Winter tent with stove: features of operation. Homemade stove for tent.

Overnight in a tent is great. But when it is cold outside, it requires special training, especially if children take part in the campaign. Today we will find out what ways there are methods for heating the tent in the cold season. Let's start with the easiest and ending the most technologically and costly.

Clothes and sleeping bag

An important role in the issue of heating is played by the clothes of the tourist, it and the mattress. If all these attributes are chosen correctly and performed qualitatively, they will be quite enough to comfortably sleep in the autumn forest. However, with the arrival of real cold weather, there will be little such heat. It will also be enough for children, and there are two reasons for that. First, the children are frightened stronger. And secondly, they love to swear in a dream and reveal. Therefore, it is important to heat the entire tent.

By the way, if you spend the night in and in principle, and in any other case, try to make parts of your body as much as possible with each other. At least remove the hands from the sleeves. The principle of mittens works, which is known to warm up (and it will be more correct to speak, keeps the heat of the body) much more efficiently than the glove. To spend the night in sleeping bag to be warmer, until the harsh cold has come, a simple bottle will help hot waterthat you need to take with you in the bag. It turns out a kind of heater.


The second way of simplicity is the heated tent with candles. It is suitable in the fall, when it takes a slightly warm it, but in winter candles will not be enough. Live fire in a tent is very dangerous, so it can be used only in two cases. The first - when you do not sleep and can trace the burning of the candle and its vertical position. Usually, the candles enjoy lovers of winter fishing, which put a tent at all for sleep, but to protect against wind and precipitation. Well, the second case - when the candle stands in a safe burner. The design of such a burner invented tourists. You just need to take a metal shell from the old flask thermos and put a candle in it. Such a burner has a number of advantages. First, when the thermosis is dropped, the candle will remain in it and will not harm. Secondly, the candle heats the thermos, which means that the surface of the heat transfer is significantly increased.


Heated tent with stone / stones - an old way, characterized by its simplicity and reliability. It is suitable for stronger cold, rather than two. But here, as in everything, there are nuances.

If you just take a heated stone and put it in a tent, it will be hot, but not long. Just an hour later, the stone will cool and cold will come again. The first way to increase the cooling time of the stone is to put it in the bowler and close the lid. Such simple manipulation will ensure the heating of the tent at three, but for a comfortable sleep, this is not enough. It is necessary to slow the heat pumping of the stone so that it remains hot for at least 6-8 hours. To this end, a simple aluminum foil is applied. It is non-combustible, easy and very compact. If you wrap the stone in several layers of foil, it will cool much slower and will not create a stuff in the first cooling hours. The heat will be maintained due to the air layer between the layers. If you feel that it was cold in the tent, just remove one foil layer.

A hot stone can burn the bottom of the tent, so it is placed in the pot or pan. Well, if the stone is stuck in the troop tank and will not heat it up. Otherwise, under the pan you need to put a wooden plank. Another important nuance: not worth it too intensively heat the stone on fire. Because of the sharp difference in temperature on the surface and inside it can crack.

Like the stone works and a canister with hot water. Only heat transfer takes place much faster.

Heated land

Now we learn how to heat the tent in the campaign in serious cold conditions. Old and reliable way - to put a tent at the scene of the fire. There are two options here. The first takes longer time and energy. To start in place, where the tent will be installed in the future, you need to remove the turf. Speak should be at a depth of 20 centimeters. Then there is a huge bonfire with wide logs in this pit. The main goal at this stage is to dry and warm the land, as well as get large corners. When coals are ready, they are evenly distributed through the pit and fall asleep with 7-10 centimeter layer of the Earth. It is important that the earth is dry. If there is no, you need to use the second method below. A dry grass or a husknik is placed on the ground, and on top put a tent. Heating tents all night is provided.

The second option is less energy-price. A pit in this case dig out unnecessary. All you need to do is toggle a big bonfire, and when it will prieng, carefully remove the coals to the side. Napnik stacked hot from the fire and put a tent.

Heating tent with pipe

Go to more sophisticated and technological ways. To bring this idea to life, you need to take a 5-6 meters of duralum tube with you. It can be divided into meter segments for convenient transportation. It is even better to take the segments of different diameters and fold them into each other. But do not forget about the seal on the joints, otherwise everything will go into the air. The weight of such a set will be at all significant.

So, for a start, a fire is burned down a few meters from the entrance to the tent. The pipe holds onto the bonfire in such a way that one end to enter the tent, and the second played outside the flame so that he did not get smoke. The end of the pipe that goes into the tent must be 1.5 meters above the second end. It works such a design very simple: cold air entering the pipe, heats up and rises, falling into a tent. The coolest the tilt of the pipe, the stronger the air will circulate. And the closer the bonfire to the tent, the hotter will be this air.

To secure effective heating, you can go further and make two pits, as in the figure below. The first is needed to protect the tent from the fire, and the second is to ensure good subdivination. If the tent is too hot, you can simply close the pipe.

Heated tent above methods requires energy and time costs. In conditions, when every day moves to a new place and get tired, it is completely uncomfortable. It is also uncomfortable if there are children as part of a hiking group. Therefore, many prefer to use modern technologies. About them and talk below.

Gas heater

Tourist heater with a gas burner - a simple design device that has compact dimensions and perfectly copes with a heating of the tent. By itself, it works very unproductive. It just warms the air that is mixed due to the natural convection. In order for a real heater, a special nozzle (working body) is put on the burner, which accumulates heat and gradually gives it to air. It is the nozzle on the gas burner for heating a tent determines the type of device. Nozzles are metallic and ceramic. In addition to the nozzles working in a pair with a burner, there are independent heaters, which also have a metallic or ceramic design. Consider more each of the types.

Heater with a metal working fluid

Such a campaign heater may be like a nozzle to gas primus and an independent device. The first option requires special caution, because its red surface is usually not protected. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave such a heater for the night.

Independent designs are more acceptable for night heating tents. They are more stable on the surface and have the protection of the danger zone from the items from the outside. Such heaters can have one or two independent burners. Thanks to the parabolic reflector (reflector) from the working fluid, you can send in the right direction. There is a mass of such heaters for both foreign and domestic production. Advantages of the device - simplicity of design, low cost, safety. Cons - Small return, insufficient efficiency.

Heater with ceramic working fluid

The portable heater of this species has stronger heat transfer, and therefore it is more economical. The combustion process passes on the surface of a ceramic plate having a shape similar to the bee cell. Heat is selected much more efficient than when the flame is open. Up to 50% of the combustion energy goes into thermal radiation. The advantages of ceramic burners - efficiency, compactness, unpretentiousness, in the process of operation there is some carbon monoxide, aimed. Unfortunately, domestic heaters lose imported on all fronts.

Petrol heater for tent

Gasoline heaters work on the same principle as gas. The main advantages of such products are accessibility and ability to work in any weather. Gas-burner For heating the tent at a temperature of -5 degrees and below begins to flure. However, along with all the advantages of gasoline heaters, there are significant disadvantages. The main one is danger. With illiterate operation, the balloon can greatly harm. And fuel itself - gasoline - requires accurate transportation.

Safety in operation with gas and gasoline heaters

Using product data in the tent, it is worth paying special attention to such safety rules:

1. The tent must necessarily have at least a small ventilation to remove combustion products.

2. The heater for the tent should stand at a distance of at least half a meter from the wall.

3. It is forbidden to direct the hot surface on the walls, clothing and other combustible items.

4. It is desirable to have a sleeping place at an altitude of up to 25 cm from the floor. Curmarket gas is heavier than air, so it accumulates downstairs.

5. Only special cylinders are suitable for use in the tent, which are equipped with protective automation. It blocks the supply of gas in the event of a burner rushing or overheating. Also, the balloon should have a certificate allowing its use in residential premises.

6. The heater must be installed on a non-combustible stand with an area exceeding the burner area of \u200b\u200bat least 30%.

Well, very effective method Hug a tent - put a stove-bourgeois in it. This method is used in army tents. Of course, tourist stove. It has more modest dimensions than army, but the essence of the same. This method of heating is not suitable for a small tent. The stove will have to tinker, but the result will be more than worthy. On the market of such products a little, but they still have. And some even adapt under gas and gasoline. The stove, as a rule, comes complete with folding chimney. It is performed from light metal and not much weighs. The advantages of the stove - gives a lot of heat, has a simple, but reliable design of the drawing is inexpensive, it does not require fuel charges.


Today we found out how to heat the tent in the campaign. There is a lot of ways to make hitch comfortable and safer, starting with the use of simple candles and ending with full-fledged stoves. That from this diversity to choose depends on the time of year, the place of recreation, the composition of the group and the personal characteristics of each person. Someone walks in the T-shirt in winter and sleeps in one sleeping bag, but someone and in summer the stove does not hurt.

Actually, I decided for the winter and offseason to acquire a camping tent with the possibility of installing the stove. It began to study the issue, it turned out to be easier with the stove, the choice stopped on the heightener:
The heightener is average, its characteristics:
- Total area of \u200b\u200bheating surfaces - 0.6 m²
- Material - high-alloyed stainless steel
- Fire dimensions - 500 × 250 × 250 mm
- The volume of the furnace - 31 l
- Weight - 5.7 kg
- steel thickness - 0.5 mm housing; Pipes 0.4 mm
- chimney - 1.85 m
- Diameter of chimney - 85 mm
- the volume of heated premises - 14-24 m³
- Dimensions - 640 × 250 × 360 mm
- folded - 660 × 270 × 270 mm

- Pipes straight - 3 pcs.
- Tuba-knee 45 ° - 2 pcs.
- Metal cutting for installation in a tent - 1 pc.
- Legs - 4 pcs.
- Bag-case - 1 pc.
- Operation manual - 1 pc.
- Protective gloves for the furnace assembly - 1 pair.

The tent initially considered the frame of the frame tent. Everything turned out to be more difficult here, for the various options for frame tents turned out to be significantly more, and there are still fisherman tents and hiking baths. Having studied the various suggestions, I decided to refuse the ball from the tent and hiking. I decided to stop at the campsite tent. Performance requirements: Exterior frame, lack of bottom, the possibility of installation without an inner tent, the presence of a windproof skirt, to have dimensions of at least 450x200x200 cm.
Having considered several versions of the tents, stopped at four local Nordway Twin Sky 4, designed by the type "hemisphere", in the center there is a compartment-hall, on the right and left, there are two separate bedrooms, designed by the type "half-glass" and calculated on two people Each.

The main characteristics of Nordway Twin Sky 4:
- weight, kg - 12,55 kg
- size in the assembled form (d x w x c) - 530 x 220 x 200 cm
- size in folded form (dL. X Shir. X al) - 60 x 32 x 20 cm
- the size of the tambura (d x w x c) - 220 x 210 x 200 cm
- Number of rooms - 2
- Number of inputs - 2
- Number of ventilation windows - 3
- Diameter of arcs - 11 mm, 16 mm
- Waterproof awning - 2000 mm V.ST.
- Waterproof DNA - 10 000 mm V.ST.
- izkned seams - there
- mosquito net - there
- Tent material - polyester
- Internal tent material - polyester
- DNA material - reinforced polyethylene
- Frame material - Fiberglass, steel
- Material pegs - steel

The cost of the stove is 5590 rubles, the cost of the tent - 10,700 rubles.
The test day of the tent and stoves. On Friday evening went to the area of \u200b\u200bOz. The latitudinal, located in the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region.
Arriving in place, installing a tent and stove, took 30-35 minutes, nothing special, but for fixing the arcs at the base requires a good physical force, running forward, I will say that it took less time to pick up the stove less, about 10 minutes, disassembled and folded the tent for 11 minutes.

The temperature was about -5, the stove tent warms well, overboard wind and winter, in the tent warm and comfortable. We turn to the nuances, it is clear that in the tent heat until the stove plows if the firewood did not bother on time, you will need the time for the time as long as new is accelerated, but still flashes, it becomes cooler. Very demanding about the quality of firewood, with you from work I took a small knitting of good dry firewood, birch and pine, at the entrance to the latitudinal found and took a freshly fallen suicide pine. The first to laid the firewood who brought with them, they gave a good heat, even in a T-shirt. Then he saw the sushina, it turned out to be damp, it would be normal for the fire, but in the stove burned as something smashed, it was warm, but there was no such heat as a dry birch. The next day, found a better dry pine. So that the burning was smooth, hesitated in the afternoon. I tried it determined with which periodicity it is necessary to throw up the firewood so that the temperature was smooth, but not so simple, it is necessary to deal with the confusion, on the degree of discovery of which, the burning rate and the heat transfer is regulated. I tried to coat without pushed, i.e. Round opening for laying firewood is completely open. Only because of its large diameter, the bottom pulls into the oven, and at the top point, the smoke of a thin flowing into the tent is coming. Put the plug and removed thoughtfully, in this mode the largest heat transfer, but the firewood burn quickly. Firerov prepared a lot, but the oven almost burned, if there was a fire, the firewood would be more economically spent.

About cooking on it, the kettle of 0.9 liters boiled in 23 minutes, in

kazan prepared potatoes with meat, all fry / extinguished for an hour, but it is possible and faster, in principle, if you make coals, you can bake in a foil, or make a kebab on the grid, the main thing so that the lattice is narrow. As for the sizes of the oven, the average driver I consider the most optimal option, it is not necessary to take a smaller size, it will be less quickly and heat in a large tent will be less, again to cut firewood. In general, the acquisition is pleased.

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Mobile hiking bath UE 2 Gabritis: c. 2.1 m. The diameter is 3.5 meters. Weight 17 kg. Chimney D - F90 mm. Now UE 2 and UE 3 is one product, and the tambour is purchased at will. Some structural improvements and improvements in the package of UE 2. Namely: 1) added another lightning entrance from the back side of the tent. Exactly as at the UP3 tent. Now the design has two input ..

Universal Mobile Bath Tent UP 1 Dimensions Diameter 3.5 m. Height 2.1 m. Distinctive features of the baths of the tent: - the fastened pattern models, primarily a significant priority is the fast assembly and installation of not more than 1 minute! It is carried out at the expense of a solid umbrella type frame. - Universal Mobile Bath Tent made of special fabric ..

Universal tent Winter UE 3 with a tambour in the bag: 1.2m * 0.3m. The size in the deployment: height 2m * d at the bottom of 3.5m. Weight 19kg. Warranty 12 months! Mobile Bath Winter Tent with Tambour, Advantages< Эта модель палатки, быстро устанавливается, прочный каркас относится к классу палатки зонт (автомат) сборка 1 МИНУТА. < мобильная баня палатка изготовл..

Buy a tent for winter fishing standing from over a number of advantages Single-layer tent, fast assembly - the tent is equipped with two inputs and two windows with mosquito nets. In the unfolded form, the following dimensions are: height 2.5 meters. Diameter 5 m. Folded - weight 14 kg. 1.25 m, diameter 40 cm. Weight 14 kg. Packed in a roll of rolled view, (pinned with a regulator with the regulator withstands the load to 6 ..

Hiking bath Tent UP-2 Mini dimensions in the assembled state: diameter 2.8 m. Height of 1.85 m. Sizes in folded 135cm * 30cm. Mass 10kg. Warranty 12 months. "UE 1 mini" is the same tent, only a single-layer bath hiking universal, product description< Уникальность данной модели в первую очередь быстрота сборки и установки – 1 минута. В основе палатки бани..

The price of Tent UE 5 is indicated without a tambura. Tambour You can purchase an additional 7000r (2 meters) or equip a "enlarged tambour" Additional options insulated 3-layer bottom of the furnace long burning And bath. 1) Tambour Standard - height 2m. Length 2m. Width 2M 2) Varked tambour - height 2m. Width 2m. Long 3m (under the snowmobile, quad bike) "Tent UE 2" ..

The main idea was in creating a budgetary and high-quality tent bath. Winter tent with chimney cuts at a price of only 9000 rubles. The bathtop can be attributed to the class of fisherous tents and mobile bath. Efficiency and quality are perfectly combined in our product. Dimensions: height 1.8 meters. Max. Diameter 2.7 m. The size of the folded state of the tent fishing is 1.4 x 0.2 m. ..

Description: Capacity: 3 people 2 Input Cutting chimney Fabric: Oxford 240D Water resistance 2000PU Frame - bar B95T1 Diameter 8mm Hinger: Duralumin + Steel Sizes - by half 1800mm x 1800mm. diagonally 2820 mm. The width between the hubs is 2000mm height in the center of 2000 mm. Height over the edge 1800mm. In folded condition 1400mm, diameter 300mm (bag for p.

Standard vestibule to Tents UP-1, UE-2, UE-4 and UE-5. 2x2x2 m. The tambour is attached to the tents with a detachable lightning length 2 m. Width 2m. Height 2m. Weight 5 kg. Tambour is equipped with: lightning entrance and connecting lightning for fastening to the tent. The second part of the lightning is set on the scarf. There is an additional zipper - by ..

Frame Army Mobile Sauna with 2 scope roof, chimney cutting, mosquito nets on windows. The tent is capable of being operated in a variety of natural-climatic conditions, with any weather, in the range of ambient air temperature from - 50 ° C to + 50 ° C. Collection time (folding) 1-3-people takes up in the summer - 5 min. In winter - 15 min. Mobile sauna (lump) in kvar ..

Unique, fast teams. Winter tent Summer for use, Winter fishing and summer tent Disassembly and assembly 1min! In the disassembled state, the following sizes: Width at the bottom 2.5m. Height 1.55m. Weight 6kg. Packing 1.1m to 0.2m. The umbrella type frame consists of 6 beams (bar aluminum brand B95T1 - 8mm). The mechanism of addition - pin goes inside and ..

Camping tent General information Camping tent 5m2 frame and two-layer with two pitched roof, chimney cutting, mosquito nets and partition. Operation in fact in all conditions in the temperature range from minus 50 ° C - plus 50 ° C. Assembling (folding) with two people, in summer - 10 minutes, in winter - 20 minutes. Specifications: Update: & nbs ..

General frame tent American with two pitched roof, mosquito nets on the windows and chimney cutting. The tent is used in all climatic zones, in all weather conditions at temperatures from minus 50 ° C to + 50 ° C. Installation time by trained people (2-3 people) in the summer of -20 min. Winter 30 min. Characteristics: Update: - The roof of the tent has been made ..

A lot of people want to buy a winter tent because a vestibule is specifically designed, increased by zipper to our tents UE 3 and UE 5. The price of the tambura is 3m and 2m wide. It costs only 9t.r weight 5kg. The entrance is made on zipper. The front wall of the input is entirely opening there you can drive a snowmobile and other transportation of the corresponding sizes. Completeness Tambura Chambers ..

General About the big tent Tent frame two-layer large tent tent "10m" with a two-pitched roof, with a chimney cutting, can be equipped with a bottom of lightning, mosquito nets in the windows and partition. The tent tent will be able to operate under all weather conditions in any climatic zones, in the range of ambient air from - 50 ° C to + 50 ° C. By time ..

General information of the Army Tent 15m1 We present you a frame army tent with a 2-strand roof, mosquito nets on the windows and chimney cutting. The army tent is operated in all climatic zones, in all weather conditions of Russia, in the range of ambient air with temperatures of from- 50 ° C to + 50 ° C. Build time (folding) army tent about ..

2-layer skeleton tent 15m with a 2-pitched roof, 2 chimney cutting, partition dividing room in half, mosquito nets on the windows. Large sizes tents can be operated in any natural and climatic conditions, under various weather conditions, temperatures range from minus - 50 ° C, + 50 ° C. Assembly (folding) tents by trained people 2-3 people in ..

The tent soldier camp product refers to a frame army tent with a 2-pitched roof, two chimney cuts, on the windows of mosquito nets. Operation is possible in any conditions, with any weather in the range of the environment from minus 50 ° C-50 ° C. The time of assembly (completion) of the camp tent by the trained composition of people trained in the amount of 3 people will be: 15 m ..

Large military tent on 30 people Frame tent military field 2-layer with two pitched roof, two chimney cuts. On the windows mosquito nets. Tents Large military with a stove can be used in various climatic conditions at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees. The assembly and disassembly of the military tent occurs in the range of 30 minutes in the presence of experience, forces of three people ..

An additional additional inner material is added to the lower models, which is suspended from the inside to the rods of the frame. External and internal protection provides additional thermal insulation. Tibambur has been added to everything else, the winter tents with a fishing stove fits well in the section. Fishing accessories perfectly fit into the vestibule. Having considered the winter tent it is obvious in detail that the price is formed on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200blabor costs and more material. Buy a tent for winter fishing Today, today's proper quality satisfying all the requirements, let's say not easy.

Tents for winter fishing prices are available to all

Buy the multifunctional winter tent of the new series of the UP began not to feel frost. It is intended to be operated as a cozy heated residential compact structure (residential module) with cold climatic conditions. Winter fishing tent differs from similar similar products of third-party manufacturers with a rare combination of low weight and free internal volumes. Winter tents with a stove possess small transport dimensions, best Type Combined with the presence of a stainless oven for long burning as a heating device. Compare For example, Mobiba: a similar tent winter with a stove, and the price is one and a half times more expensive.

Tents for winter fishing, price last year's still acts:

  • - Tent Winter UE 1 Price - 18000r.
  • - UE 2 Price - 28000r
  • - UP3 with a tambour price - 36000r.
  • - UE 4 Price - 21000r.
  • - UE 5 Price - 35000r

Winter tents fishing with a stove of many years of perfection

Winter tents fishermen developed, brought to perfection for several years to specialists in aircraft. There were many tests for frost resistance in the tundra in the north. Hunters, fishermen and people of other specialties loved the winter tents with a stove for the perfectly balanced dimensions of the housing space. Buy a tent for winter fishing inexpensive sitting at home is a convenient way to purchase. Ergonomics of space inside will allow it in the tent at all-height.

A tent for winter fishing accommodates up to 9 fishermen, can maintain a comfortable inner heat +22 degree Celsius even in the most severe frost. Our products when smoking a field camp in expeditions, fishing, hunting is used regularly.

Camping in winter with a tent and stove borders with comfort. And who does not want to stay in warm? Dry things, gear, cook food and much more can perform a wint tent. Having equipped the winter tents for fishing, a heated stove residential building, it is possible to accommodate a hiking kitchen there. Judge themselves about strength and warmth, the tent even in winter to go to a temperature of 90 degrees, an incredible fact. Buy a winter tent and get a bonus mobile bath. Put a broom, as if a real Russian bath bath, something fantastic.

Tent for winter fishing UE 1 and winter tent UE 4 single-layer (without bottom).

The remaining two-layer designs with the bottom.

What is the winter tents with the stove better than the rest?

Fishing Winter tents can not be equal to simple tourist specimens found in extensive sale. There are many reasons for the many, winter tents with a stove for the order of more stronger than any ordinary tourist.

Winter tent is highlighted by his frame made like an air fuselage. As a result, the corps successfully opposes the external wind load of various directions. The power frame of the upper perimeter and the durable base is closed. The fabric of polyester itself, absolutely no moisture, ultraviolet rays, is an integral part of a solid scheme and perceiving the load, transmitting it to steel frame elements. The elastic parts of the Aviation Alloy B95T1 with an admixture of titanium are in advance, additional rigidity is purchased. The usual tourist tent of the middle class of bulpotreb, is sold in the store, the aluminum tube is only 12-15 mm in diameter, the wall thickness is 0.5 mm, buy a winter tent of our production with a fraction of a solid rod to a much more reliable choice. Buy a winter tent in the store of proper quality is impossible.

Perhaps there is no similar product than tents for winter fishing, hunting, the price of which is so small and the best combines small transport dimensions in the packaging form (1-2 bags), free dimensions in working condition. While inside a winter tent with a stove, it's not worth worrying, a strong wind will not break a solid construction.

Winter tents with a stove (better buy a set)

To buy a wintering tent with a stove was originally designed in a set, such a phenomenon is not very advisable, someone wants to save a few thousand on the stove for the inappropriateness of powerful heating, some on the contrary, buying winter tents for fishing, they want to get roast couples. Each will choose a furnace to his discretion. Passage knots of the chimney of the range "Winter Tent" are made reliably from stainless plates. become. The stove comes a built-in sparking (serpentine), extreme exceptional rarity among such stoves. Objective need and fire safety. The reproach will ensure the probability of serenely resting at night, not afraid of abnormal fire conditions. In the set with the stove attached the collapsible chimney.

Convenient operation of the winter tent (especially with the stove), specially hunters and fishermen are not invented by something better than this solution. In the locked position, the doorway on the zipper does not miss insects and dust. The entrance is so big, it allows you to enter full growth, without removing the backpack without removing fishing gear. So many advantages and positive feedback, as not to buy a tent for winter fishing and inexpensive!

Fishing need introduced into the winter tent

  • Awning waterproof is sewn from a polyester fabric base Oxford 400 and 600.
  • Titanium alloy based on a powerful "skeleton".
  • Additional interior (tambura store things and ammunition)
  • Good capacity
  • Unbreakable door hubs (full-length output)

Winter tent with a tambour is welcome to use for fishing bulls. Internal awning (not in all models) fills the entire space of the main awning, leaving the air clearance (reduces heat loss). Definitely in the analog American and domestic manufacturers there is no floor, in our case it is in tents having 2 layers of the tent, it is never too late to remove it.

In this article I will talk about my attitude to the winter tent with the stove. In my youth, I was a lot of skiing with such a "set." Now I treat it as a retro, but on the Internet requests I see that the wint tent with the stove is still in demand. And not wise, after all, communication and friendly gatherings are an attribute of any hike, and in a frosty evening, it's still more comfortable in a warm stove than that of the fire. I have seen a lot of tourists who continue to go to ski hikes that is exactly the big cohesive team. Therefore, I will share my experience and point of view with the hope of controversy.

Winter tent with stove: types and models

Today, each manufacturer's one and the same model appears in its own way, therefore it is easier to designate tents for winter with the stove with the familiar names that we got from the Soviet past: "Winter", "Blizza", "Chum".

Classic decada tent. In the "Mini" version there are 6 people, and in classic - 12 (according to the manufacturer). Enough light design From 5 to 7.4 kg (the last parameter is a complete set with a metal rack).

Rectangular at the base of the tent with two racks. Externally reminds the army tent, designed for 10 people. The weight of "blizzards" from 6.5 to 7.4 kg.

The multifaceted tent without the walls was used in the polar expeditions, tourists stuck the stove into it and successfully go with it in winter. It is also possible to accommodate 10 people. Surprises the weight of modern chums - 14 kg.

The cost of such special winter group tents begins from 20,000 rubles.

In my opinion, the maximum number of "residents" marked by the manufacturer is somewhat exaggerated and in the real campaign to live comfortably, for example, in the "winter" may not more than ten people. After all, it is necessary to take into account that, since it is a tent under the stove, then the latter, very often hot to red, also takes a certain place.

Sometimes as a winter tent with a stove, a "house" of large sizes, a modern hemisphere or half-glass is used. Make an edged glass kits or tin hole under the pipe and put the stove. Read more I will tell in a separate material.

Warm stove tents: design features

Previously, the tents for winter hikes sewed from the tarpaulin, some models did not have the bottom. Modern tents are made from nylon and polyester, and a waterproof awning is underway as additional options. As a rule, such single-layer tents.

Two-layer winter tents with a stove are extremely rare, they usually use fishermen and hunters. The second layer increases the weight, which makes them uncomfortable for tourism, and its contribution to the preservation of heat in the tent is not global, because he warms it all the same stove.

The entrance to the winter tent is most often in the form of a tube. This is a simple and reliable design, it, in contrast to lightning, can not break. In the unleashed form, the tube closes the entrance as a curtain, and the tightness provides tightness. The disadvantage of the tube can be called constantly flooded and from this dirty and wet lower part. The entrance through the tube requires a certain skill especially in the dark.

I prefer a lightning entrance - it seems more convenient for me in a warm tent with a stove.

In most modern tents under the stove in place, where its installation is assumed, there is a "hatch". It is disassembled to sparks and coals, sleeping down, did not go around the bottom. If "Luke" is not, they make it yourself or a piece of fiberglass.

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Advantages and disadvantages of winter heated tents

The main one, in my opinion, the dignity of the winter tent with the stove is the opportunity to sit in the warmth of a long polar night under a lulling rumbling of a small stove in a big friendly company.

Although, after analyzing the folk love for this type of equipment, I found another tangible plus. True, it is as such only for those who go to club hiking by a company of 6-10 people.

In this case, the participant saves on personal equipment, is not spent on the purchase of an extreme tent and the same bedroom.

Disadvantages of tents for winter with a stove, which are known to any tourist skier, much more.

Winter tent with stove, disadvantages:

  • Binding a route to the forest zone
  • Need a workpiece of firewood all night, and even special - small
  • The need for night duty at the stove
  • Obeling tent

Forest availability on the route does not guarantee good wood, Sushnina still needs to be found. In actively visited by tourists, places, such as hibins, it is already rare.

The stove heating of the tent requires elevated labor. Not everyone is capable of awake at night, and even after the running day. Floored on duty - and all frozen, and the tent was immediately covered with a thick layer of Ineu from the inside. And if the stove is flooded again, it will be frown to drip on the sleeping. Although the stove has a much more convenient alternative - which is refilled by the diesel fuel at the rate of 200 gr. / Hour and one refueling is enough for the whole night.

In heating tent, of course, warm in any weather, but it creates the effect of icing - in the morning we fold the tent breaking.

Once there was such a story in Hibin. Folding the tent, I saw how a thick layer of ice was formed on his bottom with sneaky branches (then to grasp the spruce yard was quite normal, now I am an opponent of this barbarism) to tear it off, without damaging the fabric, it was impossible. Carefully soberly what you can and turned out. Of course, the weight and volume of the tent increased from this at times.

Contrary to the established view that the warm tent with the stove significantly reduces the weight of the backpack of each participant it is not. We give simple calculations here. My triple tent weighs 3 kg, the weight of the winter pokho bedroom - 2 kg. Thus, the general "sleeping weight" for each group of 3 people will be 3 kg.

Winter tent with a stove weighs, on average, 10 kg, add the weight of the summer bedroom - 1 kg per person. Thus, the weight of the group of 8 people will be 2.25 kg. As you can see, the difference is not so impressive. Of course it " average temperature in the hospital. "

Well, my personal opinion. I do not bother with these tents and stoves and go with a good skeleton with a high-altitude tent and a duct sleeping bag. Fortunately, today, in contrast to the time of my youth, all this is available and provides quite comfortable overnight stay.

Dmitry Ryumkin, especially for

Who can use the winter tent under the stove? All. This is an indispensable thing in the far expedition or campaign when staying for the night can only be in a deaf terrain. For lovers of winter fishing and hunting, the winter tent is a find. After all, few people will endure in the open area, among the snow and ice at a minus temperature, sit for hours near the well. Agree, sit comfortable than by the fire, and even in a pleasant company.

Types of winter tent

Depending on structural features, winter tents for tourists, hunters, fishermen, expedition members are divided into types:

Warm tents with stove

Army tent.

It occurs as a material: tarpaulin, polyester, nylon, awning waterproofable. Two-layer and three-layer structures are supplied with an additional insulation. This allows you to keep a constant comfortable temperature in harsh climatic conditions. But this, in turn, decently increases weight. The entrance is arranged as follows, if there is a pregnant, then the doors are hidden behind him. If it is not, then the door is either on zipper, or the entrance is made in the form of a tube.

The developers of new models prudently left the hatch in the place where the stove will stand. It is necessary in order for the coal and ash, they did not go around the bottom. When there is no such hatch in the tent, you can apply fiberglass or prepare a hole yourself.

Models are developed for ease of operation. For example, have a lot of pockets for storing things, opening windows with mosquito nets for ventilation and much more.

How to install a tent tourist winter

Depending on the purposes of your trip, place a tent. If this is a halt, then it is better to go into the forest where you can find dry fuel. On fishing and hunting - other goals. Therefore, it is likely to install right on the snow il ice. Of course, observe precautions.

Tip! Determine the direction of the wind. Finding out this, you need to install the tent so that the ventilation and entrance look at the opposite direction. Thus, the wind will not be planted straight. The design will be more stable.

How to make the tent stood thoroughly? Push the bottom with the bottom of the snow. In addition, it will warm the product. There is no snow - try to warp the ice. True, when dismantling, you can damage the tent, separating it from ice.

Fishing stoves for tents, what to choose

Fishing winter tent.

You can buy a ready-made tent with a stove. But such kits are more expensive than others. Because it is a universal version that is used in any conditions. In the taiga, near the reservoir, with a large frost. There are furnaces that not only warm the air, but they can be prepared for them.

A little cheaper will buy a winter tarpaulin tent and to her stove. But here there are "underwater" stones. The furnace should accurately approach the tent model. The size of the chimney outlet, the adaptability under certain conditions.

It is better to contact the consultant to check the product for compatibility. Or do all measurements (length, width, distance to chimney) and purchase the oven. The main criterion is safety. You need to know whether the furnace installation is provided in this tent. Perhaps the material is not heat-resistant and can quickly come into disrepair.

Types of stoves for tents, the principle of their work

All well-known models operate on hard fuel:

What is important in the furnace device? Heat exchange rate S. environmental. This indicator depends on the material that is based on the oven and the central heat exchanger area. The same form of the hull is also important. Round give more heat, and in square / rectangular there are angles where heat is stared. In addition, the slope of the pipe (chimney) is important. The slope is less in relation to the plane, the greater the heat exchange.

How can I replace the factory stove

Fishermen and hunters use the following options:

Stoves for tent winter fishing with their own hands

Fisherman or hunter knows many ways to warm up. And if he does not have or not turned out to be a stove, he does not lose. He will make it independently. For example, ordinary candles can act as a heater. Suitable paraffin or wax. Candles allocate a lot of heat that spread well. But in order to cope with a large area, you will need a lot of candles. This option is suitable for temperature up to -20 degrees.

Tip!With your own hands, you can make a height that will function from dry fuel. To do this, you will need a bank from tin, in which you need to do several holes. Lay dry fuel and everything can be operated.

And even cook food. What to take fuel? For example, dry alcohol tablets. The problem is that the tablets should be sufficient. Important! Take care of ventilation. In this case, it is impossible to constantly use such a source of heat.

Another popular option is the stove created by the type of factory. For this, the drawings are taken as the basis, and the design is made in the workshop or independently. Elements check, use welding. Such a stove is not inferior to the shop, but it will be cheaper.

Safety measures when working with a tent stove and other heaters

Located for the night, set a bed away from the heating source. Put the couch on a small elevation, the height is 20-30 cm from the ground. If the ventilation suddenly worsens, then the person does not poison carbon monoxide. Do not overheat the heating devices, follow the rules of operation.

Objects which are easily ignitedhidey away from fire. If you arrived big company, It would be nice to highlight the duty officer for every night. Which will check security at a certain time.

Pros and cons of winter tents with a stove

Tent with a stove for hunting.

Positive properties are enough. Starting from convenience to vitality. After all, being, for a long time in the cold, will not save the thermal power and the usual tent. Most good reviews From fishermen and hunters who can put a tent in the place of Claus / Hunt.

Among the minuses: There must be a constant dry fuel. In winter, it's not so easy to find dry branches. As an output - carry fuel with you. No matter how you cared about the product, but icing is rarely deleted. But you can set the schedule of duty and in the tent will be constantly warm.

Each will decide for himself what a tent to choose. Option compact or large design, equipped with everything necessary. But with a tourist winter tent, equipped with a stove, your holiday or business trip will be more comfortable. And you will only be pleasant to remember, and not how unsuccessfully tried to warm up without these products.

Video. Tent with a stove