Ketorol: Instructions for use, from which helps, analogues. Neckless analogues of Ketanov Tablets ketorol Similar drugs

So, with head, dental, muscle pain, analgesics, soothing it for a few minutes or hours. Although they are often used in practice, which one is the most efficient, it is possible to find out only by the sample method.

Very often, with severe pains, such a medicine is used as "Ketorol". Let's look at its properties and select similar effective preparations to it.

Anesthetic drug "Ketorol": Forms of release

This analgesic is very strong. Many even believe that this is a narcotic substance. By all, this is an erroneous opinion. The "Ketorol" preparation (analogue should also possess such properties) relieves inflammation and lowers the temperature. Still, the main characteristic of this medicinal product is an anesthesia. A strong analgesic effect allows you to influence a moderate and strong pain syndrome, it comes in a few minutes after the use of the drug. Very significant influence of the drug noticeably with traumatic tissue damage.

The drug "Ketorol" is produced in three healing forms.

So, you can meet on the pharmacy shelf of the gel, often called ointment, it is produced in the tubes of 30 grams, the tablets of green in a blister in a blister of 20 pieces, a solution in 1 ml ampoules for intramuscular injections (injections).

The gel is a transparent mass that is used externally. Ampoules in which a solution for injections are placed, have white or brown color, the solution itself is either transparent or yellowish.

If you select an analogue to the "ketorol" medicine, then it needs to be tied to a certain form of the drug.

Composition of the medicinal product

The main active substance included in the composition and gel, and tablets, and the solution for injection, is ketorolac. It is precisely it is effective in relation to the relief of moderate and severe pain.

The most potent form of the drug is a solution, per 1 ml of liquid accounts for 30 mg of the active substance, in second place gel, the concentration of Ketorolac per gram is 20 mg, one tablet of the drug contains 10 mg of the active element.

Looking at such a distribution, it can be noted that injections are used with strong pains, but with moderate pain, either gel or pills can be cope.

Auxiliary components of the solution: ethanol, sodium chloride, editat dynatory, propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, deionized water and okeoxinol.

Gel auxiliary components: purified water, ethyl alcohol, thrometamine, carbomer, flavoring, glycerol, propylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxy.

Auxiliary components of tablets: corn starch, magnesium stearate, propylene glycol, lactose, hyprontellos, colloidal silicon dioxide.

If you select an analogue to analgesics "ketorol", then you need to do this comparing the composition of the medicines and the similarity of their influence on the human body.

Methods of application and dosage

Tablets "Ketorol" are accepted inside. Dosage - 1 tablet once every 8 hours.

Injection is introduced into the body intramuscularly to relieve a pain of 1 ml (one ampoule), if necessary, the injection is repeated every 6 hours.

The ketorol gel is rubbed into the outdoor sections of the skin several times (3-4) per day.

Therapeutic properties of the drug "Ketorol"

To the medicine "Ketorol" Analogs Instructions for use does not indicate. Pick up their doctors, relying on the therapeutic properties of the drug. Such a medicine "Ketorol": the remedy has a triple effect on the human body - anesthetics, relieves inflammation and lowers the temperature, and at the same time, it should be borne in mind, picking up an analogue to the medicine. "Ketorol" in more than Still stands out by the anesthesia function.

This drug blocks the work of the cyclooxygenase enzyme. It is this element in the human body that is responsible for the formation of substances causing pain, inflammatory processes and an increase in temperature. After its blocking, the development of these is stopped, so a person stops feeling pain.

This remedy does not cause oppression of breathing, does not increase blood pressure, does not affect the work of the kidneys, does not cause intestinal colic, does not affect the central nervous system as a drug.

Analgesic "Ketorol" is able to disperse blood, so it is not suitable for patients with hemophilia and ulcer of the stomach.

The above properties relate to all forms of the "Ketorol" medication.

Indications for reception

It should be known that the Ketorol medicine is prescribed only if you need to relieve moderate or acute periodic pain. Chronic pain syndromes it does not treat.

So, the gel is prescribed with injuries, when tensile ligaments, damage to tissues, against which inflammation developed, with pain in the joints and muscles, with a radiculitis, arthritis.

The ketorol solution is prescribed, if necessary, the rapid effect of the removal of pain, and also if a person cannot physically take a tablet, for example, sick of the stomach ulcer or a vomit reflex prevents it.

Tablets are accepted with dental head, muscle, bone, articular. They help well in the postoperative period. Are often assigned to relieve pain when oncological diseases.

Since the drug "Ketorol" is an analgesic, he is able to not treat the cause of pain, but at the time to calm her.


You can not use gel, if there are wounds, eczema, dermatosis.

Solution and tablets "Ketorol" can not be used in asthma, low blood coagulation, hepatic insufficiency, strokes, diathesis, organ lesions digestive system, dehydration and manifestation of allergic reactions to the components of this analgesic.

What do you need to pay attention when using the ketorol medication?

The property to influence blood clotting is observed two days after the cancellation of the drug. It is not recommended to abuse this medicine for people older than sixty years.

The drug "Ketorol" can be combined with only if it does not cope with the relief of severe pain.

Side effects

All forms of medication are able to cause side effects. Thus, the gel "Ketorol" may be the cause of itching and peeling of the skin, dizziness, hematuria, anemia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

Tablets and injections can cause nausea, jaundice, hepatitis, bronchospasm, rhinitis, depressed, ringing in the ears, swelling of the lungs, urticule, shortness of breath, edema, sweating, itching.

Reviews of people about the preparation "Ketorol"

Since this is an effective tool, most of the reviews about it are positive. Patients often note that after taking the drug, pain soothes quickly, despite its intensity.

The most often the medicine is applicable for a novel dental pain, headaches and during menstrual cycle Women.

Negative reviews are few, and almost all of them relate to descriptions of side effects. But despite them, the pain still succeeds, even against the background of unpleasant discomfort.

Cost of medication

The cost of gel "Ketorol" - 240 rubles per tube 30 grams. Packaging price ampoules in the amount of 10 pieces - 180 rubles, packing tablets in the amount of 20 pieces - 70 rubles.

Knowing all properties of the drug "Ketorol", the analogues cheap to him are simply.

Analogs of the gel "Ketorol"

Let's start the selection of replacement from the most expensive form of the drug. Given the properties of the Ketorol medication (gel), the analogues of these are the following:

  • gel "Voltaren" - 220 rubles,
  • cream "Dolgit" - 120 rubles,
  • "Fast Gel" - 220 rubles,
  • "Dickelen Gel" - 240 rubles,
  • "Ketoprofen gel" - 60 rubles.

The list of substitutes is large, here are the most running analgesics.

These are substitutes for "Ketorol" (gel), analogs do not contain in its composition Ketorolac, but influence pain as effectively as the original drug. Let us dwell on one of them.

Thus, the "Voltaren" gel is an analgesic containing a diclofenac in the composition of the active analgesic substance. The principle of action is the same as Ketorolak. The effect occurs after half an hour after applying the injury.

Possible side effects during use - skin itching, urticaria, eczema.

Zetorole gel substitute for Ketherol gel. This is a medicine, similar and in composition, and on the action of people.

Considering how much the ointment is "Ketorol", the analogues are still not much, but cheaper. but low price Not always is the guarantor of quality.

Analogs of tablets "Ketorol"

Knowing everything about "ketorol" (pills), the analog is also easy to choose. These are the Tablets "Aertal" - 300 rubles, the capsules "flap Duo" - 113 rubles, the "Indomethacin" tablets - 30-45 rubles, as well as cheap synonyms - Ketanov tablets - 60 rubles and "ketokam" - 40-60 rubles .

Let us consider in more detail the analogue of ketorol in tablets - Indomethacin preparation. This substitute containing in its composition is not ketorolac, but an active substance Indomethacin, similar to the action with it.

Tablets are appointed with head and toothache, arthritis of a different complexity, lesion of soft tissues.

Indomethacin also has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and electrical properties. Full binding of pain occurs two hours after receiving a tablet.

Medication "Indomethacin" may be the cause of insomnia, dizziness, skin, increase in pressure, bronchospasm, noise in the ears, changes in taste perceptions, strengthening sweating.

Analogues of the solution "Ketorol" for injection

The most powerful are, as indicated by the drug "Ketorol" instructions for use, injections. Analogs - Synonyms cheap - "Ketopherl" solution - 100 rubles, "Dolomin" injections - 80 rubles. Their composition contains ketorolac.

The replacement can be chosen on the comparison of the effects of analgesics on the human body containing other active ingredients. So, we will select to the injections of ketorol analogues. It can be done with the use of analgesics containing in the composition of diclofenac: a solution "Dikogen" - 30-40 rubles, "Diclofenak" injections - 40-50 rubles.

Let's focus in detail on the last of them. The "diclofenak" injections are prescribed after operational intervention, with eats caused by bruises and lesions of soft tissues, during arthrosis, polyarthritis, tensile tensions.

These injeces are contraindicated with children, pregnant women, nursing mothers. It is undesirable to use it to people who have diseases such as a gastric ulcer, intestinal inflammation, pathological blood changes.

Pain syndrome by this drug can be removed within five days, no more.

Ukol "Diclofenac" may be the cause of tissue edema, increase arterial pressure, headache, eczema, anemia, nausea, constipation, skin, rash.

As you can see, substitutes are not devoid of disadvantages, as, however, the drug "Ketorol" in ampoules. Analogs also cause side effects and not suitable for people.

It should be noted that the anesthetic drugs cannot be adopted. The doctor must be appointed. If you neglect this rule, you can stop the pain all the time, but the reason itself causing it is exacerbated. This may lead to the fact that even potent drugs will not effectively influence the soothing of pain, bringing strong suffering to man.

Cheap analgesic drugs can allow the cost of acquiring medicines, but are not always the best option if desired to achieve a tangible quick effect. The analogue is selected by the doctor if the dear medication does not suit him due to the instructions specified in the recommendation or at the request of the patient himself.

International Name

Ketorolak (Ketorolac)

Group Affiliation


Dosage form

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, solution for intramuscular administration, tablets, pills covered with shell

pharmachologic effect

NSAIDs, has a pronounced analgesic effect, also has an anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic effect. The mechanism of action is associated with the non-selective oppression of the activity of COG1 and COG2, catalyzing the formation of PG from arachidonic acid, which play an important role in the pathogenesis of pain, inflammation and fever. According to the effect of analgesic effect, comparable to morphine, significantly exceeds the other NSAID.

After the introduction and intake, the beginning of analgesic action is noted, respectively, after 0.5 and 1 h, the maximum effect is achieved after 1-2 hours and 2-3 hours.


Pain syndrome of strong and moderate severity: injuries, toothaches, pain in the postpartum and postoperative period, oncological diseases, Malgy, Arthralgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, dislocations, stretching, rheumatic diseases.


Hypersensitivity, "aspirin" Triad (combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose and the incomplete sinuses and intolerance of ASK and LS pyrazolone rows), hypovolemia (regardless of caused its cause), erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the exacerbation stage, hypocoagulation (including . Hemophilia), bleeding or high risk Their development, severe renal failure (plasma creatinine above 50 mg / l), liver failure, childbirth period, lactation period, children's age (up to 16 years - safety and efficacy are not established) .c care. Hypersensitivity to other NSAIDs, bronchial asthma, the presence of factors increasing the GTC toxicity: alcoholism, tobacco and cholecystitis; Postoperative period, HSN, Sunday Syndrome, Hypertension, Violation of the kidney function (plasma creatinine below 50 mg / l), cholestasis, active hepatitis, sepsis, SCB, simultaneous reception with others. NSAIDs, elderly age (over 65 years old), pregnancy.

Side effects

Often - more than 3%, less often - 1-3%, rarely less than 1%.

From the digestive system: often - gastralgy, diarrhea; less often - stomatitis, meteorism, constipation, vomiting, feeling of stomach overflow; Rarely - decrease in appetite, nausea, erosive-ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including perforation and / or bleeding - abdominal pain, spasm or burning in the epigastric region, blood in feces or mellen, vomiting with blood or by type "Coffee Gone ", nausea, heartburn, etc.), cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, acute pancreatitis.

From the side of the urinary system: rarely - acute renal failure, lower back pain, hematuria, azotemia, hemolytic designer syndrome (hemolytic anemia, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, purpura), urination, increase or decrease in urine, jade, renal genes.

From the side of the senses: rarely: a decrease in hearing, ringing in the ears, violation of vision (including the fuzziness of visual perception).

From side respiratory system: Rarely - bronchospasm or dysnae, rhinitis, lung edema, larynx swelling (shortness of breath, breathing difficulty).

From the CNS: often - headache, dizziness, drowsiness, rarely - aseptic meningitis (fever, strong headache, seizures, muscle rigidity and / or backs), hyperactivity (change in mood, anxiety), hallucinations, depression, psychosis, faint.

From the side of the SCC: Less often - increased blood pressure.

From the hematopolosis organs: rarely anemia, eosinophilia, leukopenia.

From the side of the hemostasis system: rarely - bleeding from postoperative wound, nasal bleeding, rectal bleeding.

From the side of the skin: less often - skin rash (including maculopapulous rash), purpura, rarely - exfoliative dermatitis (fever with chill or without, hyperemia, sealing or peeling, increase and / or soreness of the sky almonds), urbin, malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolis (Layella syndrome).

Local reactions: less often - burning or pain in the place of administration.

Allergic reactions: rarely - anaphylaxis or anaphyactoid reactions (changing the skin of the face, skin rash, urticaria, itching of the skin, tachipne or dysnae, edema, periorubital swelling, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, heaviness in chest, whistling breathing).

Others: often - swelling (face, legs, ankles, fingers, feet, body weight increases); Less often - increased sweating, rarely - tongue swelling, fever.

Application and dosage

V / m, in / in and inside. When in / in the introduction of the dose, it is necessary to introduce at least 15 C (for dosage forms containing ethanol).

When orally use with patients from 16 to 64 years with a body weight exceeding 50 kg, the recommended dose is 20 mg in the first reception, then 10 mg 4 times a day, but not more than 40 mg / day.

Adult patients with a body weight of less than 50 kg or with renal failure - 10 mg in the first reception and then 10 mg 4 times a day.

The maximum daily dose for oral administration is 40 mg.

In parenteral use, patients from 16 to 64 years with a body weight exceeding 50 kg, in / m for 1 administration introduced no more than 60 mg (including oral dose); Typically, 30 mg every 6 hours; in / in - 30 mg (no more than 15 doses for 5 days). V / m adult patients with a body weight of less than 50 kg or CPN for 1 administration introduced no more than 30 mg (including oral dose); usually - 15 mg (no more than 20 doses for 5 days); V / B - not more than 15 mg every 6 hours (no more than 20 doses for 5 days).

The maximum daily doses for the V / M and B / in administration are for patients from 16 to 64 years with a mass of body greater than 50 kg, 90 mg / day; Adult patients with a body weight of less than 50 kg or with CPNs, as well as elderly patients (over 65 years old) - for in / m and in / in the introduction of 60 mg. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

special instructions

Before appointing the drug, it is necessary to find out the question of the preceding allergy to the drug or NSAID. Due to the risk of developing allergic reactions, the introduction of the first dose is carried out under the careful observation of the doctor.

Hypovolemia increases the risk of nephrotoxic adverse reactions.

If necessary, can be prescribed in combination with narcotic analgesics.

With a joint reception with other NSAIDs, fluid delay, cardiac decompensation, an increase in blood pressure may be observed. The influence on platelet aggregation is terminated after 24-48 hours. Do not use more than 5 days with paracetamol simultaneously.

Patients with violation of blood coagulation are prescribed only with constant control of platelet numbers, especially important for postoperative patients requiring careful control of hemostasis.

The risk of drugs of medicinal complications increases when lengthening treatment (in patients with chronic pains) and increasing the oral dose of the drug more than 40 mg / day.

Antacidium LS, Mizoprostol, omeprazole are prescribed to reduce the risk of development of the NSAID-Gastropathy.

During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and the class of other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


A joint appointment with paracetamol increases the nephrotoxicity of Ketorolaca.

Reception with others. NSAID, GKS, ethanol, corticotropin, CA2 + drugs increase the risk of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the tract and the development of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Simultaneous administration with anticoagulant drugs - derivatives of Kumarin and Indandion, heparin, thrombolytic (alteplosis, streptocinase, urchinase), anti-aggregative drugs, cephalosporins, valproic acid and ASC increases the risk of bleeding.

Reduces the effect of hypotensive and diuretic drugs (reduces the synthesis of PG in the kidneys).

The appointment together with methotrexate increases hepato and nephrotoxicity (joint appointment is possible only when using low doses of the latter and controlling its plasma concentration).

When appropriate with other nephrotoxic drugs (including AU drugs) rises the risk of nephrotoxicity.

LS, blocking channel secretion, reduce Ketorolak clearance and increase its plasma concentration.

Increases the effect of narcotic analgesics.

Myelotoxic drugs enhance the manifestations of the hematotoxicity of the drug.

Medicine reviews Ketorol: 0

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Do you use ketorol, as analog or vice versa of his analogues?

Ketorol is an anti-inflammatory nesteroidal agent having a frying and analgesic effect. The drug is produced in the form of a solution, gel or tablets. The medicine is prescribed to relieve a variety of pain. Ketorol - Analogs: Ketorolak tablets, Diclac gel, otana solution.

The medicine is performed as a gel, tablets and a solution for in / in or per / m administration. Like the ketorol analogues in tablets (ketorolac), the drug contains 10 mg of the base component.

Pills are placed in blisters of 10 pieces in each. Price of tablets - from 50 rubles.

Ketorol gel (1 g) contains 20 mg of ketorolaca. The remedy is placed in Tuba for 30 glea price - 246 rubles.

The solution contains 30 mg of the base substance. Ketorol, like its analogues in injections, placed in an ampoule, volume of 1 ml. There are 10 ampoules in the box. Cost of the drug - 124 rubles.

The producer of Ketorol - Dr. Reddens, India.

Ketherol refer to anti-inflammatory non-steroidal means. The medicine is used to eliminate pain of different origin, including oncology, injuries, dental pain, postoperative time, rheumatological diseases.


  • Ulcer, inflammation, punch punch
  • Heart diseases
  • Hemostasis
  • Pregnancy
  • Insecurity ketorolaca
  • Renal or liver dysfunction
  • Lactase insufficiency
  • Aorticorial shunting
  • Lactation
  • Pyolaktasia
  • Age up to 16 years.

Tablets are used orally in 10 mg dosage. In case of severe pain ketorol is reused to 4 times a day.

The maximum number per day is 40 mg. The duration of therapy should be no more than 5 days.

The solution is introduced by a / m or in / c. Dosage during parenteral use - up to 60 mg. Often introduced 30 g times at 6 o'clock. In / B, 30 mg of ketorol is used. For 5 days you can enter up to 15 doses.

A / m is used 15-30 mg of funds. The drug is introduced every 6 hours. For 5 days, you can enter up to 20 doses. Analgesic action is preserved 4-6 hours.

The gel is used externally, layer 1-2 cm. The multiplicity of application is up to 4 times a day. The gel is not desirable to use longer than 10 days.

The use of ketorol sometimes upsets the work of the reproductive, digestive, hematopoiet, heart, nervous, respiratory, vascular, skin system. It is also likely to develop allergies and local reactions in the field of injection or applying gel.


How to replace ketorol, pharmacists know. Analogue of solution - Ketanov.

Ketorolak gel has different analogues. But the most popular synonym for funds is a diclac.

Zetorol substitute in tablets - Ketorolac.

Each ml of solution contains 30 mg of ketorolaca. Colorless with a yellowish tint medicine placed in ampoules of 1 ml. There are 10 ampoules in the cardboard box.

Manufacturer Ketanova - S.K.Terapia S.A., Romania. The cost of the solution is from 107 rubles.

Indications for the introduction of Ketanov - this is painful syndrome of different origin:

  • Oncology
  • Toothache
  • Postoperative period
  • Artician pathology
  • Ishialia
  • Injuries
  • Postpartum time.

The introduction of Ketanov is contraindicated with bronchial asthma, ulcers and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic syndrome, intolerance to the NSAID. Also, medication is not prescribed with poor blood clotting, kidney dysfunction, cerebrovascular diseases, aged less than 16 years.

If the ketanes are introduced in / m, the one-time amount of the drug is 10-30 mg. Next, introduce a similar dose every 4-6 hours.

Permissible dosage of Ketanov per day - 90 mg. When body weight is less than 50 mg, kidney dysfunction or in old age, the daily amount is reduced to 60 mg. Injection can be done no longer than two days.

Sidey symptoms of Ketanov - disorders of the function of urinary, digestive, nervous, vascular, hematopoietic, respiratory, heart, immune system. It is also likely to disrupt metabolism, water and electrolyte balance.

Solutions of ketanes and ketorol contain an identical base component in an amount of 30 mg per 1 ml of medication. Both medicines are introduced by either in / c.

Preparations belong to the category of NSAIDs. Ketorole and Ketanov have the same contraindications, negative symptoms, indications. Preparations do not differ in the method of use.

However, Ketorol is produced in India, firm Dr. Reddans. And Ketanov is produced in Romania, the company S.K.Terapia S.A. ..

The price of Ketanova - from 107 rubles. The cost of Ketorol is from 124 rubles.

Choosing between Ketorol and Ketanov, many prefer the last drug just because it is more popular. However, doctors pay attention to the fact that the drugs are almost identical and advised to pick a solution depending on individual tolerance.

And each tablet contains 10 mg of the base component of the same name. In one pack of cardboard there are 10-20 tablets.

Ketorolak manufacturer - Synthesis AKOMP / Vertex, Russia. The price varies from 10 to 143 rubles.

Ketorolac has a frying, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Tablets are used in Malgia, dental pain, diseases of the joints and muscles, oncology, injuries, in the postoperative time.


  • Blood-formation disorder
  • Age from 65 years or up to 16 years
  • NPBE intolerance
  • Hypovolemia
  • Pregnancy
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Lactation
  • Bleeding
  • Hepatitis
  • Dehydration
  • Euchness
  • Hemorrhagic stroke
  • Hypercalemia
  • Heart failure
  • Period after Aorticoronary Crimping
  • Diabetes
  • Ulcer and inflammation of the gastrointestinal
  • Hypertension
  • Somatic diseases
  • Abstineent syndrome
  • Polyps in nose
  • Cholecystitis
  • Pathology of peripheral vessels
  • Hepatic or renal dysfunction
  • Sepsis
  • Hangoagulation
  • Elevated or reduced blood lipid level
  • Tobacco
  • Cholestasis.

Single dosage of tablets - 10 mg. The drug is used up to 4 times a day.

The permissible amount of the NSAID per day is 40 mg. Treatment should not be more than 5 days.

The reception of Ketorolac may disrupt the activity of urinary, digestive, visual, vascular, nervous, heart, hematopoietic, respiratory, skin, immune, auditory system. Also probably the emergence of local reactions in the form of pain and burning or swelling.

Tablets ketorol and ketorolac are absolute counterparts. Preparations contain an equal amount of the eponymous substance. Consequently, drugs have a similar therapeutic effect.

Ketorolac and Ketorol have identical testimony, negative symptoms and contraindications. However, the pills are slightly different from the additional composition.

Funds are made by different pharmacological companies. Ketorol is issued by the Indian company Dr. Reddi`s. Ketorolak is made by Russian Vertex companies or AKOMP synthesis.

Regarding the cost, the price of Ketorolak (from 36 rubles) is slightly lower than that of Ketorola (from 50 rubles). Therefore, many often choose ketorolac.

In 100 mg of gel contains 5 g of diclofenac. The drug is placed in a tube of 50 or 100 mg.

Producer - Sandoz, Switzerland. The price varies from 260 to 370 rubles.

Diclac gel is used in injuries, rheumatic diseases, pathologies of the locomotor system.


  • Age less than 6 years
  • Diclofenac intolerance
  • Pregnancy
  • Wounds and scratches on the skin
  • Lactation
  • Aspirin asthma.

Diclac is used externally, applying to the skin up to 3 times a day and rubbing with light movements. The average one-time number of gel is 2 grams. After 14 days of therapy, you must consult with the doctor.

The use of diculak can provoke disorders relative to the skin, immune, respiratory system.

Comparing diclac and ketorol, pharmacists note that the means belong to the NSAID and are produced in the form of a gel. But the leading component of the diclaca is diclofenac, and Ketorol is ketorolac. At the same time, in the first agent, the concentration of the main substance is 5%, and in the second - 2%.

Despite the various base composition, medications have identical readings. Contraindications for the use of gels - the intolerance of the components, damage to the skin in the field of application, bronchial asthma. Diclac is also not prescribed during pregnancy and age up to 6 years.

The means are practically no different by the method of application. Medicines are used externally, applying to the patient region up to 4 times a day.

Diclac and Ketorol can provoke local allergic symptoms. Sometimes medicines violate the operation of the respiratory, digestive system and cause other systemic reactions.

Diclac is produced in Switzerland, Sandoz company. Ketorol is produced in India, the company Dr. Reddi`s.

Diclac price - from 260 rubles. The cost of ketorol is from 246 rubles.

Choosing between drugs, you should pay attention to their advantages and cons. The advantages of ketorol are a convenient application, a quick analgesic effect, quality, gel leaves no spots on clothes, pleasant aroma. Disadvantages - cost, small volume of tube.

The advantages of the diclaca are a neutral smell, the elimination of pain and inflammation, the means does not leave the sticky layer and does not pack clothes, availability. Cons - temporary relief, the gel is badly absorbed and the exfoliated, the medicine has a strong alcohol smell, the absence of a heating action, rapid flow.

This article is written by specialists with medical education from the team.
You can read the original instructions on the manufacturer's website:

The medicine begins to act for half an hour after entering the body, the maximum efficiency is observed within two hours.

Ketorole for joints

Crosses, tablets and gel ketorol are prescribed for the complex treatment of inflammatory processes in the joints.

The drug is prescribed once 1 tablet, with chronic pains the course of treatment is 5 days, the patient drinks 1 tablet to 3 times a day.

The solution for intramuscular administration is applied in inpatient treatment. 30 ml of medication is prescribed to the patient, the maximum daily dose is 60 ml.

The gel is applied externally three times a day to the inflamed area.

Pros and cons of the drug

Ketorol has the following positive and negative features:

  • it has comprehensive anesthetic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • it is used in dentistry, neurology, gynecology, rheumatology, traumatology, neuropathology, osteopathy, orthopedics, surgery;
  • has many adverse reactions from the CNS, the gastrointestinal tract, withdrawing organs, skin, light and cardiovascular system;
  • the drug is contraindicated under the age of 16, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You can take the medicine after examining a doctor who presses the dosage and the duration of treatment.

Similar tools in the form of tablets

Cetherol medication has such analogues in tablets:

  • Adolor is shown to treat inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine, has an antimorphism and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dolk - applied in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, is prescribed with injuries, dislocations, tissue breaks, has a strong painkillers;
  • Dolomin - has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic antimorrhemical action;
  • Ketalgin, Ketanov, Ketolak, Ketorolak - have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Such analogues like Ketorolak-OBL, Ketorolac-Eski, Ketofril should be noted. These drugs contain the same basic active ingredient - Ketorolak Trometamol. These funds are prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Injection substitutes

Analogs of ketorol available in ampoules for injection:

Similar means for local applications

Ketorol has the following analogues in the form of ointments:

  • Diclofenac - anti-inflammatory ointment for local treatment of joints, relieves inflammation, swelling and pain, is also available without a recipe also in the form of rectal suppositories, gel, solution and tablets;
  • Bystremgel - is shown in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, with muscle injuries and ligaments;
  • Fastness gel - indications and contraindications of the drug are similar to the gel ketorol, is used for the treatment of joints and spine;
  • Indomethacin ointment is used for the treatment of joints, under arthritis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgic pains;
  • Lultgit is a cream to remove inflammatory joint processes, is used in the complex treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • NAZ - is produced in the form of gel, tablets and a solution, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in the pathology of the joints;
  • Dip Rilife - Gel has an annoying and anti-inflammatory effect.

Golden dozen

A dozen of the best analogs that can be replaced by ketorol:

  1. Ketanov - It is famous for its rapid effect, but not unconditional safety, it almost immediately removes pain, an innted inflammatory hearth.
  2. Ketofril is known for its low cost and high efficiency in the anesthesia of inflamed joints.
  3. Diclac - anti-inflammatory agent, which effectively copes with pain and inflammation, is used in rheumatology and neurology for treatment acute violations structures and functions of the organs of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Dykloby - the drug is used in the articular syndrome, strong articular pain, gouty arthritis, Malgia, rheumatoid arthritis, pathologies of soft tissues of inflammatory and atrophic nature.
  5. Dylicogen is a drug that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, is prescribed in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, juvenile arthritis, lesions of soft tissues around the joints.
  6. Dylicokain is an analgesic agent that is effectively fighting with inflammatory processes in the joints and other organs of the musculoskeletal system. The medicine is shown in arthritis and arthritis of different origin, with fractures, bruises, stretching of soft tissues.
  7. Dicloran is used for therapy of dystrophically-degenerative and inflammatory diseases, in arthritis, lumbago, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, in the postoperative period in order to eliminate symptoms and prevent inflammation.
  8. Diclopherol is shown for symptomatic therapy, with a pronounced pain syndrome, to oppress the inflammation in the joints, with rheumatoid arthritis and after injuries.
  9. DAKEKS - a solution for intramuscular administration found an application in rheumatology, traumatology, neurology in order to treat degenerative and inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, it is effective with a pain of moderate and strong syndrome.
  10. Ketalgine is prescribed to reduce the soreness of the average and strong intensity in the complex therapy of inflammation and degeneration of the joints.

What kind of drug is better?

Medicines with one active substance work in the body according to one principle. Their difference is in the form of release, additional components, cost. This will depend on the number and risk of adverse reactions, popularity in a particular sector of medicine.

There are standard diagrams of treatment of joint diseases, which are painted for each drug, but sometimes you have to contact analogs.

To determine which drug is better, it is possible only after applying several tactics of treatment. For each patient, it will be its definite tool. What is better than Ketorol or his analogues (we analyzed the most popular means of Ketanov, Kathetonal, Naz, Diclofenac) can be evaluated only by the standard test of indications, contraindications, adverse reactions. The possibility of applying for the treatment of children and pregnant women is important.

Ketorol VS Ketanov

  • copble with the pain of medium intensity, act quickly, shown after injuries of soft tissues, with symptoms of neurological nature;
  • you can drink when painting pain before the doctor's arrival, they are low-toxic, therefore they can be taken before the diagnosis;
  • it is strictly forbidden to drink these pills during pregnancy, there is a risk of the intrauterine death of the fetus, also contraindicated under the age of 16;
  • the drug cannot be drunk in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of the operation of the blood formation organs.

About keetonal casual

Tablets Kathetonal have the same indications as Ketorol, but they are more secure, have fewer side reactions. Like Ketorol, they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Nay - is it nice?

Tablets Naz is an effective means against inflammation. They can be used to treat degenerative processes in the joints.

The drug is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy, treatment is allowed during lactation, but provided that breastfeeding will stop at the time. It is assigned to children after 12 years in the form of tablets, after 2 years you can apply in the form of a suppository.

Diclofenak all over the head

The diclofenac medicine is introduced intramuscularly, faster than ketorol, relieves inflammation and pain. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 12 years old.

Cheap analogs

The cheapest ketorol analogues available on the market:

  • Ketanov for injection - 55 rubles;
  • Ketanov Tablets - 60 rubles;
  • Ketorolak - 40 rubles;
  • Dolk - 30 rubles;
  • Ketofril - 60 rubles;
  • Toradol - 90 rubles;
  • Dolomin - 90 rubles;
  • Ketorolak - 20 rubles.

Ketorol himself stands at a pharmacy about 40 rubles, which makes it one of the cheapest drugs.

Necking analogs

To buy in a pharmacy without a recipe, these analogues of Ketorola are possible:

It is important to note that all listed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available without a recipe only in the dosage form for local applications - ointment, gels, sprays.

Some similar painkillers can already be purchased without a recipe. You can only take an anesthetic or NSAID on your own once.

Treatment appoints a doctor after a medical examination. Each drug has contraindications and adverse reactions that in self-medication can be a threat to life.

How to replace ketorol? Ketorola analogs?

Ketorol - Analogs | What else can I replace ketorol?

How to replace ketorol gel? How to replace ketorol in pills?

Ketorol can be replaced with drugs with the same active substance - ketorolac, ketanes.

But Ketorol in the form of a gel is one such. There are preparations with another active substance but a similar action and their many - Voltaren, Doluben, Ketoprofen, Kathetonal, Bystremgel, FASTUMGEL

Ketarol, this is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. The drug has the following testimony to use, is head and toothache, pain during menstruation. The drug is produced in 10 mg tablets. There is also gel and ointment for outdoor use, and injections in ampoules. The drug is accepted inside. The duration of treatment with ketarol should not exceed more than 5 days. Ketarol has a rather long list of contraindications, and side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully examine the instructions before applying, or consult with your doctor.

The drug has the following analogues: Akular LS, Ketanov, Ketorolak, Ketofril, Ketorolak-OBL, Toradol.

Yes, Ketorol has analogues.

The first group is preparations that contain the same active substance - ketorolac. This is Ketanov, Ketalong, Ketalgin. The first in the pharmacy is released by the recipe, so it is worth stopping the choice on others.

The second group is also painkillers, but already having a different composition. For example, containing non-smartid - Naz, Nimid, Nimesil, Nimesin. Or containing diclofenac - flap, orthophene, dicloberl, voltaren, olfen. You can take anything with Ibuprofen - Ibuprom, Nurofen, Ibunorm.

This is what tallets concerned.

If we talk about gels, it is better to take a diclac, voltaren, dip relief, flalamidez.

Ketorol is a pill with strong painkillers. If we take analogues on the acting substance, then this is:

Cheaper than you will cost otanov.

Tablets, similar in action, but with another active substance - Naz, Spasmalgon, Triga-d, Tempalgin, Pentalgin, Nurofen, Sedalgin, Droatserin, No-Shap, Duspatalin, Nekst.

There are a lot of drugs, and which one needs to be taken - depends on the cause of pain, of course, when such drugs appoint the attending physician. Because with frequent use of strong painkillers, they are then no longer operate and at the right moment may not help.

Ketorol is used for anesthesia, the drug in this regard is considered very strong and effective, but, as you know, all the powerful drugs are the most toxic, so it is not necessary to abuse ketorol nor its counterparts.

Analogs in tablets: Ketanov, Dolk, Ketorolak, ketokam, Vatorillac, Toradol, Emodol, Adolor, Dolomin, Ketofril. Also can be replaced by other painkillers: nas, nurofen, nimesulide.

Ketorol gel analogues: drugs with the same active substance have little - only ketonal, but there are gels that will give a similar effect:

Ketorol produces India, the active substance is ketorolac.

This drug has quite a few analogues, which contains ketorolac.

Russian counterparts: Ketolak, Ketorolac, Kethalgin, Ketorolak-Obl, Dolomin.

Imported Analogues: Ketadrop, Kotokam, Ketorolak Rompharm, Akular LS, Dolk, Ketanov, Ketorolak, Ketopril.

Ketorol is a means that is nesteroid and anti-inflammatory, mainly used as an anesthetic. The active ingredient of the drug is Ketorolak. It also has an antipyretic property, and an anti-inflammatory effect.

Analogues of this drug Huge quantity: Naz, Pentalgin, Novigan, Andipal.

Drug ketorol is a strong painkillers and is available in several types: tablets, ampoules and ointment.

This is a fairly popular tool and it has various analogues, both in drug actions and price.

Among them can be isolated by ketorol derivatives of ketones and keetolak.

More existing and similar means: barallgyne, nourofen, nail, ketoprofen.

Everyone may choose the most suitable option, for the price and treatment.

Kotoriv is a very strong medicine, often and constantly cannot be taken.

Can be replaced with tablets or gel nail, nimesulide. The similarity is that Naz perfectly removes pain syndromes, very good after various operations, like Ketorol.

With injuries, it helps very well, much stronger than any nuoofen.

There are tablets and gel, pills are more powerful.

Here you will find comprehensive information regarding ketorol analogues, both gel and tablets. You may come to the conclusion that it is better to acquire a similar drug that will cost you cheaper. But some analogues are more expensive.

Ketorol - analogs and substitutes

The table indicates all possible synonyms of the drug ketorol - cheaper, their average cost and form of release.

1. Write out the list of analogues from the table, before a visit to the pharmacy.

2. Call the city reference, will prompt there - at what pharmacy the lowest prices.

3. The drug in a different form of release - may be cheaper.

4. Russian-made medicines - always cheaper.

5. It is more profitable to buy packing with a lot of tablets, capsules, apma, etc.

6. Speak to distinguish fake.

How to determine the fake

In order not to buy a fake, you need to look carefully on your purchase.

For each of these drugs, the average prices for the minimum volume are regularly updated with regard to the market situation.

1. Ketorol in different form of release may differ in price. This is the norm.

2. His analogues with the same medical properties - Can be expensive and cheap. This is the norm.

Why analogs - more expensive or cheaper than Ketorol?

For example: on making chemical formula Medications are spent a lot of time and money, tests are held. Then the pharmaceutical company buys a patent and produces it on sale.

The price of the drug is high (it is necessary to recoup the invested funds). Other medicines of the same composition, less well-known and time proven - at times cheaper.

There are contraindications! Before replacing a particular drug, consult with the attending physician. Observe the prescribed dosage doctor!

Preparations cannot be used later than the date indicated on their packaging. - Analogs of drugs, preparations.

The site does not sell drugs. Information is provided for reference purposes.

Ketorol - analogs

Ketorol is among the anesthetics with a powerful effect. The drug produced in the form of pills, injection and ointment solution, is used to remove the strong pain syndrome at:

  • malgia (muscular pain);
  • neuralgia (pain in nervous endings);
  • artralgia (articular pains).

Also ketorol is shown to use in the postoperative period in the presence of pronounced pain and during launched malignant formations. Experts pay attention to the fact that it is not necessary to take such a potent drug during dental or headaches, intestinal colic, dysmenorrhea, as many patients do.

Ketorol tablets analogs

The instructions noted a significant amount of contraindications to the use of ketorol. Among them:

  • peptic disease;
  • asthma;
  • pronounced renal, hepatic or heart failure;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • children's, teenage age.

Also indicates the possibility of a whole range side Effects. Therefore, the question is what to replace ketorol is often relevant for patients. The structural analogues of Ketorol, as well as a similar effect on the body, quite a lot.

Ketorol tablets are analogues:

There are some more drugs, but they have almost the same contraindications and similar side effects.

What else can I replace ketorol?

If you need to replace ketorol tablets, you can, after consulting a doctor, to acquire such painkillers:

  • Baratgin, which removes pain of any character;
  • when dental pain, pain in the joints and muscles - Dexalgin or Naz;
  • Bellatesin to eliminate pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Nurofen, Pentalgin, Tempalgin - to remove headaches;
  • with neuralgia - a new drug lyrics.

Ketorol in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections is assigned, as a rule, with severe acute pain. Analogues of ketarol in ampoules are:

All specified tools quickly stop acute pain, but to remove chronic pain, specialists prescribe other drugs.

2% ointment and gel ketorol relieve pain also effectively as their counterparts.

Gel and ointments preparations:

Copying information is allowed only with direct and indexed reference to the original source

The best analogue of "Ketorola": a list of drugs and reviews

The pain is a symptom of many injuries and diseases, therefore, the need for painkillers in modern society is so high. Not bad selection is considered medicine "Ketorol". Of course, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the primary cause. Nevertheless, the pain can sometimes be simply unbearable, so patients need this medicine or its analog. "Ketorol" is considered pretty effective tool. Naturally, patients collect additional information About the preparation.

In particular, it is worth learn how the medicine is affected by the body. In what cases does the drug or its analogue help? "Ketorol" is safe or can cause some side effects? Is there any contraindications? Answers to these questions are interesting to many readers.

The drug "Ketorol": composition and form of release

Of course, to begin with, it is worth familiar with the list of ingredients and other useful information. This drug is produced in the form of round convex tablets with a solid sheath of green (on a slice you can see a white or slightly gray-eyed pill core).

What components are the "Ketorol" medicine? The composition is an important point. The main active substance is Ketorolak Trometamine (in each tablet contains 10 mg). There are also other components, in particular corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium carboxymethyl stroke and silicon dioxide (colloidal) is auxiliary substances. The film shell has propylene glycol, green dye and hypimleloose.

By the way, in the pharmacy you can also purchase a solution for "Ketorol" injections. Crosses are shown at a very pronounced pain. Release this means and in the form of a gel for outdoor treatment of fabrics.

The mechanism of impact on the body

How does this medicine affect the body (or its analog)? "Ketorol" is an anti-inflammatory agent of non-steroidal origin. The drug is also capable of removing fever and has a pronounced painkillers.

The mechanism of its impact is associated with the non-selective oppression of cyclooxygenase activity. The medicine does not affect opioid receptors and, accordingly, does not cause dependence. The drug is not a sedative means, does not oppress the patient's breath.

In what cases is the preparation of the drug?

Of course, it is worth learn about the basic testimony to use. In what cases is it appropriate to receive "Ketorol" tablets? What does medicine helps? Doctors prescribe a drug in the presence of a moderate or strong painful syndrome:

  • the drug helps in injuries, including fractures, stretching and dislocations of the joints;
  • it is taken with a strong dental pain;
  • indications include radiculites, neuralgia, Malgia and arthralgia, regardless of their origin;

In what other cases, modern medicine is used by the drug "Ketorol"? What does the tool help from? He is prescribed to patients in the postoperative period, as well as women after childbirth - it helps to relieve pain and give a patient to rest. Naturally, the drug eliminates only pain syndrome and inhibits the inflammatory process, but this is symptomatic therapy - to eliminate the root cause of this way.

Drug "Ketorol": instructions for use (tablets)

How to take a medicine? Do not use it yourself. Only a doctor can determine the effective and safe dose of the drug "Ketorol". Instructions for use (tablets) suggests that when pain occurs, patients take one tablet once.

With a strongly pronounced pain syndrome, the drug can be reused. Maximum daily dose - 40 mg of active ingredients, which is equal to four tablets. With oral administration, the therapy should not last more than five days, as the risk of the development of complications increases.

How to use the solution for injection "ketorol"? The injections are carried out intramuscularly, and the patient is prescribed a minimum, but effective dose. As a rule, it is older than 16 years old, whose weight exceeds 50 kg, or 60 ml of medication is introduced once, or separated by a daose dose for two receptions (30 ml). Injection should be carried out slowly, and it is important to introduce a deep solution into the muscle. How quickly disappears soreness after taking the drug "Ketorol"? Feedbacks say that the condition begins to improve after the injection. The maximum effect occurs within 1-2 hours and keeps approximately 4-6 hours.

Contraindications for receiving anesthetic

According to the instructions, research results and reviews, the drug "Ketorol" from pain is quite effective. On the other hand, this is a rather powerful drug, so you can take it away from all patients. Tablets (as well as injection solutions) have contraindications:

  • The intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (including and acetylsalicylic acid), especially if it is combined with bronchial asthma of varying degrees of severity or polypose of the nose, which is exacerbated from time to time.
  • This drug cannot be used to patients with ulcerative or erosive lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, since the pills can only aggravate the situation.
  • Contraindications include gastrointestinal bleeding (soreness in this case is removed by other drugs).
  • The drug is not prescribed in chronic inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract at the aggravation stage (for example, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease).
  • This anesthetic cannot be taken with decompensated heart failure.
  • Blood coagulation disorders also belong to the list of contraindications.
  • The drug does not take patients with diseases of the liver and kidney (including renal and liver failure).
  • Since the tablets contain lactose, they should not be taken to people suffering from glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase enzyme deficit or lactose intolerance.
  • Of course, the list should include increased sensitivity not only to lactose, but also to any component of the drug component (before the start of the reception it is recommended to study the composition).
  • Age limits are also available. Patients under sixteen years old are better to choose another painkillers.
  • The medicine is not prescribed during pregnancy. Since the active ingredient penetrates into breast milk, during the reception of the pill, the baby feeds should be stopped.

In some cases, the drug can be taken, but with careful observation of the patient's condition. The list of relative contraindications includes arterial hypertension, smoking, diabetes, severe somatic diseases, alcohol abuse, cerebrovascular diseases.

Are complications possible against the background of the reception?

What complications can be taking the "Ketorol" tablets? Reviews doctors suggest that the drug is well tolerated with the right dosage. But the probability of the appearance of side effects is not expelled. These include:

  • Disorders from the digestive system, in particular nausea, diarrhea, spasms and burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, abdominal pain. In some patients, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis, cholestatic jaundice, stomatitis are developing against the background of admission. The appearance of constipation and the development of ulcerative disease is possible.
  • Much less often appear by side reactions from the urinary organs. Some patients complain about rapid urination, a decrease or an increase in the daily volume of urine is noted. Against the background of receiving tablets, swelling may appear and pain in the lower back. Extremely rarely drug can launch the development of acute renal failure.
  • Therapy is sometimes accompanied by a violation of the work of the senses and the nervous system. After receiving a tablet, a headache may appear. The side effects include increased drowsiness, depressive states, hyperactivity, appearance of hallucinations and psychosis. Sometimes patients complain about the appearance of a stall in the ears, a decrease in hearing and visual acuity.
  • The development of allergic reactions is not excluded. Sometimes the skin of patients is covered with a rash. The development of urticaria is possible, the appearance of swelling up to a serious anaphylactic shock.
  • Other disorders are possible. Often on the background of drug intake, peripheral edema appear. Occasionally, an increase in body temperature and high sweating is observed. The number of adverse reactions also includes the appearance of rhinitis, shortness of breath, bronchial spasms. Perhaps a sharp increase in blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Against the background of the use of drugs, the patient has anemia, the appearance of nasal and rectal bleeding.

On the appearance of any deterioration after receiving the drug, you need to inform the attending specialist as soon as possible.

Tablets "Ketanov" as a substitute

What if for one reason or another you do not fit the above medicine? In fact, the modern pharmacological market offers just a huge number of painkillers. And often doctors prescribe "Ketanov" or "Ketorol" patients. What's better? By and large, this is the same means.

The main active substance is ketorolac. A drug is produced in the form of tablets and a solution for intramuscular or intravenous injections. The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory and painkillers. To date, it is considered one of the most powerful analgesics. On the other hand, the medicine is suitable only for short-term struggle with pain syndrome, since otherwise the risk of developing side effects increases, including ulcerative damage to the walls of the digestive tract.

So what to take - "Ketanov" or "Ketorol"? What's better? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, as it all depends on the patient's condition, the severity of pain syndrome. The decision here can only take the attending physician. By the way, the tablets of "Ketanov" cost patients much cheaper, although their reception is associated with great risks.

Description of the drug "Ketorolak"

What is the "Ketorolak" medicine? It is produced in the form of tablets and refers to the group of anti-inflammatory and anthermatic means (nonsteroidal). The main active component is Ketorolak Trometamine.

As you can see, it practically does not matter, accepts the patient "Ketorol" or "Ketorolak", since the main active component here is the same and on the body they affect the same. The medicine perfectly copes with the toothpacity, Malgia, neuralgia, pain from injuries. It is often prescribed to patients with oncological diseases that suffer from permanent discomfort.

Package "Nay": Instruction

The drug "Naz" or "Ketorol" - what is suitable for more? In fact, the "Naz" is a fairly effective analogue. The composition of these drugs is different, since in this case the main active component is nimesulide. Nevertheless, the mechanism of exposure is similar, since the main active substance is a selective cyclooxygenase inhibitor.

This medicine is produced in the form of tablets, suspension for oral administration and gel for outdoor use. The drug also helps with pain syndromes arising against the background of injuries, arthritis and radiculitis. In addition, it is prescribed to patients suffering from Ishias, Osteoarthrosis, Lumbago and osteochondrosis with root syndrome.

Preparation "Baratgin" and its properties

Many patients ask questions about what is better to choose - "Baratgin" or "Ketorol"? In fact, this is different on the mechanism of impact of the means, despite the fact that both of them provide an anesthetic effect.

Baratgin is produced in the form of tablets and a solution. it complex drugThe composition of which there are three active substances at once:

  • sodium metamizole has antipyretic properties and provides an analgesizing effect;
  • fenpiver bromide acts on a smooth muscles;
  • pitoophenon is another component that causes the relaxation of smooth muscles.

It can be seen that the preparation "Baratgin" does not have anti-inflammatory properties, but acts as an antispasmodic. Therefore, it is more suitable for painful syndrome caused by the spasm of smooth muscles. Indications include renal, intestinal and bile colic, ureter spasm, chronic colitis and some other disorders from the internal organs.

Naturally, it is necessary to understand that only a specialist can prescribe a drug with a thrometamine or to choose its effective analogue. "Ketorol" with improper use can lead to the emergence of extremely unpleasant complications, therefore it is not necessary to engage in self-medication.

Thank you

The site provides reference information Exceptionally for familiarization. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Ketorol. represents a very powerful nonsencotic anesthetic drug With anti-inflammatory activity and temperate antipyretic effect. However, the main action of ketorol is an anesthetic (analgesic). Due to the powerful analgesic effect, the drug is ideal for the relief of moderate or severe pain syndrome, especially related to traumatic tissue damage.

Varieties, titles and form of release

Currently, Ketorol is produced in three dosage forms:
  • Gel for outdoor use;
  • Tablets for receiving inside;
  • Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration.
Accordingly, the data of three forms of ketorol issuing are both varieties of drug. A solution for injection ketorol is often called "injections of ketorol" or "ampoules ketorol". Gel ketorol in everyday speech is often called "Ointment Ketorol." When using the specified incorrect, but rather common in the source speech of Ketorol's names, it should be remembered that it is due to the actually existing dosage form, and not any new type of drug.

The gel is a homogeneous transparent substance with a characteristic odor. The injection solution is transparent and colorless, or pale yellow. Tablets are painted in green, have a round, double-screw form and engraving in the form of the letter "S" on one of the sides. On the fault, the tablet is white or practically white, with a homogeneous structure.

The gel is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 30 g, a solution in 1 ml ampoules of 10 pieces per package, and tablets - 20 pieces in a pack.

Ketorol - composition

The composition of all the dosage forms of Ketorol as an active substance enters ketorolak In different concentrations. Thus, the tablets contain 10 mg of ketorolac, in a solution - 30 mg in 1 ml, and in the gel - 20 mg in 1 g (2%).

The composition of the gel ketorol

  • Propylene glycol;
  • Dimethyl sulfoxy;
  • Carbomer;
  • Methyl aprichedrocseibenzoate sodium;
  • Thrometamine;
  • Aromatizer "Drimon Inde";
  • Ethanol;
  • Glycerol.

The composition of the tablets ketorol The following components include auxiliary substances:
  • Cellulose microcrystalline;
  • Corn starch;
  • Silicon dioxide colloid;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A);
  • Hypimloose;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Olive green.
In the composition of the injection solution The following excipients include:
  • Ethanol;
  • Dinatari Edetat;
  • Octoxinol;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Water deionized.

Ketorol - Recipe

The recipe for a solution ketorol looks like this:
RP: SOL. "Ketoroli" 3% - 1 ml
D.T.D.10 AMP.
S.Veep intravenously or intramuscularly 1 ml

The recipe for tablets ketorol looks like this:
Rp: Tab. "Ketoroli" 10 mg
D.T.D. 20 Tabletae.
S. Take inside 1 tablet every 8 hours.

The recipe for gel ketorol looks like this:
RP: Gel "Ketoroli" 2%
D.T.D. In Tuba 30 g
S. Apply externally on skin areas, in whose area there is pain

In all these recipes, after the letters "RP" indicates the release form (SOL., Tab., GEL) and the name of Ketorol in Latin in quotes, since it is commercial. In the second line after the letters "D.T.D." It is indicated how much the drug should issue a pharmacist in a pharmacy to a person who plants a recipe. In the third line after the letter "S." It is already indicated for the person himself, how to apply the drug.

Therapeutic effect of the drug Ketorol

Ketorol has a powerful painkillers, as well as relatively weak antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug refers to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs), which have all three properties (antipyretic, painkillers and anti-inflammatory) to varying degrees. Ketorol has the most strongly expressed analgesic properties, and anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects - relatively weakly.

The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with its ability to block the work of a special enzyme - cyclooxygenase . This enzyme converts arachidone acid into prostaglandins - special substances that cause the development of an inflammatory response, pain syndrome and an increase in body temperature. Thus, the ketorol, blocking the operation of cyclooxygenase, stops the production of prostaglandins, as a result of which stops the process of forming an inflammatory response and pain, as well as increase in temperature.

However, Ketorol has such a powerful painkillers that it literally moves to the background and overshadows anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Therefore, the drug is used precisely as an anesthetic.

Ketorol is not a narcotic analgesic and does not cause the following adverse effects:

  • Impact on the central nervous system;
  • Oppression of breathing;
  • The weakening of the peristalticist activity of the intestine;
  • Urine delay;
  • Enhance arterial pressure.
Ketorol can extend the bleeding time, as it dilutes blood and reduces the activity of the coagulation system. However, as a rule, the calculation indicators still remain within the limits of the norm. therefore Ketorol needs to use with caution In people who suffer from diseases associated with bleeding, for example, hemophilia, stomach ulcer, etc. Ketorol practically does not affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and other gastrointestinal bodies, therefore, for short periods of time, it can be used without the danger of the formation of "aspirin ulcers". However, the long-term continuous use of the drug (longer than six months) can provoke the ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucous membrane, so Ketorol is not recommended for a long time.

Ketorol - Indications for use

Indications for use in tablets and a solution ketorol are completely the same, and the choice of dosage form is optimal in each particular case, is carried out on the basis of the patient's condition, the necessary speed of the effect and the capabilities of the medical and prophylactic institution. So, if it is necessary to obtain a quick painkillers effect, it is recommended to use a ketorol solution. In other cases, preferably ketorol tablets. However, the solution also applies in cases where, for some reason, a person cannot take pills inside (for example, a vomit reflex, a gastric ulcer or duodenal intestine, etc.).

So, indication for use for tablets and injections ketorol It is the relief of pain of any localization and severity syndrome. This means that tablets or injections can be used to eliminate the dental, head, menstrual, muscular, articular, bone pain, as well as postoperative pains, pain in cancer, etc. It should be known that Ketorol is intended only for the relief of acute pain, but not for the treatment of chronic pain syndrome.

Indications for the use of gel ketorol The following states are:

  • Injuries (bruises, inflammation of soft tissues, damage to bundles, bursitis, tendtion, synovit, etc.);
  • Pain after injury;
  • Pain in the muscles and joints;
  • Rheumatic diseases (gout, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).
When using any form of ketorol, it is necessary to remember that the drug only bows pain, but does not eliminate its cause and does not treat the main disease that caused the appearance of an unpleasant symptom.

Instructions for use

Consider the rules for the use of various molds of ketorol (tablets, solution and gel) in separate subsections to avoid confusion and structuring information.

Ketorol Tablets - Instructions for use

The tablets should be swallowed entirely, not chewing and non-shredding in other ways, but drinking a small amount of water. You can drink tablets regardless of food intake, however, it should be borne in mind that Ketorol taken after eating will be absorbed slower than before eating, which, naturally, will extend the time of the opponent effect.

Tablets must be taken episodically, if necessary, stop moderate or severe pain. The dosage of ketorol for one-time reception is 10 mg (1 tablet), and the maximum permissible daily dose is 40 mg (4 tablets). That is, during the day you can take a maximum of 4 tablets of the drug. This means that one pill person is enough to relieve pain for several hours, after which it returns, and then it is necessary to take a second tablet, etc. To relieve pain without consultation, the doctor is allowed to take ketorol in tablets for a maximum of 5 days.

If a person passes with the use of ketorol injections to the reception of the tablets, then the total daily dosage should not exceed 90 mg for people under 65 years and 60 mg for those older than 65 years. Moreover, in these dosages, the maximum permissible number of tablets is 30 mg (3 tablets).

Prints (ampoules) ketorol - instructions for use

The injection solution is packaged in ampoules and is ready for use. The solution is introduced deep into the muscle (in the outer upper third of the thigh, shoulder, buttock and other parts of the body, where the muscles are suitable close to the skin), having previously gained the required amount into the syringe from the ampoule. It is impossible to introduce a solution ketorol epidural or inside the spinal shells.

For the introduction of the solution, it is necessary to use one-time syringes of a small volume - 0.5 - 1 ml. The syringe and the needle need to remove from the package immediately before the production of injection, and not in advance. For injection, you must open the ampoule in the solution, you need to dial the syringe, to remove it and raise the needle up. To knock down on the surface of the syringe in the direction of the piston to the needle, so that air bubbles rose and pulled away from the walls. Then, to remove air, it is necessary to slightly press the piston of the syringe so that a drop appears on the needle tip. After that, the syringe must be postponed and to handle an antiseptic place of injection. In the selected place perpendicular to the skin, the needle is completely introduced (for its entire length), after which, pressing on the piston, is slowly and neatly injected. After the introduction of the solution, the needle is removed from the tissues and thrown out, and the injection site is again wiped with an antiseptic.

If necessary, ketorol from the ampoule can be added to the dropper and insert slowly along with other solutions. Ketorol is compatible in one bottle with the following solutions and medicinal preparations:

  • Saline;
  • 5% dextrose solution;
  • Ringer's solution;
  • Ringer-Locke solution;
  • Plasmalit solution;
  • Aminophylline solution;
  • Lidocaine solution;
  • Dopamine solution;
  • Insulin solution of human short action;
  • Heparin solution.
The one-time dosage of the ketorol solution for people under 65 is 10 - 30 mg (0.3 - 1.0 ml) and is selected individually, starting with the minimum and based on the human reaction and the effectiveness of the pain of pain syndrome. You can re-enter ketorol every 4 - 6 hours if the pain returns again. The maximum allowable daily dosage of the solution is 3 ampoules (90 mg).

For people over 65, as well as kidney diseases or a body weight, less than 50 kg of years, a single dosage of a solution is 10-15 mg (0.3 - 0.5 ml), which can also be administered every 4 - 6 hours if the pain Return again. The maximum permissible daily dosage of Ketorol for people over 65, with a mass of body less than 50 kg and kidney-suffering, is 60 mg (2 ampoules).

The duration of the continuous use of Ketorola without consulting the doctor should not exceed 5 days.

Ketorol gel - instructions for use

The gel must be applied to the skin clean, washed with soap hands. Applying the drug to the skin area with damage, for example, scratches, abrasions, burns, etc. It is also necessary to avoid and in every possible way to propagate the accidental hit of the gel ketorol in the eyes and on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and other organs. After processing the skin, the gel should be washed with soap and wipe dry. The tube after the extrusion of the required amount of gel must be tightly closed.

Before applying the gel, it is necessary to wash with warm water with soap, and the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which the ketorol will be distributed. Then the surface of the skin and the hands to dry the towel, then squeeze out of a tube 1 - 2 cm gel and distribute it with a thin layer on the skin of the skin, in whose area there is pain. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area is large, then the amount of gel can be increased. Gel follows with neat massaging movements to rub in the skin almost until complete absorption. On top of the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, you can apply a breathable bandage (for example, gauze or from a conventional bandage, etc.) or not to close it. It is impossible to apply ketorol to the skin treated with gel, airproof dressing.

Gel can be applied to the skin 3 - 4 times a day. It is impossible to use a gel more often than 4 times a day, and between two subsequent overlays of the drug on the skin, an interval must be observed for at least 4 hours. Without consultation, the gel doctor can be applied to the maximum for 10 days in a row.

special instructions

When using tablets and injections of Ketorol, it is necessary to take into account that after its cancellation, the effect on blood coagulation is preserved for 1 to 2 days. If a person suffers from blood clotting disorders, then on the background of the use of Ketorol, it is necessary to minimize the hemostasis indicators (time of bleeding, PH, APTV, TV, fibrinogen, etc.).

It is also necessary to remember that the low volume of circulating blood increases the likelihood of the risk of side effects by the kidneys.

In the elderly (over 65 years), the risk of developing side effects of Ketorol is higher, so they should apply any form of the drug in minimal dosages.

If a person suffers from any kidney diseases, then during the entire course of use, it is necessary to control the function of the organ, regularly passing the overall analysis of urine.

When using a solution or tablets of ketorol, it is possible to increase the activity of hepatic transaminases in the blood (asat, alto), so drugs need to be used with intake diseases with caution and only short courses. If against the background of the use of Ketorol, the liver disorder is developing, the drug intake should be discontinued immediately and consult a doctor.

The use of ketorol simultaneously with the following drugs can provoke heavy side effects:

  • Valproaty - a disturbance of platelet aggregation and the development of difficult-requested bleeding are possible;
  • Nonpolarizing muscle relaxants (pinexuronium, puncharonium, tubocurarine, etc.) - the development of shortness of breath is possible;
  • Antiepileptic preparations (phenytoin, carbamazepine, etc.) - the frequency of epileptic seizures is enhanced;
  • Antidepressants (fluoxetine, thioticsin, alprazolem, etc.) - hallucinations may appear;
  • Pentoxifyllin, cefoperazone, cefetan, heparin, thrombolytics (preparations that increase the destruction of blood clots) and anticoagulants (drugs that reduce thrombosis) - the risk of possible bleeding increases;
  • Inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme (Berlipril, Vasolapril, Enalapril, Captopril, etc.) - the risk of developing renal disorders is increasing.
The solution for injection ketorol can not be mixed in one syringe with morphine, promethazine and hydroxyzine, since as a result chemical reaction A precipitate falls between these substances, and they completely lose their therapeutic efficacy.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Tablets and a solution for injection ketorol are contraindicated to use throughout the pregnancy and period of breastfeeding. Pregnant women should choose other painkillers allowed for use, such as ibuprofen, nurofen, but-shp and others. If a nursing mother takes Ketorol, then the whole period of treatment should translate the child to artificial feeding.

Gel ketorol can be used in compliance with caution during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, that is, until 27 weeks of gestation inclusive. Caution lies in the careful prevention of a possible random drug entering, for example, to lick the gel, remaining on the lips after they are rubbed with their hands nexically, after applying means by hand, etc.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, that is, from 28 weeks to childbirth, gel ketorol can not be applied, as it can provoke a migration or complication of generic activity.

Ketorol from dental pain

When dental pain ketorol is excellent and effective drugthat binds unpleasant sensations quickly and for a long time. The drug can be applied both before the visit to the dentist and after the manipulation performed, when some time the pain can be maintained until the tissues are lit.

If Ketorol is used to relieve a dental pain before visiting a dentist's doctor, it should be remembered that longer than 5 days the drug can not be taken, and it is impractical to postpone the visit to a specialist, since any pain in the teeth testifies to the need for their treatment or deletion. Moreover, a long attempt to stop Ketorol pain is able to lead to a deterioration in the clinical situation, and where only the treatment of the tooth was needed, it may be necessary to remove it.

When dental pain ketorol is optimally taking in tablets, since this form is quite effective and simultaneously convenient. Usually, in order to relieve pain take 1 tablet. You can take a second tablet no earlier than after 4 hours. If after 4 hours the pain is still missing, then the reception of the subsequent tablet of ketorol must be postponed until the appearance of pain again. During the day to relieve dental pain, you can take a maximum of 4 tablets.

Ketorol Children

Gel ketorol can not be used in children under 12 years old, and tablets and injection mortars are under 15 years. Thus, it is impossible to use ketorol in children in any dosage form.

The ban on the use of ketorol for children is associated with the fact that the drug can cause heavy complications in kids, such as nephrite (kidney inflammation), depression, impaired hearing and vision, allergic reactions, lung edema, etc.

Therefore, for children it is necessary to choose other painkillers with softer compared to ketorol action and low risk of developing heavy side effects, such as for example ibuprofen, nimesulide, etc.

Side effects of the drug ketorol

The side effects of tablets and injections for injections are the same, but they are somewhat different from those in the coatorol gel. The entire set of side effects of tablets and the ketorol solution is reflected in the table.
System of organs Side Effects of Tablets and Solution Ketorol
GastrointestinalPain in the stomach
Feeling of stomach fullness
Erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal organs with possible perforation or bleeding
Jaundice due to the stagnation of bile
Hepatomegaly (increase in liver size)
urinary systemAcute renal failure
Pain in the lower back
Hematuria (blood in the urine)
Azotemia (increasing residual blood nitrogen)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (includes hemolytic anemia, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, purple
Frequent urination
Increase or decrease in urine
Respiratory systemBronchospasm
Highland swelling
central nervous systemHeadache
Aseptic meningitis
Mood swings
Worsening hearing
Fucetitude vision
The cardiovascular systemEnhance arterial pressure
Pulmonary edema