How to calculate the slope of the roof. Roof inclination angle - correct calculation

Depending on the type of roofing material used, the angle of inclination of the roof is selected. To quickly remove water from the roof rods, the designer needs to take a certain slope. This important parameter can be expressed either the ratio of cathets, probably, you met the designation similar to ½ or 1/3, they can be expressed and using interest. Then we will discuss in more detail how to calculate the angle of inclination of the roof and select for certain materials.

Roof slope slope and roofing

For the device of pitched roofs can be applied various materialswhich determine the angle of the skate. The most common are: asbestos-cement sheets, pulp-bituminous (these two are also called slate), soft tile (Other names - bituminous, shing), rubberoid, metal tile, ceramic, cement tile and etc.

The smallest bias of the roof is considered the most economical, since hypotenuse is always longer than their cathets. Therefore, it often faces the task of determining the minimum angle of inclination of the roof. Than a tight of the joint material than it is denser, the less the slope can be applied. If he has a hermetic junction, then the wind will not poison moisture under them. If the material is quite dense, then it will withstand heavy loads from precipitation, so it can be placed more than a hollow.

At the top, you are given a graph on which the blue lines are indicated by the slopes of the roofs with certain roofing materials. To determine which maximum and minimum slopes have certain materials, we use the table below. Immediately note that the slope shows the angle of inclination in relation to the horizon. It can be large, then the roof will be called steep or small, then the roof will be called the canopy. As already written above, the slope slope can be expressed by dimensionless values \u200b\u200bor in the form of degrees and percent. It is most convenient to use precisely dimensionless values, since this requires only a roulette. If for some reason the carpenters do not drive the height of the skate, then they can calculate it on their own. To do this, they measure the distance between the supports, that is, they recognize the length of the span, find the middle and measure the half (with a bias 1/1), a third (with a bias 1/3) or other value.

The semicircular scale shows the relationship in degrees, and the vertical in percent. You can use this schedule as a basis to calculate the minimum inclination angle of the roof of the house. The bold line marked a slope of 50%. Please note that the vertical segment H, acting as a skate of the house, is placed in another larger foot twice. Note that the angle of inclination of hypotenuses, that is, the roofs of the house seems to be a ratio of height to their embedding.

i \u003d height H / (1/2) \u003d 2.5 / (12/2) \u003d 5/12, or differently 5: 12. To represent this slope in percent, it is necessary to multiply this by 100. We obtain the expression: 5: 12 * 100 \u003d 41,6666%. As we see, 41.666% is the minimum roof angle.

Maximum and minimum angles of inclination of different roofing materials

Table made on the basis of regulatory documents and practical experience. Remember that the market building materials Constantly updated, with it there are also possible angles of fastening of materials and their carrying ability. Thus, choosing a specific roofing material, clarify the rules of its installation from the manufacturer or use the attached instructions if there is such.

Roofing material Minimal roof slope angle Maximum roof slope angle
Weight 1 m ^ (2), kg Aspect ratio In percents In degrees Aspect ratio In percents In degrees

angle slate roof -

asbestos cement sheets of middle profile

11 1/10 10% 6 ° 1/2 50% 27 °
asbestos cement sheets of reinforced profile 13 1/5 20% 11.5 ° 1/1 100% 45 °
cellulose-bitumen wavy sheets 6 1/10 10% 6 ° and more
soft, flexible bituminous tile, Gang 9–15 1/10 10% 6 ° and more
galvanized tin with single fold 3–6,5 1/4 25% 14 ° and more
corner of the roof of tin - galvanized tin with double fold 3–6,5 1/5 20% 11.5 ° and more
ceramic roof angle 50–60 1/5 20% 11.5 ° 1/0,5 200% 64 °
cement roof angle 45–70 1/5 20% 11.5 ° 1/0,5 200% 64 °
the angle of the roof of metal tile 5 1/5 20% 11.5 ° and more

To skillfully translate from percent to degrees, you can use the transferable table using the table below.

Located at the top of the tables allow you to quickly navigate in slopes, expressed by percentages and degrees, as well as determine the minimum and maximum size of the roofing rods. Let me remind you that the angle of inclination of the roof is poured for most roofing materials and depends on the strength characteristics, because the materials have to be withstanding considerable loads and, in addition, to remove the desired amount of atmospheric precipitation.

How to calculate the height at the famous roof inclination

How to find the height of the skate at home? To do this, remember the simple formula: half of the span is multiplied by the relative value presented in the image below. For example, if the width of the flutter is 12m, and the required slope is 30 degrees, then the height of the skate will be: 12/2 * 0.59 \u003d 3.54 (0.59, since on the plate at the bottom it is necessary to take a value for an angle of inclination of the roof in 30grad).

In the task "How to determine the angle of inclination of the roof", many unknown people.

You can find a solution for each of them in this article.

It is not for professionals. She is for those who are ready or has already taken away the development of the desired profession of the builder.

All that he needs it is possible to finance the future project and the enthusiasm of the pioneer in the new business.

The rest will be told in the future.

The roof is not only a beautiful element of the house under construction.

This is its long-term and comfortable existence.

Warm, cozy and dry building on long years - The main motto of the good roof.

Before you choose your choice on a particular roof design, its future owner considers many.

There are many of them and they all have good arguments in favor of their existence:

  • Flat roofs with an angle of aback up to3 0. Widely used in typical civil and industrial construction. Require a complex, engineering sewage engineering system. Regular cleaning from snow and garbage is needed.
  • Scope structures are practical and functional. Depending on the chosen angle of inclination are self-cleaning. Provide the ability to use the underfloor space for various purposes. At the same time, they are complex and more expensive in manufacturing. Great costs when repairing them.

In turn scope roofs There may be both underestimated (attic) and attractive:

  • For an attic option, their further purpose is very important - with or without operation.
  • For the attic - it will be broken or simple. With a broken version there is a need to, in some way, "beat" internal backups.

The same designs can be single and double. Knowing how to determine the angle of inclination of the roof in degrees, it will be possible to apply modern. And also, the most optimally use the underfloor space, without deteriorating the carrying characteristics of the structure:

  • Walm option is one of the most practical and stable. In this case, the 2nd trapezoids and 2-bit frontal triangles are connected to one cone. When erected, professional experience and sufficient carpenter skill will be required.
  • Semi-Valible Option - When Fronton Triangles double roof They are divided into 2 sides. Each of these parts is under a certain angle to each other. With a complicated installation and increasing costs of additional benefits, except for aesthetic impression, no.
  • The tent version of the holm roof - all the rods converge in one, the highest, point. Rather designer than the functional option. Good for houses that have a square or the right, beautiful polygon. It is aesthetic and has good strength characteristics.
  • Multi-line roof design - most often used for buildings with a form of a complex polygon in terms of. Characterized by a complex system of rafters and high cost. Accurate calculation I. good project The individuality of the construction will be emphasized.
  • Dome and conical roof - rarely used roofs. Perhaps their use in the form of designer decisions when erecting complex compositions.

They overlap only some parts of the building under construction - arches, entrances in, turrets.

Combined versions of all listed designs. This is the most difficult, beautiful and expensive roof. Possessing a complex waterproof system, it is impractical during operation and is difficult when repaired.

What is a good roof? This is, above all, a robust design, high heat shield and a reliable confrontation of atmospheric precipitation. If it is still beautiful - it means that the work is performed on fame.

The angle of the skate value dependent

Most of the new buildings have their own, only inherent in them, features. It can be a unique, modern design of the entire country ensemble, excellent weather conditions.

In accordance with them, the architectural project of the main building is being developed. At the same time, the roof plays an important role in the formation of a general impression from the erected complex.

Introductory concepts for novice roofing specialist

When designing the roof ensemble, the starting point of all strength calculations is the angle of inclination "α" of its skates.

This angle is made to measure in degrees when designing and in percent - at.

It is located between the skate itself and its horizontal projection.

For flat roof It is close to 0 0, with a cone - exceeds 45 0.

The percentage of an angle α is the ratio of the height of the front to the horizontal projection of the skate and multiplied by 100.

This indicator is convenient to use directly during construction, almost to the eye. Without bradys tables, calculators or smartphones.

Since the width of the house is known, then by twisting it half percentage of the slope, we get a fronton. The Pythagora theorem will allow to calculate the size of the rafter.

At the same time, there is no need to use trigonometric formulas, as in degrees. Some ratio between percent and corners is well remembered and 45 0 is 100%, and 30 0 - 57.7 0.

In other words, 1% is 27 '. The height of the front (catat) against an angle of 30 0 is equal to half of the rafter (hypotenuses).

In practice, builders rarely use such calculations. More often use ordinary beep.

In the middle of the front, nailed (strictly perpendicular) long rail. One end of the beeps is fixed on the edge of the front, and the free end is raised to the necessary height along the rake installed.

The angle thus selected is measured by a tilter or make a template. Having made a serum on the rail, get for retaining racks of the skate.

Effect of external factors

Nothing will cost knowledge about how to determine the angle of inclination of the roof on the eyes, if not to have the ideas about the operation of the roof under construction. Any of their change will immediately lead to the "α" recalculation. The most basic ones are:

  • Functional purpose of the undergrade zone. If this zone is used as a residential premises, the angle of inclination is chosen the largest of the permissible options based on the strength calculations. Otherwise, use a variant with a broken design. If this is an ordinary attic, then no "α" should do more than 25 0.
  • Wind load. With prevailing temperate winds (up to 15 m / s), the bias up to 45 0 will be quite appropriate. If there are precipitated gusts of the wind of a large force (more than 20 m / s), then you should not go beyond 25 0. In any case, it is necessary to use a wind pressure zone map for information. Depending on the zone (from 1a to 5) the location of the future building, the roof design should also be selected.
  • Precipitation. Using the snow pressure zone map (8 zones with a load of 120 to 480 kg / m 2), it is necessary to compare the angle of inclination of the selected load taking into account the correction coefficient. When "α" to 25 0, the zone snow load remains unchanged (coefficient - 1). With its values \u200b\u200bfrom 25 0 and to 60 0 - the coefficient of 0.7. If the "α" is more than 60 0, then the snow load is not accepted into the calculation.
  • Materials of the upper layer of roofing "cake". At the corner of the "α" up to 15 0, the welded rolled material laid in 2-layer works well. With "α" to 5 0, the number of layers should be increased to 3. Tile and ordinary slate work well in the range from 20 0 to 45 0.

The correctly selected angle not only optimizes all the listed loads, but also in combination with roofing material Provide reliable protection at home.

Basics of calculating the angle of inclination

Once it will end all the procedures to identify malicious factors affecting durability, stability and water resistance of the future roof.

The load is defined, the future purpose of the underpowering is appointed. It remains to calculate the angle of "α" of the slope:

  • Wind load, in accordance with the wind pressure zone map for the construction area, with impulses not more than 15 m / s, allows you to use the angle "α" to 45 0
  • The snow pressure, in the 5th climatic zone, is 320 kg / m 2. For an angle of inclination to 45 0, a lowering coefficient of 0.75 operates, which gives the result of the specific load of 240 kg / m 2. Such a load will be further used to calculate the step and cross section of the rafted.

The angle "α" \u003d 45 0, with a width of a house of 9 m. And the height of the ceiling is 2 m, allows you to obtain a vertical section of the free space, a duplex equal to 5.5 m 2. At the same time, the height of the skate is close to 5 m.

By reducing the angle "α" to 35 0, the useful area will decrease to 3.5 m 2, which is quite acceptable. But at the same time, the height of the skate is reduced to 3.5 m. And significantly - the sailness of the design, cost, maintenance costs.

As a coating material, for a roof with a slope of 35 0, the mastery will be the most democratic, painted in accordance with the taste of the owner.

At the same time, it should be noted that with such angle of tilt, you can successfully use more modern materials. For example, metal tile can be stacked, starting with α \u003d 10 0, only the joints should be sealing. It will also require an enlarged trash.

Tiles of various compositions begin to apply at an angle greater than 20 0. The only thing that should be taken into account - its not low weight. Last remark somewhat limits its application. But the service life deserves admiration - more than 60 years.

Flexible bituminous one will leave indifferent. Both in shape and color decoration, it is suitable for the roof of any design. At the angle α ≥ 18 0 does not require additional waterproofing in the form of a lining layer.

But the rolled bitumen material is not enough for the selected angle. This is especially true for the southern side of the skate. At high temperatures, it can simply slip.

We carry out the calculation of the rafter foot

In accordance with the course elementary school, hypotenuse (rafter foot) is equal to the cathelet (half of the width of the front) multiplied by COS α.

Or in mathematical form - L \u003d L / 2: COS α.

Substituting the available data, we obtain L \u003d 9/2: COS 35 0 \u003d 4.5: 0.819152044 \u003d 5.5 m.

Similarly, or on the Pythagore theorem, you can determine the height of the skate racks.

It . With it, you can design reliable and durable designs.

But it is the prerogative of experienced designers. For the beginning of the builders, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bit and the ability to use it.

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Roof of the house

The roof is a structural element of a building that is responsible for its protection against exposure to external factors. It must successfully withstand the atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, hail, snow, squall winds and destroying hurricanes. The correct bias of the roof plays a big role in the rapid distance from the roof of water and snow cover. In combination with high-quality industrial waterproofing, it provides excellent protection of the entire structure, including interior.

Not only these indicators will depend on the competent slope of the roof, but also its continuous operation and strength. How to make sure that the factors take into account how to calculate it for the roofs with a different coating - all these questions will be consecrated in this article.

On the factors affecting the calculation of the corner of the roof

The roofs, as already written on our website, have a different shape and number of skates. They are single, two and four-tight. The angle of inclination of the roof depends on the number of skates on your home.

The calculation of the inclination angle of the roof can be made by special construction matrices and graphs, and can be simply with the help of the kitchen.

Construction work on the installation of the roof can suspend, if you do not decide in advance, from which material you are going to make the finish coating and what angle of inclination of the roof. It must be remembered that these two concepts are closely intertwined, since the view of the proposed roofing material will be taken into account when calculating the angle of inclination of any pitched roof.

Let us dwell on the factors that are taken into account when the roof inclination angle is calculated.

For example, choosing angle of inclination single Roof within 9-20 degrees, it will be necessary to take into account such factors as

  • the material of the finish coating;
  • existing climatic conditions;
  • functional appointment.

In the case when the roof has two or more skate, it will take not only the above factors and the area in which the construction of the house will be carried out. It will be necessary to take into account, for what purposes the attic room is satisfied. If it is not provided for housing, but should be used to store temporarily unused things and items, then you should not arrange a large room for these purposes (we are talking about the height of the ceiling). When the owners plan to make a residential premises in the form of an attic from the attic, then there is a need for a good roof device with a significant slope.

In those regions where there are no rare strong winds make the minimum roof bias. Therefore, it accounts for not such a strong impact of wind. Making roofs without slope is also not recommended. Such coatings can be arranged in the regions with a large number of sunny days and a small probability of precipitation.

The wind resistance at high roof is much larger than when low. However, with a very small slope, there is a chance that the wind can disrupt the finish coating. It turns out that with highly steep roofing there is the same danger as in the roofing not having no inclination. It is recommended that it is recommended to choose the following inclustions of roofs - with non-the winds, it can have a value from 35 to 40 degrees, with strong winds optimal corner The roof skate is 15-25 degrees.

In the area where the sediments fall in large quantities (we are talking about snowfall, hail and rain), the angle of inclination can be increased to 60 degrees. It is most appropriate because it allows you to maximize the load on the roof from the snow cover, as well as melt water and a large amount of moisture during the rain.

Taking into account all the above, the magnitude of the roof angle is calculated, focusing on the range from 9 to 60 degrees. Designers, as a rule, produce appropriate calculations and usually stop at the values \u200b\u200bthat range from 20 degrees to 45.

What is attractive such an angle of inclination of the roof? By the fact that you can use any roofing material - metal tile, professional flooring, slate, etc. However, each finish coating material is distinguished by its requirements that are accounted for when the roof structure is appropriate.

If you have chosen rolled materials as a roof, then when laying in 2 layers of the material, the angle of inclination of the roof should be up to 15, and with three-layer laying - from 2 to 5 degrees.

  1. The use of the applied materials is most suitable when the roof has a bias of 0-25%. When the bias is 0-10%, the material must be laid in three layers. If the value of the inclination angle is in the range of 10-25%, you can do with one layer, but the material must have a sprinkling.
  2. Asbotic wavy sheets (slate) covers the roofs having a bias of the roof to 28%.
  3. Tile applies when the roof has a bias at least 33%.
  4. Steel coating are laid on the roof with an angle of inclination less than 29%.

The consumption of the material directly depends on the roof slope. What it is more, the more the flow rate of the finish material. Consequently, flat roof In this regard, it will cost cheaper than the roof having an angle of inclination at 45 degrees.

If you know the magnitude of the roof slope, then calculate the number required material It is not difficult. The same can be said about the height of the roofing design.

Let us dwell on each specific form of roofing.

After calculating the angle of inclination of a single-table roof, you just need to raise one wall on such levelwhich will provide the calculated value of the angle of inclination.

Roofing from metal tileage

If compared with other roofing materials, the metal tile has a lot of weight. Therefore, when building a roofing structure with the use of such an finishing coating, all the nuances should be taken into account and try to build it so that it has a minimal corner of the roof slide.

This issue deserves special attention in areas with very strong winds. As you know, the load from the wind has a strong and negative impact on the roof. The calculation of roofing structures in this case should be done especially carefully. When the angle of inclination of the roof is large, the "bloody" may occur, which will entail an increase in the load, which will affect the entire design. In turn, it can entail premature destruction of the roof.

The roofs that are covered with metal tile must have a minimum value of the angle of inclination within 22 degrees. Empirical data says that due to this indicator, the moisture accumulation is prevention in the places of the roofing joints. They are protected from unwanted seeping of water in the form of a thawing snow or rain.

Important! Minimal The roof is when there is such a need, it can be at least 14 degrees. If a soft tile is used as a coating, then the minimum value decreases to 11 degrees. In this case, it would be correct to arrange an additional solid crate.

Roofing from professional flooring

About the professional flooring is known that he occupies one of the most popular roofing materials. Everyone knows its merits in the form of low weight and ease of installation. It is not difficult to make the fastening of profiled sheets on the roof.

Important! It should be noted that when the device has such a roof, the requirements for minimal corner The roof slope is more than 12 degrees (you should look at the recommendations of the manufacturers).

Roof with the use of rolled "soft" materials

When the roof is arranged from soft species Roofing, then we are talking about rubberoid, onduline, polymer (membrane) roofing coatings. With solving how to calculate the angle of inclination of the roof, the following is taken into account:

  1. The number of coating layers. Depending on them, the angle of inclination of the roofing structure can be from 2 to 15 degrees.
  2. When coating in 2 layers it would be good to stop at the roof angle of 15 degrees. For a three-layer, it is enough to have a slope within 2-5 degrees.
  3. Membrane coatings, which are optimal for any kind of roof, including the most complicated in its geometry, are put on the roofs having a bias of 2-5 degrees.

Without a doubt, the angle of inclination of the roof will be chosen by the host of the construction. It must take into account that the roof is designed for temporary and constant loads. The temporary belongs atmospheric precipitation and their weight. They can be found in the wind that puts pressure on the roofing structure and directly the finish coating. When permanent loads mention, we are talking about the weight of the roofing structure and the material of the finish coating.

This structural element of the roof depends on the roof inclination, like a doom - its type, step and design. For example, the lower the angle of inclination will be, the shorter there should be a step of the crate in roofing system. The minimum bias of the roof involves the shaft step, which is 35-45 centimeters.

One of the main issues is the question of the number of material for the finishing coating, which must be calculated and acquired. This trend is currently visible here - a larger bias of the roof requires more consumption of material.

I would like to offer several practical tips that will be useful in selection of the material for the roof:

  • with a slight bias of the roof (less than 10 degrees), the roof can be coated with a material that has a stone crumb or gravel (5 mm thickness - for crumb and 15 mm for gravel).
  • when the roof rope angle is more than 10 degrees, the basic waterproofing device is required from bitumen. In case of use roll Materials It is necessary to apply additional protection. Such a coating is usually painting.
  • the roof covering in such a roofing material, as professional flooring or asbetic sheets, provides for the sealing of the joint seams. Shakes in this case are made double.

Calculate the angle of inclination of the roof

The calculation of the angle of inclination of the roof depends on the height of lifting the skate. Which height is the roof of the skate, depends on the functional purpose of the attic space.

When a full-fledged indoor room is made from the attic, the angle of inclination is calculated as follows:

For example, the end of the roof (the width of the front) is 6 meters. This figure is divided by half (6: 2 \u003d 3). The height of the roof in the skate is always standard taken by 1.8 meters.

SIN A \u003d A / B \u003d 3 / 1.8 \u003d 1.67

With the help of the Bradys table, there is an approximate value that has an angle of inclination of the roof with the value of SIN A \u003d 1.67 - this value is within 58-59 degrees. It is possible to stop at the maximum value of 60 degrees, which will be our desired angle of inclination of the roofing slope.

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