbohydrates.

Before starting an egg diet, we should weigh everything "for" and "against" for myself, since each method of combating extra kilograms has the pros and cons.

The advantages of an egg diet:

  • no feeling of hunger, eggs quench him for a long time;
  • in the diet, many different products;
  • there is no preparation of complex dishes;
  • a beautiful body contour is formed when physical Loads.

Disadvantages of weight loss with eggs:

  • the rigidity of the diet, it is necessary to observe all its conditions;
  • in the first days, lethargy may appear, since there are no simple carbohydrates in the body, which give an instantaneous influx of energy;
  • allergic reactions may occur, since eggs belong to high-caliped products.

It should be noted that the doctors are not experiencing a special delight on the egg diet. Nutritionists everywhere and everywhere call for properly balanced nutrition, which takes into account not only such an indicator as calories, but also the balance of "proteins-fir-carbohydrates" should be observed.

As described above, carbohydrates and fats are excluded in the egg diet. With a lack of fats, the activities of the central nervous system can be disturbed and immunity will decrease.

With the lack of carbohydrates, destabilization of the activities of the central nervous system and muscles are possible, the physical and mental activity is reduced, the exhaustion of the body as a whole.

It is for this reason that nutritionists are cautious to an egg diet, especially as it is quite long, and such an imbalance of fats-carbohydrates can adversely affect human health.

Since the egg diet implies restrictions in the use of carbohydrates and fats, it also has a number of contraindications for which it is impossible to use it. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract both sharp and chronic (ulcer, gastritis, heartburn);
  • liver and pancreas;
  • renal faults;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance to chicken eggs.

In order to make rid of extra kilograms as efficiently as possible, and at the same time do not harm your health, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for the egg four-week diet.

  1. Egg technique is painted by day. It is necessary to strictly observe the reception of food over the proposed menu. It is impossible to change the days of the week, as well as breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
  2. Diet assumes three-time meals. If a strong feeling of hunger arises, then let's say a snack with an apple or cucumber.
  3. If the menu does not specify the amount of product, it means its volume is unlimited. However, you should not forget about the purpose of the diet - to reset the extra kilograms, so it is necessary to consume food in reasonable quantities. It is recommended to make a one-time portion to measure with the volume of the usual glasses.
  4. The last meal must be 2-3 hours before sleep.
  5. During weight loss, the following products and spices are completely prohibited: vegetable and animal fats, potatoes, flour and confectionery, fatty meat (pork, lamb), fish of fatty varieties, sugar, salt, alcohol, grapes, banana, mango, figs, dates.
  6. Eggs are recommended to boil the schochka - so they are better absorbed, and the development of meteorism is warned.
  7. Before cooking chicken, it must be removed from it.
  8. It is necessary to observe the drinking mode: per day you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water or unsweete green tea.
  9. All products allowed in the diet can only be boiled, prepare for a pair or grill, bake. Frying is permissible to dry without fat frying pan with a special coating.
  10. Breakfast should be started with citrus. This leads to a reduction in the muscles of the stomach and the temporary decrease in its volume.
  11. Moderate exercise only improve the final result. In this period, it is recommended to do yoga, make daily hiking (up to 3 km), perform morning gymnastics.

With egg diet for 4 weeks, you can use the following groups of products for 4 weeks:

  • chicken eggs;
  • bird (chicken, turkey);
  • low-fat meat (veal and beef);
  • low-fat fish with white meat;
  • vegetables, except potatoes;
  • fruits, except forbidden. Special place in the diet occupy citrus - grapefruit, orange;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat cheese;
  • coffee, tea with lemon;
  • greens, onions, garlic;
  • seasonings for refueling vegetable salads.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of egg diet variations: Maggie diet, Diet Usama Hamdium, protein-egg. But in essence, we are talking about the same weight loss method designed for 4 weeks and based on chemical reactions of the body.

Although the diet is called eggs, the eggs are used only for the first two weeks. During this period, weight is reset as much as possible. During this period, an increased amount of protein comes to the body and the fat stock is squandered. For 3 and 4 weeks, other protein products are used - meat, bird, fish. This time is intended to secure the result. If you neglectively treat the second half of the diet, then its achievements will soon be lost.

Diet on eggs has its own characteristics. In the first two weeks, breakfast remains the same, and for the third and fourth week for every day it is proposed for a set of products to be distributed on 3-4 receptions.

Chicken breast baked with garlic

Chicken breast is perfect dietary meat. From her you can prepare a fragrant and tasty dish.


  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • juice of one halves of lemon.

Chicken breasts should be washed, remove the skin and make small cuts in meat. Covers of garlic clean and cut into thin plates. In each pocket insert a garlic plate.

Prepared to be placed in the oven preheated to 200 ° C and leave to be baked for 30-40 minutes. Then pour meat with lemon juice and send another 2 minutes into the oven.

For cooking should be taken:

  • cabbage - ¼ fork;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • water - 200 ml

First, all the vegetables need to be prepared: chopping cabbage, tomatoes scream and clean from the peel, and then crushed. You should also cut the zucchini and onions and skip garlic through the press.

In a frying pan with high sides, you need to pour water and put cabbage, onions and garlic. Under the closed lid to grieve until readiness. Then add zucchini to vegetables, cook under a closed lid for 15 minutes. After that, send tomatoes into the pan and tomato on a slow fire until complete readiness.

How to get out of the diet

It happens that after the end of the diet, people simply "pounce" on the products that have not been used for a long time. However, this can not be done, since it is possible to harm health (diet was still long), and very quickly gain the thrown kilograms. That this does not happen, it is recommended to perform the rules for exiting an egg diet.

  1. Raw vegetables and fruits should prevail in the diet.
  2. Products are desirable to cook or bake.
  3. The first time is not recommended for the use of flour products.
  4. Products containing fats and carbohydrates must be administered in the diet gradually.
  5. It is necessary to observe the drinking mode - drink up to 2-2.5 liters of liquid.
  6. It is advisable not to increase the volume of portions, it is better to increase the number of food receptions.
  7. The last snack should be 2-3 hours before sleep.
  8. Do not forget about exercise: classes fitness, yoga, hiking, morning jogging.

Due to the lack of fats and carbohydrates in the body with an egg diet, such side effects may occur:

  • nervousness and irritability;
  • depressive condition;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • halitosis;
  • instability in the work of the intestine (constipation, flatulence);
  • allergic reaction (rash, itching, redness on the skin).

An egg diet for 4 weeks when performing all conditions effectively helps to part with overweight. However, this should strictly follow the menu, and although the diet diet is diverse, it cannot be detected. The technique has a number of contraindications and side Effects. Therefore, before applying, you must consult a nutritionist.

If you like eggs and do not suffer from allergies, try the egg diet, it will allow you to lose 5 to 25 kg in four weeks, depending on the source weight.