Environmental policy. Specialists of JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" worked out operational actions to eliminate a simulated accident on gas networks

2. Environmental policy of JSC "GAZPROM"

Gazprom has adopted an environmental policy and is steadily following its basic principles, specifying specific actions taking into account the specifics of the environmental situation at the Company's enterprises.

Preserving the environment while meeting the needs for gas and its products is our duty to our contemporaries and descendants.

In Russia, the problem of environmental safety has become especially acute. For many decades, the intensive industrial development of gigantic territories was carried out without taking into account the state of the environment. As a result, all permissible contamination limits have been exceeded. By the 90s of the XX century, the problem of revising the principles of the development of society in the direction of "total humanization" of the relations of Russians with nature arose in full growth.

Gazprom fully shares the responsibility for preserving the natural purity of our country. This equally applies to the territories of those states to which and through which gas supplies are carried out. By supplying the planet with environmentally friendly fuel, we are contributing to the preservation of the world's natural and climatic complex.

Gazprom constantly solves the problem of preserving a healthy environment in the construction zone of its enterprises and providing them in the future safe operation... The level of complexity of these tasks can be properly assessed by remembering the number and scale of our facilities. With this in mind, the Company's environmental policy was developed.

For its practical implementation, a number of environmental projects are being carried out in the territories where gas is transported or produced, as well as at enterprises for its processing and storage. Scientific research works in the field of ecology are constantly carried out. In addition, we manufacture equipment for our own needs that meets the highest environmental standards.

Gazprom is not limited to environmental protection measures at its enterprises. It is important for the Company to develop general scientific developments in this area and to finance environmental education and awareness programs, especially for young people. For the implementation of these programs, appropriate environmental funds were created, presenting their grants and scholarships.

2.1. Gazprom's priorities in the field of environmental protection natural environment and rational use of natural resources

Preservation of the natural environment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gas industry facilities;

Ensuring industrial and environmental safety of construction and operation of facilities for the extraction, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials;

Health protection of workers in the industry;

Participation in ensuring the environmental safety of the regions where Gazprom's facilities are located (organizational, technical, financial).

The main directions of work on the implementation of environmental
OAO Gazprom policies

Compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, norms and rules;

Reduction of emissions and discharges of pollutants;

Reducing the amount of production waste and their timely disposal;

Resource saving at the enterprises of the industry;

Ensuring the safety and restoration of disturbed lands in the impact zone of gas industry facilities;

Ensuring the safe operation of facilities;

Ensuring the necessary sanitary and hygienic working conditions for personnel;

Assistance in increasing the share of natural gas as an environmentally friendly type of fuel in the fuel and energy balances of Russian regions;

Improving the environmental cleanliness of marketable products in the industry, certifying them for compliance with international standards ISO 9000;

Creation of an environmental management system for the industry based on international standards ISO 14000;

Creation of a system of industrial environmental monitoring.

2.3. Ways to improve the environmental management system

Environmental management is an integral part of the overall management system of OAO Gazprom. The functions and tasks of environmental management are determined by the sectoral “Regulations on the environmental management system”. Currently, this provision is being improved on the basis of international standards ISO 14000.

Important components of the system for ensuring the environmental acceptability of the construction and operation of gas industry facilities are:

Administrative activities, including both the activities of central structures and the work of environmental services of enterprises;

Assessment of the impact of construction and operation of facilities on the environment (EIA);

Environmental monitoring - a tool for checking the effectiveness of environmental protection measures;

Technical diagnostics is a means of ensuring the safe operation of equipment and pipelines.

Research and development in the industry

Taking care of nature conservation, our company constantly conducts research in the field of air and geological environment protection, water resources and lands, develops methods of neutralization and disposal of solid waste, protection of people from noise exposure. Despite the difficult economic situation, the subsidiaries of the Company spent in 2000 on research and design work in the field of ecology more than 5.5 million rubles of their own funds. The total costs of research and development and development work on environmental issue, taking into account centralized financing, amounted to about 300 million rubles.
Prominent Russian scientists, specialists from industry research and educational organizations are involved in the work.

Public Joint Stock Company Moscow United Energy Company (PJSC MOEK) is the largest heat and power company in Russia. Its main task is to provide the city of Moscow with reliable heating and hot water supply. The activities of PJSC MOEK include the production, transport, distribution and sale of heat energy, as well as the generation of electrical energy.

More than 95% of the capital's population, as well as hundreds of enterprises and organizations, use the services of PJSC MOEK every day. Realizing its high social role and place in the creation of a comfortable urban environment, PJSC MOEK is not only aimed at uninterrupted and high-quality heat supply to consumers, but also strives to do it taking into account environmental values, following international principles of sustainable development.

This Environmental Policy is a document that demonstrates to all stakeholders the commitments of PJSC MOEK and its management in relation to the preservation and improvement of the environment. Since MIPC PJSC is a subsidiary of Gazprom Energoholding LLC, a member of the Gazprom Group, the Environmental Policy of MIPC PJSC is based on the Gazprom PJSC Environmental Policy and develops its obligations in relation to its activities.

The environmental policy of PJSC MOEK applies to all personnel of PJSC MOEK, as well as to personnel of contractors performing work and services for PJSC MOEK, and is mandatory for taking into account when making management decisions.

Obligations of PJSC "MOEK"

1. Comply with the norms and requirements in the field of environmental protection applicable to the activities of PJSC MOEK, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

2. Prevent pollution by improving design, optimizing manufacturing processes and using the best available technologies.

3. Strive to reduce the negative impact on the environment by increasing the energy efficiency of production processes at all stages.

4. Constantly improve the environmental management system in PJSC "MOEK" to ensure its effectiveness.

Promising areas of activity of PJSC "MOEK" in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

Obligations of PJSC "MOEK" serve as the basis for determining promising areas of activity in the field of environmental protection and rational use natural resources.

These areas of activity of PJSC MOEK are:

- increasing the efficiency of using non-renewable natural resources and energy sources;

- minimization of the negative technogenic impact on the natural and urban environment.

Actions of PJSC "MOEK" to implement the Environmental Policy

To implement this Environmental Policy, MOEK PJSC will systematically perform the following actions:

- introduce and maintain an environmental management system that meets international standards;

- consistently involve the personnel of PJSC "MOEK" in activities to reduce environmental risks and improve production environmental performance;

- introduce new technologies and methods of work that contribute to the reduction of air pollution, the level of noise exposure, land pollution, the formation of industrial waste

- to provide professional and environmental education for employees of PJSC "MOEK";

- to ensure the availability of environmental information on the economic activities of PJSC MOEK for interested parties, the validity and transparency of decisions that affect the implementation of the Environmental Policy.

This Environmental Policy of PJSC MOEK is a priority and is communicated to every employee of PJSC MOEK.

Appendix No. 2

to agreement No. _____________ dated "___" _________ 2012

Environmental policy of JSCGazprom

(Appendix to the decision of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom dated 24.10.2011 No. 1891).

  1. Are commonprovisions.
Open Joint Stock Company Gazprom is the largest gas company in the world and one of the largest energy companies engaged in geological exploration and production of natural gas, gas condensate and oil, their transportation, storage, processing and sale, as well as electricity generation in Russia and abroad.

OJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and organizations are a vertically integrated company (hereinafter referred to as the Company)

The economic activities of the Company, which are of strategic importance for the economy of Russia and other countries, affect the interests of millions of people. The impact on the environment of the Company in the course of its activities determines its responsibility to society.

Aware of this responsibility, OAO Gazprom became one of the first companies in Russia to adopt an environmental policy in 1995. In response to the increased requirements for environmental protection, the Company in 2000 took on additional obligations in this area, which was reflected in the new edition of the Environmental Policy.

Currently, the responsibility of OAO Gazprom, as a global energy company, is growing for the preservation of the natural environment, safety and reliability of product supplies while fulfilling the environmental and social obligations set forth in this Environmental Policy.

The environmental policy of OAO Gazprom is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties Of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

In accordance with the principles of the Concept of the Transition of the Russian Federation to Sustainable Development, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 1, 1996 No. 440, and this Environmental Policy, it seems possible to ensure a balanced solution to socio-economic problems and preserve a favorable environment and natural resource potential in order to ensuring a worthy contribution of the Company to the desire of the world community to satisfy the needs of present and future generations, achieving harmony with nature and forming the sphere of reason (noosphere) scientifically substantiated by V.I. Vernadsky.

  1. CommitmentsCompanies.

The main principle of the Company's activity is sustainable development, underwhich means dynamic economic growth with the most rational use of natural resources and maintaining a favorable environment forfuture generations.

To implement this principle, the Company assumes the following obligations:

  1. Ensure compliance with all norms established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and international legal acts in the field of environmental protection, and adhere to the principles of the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2002 No. 1225-r.

  2. Ensure resource conservation, reduce the negative impact on the natural environment, take all possible measures to preserve the climate, biodiversity and compensate for possible damage to the environment.

  3. Increase the energy efficiency of production processes at all stages.

  4. Ensure continuous improvement of both the Company's environmental activities and the management system for these activities.

  5. To carry out the prevention of pollution, which means the priority of preventive actions to prevent negative impacts on the environment over actions to combat the consequences of such impacts.

  6. Continuously improve the state of labor protection and industrial safety at their production facilities, organizing work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene standards.

  7. Take into account the interests and rights of indigenous peoples to maintain a traditional way of life and preserve the original habitat.

  8. Carry out gasification of settlements and expand the use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel to improve the quality of life and safety of the population of Russia.

  9. Organize continuous professional and environmental education for the Company's employees.

  10. Ensure wide accessibility of environmental information on the economic activities of OAO Gazprom, transparency of its environmental activities and decisions taken in this area.
The obligations assumed by the Company form the basis for establishing long-term strategic goals inenvironmental protection... These goals are:

  • minimization of the specific negative technogenic impact on the natural environment (per unit of marketable product);

  • increasing the efficiency of using non-renewable natural resources and energy sources;

  • involvement of all Company personnel in activities to reduce environmental risks, improve the environmental management system and performance indicators in the field of environmental protection.

  1. MechanismsimplementationEnvironmentalpoliticians.

The means of achieving strategic goals in the field of environmental protection in the Company will be:

  • implementation and maintenance of an effective environmental management system based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001;

  • cooperation with all organizations involved in the extraction and supply of energy resources in order to minimize the impact on the natural environment and rational use of resources;

  • participation in global, including international, programs aimed at achieving sustainable development, climate and biodiversity conservation;

  • target planning of actions to reduce environmental risks and measures to implement environmental policy;

  • taking into account environmental, economic and environmental aspects along with traditional financial and economic parameters in the development of projects and their implementation;

  • allocation of sufficient organizational, material, human and financial resources to ensure the fulfillment of the assumed obligations;

  • carrying out reclamation and other technical and organizational measures to compensate for damage to the natural environment;

  • organization and conduct of research in the field of renewable energy sources, including hydrogen energy, involvement in the use of unconventional resources such as mine methane and methane in the form of gas hydrates;

  • application of the best available technologies in all areas of production;

  • consideration of environmental factors when developing a policy for the procurement of technologies, materials and equipment, performance of works and services by contractors;

  • implementation of environmental certification of products;

  • conducting and stimulating scientific research aimed at improving energy efficiency, reducing the negative impact on the environment and environmental risks;

  • insurance of high environmental risks;

  • improving the environmental education system;

  • motivation of personnel to use the creative potential of each employee in the matter of resource conservation and reduction of environmental risks;

  • active interaction with civil society structures interested in the environmentally friendly activities of the Company.
This Environmental Policy is a priority and is communicated to every employee of the Company.

The environmental policy, which expresses the position of the Company in relation to the environment and the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in modern conditions, is the basis for determining the environmental strategy of the Company, target planning of its activities in the field of ecology for the short and medium term.

The implementation of the Environmental Policy will be carried out by fixing obligations in the field of environmental protection in the regions in which the Company's activities are supposed to be carried out in contracts with the Company's contractors and suppliers.

The environmental policy is subject to revision, adjustment and improvement when the development priorities and operating conditions of the Company change.


Environmental policy of Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky LLC

(approved by order general director dated 19.10.2011, No. 994)

Limited Liability Company Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is one of the largest enterprises of OJSC Gazprom for natural gas transportation, operation and repair of gas pipelines and gas transmission systems, operating in the Perm Territory, the Udmurt Republic and the Kirov region of the Russian Federation.

The main principle of the Company, aimed at fulfilling the environmental policy of OAO Gazprom, ensures the implementation of the Concept of Sustainable Development, which means dynamic economic growth with the most rational use of natural resources and preservation of a favorable environment for future generations. The company is guided by the principles of environmentally responsible, economically viable and socially oriented production management.

The strategic goals of the Company in the field of environmental protection are systematic reduction of the level of negative impact on the environment, rational use of natural resources and energy, continuous improvement of environmental management methods.

Aware of the responsibility for the consequences of its activities for the natural environment and observing these principles, the Company assumes obligations:

  • comply with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

  • take all necessary measures to prevent pollution and reduce levels of environmental impact;

  • constantly improve the management system in the field of environmental protection;

  • continuously improve the level of competence of personnel whose activities are capable of leading to a significant impact on the environment;

  • ensure wide accessibility of environmental information, transparency of environmental activities and decisions taken in this area;

  • regularly improve the system of motivation for the development of the creative potential of each employee in minimizing and preventing negative impact on the environment and resource conservation;

  • take into account environmental aspects in the procurement of technologies, materials and equipment, as well as orient third-party organizations to environmental aspects related to the services they provide and work performed.
The management of the Company assumes responsibility for the implementation of this Environmental Policy by setting appropriate goals and objectives, providing the necessary resources to achieve them, monitoring and analyzing environmental activities, and the functioning of the environmental management system.

This Environmental Policy is a priority and is communicated to each employee of the Company and contractors operating at the facilities of the Company.

Customer: General Contractor:

General Provisions

Public Joint Stock Company Gazprom is a global energy company engaged in geological exploration and production of natural gas, gas condensate and oil, their transportation, storage, processing and sale, as well as electricity generation in Russia and abroad.

PJSC Gazprom, its subsidiaries and organizations form a vertically integrated company (hereinafter - the Company), in which PJSC Gazprom is the parent company that determines overall strategy development.

PJSC Gazprom's strategy is to become a leader among global energy companies. This implies a responsible attitude towards preserving a healthy environment for present and future generations.

PJSC Gazprom's environmental policy is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, international regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

The Environmental Policy is a document expressing the official position of OAO Gazprom regarding the role of the Company and its obligations in preserving a favorable environment in the regions where the Company is present.

The environmental policy is the basis for setting medium-term corporate environmental goals and is subject to consideration when developing programs for the Company's long-term development.

The environmental policy is brought to the attention of every employee of the Company and should become a guideline for all partners of the Company without exception.

The environmental policy is subject to revision, adjustment and improvement when the development priorities and operating conditions of the Company change in accordance with the procedures established in the environmental management system of PJSC Gazprom.

Obligations of the Company

PJSC Gazprom declares its adherence to the principles of sustainable development, which means a balanced and socially acceptable combination of economic growth and preservation of a favorable environment for future generations.

Based on this, the Company assumes the following obligations, which it will fulfill and require their fulfillment from its partners, contractors and counterparties:

  1. Ensure compliance with environmental standards and requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international legal acts in the field of environmental protection and the legislation of the countries of presence.
  2. Ensure the reduction of negative impact on the environment, resource conservation, take all possible measures to preserve the climate, biodiversity and compensate for possible damage to the environment.
  3. Carry out preventive actions to prevent negative impact on the environment, which means the priority of preventive measures to prevent negative impact over measures to eliminate the consequences of such impact.
  4. Ensure compliance with the norms and requirements for ensuring environmental safety in the development of hydrocarbon deposits on the continental shelf and in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
  5. Improve energy efficiency of production processes, take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  6. Provide at all stages of the implementation of investment projects minimizing the risks of negative impact on the environment, including natural objects with increased vulnerability and objects, the protection and preservation of which is of particular importance.
  7. Take into account the interests and rights of indigenous peoples to maintain a traditional way of life and preserve the original habitat.
  8. Ensure the involvement of the Company's employees in activities to reduce environmental risks, continuous improvement of the environmental management system, indicators in the field of environmental protection.
  9. Increase the competence and awareness of the role of the Company's employees in resolving issues related to environmental protection.
  10. Ensure wide availability of environmental information related to the Company's activities in the field of environmental protection and decisions taken in this area.

Mechanisms for fulfilling the obligations of the Environmental Policy

The main mechanisms for fulfilling the obligations of this Environmental Policy are:

  • maintaining and improving the corporate environmental management system based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001;
  • setting measurable corporate environmental goals aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment and providing the necessary resources for measures to achieve them;
  • mandatory consideration of environmental aspects and risk assessment when planning activities, developing and implementing investment projects;
  • conducting industrial environmental control and monitoring, assessing the impact of the Company's economic activities on the environment;
  • implementation of gasification programs for Russian settlements;
  • comprehensive development of the market for the use of natural gas as a gas engine fuel in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • the Company's participation in global environmental programs and projects aimed at achieving sustainable development in the regions of its presence;
  • stimulation of scientific research and implementation of innovative projects aimed at improving energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and non-traditional energy resources;
  • application of the best available technologies at various stages of production activities, including the procurement of technologies, materials and equipment;
  • insurance of high environmental risks;
  • organization of the study, understanding and application in practice by each employee of the Company of applicable legal and other requirements related to the environmental aspects of activities in the regions of presence;
  • improvement of the environmental training system for the Company's employees;
  • involvement of all employees of the Company in activities related to the environmental management system;
  • interaction with organizations and persons interested in improving the environmental safety of the Company;
  • communicating the obligations of the Environmental Policy to all persons working for the Company or on its behalf, including subcontractors working at the Company's facilities.

Actual information

JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary sells a non-residential building-shop with a total area of \u200b\u200b193.3 sq.m., located at the address: Chuvash Republic, Kozlovsky district, Kozlovka, st. Lobachevsky, 3. Help by phone. 54-01-79, 54-01-82, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in weekdays"

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary carried out maintenance of the Eternal Flame memorials in the Chuvash Republic

On the eve of Victory Day, specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary carried out maintenance of the memorial complexes "Eternal Flame" located in the company's area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. The work was carried out as part of the All-Russian campaign “Sacred Duty. Eternal Memory ", initiated by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.

The service center of JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" in 2018 provided services to more than 1.5 thousand consumers

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary through the Single Window service in 2018 in Cheboksary alone supplied gas to over 40 multi-apartment and more than 500 private residential buildings, as well as boiler houses of 30 public utilities.

Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary switched to enhanced operation during flood periods

In connection with the onset of the flood period, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, in order to ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free gas supply to consumers, switched to an enhanced mode of operation.

JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" appealed to law enforcement agencies on the fact of an unauthorized tie-in into the gas distribution network

Specialists of OOO Gazprom mezhregiongaz Cheboksary and JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary revealed the fact of unauthorized connection of gas-consuming equipment to the gas distribution network in one of the private houses in Cheboksary.

The winners and runners-up of the "Pay for gas on time and win" campaign received awards and prizes

At the head office of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, an award ceremony was held for the winners and prize-winners of the Pay for Gas on Time and Win campaign. According to the General Director of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary K.S. Miftahutdinova: “Holding motivating campaigns for natural gas consumers has become a good tradition in companies.

Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary has completed the construction of a gas pipeline to the village of Karakly, Kanash District

Specialists of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have completed the construction of a distribution gas pipeline in the village of Karakly, Kanashsky District, Chuvash Republic. The gas pipeline will provide natural gas to new streets of the settlement - Smirnova, Shevgen, Tikhonov, 70 years of Victory.

The winners and laureates of the "Torch of Cooperation" competition were awarded

The results of the "Torch of Cooperation" competition have been summed up. The competition has become traditional, its founders are Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary LLC and Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary JSC. The event is held annually to strengthen partnerships between the gas supplier, gas distribution organization and gas consumers (legal entities).

Cheboksary gas workers, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Housing Inspection, checked apartments without contracts for maintenance of gas equipment

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary together with the State Housing Inspectorate of Chuvashia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Chuvash Republic, the housing and communal services management company checked household gas appliances of residents of apartment buildings in Cheboksary, who, in violation of the current legislation, have not yet entered into an agreement for the maintenance of indoor gas equipment ...

The opening of the Museum of the History of the Gas Industry

On December 28, the Museum of the History of the Gas Industry was inaugurated. The ceremony was attended by the Head of the Chuvash Republic Mikhail Ignatiev, General Director of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov, employees of gas companies.

The issues of ensuring the safe operation of gas equipment in the housing stock were discussed during an extended workshop-meeting

On December 25, in the city of Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary together with the Department of Supervision and Preventive Work (UND and PR) of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Chuvash Republic held an expanded seminar-meeting on interaction and coordination of efforts to prevent emergencies and ensure safety gas supply to residents of the Chuvash Republic.

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has put into operation seven new gas pipelines in the Chuvash Republic

In Q4 2018, Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary put into operation seven new gas pipelines - in Yuzhny and Algeshevo, Cheboksary, in microdistrict. Southern city of Kozlovka.

Use natural gas - take part in the competition and win!

OOO Gazprom mezhregiongaz Cheboksary and JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary are holding an action “Pay for gas on time and win”.

Cases of imposing services for the installation of gas signaling alarms on the population have become more frequent

In the Chuvash Republic, there have been cases of imposing services for the installation of air gas control devices (gas level alarms) in apartments.

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has gasified new houses in the village of Starye Yakhakasy, Vurnarsky District

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary completed the construction of high and low pressure gas pipelines with a length of 1,620.8 m in the village of Starye Yakhakasy, Vurnarsky district of the Chuvash Republic. The opportunity to connect to natural gas was given to 46 plots of individual housing construction on the street. Polevaya, of which residents of 7 built houses have already received blue fuel.

Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov: "The main task is to ensure the stable passage of the heating season, uninterrupted gas supply and consumer safety"

The General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov, met with representatives of the funds mass media... The main topic of the day was the critical situation in the republic on the eve of the beginning of the heating season with regard to payment of current payments and repayment of overdue debts for the supplied natural gas.

On the termination of gas supply in connection with the repair work at the AGDS in Kozlovka and AGDS in Tyurlema

09/20/2018 Cheboksarskoye LPUMG - a branch of Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod LLC will carry out emergency work to repair the crossing of the Kazan-Gorky MG section at the crossing over the Moscow-Kazan railway with a complete shutdown of the AGDS in Kozlovka and AGDS p. Tyurlema \u200b\u200bat the time of work.

On September 20, 2018, from 08:00 to 18:00, the supply of natural gas to some consumers in the Kozlovsky district will be terminated.

Employees of gas companies of Chuvashia were marked with high government and industry awards on the eve of their professional holiday

The holiday was held in the Volga sanatorium, the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic Ivan Motorin, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Chuvashia - Minister economic development, industry and trade of the Chuvash Republic Vladimir Avrelkin, General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, Deputy of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov, veterans and workers of the gas industry.

Russia introduced criminal liability for unauthorized connection to gas distribution networks

Federal law of 29.07.2018. No. 229-FZ "On Amendments to Article 215.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 150 and 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation" established criminal liability for unauthorized connection to oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and gas pipelines.

On the cessation of gas supply in connection with the repair work at the Bolshoi Sundyr gas distribution station

Cheboksarskoye LPUMG - a branch of Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod LLC on 21.08.2018 will carry out repair work on the gas-recovery unit in the city of Kozmodemyansk, which provides gas supply to the Bolshoy Sundyr gas distribution station.

The Government of the Chuvash Republic needs to step up work to strengthen the payment discipline of consumers

Valery Golubev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mikhail Ignatiev, Head of the Chuvash Republic, held a meeting today in Cheboksary on strengthening the payment discipline of gas consumers.

In Chuvashia, measures to collect subscribers' debts continue

As of 01.07.2018, the subscribers' debt to the supplier company Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary amounted to 137.8 million rubles. Explanatory activities are carried out with subscribers, by-pass of households and apartments is carried out, payment by installments is offered, reminders and claims are sent to debtors.

On the termination of gas supply in connection with the repair work at the Chiganary GDS

Cheboksarskoye LPUMG, a branch of Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod, will carry out repair work on the linear part of the main gas pipeline that supplies gas to the Chiganary gas distribution station.

Dear shareholders! In February 2018, JSC Gazprom celebrated its 25th anniversary. During this time, from a gas company - a national leader, we have turned into a key player in the global energy market - a powerful, efficient, diversified Gazprom Group.

Competitions in fire fighting sports among the teams of subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom

From 18 to 22 June 2018, Syktyvkar will host a fire fighting sport competition among subsidiaries and organizations of PJSC Gazprom, organized by Gazprom Transgaz Ukhta.

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary held another gas safety event in the capital of Chuvashia

In order to prevent situations in everyday life associated with natural gas, specialists of the company Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, together with OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, the State Housing Inspection of Chuvashia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Chuvash Republic, the management company of housing and communal services checked the condition and serviceability of household gas appliances at subscribers apartment buildings in the city of Cheboksary that have not entered into an agreement for the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment.

Press conference by member of the Management Board, Head of Department, Gazprom PJSC, General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC K.G. Selezneva

A press conference was held by a member of the Management Board, Head of Department of PJSC Gazprom, General Director of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz K.G. Seleznev. The topic of the press conference was "Gas supplies to the domestic market. Implementation of the Russian Regions Gasification Program."

On the cessation of gas supply in connection with the repair work at the Shumerlya gas distribution station

In accordance with the approved repair work schedule, the Zavolzhskoye LPUMG - a branch of Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod, will carry out repair work at the Sumerlya gas distribution station on June 19, 2018 from 08.00 to 17.00 hours with a complete shutdown and cessation of gas supplies to consumers

On the termination of gas supply in connection with the repair work at the Yumanai GDS

In accordance with the approved repair work schedule, the Zavolzhskoye LPUMG, a branch of Gazprom transgaz Nizhny Novgorod, will carry out repair work at the Yumanai gas distribution station on June 18, 2018 from 08.00 to 17.00 with a complete shutdown and cessation of gas supplies to consumers

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has updated its fleet of specialized equipment

JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has renewed the fleet of vehicles of emergency dispatch services (ADS) and operational units. The company purchased 20 units of specialized equipment that meets the requirements of the Euro-5 environmental standard.

On the resumption of gas supply to the boiler houses of the Sadovy microdistrict

As of 05/01/2018, the debt of OOO SUOR for the supplied natural gas to OOO Gazprom mezhregiongaz Cheboksary amounted to about 49 million rubles.

A criminal case was initiated against OOO SUOR on the fact of non-payment for the supplied gas for heating and hot water supply in the Sadovy microdistrict

In Cheboksary, based on the materials of the prosecutor's check, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of non-payment for the supplied gas for heating and hot water supply of the Sadovy microdistrict

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has started preparing gas networks for the next heating season

The specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary have started preparations for work in the autumn-winter period of 2018-2019.

Employees of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary collected more than 15 tons of garbage following an environmental campaign

More than 15 tons of garbage were collected and removed by employees of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary during subbotniks as part of the Green Spring 2018 All-Russian campaign.

The events were held from April 21 to May 15, 2018 in the districts and cities of the Chuvash Republic, where the company's branches are located.

Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov took part in the ceremony of laying flowers at the Eternal Flame at the Monument of Military Glory

On May 9, in the Memorial Complex "Victory" in Cheboksary, in memory of the defenders of the Fatherland who fell in the Great Patriotic War, a flower-laying ceremony was held at the Eternal Flame at the Monument of Military Glory.

In the Chuvash Republic, gas workers completed the preparation of the Eternal Flame complexes for the festive events

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary have completed preparation of 17 Eternal Flame memorial complexes for the Victory Day celebrations. The work was carried out within the framework of the action “Sacred Duty. Eternal Memory ", initiated by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.

Meeting on gasification of the Volga region was held

The design of intra-settlement gas networks in the Zavolzhskaya territory of Cheboksary and the construction of an inter-settlement gas pipeline were discussed on April 16 at a working meeting led by the Head of the Chuvash Republic Mikhail Ignatiev. The event was attended by Ivan Motorin, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, Vladimir Mikhailov, Minister of Architecture Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Chuvash Republic, Aleksey Ladykov, Head of the Cheboksary City Administration, General Director of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary LLC Kiyametdin Miftahutdinov other.

Gas supply was limited to a number of industrial enterprises of Chuvashia due to debts

The total amount of overdue debts of industrial enterprises of the Chuvash Republic for consumed natural gas as of March 1, 2018 amounted to 2 billion 420.0 million rubles. In connection with non-fulfillment of payment obligations, in strict accordance with the current legislation, notifications were sent to the heads of debtor enterprises about the introduction of restrictions on the supply of natural gas. In total, at the beginning of March, measures to impose restrictions on the supply (supply) and withdrawal of gas were planned for 192 industrial consumers.

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have restored gas supply to consumers in the Novy Gorod microdistrict

On Thursday, March 1, specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary restored gas supply to consumers in the 1st microdistrict of the Novy Gorod residential area in Cheboksary, the Chuvash Republic. On the evening of February 28 during earthworks the construction company damaged the medium pressure gas distribution pipeline. The work was carried out in violation of the established rules.

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary held a gas safety event in the capital of Chuvashia

During the event, gas workers checked the condition and serviceability of gas equipment in apartments equipped with flow-through gas water heaters in apartment buildings Cheboksary.

Greetings from the Chairman of the Management Committee of PJSC Gazprom A. B. Miller

on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the joint stock company

Gas workers appealed to law enforcement agencies on the fact of unauthorized connection to gas

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary revealed a case of unauthorized connection of gas equipment in one of the apartments of house No. 61 on Traktorostroiteley Avenue in Cheboksary.

Gazprom's quality management system passed international certification

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary restored gas supply to consumers in Tsivilsky district

Specialists of Gazprom gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary on Tuesday, December 5, restored gas supply to consumers in the Tsivilsky district of the Chuvash Republic after a high-pressure distribution gas pipeline was damaged by a road construction company in the course of unauthorized excavation in the Konary village the day before.

Specialists of JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" worked out operational actions to eliminate a simulated accident on gas networks

On November 16, 2017, specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary took part in the republican command and staff training on actions at electric and heat power facilities on the topic of emergency response in conditions low temperatures outdoor air during the heating period 2017-2018

Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov took part in a meeting on debts for the supplied natural gas of LLC "Communal Technologies"

The issues of arrears for the supplied natural gas and tariff regulation of the activities of Kommunalnye tekhnologii LLC were considered on October 25 at a meeting chaired by the Head of Chuvashia, Mikhail Ignatiev. The event was attended by Vladimir Mikhailov, Minister of Architecture Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Chuvash Republic, Head of the State Service of Chuvashia for Competition Policy and Tariffs Marina Kadilova, Head of the Republican State Housing Inspection Viktor Kochetkov, General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary LLC, Gazprom Gas Distribution Cheboksary JSC Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov, Head of Communal Technologies LLC Dmitry Kryukov, representatives of law enforcement agencies.

In the village of Yantikovo, specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary conducted a raid to identify violations when using gas at home

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Chuvash Republic and the local management company of housing and communal services conducted a raid in the village of Yantikovo to prevent violations when using gas.

Illegal tie-in into gas pipeline detected in Cheboksary

During the technical inspection of gas pipelines by employees of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary and Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, the fact of unauthorized connection to an underground low-pressure gas pipeline and unauthorized extraction of natural gas by gas-consuming equipment installed in a building under construction located between 1B on the street. Usadskaya in Cheboksary and Presidential Boulevard.

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has begun construction of a gas pipeline for the Yuzhny microdistrict in Tsivilsk

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have started construction of a gas pipeline for the Yuzhny microdistrict in Tsivilsk, Chuvash Republic.

Gazprom tops the S&P Global Platts rating of global energy companies

Gazprom Group took first place in the annual rating “Top 250 Global Energy Companies »S&P Global Platts (S&P Global Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings).

Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov held a press conference

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary hosted a meeting of the company's CEO Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov with representatives of the media. The main topic of the day was the critical situation in the republic on the eve of the start of the heating season with regard to payment of current payments and repayment of overdue debts for the supplied natural gas.

Gas workers of Chuvashia celebrated their professional holiday and the 60th anniversary of the republic's gas industry

On September 02, a festive event took place in the Volga sanatorium, dedicated to the Day workers of the oil and gas industry and the 60th anniversary of the gas industry of the Chuvash Republic.

JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" has completed the construction of a new gas pipeline in the village of Buinsk, Ibresinsky District

Specialists of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have completed the construction of a gas pipeline in the Buinsk settlement of the Ibresinsky District of the Chuvash Republic.

The company "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" began gasification of new streets in the village of Kugesi, Cheboksary district

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have started construction of a distribution gas pipeline in the village of Kugesi, Cheboksary District, Chuvash Republic. The new gas pipeline will supply natural gas to the new streets of the settlement - Dalnaya, Kedrovaya, Vesennyaya and Svetlaya. 53 individual houses will be able to connect to the blue fuel.

Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders “Foundation for Further Growth”

The materials on PJSC Gazprom's activities in 2016 were presented to the Annual General Meeting: the annual report, accounting (financial) statements, the opinion of the Audit Commission and other materials.

Address to the shareholders of Viktor Zubkov, Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors, and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee

Dear shareholders! 2016 was a challenging year for the global energy sector. A number of macroeconomic factors, including low prices on oil, put serious pressure on the industry. At the same time, in the reporting year, Gazprom achieved significant production results, fully fulfilled its obligations to provide gas to domestic and foreign consumers, and continued to implement all strategically important investment projects.

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary continue to prepare the republic's gas distribution system for the autumn-winter period

Specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary continue to prepare gas facilities for the autumn-winter period of 2017-2018.

JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary suspended gas supply to a part of a residential building due to violation of the rules for using gas

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary suspended gas supply to residents of one of the entrances of house No. 8 on the street. Bichurin in the capital of Chuvashia. The reason is a gross violation by consumers of the rules for using gas in everyday life.

Gazprom increases gas sales to Russian consumers at exchange auctions

Today at the Gazprom office in Moscow, on the eve ofannual General Meeting of Shareholders , a press conference was held “Gas supplies to the domestic market. Implementation of the Russian Regions Gasification Program ". Member of the Management Board, Head of Department, Gazprom PJSC, General DirectorOOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Kirill Seleznev.

The Board of Directors recommends paying dividends at the end of 2016 in the amount of RUB 8.0397. per share

Board of Directors PJSC Gazprom considered issues related to the preparation and implementation ofthe annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the company.

Employees of gas companies of the republic held a clean-up day in the park of the Cheboksary region

On May 3, 2017, the subdivisions of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary held environmental clean-ups dedicated to the Year of Ecology, announced in Russia and at PJSC Gazprom.

Congratulations from the General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz K.G. Seleznev on the 60th anniversary of the gas industry of Chuvashia

Congratulations from the Head of the Chuvash Republic M.V. Ignatiev on the 60th anniversary of the gas industry of Chuvashia

Congratulations from the General Director of OOO Gazprom mezhregiongaz Cheboksary, JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary K.S. Miftakhutdinova on the 60th anniversary of the gas industry of Chuvashia

The corporate sports contest of gas workers has started, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of the gas industry of the Chuvash Republic

On April 1, 2017, in the Tsivilsky district of the Chuvash Republic, a sports meeting was held among the employees of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary LLC and Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary JSC, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of the gas industry of the Chuvash Republic.

The issues of safe operation of gas equipment in residential buildings were discussed at a meeting of the government commission

On February 9, 2017, a meeting was held in the Chuvash Republic government commission for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and fire safety. General Director of JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Cheboksary Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov made a presentation there.

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary will switch to an enhanced mode of operation during the New Year holidays

During the New Year holidays, the gas distribution system of the Chuvash Republic will be constantly monitored by specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary. The emergency rescue service will work in an enhanced mode on weekends and holidays, fulfilling not only emergency trips, but also repair requests.

Fines are imposed for violation of the rules of safe operation and maintenance of gas equipment

IN The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation has been amended to establish the amount of fines for individuals and legal entities for violation of security rules safe use and maintenance of in-house and in-house gas equipment, in particular for refusal to carry out maintenance.

Specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary conducted gas safety lessons for schoolchildren

Since the beginning of the year, specialists from Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary have conducted more than 70 lessons on safe gas use at home for schoolchildren in districts and cities of the Chuvash Republic.

Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov took part in the V International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Development ENES 2016

From 23 to 25 November 2016, the V International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving ENES 2016 is being held in Moscow.

Gas workers of Chuvashia, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, will check the gas equipment of subscribers who previously refused access

Specialists of JSC Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, together with employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Chuvash Republic, began checking gas equipment in apartment buildings, at subscribers who had previously denied gas workers access.

The Sectoral Olympiad for schoolchildren of PJSC Gazprom has started

Gazprom together with 13 leading Russian universities launched the Industry Olympiad for schoolchildren of PJSC Gazprom. It is conducted in five disciplines: information and communication technology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics.

JSC "Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary" will transfer seven offices in Chuvashia to high-speed communication

Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary has launched a project to switch a number of the company's branches to high-speed communications. The work will be performed by Rostelecom in the Chuvash Republic.

Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary has chosen the best rescue team

JSC Gazprom gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary held an annual review competition for emergency dispatch teams (ADS).

Gas workers of Chuvashia completed the next stage of work on the current and overhaul of gas networks

The specialists of Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary have completed the next stage of preparation for the autumn-winter period 2016-2017.

In 2015, Gazprom saved fuel and energy resources in the amount of RUB 7.8 billion.

A meeting of the Company's Coordination Committee on Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency was held today at the Gazprom headquarters. The meeting was chaired by Vitaly Markelov, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, Head of the Coordination Committee. The meeting was attended by heads of specialized divisions of Gazprom and its subsidiaries.

Mandatory installation of gas meters extended until 2019

IN the federal law Amendments have been made on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement, according to which the period for the mandatory installation of gas meters has been extended until January 1, 2019.

Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary has opened a new multifunctional gas complex in the Poretsky District

JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution CheboksaryOn July 15, a new multifunctional complex opened in the village. Poretskoe. The complex includes the building of the gas section of the branch of the gas distribution organization in the Poretsky district, the emergency dispatch service, the service for the operation of external gas pipelines, the repair and construction section, the section for working with the population and manufacture building with a garage.

Address to the shareholders of Viktor Zubkov, Chairman of the Gazprom Board of Directors, and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee

Gas workers of Chuvashia begin checking gas metering devices at home

The companies Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary and Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Cheboksary are starting to provide a new service to subscribers - checking the gas meter with the departure of a car with a calibration rig to apartment buildings.

AO Gazprom gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary joined the PJSC Gazprom campaign - “The Year of Labor Protection”.

2016 in the company is dedicated to the labor protection of employees. The purpose of the campaign is to use with maximum efficiency the accumulated experience in compliance with labor protection standards in production, as well as the use in the Company of the labor protection management system and the prevention of occupational diseases.

Topical issues of gas supply to the Chuvash Republic were discussed

On the New Year's Eve, the General Director of JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Cheboksary, LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Cheboksary Kiyametdin Miftakhutdinov met with a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vadim Nikolaev. The meeting discussed topical issues of gas supply to the Chuvash Republic, as well as the goals and objectives of the companies.