Alexey Kokorin Governor of Kurgan. How will Alexey Kokorin be remembered as the governor of the Kurgan region

In the Kremlin, no one wants "anomalies" like the seaside

On the last day of September, information about the Kurgan region appeared Alexey Kokorin, it was confirmed at once by several own sources in the regional government. Kokorin himself urgently went to Moscow, leaving his first deputy in charge Victor Sukhnev... Even the meeting in the government, which is traditionally chaired by the head of the region, was held by Sukhnev.

IN last months a lot of complaints arose against Kokorin - for business, the situation with teachers, who, poor work with attracting investments - all this and much more led Alexei Kokorin to a possible resignation a year before the election of the governor. So far, information about Kokorin's impending departure is unofficial, and initially this was reported by the federal media, citing unnamed sources. But, according to political analysts and local observers, the resignation will indeed take place in the coming days.

Two days before the "stuffing" about the dismissal of the head of the Trans-Urals, the communication holding "Minchenko Consulting" presented the third rating of the stability of the heads of Russian regions. Against the background of the general loss of the rating of "United Russia" in the situation at the elections of governors in Khakassia, the Primorsky Territory and the Vladimir Region, the Kremlin launched the third round of rotation of the heads of the RF subjects. As for Alexei Kokorin, he was included in the list of "old" governors who have already accumulated a serious anti-rating - Kokorin has 7 points here. On the same line with it is, for example, a chapter Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky - his indicator is 8 points. Analysts expect that during the new rotation, the governors will change at the same rate as last year.

Leading Analyst of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications Mikhail Neyzhmakov in a conversation with he noted that Alexei Kokorin is one of the governors, rumors of whose resignation appear periodically.

"The logic of the current forecasts about its imminent replacement is clear. Kurgan Region is a region with a fairly high level of protest voting (for example, in the 2016 Duma elections" United Russia"got about 41.5% here instead of 54.2% in the country as a whole.) The situation is aggravated by long-standing socio-economic problems. the governor's campaigns of 1996, 2000 and 2004 in the region were held in two rounds... Of course, this does not mean that the situation in those years will necessarily repeat itself. However, all these data could well further strengthen the representatives of the Center in the opinion that the gubernatorial elections of 2019 could become more problematic for Aleksey Kokorin than for many of his colleagues, "Neyzhmakov said.

However, the analyst said that there are factors that could work in favor of Alexei Kokorin and extend his tenure.

Firstly, according to him, the Center is clearly not inclined to assess the prospects of regional "Elections-2019" only on the basis of the experience of the recent "regions of the second round." For example, Sergei Morozov, a security official with no experience in public politics, has been appointed to the post of interim governor of the Astrakhan region. although the lack of such experience was considered by many to be one of the weak points of Andrei Tarasenko, now the former acting head of Primorye. Probably, the Center believes that the level of mobilization of the protest electorate in the elections next year may turn out to be lower than this one. Against the background of such expectations, Moscow may at least postpone the resignations of governors even in a number of potentially problematic regions, "he said.

Secondly, it is the socio-economic problems of the Kurgan region that make the governor's post in this region less attractive for federal groups of influence, and hence the election campaign less significant from the point of view of their interests. Therefore, there are fewer factors pushing the Center to replace the governor as soon as possible.

Thirdly, the replacement of the head of the problem region in the fall may carry additional risks - the period before One day voting, more time, when the "advance of trust", which the interim governor receives after the appointment, may "burn out". "Perhaps, even if the resignation of specific governors is planned, it may not happen now, but in the first months of 2019," says Mikhail Neyzhmakov.

Director of the Center for Political Science Studies of the Financial University Pavel Salinstates that information about the resignation of Alexei Kokorin will be confirmed, because, according to him, usually when such rumors are not confirmed, then we are talking about informational stuffing by players interested in becoming their protégés in the region. In relation to the Kurgan region, there are no such interested parties.

"In the case of the Kurgan region, I don't see such protégés, because the region is not interested in any of the major federal players. Therefore, the information about the resignation will be confirmed. But I do not see much sense in this, because the situation around the Kurgan region is a vivid example of a very difficult situation. when there is none natural resourcesnor large assets. Why remove one governor now and appoint another who will achieve the same results in two or three years? I just would not wonder now who could become Mr. Kokorin's replacement, if the information about the resignation is confirmed, "Pavel Salin said.

Deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma Vasily Kislitsyn in an interview he commented that Alexei Kokorin's plans in 2014, when he took office, were big, and the results of his work were low.

"In the elections in 2014, he declared the triad" Man. Order. Investments. "As for the person and order, after what was done with the teachers, in the communal apartment, what kind of person can we talk about? Especially when our governor and Duma authorities supported the pension" reform ", all the talk about they care about the people - this is hypocrisy. As for the economy, until we return large enterprises to the state, nothing good will happen. In order to have results, a different economic and financial policy is needed. Today there is no such policy. And there must be a different tax policy. In our country, 90% of taxes are withdrawn from the region, and they give us something from the master's shoulder, "said Vasily Kislitsyn.

Russian politician. Governor of the Kurgan Region (2014-2018). Head of the city of Shadrinsk - Head of the Administration of the city of Shadrinsk (1996-2014). Secretary of the Shadrinsky city local branch of the United Russia party. Master of Sports of Russia in clay pigeon shooting.


Alexey Gennadievich Kokorin was born on March 1, 1961 in the village of Glubokoye, Shadrinsky District, Kurgan Region


Graduated from the Moscow State Open University in 2000. PhD in Economics (2002)



Governor of the Kurgan region Alexey Kokorin resigns

Alexey Kokorin announced his resignation. The governor made a "deliberate decision" in connection with the transfer to a new place of work, according to a message on the website of the government of the Kurgan region

Former Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexei Kokorin will join the board of directors of Atomredmetzoloto (ARMZ uranium holding, mining division of Rosatom state corporation).

RBC: the governor of the Kurgan region Alexey Kokorin will resign

The governor of the Kurgan region Alexei Kokorin will resign as part of the new rotation of the governor's corps. RBC was told about this by two sources close to the presidential administration. The decision to leave the head of the Kurgan region has been made, it will be officially announced in the near future, the newspaper writes.

The President accepted the resignation of Alexei Kokorin and appointed Vadim Shumkov Acting Head of the Kurgan Region

Alexey Kokorin today, October 2, made a deliberate decision to resign as the governor of the Kurgan region in connection with the transition to a new job, according to the website of the regional government. Information that Kokorin may resign appeared on Sunday. Instead, the president appointed the former deputy governor of the Tyumen region, Vadim Shumkov.

Governor Alexei Kokorin: Kurgan should have one chapter

The Governor submitted to the Kurgan Regional Duma an initiative to amend the regional law on the election of the head of the city of Kurgan


Today, December 27, the Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexey Kokorin is working in Moscow. He takes part in a meeting of the State Council on Environmental Development Russian Federation... It is conducted by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin.

The governor is returning to the Trans-Urals. Grandiose plans

Head of the region Alexey Kokorin returns to Kurgan after a long business trip. For the last three weeks, he has been training at the General Staff in Moscow. Last days years for the head of the region will be very busy.

Governor Kokorin introduced the new head of the Trans-Urals Development Corporation

The governor of the Kurgan region, Alexei Kokorin, introduced the new head of the Trans-Urals Development Corporation, Alexei Chuev, to the members of the government, URA.Ru correspondent reports.

As the governor noted, the director has been acting since December 2 this year. “Many people know him,” said Kokorin, wishing Alexei Chuev success.

Yamal retained its position

The third integral rating of heads of regions prepared by the Civil Society Development Fund (FORGO) was published in the Izvestia newspaper. The most effective head of the region was recognized the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin. Among the least effective is the governor Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev and the head of the Trans-Urals Alexei Kokorin. The experts rated six officials as "unsatisfactory", including Viktor Basargin.

We look forward to sensations! The head of the Trans-Urals flew to Moscow. Even canceled a hardware meeting for an important meeting

Acting Governor of the Trans-Urals Aleksey Kokorin will meet with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev today, June 2. Because of a trip to Moscow, he even canceled a weekly apparatus meeting in the regional government.

Alexey Kokorin intends to meet with the owners of the Kurgan Bus Plant. What are they going to negotiate about?

Acting Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexei Kokorin will soon meet with the management of the Gas Group holding, which includes the Kurgan Bus Plant. The parties plan to discuss issues of providing the enterprise with orders, as well as sign a cooperation agreement. It is planned that the meeting will take place within the walls of the Kurgan plant, the correspondent of Nakanune.RU reports.

The names of the Kremlin's favorite governors have been announced. The standard works in the Urals. And Basargin received the last warning

The head of the Perm Territory, Viktor Basargin, was included in the "group of death" in the governors' efficiency rating; the work of the acting governor of the Kurgan region, Alexei Kokorin, also received a low rating. This is evidenced by the results of the third study of the effectiveness of governors, conducted by the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (FORGO).

Acting Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexei Kokorin visited agricultural enterprises in the Ketovsky District.

Acting Governor Alexei Kokorin on May 16 visited the fields of the closed joint stock company "Potato" and the facilities of LLC "Kurgan". The head of the Trans-Urals got acquainted with the technology of sowing grain and vegetables, examined the feed mill of the enterprise and visited a pig farm. Alexey Kokorin was satisfied with what he saw. “I would like there to be as many such enterprises as possible: with such a production culture, storage of seeds, grown products, loading, processing,” the head of the region shared his impressions. - We also visited a pig-breeding complex where the most modern technologies... Yes, it's expensive, but worth it. I am convinced that such enterprises should be provided with all possible assistance in order for them to develop.

The first modernized diesel locomotive was produced at the Shadrinsky Automotive Aggregate Plant

Tomorrow, on June 3, the first modernized diesel locomotive will be presented at the Shadrinsky Automotive Unit Plant. Acting is expected to take part in the event. Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexei Kokorin; management of the enterprise and General Director of UMMC-Holding Andrey Kozitsyn.

Urgently! United Russia members named their candidate for governor. No sensation happened

Acting Governor of the Trans-Urals, Aleksey Kokorin, was elected a candidate from United Russia for the post of head of the region. The intra-party voting took place today, May 31, in the Kurgan sports complex "Molodezhny", the correspondent of "URA.Ru" reports.

Kokorin prepares for a meeting with Medvedev. He is waiting for help, but he himself does not sit idly by. "We've already thought of something"

Acting Governor of the Trans-Urals, Aleksey Kokorin, intends to meet with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev next week. According to Kokorin, the conversation will be "about interbudgetary relations and the provision of financial assistance to the Kurgan region," the URA.Ru correspondent reports. “I am convinced that some financial assistance will be provided, but this is a one-time support,” said the interim head of the region, addressing his colleagues from United Russia.

The head of the Trans-Urals: power should be guided by the interests of citizens

At the VIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the new head of the Kurgan Region, Aleksey Kokorin, agreed with the management of METRO Cash & Carry Russia to launch an investment project. The general director of the company Peter Boon believes that good conditions have been created in the Kurgan region to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Alexey Kokorin attended the Forum of Entrepreneurs of the Trans-Urals

The annual Forum of Entrepreneurs of the Trans-Urals began its work today. According to the press service of the head of the Trans-Urals, the event was launched by the acting governor of the Kurgan region Alexei Kokorin.

"Kokorin is the hope of the Trans-Urals for changes." Political scientists have estimated 100 days of acting. Governor of the Kurgan Region

Alexey Kokorin, who led Shadrinsky for 17 years, six months ago was not even included in the list of those whom political scientists and experts named as potential candidates for the governor's office. The name of State Duma deputy Alexander Iltyakov or industrialist and businessman Sergei Muratov was increasingly heard in the media. Other names were also named, including Sergei Putmin, who took over as First Deputy Governor of the Kurgan Region at the end of 2013. And only the candidacy of Kokorin completely "dropped out" from the field of view of political scientists and political strategists. As it turned out in vain: a few months before his appointment, Aleksey Kokorin had already gone through the approval procedure for the position of interim governor of the Trans-Urals.

On February 14, Kokorin took the governor's chair and began to change the management policy in the region: in a few months he almost completely renewed the government, delivered a message to the public and personally went out to sweep the streets of the city, showing by his own example how to restore order in the city. May 24 marks "100 days" since the appointment of the Shadrinsk mayor as the head of the region. On the eve of this date, the first steps of Kokorin in the position of acting were assessed by political scientists and experts. Deputies of the Kurgan Regional Duma, as well as the plenipotentiary of the Ural Federal District, gave their assessment. Details - in the material Nakanune.RU.

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What will Alexey Kokorin remember as governor of the Kurgan region

Daria Kozinova

Alexey Kokorin announced today that he is leaving the post of governor of the Kurgan region. The official message was published by the press service of the head of the region, while he himself is in Moscow. It is indicated that the decision to resign Kokorin made himself, it was "deliberate" and associated with the transition to a new place of work. At the same time, the governor's entourage admits that the decision to resign was unexpected both for Kokorin himself and for the Kurgan elites - until recently, the head of the region was going to new elections.

Alexey Kokorin is 57 years old. From 1996 to 2014, he was the head of Shadrinsk. In 2014, after an unexpected resignation from the post of governor of the Kurgan region, Oleg Bogomolov, who had been in charge of the region for almost 18 years, temporarily took over his post. And in September he was elected head of the region in direct elections, receiving 84.87% of the vote.

As governor, Kokorin had to work for 5 years. And if a few months ago the Kurgan elites discussed that he was unlikely to participate in the new elections in 2019, then in the fall of this year it became obvious: Kokorin launched an election campaign. But he didn't have time. On September 30, RBC, citing sources in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, reported that Kokorin would soon leave his post. On October 2, this was officially confirmed.

Where Kokorin will continue to work is not yet known. According to some sources, he would like to take the post of senator of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation .. Another option - Kokorin will go to work in one of the business corporations.

By Thursday, as it is assumed, the acting governor will be represented in the region, and he will be the deputy governor of the Tyumen region Vadim Shumkov, himself a native of the Trans-Urals.

War with Bikov and Bobrov

One of the first and most striking statements of Alexei Kokorin as governor of the Kurgan region concerned work on reducing electricity tariffs. In the Trans-Urals, they are the highest in the Urals Federal District, and the entire energy sector of the region is accumulated in companies controlled by businessmen Artem Bikov and Alexey Bobrov. At the same time, it was considered that the previous governor Oleg Bogomolov "put the region under the masters Bikov and Bobrov."

In contrast to him and on statements about the need to lower tariffs, Aleksey Kokorin earned his first political points - both from ordinary residents and from entrepreneurs. True, in the end, it was the power engineers who won the war. Already in December 2016, Kokorin said at a press conference: “I emphasize: there is no need to fight with power engineers. There is no need to make outcasts from Bikov and Bobrov. "

As a result, the only thing that the governor managed to achieve was to reduce electricity tariffs for the population by 19% from July 1, 2017. But this turned into an increase in tariffs for the region's industrialists.

In addition, despite the massive dissatisfaction with the work of another asset of Bikov and Bobrov, the resource-supplying organization Water Union, it was with the support of the governor that the company began to receive an annual subsidy from the budget to carry out its work in 2017. According to the latest data, from 2019 to 2021, she will be allocated about 450 million rubles.

Kurgan International Airport

From the beginning of his governorship, Kokorin also set the task of making Kurgan airport international. And it was possible to obtain this status of an air harbor - by November 2015, an order of the Russian government was signed on opening the port for international flights and establishing a multilateral checkpoint there across the state border of the Russian Federation.

The governor believed that this should increase the investment attractiveness of the region. In fact, despite the large costs incurred (according to the director of the harbor, Dmitry Kovalenko, only the introscope was bought for 5 million rubles, and this is a monthly budget from aviation activities - Kommersant ъ) and numerous negotiations, flights to other countries from the Kurgan airport to are still not implemented.

Moreover, today planes from Kurgan fly only once a day - to Moscow.

Uranium mining

Kokorin also said his word when discussing the issue of uranium mining in the Zverinogolovsky region. This prospect caused panic among the population: people went to rallies, went to court and even demanded a referendum. However, the head of the region did not support their concerns and, on the contrary, tried to calm them down.

In the summer of 2017, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order granting JSC Dalur the right to use the deposit for exploration and production of uranium. And in December 2017, Alexei Kokorin said that the development of the Dobrovolnoye deposit is one of the promising areas, it contributes to increasing employment and the implementation of social programs. According to the head of the region, the development of the field is not only safe, but a promising point economic development district.

Small industry victories

Despite the complaints and problems in the industrial sector of the Kurgan region, it should be noted that under Kokorin, several enterprises had a chance to revive.

Deputy Governor of Tyumen may become the new head of the Kurgan region

Among them is the bankrupt Ikar KZTA. In the fall of 2016, his property was bought by the famous Kurgan industrialist Sergei Muratov and the workshop of the Kurgan Valve Plant was located here. According to the site, it was Kokorin who asked Muratov to save the plant.

Besides, in last years the governor kept the situation at Kurganmashzavod under control. He personally understood the reasons for non-payment of wages to workers, power outages, met with plant employees and participated in many meetings on his fate. As a result, Kurganmashzavod was transferred from the control of the Tractor Plants concern to the management of the state corporation Rostec. In recent months, Rostec has transferred more than 1 billion rubles for the development of the enterprise, and is also implementing a program for its restoration.

Unification of districts and cancellation of elections

Two major reforms at once, launched in the region at the initiative of Alexei Kokorin, concern the unification of municipalities and the abolition of direct elections of heads.

Direct elections in the Kurgan region have been canceled since January 2016, when a new regional law came into force. It allowed the heads of Shadrinsk, municipal districts and heads of the village level to be elected by councils from among the candidates who passed a competitive selection. The districts gradually became involved in this process. By the end of this year, it is planned to adopt a bill that will change the procedure for electing the head of Kurgan - he will also be elected by the deputies based on the results of a competition, while the mayor will simultaneously head the city administration. The law, initiated by Governor Kokorin, has already passed its first reading on September 20.

In turn, the process of consolidation of municipalities started in the Trans-Urals in the spring of 2017. It is assumed that the merger of small settlements will reduce budget expenditures for the maintenance of administrative staff. Now different villages and villages of the Kurgan region are going through the transformation procedure one after another.

Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexey Kokorin is rapidly losing its position in the rating of influence of the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Federal political analysts associate the sharp decline in the presence of the region's first person in the media both with the absence of any significant achievements of the Trans-Urals authorities and with the ineffective work of PR specialists and the governor's press service. Media experts emphasize the targets of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to create a comfortable information space for the population, but "the Trans-Ural authorities are actually unable to cope with the tasks set by the head of state." Nevertheless, against the background of a landslide drop in the rating, Aleksey Kokorin chose the path of escape from communication with the population and media representatives, minimizing his media activity. Analysts associate this position with "personal disinterest in openly discussing the numerous problems of the region due to either the lack of answers to acutely problematic questions, or poor awareness," and call it a "gross political mistake." The refusal of the governor from direct dialogue, according to experts, "is translated into the actions of subordinates who hide their lack of professionalism behind bureaucratic formalities."

The governor of the Kurgan region, Alexei Kokorin, dropped to one of the last lines of the rating of the influence of the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation, compiled by political scientists and political strategists in the framework of the study by the Agency for Political and Economic Communications (APEC). Having lost 15 lines in a month, the head of the Trans-Urals at the end of 2016. Several factors contributed to the rapid fall in the influence of the regional leader. According to general director APEC Dmitry Orlov, the position in the rating of Alexei Kokorin is due to a significant decrease in the starting influence of the governor since his election in 2014.

“As a rule, during the election campaign and being the acting head of the region has a higher level of influence than in the future. This is partly due to unjustified expectations, but this always happens, "- said Dmitry Orlov.

Governor of the Kurgan Region Alexey Kokorin

The political strategist also associates a decrease in the level of influence of Alexei Kokorin on federal level with the fact that the Kurgan region is a small region. Accordingly, the region's impact on the country's economy is insignificant. As a confirmation of this argument, the political scientist cited the situation at the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016, when United Russia united the party lists of the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions. Dmitry Orlov also noted that given the peripheral nature of the region, there are no large groups of influence and pronounced elite conflicts. The general director of APEC believes that not only to Aleksey Kokorin, but also to any other governor, under such circumstances, these factors will always create significant difficulties for increasing positions in the rating.

Another participant in the APEC study, director of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev takes a slightly different position on the influence of the Trans-Urals leader. The political scientist believes that the governor deserves a position in the middle of the list. “Judging by the results of the rating, I am in the minority. Kurgan Oblast is a normal Russian region, but it is far from Tyumen, Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg. I believe that the low political activity of the Kurgan governor at the federal level is due to the fact that he focused on work within the subject, ”the political scientist emphasized.

At the same time, at the regional level, the problem of information transparency of the authorities is aggravated. Thus, in the November rating of governors prepared by Medialogia, Aleksey Kokorin ranked 58th among the heads of regions of the Russian Federation, having lost 27 positions in a month. At the end of November, the head of the Kurgan region was mentioned in 1.3 thousand messages, which is 2-5 times less than other governors of the Urals Federal District.

In addition, based on the analysis of data from the Yandex.News service, the Ural Meridian news agency published the following results: in 2014, about 3.2 thousand messages were published in electronic media, in which Alexey Kokorin appeared, in 2015 - about 2 , 7 thousand messages, in 2016 - just over 2 thousand messages. At the same time, other governors of the Ural Federal District behave completely differently in the information sphere. For example, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Kuyvashev (8.9 thousand messages in 2015, about 11.5 thousand messages in 2016), the head of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev (about 5.4 thousand messages in 2015 year, about 6.2 thousand in 2016). At the same time, the largest number of references (over 12.3 thousand messages) in 2016 was from the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky.

According to Dmitry Zhuravlev, the situation is due to the ineffective work of the governor's PR specialists. Another possible reason for the increasing informational secrecy of the government and the head of the Trans-Urals is the personal disinterest of Alexei Kokorin due to the "generational problem". In other words, many representatives of the older generation, which include the head of the Kurgan region, do not consider it necessary to inform about their activities and do not have sufficient skills for this. This factor is correlated with the statement about weak explanatory work on coverage of the government's activities.

“This is bad, but understandable. First of all, this may be due to the quality of the PR specialists, but the governor is not responsible for the result. However, he selects them, and the lack of information about the work of the government can be regarded as a political mistake of the head of the region. But this is a flaw, and not a sign of inferiority. Now the authorities cannot but disclose their activities, this is not soviet time", - said the head of the Institute for Regional Problems.

However, representatives Russian academy of the national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) believe that the problem lies "in the absence of real results in one direction or another, which can be boasted." Nevertheless, experts point out that some work in the main areas, such as increasing industrial production, developing the agricultural sector or improving the investment climate, is still underway.

It should be noted that in response to the repeated questions of Pravda Ural Federal District about specific measures against officials who are failing the state ones, no specific information was provided. The press service said the lack of accurate data or the premature of the conclusions. Moreover, to one of the official inquiries of the editorial office in November 2016, the employees of the Department of the Agro-Industrial Complex sent an answer after half a month, which said that all the information was on the official website of the department. At the same time, none of the responsible officials, including the press service of the department, knew exactly where the necessary information was located on the site. By the way, at a press conference following the results of the year, the governor himself left direct question on criminal cases and claims of the prosecutor's office and the Chamber of Accounts

Final press conference of 2016 by the Governor of the Trans-Urals Aleksey Kokorin

These problems are typical not only in the interaction of the administrative apparatus of the Trans-Urals with the editors of Pravda Ural Federal District, but also with other publications of the Ural Federal District. Journalists have repeatedly drawn attention to the inaccessibility of information about the work of the regional government.

"The main instructions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin connected with the informational openness of the work of the authorities. In the Kurgan region, we are faced with the inaccessibility of data for the media. It is virtually impossible to get a comment from the governor's press service. When bringing this issue to the public, many Ural journalists confirmed the difficulty of obtaining information from the regional government. Working in electronic media, journalists need to receive information promptly, but often they do not receive a timely response. This is facilitated by the lack of clear work of the regional government unit responsible for providing information on the work of state authorities. There is a lack of transparency and political correctness, "says the editor of the Uralsky Meridian website and an activist. Alexander Anikin.

04:33 - REGNUM The main event in the Kurgan region is the resignation of the governor and the appointment of his temporary successor. Alexey Kokorin, who led the Trans-Urals since February 2014, just fell a little short of his term. About the hopes of the Trans-Urals in 2014, about disappointments and about the results - in the material IA REGNUM.

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

Alexey Kokorin took over the leadership of the Kurgan Region as Acting Governor on February 14, 2014. It was on this day that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the corresponding decree. The same document dismissed the former governor Oleg Bogomolov, who led the region for 18 years. The basis was his personal statement.

Kokorin had to go through the elections, that is, enlist the support of his fellow countrymen. Under Bogomolov, the Kurgan region was depressed. Residents of the region looked at the new leader with hope, expecting changes for the better. Kokorin's reputation in the region was also positively affected by his work as head of the administration of Shadrinsk, the second most important city in the Trans-Urals.

On August 25, 2014, even as an interim, he visited Vladimir Putin, reported to him on the situation, shared his plans. I must say, the plans were big. The head of the Trans-Urals noted that it is time to stop the outflow of the population from the region, to return people to the place where they were born, so that they can work here. " This and additional tax revenue", - noted Kokorin.

The head of the region also shared plans on how to return people to the region with the president. At that time, three industrial parks were under construction in the region, two in Kurgan and one in Shadrinsk. Also, one of the buildings was reconstructed for a very large regional business incubator. In addition, a roadmap for the investment attractiveness of the region was developed in detail. Kokorin gave priority to attracting investments. Which is understandable. And even reported to Vladimir Putin on the successes. Investors from China showed interest in the region and selected several interesting, in their opinion, projects. Investors also visited the Shadrinsky Telephone Plant.

“While they have invested 300 thousand dollars. Let it be a little, but this is the first stage of entering, partnerships are being built with them " , - Alexey Kokorin told the president encouragingly.

In a crisis

The elections were held on September 14, 2014. Alexey Kokorin got 84.87% of the votes. It seemed that there were five cloudless years ahead.

But everything turned out to be not so simple. Already in October, he faced a serious test. As of October 23, only 59% of the grain had been harvested. After some time, it became clear that 25% of the grain died under the snow.

The Trans-Urals government announced an emergency mode. The farmers were paid compensation at the rate of 500-520 rubles per hectare.

The crisis also contributed its negative contribution. As a reminder, in the second half of 2014, the ruble depreciated significantly. In the very first year of Aleksey Kokorin's tenure in office, inflation in the consumer market of the Trans-Urals was 12%, while food prices increased by 18%, so that the cost minimum set food products reached 3156.01 rubles. Cash incomes of the population decreased by 2.2% - the Trans-Urals immediately felt this, since the process was previously reversed: in 2013, the real wages of the population increased by 6.9%.

In 2015, the industrial production index remained at the same level, the agricultural production index increased by 107.5%, but in terms of construction there was a collapse: the volume decreased by 28%. Ordinary Trans-Urals tightened their belts: inflation reached 14%, and the population's income decreased by 11.5% compared to 2014, the number of unemployed increased by 13.3%, retail trade turnover decreased by 12.6%, own budget revenues decreased by 6% ...

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

In 2016, the retail trade turnover continued to fall - it decreased by another 8.3%, revenues - by 3.2%, prices increased by 5.6%. At the same time, it was possible to significantly reduce the budget deficit - it amounted to 1.87 billion rubles.

In 2017, construction began to grow - by 8.8%, there was a rise in trade, unemployment fell by 13.3%, price growth slowed down, and wages increased by 3.1%. However, residents of the region have already developed a strong sense of the region's futility: migration continued to grow. In 2017, the population of the region decreased by 7.7 thousand people and as of December 1, 2017 amounted to 846.4 thousand.

It was possible to stop the outflow of people from the region only temporarily: the migration loss of the population for 11 months of 2014 decreased in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year by 23.4%. But then the migration resumed. Against the background of falling living standards, this process was quite natural.

Why investors didn't come

In 2018, the Kurgan Oblast has in a sense perked up. On March 16, 2018, the region acquired territories of priority social and economic development - in the city of Dalmatovo and the working village of Vargashi. Great hopes were pinned on them; in total, the PSEDA was supposed to attract more than 2 billion rubles of investment and create about 500 jobs. True, the first resident entered Vargashi only at the beginning of September 2018, and so far the investments are far from plans.

Plus, the regional budget for six months of 2018 got out of the eternal deficit: the surplus amounted to 800 million rubles. The national debt, which reached the figure of 16 586 948 rubles, did not decrease during 2018, but did not increase either. The growth of inflation slowed down - as in the whole country

And yet, by 2018, it could be stated that much of what Aleksey Kokorin announced in 2014 did not become reality. The reduction in electricity tariffs was achieved only after several years: prices for the population decreased by 19% by July 1, 2017. However, for legal entities, electricity is still the most expensive in the district, and this does not attract investors. We add that on October 2, 2018, a meeting of the presidential plenipotentiary in the Urals Federal District took place Nikolay Tsukanov with a representative of STS Corporation JSC (electricity supplier to enterprises). It was about tariffs and investment attractiveness of the region.

Other projects announced in 2014 were also implemented more slowly and in lesser degreethan planned, if implemented at all. So, the first industrial park opened in Kurgan on June 22, 2016 on the premises of the former KZKT, the rest are in the design stage. And the Shadrinsky Telephone Plant, which was supposed to produce products in cooperation with China, was declared bankrupt in 2017.

Was there an opportunity?

Judging by the numbers, Alexei Kokorin failed to make life in the Trans-Urals better, but it did not get any worse. Did the governor have the opportunity to make positive changes?

Many political scientists have an unequivocal opinion on this matter. According to them, Kokorin was not the worst governor. It's about the region. The Kurgan region has neither industry nor natural resources. Therefore, the next governor is unlikely to be able to achieve greater success than Kokorin, political analysts say.

Deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma Boris Shalyutin in turn, he believes that it was unrealistic for Kokorin to restore the region after the 18-year rule of Oleg Bogomolov in four years. The complexity of work in the Kurgan region was also noted by the deputy chairman of the Trans-Ural parliament Yevgeny Kafeev, stressing that Aleksey Kokorin worked for the good of the region as best he could.

But there are other opinions as well. Regional Duma deputy Vasily Kislitsyn believes that the ex-governor does not have strategic thinking. Therefore, Kislitsyn believes, he could only attract people with the program, but to realize its potential was not enough

Residents of the region on social networks leave conflicting comments on the news about the change of power in the Trans-Urals. Basically, people are happy and expect changes for the better, and also scold Alexei Kokorin for inaction. Although there are defenders. The main message of the citizens coincides with Shalyutin's comment: the ex-governor did nothing wrong. With one addition: but also nothing good.

In general, we can say that Kokorin sincerely wanted to improve life in the region. Moreover, in November 2014, he waived his statutory benefits, which included a lump sum payment for spa treatment, reimbursement of travel expenses to and from the vacation spot, and a lump sum payment in case of voluntary resignation. This was done to save budget funds. He suggested doing the same to the deputies of the regional duma. And the deputies supported him.

Perhaps some observers are right, it is not his fault that it did not work out. The circumstances were stronger. However, not everyone thinks so. Kokorin's predecessor stayed in office for 18 years. Kokorin is only four and a half. Could not resist? Did not cope?

Be that as it may, an interim governor is now expected in the region. As a reminder, they were appointed the vice-governor of the Tyumen region Vadim Shumkov. According to local media reports, the new head of the region will arrive in Kurgan on October 4. Maybe he will still succeed in what Kokorin did not succeed in, who never sat through his only term to the end?