Who can run for president of Russia? Russian presidential candidates One of the presidential candidates.

One after another, candidates for participation in the 2018 presidential race are arriving at the Central Election Commission in full swing. More than ten participants have already been announced, including several self-nominated candidates, and information has even appeared about the first refusals. Thus, at the time of preparation of the text, the package of documents of Alexei Navalny was still being considered. By the time the article was published, it became known that the Central Election Commission had refused to register the politician and public figure as a presidential candidate. closely follows the actions of the presidential race and has compiled a preliminary list of candidates for the 2018 Russian presidency.

But first let us recall that according to Federal law“On the election of the President of the Russian Federation”, any Russian citizen at least 35 years old and permanently residing in Russia for at least 10 years can be elected president. There are also some other restrictions on election. For example, incapacity, the presence of unexpunged convictions for serious and especially serious crimes, the effect of punishment under certain administrative articles, being in prison, the presence foreign citizenship and others.

There are two ways to take part in the elections:

  • As a self-nominated candidate.
  • As a candidate from a registered political party, which may or may not be represented in the State Duma.

When nominated, the candidate must personally come to the CEC and submit a package of documents, including a statement of consent to run, information about criminal records, income, property abroad, as well as the minutes of the congress with the decision on his nomination. Self-nominated candidates must submit documents no later than January 7, 2018, party candidates no later than January 12. After nomination, the stage of collecting signatures begins for candidates.

So, the list of people who have already submitted documents to the Central Election Commission for consideration in order to nominate their candidacies for the post of President of the Russian Federation:

Sergey Baburin

Sergei Nikolaevich Baburin- Russian political, statesman and scientific figure - lawyer (specialist in the field of history of state and law). Doctor of Law, Professor, Rector of the Russian State Trade and Economic University from 2002 to 2012. Former Vice-Speaker of the State Duma (7 years from 1993 and then another 3 years from 2004), leader of the Russian All-People's Union . President of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Arts and Culture (ISA) since 2015. Chairman of the International Slavic Council (since May 2017).

He submitted an application to the Central Election Commission on December 24 as a candidate for the post of supreme administrator of Russia. The congress of the Russian All-People's Union party, held on Friday, December 22, identified Baburin as a presidential candidate as its leader. The decision to select a candidate was unanimous. Sergei Nikolaevich considers his figure as a saving one for Russia. He believes that neoliberalism is ruining the country and that it must be fought.

“I have been saving the fatherland for the last 25 years. If you want, my profession is a rescuer, I have participated in almost all conflicts since 1991,” Baburin told reporters before submitting the documents required for presidential nomination to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

Its goal is to revive the spiritual and cultural traditions of great Russia and build on their basis a socially oriented economy, efficient and fair. One of Baburin’s first proposals is the resignation of the neoliberal government of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, which should be replaced by an anti-crisis coalition government of people’s trust, formed from politicians and professional managers reputable among the population. The politician also believes that healthcare and education need to be returned from the service sector to the priority social responsibilities of the state. In the economic sphere, Baburin plans to place emphasis on the development and adoption of a set of laws that will gradually overcome oil dependence and return the state to its social obligations to the people.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Photo: liport.ru

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky- Head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation from 1993 to 2000 and since 2011. One of the oldest deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (since December 12, 1993).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky is one of the most prominent personalities among famous politicians. He graduated with honors from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(later the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at Moscow State University with a degree in Turkey and the Turkish language in 1970, and the evening department of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University with a degree in lawyer in 1977. Doctor of philosophical science. Speaks English, French, German and Turkish languages. By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky was awarded the honorary title “Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation” for his services in strengthening Russian statehood and active legislative activity. He published over 500 books, including 100 volumes of his works entitled “Political Classics”.

Vladimir Volfovich is the first official candidate for President of the Russian Federation since December 22, 2017. He has already entered the race for the presidency five times: in 1991 he gained 7.81%; in 1996 - 5.78%; in 2000 - 2.7%; in 2008 - 9.35%; in 2012 - 6.22%.

According to Zhirinovsky’s “100 points” program, his main goal is the well-being of all citizens. If he wins, his first decrees will concern lowering prices for food and medicine, protecting the Russian language, lowering tariffs in the housing and communal services sector, and humanizing the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Among the aspirations of Vladimir Volfovich is the restoration of former greatness Russian Empire and the return to Russian banners of all lost territories through referendums.

Natalia Lisitsina

Natalia Lisitsina
- tower crane operator. She was nominated for the 2018 presidential elections in the Russian Federation by the Russian United Labor Front (ROT-Front) party. A woman works at the Petrostal metallurgical plant in St. Petersburg.

Oleg Lurie

Photo: fotosmi.ru

Oleg Anatolyevich Lurie is a Russian journalist and blogger specializing in investigative journalism. One of the founders of the Versiya newspaper. In the past, he was a columnist for the investigation department of the “Top Secret” holding, a special correspondent for the investigation department of “Novaya Gazeta”, a special correspondent for the investigation department of “Express Newspaper”, the creator and editor-in-chief of “Jeans” magazine and “GDP (Gross Domestic Product)” magazine.

In 1988, he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Kharkov State University, Department of Russian Literature. From 1996 to 1997, at the invitation of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, he worked in the press service of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In December 1997, he unsuccessfully ran for Moscow City Duma in electoral district No. 22. In 2003 he received his second higher education majoring in economics at the Russian New University (RosNOU).

Oleg Lurie is the author of resonant publications about the activities of the Bank of New York, the Mabetex company, entrepreneur Roman Abramovich, as well as a number of other companies, politicians and businessmen, which have led to a number of criminal cases. Together with journalists from U.S. News & World Report was engaged in a journalistic investigation into the theft of a $4.7 billion IMF loan issued to Russia to strengthen the ruble a month before the August 1998 default. Lurie managed to find out who, when and how stole this money, which could partly save Russia from default.

He will run in the elections as a self-nominated candidate. The journalist considers the fight against swindlers and thieves to be the basis of his program.

“The crooks and thieves are hundreds of officials who are in power, but somehow have luxurious mansions and multi-billion dollar bank accounts. Crooks and thieves are also all kinds of “merchants” who collect money from Russians for construction and then disappear with the money. And many others. The property of every official who could not explain the origin of the palaces, limousines and billions belonging to him and his family should be confiscated in favor of the state. And it is this money that will be used to increase the minimum wages, increasing salaries for public sector employees. There’s enough money,” Lurie wrote on his personal blog.

Alexey Navalny

Photo: usnews.com

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny - Russian politician and a public figure known for his investigations into corruption in Russia. The creator of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which unites subsidiary projects aimed, as their creators declare, against corruption and state propaganda.

Thus, in March 2017, a documentary investigative film by the Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation was published on YouTube video hosting. The authors of the investigation claimed that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev owns “huge tracts of land in the most elite areas, manages yachts, apartments in old mansions, agricultural complexes and wineries in Russia and abroad.” All this is allegedly due to participation in a multibillion-dollar corruption scheme and receiving bribes. Millions of Russians watched the film, and especially impressionable spectators, which took place on March 26 in many Russian cities.

Alexey has already gotten used to politics. He took second place in the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections, receiving 27.24% of the vote, losing to Sergei Sobyanin. Since November 2013, he has headed the Central Council of the Progress Party political party. He received recognition from the world community. In 2012, Navalny was included by the magazine Time in the ranking of the 100 most influential people in the world, and in June 2017 - in the list of the 25 most influential people on the Internet.

One of the main goals of Alexei Navalny, according to his program, is the fight against the monstrous inequality of wealth. To correct the situation, the politician proposes to increase minimum size wages up to 25 thousand rubles, reduce mortgage lending rates to 2%, increase and target social benefits to those incapacitated and in need.

“At one end there are people swimming in money, storing it in secret offshore accounts, buying up real estate all over the world, at the other end there is outright poverty, predatory payday microloans, a low-income “middle class” who do not have the opportunity to provide themselves with decent housing and save for old age It is impossible for such a poor life and such monstrous devastation to exist in such a rich oil country as Russia,” says a message on Alexey’s website.

As already reported above, on December 25 it became known that oppositionist Alexei Navalny was not allowed to register as a candidate in the 2018 presidential elections.

Sergei Polonsky

Photo: novostipmr.com

Sergei Yurievich Polonsky- Russian entrepreneur, owner and director in 2004-2011 of one of the largest development companies Mirax Group. Before the global financial crisis of 2008, it was one of richest people Russia. Currently, he is a shareholder and investor in a number of commercial structures united in the Potok holding.

Let us recall that since June 2013, a criminal case has been under investigation against Polonsky in Russia on charges of fraud and theft. Money citizens, the court ordered his arrest in absentia. On May 17, 2015, Polonsky was deported from Cambodia to Russia, where he was placed in the Moscow “Matrosskaya Tishina” detention center. On July 12, 2017, the Presnensky Court of Moscow sentenced Polonsky to five years in a general regime colony in a fraud case. The businessman was released from serving his sentence due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

On Sunday, December 24, 2017, an initiative group of citizens, which included 520 people, nominated the businessman as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation.

“Today we must have development. There is such a profession as a developer,” he said, recalling his 25 years of experience as a developer. “Politicians in the 20th century have shown that they are not capable of bringing the world to a more or less equal position, but entrepreneurs are more pragmatic, they are not interested in creating conflicts,” said Sergei Polonsky in his speech to members of the initiative group.

The businessman proposed treating Russia as a large development project and, above all, reducing the cost of loans for businesses.

“An economic war has been declared on Russia; if business is not protected within the country, we will not have the resources to move forward,” TASS quotes the words of a possible presidential candidate.

Elena Semerikova

Photo: Alexander Shalgin/press service of the State Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS

Elena Gennadievna Semerikova- Russian public and political figure, academician of the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of the Peoples of the World, vice-president of the Masks Foundation for the Promotion of Theater and Television, Chairman of the political party "Women's Dialogue".

Elena Semerikova graduated from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (now part of the G.V. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) with a degree in Economist. In 2002-2003 - assistant to the chairman of the Supreme Council of the Unity and Fatherland party - United Russia (since December 2003 - the United Russia party) Boris Gryzlov. In 2008-2011, she was an adviser to the Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov on issues of the Southern Federal District. On November 15, 2012, the founding congress of the All-Russian political party “Women’s Dialogue” took place. Semerikova was elected its chairman.

Semerikova submitted to the Russian Central Election Commission the documents necessary to nominate for the presidential election on Sunday, December 24. However, the Central Election Commission declared her nomination incompetent. CEC Chairman Ella Pamfilova noted that the party still has time to re-hold the congress and submit documents.

Ksenia Sobchak

Photo: esquire.ru

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak- Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, public figure, actress.

Ksenia Sobchak about her intention to participate in the presidential elections. Ksenia called herself “The Candidate Against Everyone.” On December 23, the Civil Initiative party officially nominated the TV presenter as a candidate in the upcoming elections. At the same time, Sobchak published her election program “123 difficult steps.”

Despite the lack of experience in political activities, Sobchak offers many initiatives. In particular, in her opinion, Russia should become “a European secular democratic federal state with a market economy that protects the rights and freedoms of citizens.” She calls “peaceful and good neighborly” relations with other countries the main priority in foreign policy, and the welfare of citizens in economic policy. Sobchak proposes to carry out several political reforms. In particular, limit the rights of all security forces, prohibit elected officials at all levels from serving the same office for more than two terms during their lifetime.

Sobchak also proposes to abandon military service and make the army completely contract-based. In addition, she advocates reducing spending on defense, police forces and the state apparatus, as a result of which the budget will save 1.5 trillion rubles over several years of reforms.

Maxim Suraikin

Photo: kazanreporter.ru

Maxim Aleksandrovich Suraikin− Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communists of Russia party. He is also known to the public as one of the leaders of the All-Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union. Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

The Congress of Communists of Russia nominated its chairman for the presidency of the Russian Federation in the upcoming elections in March on December 24. On the same day, the politician submitted documents to the CEC.

“This is a president of the working classes only, a class president, a president of the poor against the rich, a president who will defend the interests of the modern broadly understood working class and peasantry and suppress the ruling class, the exploiters,” says a message on the party’s website.

According to the candidate’s program theses, “Russia needs a Stalinist communist president,” who will implement the “Ten Stalinist blows against capitalism and American imperialism” program previously adopted by the party. The candidate from the “Communists of Russia” considers it necessary to return censorship, state ideology, abolish the immunity of parliamentarians, etc.

Boris Titov

Photo: kuban24.tv

Boris Yurievich Titov- Commissioner under the President of Russia for the rights of entrepreneurs, co-chairman of the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia”, chairman of the “Growth Party”.

In 1983 he graduated from Moscow state institute international relations(MGIMO) with a degree in international economic relations. Boris Titov is the owner and chairman of the board of the SVL group of companies. The main owner of CJSC Abrau-Durso. He has been repeatedly mentioned among Russian billionaires. As of 2006, his net worth was $1.03 billion. According to the declaration of income and expenses, published before the State Duma elections in 2016, his income amounted to 208 million 746 thousand rubles. The real estate includes a plot of land (844 sq. m), a residential building (115.98 sq. m) and a garage (27.9 sq. m) in Spain.

In 2000-2005, he was a member of the board of directors, vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), and since 2002, he has headed the ethics commission of the RSPP. In 2006-2008 - member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, was a member of the commission on economic development and entrepreneurship support.

Boris Titov will run in the elections as a candidate from the Party of Growth. According to the candidate, today in Russia he and the party have a task - to change the country’s economy, to give it development dynamics. In his policy article, Boris Titov proposes to gradually move forward through the provision of economic freedoms, the development of a competitive market, reforms in the economy and the establishment of a rule of law.

Roman Khudyakov

Speaking at the extraordinary party congress on December 22, Roman Ivanovich noted that in the 25 years of new Russia there has never been such a dangerous and dramatic moment as the country is now experiencing.

“In fact, today's Russia has plunged into a new era of stagnation - with the Cold War, social depression and a lack of understanding of where the country should move next. Russians have an urgent need for new faces and fresh ideas in politics. We need a fair government that will responsibly ensure our right to a decent life. And as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation, I consider this my main goal, which I undertake to achieve by all legal means,” Khudyakov said.

Grigory Yavlinsky

Photo: abnews.ru

Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky- Soviet and Russian politician, economist, leader of the Yabloko political party (since 1993), candidate for president of Russia in 1996 and 2000.

The main goal of Yavlinsky's presidential program is to protect the life and dignity of a citizen, implement the principles of personal inviolability and private property, unite the people, society and the state, and build an effective economic system. According to the politician, the Russian economy is currently exhausted. Now only 15% of Russian citizens live well, and 85% see no prospects.

“To behave like a superpower, you have to be one. And this is impossible with the kind of economy we have today,” says Yavlinsky.

He also notes that young people do not know why to study, because the problem of lack of jobs is acute. According to Yavlinsky, one of the priority tasks is to give young and promising people the opportunity for self-realization so that they lead the country into a happy future.

Who else will submit documents?

Of course, I must submit my documents to the CEC in the near future current Russian President Vladimir Putin. He will go to the polls. An application for participation in the presidential race must also be submitted. Pavel Grudinin- Russian politician and statesman, who was nominated as a candidate for the post of President of Russia by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Possible candidates also include the Chairman of the National Parents Committee Irina Volynets(self-nomination), first vice-president of the Mortadel agricultural complex Elvira Agurbash(nominated by the Green Alliance party), entrepreneur and leader of the Monarchist Party of Russia Anton Bakov(from the party), deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma Vladimir Mikhailov(self-nomination).

The year has come when citizens will be able to choose the future president of Russia. The election of the head of state is an important political event, which now, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, occurs once every six years. During this time, you can pull the country out of ruin and corruption, or turn an excellent state into a fragmented and poor one.

Therefore, such an important point is the presidential elections in 2018, when it may be decided which path Russia will take. To avoid being deceived and choose the right leader, find out which Russian presidential candidates are running in 2018 and are ready to take the post of head of state.

Election date

It is no longer news to anyone that presidential elections will be held on March 18, 2018 throughout the country. The final list of candidates was posted on February 8, so every citizen planning to vote has time to familiarize himself with the biography of the nominees and their election programs.

Nomination of candidates

Study the official information from the Central Election Commission website by clicking on the button below.

Not only the leaders of government parties, but also several self-nominated people from the people announced their participation in the elections.

Stages of the nomination process:

  1. Submission of documents to the Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC).
  2. Approval of documents by the Central Election Commission.
  3. Collecting signatures for a candidate.
  4. Registration with the CEC.

The list of candidates included more than 30 people, mostly politicians. Among the self-nominated candidates for the post of head of the Russian Federation there were quite interesting people from various fields of professional activity:

  • psychologist;
  • children's rights activist;
  • tower crane operator;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • writer;
  • journalists;
  • TV presenters;
  • public figures;
  • inventor;
  • representative of truckers;
  • poetess.

Below you will find detailed information about each participant.

Registered candidates

Almost a week has passed since the final list of candidates for the main chair became known.

The candidates for the presidency of Russia in the current year, 2018, are extremely interesting, because among them you can find several individuals who have not previously expressed a desire to become head of state.

Let's get acquainted with those who are running for president this time.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky was the first to be registered as a candidate.

He is running for the sixth time. Vladimir Volfovich’s ideas have always been quite radical, and now he has decided to build his program on migration policy reform, wanting to follow in the footsteps of his “spiritual friend” Donald Trump.

We can talk a lot about Zhirinovsky’s personality, but everyone knows that the permanent leader of the LDPR is famous for his harsh statements - even dropping a bomb on Europe and arresting the communist leader - and therefore has an extremely low chance of winning.

Pavel Grudinin is considered the candidate of the people.

At the moment he is the leader of popular online voting, his name is increasingly mentioned in in social networks and in the comments on any websites dedicated to this year's elections. Born into a family of workers, he began by managing the Lenin state farm and is still its head.

Grudinin is a representative from the “Left Front”, which can include not only the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but also the PDS NPSR. He showed himself well as a manager: the state farm is one of the most successful in the whole country, its employees receive an average of 78 thousand rubles per month.

The politician expresses a lot of criticism towards the authorities governing the country in last years, especially goes to social infrastructure and economic policy. He has a great chance of winning the upcoming elections; he has already traveled to the regions of Russia to meet with the electorate, which strongly supports him.

Grigory Yavlinsky returned to the race after a long break.

Another “old-timer” of presidential elections. The leader of the Yabloko party most likely returned to the race due to the fact that his fellow party members have recently taken high positions in municipal elections.

Yavlinsky is an economist with enormous experience, the author of a large number of reforms that he was unable to implement in the 2000s. As in previous years, in 2018 Grigory Alekseevich cannot boast of a large number of votes, although, like Grudinin, he criticizes the authorities and desires to make Russia stronger economically.

Maxim Suraikin is another communist on the list of participants in the presidential race.

A native Muscovite, one of the initiators of the revival of the youth commune. This public figure does not have much political experience: in 2002 he was an organizer in the Central Committee of the SKMRF, but worked more as a teacher at MGUPS.

Declares a special friendship between Russia and the DPRK, which must be supported. In 2014, Maxim Suraikin tried to run for the post of governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, but too few voters supported him.

Boris Titov is a candidate from the Party of Growth.

Popular politician, public figure, ombudsman. Was able to create and organize several multi-billion dollar enterprises. He worked as a translator and built his own business, which made him a multi-billionaire, until he began a political career in the 2000s.

He began as the chairman of the “Business Russia” movement in 2004, where he defended the rights of free enterprise; this theme runs through his entire political activity. Emphasizes small and medium-sized private businesses, trying to promote free market reforms.

He became co-chairman of the Right Cause party, which was renamed the Party of Growth at the hands of Titov, ten years ago. During this time, he brought it out of crisis, raised it to the level of the most popular, and abolished many officials involved in participation in the pro-Kremlin All-Russian Popular Front.

Ksenia Sobchak does not have a clear election program.

The main contender for the post of head of state is from the opposition, because the main person of the opposing forces, Alexei Navalny, was not allowed to participate in the elections. The 2018 presidential candidate is extremely unusual, not so much because she is a woman, but because of her past. Study Ksenia's election program on a separate page.

Once upon a time, a socialite, popular TV presenter and just a star of show business suddenly ended her career on TV and is now a public figure and a nominee from the Civil Initiative party. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, was the mayor of St. Petersburg and part-time assistant to one of Ksenia’s rivals, Vladimir Putin.

Sobchak decided to go to the polls with one goal - to become the very line on the ballot that would allow everyone to vote against. Thus, she wants to return the clause “Against all”, abolished in 2006, by showing the authorities and ordinary people how meager the list of contenders for the post of head of state is.

Vladimir Putin was first elected President of the Russian Federation in March 2000.

He has been the permanent leader of the Russian Federation for 17 years. Even the leadership of Dmitry Medvedev became more of a formality, because Putin remained prime minister and still ruled the country in a very high position.

His political life began in 1990, when he stopped studying and working in the KGB, moving to city government under the mayor of St. Petersburg Sobchak. Vladimir Vladimirovich was the successor to the first President of the Russian Federation, Yeltsin, as leader.

Since then, the country has gone through many different stages, including recovery from the devastation of the nineties and severe decline in recent years. Although Putin is supported by the entire top government, he does not take first place in popular votes, receiving far from flattering comments about the governance of the country, which may be interrupted.

Sergei Baburin is a nominee from the Russian People's Union party.

An experienced politician, Doctor of Law. He is remembered by many for his opposition during the reign of Boris Yeltsin. Former Deputy Speaker State Duma, although in 1992 he was a participant and even leader of the opposition movement “National Unity”.

He worked as a dean most of his life, and in recent years as rector of the Russian State Technical University, which was closed in 2012. The closure of the institution that year provoked mass unrest among students, which was stopped by Baburin. Now he criticizes the authorities less and less, completely approving of the country’s foreign policy, but wanting to make the domestic policy more effective.

Election programs

The only participant in the presidential race without his own program is Vladimir Putin, while the rest presented it to their electorate much earlier than approval.

The main theses and goals of the candidates’ election programs:

  1. Baburin - “Russian path to the future!” He wants to replace the post of prime minister with a coalition government, carry out constitutional reform, and take a closer look at the social sphere.
  2. Zhirinovsky - “A powerful leap forward.” An extensive program of one hundred theses. It is distinguished by strange slogans, for example, “repaint the Kremlin as White color"or "organization of special military courts."
  3. Grudinin - “20 steps of Pavel Grudinin.” He is going to start by changing Russia's economic strategy in order to restore its economic sovereignty and follow the path of industrialization and modernization. He wants to restore the social sphere by financially supporting the province and reducing the gap between rich and poor through tax reform.
  4. Yavlinsky - “The Road to the Future.” He wants to end the confrontation between the Russian Federation and Ukraine by returning Crimea and retreating from the territories of the LPR and DPR. He is going to establish diplomacy with the West and its allies and carry out political reform of the Russian Federation.
  5. Suraikin - “Ten Stalinist blows to capitalism.” It assumes a full range of measures necessary for the revival of the socialist economy. Pays special attention to the fight against corruption and patriotism.
  6. Sobchak - “Sobchak against everyone.” Plans to end the tenure of power and resume the development of technical and social progress, getting rid of the crisis in the economy.
  7. Titov - “Growth Strategy”. He talks about progressive economic policies and is going to move away from dependence on raw materials, including the “oil needle,” to supporting the private sector.

The candidates posted full versions of their programs on the platforms of their parties or on blogs, where you can read them in more detail.

Those who dropped out of the election race

By February 8, the lists of officially registered candidates for the 2018 Russian presidency were approved; many nominees never had a chance to participate in the race.

Navalny’s channel on the main video platform collects millions of views with each new video.

The most memorable and bright personality among those who dropped out can be called the main opposition leader in Russia, Alexei Navalny. The main popularity came from the release of his film “He’s Not Dimon to You,” which tells about the corrupt activities of a famous politician.

The electorate includes both 16-year-old teenagers and mature citizens. Navalny was not allowed to run for the post of head of the Russian Federation by his criminal record, which was declared illegal by the European Court of Human Rights, but was never expunged from the politician by the Supreme Court of Russia.

Former State Duma deputy from the LDPR Roman Khudyakov, who was approved by the Central Election Commission as a candidate, distinguished himself, but independently abandoned the political race. It is noteworthy that he wanted to give the 150 thousand votes he collected to Putin, but, as we know, this cannot be done according to the election rules.

Among the contenders for the presidency was Ekaterina Gordon, who was nominated by the Good Deeds Party with the desire to improve the position of women in politics and social life. Previously, she was a scandalous TV presenter; now she works as a journalist and lawyer, defending women's rights. After withdrawing from the race, she stated that she wanted to see if she could get the required number of votes and signatures.

Who can become president of Russia in 2018

It is still unrealistic to say exactly who will be president for the next six years, starting in 2018. Although Vladimir Putin is the permanent leader of our country, in recent years he has not had the most best rating, its electorate is mainly officials, public sector employees and people of retirement age. Popular leader Pavel Grudinin, who receives great support from the entire working class, is gaining popularity.

Young people previously leaned toward the leader of the opposition, Alexei Navalny, but now, after his withdrawal from the race, they are promoting the idea of ​​boycotting the elections. The “dark horse” is Ksenia Sobchak, who, although she has the most negative reviews from the people, is a candidate “against everyone,” which gives her great chances for third place.

The remaining nominees cannot receive much support, so most likely they will not even rise to the first two places.

Video: Registered candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation.


did you see full list Russian presidential candidates 2018, their short biography and the program. Consider which of the nominees suits you. Remember that these elections of the head of state, these candidates will be able to decide the history of the Russian Federation, so you cannot remain on the sidelines.

Elections are the only race
in which the majority of participants win
(Laurence Peter, Canadian educator)

All candidates for President of the Russian Federation in the 2018 elections must first of all be Personalities. Energetic, bright, ambitious personalities. Given that Putin is the undisputed favorite for the Kremlin, people should feel that something depends on their votes in the elections. And from this point of view, allowing serious competitors to participate in the elections is completely justified even for a fiercely resisting government. Unfortunately, the Kremlin’s fear prevailed and the people’s presidential candidate A. Navalny, according to the scenario planned by the Kremlin, was refused.

Russian presidential candidates in the 2018 elections

✪ Vladimir Putin: self-nominated candidate for President of Russia

V.V. Putin officially announced his participation in the 2018 presidential elections

Vladimir Putin- a candidate most likely known not only to Russians, but to all inhabitants of the Planet. He is the current President of the Russian Federation and the main contender for the leadership of All Rus' for the next 6-year term.

The largest Duma party, United Russia, was not able to nominate a presidential candidate in the 2018 elections. Putin announced his intention to run in the presidential elections in 2018 as a self-nominated candidate, so as not to limit himself to the electorate of one party, but to receive the support of all his supporters. “This will be self-nomination. “I, of course, very much count on the support of those political forces that share my view on the development of the country and trust me, and in general I count on broad support from citizens,” the president said.

The attitude of Russian citizens towards the personality of the current ruler of Rus' is ambiguous, but significantly higher than all other contenders.

Some Russians, who currently have a stable income, for whom the only source of information is television, rejoice and see Putin’s main merit in the fact that he allegedly prevented terrorists from entering our country, that everything in our country is smooth and smooth, complete stability, growth of all economic indicators, etc. They hardly think about what will happen tomorrow and what the future holds for their children.

Others, more enlightened, and instead of television channels receiving fresh information daily and hourly from the Internet, are outraged by the level of corruption at all levels of government, the critical level of division of the country's inhabitants into rich and poor, and the catastrophic impoverishment of the absolute majority of Russian citizens.

To express their dissatisfaction, people go to rallies, protests, pickets, for which they receive punishment: arrests occur, they are given fines, students and even schoolchildren are expelled from educational institutions, someone is fired from their job, the most active ones end up behind bars. Sometimes enforcement measures also apply to their relatives.

These are the realities of the current state of affairs in Russia under the presidency of self-nominated candidate V.V. Putin. Why does he need a 4th term? Perhaps he is a pragmatist and wants to make history. Only the country has sunk to such a low level of development that it will be difficult for historians to find words praising him. In politics, as in sports, it is important to leave on time. Or perhaps he already understands that he will have to answer for everything destroyed and stolen under his rule. And he tries in every possible way to delay this moment.

✪ Alexey Navalny: the most active opposition candidate

A.N. Navalny began working with the regions a year before the election campaign

Alexey Navalny- the most prominent personality of all potential contenders for the post of Head of the Russian State. An anti-corruption fighter and oppositionist with enormous popular support and a high rating among different segments and groups of the population, especially among young people. They are the ones who are most concerned about what will happen in the country tomorrow.

A fabricated criminal case may become a possible obstacle to participation in the 2018 elections. Although the European Court recognized that the rights of Alexei Navalny were violated during the sentencing, there was no crime; during the retrial, A. Navalny was again sentenced to a suspended sentence.

According to the Kremlin, this is what prevents the oppositionist from nominating his candidacy for the post of Russian leader in 2018. The opinion of Navalny and his many supporters, based on the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, is exactly the opposite.

A.N. Navalny, a real competitor to the current government, warns...

Alexei Navalny's intentions to participate in the elections are a victory. The election program of the popular candidate is full of promises: eliminating economic inequality, fighting corruption, judicial reform, overcoming Russia’s international isolation, etc.

But for now, the question of whether the most worthy candidate for the presidency of the Russian Federation will be able to officially nominate his candidacy remains open.

✪ Ksenia Sobchak: opposition candidate “Against everyone”

K.A. Sobchak is a candidate in the “Against all” column

Ksenia Sobchak is a journalist for the Dozhd TV channel. She announced her decision to run for President of the Russian Federation back in the fall. This candidate deserves at least some respect for his courage. Knowing in advance what a barrage of negative emotions she will have to endure, she is ready to take the blow with dignity.

She is smart, talented, sharp, straightforward, as they say, “it hits you not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” What prompted Ksenia to participate in the elections was the disappearance of the popular “Against all” column from the ballot papers. By putting forward her candidacy and the slogan “Against everyone,” she offers citizens who are tired of the current situation both with elections and the situation in general Russian citizens, express your protest by voting for her.

Ksenia thinks as much about the presidency as she wants to show the real social situation in Russia, which is hidden by the authorities in every possible way: the percentage of citizens who voted for her will be the number of Russian citizens who did not see candidates worthy in their opinion on the voting lists, dissatisfied with the policies of the existing government , corruption in the country and against the backdrop of this chaos, its plight. The lack of opportunity to hold a full-fledged debate with Putin motivated the candidate to attend the final press conference of the Head of State as a journalist.

Not a single journalist dared to ask at the press conference of the Head of State about the irremovability of power, about the unfair reality and the authorities’ fear of fair political competition, about the immaturity of the opposition voiced by the current president, about the biased attitude towards presidential candidate Alexei Navalny, fictitious criminal cases fabricated against him (which was proven by the European Court of Human Rights), infringement of his rights and freedoms, about the fear of ordinary people to be on the side of the opposition and support it.

Question from K. Sobchak to Putin about fear of competition and permanence of power

All this questions to which the current government does not have a truthful answer. Therefore, Ksenia Sobchak is a very valuable candidate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. Candidate from the people and the opposition.

At the same time, the candidate has neither a team nor a clear election program. But with this position this is not required. In addition, according to a Levada Center survey, Sobchak is the leader in the rating of distrust of politicians (previously this rating was headed by D.A. Medvedev, who was convicted of corruption by the FBI).

The popularity of her person and her unusual approach due to associations with the column “Against everyone” can play a cruel joke, as happened in the last US Presidential elections.

Presidential candidate K. Sobchak stated that she is ready to withdraw her candidacy if justice prevails and Alexei Navalny is allowed to participate in the presidential race.

✪ Will the leaders of the Duma parties Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, Mironov become presidential candidates?

Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Mironov: where would elections be without elders?

This seasoned guard of retiree age applicants is nominated by their parties time after time. The current presidential election campaign will most likely be no exception. Each of the party leaders understands that in the Kremlin’s scenario they are nothing more than political decorations on which huge amounts of money are spent.

Each of the “elected veterans” approximately knows their result and understands that their presence is an elementary creation of the appearance of competition. They continue to be pawns on the Kremlin's chessboard. What is all this for, to find out by what percentage their rating has shifted in one direction or another?

But in every party there are younger and no less worthy candidates, for whom, perhaps, the people would vote. In the coming days, congresses of Duma parties will be held and then we will find out exactly who will be nominated from them. In the meantime...

Gennady Zyuganov- head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, consistently took second place in the presidential elections year after year. It seems like it’s time to rest, to retire, but in the depths of his soul is he losing hope of becoming number one in the state? It is possible that he is simply tired of losing miserably, especially since this is his last chance. Going to the polls with a known loss is a difficult task. And the current rating of the LDPR leader suggests that he can lose not only to Putin.

At the beginning of the year he declared his desire to be a candidate from all state-patriotic forces, however, representatives of these same national-patriotic forces reported that a necessary condition for their support is the presence of another presidential candidate. Perhaps this means that Zyuganov will cease to be the permanent candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The program of the father of Russian communism is traditional and does not change from year to year: nationalization natural resources, dispossession of oligarchs, review of privatization results, abolition of VAT. But his electorate has decreased in recent years.

H.S. On December 23, 2017, the pre-election congress of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation supported the candidacy of the director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinina to participate in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 2018. Zyuganov will lead election headquarters people's patriotic forces nominating Grudinin for president. The candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will go to the elections with the program “20 steps to a decent life.”

Candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, non-party director of the State Farm named after. Lenina P.N. Grudinin

Sergei Mironov— the leader of A Just Russia is not particularly successful in the political field. Twice he took part in presidential elections and twice took an “honorable” place in the ranking - last. He advocates decent wages, the restoration of educational traditions, the optionality of the EG, and the abolition of fees for major repairs. Whether he will represent his party or someone else in the elections, time will tell.

H.S. It was planned to nominate a presidential candidate from A Just Russia at the congress on December 26, 2017. But this did not happen; the party decided to support the presidential nomination of Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky- the most extraordinary of Russian political figures, is going to stand for candidacy for the 6th time. For what? He probably doesn’t know the answer to this question himself. Vladimir Volfovich believes that there is no worthy successor in his party yet. This time, his mind was clearly captured by D. Trump and his migration policy, so if he wins the elections, Zhirinovsky promises to do the same in Russia. As usual, he proposes the nationalization of large industry, a state monopoly on tobacco and alcohol products, and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

H.S. From the LDPR party, V. Zhirinovsky became a presidential candidate (who would doubt it!).

Zhirinovsky about the participation of party leaders in the presidential elections

✪ Grigory Yavlinsky - candidate inspired by municipal elections

Grigory Yavlinsky again claims the presidency

Grigory Yavlinsky— the election candidate from the Yabloko party, after a long break, wants to take part in the presidential race again. The last time Yavlinsky participated in the election campaign was in 2000, when he took 3rd place.

He was inspired by the results of municipal elections in Moscow, where Yabloko was in the lead in some areas.

He promises to change the country's foreign policy, reform the regional financing system, and introduce direct elections of mayors and members of the Federation Council.

✪ Candidate for the highest post Sergei Baburin: from science back to politics

Sergei Baburin and the patriotic forces of Russia

Sergey Baburin- the head of the Russian All-People's Union party agreed to his nomination as a candidate for the presidency of Russia.

According to Baburin, in the presidential elections his main goal is to attract patriotic voters and show that “alternatives are not limited to Navalny.”

Being one of the authors of the law on the President of the RSFSR and on presidential elections, today he is very concerned that this system is disordered: “Parliament has ceased to be parliament, elections have ceased to be elections. And, of course, when we are told today that in the next presidential elections we will see Putin, Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Mironov and Yavlinsky as candidates...”

Also, Titov Boris Yuryevich, Mikhailov Vladimir Viktorovich, Polonsky Sergey Yuryevich, Gordon Ekaterina Viktorovna, Emelyanov Mikhail Vasilievich, Suraikin Maxim Aleksandrovich also announced their nomination. Some of them may not collect the required number of signatures, others may not be admitted to the Central Election Commission, and some will appear at the last moment. So the final list may look different.

The 2018 Russian presidential elections will take place on March 18. The date on which the head of state will be elected to a six-year term. If a second round is required, it will be held in three weeks, that is, on April 8, 2018. And the election campaign of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation starts in December.


Judging by the latest Levada Center poll, 64% of Russians want Putin to be re-elected president of Russia, and 22% want another candidate to win.

Today, all experts agree that the current head of state, Vladimir Putin, will win – if, of course, he runs. And yet, is intrigue possible next spring? And what will it consist of? In voter turnout, in the percentage of votes cast “for Putin”, in the actions of the opposition? There are many options here and each is of interest.

Let's consider all the candidates in detail.

Vladimir Putin

With all the wealth of choice, there is no other alternative. This is stated in a study by the Civil Society Development Fund (CSD). Putin's rating is consistently high. 39% of the people surveyed by FORGO experts do not know who will vote if Putin is not on the list of candidates, 17 percent will not vote in this case, and 12% intend to spoil the ballot. The current head of the country enjoys the greatest 65 percent support among young people aged 18-23. This is not surprising, because young people are simply accustomed to seeing Putin as the head of the Russian state. The forecasts of political experts and the predictions of analysts and astrologers regarding the 2018 elections also agree that Putin will become the future president of Russia. Now Vladimir Vladimirovich wants to focus on work and, according to the latest data, will announce his participation in the elections in November. Only by December will his legal nomination begin with the collection of signatures.

On November 13, a message appeared in the media from an anonymous federal official with the following content: “So far, Putin has not made public statements about his readiness to run for the presidency of Russia, but has decided that he will “participate”.” Of Putin's qualities, voters especially like: Intelligence; authority; literacy; experience; authority; leadership; competence. In other age groups, from 56% of respondents (in the 45-59 year old group) to 64% (in the 24-34 year old age group) are ready to vote for Putin.

Alexey Navalny

Human rights activist, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation. Born on June 4, 1976 in the Moscow region. He participated in the elections for the mayor of Moscow in 2013 and took second place, losing to the current mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

The level of support for Navalny grew after his films “He’s Not Dimon”, “The Seagull”, as well as the results of the work of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, which discovered phenomenal volumes of theft among officials.

Sergei Mironov

It is still unknown exactly who will become the presidential candidate from the A Just Russia party - the final decision will be made only on December 25, 2017 at the party congress. Presumably, the chairman, Sergei Mironov, may become a candidate, although he is not particularly successful in the political field. Sergei took part in presidential elections twice and twice took the honorable last place in the rankings. Sergei advocates decent wages, restoration of educational traditions, optional Unified State Examination and the abolition of fees for major repairs.

Grigory Yavlinsky

After a long break, Gregory wants to take part in the presidential race again - the last time he took part in it was in 2000, when he took third place. Grigory was inspired by the results of municipal elections in Moscow, where Yabloko was in the lead in some areas. So far, Grigory promises a change in the country’s foreign policy, reform of the regional financing system and the introduction of direct elections of mayors and members of the Federation Council.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The most odious of Russian political figures is going to stand as a candidate for the next (sixth) time. This time, his mind was clearly captured by Donald Trump and his migration policy - therefore, having won, Zhirinovsky promises to do the same in the Russian Federation. Well, as usual, he proposes the nationalization of large industry, a state monopoly on tobacco and alcohol products and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

Boris Titov

Boris Titov intends to participate in the upcoming presidential elections in the Russian Federation. His candidacy will be nominated by the Party of Growth.

The party's political council has already made this decision. The meeting took place on November 25 in Abrau-Durso. There is a champagne factory there, owned by Titov.

Shortly before this, Titov himself announced that the party would consider a number of options regarding the elections. One of them was the support that the “Growth Party” would provide to Vladimir Putin. At the same time, the possibility was not excluded that this political force would nominate its own participant in the primaries.

During the internal party debate, several candidates were put forward, but none of them could receive support similar to that provided to Titov.

Titov has already stated in his policy article that his main task is to promote the “Growth Strategy”. This is an economic project prepared by the Stolypin Club. It was submitted to Vladimir Putin for consideration in May.

The new candidate decided to go to the presidential elections with him. He believes that if successful, he will be able to achieve its rapid implementation.

Dmitry Peskov, answering the question whether Titov had agreed on his presidential ambitions with the Kremlin, said the following: “The new candidate notified the administration of his intentions.” Putin's press secretary did not say whether there was a response signal.

Ekaterina Gordon

The Russian journalist and public figure announced her desire to compete with the other applicants. She considers the protection of the rights of women and children to be the basis of her program, knowing in practice how the judicial system works. Ekaterina in her video message emphasizes that she is the only candidate who has not been approved by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya

The “black icon of Russian literature” intends to run for president starting this spring. If she wins, she promises to work on creating professional army, allow everyone to bear arms, and also rid Russia of the role of “international gendarme” (whatever that means).

Sergei Polonsky

The owner of his own island in Cambodia and a failed cosmonaut also intends to stand as a candidate for the post of head of the Russian state in 2018. What adds piquancy to the situation is that in the past Polonsky was found guilty in a case of fraud on an especially large scale.

Maxim Suraikin

The chairman of the Communists of Russia party comes out with a traditional communist program - the nationalization of extractive industries and large enterprises, increased spending on the social sphere and the introduction of the death penalty.

Andrey Bazhutin

The chairman of the Association of Carriers of Russia, the organizer and coordinator of the “March to Moscow” of truckers calls on Siberian truckers and sympathizers to vote for him in the upcoming presidential elections. He is primarily interested in “problems of education, healthcare, housing and communal services.”

Anton Bakov

The billionaire and head of the “Monarchical Party of Russia” will represent this very party in the presidential elections in 2018 (since Natalya Poklonskaya refused this honor). His election program is simple: restore the monarchy in Russia and create a “monarchical international.” Interestingly, Anton previously planned to revive the Romanov empire in the pleasant conditions of the Kiribati islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Elvira Agurbash

The vice-president of Mortadel, known for sharp speeches during the discussion of the new version of the trade law, as well as trade wars with Dixie, decided to nominate her candidacy for the post of President of Russia, which she wrote about on Facebook. The candidate's target audience is representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

Irina Volynets

Irina, the leader of the National Parents Committee organization, is going to dilute the “chronic shortage” of bright and charismatic presidential candidates. So far, Irina’s list of victories includes second place in the ranking in the elections of State Duma deputies in the Perm Territory. The candidate devotes great influence to the social sphere - increasing the minimum wage, maternity capital and supporting large families.

Boris Yakemenko

In mid-October 2017, Boris, one of the leaders of the Nashi movement and the creator of Walking Together, published his election theses. The main idea of ​​the theses is “working with people”, the transition to “democratic justice” and “a fair world order”, as well as “non-subordination to globalized Atlanticism”. So that readers do not have to rummage through dictionaries in search of this term, we will explain that Atlanticism refers to the comprehensive cooperation of the United States, Canada and countries Western Europe. Atlanticism is most fully reflected today in the activities of NATO. Boris estimates his chances of winning highly, otherwise he would not have run for office. In general, he is interested in how many votes an ordinary person can get.

Andrey Bogdanov

Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia, representative of the association of ten non-parliamentary parties, the Third Force bloc and presidential candidate from the Democratic Party of Russia. Andrey was given energy by the victory with a high rating of more than two hundred candidates, whom he, according to him, advised, in the municipal elections in Moscow.

Vladimir Mikhailov

The honored inventor of Russia and deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma is going to represent “a poor and dying Russia” in the 2018 presidential elections. At the forefront of his election program, he places primarily the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, social protection and a strong army.

Ksenia Sobchak

In mid-October, Ksenia announced that she also wanted to take part in the presidential race. According to her, what prompted her to make this decision was the disappearance of the popular “against all” column from the ballot papers. Ksenia invites everyone who is tired of the current election situation to protest by voting for her. At the same time, the candidate has neither a team nor a clear election program, but with such a position this is not required. In addition, according to Levada Center polls, Sobchak leads the rating of distrust of politicians, which was previously headed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The popularity of her person and her unusual approach in the form of an association with the “against everyone” column can play a cruel joke, as happened in the last US presidential elections.

Gennady Zyuganov

The head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who consistently ranks second in presidential elections year after year, still does not lose hope of becoming number one in the state. At the beginning of the year, he announced his desire to be a candidate from “all state-patriotic forces,” but representatives of these same national-patriotic forces reported that a necessary condition for their support is the presence of another presidential candidate. Perhaps this means that Zyuganov will cease to be the permanent candidate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The program of the “father of Russian communism” is traditional and does not change from year to year: nationalization of natural resources, dispossession of oligarchs, revision of the results of privatization and abolition of VAT. But his electorate has decreased in recent years.

Putin will take part in the presidential elections

On December 6, 2017, all leading news agencies reported the news that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin had finally announced his participation in the 2018 elections.

Initially, everything once again looked like a “statement of intent.” During the “Russian Volunteer” award ceremony in Nizhny Novgorod, the current head of state asked the assembled volunteers whether they would support him if he ran for President of Russia in 2018. Having received an affirmative response from the audience, Vladimir Putin promised to make a decision to go to the 2018 elections in the near future.

Already in the evening of the same day, speaking to workers at the GAZ plant, the leader of the country informed the public that Vladimir Putin will be in the 2018 elections!

The place for this kind of statement was not chosen by chance - after all, it is the workers, according to the politician, who are making the main

It must be admitted that the day when Vladimir Putin announced his participation in the presidential race and nominated his candidacy was perhaps the most anticipated in the Russian establishment. Politicians, pensioners, state employees, security officials, and housewives were waiting for him.

Even the country’s main non-systemic opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, openly stated that the question of whether the current head of state will go to the polls has long been unequivocally decided on the sidelines of power.

It was clear to everyone - 2018, Vladimir Putin will definitely serve a new term!

"A Just Russia" will support Putin in the presidential elections

The party decided not to nominate its candidate for the highest government post

The A Just Russia party will not nominate its candidate for the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, which are to be held in our country on March 18, 2018. The political organization is expected to support the current head of state, Vladimir Putin, in the upcoming elections.

So, on Sunday, December 24, the presidium of the central council of A Just Russia recommended that the congress, which will take place on January 25 in Moscow, support the candidacy of the current president.

At the same time, the leader of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, noted that representatives of his party will be included in the initiative group for Putin’s nomination and his election headquarters, TASS reports.

Let us recall that on December 6, Vladimir Putin announced his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential elections. And a little later it became known that the current head of state would run in the elections as a self-nominated candidate.

Presidential elections - 1991

On June 12, 1991, the presidential elections of the RSFSR took place. This was the only election in which citizens voted for president and vice president on the same ballot, following the American model. Many candidates were nominated for the post of head of state, but in reality only 10 couples submitted documents to the CEC. Boris Gromov, who later became “number two” under Nikolai Ryzhkov, initially ran for the main position, as did Albert Makashov’s “partner” - Alexey Sergeev.

Pairs of candidates were required to submit 100 thousand signatures to the CEC. Everyone did this except Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who took advantage of the legal opportunity and requested the support of people's deputies. For Zhirinovsky to become a candidate, at least 20% of those elected had to support him.


for president - Boris Yeltsin, 60 years old, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR; for vice president - Alexander Rutskoy, 43 years old, chairman of the committee of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, colonel, - non-partisan, with the support of democratic forces;

for president - Nikolai Ryzhkov, 62 years old, former chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers; for vice president - Boris Gromov, 47 years old, First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, People's Deputy of the USSR, Colonel General, Communist Party of the RSFSR;

for president - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 45 years old, politician; for vice president - Andrey Zavidia, 38 years old, president of the Galand concern, - LDPSS;

for president - Aman Tuleyev, 47 years old, chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, people's deputy of the RSFSR; for vice president - Viktor Bocharov, 57 years old, head of the Kuzbassshakhtostroy plant, people's deputy of the RSFSR, non-party;

for president - Albert Makashov, 53 years old, commander of the Volga-Ural Military District, People's Deputy of the USSR, Colonel General; for vice president - Alexey Sergeev, 60 years old, head of the department of the Academy of Labor and social relations, - Communist Party of the RSFSR;

for president - Vadim Bakatin, 53 years old, former Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR; for vice president - Ramazan Abdulatipov, 44 years old, chairman of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, non-partisan.

The elections were held according to the absolute majority system.

The turnout was 74.70%.

On July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became president of the RSFSR, and Alexander Rutskoi took the position of vice president.

Presidential elections - 1996

The first round took place on June 16. The Central Election Commission registered 78 initiative groups to nominate presidential candidates. 16 groups were able to collect the million signatures required by law. As a result, the Central Election Commission registered nine candidates, seven were rejected. Six of them appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, which eventually decided to register two more. One of the candidates was Aman Tuleyev. On the eve of the elections, he withdrew his candidacy and called on his supporters to vote for the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.


Boris Yeltsin, 65, current Russian president;

Gennady Zyuganov, 51 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Alexander Lebed, 46 years old, Congress of Russian Communities;

Grigory Yavlinsky, 44 years old, Yabloko party;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 50 years old, LDPR;

Svyatoslav Fedorov, 68 years old, ophthalmologist, Workers' Self-Government Party;

Mikhail Gorbachev, 65 years old, ex-president THE USSR;

Martin Shukkum, 44, Socialist People's Party;

Yuri Vlasov, 60 years old, weightlifter, ex-State Duma deputy;

Vladimir Bryntsalov, 59 years old, businessman, Russian Socialist Party.

The turnout in the first round was 69.81%.

To win in the first round, a candidate had to get 50% of the votes. Since none of them could do this, a second round was announced, which took place on July 3, 1996.

During the second, the turnout there was 68.88%.

Boris Yeltsin was re-elected President of Russia for a second term.

Presidential elections - 2000

On December 31, 1999, New Year's Eve, Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation, six months before the end of his presidential term. In accordance with the law, in this case, early elections should have taken place within three months. On January 5, 2000, the Federation Council scheduled a vote for March 26. The Central Election Commission registered 28 initiative groups that nominated candidates for the post of head of state. Another five were nominated by electoral associations. The number of required signatures, due to the tight deadlines for submitting documents, was halved - from one million to 500 thousand signatures. 15 headquarters were able to present them. As a result, the CEC registered 12 people. Five days before the elections, one of the contenders, Yevgeny Sevastyanov, withdrew his candidacy in favor of Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky.


Vladimir Putin, 47, Russian Prime Minister, self-nominated;

Gennady Zyuganov, 55 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Grigory Yavlinsky, 47 years old, Yabloko party;

Aman Tuleyev, 55 years old, governor of the Kemerovo region, self-nominated candidate;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 53 years old, LDPR;

Konstantin Titov, 55 years old, governor Samara region, Russian Party of Social Democracy, Union of Right Forces;

Ella Pamfilova, 46 years old, socio-political movement “For Civic Dignity”;

Stanislav Govorukhin, 64 years old, film director, “Fatherland - All Russia” party;

Yuri Skuratov, 47, former Prosecutor General of Russia;

Alexey Podberezkin, 47 years old, socio-political movement “Spiritual Heritage”;

Umar Dzhabrailov, 41 years old, businessman.

On March 26, 2000, elections took place. Vladimir Putin, having overcome the 50 percent barrier, was elected President of the Russian Federation.

The turnout was 68.64%.

Presidential elections - 2004

A peculiarity of the 2004 presidential elections was that the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Gennady Zyuganov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, did not participate in them. Instead, the parties fielded “newcomers”: Nikolai Kharitonov and Oleg Malyshkin. Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky also did not run. As a result, the CEC registered six candidates. Six more were unable to obtain registration: multimillionaire, chairman of the public organization “All-Russian Party of the People” Anzori Aksentyev-Kikalishvili; businessman Vladimir Bryntsalov; ex-head of the Central Bank, nominated by the Party of Russian Regions (now A Just Russia), Viktor Gerashchenko; public figure Ivan Rybkin; Chairman of the public movement “For Social Justice” Igor Smykov and the odious businessman German Sterligov.


Vladimir Putin, 51, current president of Russia, self-nominated candidate;

Nikolai Kharitonov, 55 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Sergei Glazyev, 43 years old, self-nominated candidate;

Irina Khakamada, 49 years old, SPS, “Our Choice”;

Oleg Malyshkin, 52 years old, LDPR;

Sergei Mironov, 51, chairman of the Federation Council, was nominated by the Russian Party of Life.

The turnout was 64.38%.

Presidential elections - 2008

According to the Russian Constitution, Vladimir Putin could no longer run for the post of president of the country. He officially supported the nomination of the United Russia candidate, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, for the post of head of state. This choice was supported by the parties “A Just Russia”, “Civil Power”, “Agrarian Party” and “Greens”. The Central Election Commission registered four presidential candidates. 14 people received refusals, including the leader of the Russian People's Democratic Union and the People for Democracy and Justice party, Mikhail Kasyanov. The defects in the signature lists that he provided to the CEC amounted to 13.36% instead of the permissible level of 5%. The world chess champion, one of the leaders of the “Other Russia” coalition, Garry Kasparov, was also not registered. The congress of the initiative group putting forward it did not take place.


Dmitry Medvedev, 42 years old, first deputy prime minister, United Russia party;

Gennady Zyuganov, 63 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 61 years old, LDPR;

Andrey Bogdanov, 38 years old, self-nominated candidate supported by the Democratic Party of Russia;

According to PACE representatives, the results of the 2008 elections reflect the will of the people. “The people of Russia voted for stability and continuity, which is associated with the current president and the candidate he supports. The elected president will have a solid mandate from the majority of Russians,” stated observers from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

The turnout was 69.6%.

Presidential elections - 2012

On March 4, 2012, the next presidential elections in Russia took place. Dmitry Medvedev decided not to participate in the elections; Vladimir Putin became the main candidate for the post of head of state. In total, the Central Election Commission registered five candidates. Among others, the leader of the unregistered Other Russia party, Eduard Limonov, and a member of the Yabloko political committee, Grigory Yavlinsky, received refusals due to violations of the procedure.


Vladimir Putin, 59 years old, non-party, nominated by United Russia;

Gennady Zyuganov, 67 years old, Communist Party of the Russian Federation;

Mikhail Prokhorov, 46 years old, businessman, self-nominated candidate;

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 65 years old, LDPR;

Sergei Mironov, 59 years old, “A Just Russia”.

In all regions of Russia, Vladimir Putin took first place. Moreover, in Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia and several other regions, he received more than 90% of the votes. Only in Moscow did Putin fail to overcome the 50% barrier, gaining 46.95%.

The election results were announced on March 5. On the same day, President-elect Vladimir Putin was congratulated by the leaders of Syria and Iran, Bashar al-Assad and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. On March 10, the head of state received congratulations from the owner of the White House, Barack Obama. On May 7, 2012, the president officially took office.