Where and what mushrooms to pick in the suburbs. Mushrooms in the suburbs - which are edible When and where mushrooms grow

Regardless of the growing tree species, edible mushrooms are almost never found in especially dense thickets, in highly shaded places, in tall and dense grass, in very dense bilberry, overgrown hummocks, in swampy places among densely covering moss, as well as in too dry places. Mushrooms do not grow in alder and solid hazel.

Our country stretches for thousands of kilometers from western to eastern borders and from northern to southern. In the north, there is a very short summer, in the extreme south, in essence, there is no winter.

From this it follows that mushrooms cannot appear and grow at the same time in regions of different climatic conditions. It is quite natural that at a time when winter is raging in the northern regions, and even in the middle lane, mushrooms grow in the south of the country.

But since this book describes mushrooms growing in the northern half of the forest zone, in the central and western regions of the country, the above dates for the appearance and growth of mushrooms refer to these territories.

In the appearance of fungi, there is a periodicity and a certain sequence. Periods of good growth are followed by periods when mushrooms are very rare, sometimes completely absent.

At the end of April, the first spring mushrooms appear - morels and lines. These mushrooms grow throughout May, you can still find them in early June, after which they disappear until the spring of next year.

June is the beginning of summer. The sun has already risen high, the day has become brighter, the nights are shorter.

Rye is sprouting, wild rose, jasmine, viburnum and mountain ash have bloomed. This means that in a week on the edges and in rare birch groves, near the trunks of old trees, the first summer mushrooms will go: birch, aspen, russula, even porcini, and in sparse, light pine plantations, you can already collect butter.

People call these first mushrooms spikelets. The duration of growth of fungi of this first layer is no more than 10-12 days, after which there is a break.

And only in some years, when May and June are rainy and cool and the appearance of the first mushrooms is delayed, there is no break in the growth of mushrooms between the first and second layers.

Mid-July is the peak of summer. Linden has faded, the hard time of harvesting winter crops has come - a second layer of middle-summer mushrooms appears. The duration of fruiting of this layer is two to three weeks, after which, as a rule, there is a break again until mid-August.

August. In the mornings, a thick fog spreads, enveloping meadows and forest distances. In the forest, at the foot of trees, in ditches, near forest roads and paths, and in areas not covered with grass, white mold appears.

This is said to be the "blooming" soil. Raspberries and lingonberries are ripe in the forest. All these signs and the abundant appearance of red fly agaric indicate the beginning of the massive growth of mushrooms, and especially white ones.

During the third, summer-autumn layer, especially in favorable weather, mushrooms such as cepes, birches and aspen trees grow in whole families, and milk mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus and some others grow in colonies.

Moreover, white and aspen trees sometimes appear in whole seedlings of two, three or more fused together.

It should be noted that mushrooms grow especially amicably after a warm drizzling "mushroom" rain, when steam is streaming from the moist earth warmed by the sun during the day, and the nights are especially warm.

Edible and conditionally edible mushrooms

First, let's find out what edible and conditionally edible species look like. The latter differ in that they are necessarily processed before use - depending on the type of mushroom, it can be boiling in several approaches or roasting.

But let's start with a brief overview of the "completely" edible gifts of the forest, which are found in the forests near Moscow.

Other names: boletus, belevik, grandma, good-natured, bear-bearer, mullein, feather-grass.

Mushroom pickers know that porcini mushrooms are of several types. But in this region there are only pine trees.

How to find out:

  • hat - large (6-30 cm in diameter), with fine wrinkles and tubercles. It is brown in color, with darkening in the center (reddish or purple tones are less common). In young specimens, it is semicircular, over time it becomes slightly convex or flat;
  • leg - with an extension from top to bottom, from 8 to 17 cm in height, with noticeable tubercles or a mesh pattern;
  • pulp - fleshy and dense, with a noticeable smell of roasted nuts (white at the cut).

From the name it is clear that such mushrooms grow near pines(less often - in chestnuts and oaks, beeches and firs). Meet both singly and in groups.

This is one of the most delicious types of mushrooms, which is eaten in almost any form - fried and dried, as an ingredient in soups. True, only young specimens are used - old ones can be wormy.

Important! The most delicious are the "whites" growing in spruce and birch forests.

Best time to harvest: late July to early October.

How to find out:

  • hat - pale pink, with a grayish or yellow (less often white) overflow. Diameter - 4-12 cm. Alternating light and dark stripes, the size of which can change, are striking;
  • leg - thin (1-2 cm in girth) and low (up to 6-7 cm), regular cylindrical shape. Very hard, smooth to the touch. In older specimens, it often becomes hollow. Regardless of age, there may be small dark pits on the surface;
  • pulp - pale pink, dense and dry, with a characteristic pungent taste.
Grows in birch groves or mixed forests, loves wet locations. Bulk arrays are common. Often grows directly on old birches.

The best time to harvest is late June-October. But in this interval, two waves are distinguished - the very end of July and the end of August - the first decade of September.

It is very pungent when raw, but with a noticeable bitterness, which disappears during cooking. Used for the preparation of pickles and marinades, in fresh Volnushki are served in the second courses (although they require preliminary soaking and blanching).

This is the best conditionally edible mushroom.

Other names: white lump, raw lump, wet lump.

How to find out:

  • hat - white or slightly yellowish, with a diameter of 6-25 cm. In “young animals” it is flat, with age a depression forms in the center. Wet and sticky to the touch, with a downy fluff on the inner edge. There is always a lot of plant debris on it, sticking to the surface;
  • leg - cylindrical and hollow on the inside, white or yellowish. Height - 3-10 cm;
  • pulp - white, strong and firm. Has a special scent similar to a fruity aroma. Milky juice is also white, but turns gray-yellow in air.

Did you know? Some peaceful-looking mushrooms are also predators: they feed on nematodes stuck in the mycelium rings.

Favorite locations - deciduous and mixed forests, lime trees. They come across infrequently, although they grow abundantly.

The best time to harvest is mid-July to September.

After removing the bitterness by daily soaking with a change of water, such mushrooms are usually allowed to be salted - the milk mushrooms are juicy and with an appetizing aroma. After staying in a container with spices for a month and a half, they become usable.

Other names: yellow wave, yellow load, scraped.

How to find out:

  • hat - large (6-29 cm in diameter), often with small scales. The color is yellow, but there are specimens with a brown or even golden tone. Smooth to the touch with curled edges. On young mushrooms, it is convex, but then becomes flat or concave;
  • leg - strong, with visible indentations or pits of yellow color. It is sticky to the touch, but hollow inside. Height - 5-12 cm;
  • pulp - white, with a subtle pleasant aroma reminiscent of fruit. The cut turns yellow.
It grows in coniferous areas, less often in birch groves. Fruiting in small groups or singly, often occurs.

Important! Inedible types of milk mushrooms secrete lilac milky juice.

The best time to harvest is the second decade of July-October.

After boiling or soaking, it is used to cook pickles and marinades.

These are some of the most common mushrooms. In the Moscow region, representatives of the meadow variety most often come across.

Other names: flap, wolf tobacco, grandfather's tobacco.

How to find out:

  • hat white or white-brown color has the shape of a ball with a diameter of 2-5 cm. In young raincoats, it is covered with small thorns, which are then washed off. With age, the whole color also changes - it becomes yellowish or light brown. The apex is slightly flattened;
  • leg - thickened and wrinkled, up to 1.5 cm;
  • pulp - white, with a septum in the form of a diaphragm, white and with a perceptible pleasant smell.
They grow in groups, on any healthy and moist soil: forest edges, near fields, and even in parks.

The best time to harvest is early July-October.

Only young raincoats are eaten, which after frying resemble meat (they are not suitable for soups - when added, liquid dishes acquire a "rubber" flavor).

In these parts, there is only one type of oak tree, namely speckled.

Other names: granule-footed boletus, bruise, boletus boletus, red-footed boletus.

Did you know? During the growth period, the intracellular (aka turgor) pressure of the fungus is as much as 7 atmospheres.

How to find out:

  • hat - velvety to the touch, in the form of a hemisphere or pillow. Color - dark brown, black-brown, chestnut. Darkens when pressed. In girth - from 7 to 23 cm;
  • leg - red-yellow, with mesh patterns or dots. Thick, barrel-shaped or cylindrical, tapering upward. Height: 6-16 cm;
  • pulp - bright yellow or orange, without much aroma and taste. Changes color along the cut, becoming blue or bluish.
It grows near oaks, fir, fir trees. Quite large groups are seen on swampy ground.

The best time to harvest is late May-early October.

After boiling (10-15 minutes) oak woods are pickled, they are also often used for drying.

Another name: sieve.

How to find out:

  • hat - in young goats it is slightly swollen, but becomes flat as it grows. Reddish, brown or brown in color (a reddish tone is considered a rarity). Smooth to the touch, no bumps. Diameter - 3.5-12 cm;
  • leg - in the form of a cylinder, very dense and hard. The color repeats the color of the cap, but with a matte shade. Dimensions - 4-10 cm in height and 1-2 in girth;
  • pulp - brown or yellow (turns pink when broken), odorless.
Usually grows in coniferous forests, close to pines. Solitary specimens or small groups are also found in mixed massifs located on acidic soils.

Important! The goat is famous for its powerful antibacterial effect. True, if you have problems with digestion, you will have to refuse to take it.

The best time to harvest is mid-August to late September.

After a short heat treatment, it is used to prepare frying, in small quantities it is added to soups. Due to its low taste, it is not used for pickling.

Another name: real chanterelle.

How to find out:

  • hat - medium (2-12 cm), orange or yellow. Differs in an irregular shape: convex or concave, stretched or in the form of a funnel;
  • leg - solid and dense, strongly grows together with the cap. Often repeats its color or has a lighter shade. With a height of 4-7 cm, it has a diameter of 1-3 cm. It narrows noticeably downward;
  • pulp - fleshy, white in the middle and yellow at the edges. The taste is sour, the smell varies from slightly fruity to "root". On the cut it turns red.
It comes across everywhere, but most often - near conifers, oak or beech (sometimes fused with them). Also loves wet moss. The groups are quite numerous.

The best time to collect is the first run - early June, the second wave - mid-August-October.

Chanterelles are considered a delicacy and are used in any form - they decorate almost all dishes and side dishes.


In the vastness of the Moscow region, you can find three types of boletus at once - ordinary, larch and yellow-brown. Each of these lines deserves a separate description.

Let's start with the most massive -.

Other names: yellow oiler, real oiler, autumn oiler.

Did you know? The sex chromosomes of fungi are very similar to those of humans.

How to find out:

  • hat - has the shape of a hemisphere (in young boletus) or a flatter appearance, sometimes with raised edges. Colors - from brown with a chocolate tint to yellow-brown (as an option - gray-olive). Diameter - 3-15 cm;
  • leg - cylindrical and solid, with longitudinal fibers and a filmy ring of white or brownish color. The main tone is slightly lighter than the color of the cap. Height - 3-12 cm, thickness - 1-3;
  • pulp - juicy, slightly brown at the base, yellowish on top, and brown under the cap itself.
Grows on sandy soils, mainly near oak, birch and pine trees. Groups of these mushrooms are often found on forest edges, clearings or along roads.

The best time to harvest is mid-September to late October.

After removing the skin from the cap and boiling for 10-15 minutes, it can be used in any form. Although the cap is not cleaned before drying, so that the oil does not darken.

But there is also a not entirely pleasant feature: it is the caps that are most often damaged by insects, which makes them unsuitable for food.

Next in line is the larch oil can.

How to find out:

  • hat - convex or prostrate, smooth and sticky. Color options: from lemon and yellow to brownish brown. Diameter - 3-13 cm;
  • leg - solid and thick, in the form of a cylinder, sometimes in the form of a club. The top is grainy-mesh, with a lemon-colored ring. The main tone duplicates the color of the cap (a red-brown shade is very rare). Height - 4-12, thickness - up to 3 cm;
  • pulp - soft, fibrous and juicy, light yellow or brown. In young oil, the place of cut does not change in color, and in older ones it turns slightly pink and turns brown.

Important! In the fruiting season, the peak yield of oleagus falls on the 3rd day after rain.

Grows in groups, prefers acidic soils. The largest tracts are found in deciduous or mixed forests, individual specimens are also found in gardens.

The best time to harvest is July-September.

After boiling, such boletus is fried and salted, added to soups. But the most chic are the pickled leaves with their unusually delicate taste.

This three is closed by a yellow-brown oiler.

Other names: swamp, pestle, sandstone.

How to find out:

  • hat - semicircular (with a curled edge) or flat. It can be yellow, brown, olive or cloudy orange. 6-10 cm in diameter, occasionally with scales in the form of fibers;
  • leg - smooth and thick, cylindrical. Colors range from orange to lemon. Diameter - 4-11 cm, girth - 1-3;
  • pulp - yellow or light orange, brown at the base of the leg. It turns blue along the cut, with a pleasant pine aroma. The taste may not be felt or it may be quite pleasant. In old oils, it gives off metal.
These boletus are collected mainly in pine and mixed massifs, standing on sandy soil. The species is quite massive - single specimens or small families are often found. The best time to harvest is late July to mid October.

The use in cooking is similar to the larch variety.

Of the moss plants in this region, representatives of the green and fissured species most often come across.

How to find out:

  • hat - olive or greenish-gray, less often with a brown tint. Slightly convex in appearance. Velvety to the touch, with a circumference of 3-11 cm;
  • leg - cylindrical, with upward extension. Some mushrooms have a brown mesh. Height - from 2.5 to 10 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2;
  • pulp - white, with blue discoloration at the cut.

Did you know? The largest family of honey agarics grows in the national park of Ofenpass - the mycelium occupies 35 hectares.

Distributed in all types of woodlands.

The best time to harvest is July to mid September.

They try to eat green mushrooms immediately after harvesting and cooking - with prolonged storage, it darkens. Ideal for roasts, boiled dishes and marinades.

They differ in their unusual appearance.

Other names: pasture boletus, yellow or yellow-fleshed moss.

How to find out:

  • hat - swollen, in many specimens with a characteristic depression in the center. Densely covered with fine wrinkles forming a mesh pattern. Color: brown, olive or burgundy, with a matte shade. Diameter - 2-12 cm;
  • leg - solid, in the form of a mace. Small scales are visible. In young mushrooms, it is quite hard, but becomes hollow over time. An interesting color: the top is barely yellow, and the bottom is burgundy red. Height - 4-11 cm, girth - up to 2 cm;
  • pulp - white, less often yellow, without a bright smell and taste. The cut turns blue.

Such a flywheel grows on acidic soils, loves the company of oaks and beeches.

The best time to harvest is July-September.

It is used as a food ingredient either dried or salted.

Other names: clove mushroom, non-nut plant.

How to find out:

  • hat - smooth, with semi-transparent slightly ribbed edges. The shape varies from hemispherical to convex and flat (with an obtuse central tubercle). The color is pale cream, in wet weather it changes to yellowish-brown or ocher-brown, and the center is always darker. Girth - from 2 to 8 cm;
  • leg - cylindrical, solid and dense. Sometimes it takes on a sinuous shape, with age it becomes too rigid and fibrous. The color follows the color of the cap or is slightly lighter. Velvety to the touch (less often mealy). Height: 2-10 cm, thickness - only 0.5;
  • pulp - thin, white or pale yellow. It does not change when cut. The strong smell is similar to that of cloves, the taste is sweetish.

Important! Real meadow mushrooms always have a wide and creamy white plate.

It grows in open grassy areas - forest edges, ravines, meadows, often near roads and fields. Abundant fruiting: it is quite possible to see a dense row of such mushrooms.

The best time to harvest is late May to mid October (with a peak in August and early September).

Only caps are used for food, which are suitable for any type of processing.

How to find out:

  • hat - convex or flat, with sparse light scales (as it grows, it disappears). The color can be either light brown or olive, with darkening in the center. Diameter - 3-10 cm (giants under 15 cm are very rare);
  • leg - solid, covered with flake scales. There are honey mushrooms with a slight extension at the base of the leg. The main tone is yellow-brown, with a darker shade along the bottom. Height - 6-11 cm, thickness - up to 2;
  • pulp - white and dense, in older mushrooms it is thinner. Pleasant in taste and aroma.

Did you know? It was thanks to the fungi that the first antibiotics appeared - for example, penicillin was synthesized from a yeast fungus.

The best time for harvesting is the end of August-November, with a peak in the first half of September (if the average daily temperature is + 10 ° C ... + 15 ° C, then it is generally ideal).

After thorough boiling, young mushrooms or separated hats are salted and pickled, added to soups and fried, and also dried.

The common boletus is traditionally the most numerous species.

Other names: blackhead, birch.

How to find out:

  • hat - similar to a swollen pillow of brown, gray or brown (less often almost black) color. In diameter from 3 to 12 cm;
  • leg - white or grayish, with noticeable white or dark scales running along. Bottom thickened, dimensions - 1.5-4 cm in thickness and 3-13 in height;
  • pulp - white, with a uniform color. Does not change color when broken.
The name suggests where to look for boletus mushrooms - of course, in deciduous forests. These mushrooms very often grow together with birches, so it is easy to spot them.

The best time to harvest is July-October.

Gourmets appreciate this species for its delicate taste. In gastronomy, boletus mushrooms are used in any form.

Another mushroom delicacy.

Other name: dry load.

How to find out:

  • hat - convex or depressed (in the form of a funnel). The wavy edges are turned to the inside. It can be white or gray, with yellow or dirty ocher spots. In any case, the shade remains matte. It often cracks in the dry season. Diameter - 5-18 cm;
  • leg - strong and short, in the shape of a cylinder. Young podgruzdki are solid white with bluish edging at the top. It turns gray or spots over time. The bottom is slightly thicker. Height - 2-5 cm, thickness - 2-4;
  • pulp - strong and white. The taste is spicy, with a characteristic mushroom smell.

Important! Before immersion in salt water, the load is kept in cold for 4-5 hours - so it is easier to clean it from litter.

Grows in all forests and forest edges. Most often they are found in birches and oak, beech and aspen.

The best time to harvest is late July or early September.

It is eaten in salted and pickled form. Raw podgruzdok is not for everybody (the taste is rather bland), as well as salted dry.

Other names: aspen, redhead, redhead, redhead.

How to find out:

  • hat - hemispherical, brown (with an orange or red tint). Rough to the touch, often with small keratinized "notches". Depending on the location where the mushroom grew, the circumference of the cap can be from 5 to 27 cm;
  • leg - cylindrical, gray-white or gray. Fibrous scales are visible, darkening with growth. There is a slight thickening at the base. Height - 3.5-19 cm, thickness - 2-5;
  • pulp - dense and fleshy. In young boletus boletuses, it is more elastic (while in old ones it gets soaked and becomes loose). Along the cut, it changes color: from white to bluish, and then black. The smell is barely perceptible.
They are looking for such beauties near aspens, poplars, oaks and birches, although small groups are also found on the edges of mixed or deciduous massifs.

Did you know? Plasmodium (aka slime mold) is the only mushroom that is capable of ... walking: it can move at a speed of 1 cm / hour, and this skill extends to vertical planes.

The best time to harvest is June to mid October (the peak falls on the end of August and the first ten days of September).

Suitable for food in any form. But there is one caveat: many do not like the fact that after boiling, frying or drying for a long time, the mushroom darkens.

Other names: chestnut mushroom, pansky or brown mushroom.

How to find out:

  • hat - semicircular, convex or flat. The most common color option is dark brown or brown (under chocolate). The chestnut shade is more rare. Young specimens are distinguished by a matte tone, which then changes to shiny. Diameter - 4-15 cm;
  • leg - fibrous, cylindrical. Above, light brown or yellow with reddish fibers, brightens at the bottom. At the base, it can either narrow or slightly expand. Height - 4-13 cm, thickness - up to 4 cm;
  • pulp - dense and fleshy. The change in color along the cut is noteworthy: if in the leg the white or yellowish color changes to blue, and then turns brown, then when the cap is broken, the blue discoloration is replaced by highlighting. Delicate taste and pleasant smell are inherent.

Loves sandy soils, comes across in coniferous and deciduous forests. The best neighbors are spruce, pine, chestnut, beech, oak. Polish mushrooms grow singly or in sparse rows.

The best time to harvest is late June to early November.

Important! For forest species, rapid freezing without preliminary heat treatment is suitable.

It is used as a food product for pickling and salting, drying and cooking. Many go further, freezing such stocks for future use. At the same time, the taste is practically not lost.

How to find out:

  • hat - rounded-spherical, uneven, with coarse cells of irregular shape. Brown or grayish, less often yellow-brown (darkens with age or dries). Diameter - 3-8 cm;
  • leg - hollow, cylindrical. It has a white, yellow or brownish tint, often with longitudinal grooves at the very bottom. There is also a small expansion. Dimensions: 3-9 cm in height and 1-3 in thickness;
  • pulp - waxy and brittle, white. It has a delicate taste and pleasant smell.
Grows in lit forests of any type, forest edges, under bushes and in clearings. In the southern regions, such a miracle can be found in the dense roadside grass, and even along the ditches.

The best time to harvest is mid-May to June. In a warm year, some morels come across until late September and early October.

After preliminary boiling in salted water (up to 15 minutes), it is used to prepare first and second courses, as well as fillings. If drying is planned, no boiling is carried out. Stores well in the freezer - the taste remains the same.

Another representative of the morel family.

Other names: cap, Czech verpa, tender morel.

Did you know? The first mentions of morels are found in the works of the Greek scientist Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century. BC.

How to find out:

  • hat has the shape of a cap (can be bell-shaped, conical or in the form of a thimble). The lower edge is pressed against the stem or bent to the side, which is typical for old mushrooms. The color palette is very diverse: here it is brown, yellow, and yellow-ocher. The surface is covered with winding small folds - in old morels, it seems to be pitted. Small sizes - up to 4 cm in diameter;
  • leg - smooth, cylindrical, occasionally with fine grooves. The color is white-yellow or ocher. May be curved or slightly flattened at the sides. Expansion is noticeable below. Height - 6-15 cm, thickness - 1.5-3;
  • pulp - waxy and brittle, with a light color (although there is still a darkening near the cap). It has no special taste, the smell - with obvious notes of dampness.
Grows in lowlands, in flooded or loamy areas of deciduous or mixed forests. Large families (40-70 specimens) can be found near birches, aspens and lindens, while groups thin out near ditches and streams.

The best time to harvest is April-mid-May (peak - first ten days of May).

The culinary uses are the same as for the real morel.

The easiest way is to find a real mushroom.

Other names: pine mushroom, gourmet mushroom, pine mushroom or autumn mushroom.

How to find out:

  • hat - convex or flat (or even depressed), with edges wrapped inward. The main color is reddish or orange, with variations from dark yellow to reddish brown. Characteristic rings are visible, less often - a whitish bloom. Smooth to the touch, slightly sticky. In girth it reaches 4-15 cm;
  • leg - smooth and cylindrical, in tone or slightly lighter than the cap. Small pits are visible on the surface. Hollow from the inside, tapers at the base. Height - 3-7 cm, thickness -1.5-2;
  • pulp - dense, yellow-orange. When it breaks, it turns green, but then we can barely detect a pleasant fruity smell.

Important! In the structure of saffron milk caps, 4% are amino acids (including irreplaceable ones) - an excellent product for people engaged in hard physical labor.

It grows in coniferous areas near spruce and pine trees. Often there are individual mushrooms hidden in the moss.

The best time to harvest is July-first decade of September.

Ideal preparation for pickling and pickling, great ingredient for sauce. True, it is not suitable for drying.

"Wild" relative of purchased champignons.

Other names: pechin, real champignon.

How to find out:

  • hat - white or brownish, may be covered with scales. The shape changes: from a hemisphere at the beginning of ripening to flat with a convex center. The edge is often curved inward. Diameter - 7-16 cm;
  • leg - flat and straight, widening at the base. The color is the same as that of the cap. There is a ring closer to the middle. With a height of 5-9 cm, it is 1-2 cm thick;
  • pulp - dense and thick, white, reddens at the break. It has a pleasant smell.
It grows among the grass, on well-fertilized soils, so you can meet the champignon both on the forest edge and at the summer cottage.

Best time to collect - the very end of May-early October.

Everyone knows about the gastronomic abilities of champignon. This delicacy is used in any form (with the exception of pickled and salted).

Inedible, poisonous mushrooms

In addition to the many edible species, poisonous or simply inedible mushrooms can also be found in these places, which should be avoided. And to be on the safe side, you need to know exactly how they look.

The most dangerous of all poisonous mushrooms.

Other name: fly agaric green.

Special signs:

  • cap - hemispherical or flat. Color: greenish, olive or grayish. The edge is always smooth, with a noticeably fibrous surface. Diameter - from 5 to 15 cm. Pay attention - dense filmy scraps are sometimes visible on the skin;
  • leg - cylindrical, with a noticeable thickening at the base. It can be white, greenish or yellow. Moiré patterns are often seen. Height - 8-17 cm, thickness - 1-3;
  • pulp - white and fleshy, does not change color when broken. Young toadstools have a poorly expressed pleasant smell and taste, while from old ones it carries crushed insects or something like that.
Heat-loving toadstools prefer deciduous forests, especially lime forests and adjacent oak forests. Due to the craving for heat, it comes across in summer cottages and in the suburbs.

The growth period is July-October.

The insidiousness of toadstools is that it is easy to confuse them with mushrooms, greenfinches or russula. But even against this background, the so-called albino line stands out - a completely white toadstool, which can confuse even an experienced mushroom picker.

Another name: papillary breast.

Special signs:

  • cap - dark brown, with a cold purple tint (it is lighter in young "fake"). Circles of scales are visible on the surface. The shape is usually flat, with edges slightly curved inward. There may be a tubercle in the center. Diameter - 3-9 cm. When pressed from the outside, a brown spot appears, instantly changing color to ocher;
  • leg - cylindrical, hollow, with a slight expansion towards the bottom. Height - 4-11 cm, thickness - up to 3;
  • pulp - reddish, with a noticeable odor, like a mature coconut or camphor. Darkens when broken.

Important! It is better not to pick up poisonous mushrooms at all - spores in the palm of your hand can cause serious frustration.

It grows almost everywhere.

The growth period is from mid-August to early November.

Everyone has heard about this mushroom, and thanks to its catchy appearance, it cannot be confused with anything.

Special signs:

  • cap - in young specimens it is hemispherical, but with growth it opens and becomes flat. The bright red surface is dotted with white wart flakes. Girth - from 7 to 20 cm;
  • leg - cylindrical, with a thickening near the base. Has a white or yellowish color. Old fly agarics have hollow inside. Dimensions - 8-20 cm in height, 1-3 cm in thickness;
  • pulp - dense, white or light yellow (less often orange), with a subtle slight odor.
Distributed everywhere, but especially often found on acidic soils. In deep woodlands, it can grow directly on the trunks of spruce and birch trees.

The growth period is mid-July-October.

They are often confused with autumn mushrooms. But upon closer inspection, the differences between them become apparent.

Special signs:

  • cap - fleshy, hemispherical or semi-spread shape. Color: brick red to tan (shaded in the center). Hanging white flakes are usually visible around the edges. Diameter - 4-12 cm;
  • leg - dense and even. At the beginning of growth, it is solid, in old honey agarics it becomes hollow. At the base, sometimes a narrowing is visible (but this is not always). In the same area it has a brownish brown color, which is replaced by light yellow on top. Film residue may be observed. 6-10 cm in height, up to 1.5 in thickness;
  • pulp - white-yellow and rather dense, with a bitter aroma. There is no particular smell.

Did you know? The combed hedgehog, resembling a small furry dog \u200b\u200bfrom a distance, is more like a seafood than a mushroom in structure.

It is found mainly on stumps and near fallen trees.

The growth period is August-first half of September.

Another name: hurts.

Special signs:

  • cap in the shape of a rounded pillow with age, it becomes flatter. It can be white, grayish, olive or dirty gray. Yellow, ocher or pink shades are quite rare. Smooth and very large to the touch - 8-30 cm in circumference;
  • leg - looks like a barrel, but at first it is ovoid or spherical. Dense, with a noticeable mesh pattern and rounded cells. The color changes: the yellow-brown base turns into an orange-red middle, which is crowned with a yellowish-red top. Height - 5-15 cm, thickness - 3-10;
  • pulp - yellowish or white, when cut it turns red or slightly blue, old specimens have a pungent odor.
Usually found in deciduous forests and on calcareous soils - near lindens and chestnuts, hornbeams and oaks.

The growth period is mid June to late September.

Mushroom places of Moscow region

Fans of "quiet hunting" with experience will name dozens of mushroom places (fortunately, the Moscow region in this regard is considered the richest region).

In order not to bore you with a huge list of such locations, we will note the most iconic of them. Having gone there, even a beginner will collect a full basket.

Important! The first such expeditions are best carried out in the company of an experienced guide, who will not only indicate the necessary paths, but also provide the skills necessary for hiking.

The following points are ideal for such a tour:

  • art. Black (Ryazan direction). It stands right in the middle of a pine forest and is considered almost a cult place among mushroom pickers. It is famous for the abundance of chanterelles and boletus;
  • art. Lukhovitsy of the same line. Not far off there are two woodlands. The southern one is rich in boletus and boletus, and the northern one surprises with a mass of porcini mushrooms;
  • art. Firsanovka (Leningrad direction). Gathering can begin as early as 1.5 km north of it (towards the villages of Klushino and Nazaryevo), or 3 km to the west: after crossing the Goretovka river towards the village of Ruzino, you can find large tracts of mushrooms and honey agarics. There are also countless white and boletus boletus here;
  • Pavlovskaya Sloboda... The surroundings of this village are rich in everything, but especially mushrooms. You can get there from the Nakhabino station (10 minutes by bus # 23);
  • art. Sushkinskaya and Petelino Belorusskaya lines. In 2 kilometers from them there is a huge forest with many mushrooms. The richest place is the road going through the forest to the Petelinskaya poultry farm, on either side of it is a real Klondike for honey mushroom lovers;
  • forest near the village Pokrovka (2 km to the east from the station Bashkino, Kiev direction) - huge quantities of russula, honey agarics and mushrooms. Although if you go west from the station, you can get into another array with the same variety;
  • array at st. Sharapova hunting (Kursk branch). Going to the east, to the settlements of Pleshkino and Voskresenki, you can appreciate all the richness of the mushroom suburbs - along the way, you will meet most of the species growing in the area;
  • the same picture in the vicinity of st. Kazanskoe in the Gorky direction. There it is enough just to move away from the canvas to any side, trying not to lose focus on it;

  • on the Paveletskaya line, the top-end is the massif at st. White Pillars - a kilometer to the west begins a deciduous forest, rich in all species growing in such conditions. If you go in the direction of Shibantsevo (this is another 5 km) and cross the Kashirskoe highway, then there you can collect a lot of porcini mushrooms;
  • the vicinity of the villages of Konyashino and Minino (4-5 km north of the station Gzhel of the Kazan line).

Did you know? Mushrooms grow in New Zealand forests, the outside of which is completely painted in sky blue.

In general, there is where to go. And this is not a complete list of fruitful places - you can collect forest gifts in almost all areas, which are huge near Moscow.

In addition to knowing the main places, you also need to know how to pick mushrooms correctly. It all starts with "props" - comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as the purchase of a low and wide wicker basket (plastic is not good).

After making sure that everything is at hand, remember the simple rules that it is advisable to adhere to when going on a hike:

  • for collection, it is better to go to locations remote from the metropolis and hazardous industries - the cleaner the air, the better workpieces (for these reasons, mushrooms are not picked near roads);
  • collect only familiar species. If there is the slightest suspicion, you should not take such a mushroom;
  • it is better to refrain from harvesting specimens growing near poisonous species (even if they are clearly edible - dangerous spores could spread to them);
  • carefully inspect the specimens you like for the absence of wormholes, cracks and other damage;
  • be sure to clear the garbage collection;
  • in any case, do not pull out the mushrooms, but cut them off (or, in extreme cases, twist them so as not to damage the mycelium). If you ignore this rule, then the mycelium will die;
  • the optimal choice is young specimens (and not "tiny" or old mushrooms);

  • go to the forest only during daylight hours, and the sooner the better. Before the hike, be sure to charge your phone and tell your loved ones where you are going;
  • try not to move away from paths and glades (this is especially true for beginners);
  • if you have a child with you, make sure that he does not try raw mushrooms and the berries taste.

Important! Do not use cellophane bags for collection.

For all their simplicity, these rules will really help you avoid the troubles you might encounter in the forest. Of course, situations are different - it's easy to go astray in an unfamiliar place. In this case, the main thing is not to panic: call relatives or friends and tell your approximate location, listen to the sounds (distant barking of dogs or the hum of cars indicate that civilization is somewhere close, and you will go somewhere).

times already

From this article you will find out when which mushrooms grow in our latitudes, as well as when (on what day) it is better to collect them.

Stirlitz went to the forest for mushrooms.
I looked in the glades. Have not found.
I looked under the trees. Have not found.
"Not a season," thought Stirlitz
and threw the basket into the snow.

Summer and autumn mushrooms

You can pick mushrooms not only in autumn. Many good edible mushrooms such as boletus, boletus, boletus begin to appear in our forests in late May-early June and sometimes grow all summer. It all depends on the weather.

Edible mushrooms love long-lasting wet cold weather, which in late May and summer does not happen very often. Therefore, spring and summer mushrooms are not found as often as we would like, and the time for mushroom picking comes only in autumn.

But not every autumn is suitable for mushrooms, but only one during which enough precipitation and no frost... If the whole September has passed without rains, don't expect mushrooms.

There are mushroom years and not. Usually for 3 mushroom years there is one non-mushroom, with dry autumn, but it is difficult to identify the exact pattern - it all depends on a combination of weather factors.

What mushrooms grow when

It is good to pick mushrooms from late August to late October, before the first frost. Such mushrooms as boletus, boletus, boletus (redheads) usually grow until the end of September - in October, especially if the temperature drops below 10-12 C, they are rarely found anywhere. But the beginning of October is the time for Polish and porcini mushrooms. Honey mushrooms also appear in October, which grow in our forests before frost, and some even after. However, it is impossible to use mushrooms frozen after frost - a poisonous substance is released in them after frost.

When what kind of edible mushrooms can be picked. Mushroom picker calendar and plate for collecting the most common mushrooms

Table of seasonality of mushrooms in Ukraine (own observations):

Shutter_speed data-image-title \u003d "(! LANG: mushroom seasonality sign" data-image-description="" data-medium-file="https://i2.wp.com/travellife.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/tablichka-sezonnosti-gribov1.jpg?fit=300%2C195" data-large-file="https://i2.wp.com/travellife.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/tablichka-sezonnosti-gribov1.jpg?fit=584%2C380" class="aligncenter" title="mushroom seasonality plate" src="https://hometi.ru/wp-content/uploads/5bf9add3a69275bf9add3a941e.jpg" width="584" height="380" srcset="" sizes="(max-width: 584px) 100vw, 584px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Mushroom picker calendar:

Https: data-large-file \u003d "https://i1.wp.com/travellife.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/kalendar-gribnika.jpg?fit\u003d572%2C774" class \u003d " aligncenter "title \u003d" (! LANG: mushroom picker calendar" src="https://hometi.ru/wp-content/uploads/5bf9add5374b55bf9add5375bd.jpg" width="572" height="774" srcset="" sizes="(max-width: 572px) 100vw, 572px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The best time to pick mushrooms

Many people now like to pick mushrooms, and thanks to the Internet and the media, people learn about mushroom places near their city - and on weekends, a whole line of cars line up on the roads near the forest. Therefore, the best time to go mushrooming is from Wednesday to Friday or at dawn on Saturday. On Sunday even at 5 am near the city you will find only slices or the smallest mushrooms that were not noticed by the mushroom pickers who passed here on Saturday. Therefore, if you want to enjoy a real mushroom "hunt" and not pick up leftovers, take a day off in the middle of the week and go for mushrooms.

The growth of mushrooms does not depend on the lunar calendar (in any case, I have not noticed such a dependence and have never heard of it), only on the weather.

The picking of mushrooms also does not depend on the time of day, the tradition of going for mushrooms early arose from the fact that everyone wanted to pick them first. Personally, as a convinced owl, I don't bother getting up early, you can gain a couple of kilograms of mushrooms in the afternoon, especially on a weekday.

Mushroom places

For a successful mushroom picking, you need to know the mushroom places, because in the same forest there can be many mushrooms for several kilometers, and after 500 meters, it was cut off. This is due to many factors, including the spread of the mycelium. Therefore, if in a mushroom year you went to the forest for mushrooms, but did not find a single edible one, change your location. If you find only slices, old moldy or eaten mushrooms, it means that they grow here, but perhaps they have already been collected before you. In this case, mark this place on the map and arrive there on another day, preferably on a weekday.

Read the article "Where to go for mushrooms in Kiev - mushroom places near Kiev"

So, summing up the above, we get the following output: best time to pick mushrooms - this is autumn, in the middle of the week, a couple of days after rain, on relatively warm, but not hot days. Fog and warm nights are also a good sign of mushroom time. Sunday is the worst day for mushroom picking in places that others have visited on Saturday.


We go to the right places for mushrooms

The porcini mushroom is found in almost all latitudes of the globe. It grows in European, American, Chinese, Siberian, Turkish and Mongolian forests. The Australians were the only one who was not lucky: not a single boletus was found in Australia.

White grows next to birches, beeches, spruces. Especially many of them are found in oak forests, from which they got their middle name. They like the neighborhood of juniper, mushrooms take a lot of nutrients from it and grow especially large.

But aspen groves and alder thickets are shunned by the boletus, there is very little food left for them.

Council. If you find one porcini mushroom in a birch grove or oak forest, do not rush to unbend your back. Boletus grow in families, look - you will definitely come across more.

White mushroom, like any other representative of this genus, loves warm, humid places, so it grows in lowlands, where the humidity is maximum. It should also be noted that whites do not grow in young forests. They will never be found in recent plantings.

Boletus collection time

There is no specific harvest date for porcini mushrooms. The first of them appear in mid-June. The season ends with real night frosts, which means it can continue until the end of October. In case of an early increase in air temperature, boletus can be found in May.

Porcini mushrooms have a phenomenal growth rate. A young mushroom, weighing up to 5 g, becomes a 250-gram hero in 4-5 days. There were cases when mushroom pickers boasted of specimens weighing more than 500 g and reaching 1 kg. We can assume that these stories are akin to fishing tales, but in 1961 a record mushroom weighing about 11 kg was found, the diameter of its cap was almost 60 cm.

How to tell a real white mushroom from a false one

The type of boletus directly depends on the place of growth. The elements contained in the soil have an effect on color and shape.

  1. Oak porcini mushroom - has a light coffee cap, up to 30 cm in diameter. Pleasant velvety to the touch. The tubular layer has a light olive shade, a white mesh on the stem, which is clearly visible along the entire length. This type of porcini is found in oak and linden groves, in the south it can be found next to edible chestnuts. It is appreciated by mushroom pickers for its unique aroma, and a light nutty flavor that remains after drying.

  2. Birch porcini mushroom - has an almost white, with a light yellowish cap. It grows small - up to 15 cm in diameter. The tubular body of a young boletus is completely white, becoming yellowish with age. The leg is light, brownish, covered with a white mesh only in its upper part. Found in birch groves.
  3. Pine porcini mushroom - unlike other representatives, it has a bright wine color of the cap. Olive tubular layer. The leg also has a mesh, but a reddish tint. It is found in light and warm areas of the coniferous forest, but in the hot season it can hide in the shade of dense crowns.

White is a mushroom of the first category, it is edible and extremely useful. It can be eaten without heat treatment. But you should be very careful, because even experienced mushroom pickers can get into the basket false whites, which are conditionally edible, or even inedible and poisonous.

The main difference between all false mushrooms is the color of the tubular body under the cap. For example, in gall fungus it is slightly pinkish. Also, this double has an extremely bitter taste, which intensifies during processing. Not a single inhabitant of the forest will ever covet him.

Another representative of doubles - satanic mushroom... Unlike the gall mushroom, which is inedible but not poisonous, the satanic mushroom is extremely dangerous to humans.

The scavenger defines it as conditionally edible, but the satanic mushroom can be eaten only after 10 hours of heat treatment. Only 10 g of raw mushroom pulp can cause paralysis of the entire human nervous system. The color and shape of the cap of this false mushroom is identical to white. The tubular layer can have all sorts of shades of red, from orange to pink. The reticular layer is red. The pulp is light, but turns blue on the cut within 5 minutes. The old representatives of the satanic mushroom have a terrible smell of rotten onions.

Important. It is recommended to check the color change of the cut on the legs directly during collection.

Who is especially useful porcini mushroom

The boletus contains many elements useful for the human body. It contains especially a lot of vegetable protein. In addition, the pulp of the mushroom contains vitamins PP, C, B, B1; trace elements: iodine, zinc, copper.

Porcini broths can be put on a person's feet after a complex operation. Boletus mushrooms stimulate digestive function, they have anticancer properties, and also help tone muscles and increase their endurance. White mushroom is strongly recommended for athletes, vegetarians, people prone to cancer and those with gastrointestinal problems.

Picking porcini mushrooms: video


Poplar drops its earrings - time to collect morels

In early spring, when there is still snow in some places, but the air temperature has already exceeded zero, you can go to the forest for morels. A sure sign of a good harvest of these mushrooms is a winter with little snow and not a rainy autumn. And popular rumor insists that as soon as the poplars and aspens begin to shed their earrings, you can move forward for the first mushroom harvest.

Warm rains and thunderstorms are the harbingers of the first oil

As soon as the warm May rains pass and the first thunderstorms thunder, boldly go to collect the first boletus, boletus, boletus. But since the earth is not yet completely warmed up, and there is too much rain, do not count on a large harvest of mushrooms during this period.

During the flowering of linden, wormy mushrooms are least

In summer, you should go to the forest for mushrooms during the linden blossom. During this period, the forest is warm and humid enough, which causes the growth of mushrooms. But as soon as the heat sets in, the mushrooms will quickly become wormy.

The first chanterelles are a harbinger of the imminent appearance of porcini mushrooms and boletus

When the weather is not hot, occasionally there are short-term rains, and the first chanterelles grow in the forest, then after a few weeks you can come for porcini and boletus mushrooms.

See swarming midges - feel free to go to the forest

Moshkara actively reproduces in warm, humid weather, which usually occurs in summer after heavy rain. If you notice clouds of midges in the forest, feel free to take a basket and go to look for mushroom spots. A good result is guaranteed!

The first fly agarics appeared - start your search for porcini mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are also to be found in places where many amanita mushrooms with bright red caps have grown. These mushrooms often coexist. Usually such places are found in mixed forests, but not more often, but in an open, sunny place.

The first fogs are a signal to start harvesting autumn mushrooms

Beginning in August, dense fogs in the morning are a sure sign of the onset of the mushroom season. At this time, you can harvest a rich harvest of porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, as well as chanterelles, mushrooms and mushrooms. Especially when the first yellow leaves have already appeared on the birches.

They began to harvest oats in the fields - feel free to go to the nearest forest

There is such a day in the national calendar as Natalya Ovsyanitsa. Our ancestors celebrated it on September 8, on this day they began harvesting oats, as well as harvesting mushrooms for the winter. People said: “Natalya came, went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Let's go honey mushrooms, so the summer is gone. "

Many fluttering butterflies are a sign of active growth of mushrooms

During the so-called "Indian summer", when the weather is getting better and warmer, you can see flying butterflies in the field. This sign indicates the active growth of mushrooms. Again, you can gather in the forest for boletus, boletus and mushrooms.

Leaf fall has begun - go for autumn mushrooms

With the fall of leaves, it is time to collect the so-called "autumn" mushrooms. They can be found in dense thickets of grass next to fallen trees and old stumps. In the forest, mushrooms grow in large groups, mushrooms can be cut down to stable frosts.

The first morning frosts are a signal to start collecting oyster mushrooms

When light frosts occur in the morning, and frost forms, but the sun still peeps out during the day, you can go to the forest to look for oyster mushrooms. These mushrooms are still not very popular with us, but they have already begun to appear in stores more and more often. Oyster mushrooms are delicious mushrooms that can be boiled, fried and pickled.


Varieties of white specimens

There are many types of mushrooms, but the most popular and common ones are:

  • oak;
  • spruce;
  • birch;
  • pine.

Oak boletus

Oak specimens include boletus with a brownish, brown and grayish tint of the cap, which can be covered with white cracks. In diameter, it ranges from 8 to 25 centimeters. Initially, the tubes on it are white, then they become yellowish-greenish.

The leg is approximately 20 centimeters. It is loose, with a noticeable mesh image.

Boletus is collected during the summer and autumn months. It bears fruit in layers. This earliest subspecies is shown at the end of the spring month.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the oak specimen is similar to the gall fungus. The latter grows in coniferous forests. There is a black mesh with pink tubes on its stem.

Borovik has medicinal properties. It is used in the treatment of:

  • disturbed metabolic process;
  • weakness after illness;
  • digestion.

Spruce subspecies

This type of cap is convex, sometimes depressed. Her skin is velvety, wrinkled, shines and sticks in wet weather. The edge of the cap is often acute-angled. Its shade is brown, brick red. The tubes are spacious, easily detached from the hat. Initially, they are white, grayish, and towards maturity, yellowish, olive color.

Growing specimens with thick flesh. Further, it is spongy, with a white color, a pleasant mushroom aroma and aftertaste.

The leg is 20 cm high with tofus downwards. Its color is white, brown.

This subspecies bears fruit in 2 stages. First individually in the last days of May. The next abundant cover is in mid-June.

This specimen is similar to other types of porcini mushrooms (however, spruce is more healing than oak). Of the unusable specimens, it is like a gall mushroom.

Pine boletus

It has a fleshy convex hat. Its skin is smooth and velvety, and in wet weather it is sticky. Boletus has a brownish-red, dark brown, purple, greenish, gray color. His edge is often light. Initially, the tubular layer is white, then yellow, olive yellow. The white flesh is reddish purple under the skin. The taste and smell of the mushroom is characteristic of mushroom.

The leg has a maximum height of 12 cm. It is thick, fleshy, thickened to the base. Its color is light brown, yellowish. The leg is covered with a thin red mesh.

The pine subspecies can be easily confused with the bitter, inedible bile specimen, which has a black mesh on the leg, a pink tubular layer.


The forests in which porcini mushrooms grow are very diverse. This is because some of the subspecies are mutually beneficial in contact with different trees. Therefore, they live where there are trees. At the same time, the place where the porcini mushroom grows must have a specific soil, characteristic thermal and humid conditions. Hence, it is clear that the forest beauty will not grow where it is necessary. You need to look for it in special forests.

Coniferous forests

This is the most characteristic landscape where the named specimens grow. Coniferous forests are located in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

Pine forests

In this area, you can find pine porcini mushrooms that come into contact with pine (less often this happens with spruce and deciduous species). Their distinguishing feature is their sugary brown cap and stem, which can sometimes have a brown tint.

Such a mushroom loves to grow in sandy or loamy soil. It shouldn't be too moist. That is, this subspecies avoids swamps and damp lowlands, preferring dry forest areas. It can also be found in mountainous areas. Apparently, there are suitable growth conditions for the fungus.

You can determine the location where the boletus grow by digging the earth in the forest with a shovel and identifying grains of sand under the semi-rotten litter, and also relying on the main landmark. These are moss or lichen pillows. Instances are often found in these places, especially when there are small clearings in the trees, which are better warmed by the sun than other surrounding terrain.

Also, mushrooms are located on the outskirts of meadows, clearings, along the sides of forest paths.


Spruce porcini mushrooms grow in this forest. By appearance it is difficult to distinguish it from the pine subspecies, although the color of the cap of the spruce boletus is less saturated. It belongs to the type species, it is a real porcini mushroom.

Spruce boletus grow in the same conditions as pine, differing only in their attraction to spruce. They also like loamy, sandy, non-waterlogged soil, moss and lichen litter.

Deciduous forests

The area of \u200b\u200bdeciduous forests is quite large, although they are much smaller in comparison with coniferous ones. They are more developed in the southern part, and are rare in the north.


Birch boletus is also called spikelet. It got this name due to the appearance of rye by the time of harvesting.

This subspecies has a lighter cap relative to the 2 previous specimens. It can be found almost everywhere. Of course, boletus avoids swampy areas and peat bogs. It is the most common mushroom. A spikelet can be found in any birch forest at the edge, at the boundaries between sites, in open and overgrown areas.

Signs that make it easy to identify the presence of boletus in a birch forest:

  1. Grass bumps belous.
  2. Nearby mushrooms - red fly agaric, chanterelle. They accompany the birch boletus, bear fruit at almost the same time.


This area is not quite typical of the Urals. At the same time, in the southwest, you can find small areas of oak groves, where porcini mushrooms grow between oak trees.

However, some scientists believe that it is a separate species of fungus. It is called bronze boletus. He has a dark-colored hat. It happens that she has a black shade with a bloom that looks like mold. The French call this mushroom the head of a negro.

This subspecies grows in warm forests, prefers the southern regions more. Occasionally it can be found in mountainous areas, but often it is absent there.

Elm woods

There are such forests as elm forests (elm forests). A specific category of porcini mushroom, which would prefer these particular forests, has not been identified. However, in rare cases, there are different types of pine and spruce boletus, sometimes there is a birch variety.

Mixed forests

In these forests you can come across large glades of porcini mushrooms. Why exactly in them is unknown. There are only guesses about the possible best conditions for mixed forests. Or the reason depends on the original undergrowth.

Birch often grows in mixed forests. Therefore, the most abundant variety of boletus is birch. It is possible that thanks to this tree, the yield of this type of mushroom occurs.

Important information! It has been observed that the chance of finding large accumulations of mushrooms is higher in older forests than in pristine, primeval forests.

When to pick mushrooms

When planning to go to the forest, it is worth having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhen to pick porcini mushrooms, where they grow. Since the required temperature for the growth of such trophies lasts for a long time in the summer months, it is during this period that they need to be collected.

The more often temperature thresholds and changes in humidity occur, the weaker the fertile bodies of mushrooms develop.

Good climatic conditions include:

  • short thunderstorms;
  • warm foggy nights.

You need to start picking porcini mushrooms before the sun rises, as they are more noticeable at this hour. You need to walk slowly, carefully looking over the area.

The optimal harvest time is one week after rain. The mushroom needs to grow.

If the summer season is wet, the boletus will appear far from the trees (these are dry, well-heated hills, glades, forest edges). In dry season, mushrooms will hide under trees, where there is dried grass in which moisture is well retained.

It is believed that mushroom growth is noticeable where morels grow.

How to collect forest gifts

In order not to harm nature, the mushrooms should be collected correctly. You need to carefully cut as close to the ground as possible so as not to destroy mushroom place... They are also unscrewed from the soil.

Having turned or cut off the find, it must be cleaned so that the specimens lying nearby do not get dirty.

They put the found mushrooms with their caps down. If the boletus has a long leg, it should be laid on its side. It is necessary to collect only good specimens, without worms and rot.

If the boletus is overripe or unfamiliar, it is better to leave it intact. You can't trample them.


When and where do the first porcini mushrooms appear

Boletus is common on all continents except Australia. Prefers to settle in deciduous (birch, oak forests) and coniferous (pine, spruce) forests.

Depending on the age of the place of growth, the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms differ. If it grows in an oak forest, then the hat has a light color, and the leg is elongated. In the birch forest, the caps are also light, but the legs are tuberous. When settling near firs, dark caps are placed on long legs. If the mushroom grew in a pine forest, it has a brownish-red cap and a short, thick leg.
Porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit singly, closer to the autumn period, heap. Grow in seasons:

  • in areas with a temperate climate - from the middle of the first summer month to the end of September;
  • in warmer regions - from the end of May days to October.

Although white fungus is a light-loving plant, it can grow in areas shaded by dense crowns. If in the summer there are low daily temperatures and high humidity, the crop can be harvested only in open, well-lit and warmed glades. If the summer is favorable, the growth of mushrooms does not depend on the light. Optimum temperature for fruiting: 15-18 ° C in summer and 8-10 ° C in autumn.

How to quickly find a white mushroom in the forest (video)

Rules for collecting porcini mushrooms

Since the boletus is very sensitive to temperature conditions, it grows very quickly under favorable climatic conditions. The period from the onset of growth to full maturation is several days. In just 7 - 10 days, the mushroom grows old, losing its taste and accumulating toxic waste products of pests that have settled in it. In view of this feature, the mushroom picker must prepare in advance for harvesting so as not to miss the very peak of its growth.

Mushrooms grow especially quickly after rain. After 2 - 3 days after precipitation, you can go in search of boletus. Closer to autumn, it becomes cooler, and the growth of forest inhabitants slows down.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow. Having found at least one individual, you should carefully examine the nearby territory, examining the possible areas of their appearance. It is recommended to cut the mushrooms with a knife, but if it is absent, you need to carefully swing the mushroom and unscrew it from the ground.

In order not to harm health, it is important to adhere to some rules:

  • any mushrooms are natural sorbents that absorb toxic substances, so they are prohibited from collecting in ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • since the product is useful only until the end of the growth period, it is not recommended to use it after the start of the decay period;
  • edible mushrooms have inedible counterparts or similar poisonous mushrooms, so you cannot collect unfamiliar specimens.

Porcini mushrooms have a white and dense pulp, practically tasteless, but with a pleasant aroma. They include substances useful for the body. The plant product is widely used in culinary purposes, but they must be properly processed before use.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow

Time and places of picking porcini mushrooms in Russia

In the northern regions of Russia, porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit from the beginning of summer, in the southern regions - from mid-May. The timing of fruiting may vary depending on the temperature regime.

Mass harvesting begins in the middle of the last month of summer. It is at this time that mushroom pickers go on a quiet hunt and return with full baskets. In Siberian forests, mushrooms grow in the taiga, in other districts in forests with a predominance of conifers or mixed. Experienced mushroom pickers advise looking for mushrooms around deciduous trees over 50 years old and pine trees 20-30 years old. The soil should be sandy, sandy loam and loamy. In swampy places, mushroom pickers have nothing to do, since mushrooms practically do not grow there.

Where and when to look for porcini mushrooms in Belarus

Mushrooms are a traditional and favorite delicacy of the Belarusian cuisine. The republic has ideal mushroom conditions: the presence of mixed forests and swamps. Unique climatic conditions have a beneficial effect on growth different types mushrooms. The first edible mushrooms begin to appear already in the first spring month, but the specific dates depend on the weather conditions. Minsk and Vitebsk regions are considered the best mushroom grounds. A large harvest can be harvested in the forests located along the Vitebsk direction.

It is recommended to look for a porcini mushroom among conifers. He prefers to settle on clearings and forest edges. On hot summer days, it most often hides in shelters under trees, and in cool autumn it heats up in open sunny areas, especially on moist soil.

In order not to miss the lurking fungus, it is important to consider the places along the paths very carefully. Experienced mushroom pickers advise not to pass by small half-dried forest streams and hillocks. It is especially difficult to look for it in fallen leaves.

After haymaking (usually from the second half of July), a second layer of mushrooms appears. After 2 - 3 weeks there is a lull. Then comes the most abundant mushroom layer, which continues until frost. During the summer, the mycelium has grown, and the soil has warmed up, which contributes to abundant fruiting.

Season and places of picking porcini mushrooms in Ukraine

Not many Ukrainians show interest in early mushrooms. The massive harvest of a valuable crop begins at the end of the spring period. In addition to warm weather, another prerequisite for the appearance of mushrooms is the presence of a moist upper layer of the earth, otherwise there will be no harvest with a lack of moisture.

You can go in search of porcini mushrooms at any time throughout the summer. Especially a lot of them grow in the forests of western Ukraine. These territories are characterized by the presence of tall trees, which helps to maintain the required level of moisture, which stimulates the growth of fungi.

Autumn is also a good season for collecting forest gifts, since this time is characterized by heavy rainfall. Experienced mushroom pickers note the high yield of the Tsyuryupinsky district, where, in addition to white mushrooms, other equally tasty mushrooms grow, for example, butter and truffles.

Porcini mushrooms are found before the temperature drops in October, although they can be harvested in the Carpathians all year round... The product is known for its nutritional and healing properties... Despite the fact that pests are often observed inside the fruiting body, they do not lose their value.

Picking porcini mushrooms in Germany

In Germany, there are at least five thousand known species of mushrooms. The third part belongs to edible. Porcini mushrooms, actively used in German cuisine, can be harvested as early as May. They appear in rare young oak plantings, glades and aisles. A little later, umbrella mushrooms and chanterelles begin. The peak is in autumn. In the regions located on the south side of Lake Constance, even black truffles are found, which are classified as gourmet products.

Before going in search of a crop, in Germany they offer to complete preparatory courses, including theoretical studies and practice. In order not to confuse useful forest beauties with poisonous individuals, it is advised to download a special application to an electronic device, in which each type of mushroom is described in detail and in pictures.

But even experienced mushroom pickers cannot pick as many mushrooms as they want, since the law allows limited collection. If you abuse natural gifts, you can get a big fine.

How to pick porcini mushrooms (video)

You can make broth from porcini mushrooms, the beneficial properties of which are considered higher than that of traditional meat broth. It contains a large amount of vitamins that contribute to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Experts do not recommend eating freshly cooked porcini mushrooms, as they contain quinine, which prevents the absorption of useful proteins. In order for the quinine to evaporate, the product must first be dried. In dry form, they will be used for making vegetable soups.

Mushrooms are a special gift of nature! They are delicious and are used by culinary experts in a wide variety of dishes. And what a pleasure it is to pick mushrooms: the forest filled with the aromas of herbs and foliage, the chirping of birds and the delight of finding mushrooms! And no mushrooms from the store can compare with the fragrant mushrooms from the forest, found personally. How to pick mushrooms and when to pick mushrooms. The answers to these questions will be given by the mushroom calendar or the mushroom calendar.

Mushroom picking - is not such a simple matter as it might seem at first glance. Exists optimal time for picking mushrooms different types... And of course, you need appropriate weather conditions. The mushroom calendar will help you choose the time to hike for mushroom gifts of nature. Experienced mushroom pickers, of course, can do without it, but the beginning mushroom calendar will come in handy.

Mushroom calendar

A novice mushroom picker should definitely know that the mushroom year begins in April and ends in the second half of October. Please note that each mushroom grows at a specific time, not constantly. Therefore, if you are specifically targeting honey agarics or russula, then first you need to look into the calendar of mushrooms, to clarify the months when they grow.

  • Mushroom calendar for April

April - the most difficult month for mushrooms, fixes the mushroom calendar. At such a time, there are often frosts, so not all mushrooms are able to survive frost, snow and cold. Only the most persistent survive. Mushrooms appear around mid-April. You can find morels in the very thick of the forest, exactly where the snow still lies. They grow in open areas where sunlight gets the most. But oak and pine forests will certainly delight you with stitches and cinder omphalia.

  • Mushroom calendar for May

May also does not particularly please mushroom pickers with the abundance of their gifts, according to the calendar of mushrooms. This is the month when mushrooms are just getting ready for their summer and lavish season. But, if you try hard, then deep in the forest you can find morel hats and chunky lines. The end of May will please mushroom pickers more, since during this period there is a high probability of finding boletus and chanterelles. Of course, the bulk of this type of mushroom will appear a little later, but if you are impatient, then you have the opportunity to find such pioneering mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for June
In June, as the calendar of mushrooms says, there is a folk omen: If the strawberries have already turned red in the grass, and the rowan and viburnum are already covered with flowers, then you can safely go in search of russula. Finding them will not be difficult, since they are located in open places, and do not hide from anyone. In mid-June, you can safely go to collect boletus, boletus and mushrooms. The end of the month will generously delight you with stalwarts, boletus and podgruzdki.
  • Mushroom calendar for July
July, as the mushroom calendar fixes, is one of the worst months for a mushroom picker. There is little rain during this period, and the scorching sun simply does not allow mushrooms to grow and develop normally. Therefore, during this period, one should not hope for a special harvest of mushrooms. But, nevertheless, if rainy weather is established, then you can safely go to the forest in search of boletus, boletus and boletus, according to the calendar of mushrooms.
  • Mushroom calendar for August
August is one of the most favorable months for mushroom pickers, the mushroom calendar suggests. The heat subsides, night fogs become more frequent, and dew becomes more abundant. In the forests, you can find a huge amount of oil. Also, you will definitely be lucky for autumn mushrooms and Polish mushrooms. Ryzhiki is a real gift for a mushroom picker who went to the forest in August.
  • Mushroom calendar for September, October
September and October are cold months, in which it is already difficult to find a large number of mushrooms, but it is still worth trying. The mushroom calendar notes that if you show perseverance and perseverance, you will be able to please yourself with russula, goats and green leaves.

More details on the schedule of mushroom growth can be found in the Mushroom Calendar below.Each month is rich in mushrooms. Simply, there is a special time for each mushroom. Therefore, if you have any preferences, then it is best for you to navigate this way the mushroom picker's calendar.

Mushroom calendar for june july august spring and autumn

What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
mushrooms in April mushrooms in may mushrooms in june mushrooms in july mushrooms in august mushrooms in september mushrooms in october
Morels + + +
Stitching + + +
May mushroom + +
Oyster mushroom + + + + + +
Meadow mushroom + + + +
Boletus + + + +
Granular butter dish + + +
Summer mushroom + + + + +
The chanterelle is real + + +
Porcini + + + + +
Boletus + + + + +
Deer + + + + +
Thorny raincoat + + + + + +
Common champignon + + + +
Field champignon + +
Valui + + +
Funnel talker + + +
Mushroom umbrella white + + +
Mushroom umbrella variegated + + + +
Real milk + +
Poddubovik + + +
Ivishen + + +
White load + +
Podgruzdok black + +
The pig is fat + +

Russula yellow,

food, etc.

+ + + + +
Flywheel green + + + + +
Hericium yellow + +
Ringed cap + + +
Larch oil can + + +
Pink hair + + +
Black breast + + + +
Gingerbread spruce green + + +
Pine mushroom + + +
Gray talker + +
Late oiler + +
Winter mushroom + +
Loading black and white + +
Polish mushroom +
Autumn oyster mushroom +
Row gray +
Autumn line + +
Autumn mushroom + +
Row purple + +
Greenfinch + + +
Gigrofor brown + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms... Hurry up - the end of June is a great time to pick young mushrooms suitable for delicious meals. You can still amuse yourself with exquisite mushroom food, and for the remaining two summer months, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickling and pickling! And for a snack, interesting information about mushrooms and tips for mushroom pickers.

Mushroom lifespan

Mushrooms grow rapidly, increasing by about 1-2 cm per day. The average size of the mushroom takes 3-6 days. The life expectancy of honey fungus, chanterelle, boletus is 10 days. White mushroom and orange-cap boletus live up to 14 days, champignon up to 40 days. With the maturation of spores, the number of which is in the tens of millions, the mushrooms age and often rot. Mushrooms are delicious and nutritious. If you follow some rules, the mushroom season will bring you only joy:

  1. The first sign of a clean area to pick mushrooms is the abundance of fly agarics.
  2. If only russules grow on the edge of the forest, it is better to bypass it - most likely, the soil is contaminated.
  3. 90% of mushrooms grow along forest edges, clearings and young plantings, so it makes no sense to climb into the thickets, risking not finding your way home.
  4. Mushrooms grow from 1 day to 3 days. Optimal conditions: 10-20 degrees Celsius, for plate and noble ones - from 5 to 15 degrees above zero. Air humidity - 80-90%, rain and abundant dew are desirable.
  5. Only young mushrooms in which the caps are not fully open or partially open are suitable for food. Overripe mushrooms with a hat open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a twig - let the spores spread around the area. But if the cap is curved like a dome, it means that the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to that of a cadaveric is forming in it. He is dangerous, this is the main cause of poisoning.

Earlier on the topic Mushrooms:

In the second half of August and in September, mushroom pickers are added to summer residents on the roads. They carry buckets, rubber boots, boiled chicken and warming drinks. We do not swear at traffic jams, we join the fun and pick mushrooms according to the rules.

In a hike for mushrooms, the main thing, of course, is not the result, but the process: warm air, singing birds and unforgettable smells of summer and autumn forest. But if you have never liked wandering with a basket in the forest and leaving with nothing, then you most likely made a mistake in preparation. In order not to miss all the delicious things this season, follow our tips.

Find out the route

You need to choose where you will go to pick mushrooms in advance. This is called a preliminary search, when you come to the forest specifically for exploration to see where the mushrooms may be. True, only very experienced mushroom pickers can understand whether it is worth returning to the meadow during the season.

Therefore, the best preliminary search is word of mouth. Even from the lessons of nature studies at school, everyone remembers that we eat the fruiting bodies of mushrooms, and they grow on the mycelium (mycelium), and that the network covers several square meters underground. It is logical that from year to year you need to go to the collection to the same successful places. If you don't have such locations in mind, ask for advice from those who like to go mushroom picking.

These are sellers in the markets, grandmothers, neighbors, users of local forums. See which of your friends had a mushroom on Instagram last year. Do not think that if everything has already been collected in one place, then you will not get anything. The mushroom holder will not run away, and in a week the mushroom has time to appear, grow and grow old. Enough for you.

Get up early

So, the rains have passed, there is still a good "plus" on the thermometer, it's time to go to the forest. You need to get up on a mushroom hike for several reasons.

Firstly, it is better to walk in the forest in the outfit of a mushroom picker before the onset of heat. Secondly, mushrooms shiny with dew are better seen in the grass and leaves. Thirdly, it is better to go to popular places in the first rows, so that by your arrival there are no legs left from the mushrooms.

Preparing equipment

Shoes must be good. The sole should be tight so that you can not be afraid of sharp knots. Running shoes with membranes, meshes and ventilation will allow moisture to pass through very quickly if it has recently rained or the morning dew has not yet dried.

It is imperative to take a hat with you, simply because this is an important rule of walking on. The rest of the clothing is chosen according to the weather and the situation. The better you cover your body, the less you will encounter insects, sharp branches and other delights of nature.

Take a knife with you to cut mushrooms. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cut them off so as not to damage the mycelium. It's just more convenient: you won't accidentally break the leg and spoil the mushroom.

You will also need a knife to get yourself a stick. Seriously, if you do not walk in the forest, namely, look for mushrooms, you will need a stick to rake the leaves, without bending over to the ground each time. If you don't want to train with inclines, you have to walk like Gandalf with a magic staff.

You need to take more and not forget about it, constantly monitor the flow of fluid into the body, if you do not want to pay for a walk with a headache from dehydration.

And take the mushroom picking basket. Why a basket, basket or other hand-made? In order not to wrinkle or break mushrooms, which will certainly happen when using bags or backpacks. Buckets and plastic containers will close the air access, and this will also affect the quality of the collected mushrooms. And since you already have a stick, then there should be a basket: then you can take amazing photos of the collected.

Search engine

Unbelievable, but true: you can search for mushrooms using a scientifically based method. AI Semyonov collected the data and structured it into a system back in the days of the USSR. How to act if you have just come to the forest?

Depends on which forest you came to. If you find yourself among trees specially planted by a man, then the “comb” route is suitable, when you can navigate along even rows of trunks and not miss a single meter of the area.

A more complex option is called a "comb with a ledge", but on the ground you are unlikely to check your path with precision to a tree, so just take the principle into service.

Another way to search is a wave, or zigzag. We walk like this if the forest is transparent, that is, there are few trees.

When looking at the edge of a forest adjacent to a clearing, use the stretched spring principle to scan the area around each tree.

Start combing it in a zigzag fashion. We are not in a hurry, we are enjoying nature, we are not running in search of the first hat. Slower, even slower, steps per second - this way you will see a large area and you can spot mushrooms.

Found the first one? Fine. Place any lighthouse (stick or basket) at the place where you found the mushroom, and start spiraling around it.

Choose whether your spiral will twist or unwind, and it is better to go the route in two directions in order to increase the chances of a successful search.

If you are not driving alone (and driving alone for mushrooms is boring), then combine the methods. While one person is examining the trees at the edge of the forest, the other person follows the same course, but along a zigzag path and a little further in the forest.


Fresh mushrooms won't last long. Tubular (boletus, white and brown birch) in the refrigerator will last three days, lamellar (milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey agarics) - for a day or two more. Then - for processing.

But even in these couple of days, you will lose some of the mushrooms if you store them together. If it is not possible to immediately clean and prepare everything that has been collected, try to fold the mushrooms in an even layer in a cool, dark place to protect them from mold and insects.