Diet first day fruit second vegetable. Is there a fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss? On buckwheat and kefir

Fruits and vegetables are excellent human body helpers - valuable content of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.

This rich composition helps to strengthen immunity, protect the body from various viruses and diseases, helps to strengthen cells and muscle growth. Exactly these beneficial features And they were taken as a basis in the preparation of fruit and vegetable diets.

Principle of fruit and vegetable diet

The main principle of a fruit and vegetable diet - to eat only vegetables and fruits. They can be raw, boiled, steamed, baked in the oven.


  • The main rule does not refill their salt and spicesAnd also do not add oil.
  • It is allowed in small quantiforms - Izyuma, prunes, dried apples and pears, dates and kuragi.
  • Nutritionists allow to consume fruits and vegetables before bedtimeBut not all, but only low-calorie. In this case, the products need to eat fresh, in boiled and baked vegetables and fruit calorieness above.
  • Consumption during a large amount of liquid diet.
  • You can use all the well-known and affordable vegetables and fruits. High starch vegetables are recommended not to abuse. These include: radish, potatoes, green peas, carrots and. It is also not necessary to get involved in high-calorie fruits: bananas, grapes, watermelons and persimmon.

There is a kind of fruit and vegetable diets, in which they will not have to give up meat and fish, but in small quantities.


The diet is easily transferred both to young people and the elderly. This is due to the fact that there are weak restrictions on the number of meals and the volume of food consumed.


  • This diet is short, it is not worth staying on it more than 7-10 daysSince in vegetables and fruits there are no essential animals.
  • During the diet are not consumedBut there are products with slow carbohydrates. They help split proteins, thereby provide the body with energy.
  • Complex carbohydrates contribute to long saturation of the body, improving overall well-being, but with a long time of consumption.
  • Also, the diet suits people with a disease such as osteoporosis. With this disease, the body needs the daily need of calcium and a number of other microelements and vitamins, which contributes to bone strengthening.

Among the products with slow carbohydrates can be allocated:

  • dill, parsley, salad;
  • cabbage, onions, Bulgarian pepper ,;
  • cherries, plums, orange, apples, peaches, pears.
  • blueberries, blackberry, red and black currant, sea buckthorn, strawberries and strawberries.

Is it possible to lose weight on fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables have low calories, so the body has to digest them to use more of their own energy than to get from the product.

Their composition has vegetable fiber, which is not digested in the body. But it creates a feeling of satiety for a long period, thereby not forcing a person to frequent meals.

Reducing the consumption of this element leads to the fact that the body is forced to spend its own accumulated energy. It is worth noting the property of some fruits and vegetables to burn fat. Here you can highlight grapefruit, kiwi, orange, watermelon, as well as cucumber, cabbage and pumpkin.

Without digestible fiber enters the intestine, and due to its grainy structure, absorbs slags and toxins. Displays them from the body and cleans the intestines. Vegetables and fruits increase the acidity of gastric juice, thereby stimulate its active selection. They are distinguished by small carbohydrate content.

All this proves that, using fruits and vegetables in the basic diet, you can establish a digestion process and significantly lose weight without harm to health.

Up diet

What is the benefit of a fruit and vegetable diet:

  • from slags and toxins - the process of digestion is being built;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improving immunity due to the content of vitamins and trace elements;
  • normalization of gastric juice acidity;
  • strengthening the walls of the vessels, regulate the level of cholesterol and contributes to the purification of blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • improving the color and structure of the skin of the face and body, strengthening hair and nails;
  • improving sleep and sensation of lightness inside the body;
  • Human - the load on the legs and the blood circuit is reduced.


The main advantages of a fruit and vegetable diet are:

  • reusable free mode of food intake, compared to other diets - is easier to transfer with the body;
  • ease of preparation, you can not prepare - to use the ingredients in the raw form;
  • the main thing is a delicious diet.


The main minus of the diet is to be missed by the body of the protein, which participates in the construction of cells, and as a result:

  • possible loss of forces and energy, weak productivity;
  • may cause bad mood and irritability;
  • there may be a light chairs or even diarrhea;
  • may cause increased drowsiness.


I would like to celebrate a large number of rules when complying with a fruit and vegetable diet:

  • eat about 1.5 kg of fruits per day, 300 grams for taking, while the total number of meals are 5 times a day;
  • eat more vegetables for the day than fruits, especially in the evening, vegetables are less calories;
  • consume more seasonal vegetables and fruits in fresh form ; Try to share the share of fresh products without processing to products, thermally processed, was 3: 1
  • exclude diet bread, pasta, cereals, sweets, sugar, as well as fatty food;
  • do not use to refuel mayonnaise, ketchup and oil, instead, use a non-large, yogurt, lemon juice and;
  • during the day, drink a lot of water, not less than 1.5-2.0 liters;
  • do not use salt, pepper and sugar To give taste quality products;
  • high calorie fruits are better consumed in the morning;
  • use a varied menu, change it constantly in the process of diet;
  • do not use purchased juices in tetrapaks, sweet carbonated drinks and water;
  • green fruits less contain sugar, accordingly, less calories;
  • in small quantities, add dried fruits to the diet.

Dried fruits perfectly help to cope with the body with a diet:

  • reduce appetite;
  • stimulate brain work;
  • protect from stresses that are often caused by a diet.

Diet products


During a fruit and vegetable diet, it is allowed to consume any vegetables and fruits available. But treat it selectively, and extremely carefully to get the desired result.

Dietary is considered vegetables and fruits:

Do not abuse and restrict consumption standing in cases:

  • potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • radish, radish;
  • corn;
  • banana;
  • grapes;
  • kiwi.


Forget only about the use during a diet about:

Menu for a week

We suggest to consider the option of the menu in the table in summer period With the addition of yogurt:

Day Menu
1 1 reception

2 reception

2 1 reception

2 reception

3 receptionvegetable stew from tomato, pepper and tomatoes 300 gr

4 reception

5 reception

3 1 reception

2 reception

3 reception

4 reception - Fried zucchini 200 gr

5 reception

4 1 reception - Vegetable salad (cabbage, cucumber, greens) up to 300 gr. You can refuel lemon juice

2 reception - green apple or pear, you can cut and put in yogurt

3 reception - Vegetable soup with roasted croutons from cut Bread 2 pcs

4 reception - Boiled carrots and beets - 1-2 pieces. depending on the size

5 reception - boiled cauliflower, drain dessert

5 1 reception - Portion of baked pumpkin with apples 250 gr

2 reception - 2-3 pcs. large drain or apricot, you can cut and put in yogurt

3 reception - Vegetable stew from tomato, pepper and tomatoes 300 gr

4 receptionfresh tomatoes and cucumber, chopped and filled with vinegar - 250 gr

5 reception - Baked apples in the oven 2 pcs.

6 1 reception - rubbing carrots with an apple, you can add prunes or raisins, 250 grams

2 reception - a glass of any fruit juice with trees from the bran bread

3 reception - Vegetable soup with mushrooms - one portion, fruit mix

4 reception - Fried zucchini 200 gr

5 reception - Vegetable salad from tomato, cucumbers and sweet peppers with greens

7 1 reception - Fruit salad with yogurt Total weight up to 300 grams

2 reception - Fresh radishes with tomatoes, you can cut everything and fix with vinegar

3 reception - Stewed zucchini with tomatoes and pepper 300 gr

4 reception - Cherry apple puree fresh fruit 250 gr

5 reception - Boiled cauliflower and fruit kissel

Other diet options

Vegetable fruit protein

This is a symbiosis of a protein-vegetable and fruit and vegetable diet. It combines the alternation of vegetables and fruits with protein products. Fruit is better to consume green apples, citrus, plums and berries.

You can consume these products with raw, and you can squeeze fresh juice from them, grind in a puree or cut a salad. It will be very tasty to fill it all by non-fat yogurt. Eat vegetables much more than fruit. Fruits consume in the morning.

This is a very diverse and not strict diet, the number of allowed products here is increased compared to fruit-vegetable. It is allowed to eat low-fat dietary meat, so it easily suits meat lovers.

The diet is easily transferred for 3 weeks, and this is its main difference from a fruit-vegetable diet. Do not eat meat three or four hours before sleep.

What can eat with fruits and vegetables for diets:

  • eggs;
  • low-fat meat and fish;
  • seafood;
  • low-fat kefir and yogurt;
  • mushrooms.

Adhere to the rules that the products can not be frying, only boil, stew and bake without salt and spices. The remaining rules are the same with the previous fruit and vegetable diet.

Fruit-vegetable + meat

This diet is a subspecies of the previous diet and its peculiarity is that every day you need to use vegetables with a small amount of meat (pork, chicken or turkey). And as a dessert - somewhat delicious fruits.

Meat is used thermally processed, try not to fry it. Vegetables eat raw, but you can cook them either bake.

Recommend to alternate protein days with carbohydrates. Thus, providing the body useful vitamins and microelements and preventing reduction muscular masswhich often happens during the rest of diets.

What you can eat:

  • daily - 200 grams of meat;
  • vegetables - 400 grams;
  • porridge, except for Manka - 200 grams;
  • failure green fruits - 3-4 pieces.

Alcoholic beverages and sweets are categorically prohibited. For the rest of the rules and tips, it is worth contacting the common fruit vegetable diet.

Fruit and vegetable + kefir

The diet is suitable for fans of fermented milk products, it is not strict. With the help of low-fat milk, you can cook cocktails, yogurts and kefirs. Combine vegetables with fermented fermentation.

It turns out very tasty if there is a low-fat cottage cheese to add ground fresh fruits and berries, add them to other dairy products. It is allowed to diversify dishes from vegetables - stew stew, zucchini casserole or vegetable soup.

Maxi-cocktails with ice cream or fresh fruits and berries are very diverse. With such a diet, it is allowed to drink: and coffee, various compotes from fruit - without sugar, as well as fresh juices.

The main components of diet in kefir:

  • raw vegetables, vegetable soups, salads and honeycombs;
  • kefir, yogurt and various variations of gas stations and sauces based on them;
  • low-fat;
  • low-fat milk and milk cocktails;
  • fruits in raw form.

Fruit-vegetable + porridge

Porridge is considered to be a storehouse of nutrients and minerals, they contain complex carbohydrates, vegetable proteins and fiber. In order to log in to the diet correctly, it is recommended for 5-6 days to refuse oily food and sweet desserts.

In the food it is better to choose coarse grinders - not roasted and not polished, since the grain shell keeps the greatest amount of valuable substances. Before cooking, rinse with water thoroughly.

With this diet is prohibited:

  • bread and products from it;
  • meat and sub-products from it;
  • sausage and sausages;
  • potatoes;
  • chocolate, sugar and sweets;
  • milk, butter and other milk products;

The diet is based on the action of fiber, which I get into the stomach provides long satiety. And passing further into the intestines, cleanses it from toxins and slags. By general rules And the requirements for fruits and vegetables everything remains like the previous diets.

Options for unloading for a whole day

It implies admission to food for a whole day of a small number of similar products that are easily digested in the body. As a rule, a person chooses one or two products, less often a few.

The unloading of the body is better to spend the next day after noisy holidays and anniversaries with large feasts, when the stomachs and the liver must be given a "output".

What benefit can be noted from unloading days:

  • displays slags from the body;
  • provides digestive system Rest from hard work on digesting food;
  • strengthens the power of will;
  • helps weightless weight when he slows down, spurring this process.

Unloading days are better spent once a week. But to achieve the planned result of one day is not enough, in the remaining six days you need to adjust your menu.

On buckwheat and kefir

Eating one kefir all day is very difficult, so good combination with the unloading will be with buckwheat. Completely cook porridge from the evening - pour 250 grams of washed cereals with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave until morning.

To be wrying it is better to put it in a warm place or wrap in a blanket. All portion should be divided into five parts by the number of meals.

You can add fruits and vegetables in small quantities. For a whole day there is a 0.5 liter of non-fat kefir. In addition to water, the reception of tea and coffee without sugar and milk is also allowed. May cause a laxative effect.


Unloading Days have a limit:

  • For pregnant and lactating women. In this case, they should turn to the doctor for advice.
  • This rule acts for people with chronic diseases.
  • You should forget about unloading days during colds and flu, as well as in the postoperative period, when the body is weakened and it requires products to maintain forces.
  • Very carefully to the diet should be taken to people with a stomach ulcer, at which the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits is limited.

How to quickly lose weight on fruits and vegetables?

To lose weight quickly with vegetables and fruits, you need to stick to one of the main diets:

  • fruit and vegetable with the addition of kefir;
  • cottage cheese with the addition of fruits and vegetables;
  • on cabbage;
  • vegetable with the addition of a small amount of meat or fermented milk products;
  • fruit vegetable.

So that weight loss has passed effectively and the result was long-term, it is necessary to know and follow the following rules:

How to get out of the diet?

No less important information than about the diet itself, it's how to get out of it correctly, so as not to return the lost weight and not harm health.

Exist general rules exit diet:


Repeat a diet is not more often than once every 3 months so as not to harm the body. It is not strict - allowed to consume dried fruits and nuts, but not more than 30-40 grams per day. For a short period of diet, you can reset 4-6 kg of total weight.

Favorite diet is a regulated and efficient system. She proved more than once that is effective and, more importantly, a spectacular means for weight loss and improving the shapes. The diet continues for a long time (only seven days), and its diet is relatively gentle.

Favorite diet 7 days does not belong to the category monodis. If you pay attention to finance, it will slightly hit your wallet. Favorite diet received very positive feedback. Probably, this is due to the results of the diet. You lose from five to ten kilograms in just one week!

Favorite means the best?

Nor try to enthusiasts to elevate this method, the diet is not a panacea and the only true salvation from excess weight. It is effective as a one-time and fast way to lose weight, and it is not necessary to abuse. In addition, it is necessary to seriously prepare: if you have gastritis, colitis and kidney diseases, losing weight is at all standing at all.

Favorite is a diet for 7 days, in which any product is devoted every day. Depending on the caloric content of the diet, it is necessary to strictly observe the mode of exercises and walks so that the process of natural fat burning coincides with the total physical activity. In general, this diet is very simple, all menus can find any mistress in its refrigerator. The diet is designed in such a way that it has breakfast, and lunch, and dinner - every time different. Therefore, he will not get bored, and the week will pass unnoticed.

Diet "favorite diet

Day 1. Drinking

Day 2. Vegetable

It is allowed to drink only liquid. Especially soups, tea, and most importantly - water, only not ice, cool, cold, hot, and warm. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, pepper, white cabbage (natural fat burning agent), salad - diet second day diet.

Day 3. Drinking

Day 4. Fruit

We do what the first day. On this day, you can eat absolutely any fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, especially desirable to include grapefruit and kiwi, which are also natural fat burners.

Day 5. Protein

Day 6. Drinking

There will be saturation of the body with proteins. We definitely include boiled fish, eggs, yogurts, chicken breast. However, despite the abundance of choice, it is not worth it right away. 4-5 small portions per day are enough. Balam your body with sufficient liquid (see one1, day3)

Day 7. Balanced nutrition

Transfer from diet nutrition to normal. But the menu remains individual. During the whole day, you can consume a couple of eggs screwed, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth, adding a minimum amount of salt to quickly remove the fluid.

Hard version of your favorite diet 7 days

The first two days - drinking

Kefir and water - in large quantities.

Third day - apple

Classic discharge menu. If you do not eat great love for apples, then replace them on oranges. Also drink fluid in order to neutralize the acid.

The fourth, fifth and sixth days - chicken

Boiled chicken without leather and more fluid.

Seventh Day - Alcoholic (Wine)

During the day, dry wine and cheese. On the glass of wine thirty grams of cheese.

Together with the granted products, nutritionists advise consuming vitamins and minerals (in dragee, tablets, capsules).

Approximate menu for 7 days diet favorite

First day: Breakfast
Afternoon person - yogurt 150 gr.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
Second day: Breakfast - 2 medium tomatoes.
Dinner - Salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and greens. It is possible to waste vegetable oil.
Afternoon person - 2 medium cucumbers.
Dinner - Salad of cucumbers, sweet pepper and greens.
The third day: Breakfast - A cup of dismountain of tea with 200 ml of milk cocktail.
Lunch - 200 ml of milk.
Dinner - Chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon person - 200 ml kefir.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is used.

Fourth day: Breakfast - 2 pcs. Orange.
Lunch - One grapefruit.
Dinner - Assorted fruit from oranges, kiwi and apples.
Afternoon person - Apple and pear.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.
The fifth day: Breakfast - 2 eggs.
Lunch - Boiled fish, 200 gr.
Dinner - 150 grams of boiled chicken meat and 100 boiled peas.
Afternoon person - 100 grams of low-fat curd.
Dinner - 100 grams of cheese.
Sixth day: Breakfast - Cup of dismave tea with 200 ml kefir.
Lunch - 200 ml of grapefruit juice.
Dinner - Chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
Afternoon person - 200 ml of milk cocktail.
Dinner - 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is used.

Seventh day: Breakfast - Cup of green tea and 2 eggs.
Lunch - Any fruit.
Dinner - Easy soup with rice or buckwheat.
Afternoon person - Any fruit.
Dinner - fastened by vegetable small and confirmed vegetables salad.

It is not necessary to stick to this menu, products can be changed, guided by the following guidelines' recommendations.

Judging by the reviews of people who tried this diet, it is quite effective and in most cases it really helps to get rid of excess weight.

As in any other diet, the most difficult thing is the first day. Therefore, it is not provided for large constraints of the calorie content of the diet. However, some will still be difficult to withstand the refusal of solid food. Therefore, in reviews of the diet "Favorite" 7 days, you can often meet the Council to limit motor activity And abandon training, if those are present in your life routine, as for the first diet, dizziness, nausea, decay of forces are characteristic.

Food in a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours so that there is no painful feeling of hunger.

In protein days it is better to make a diet of chicken meat, fish, shrimp, egg proteins, as the use of cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the efficiency of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to delay the liquid). Throughout the diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

And finally, it is very important to get out of the diet correctly. After the end of the diet "Favorite" 7 days in no case cannot be pounced on food. Breakfast of the first day after a diet can consist of a pair of boiled eggs, dinner should be a lightweight sulfur on a vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner is a light salad. During the day you can snack fruit.

As a result of the diet "beloved" 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to secure the resulting result and develop it, it follows a bit of the calorie content of its usual diet over the next month.

How to keep the result

When a diet is used for a diet for 7 days takes up to 10 kg. However, as many weight loss techniques, this has its own limitations after a week of limited nutrition. During the month, it is desirable to limit the calorie content of its diet, avoiding flour and sweet. The method of cautious trials and errors needs to be calculated products that are adding "bridges", and refuse them. However, do not mock the body to achieve this ideal result.

What kind of diet gets reviews, which shows the results - a lot of conversations. But in general, the impression creates good - this is a great way to be balanced to eat and at the same time drop kilograms. However, the main thing is moderation, and then the body will delight you not only with an excellent figure, but also strong health.

Pluses of diet beloved

Shake and result. It will be prepared for an important meeting, bring yourself into shape, punch "plateau" when the last kilograms persistently do not want to leave.

Hardening power of will - Week just a small milestone, but you have already understood that the brain manages the body, and not vice versa. This knowledge is still useful in the way of building the body of your dreams.

Minuses diet loved

The minuses diet loved in the first place that during her there is a large load on the human body, in addition, there may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, various anemias and other deficit states - which is quite part of the phenomenon after such experiments.

In addition, the metabolism begins to slow down during such food starvation - then you will need to spend a lot of strength in order to restore it.

The human body is not designed for diets, because fasting sets up the organs on a special mode of existence, with which there is a small amount of calories with the help of a small amount of calories than in normal time.

Therefore, these are peculiar risks and before making a decision, to sit on a diet well before this think.


A consultation with a doctor is required before the diet.

Diet favorite contraindicated:

  1. during pregnancy and when breastfeeding;
  2. with hypertension;
  3. in diabetes;
  4. for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. during depression;
  6. with renal and heart failure;
  7. after surgical operations on the abdominal organs.

FirstlySome nutritionists categorically refer to the inclusion of broth in this system, advising to eliminate this product from a drinking day diet, explaining this salt and fats in it.

Thirdly, Traditional white-born cabbage nutritionists advise replace broccoli with a maximum fat burning effect.

FourthIn order for the result of the favorite diet to be the maximum, the protein products (eggs, yogurt, chicken) are used in different meals, separately from each other.

About this fashion diet Many reviews. It is interesting to note that most of the most beautiful sex representatives are not fully realized that everyone, absolutely all diets are designed for people with overweight. If your weight is almost within the normal range, you will lose these extra a couple of kilograms during the diet and no longer, just as much as your body needs.

But at the same time remember the consequences of the diet "Favorite". You may have a head of your head during a diet, and after its end, the weight can return. It is also worth noting that the metabolism is slightly reduced.

It should be said that the "favorite" diet also cleans the body very well. But we note that if you have a tendency to constipate, then before you get on this diet you need an additional cleansing of the intestine. On the eve of the first day you can take a laxative for the night. Well, the first day (drinking) organism will bring the remains of slags from the intestine.

Six petals - a diet developed by a dietist from Sweden Anna Yuhhansson. Its principle lies in ordered alternation alternate. Such a diet allows you to lose 0.5-0.8 kg of weight daily.

The essence of the diet and its advantages

The principle of the diet is simple - for six days it is necessary to observe one of six monodins, and every day - different.

On the first day, the fish diet is observed, on the second day - vegetable, in the third - chicken, in the fourth - cereal, in the fifth - cottage cheese, and in the sixth - fruit.

As can be seen, alternate protein and carbohydrate days.

This scheme follows the principles separate nutrition. And as you know, the separate use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates leads to the fact that food is better digested.

Effective weight loss when complying with such a diet occurs due to the fact that the body does not have time to adapt to a new product and a new power regime.

The diet is characterized by a variety of menu. As a result of the daily alternation of six different conjunction, over a week, all the necessary nutritional elements are coming to the body: both proteins and fats, and carbohydrates, and vitamins, and trace elements.

Another plus diet is her short-term. At a fairly compressed period, it is possible to lose up to 5 kg, without harming the health. For six days, it is impossible to significantly significantly change the nature of metabolism in the body. Therefore, if everything is in order with the metabolism, just maintain the desired weight, controlling the caloric content of the day diet. If the metabolism is slow, after the "petal" diet should go to another, a longer, balanced diet. 6 petals diet is positioned precisely as a diet for fast decline Weight and is one of the best in this category.

Very important! The maximum result will be achieved only under the condition of accurate alternation, the conjunction in the manner prescribed by its author.

Of course, the diet is useful, as it gives a strong drainage organism, however, if you decide to use it, be sure to consult your doctor.

Psychological aspect of diet

Not for the sake of a beautiful word, the author called this diet six petals. Anna Yuhhansson is convinced that no diet should bring or physical or psychological discomfort. It offers to draw a flower, each petal of which will have the name of one of the monodins that make up a six-day diet. The flower should be hung on a prominent place, for example, to the refrigerator. At the end of each day, on the appropriate petal, you need to write lost grams and with pleasure to tear it off.

"The maximum result will be only subject to the exact alternation in the manner prescribed by its author."

General rules diet - what can and what can not be eaten

  • First the main rule It was already voiced, this alternation of one-day conjunction in a strictly prescribed manner.
  • The second rule: it is impossible to limit yourself in a fluid intake. It is necessary to drink so many pure water as I want. A green or herbal fastening tea without sugar is suitable.
  • The third one to take into account is the need for a complete abandon from sweet, flour, preservatives, any oils, chocolate, coffee and other products that are not provided for by the monodimen menu of each day.
  • But the salt and natural spices can be added to dishes and even need, of course, in moderate quantity.
  • Roasted dishes are categorically not recommended.
  • Food should be carefully chewed without drinking liquid.
  • You need to eat as much as possible, very small portions. But not to confuse meals with snacks, which should not be.

Diet Six petals Menu provides enough simple.

First Day - Fish Diet

You can eat absolutely all varieties of fish and fish broth. In addition to fish is allowed to use greens, salt and non-residential seasonings in the preparation of dishes. You should drink clean water or unsweetened green tea.

Approximate fishing menu:

1st meal (8:00) - boiled fish with salt and spices;

2nd eating (11:00) - Fish baked with the addition of salt;

3rd meal (14:00) - thick ear of fish and greenery;

4th eating (17:00) - cooked for a couple of fish with spices;

5th eating (20:00) - boiled fish with a minimum salt.

Second day - vegetable diet

Unlike the first day, except for the main type of products, you can use not only salt, spices and unsweetened green or herbal tea, but also freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Approximate menu of vegetable day:

1st meal (8:00) - two grated carrots;

2nd eating (11:00) - potato mashed potatoes on water in which potatoes were cooked;

3rd meal (14:00) - stew vegetables with salt and spices;

4th eating (17:00) - cooked steamed vegetables;

5th eating (20:00) - vegetables in raw form.

Third day - chicken diet

On this day, you can use only chicken fillet without skin and chicken broths.

1st meal (8:00) - boiled chicken breast;

2nd meal (11:00) - baked in foil chicken breast with adding spices;

3rd meal (14:00) - chicken soup, greenery and seasonings;

4th eating (17:00) - chicken - grill without leather;

5th eating (20:00) - boiled chicken breast.

The fourth day is a cereal diet

You can eat any cereal, germinated seeds of cereals, seeds, grain loaf. In addition to water and green tea, you can drink homemade kvass.

1st eating (8:00) - Wheat porridge;

2nd eating (11:00) - buckwheat porridge on water with salt and seasonings;

3rd meal (14:00) - boiled non-steerled rice;

4th eating (17:00) - oatmeal on water and 50 g of nuts or seeds;

5th eating (20:00) - boiled buckwheat with greens.

Fifth day - cottage cheese diet

Cottage cheese must be medium fat. It is allowed to drink milk, but not more than 1 glasses for the whole day.

1st meal (8:00) - cottage cheese and 2 spoons of natural yogurt;

2nd eating (11:00) - cottage cheese with a small amount of milk;

3rd meal (14:00) - cottage cheese;

4th eating (17:00) - cottage cheese and milk;

5th eating (20:00) - cottage cheese.

Sixth Day - Fruit Diet

On this day, you can drink natural fruit juices diluted with water. Fruits can bake or eat in raw form.

1st meal (8:00) - two red apples;

2nd eating (11:00) - banana;

3rd eating (14:00) - orange and grapes;

4th eating (17:00) - Pineapple and Kiwi;

The 5th eating (20:00) is two green apples of medium size.

Approximate amounts of products for every day

1 day: 300-500 g of finished fish dishes;

Day 2: 1-1.5 kg of vegetables;

Day 3: 500 g chicken fillet (breast)

Day 4: 200 grades in dry form;

5 day: 500 g of cottage cheese;

6 Day: 1-1.5 kg of fruit.

If you want to lose weight further, then you need to switch to a long-term balanced non-cool diet on the seventh day. If the desired limit is achieved, it is necessary to felt the same products that were in the diet, without distinguishing them by day and gradually increasing the caloric content of the daily menu to 1400 - 1800 kcal.

Diet six petals video

When such a diet is recommended: the first day is drinking, the second is vegetable? This question is interested in many women. All of them seek to be attractive so that the men cannot tear away from them, but sometimes it is quite difficult to achieve, especially if there is a problem with overweight. In such cases, diet must be observed, which there are a large number, and at the same time play sports.

The choice of diet is very important, as some of them may be ineffective, with other weights are reset easily, but then quickly returns, the third causes irreparable harm to the body.

A diet that won the hearts of many women, "Favorite". Its principle is simple. There is an alternate change of diet: on the first day - water, then vegetables.

Weekly on such a diet will make it possible to throw off 5-8 kg, and this weight will not return. This is achieved by the fact that the body during the diet self-cleaning and removes toxins and slags.

As in any diet, you need to use only certain products and in the desired sequence, thanks to this, there are full assimilation in the body, after a while - saturation, and you will receive the required amount of nutrients and vitamins when the diet is reduced.

How to eat when diet "Favorite" for one week?

The first days are the hardest, during them a lot of temptations may appear, desire to eat or eat something from the discharge of prohibited products, another option - the use of products for a diet, but in large quantities.

You should endure, and then every day it will be easier to control your desires. In addition to the dropped kilograms, you still train the power of will.

1 day drinking - it means that all day you only need to drink any fluid in unlimited quantities, but it is impossible. You should also not use carbonated drinks with a large content of sugar or dyes.

Ideal variants of liquids on this day will be: brows, milk or dairy products, tea, ordinary mineral water, juices.

Due to the fact that you can drink a lot, you just lose your stomach: it will be filled, and the feeling of hunger if it is, then light.

2 day vegetable. The name speaks for himself: now only vegetables should be included in the diet of the day, and their number and frequency of use will depend only on your desire.

Vegetables must be diverse, for example, per day you can eat a pair of cucumbers, tomatoes, bulbs, carrots and necessarily cabbage, as it acts as the best fat burning agent.

Vegetables should be fresh, you can slightly treat them for a couple, but in no case to fry, especially in oil, if, of course, you want to get the result at the end of the week.

3 day drinking. Everything is repeated as it was on the first day, but you can slightly reduce the use of broths and juices, but in no case do not deny them completely, as it causes great harm to the body, will cause stress, because of which the fats will begin to postpone the reserve, Lose weight will not work.

4 day fruit. This is a real holiday for everyone who is sitting on this diet. On this day, you can indulge yourself with any fruit and not limit yourself in quantity. You can eat everything: melons, bananas, pears, but it is necessary to include apples, grapefruit and kiwi in the diet. Fruits contribute to splitting and burning fat, accelerate metabolism, contain many vitamins and microelements that restore the functions of organs and binding toxins.

5 day - reception proteins. This day is aimed at enriching the body by proteins, since these elements help recover and grow muscles and do not postpone about the reserve, like fats.

All day you need to consume only those products in which proteins are contained in large quantities: poultry meat, fermented milk products, etc. At the same time, it is worth paying particular attention to ensuring that the percentage of fat content is minimal.

6 day drinking. After two days, when it was possible to eat all sorts of goodies, it is worth a discharge day again. You can drink a lot of water, but there is, no matter how much it is, it is impossible, even just a little bit.

7 day - final. On this day you can and need everything, but in small quantities, thanks to which your body will come out of the diet more smoothly, without stress.

If you do not know how to do it, then sample menu. Of course, you can also make up your own.

You woke up, and the first thing you need to do is boil 2 chicken eggs and eat them, you can keep it with both simple water and tea or coffee, but without sugar.

Lunch. If you have not yet satisfied such a snack for yourself, then this is a big minus, because the food is best to use 4-5 times a day, but with small portions, which will give the body enough energy, will increase the metabolism and will not give it to form an excess weight. The second breakfast should consist of fruit, but not more than 2-3.

Lunch - the reception time of the biggest servings, and you can eat a plate of rice or buckwheat soup. From a flour, of course, it is better to refuse, but if you want so much, then one piece of bread does not hurt, preferably black.

Dinner. On the night it is best to make a salad of vegetables. It does not load the stomach, and you can nourish.

Is there any contraindications?

Any diet is a serious burden on the body, so not all people are allowed to adhere to various types of its species.

The same rule concerns and "favorite" diet.

You can not comply with such a diet:

  1. Pregnant women on any, even early time, as well as nursing mothers.
  2. In heart disease.
  3. In the case of diseases associated with impairment of the body of products.
  4. With renal failure.
  5. Until the rehabilitation course after the operation.
  6. With a serious load - both physical and emotional.

it best dietwhich will lose weight in a week by 5-8 kg, while not torturing yourself with a hunger strike. But remember that the most effective diet It will not be able to help burn even a bit of excess weight, if not adhere to it in rigor all the time.

If you want to strengthen the effect, you should do sports, do exercises, but not to exhaust, but in small approaches and often.

Another caution concerns people who feed very tightly and lead a low-wear lifestyle. Do not sit right at rigid diet, it is better to start gradually reduce your diet. It may take a long time, but the body does not experience shock. The fact is that if without preparing, sitting on the diet, then the body perceives it as dangerous situation And gives the team to practically all internal organs to slow down their work so that they consume as few calories as possible.

And you should not pull: if you decide to sit on a diet, then do it immediately.

Each woman can eat little and play sports.

But you can lose weight, eating quite a lot, replacing harmful food with vegetables and fruits.

In summer sat down your organism fresh Berries, fruits, vegetables. After all, they are very helpful!

In fruits and vegetables, beta carotene, vitamin C, fiber (it fills the stomach, gives a feeling of satiety, helps lead to normal work gastroy).

With the fastest fruit and vegetable diet you will not only lose weight, you will not get tired you will always be in goodmood.

Observing fruit - vegetable diet,you get those a lot of energy without adding in weight. Moreover, you will not think thatcook.

Cellulose, contained in vegetables and fruits, removes from the body Toxins. Therefore, a fruit-vegetable diet is prescribed for the prevention of certain diseases (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, etc.).

Go to fruit - vegetable diet needgradually. Eat what you want, but snacks replace on berries, fruits, vegetables.

We exclude from the ration all harmful products:chips, nuts, etc.

Permitted products:

    fresh e and canned fruit,

    fresh and canned vegetables.

Also, within a few months, takenew vegetables and fruits for you.

Fruit and vegetable diet - menu for day

Before compliance with this unloading day need to clean the intestine - to dinner drink a laxative means.

Observe fruit and vegetableunloading day once a week.

The base of the diet is the introduction of low-calorie vegetables, fruit into the diet.

Fitts and vegetables - fresh, from Varna, Baked, prepared Grilled or n a pair (without adding oil, salt, spices).

Fruits eat fresh or dried.

Prohibited products: Potatoes, banana, grapes, sugar.

Restricted products: prunes, raisins.

Drinking mode: up to two liters of liquid per day (water, morse, compote, fruit kissel, non-carbonated mineral water, Green tea, fresh juices, diluted 1: 3 with water.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the weight is not strongly rejected from the norm - arrange the p ottoman's day. At this time, we eat vegetables in any form without salt and spices.

If a you want a sweet one - we are taking the apple or a little raisin.

Strict fruit and vegetable diet for 7 days

Duration diet - 7 days, and effectiveness - up to minus 4 kg.

The basis of the diet is the alternation of days on berries, fruits, vegetables within 7 days.

Day 1, Day 2 - Vegetable, Day 3 - Berry, Day 4 - Fruit, Day 5 - Vegetable, Day 6 - I am suitable, day 7 - fruit. This version of the diet is balanced.

There is also a rigorous version of the diet. At this time alternatevegetable day and fruit-berry day.

For the day eaten a half a kilogram of vegetables, fruits, berries.

Prohibited Vegetables and Fruits: Mango, Grapes, Banana, Kiwi, Green Peas, Potatoes, Carrot.

Vegetables you can eat fresh, wedge, stew without adding oil, cook them for a couple.

ATTENTION: During the perpetration of the diet you need to drink vitamins, because theythe body is necessary for normal functioning.

Fitvo-vegetable diet - Mnu:

Option number 1.

1st day:

Soup with apostor, a small amount offruit milk glass low fat or low-fat yogurt, a glass of white tea, five kuragi stuffs or prunes.

2nd day:

Soup with to apostor, baked potatoes, with a labeled vegetables + a low-calorie sauce teaspoon, a glass of white tea.

3rd day:

milk glass low fat, a glass of green tea.

4th day:

Soup with apostor, three banana, eight Milk Milk Glasses or low-fat yogurt.

5th day:

Soup with apostor, five tomatoes, fish or chicken in any quantity, yogurt, a glass of black tea.

6th day: soup with apostor, five tomatoes, fish or chicken in any quantity a glass of low fatty milk or low-fatyoghurt, a glass of black tea.

7th day:

Soup with apostor, vegetables and fruits in any quantity two hundred grams of milk low fat Or low-fat yogurt, a glass of black tea.

Drinking mode: up to 2 liters.waters per day.

Food Reception - 5 times a day with small portions.

ATTENTION: If it is definitely not specified the number of products - we eat them in an unlimited quantity, because every person is individual - someone eats a lot, somehow little.

Before complying with the diet, consult a doctor!

Option 2:

Breakfast aEM: Fruit salad with refueling from low-fat yogurt, glass of green tea without sugar;

Dinner aEM: eat a hundred gram rice or pasta with refueling, boiled either stew vegetables a glass of tomato juice.

I am snack: with a female fruit or freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner aEM: Baked or boiled fish, vegetable salad with refueling from olive oil.

At night: a glass of innocentkefir.

During the day we drink: water, juice, coffee, tea (without sugar).

Prohibited Drinks:sweet drinks from the store but. In the store try not to buyproducts (except kefir and vegetables).

Duration diet - 30 days, and effectiveness - up to minus five kilograms.

The diet is balanced, safe for health.

Subject to this version of the diet alternate "Hard Week "with" easy ".

The basis of the diet is the consumption of fruits, vegetables.

Eat no more than a hundred fifty grams of meat, fish daily.

Prohibited Products: Alaccola, oily, flour, sugar, sweet.

"Hard" week:


Every day eat half a small Miens, mango, grapefruit, toast from bread with bran.

Dinner ( choose something one):

    Low-fat meat (lean pork, beef) without fat, pair of tomatoes, salad of green vegetables;

    R BBA from grill, vegetables with decoma, a piece of bread with bran;

    Fruit with an Alat in an unlimited quantity;

    Secondary meat broth, a pair of boiled eggs "in the bag", a pair of tomatoes, a salad of vegetables, a piece of wheat bread;

    seventy grams of cheese, vegetable salad, fruit, slice bread.

Dinner ( choose something one):

    A fish with grill, fruit, green vegetables, a piece of bread from solid wheat varieties;

    H Hedgehog Chilling, Green Vegetables Salad;

    Meat casserole (with g ovadin), green vegetables salad;

    Turkey without leather with grill, green vegetables salad;

    Liver with grill, salad made of green vegetables, stewed vegetables.

« Lee Gkaya "week:

For the second and fourth weeks you can eat a little Flour, sweet.

Drinking dieting mode:mineral water without gas in any quantity.


    Fruits and vegetables need to be combined With a small amount of protein.

    In place of fish eat 2 boiled eggs or fifty grams of cheese.

    Vegetables eat fresh, boiled, made on the grill or with a double boiler. You can make a vegetable salad.

    Also, m Ozno there is vegetable broth.

    Repeat diet you are possible in six months.

Exit from any fruit and vegetable diet

After the end of the diet, the base of the diet is vegetables and fruits. Other products introduce gradually, in small quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages of fruit - vegetable diet


    Slimming without harm to health (3 - 5 kg);

    Improving sodium - potassium balance, i.e. positive effect on the work of the heart;

    IN the diet is a diet Products that contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and t.P. Your body will receive all vitamins and minerals, therefore hair, nails will be beautiful;

    Fruit Compliance - Vegetable diets 2 times a year, helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer development, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent an increase blood sugar levels.

    Cleansing skin improving conditionhair, improvement of the psychological tone.

    Small calorie content R.aiotea diet, body saturation by fiber, giving a feeling of satiety. In addition, fiber fibers are an excellent adsorbent, absorbing toxins, withdrawing them from the body. With the help of fiber There is an improvement in intestinal motorcycles, normalization of his work, purgation.

    Thanks to the ndvo - vegetable diets e organism gets the necessary Vitamins, trace elements, macroelements.

    Normalization of metabolism;

    If you lose weight, to feet

    Strengthening immunity;

    Setting the mode of sleep and other organs and organism systems.

Disadvantages of diet:

    in diet diet little animal protein containing indispensable amino acids;

    it is forbidden to combine observance of diet and power exercises, because the muscles need protein;

    diet diet contains a lot products containing fiber. Therefore, the diet is forbidden to abide by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruit - vegetable diet - reviews

Lily: Balanced diet. In addition to fruits and vegetables, you can eat cereals, fermented milk products, animal proteins. Take Mose Food 5, So you do not feel hunger. Abide by the fruit and vegetable diet can be long, because you get everything the necessary organism Substances.

Vita: i love fruits and vegetables, so I started observed fruit - vegetablediet. This diet is very effective. With its help not only you can Lose weight, but also clean the skin and the whole organism as a whole! Weight leaving t, and hunger you do not feelwellness is different!

Liana: for the winter i recovered for seven kilograms, because I havesedentary work, and now summer, I want to look good. I observed another diet, lost 2 kg per week, but it was painfully! Fruit - vegetable diet feed, it is pleasant to lose weight!

Diana: I was always scareddiet due to hard diet, cuttingthe number of vitamins entering the body. I have always diet before diet Vitamins. And the fruit - vegetable diet does not have this shortage. I observe the diet for a week and already lost 3 kg.

Kira: I always had Pukhloy and envied slim friends. But, sport is not my topic. And I lost on various diet. I am grave a fruit and vegetable diet. In addition, instead of products containing sugar (candy, cake, cake E), eat fruit. After a couple of months I lost 10 kg.

Olesya: in the summer I always observefruit - vegetable diet. We eat fruits and salads from vegetables. Summer is good what to eati do not want . I lose weight by 5-6 kg.

Olya: Fruit - vegetablediet allows you to hush without harm to health. This is the most useful way of weight loss, because the body gets all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Yes, while you can lose weight by 5 or more kilograms.

Katya: They know that in the summer you need to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, saturated with vitamins for the 3 seasons. Fruit - vegetablediet. and allows you to use enough fruits and vegetables and lose weight - by 5 kilograms minimum. It's great!

Igor: I coach and know that fmanvo - vegetable diet balanced but daily It is necessary to use complex carbohydrates (cereal) and proteins, in order to avoid muscle depletion of the body.

Lera: observe fruit - vegetable diet Easy, no feeling of hunger, in addition, there is a decrease stomach, helping in the future proper nutrition. Vitamins of fruits and vegetables help constantly be in Good mood. З and jun i dropped 13 kg withgrow 171 cm, my volumes decreased, The skin was cleared, the hair began.

Svetlana Kudyakova: I am a doctor nutritionist, about fruit - vegetable diet I can say so - a good diet, but, during her observancein the body lacks protein, therefore, I recommend you limit the time loss time 1 day m or 1 week. Otherwise you can undermine the health.

Heavy physical exercise (Classes B. gym) During the period of compliance, this diet is not recommended, you can dolee gone charging either frameless Jogging.