The best marketing books to improve your marketer's HR. Another customer is born every minute

In any field of activity, a mass of specialized literature is published annually, but not all of it passes the test of time. Of all the variety, some books really take their place of honor on the desk of a specialist who periodically returns to them when he wants to get a professional answer to an unexpected question.

Some of the marketing books included in our review were written a long time ago, but many may envy their relevance. contemporary authors... And in some cases, the ideas described in them may seem very ambiguous to you, but even they are able to direct the development of your thoughts in a productive direction.

1. "Selling the Invisible", the famous work of Harry Beckwith

The book is a description of the commandments that can provide real help to everyone who is involved in the popularization of specific services and services.

And since it is much more difficult to sell services than ordinary goods that buyers can simply touch with their hands or test in some way, the most important skill in this case is the ability to sell the invisible and the ability to explain in an accessible way, or even better, to really convince what the special the attractiveness of your services. The professional secrets of how to do this are revealed in this great book on marketing.

2. “Bridging the Chasm” by Jeffrey Murr

This is perhaps the best and most popular book on "innovative" marketing, the author of which will teach you to quickly sell glasses, even to a monkey. Selling something new, innovative to any person, which he has never seen, tried and did not even suspect of its existence.

In principle, you can initially not even offer people with limited thinking, what they do not understand at all, but Jeffrey Moore describes in detail all the most effective ways to do this, and you can not only explain the benefits of your product, but also really sell successfully his.

And the guiding message of this wonderful book is that when starting a completely new company, you need to carefully consider a strategy that will actually be able to bridge the huge chasm between the mass market and new technologies.

3. "The Life of F.T.Barnum, Described by Himself" by Taylor Phineas Barnum

This great book will give you a secret on how to monetize your own sense of personal importance. This is an excellent motivator that is able to qualitatively inspire its reader to literally heroic deeds. And if you suddenly felt unprecedented fatigue and realized that your strength was practically exhausted, then just open it and start reading.

With the help of his multifaceted experience, the author will tell you in an accessible way how you can attract the attention of the public and get a lot of likes in a short period of time. This book will be especially necessary and useful for those who organize their own business on vivid impressions, which they plan to give their own clients.

4. "Marketing Wars" by Jack Trout and Al Rice

Do you prefer to build your own business based on a specific strategy? Then you need to read this book, the authors of which successfully compare advertising and marketing with military action. Thanks to such a source of knowledge in marketing, you can build an absolutely clear strategy that will help you avoid common mistakes and become a winner in any battle.

But the most interesting nuance is that this book explains in sufficient detail how to subtly and imperceptibly push your own adversary to his fatal mistake. Believe me, this book is really worth your attention, and after a thoughtful reading you yourself will suddenly notice how clearly all your knowledge is structured, and you are again ready for a serious fight with your competitors.

5. "The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini

The book was written based on the own practical experience of a well-known and truly successful marketer. In it you can find a lot of different recommendations and practical advice, as well as real life examples that will help you personally turn from a simple ordinary layman into an advertising and marketing guru.

The author in his book gives really correct and reasonable advice on how to skillfully and correctly convince a new potential client so that he not only buys your product, but later becomes a regular customer.

In simple terms, this book will help you really increase your sales, and it will also teach you how to put into practice the right strategy for influencing people. This is a really worthwhile book on the nuances of advertising and marketing that every marketer should read.

6. “Marketing is 100%. How to become a good marketing manager "Igor Mann

The author shares with his readers his own practical experience of a successful marketer, and also gives really valuable and real useful tipshow to act in different situations. In addition, the book is written in an easy, fun and accessible language, which will make reading it a real pleasure for any person.

7. “Key figures. How to make more money with the data you already have ”by Dimitri Maeks and Paul Brown

Written in really simple and really accessible language, this book will explain to you in the most detailed way how to use all the parameters you have in your business for significant growth and stable income generation, all without any other additional costs.

You will learn to accurately identify truly valuable customers, correctly and reasonably allocate your own marketing resources, practically “read minds” and anticipate the actions of each person who comes to your resource, correctly identify new services or products that your customers may want to receive in the future, as much as possible optimize your own presence on the world wide web to get the best experience from any search query.

In general, after a thoughtful reading of the book, you will practically learn how to use any situation to the greatest benefit for yourself.

8. "Marketing arithmetic for top officials" by Igor Mann

This is a wonderful book that must be read by all, without exception, top managers, shareholders, as well as owners of their own business who really want to make significant changes in the marketing of the company. The book provides absolutely clear answers to the most burning and pressing marketing questions.

9. "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell

This book will rediscover the common truth for you: all ideas, new products, any information and habitual types of behavior are spreading as rapidly as viruses.

And that is why some of them literally blow up society with kind of "epidemics", while others remain unnoticed, and what we can really do to influence these processes on our own - you will understand when you read this book. In addition, you will look at the world you are used to in a completely different way and learn about things that were previously unconditional for you, something completely different.

10. "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin

The author of the book clearly explains to his readers how to attract the attention of a potential consumer, and he suggests doing this with the help of some amazing and really special products.

He uses the Purple Cow as an excellent example, which he believes no one will pass by, including potential buyers. After reading this extraordinary book, you will learn how to invent, create, raise quality, and then fruitfully milk your own Purple cow.

7. Barnum believed in being creative in the negotiation process and treated his staff and artists with respect. Working conditions at F.T. Barnumas have always been fair. The employees adored him. He paid a good salary, shared profits with people; thanks to him, many of his artists - Jenny Lind, General Tom Tam, Siamese twins, Admiral Nutt - became very rich people. When the famous Siamese twins Chang and Yong, having lost their fortune in the Civil War, agreed to show themselves to the public for money, Barnum divided all the income equally, and the artists earned good money. William Henry Johnson, a black midget who has worked in show business for over six decades, F.T. Barnum generally made him a full-fledged partner. And when the famous American Mormon religious leader Brigham Young jokingly asked Barnum how much he would pay him for a show with the participation of himself and his many wives (and he had more than 50 of them), the entrepreneur seriously replied that he would not give him less than half of the proceeds from ticket sales, which, according to his calculations, would have been about $ 200,000 by F.T. Barnum always negotiated with absolute integrity. In the chapter “How Barnum Acquired His Dream Business Without Paying a Penny,” you will learn about his smart deal-making approach that you can use right now to become more successful in your business.

8. Barnum believed in higher powers. It is known that Mark Twain has gone through several serious setbacks in his life, including bankruptcy and a real family tragedy, and this left a deep scar in his soul for life, turning him into a dark cynic with a feather "warming up in hell." Barnum also suffered a lot and experienced the same sorrows and troubles, and even much greater, but the misfortunes did not harden his soul. The American Museum, his favorite brainchild, burned twice. His famous Iranistan palace, the largest and most unusual palace in America, also burned to the ground. He lost his wife and two daughters. But he never showed his feelings in public. He quickly got to his feet, gave orders for the construction of new houses, museums and palaces, and even married a second time to a woman forty years his junior. Barnum's tremendous inner strength was the result of his unshakable belief that everything that happens to us in life is for the better. The laconic inscription on his tombstone reads: "Thy will be done, not mine." Vera helped him to meet adversity with honor and thrive in business, despite all the setbacks and troubles. In the chapter "How to survive financial disasters and personal tragedies" I will tell you about the incredible feelings I experienced at the grave of F.T. Barnum, and how business becomes part of personal development person, allows him to better understand himself and gives strength to survive the greatest misfortunes in life.

9. Barnum believed in the power of the printed word. Barnum's second (after the Museum) favorite brainchild was his autobiography, which he completed and rewrote before last days... It was finally completed by Barnum's second wife, after his death, adding a chapter on the funeral of this great man. Barnum began his literary career at the age of twenty-two, becoming the editor of a religious newspaper, for which he was soon arrested by the authorities. He was well aware of the tremendous power of the printed word in the formation of public opinion and used this powerful weapon all his life - when he wrote letters to the presidents of America, and when he edited newspaper articles, and when he prepared brochures advertising the "mermaid from the Fiji Islands" or his favorite General Tom Tam. Until his last days, he did not let go of the pen, because he knew that every word he wrote brings him closer to fame, wealth and immortality. One of the chapters explains why many successful business people today become authors of articles and books, and what you need to do in order to write a book too.

10. Barnum believed in the power of the spoken word. Barnum was not afraid to perform in front of a huge audience, and he did it all the time, advocating a sober lifestyle or freeing slaves to convince people that his shows are moral, highly cultured and safe for children and animals, etc. He knew the word able to move mountains, and tried to communicate more with the brilliant orators of his time. Barnum performed during the peak years of Mark Twain and Charles Dickens and was as famous as his great contemporaries. He knew that public speaking promoted the promotion and therefore the development and expansion of the business. Even in the political arena - although this activity gave him the opportunity to be of great benefit to his third favorite brainchild, the city of Bridgeport - Barnum was engaged in what he called "profitable philanthropy." He knew that through public speaking he became more famous and attracted more attention of people to his business endeavors. In the chapter “How F.T. Barnum went bankrupt. to get rich again ”describes unique techniques that will help you become a more convincing and charismatic speaker.

Great literature is hard enough. Standing books on marketing, leadership theory, management, and even come across very rarely. In this article, I would like to consider the ten best books on this topic, which have gained some popularity and fame.

So, let's go directly to the works that, in the opinion of many, should help in achieving success in marketing.

Everyone knows that it is much more difficult to sell a service. After all, the client can see or touch the product, as well as test it. Therefore, the service seller faces a more difficult task - to offer what cannot be seen. He also needs to be able to attract customers to his service, justifying its attractiveness. Many books on marketing are capable of giving a number of tips and rules, but many experts and readers choose “Selling the invisible”.

"Bridging the Chasm"

Best books in marketing, you cannot imagine without this job Jeffrey Murr. This is one of the most famous and popular books, the author describes in detail how to sell your service or product. It is excellently described how to get the client to buy something innovative that he has never seen before. Many people believe that after reading it, it will even be possible to sell glasses to a monkey.

The best marketing books are about helping you get your product to market. “Bridging the Chasm” is no exception. It will be interesting for both beginners and experienced marketers.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book is that when organizing a new company, everything needs to be carefully thought out, and in particular, the strategy. It will largely determine whether the firm can bridge the gap between new technologies and the market.

"The Life of F. T. Barnum, Described by Himself"

The work, written by Taylor Barnum, introduces the basics of marketing. Books by many authors are ready to give this information, but this is perhaps the best. This excellent book will show you how to turn self-importance into money. This work is an excellent motivator for accomplishing, one might say, feats. Advise it to those who feel tired and lazy. You just need to open it and start reading it.

If you are looking for books on marketing for beginners then this the best choice... Thanks to the experience and skills of the author, the reader will learn how to attract the audience and gain sympathy in the shortest possible time. Especially useful is "The Life of F. T. Barnum, Described by Himself" for those who start their business based on the impression they make.

"Marketing Wars"

“Marketing Wars” is a great job that will definitely come in handy for those who are interested in marketing. Authors of books on such topics spend a lot of time to create a quality product. The Marketing Wars, written by Jack Trout and Al Rice, will appeal to those who have started a personal business based on a specific strategy.

The book compares marketing with military action. After reading it, you will learn how to form an excellent strategic framework in order to avoid the standard mistakes that many aspiring businessmen are subject to.

An interesting feature is the presence of information on how to push your opponent to a mistake, which can turn out very badly for him. The "Marketing Wars" are undoubtedly worth the attention of the reader who wants to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat international marketing is. The book can leave a mark on the memory and help group all your knowledge and skills.

"The psychology of persuasion"

A fairly well-known book by Robert Cialdini. The author is a well-known marketer who knows firsthand what practical marketing is. The book contains a ton of tips, tricks, and stories from life that can turn an ordinary person into a genius of advertising and marketing.

There are really working tips on how to attract a customer and get him to buy your product or service. In addition, he may turn into a regular customer.

The Psychology of Persuasion can help increase sales and income. It can be useful to all beginners and experienced marketers.

“Marketing is 100%. How to Become a Good Marketing Manager "

Igor Mann (author of the book) gives advice and recommendations to readers on how to behave in a variety of situations. They are all based on personal experience. Mann is a well-known and experienced marketer. Besides, the advantage of the book is its simple and understandable presentation. Not every work today boasts an easy-to-write language. Reading the book is just a pleasure.

“Key figures. How to make more money with the data you already have "

The book is authored by Dimitri Maeks and Paul Brown. It is written intelligibly and clearly. It is easy to read. Tells how a reader who has defined skills and knowledge can use them to achieve the best results. This does not require spending additional financial resources.

The book will teach you how to find the most profitable client, distribute the available funds wisely, and also determine which product or service is most promising. After reading, you will be able to optimize your work as much as possible and get the result soon. Simply put, the reader will be able to use any situation for his own benefit.

"Marketing arithmetic for top officials"

Another work by Igor Mann. Recommended for both beginners and experienced managers. Includes rules and advice on how to optimize your company's performance most profitably. The book lists all the answers to especially frequently asked questions. Written in a fairly simple language. By reading the book, businessmen, shareholders and others can significantly increase their income and attract additional customers.

"Crucial moment"

Written by renowned marketer Malcolm Gladwell. The book tells about how quickly new ideas, technologies, goods and so on can spread. While much will sound familiar, it will be shown slightly differently.

Why are some technologies capable of overturning almost the entire familiar world, while others remain unnoticed? The reader can find the answer to this question in "The Tipping Point". Also, the book will tell you how to influence such processes and change them for your own purposes. Tipping Point allows you to look at the familiar world and objects from a completely different angle.

"Purple cow"

Seth Godin (author of the work) will tell readers how to attract customers to a service or product. The most effective methods... There is also a list of unusual items that can help you complete this task.

An interesting example of a special item is the Purple Cow. In his opinion, no one will be able to pass by such an object, let alone potential buyers. This book will tell you how to form such a creature, imagine and make a profit.


So, we reviewed the top ten marketing books according to many readers. Of course, you shouldn't hope that these works will provide all the answers and help create a large company that will allow you to swim in gold. However, books may well introduce you to the basics of marketing and provide a number of tips that will definitely not be superfluous. In addition to them, it is quite easy to find works of other authors who can provide additional information.

Another customer is born every minute

I am absolutely sure that if you constantly use my methods, you simply cannot fail to succeed.

F.T. Barnum, 1981, five days before death


F.T. Barnum

(Used by permission of the Barnum Museum, Bridgeport, Connecticut)

Why did Joe Vitale decide to write a book about Phineas Taylor Barnum?

And how can you benefit from this?

"Every minute another simpleton is born." This quote is often attributed to F.T. Barnum. But there is one problem: Barnum never said anything like that.

Meanwhile, a huge variety of incredible, fantastic ideas and thoughts were expressed to him, and you will soon find out everything. This information is presented in a very convenient form that allows you to immediately use it for personal and professional purposes. And all thanks to one person, Joe Vitale - F.T. Barnum of our time.

Barnum was one of the most advanced thinkers of his time.

Like Joe Vitale.

Barnum was a consummate entrepreneur.

Like Joe Vitale.

Barnum was a prolific and at the same time laconic writer.

Like Joe Vitale.

Barnum was an excellent, charismatic speaker.

Like Joe Vitale.

Barnum was a hypnotizing person.

Like Joe Vitale - he even wrote a book about it.

Barnum was a man of ideas.

Like Joe Vitale.

And like all great men, Barnum was ahead of his time.

Like Joe Vitale.

Everyone would like to have an ideal mentor. Many are looking for it in their current environment. As one of the most advanced thinkers of his time, Joe Vitale could not find an example to follow among his contemporaries and turned his gaze to history. And I found someone who suits this role just perfect. He had the wisdom to thoroughly study the greatest entrepreneur of the 19th century, and in his interpretation the unsurpassed F.T. Barnum can be your mentor too.

If Barnum lived today, he would surely vie with Joe Vitale for the title of king of viral marketing on the Internet. He would also write a book about Joe Vitale.

The first time I took this edition in my hands, I experienced an acute attack of envy. This book is beautifully framed, wonderfully written, and I really wanted to be the author of it. I immediately emailed Joe, ordered a whole box of books (autographed, of course) and immediately mailed them out to my business friends.

Their reaction was the same as, I hope, yours will be: "Oh - ho - ho!"

If you skim through the chapter titles and read at least some of the ideas that are plentiful in these pages, you will not only be amazed at the thorough research behind this book, but you will want to enjoy it to the fullest right away. And I must say, incredible pleasure awaits you.

Once you learn all about Barnum's ten arenas of power, your power will increase.

Once you learn all about Barnum's incredible gift of persuasion, you yourself will become a master of this craft.

Once you know all about Barnum's talent as an advertiser, you become a good specialist in this field.

Once you learn all about the secrets of Barnum's success, you will understand what you need to achieve similar results.

This book is filled to the brim with thoughts and ideas that you can start using the second you read about them.

One warning: book for thinking, thinking people. She will give you serious thoughts. In it, you will find hundreds of real, practical advice on what it takes to follow in the footsteps of the great F.T. Barnum. Read it twice. Examine inside and out. And you will see, like me, that this is the book that you need to carry with you everywhere, read and re-read in moments when you need to awaken your creative enthusiasm and inspiration.

Another customer is born every minute - and I'm one of them.

99.5 ways to convince, sell and get money "

As F.T. Barnum nearly killed me twice (and why I was okay with it)

Of course, I was not familiar with F.T. Barnum. The great showman left this world forever more than a century ago. But his name, business and influence are still alive and will certainly survive the 21st century. Several films have been made about this man, performances have been staged, and many books have been written; and now, as I write these lines, Elvis Costello is working on an opera about Phineas Barnum. As long as there is a circus in the world, it will be associated with this name. And as long as I live in this world, I will never forget how Barnum nearly killed me twice.

The first time it happened was when I was 16 years old. My idol was Harry Exello, the world's most famous magician. When the circus in which he worked came to Niles, Ohio, where I was then living in the 1960s, I went there to talk to the great illusionist. Young and sassy, \u200b\u200bwith a sense of Barnum and Houdini, I walked straight to his van and asked if I could see Excello.

He came out and we had a great chat. Harry turned out to be a very friendly and likeable person, more like a used car salesman than a famous circus magician. From our conversation, I learned that he loves magic tricks, the circus and his work. He introduced me to the sword swallower, no less sweet man, though dressed in some strange clothes, reminiscent of Tarzan's tunic - I think that everyone could see his tan and muscles. I remember, I also thought that he looks like a gypsy. I asked how he swallows such long and sharp swords, but he only laughed in response and said that it was family secret... For me, a sixteen-year-old boy from a small town in the Midwest, this meeting seemed just a miracle, as if I had touched something completely beyond the reach of many.

And then the sword swallower and the magician asked if I wanted to work at the circus on the weekend. I didn’t believe my happiness. They asked me to sweep the arena between shows and help fold the tent on Sunday night when the tour is over. And - wow! - I could even be allowed to clean the cells! Moreover, for all this I got the opportunity to watch the performances for free, and they even promised to pay me three dollars a day. But money, of course, meant little to me. I was thirsty for adventure and jumped at the chance given to me with both hands.

A big surprise awaited me. I learned that the circus is a business like any other. Performances and rehearsals began and ended strictly on schedule. Each person had and performed a certain range of responsibilities. People worked, played, laughed and complained. They received a salary, like employees of any company. I've learned that even the funniest and most fun things - the things that clowns, magicians, and sword swallowers do - come out well only through hard work and constant rehearsals. I realized that the circus is business, albeit with a show prefix.

That's when it happened: Barnum almost killed me the first time.

On the last evening before the departure of the circus, when everyone was already collecting and packing the props, I entered the gates of the main tent, and just at that time the elephants were being taken out of it. The animal caretaker yelled wildly for me to get out of the way. I will never forget his face. He was angry and terribly frightened at the same time. After all, just before his eyes, the elephants almost trampled on a stupid boy. Me.

We are all not opposed to once or twice cursing our professionalism and knowledge in a particular area. In this case, in the field of marketing.

In view of the fact that books are still a symbol of knowledge and wisdom (apparently, wisdom is not transmitted through monitors), we will talk about which books you should mention if, for example, you decide to drive up to a conference with an enthusiastic group marketers. These are the best books on marketing according to many sources and they are relevant at any time (some of them were written a century ago).

So, you want to beautifully break into the conversation of a nearby company of successful marketers. Wait for the awkward silence of the interlocutors, when it seems that there is nothing more to say, and start:

“And I recently finished reading the book of X author of such and such”, or “And here I am reading the book of X author of such and such”. It is imperative to speak with a serious look, while gesticulating with hands animatedly. If one of the hands is busy with a glass of champagne, try to handle it with one hand.

Also, this collection of books is perfect for those who like to bury themselves in a book in public places (for example, the subway), because their titles are good enough to make others, at one glance, understand that they are dealing with a serious person.

Note, it is not at all necessary to read a book and be imbued with its ideas, moreover, to bring them to life. The main thing is to know about its existence and have a superficial idea of \u200b\u200bits content. And we are happy to provide you with this information.

10. Jeffrey Moore "Bridging the Chasm"

Bead game in front of pigs

Comrade Moore talks about how to teach a monkey to use glasses, and moreover, to buy them. If you are involved in the hi-tech industry and the promotion of products in this area, you probably understand how hard it is to explain to a mere mortal that he really needs trousers that turn into shorts, especially if he does not need them and you know about it.

But that insignificant part of people who appreciate all the unique functionality of your super portable, super shiny and super fast device is not at all sufficient for the total dominance of your company, so you need effective ways of throwing beads in front of pigs in such a way that the whole pig will pay for these beads. (eh, it's somehow not good to compare consumers with pigs, but, as they say, you can't throw words out of a song, so the author kindly asks for forgiveness).

Here you can give an example of how you managed to "spin" the iPod. When it hit the market, it was only bought by diehard Apple fans. At the moment, every 2nd has it. How could this happen? Apple marketers have turned the iPod into an object of desire, envy, and fashion. The player spread like a viral infection, infecting everyone who came into contact with it. Technology adepts, like an army of evangelicals, rubbed into the confidence of naive buyers. (And then you take out your iPhone of the latest generation and, forgetting about the interlocutors who nod their heads with an understanding look, you begin to randomly perform various actions with it, thereby showing that you are busy with important things).

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“There is a gap between the early adopters of any technology and the mass market. He explained that many technologies initially enter the market with the help of enthusiasts, but soon they leave the scene without bowing at all. Therefore, creating a company that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you need to come up with a strategy that would help bridge this chasm. "

9. Harry Beckwith "Selling the Unseen"

Ripen for the invisible

Are you promoting services and / or services? Obviously, buyers won't be able to touch, smell, or see what you have to offer. But, they will be able to touch and touch you as a person who offers these services.

The book consists of the basic commandments, which should be guided by the promoter and popularizer of services and services. Perhaps, with a high degree of probability, we can say that you, dear reader, are such. Each chapter-commandment is on average one page, and in general the book is easily and quickly digested due to its ability to quickly and concisely state the essence.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

« I actually thought, ”said Meryl Streep,“ that life would be like college. But this is not so, life is like a school. " Life is actually like school. The character traits that made you popular with your classmates are gaining meaning again. When potential consumers (at least many of them) choose a service business, they are not guided by the firm's degrees, reputation, or position in the industry. Instead, like the schoolchildren that we remain throughout our life, these potential consumers are guided by its attractiveness. "

8. Taylor Phineas Barnum “The Life of F.T. Barnuma, described by himself "

Self-importance and its monetization

The book is a source of inspiration for those who like to describe their rich inner world and versatility of their souls in the About Me section on social networks and post hundreds of photos of themselves in public restrooms. Barnum knew the answer to how you can attract the attention of the public, how to get thousands of "likes" and make shkolota and other virtual evil spirits clap their hands merrily.

Are you so multifaceted, so unpredictable, all so angular and ornate? Do not berate yourself! Barnum is a prime example of how you can effectively monetize your own self-centeredness and narcissism.

Especially suitable for those whose level of sales significantly depends on the impression that your persona has on a potential buyer (for example, realtors).

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

"I'm all so sudden ... All so angular ... So contradictory all ..."

7. Cialdini Robert "The Psychology of Persuasion"

The art of pickup for marketers

This set of hacks for the human psyche is a great guide to driving sales at a fairly deep level, guided by the very essence, the "core" of human nature, if you will.

If you are the proud owner of a psychology degree, but by chance you became a marketer or sales manager, you simply have to mention this book from time to time, at least for the purpose of showing that the n-th number of years that you spent writing notes and groveling in front of teachers did not go down the drain. If you are not, the book will help you to emphasize the depth of your own intellectual abilities, which are not limited to marketing, but also penetrate the territory of psychology.

Also, to some extent, it can be useful for professional pickups.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“In the animal kingdom, as in the human kingdom, sometimes a single sound causes an automatic reaction. For example, if a brood turkey hears the characteristic chirping of her chicks, she behaves like a caring and attentive mother. But if she does not hear the familiar sound, she can not only abandon children, but even kill. "

6. Jack Trout, Al Rice "Marketing Wars"

This is Sparta!!!

A guide for those who love pretentious verb about marketing, starting with the words "marketing is ...". The book draws a parallel between marketing and war, so if you've spent most of your adult life in the office, this book will not only help you get strategically important insights, but it will also help you feel like a fighter, which you certainly are not. Actually, the book was written for those who wonder how to push the enemy to make a fatal mistake? How to make the civilian population go over to their side?

The book inspires and captivates, allows you to structure knowledge, fight competitors and use their weaknesses.

Finding yourself in a group of marketers, say, during a buffet table after a regular conference, and starting to quote the main points from a book that boldly call marketers "warriors", you run the risk of earning the respect of those around you by increasing their sense of self-importance.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“Marketing battles are played out in the mind. In your mind, in the mind of your potential buyers, every day, seven days a week. The mind is the real battlefield. A very difficult territory to understand. The battlefield is only 6 inches wide. This is where the marketing wars take place. You are trying to outrun and conquer the competition on a thinking mountain the size of a coconut. "

5. Martin Lindstrom "Buyology"

Cyberpunk for marketers

The book builds on a three-year study of how the brain works when shopping and interacting with advertising logos, rollers, etc. The presented material is referred to as "neuromarketing".

If you are a fan of the cyberpunk literary genre, with its ideas about the global dominance of corporations over the minds of ordinary people, this book is indispensable for you. It is perfect for those who are impressed by the role of a "mad" professor, subordinating to his will the minds of ordinary mortals through cruel and bloody research carried out in a damp, dark, abandoned house basement.

By quoting this book, you will be able to show yourself as a person with at least some relation to the exact sciences with its evidence, research and methodology. You will begin to better understand what influences the choice of a person, his attitude to the product, his preferences. Stop guessing on the coffee grounds! The art of selling is a science.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“So buyers, be careful. After all, the future of advertising is not at all an illusion in the mirror, but real knowledge about the action of mirror neurons. They affect our loyalty, consciousness, wallets and shopping biology to a much greater extent than one might think. "

4. Seth Godin "Trust Marketing"

How to successfully go on a date with a customer and get their invitation for tea.

At the heart of the book is the interesting idea that customers are also ... people. And as such, they deserve to be treated appropriately, which means, in particular, that it is a good idea to ask their permission before imposing themselves or their products.

Today, this is a very popular trend, especially if you are an email marketer who uses and who should not only treat his relationship with subscribers as "purely human", but even should understand them as the relationship of a vampire with his victim, who is not may enter the house of the latter without her permission, since ignoring such permission may end.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“Like caterpillars transforming into a butterfly, potential buyers go through five stages of transformation:
Strangers -\u003e Friends -\u003e Clients -\u003e Loyal Clients -\u003e Former Clients.
There are also companies that don't notice their customers until they turn into disgruntled ex-customers. "

3. Jay Conrad Levinson "Guerrilla Marketing"

Molotov cocktail for small business

We have already touched on the topic of wars in marketing. But what if on the battlefield you are just a small revolutionary-minded group of partisans with limited means.

Small business owners, sit down and listen! Now the father of guerrilla warfare will tell you how to attract incredible profits with a sudden marketing blow.

As the leader and ruler of the nation, Levinson describes the process of becoming a real partisan, all the specifics guerrilla warfare, surprise, skill, the ability to knock down in time and take out the entire tank division with one grenade. Being a partisan is incredibly cool: the entire population covers you, supplies you with delicious food, helps you fight the invaders, honor and respect are pursued at every step.

Of course, there is also a downside to such a life: punitive detachments, executions, robberies, defectors, a bullet in the back and other joys.

How significant the contribution of the partisans to victory is, is up to you to judge, but in order to at least roughly imagine what happens during such events, it is worth reading the book "Guerrilla Marketing".

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

« The guerrilla marketing process begins by: 1) learning about all the marketing tools available; 2) use multiple tools while carefully monitoring which ones fail and which ones work wonders; and then 3) discard those that miss the target, and double the effect of those that hit the bull's-eye. "

2. Chris Anderson Long Tail. New business model "

Successful business with blouses with mother-of-pearl buttons

Chris talks about how the monopoly of consumer goods slowly degraded, slowed down the pace of development, turned around and left, without saying goodbye, in an unknown direction. It's time for niche products. Is this good news? We'll see…

The concept of "long tail", which the author came up with, is that there is a buyer for every product. Let's imagine a dinosaur with a small head. The head is the hits of sales, and then there is a huge tail of less popular products, but in total they bring more profit than the “head” itself.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

"The rules of the" long tail ": 1) find a dinosaur, 2) cut off its tail, 3) live off the sale of fossil meat and bones to museums.

1. Charles McKay "Common Misconceptions and Crowd Frenzy"

The zombie apocalypse has already arrived

Dedicated to the happy holders of a marketing diploma, who are well aware of the rule according to which demand generates supply, and which, alas, is not always true.

This book is the Necronomicon, the book of Evil, which is designed to attract all the power of the dark forces to promote your goods and services. Bring the unconsciousness, meaninglessness, stupidity, idiocy of the crowd into the service of your selfish goals. The book provides a number of historical examples of the greatest machinations that brought enormous profits to their performers thanks to the latter's understanding of the imperfections of the human mind and the prevalence of basic animal instincts over logical and balanced thinking.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

“People think in flocks. As a herd, they go crazy, but come to consciousness slowly and one by one. "


This list reveals the versatility and all-encompassing nature of marketing, from studying consumer responses at the neural level to using the ability to sell a car GPS navigator as a dream reader.
If your company has a full-time library that is being replenished based on the wishes of workers, we advise you to provide this list to your management. After all, having the very best marketing books on hand is a very good marketing ploy. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Order books from the list (preferably in original, in English).
  2. Take a photo of yourself with each of the books and in front of all the books from the list on the shelf.
  3. Find some quotes from these books and copy them to the wall in your favorite social network (be sure to indicate the author of the quote).
  4. You are a successful marketer! Congratulations!

The marketer's library can be expanded and replenished with new books ad infinitum. Every year the requirements for specialists are growing: new ideas, creativity, development are needed.

And after 3 years we are expanding our list.

Andy Cernovitz “Word of Mouth Marketing. How smart companies make people talk about themselves "

To look at the site through the eyes of a user is something that not everyone thinks about, but what the author focuses on. The book is filled with usability testing techniques and stories from Steve's practice. You will not read any must-do lists, but you will find out what steps the author took in a given situation. This is the story of a man who long years worked on improving sites.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

Give people a good reason and they'll start talking about your brand.

Steve Krug “How to make a website user-friendly. Usability by Steve Krug's method "

Communication is an irreplaceable part of our life. And communication online, in social networks opens up a huge prospect: the whole world can learn about our thoughts.

The author talks about the effect of word of mouth, its benefits and opportunities for business use. You don't have to be a genius or spend millions on marketing. It is much easier to use for your own purposes the aforementioned word of mouth, turning it on and off as needed. The book is practical and step by step guide on the organization and conduct of word of mouth marketing.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

There are two views on any site: the developer's view and the user's view. The main task is to make it as convenient as possible for both parties.

As a bonus - a little digression from the topic.
It works well for inspiration and expansion of horizons and fiction.

Andy Weier "The Martian"

This is far from about potatoes on Mars :) Will you tell me you watched the movie? Great! But the book is exactly what differs in that it contains more details, more thoughts, more facts. This work clearly shows how important it is to be able to set the right tasks and plan the result, analyze the available data and predetermine possible scenarios in the event of a victory / error.

What would be the fate of the hero, if he did not have the knowledge that he had and helped him survive ...? Here it is - an incentive to develop and learn.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book:

Having shown ingenuity and armed with knowledge and experience, you can find a way out of any situation, even the most seemingly dead end. The main thing is the “survival” strategy and strict planning of all actions.

Of course, you have your own list of the best books that were not included in this list in the most infamous way, so go in the comments: leave your impressions of these books and we will gladly add them.