Sokolov Mikitov flourished the column abstract. Cranes

"Frequent cranes"


Teach children to expressly retell text using reference signals;


Fastening in children the ability to use the words "migrable" in the speech, "Winter";

Fasten the ability to syntaxically correct suggestions;

Exercise children in the formation of complex adjectives;


Rail in children interest in the surrounding nature and its inhabitants.

Equipment: Text of the story I.S. Sokolova-Mikitova "Fly cranes", reference signals (selecting the speech therapist).

Preliminary work: Reading artistic texts D.N. Mine-Siberian "Gray Shaika", V.M. Garshina "Frog-traveler". Games: "Find out the description", "Who screams".

Structure occupation

1. Organizing time.

Game "form the word"

Duck has a short tail - it means that it is a short duck.

In the ridge, a sharp beak means it is a strict rch.

The goose red paws means it is a red-headed goose.

Heron has long paws - ...

The grill is black wings - ...

Aist is a thin neck - ...

2. Announcement theme.

What are the names of birds that fall into the warm edges in the fall? (Children's responses.) And how are those that remain for the winter?

Today we will follow the flight of the cranes, which I was described by I. Sokolov-Mikitov in his story "Fly cranes".

Where are they going to fly cavra?

What time of year, birds fly to warm edges?

How are you going to cranes for flight?

How to say differently: "Jamb"? ... ("Crane Key")

What flown cranes?

Where did you stay on vacation?

What was the forest? (Gloomy, dark.)

When did the cranes continued their journey?

What will change in the forest when the sun goes?

When can you wait for cranes back?

4. Fizkultminthka. "Cuckoo".

5. Re-read the story with the retelling installation.

During reading, the spent signals corresponding to this passage in the story.

6. Retelling the work by children.

7. Outcome classes.

What are the names of birds that are flying to warm edges for the winter?

What bird flings was described in the story?

How lined cranes for flight?

Lesson 7.

Retelling the story V. Kataeva "Mushrooms"


correctional educational:

Teach children to retell the story close to the text using plot paintings;


Clarify and replenish knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms;

Exercise in the coordination of numerical nouns;

Develop in children the ability to accurately respond to the questions assigned;


Rail and instill interest in the artistic word.

Equipment: Text of the story V. Kataeva "Mushrooms", plot paintings to the text (Fig. 4-7), subject pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms (selecting a speech therapist).

Preliminary work: Reading and conversation in the works of J. Thai "Mushrooms", S. Aksakova "Mushrooms". Lrack: "Mushrooms in Lukoshka."

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

Game "Mushrooms"

Children are divided into two teams. Each team on the basket. On two tables are pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms. Each team comes up to your table and on the team speech therapy begins to "collect" edible mushrooms in a basket. The team wins, in whose basket will be less than inedible mushrooms. Then the speech therapist explains why it is dangerous to put poisonous mushrooms In garbage.

2. Announcement theme.

What are the people who go to the forest for mushrooms? (Child response.) So, today you will hear a story about the mushrooms that V. Kataev wrote.

3. Reading the story with the subsequent discussion.

Who came to swim to his wife and Pavlik?

Why Mom decided to send children to the forest for mushrooms?

How did Zhenya and Pavlik behaved? And Innochka?

How do you rate their actions?

Who sends mushrooms more?

What mushrooms were in a basket of Pavlik? And the zhenomena?

Why did Nasta stand in the sidelines quietly?

What did mom see in her basket?

Which of the characters of the story did you like more? Why?

4. The game "Catch up mushrooms."

Each child has an image with the image of mushrooms. Children consider their mushrooms from 1 to 10: "One Borovik, two Borovik, ... seven Borovikov, etc."

5. Fizkultminutka. "Mushrooms".

6. Repeated reading with retelling.

While reading the speech therapist exposes plot paintings.

7. Retelling the story by children.

8. Outcome classes.

Where did the children go?

Who was the best mushroom?

What mushrooms do not put in the basket?

Lesson 8.

Drawing up the story "Unsuccessful Hunting"

According to the series of scene paintings


correctional educational:

Teach children to draw up a story on a series of scene paintings;


Develop the ability to build consistently their statement;

Intensify and expanding children's children on the subject of domestic animals;


Rail in children curiosity to the surrounding nature.

Equipment: The series of scene paintings "unsuccessful

hunting "(Fig. 8-11); Toys - kitten and tree.

Preliminary work: Reading and discussing artistic texts L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten", "Leo and Doggy", N.G. Garina-Mikhailovsky "Theme and Bug." Consider animal images in pictures. Stories of children about their pets.

Travel course.

1. Organizational moment.

Opened the door quietly,

And entered the messenger beast,

Sat down at the stove, frowning sweetly,

And washed with a gray paw.

Beware, mouse,

Hunt came out ... (Cat.)

(From the box the speech therapist pulls the toy cat and offers children to leave him away on all lesson.)

2. Announcement theme.

Kot Vasya wants to tell us a story about how he once hunted. But this story, guys encrypted, and you should guess yourself what happened with Vasya. (The speech therapist exposes a series of plot paintings in which the history of "unsuccessful hunting" is encrypted.)

3. Game "Make an Offer".

Children make sentences on the demonstrated speech therapist actions.

Teddy tree is exhibited. The speech therapist puts a toy kitten: on a tree; under the tree; over a tree; in front of a tree; near the tree, etc.

Children make sentences: "Cat Vasya is sitting under the tree", "Cat Vasya hid behind a tree", etc.

4. Conversation by pictures.

Guys, let's "decipher" the history of Cota Wasi, and then ask him, whether we understood it right.

What time of year is depicted in pictures? (Fall).

Why do you think so? (Because in the trees, yellow leaves, and birds, followed by Vasya - Sparrows - Winter.)

What makes Vasya?

Why did he notice the Sparrow?

What thought came to his head?

How does Vasya rises on the tree trunk? (Quiet, silently, sneak.)

Noticed his birds?

Why did the hunt for Vasi failed?

5. Fizkultminutka. "Cat".

6. Drawing up the story by children.

Collective compilation of the story by children, with the help of a speech therapist, by pictures. The speech therapist begins the story, and children continue. After co-preparation of the story, children make up the story individually. It is given the installation that the story does not need to reproduce accurately.

Approximate story

After a tasty lunch, the cat Vasya decided to clean the fur. Sprinkled the dim autumn sun. Vasya cozy accommodated under the tree. Suddenly his attention was attracted by bird votes. This sparrow brought the dispute among themselves. The cat quietly approached the tree and began silently climbing his trunk. Sparrows did not pay attention to him and continued to argue. Vasya was already completely close to his goal. But then the branch of the church and broke. Sparrows flew away, and Vasya's cat was on earth. He was very annoying that he was so unsuccessful.

7. Outcome classes.

Whose story did you have to decipher?

What features did you find out about the hunt of cats?

Let's ask Vasya: was it really all right? (The speech therapist "asks" from a toy kitten and says that Vasya is very
Surprised how precisely the children deciphered his story.)

Current page: 6 (Total 6 pages)


In the air swallowed. On the bushes and trees of yellow foliage. The forest was dressed in a multicolored tide. Grachics and other flight birds have long been gathered in flocks. And finally, in the cool autumn sky, the farewell rugs of the caravel is heard.

Summer ended - it's time for cheerful walks in the forest berries, for mushrooms. Bathing in the river. Ended for the guys carefree days of full rest. Now with new forces you need to take care of the teachings, and for hiking in the forest or the river there are only Sundays.

But these few days young naturalists should use as much as possible.

Autumn - September, October, November - the most interesting time for observation in nature. After all, at this time all animals are preparing for the winter. Most birds flies to wintering in warm countries. Many animals warm up to winter nest and the lair, and some drags to themselves in the "pantry" and "cellar" reserves of food. The squirrel prepares in the wrappers and wood chips of nuts and aches, dries on the bumps of the trees of mushrooms.

Insects: Butterflies, beetles, ants, as soon as it turns, who are hiding where. Some are hiding in different gaps, others are closed in earthen minks. There are insects, those that do not die in the fall, fall asleep with an incredible sleep until spring.

A frogs, snakes, lizards and even some animals are also falling asleep for winter: hedgehogs, sony, chipmunks. The biggest of our forest animals - the Bear - also suits himself a "winter bedroom" and sleep in it all long winter.

From the autumn he chooses a comfortable place for the burgold in a dense forest. Sweeps there who fallen leaves, moss, dry grass. Great bed will arrange. Now he is not afraid of frost, no wind. Along myself, yes, it is too far to the warm spring days.

Have you forgotten guys watching the calendar? Remember: June 21 was the longest day and the shortest night. But from the twenties of June, the day began to decrease. And on September 21, the longitude of the day and night will again be equal. The day of autumn equinox will come. From this number, the night will lengthen, and the day will decrease both and decrease and decrease, and so until the second half of December.

Dark comes time, the time of the long autumn nights and short days.

N. Sladkov
Golden autumn

All summer leaves substituted their palms and brushes, backs and tumors. And before it was flooded and soaked by the Sun, that by autumn they became like sunshine - crimson and gold. Fell, weary and dried. Shels in the forest Golden rain!

A drop on the sheet is clicking - a leaf will break. Tits on the branches are imported - splashed leaves around. The wind will suddenly roll away - the firing tornads will be spinning. And if the heavy Kosaach with a lie in the branches break - a sparkling deciduous waterfall is riveted!

Christmas trees were decorated with multicolored leaves, the mushrooms were hidden under the leaves, ferns under the leaves prigerated.

The leaves are rustling, scraper, burst. Leaves fly, jump, float. The leaves are swinging on the web. Leaves at the top, down and around.

Summit golden rain.

K. Balmont.

Speaks a lingonberry,
Steel colder days.
And bird scream
In the heart is only sad.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, for the blue sea.
All trees shine
In a multi-colored dress.

The sun is less likely laughing
No in the colors of the glory.
Soon the autumn will wage -
And pay asking.

M. Lermontov

... I love to ride in the cart
And, with a slow piercing night shadow,
Meet on the sorts of overnightness,
Trembling lights of sad villages;

I love smoky cheerful hill,
In the steppe night traffic
And on the hill, the medium of Yellow Niva
Chet whitewing birch.

With Otrada, many unfamiliar,
I see a full gum,
Wit, coated straw,
With carved shutters window ...

I. Sokolov-Mikitov
Cranes fly away

In the golden, autumn days were going to catch the cranes. Preparing in the distant path, they have been concerned over the river, over the native swamp. Having gathered in slim shoals, pulled out to long warm countries. Through the forests, through the fields, the caraways flew high in the sky. In the deaf forest, on the edge of the swamps, stopped on vacation.

Even before dawn, sensitive cranes awoke. Slightly fermented over the river, an early dawn is over the forest black pains. Dark and gloomy seems to be a deaf forest. One after another cranes rose from the swamp.

In this early hour, birds wake up in the forest, furious steers run on the shore. Soon will go over the river and the forest of the cheerful sun. Everything then shines, everything changes in the autumn Dark Forest.

Highly raise cranes. From a high clear sky, heard their farewell voices.

Goodbye, goodbye, cranes! Before the joyful meeting in the spring!


Frowning sky. Frequently of low clouds sprinkles small cold rain on the ground. The forest has long dropped the foliage, it stands all naked, crumbling. In the fields and on the river, too, not more fun. Everywhere empty, cold and dull. Water in the river seems some sulfur, thick. It reflects low clouds. And when the wind rises, steep waves run along the river. They are angry and whipped with the shore dirty-yellow foam.

A whole flock of plenty of northern ducks of a guest at us at this time, rest and feed in order to move into the next way to the south.

Underwater inhabitants of rivers and lakes are also preparing for wintering. It is well known to every fisherman.

With the onset of cold weather, different fish behave differently. Residents of standing waters - ponds and lakes - lazy, honey karasi and Lini in the fall, as soon as he stifles, hide on the bottom in the underwater thickets, sometimes even rumble in il and dorms there. Try to catch a crucian or Line to the fishing rod - it is unlikely that it will succeed. But river fish - roach, perch, Örsh - at this time the bait greetings. Hurry up to leaving the winter and toothy pike. But especially a big appetite appears in Nalima. He dreamed all summer under the corygami or among the stones. But the autumn came, cold began, bad weather, they were talked and woke up from Dorma, got out from near Koryagi and began to hunt fishing, frogs and other grains. This is an incineration that alive gets around - everything will eat.

K. Ushinsky
From children's memories

Pokrov is our temple holiday. How many people were in the church, and how all merry! This year is a big harvest!

We in the garden yesterday removed the latest apples; Only on one rowan is still blushing berries and wait for the first frost.

Green groves turned into multicolored; Osinka trembles, all gold and purple; The wind breaks up the last leaves, the wings of the mills do not cease to spin, my new serpent flies high, and in the Seine there are already cooked winter frames.

I. Turgenev
Forest in autumn

There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; in the soft air spills the autumn odor, similar to the smell of wine; A thin fog is far away above the yellow fields. Through the naked, brown bumps of woods peacefully whites still sky; Some of the linden hanging the last golden leaves. Raw elastic land under his feet; High dry bonds do not move; Long threads shine on pale grass. Quietly breathes the chest, and the soul finds a strange anxiety. You go along the edges, you look behind the dog, and meanwhile, your favorite images, favorite persons, dead and alive, come for memory, the long-lasting impressions suddenly rush; Imaginary is rewned and worn, like a bird, and everything is so clearly moving and standing before your eyes. The heart suddenly zadrocks and rush, passionately rush forward, will irrevocably poured in memories. All life is deployed easily and quickly, like a scroll; With all their past, all feelings, forces, all his soul owns a person. And he does not interfere with nothing - no sun, no wind, no noise ...

And autumn, clear, slightly cold, in the morning frosty day, when birch, like a fabulous tree, the whole golden, beautifully draws on the pale blue sky, when the low sun is no longer heats, but glitters a brighter summer, a small aspen grove through all sparkles, as if It is fun and easy to stand naked, hoarflaws still on the bottom of the valleys, and the fresh wind is quietly moving and drives the fallen swapping leaves - when the blue waves are joyed, the blue waves, quietly breathing abdomen and ducks and ducks, in the middle of the Mill, Prank In bright air, pigeons are quickly circling over it ...


According to the calendar, November is considered the last autumn month. But in our middle lane, this is often the beginning of winter. Each day everything is stronger and stronger morning frost. When the guys go to school, the ice creates the ice crunches under the legs.

The river off the coast too frozen, only in the middle of the water is free from ice. And on the lakes there were wide icy pricing. A small pond near the village has already completely tightened with ice, but it is impossible to walk on it - it is still very thin.

Water wells, large and small, covered with ice. And here is snow. Increasingly and more often in the air, white flies of winter fly, sit on the ground, on the roofs of houses and sheds. Peel and disappear - melted. And again frowning naked empty fields and forests.

Coldly, uncooked. Everything lived with bad weather.

Beasts dressed in winter fur coats, warm and fluffy. In such a fur coat, they are not afraid of a permeating autumn wind.

Late fall. Invaluable time of year, but this is a wonderful time for hunters. While in the fields and forests did not fall deep snow, you do not need to wear a serrated coat, boots, you don't need to drag heavy skis with you. She put a cotton jacket, shouted through his shoulder rifle and go where you want. You can scold for a day not one ten kilometers.

At this time in the forest it is very convenient to follow the beasts and birds. The foliage on the bushes and trees is no longer, the grass stood, the autumn rains knocked her to the ground. It is not easy at this time of the four-legged and winged forest inhabitants to hide from the dressed eye of the tracker's hunter.

For young naturalists it good timeTo watch the life of the forest inhabitants.

That of you, guys who hardered themselves in the summer, who is not afraid of rain and cold, there are a lot of things that can be observed in the autumn fields and forests.

A. Blok.

Little bunny
On raw housing
Before the eyes of Techilyi
White flowers ...

In the fall wept
Thin epics
Paws are coming
On yellow leaves.

Ground, rainy
Autumn has come,
All cabbage removed
There is nothing to steal.

Poor bunny jumps
Near wet pines,
Scary in the paw wolves
Gray get ...

Thinking about summer
Presses ears
On the sky mows
The sky does not see ...

Only B warmer
If only sustain ...
Very unpleasant

S. Aksakov

I love autumn, even the newest, but not the one that everyone loves.

I love not frosty, red, almost from morning to evening windy days; I love warm, gray, quiet and, perhaps, rainy days.

I personally have a sharpness of irritable dry air, and mild humidity, even the damp of the atmosphere is pleasant to me; From the rain, of course not torrential, you can always protect yourself.

Autumn, deep autumn! Gray sky, low, heavy, wet clouds, goals and transparent gardens, groves and forests. Everyone can see through the most deaf wooded more often, where the human eye did not penetrate the eyes.

Old trees have shown long ago, and only young selected birings retain their faded yellowish leaves that glide with gold, when their oblique rays of the low autumn sun are touched.

Brightly protrude through the reddish network of birch branches evergreen, as if the sleigh spruce and pine covered with cold air, small, like steam, rains and wet night fogs.

Earth land with dry, multi-colored leaves: soft and plump in crude weather, so it's not to hear the rustle of the legs of a careful hunter, and harsh, fragile in frosts, so far pour birds from the rustling of human legs.

If quietly in the air, then heard at a high distance of cautious jumps of the hare and proteins and all sorts of forest animals, easily distinguished by the experienced and sensitive ear of the Zverlyov.

The titles of all kinders who are not flying away for the winter, except for the road road, which was hidden for a long time, advanced to the housing for human, especially the title of Moscow, called the Novgorod Sincence in St. Petersburg, in the Orenburg province - Basin.

A ringing, piercing her whistle is already often heard in the house through the released windows. Snegiri also got out of the forest thickets and appeared in gardens and gardens, and their creaky singing, not deprived of some nice melody, quietly distribute in naked bushes and trees.

Not yet flushed frozards with Chokan and Vizgami, gathering in big flocks, fly in gardens and urema 49
Urama - forest and bushes near the river fill in water.

Where their berries of elderberries, honeysuckle and even more red brushes rowan and viburnum. Favorite the berries of the cushion have long been dried and fell, but they will not disappear in vain: everyone will be selected from the ground with greedy guests. The village of Black Drozdov is flies noisy - and straight into the park. Some sneezes on the trees, while others will appear on the ground and are divided into all directions.

At first, I will quit for two hours, satisfying your hunger in secret, and then, sanking myself, having sought my zaoff, will gather in a bunch, you will be happy on several trees and get to sing, because it is singing thrushes.

Not everyone sing well, but probably old; Other only weigher; But the general choir is very pleasant; I am overwhelming and he will hear the one who will hear him for the first time, because there have been a lot of bird voices for a long time and you will not hear the former diverse singing to such a late autumn, but only the birds of birds, and the biggest part of the woodpecker, bullfight.

The river accepted a special kind, as if changed, straightened in his curves, became much wider, because the water was visible through the bare branches of the leaning ohlhov branches and the restless rods of coaststores, and even more because the water was watered and that coastal water herbs , beaten by frost, brought and sank to the bottom.

In rivers, lakes and ponds having clay and especially sandy bottom, the water was glad and became transparent as glass; But the rivers and rivers are delivered, current slowly, get a bluish-green color, however, it is an optical deception; The water in them is completely light, but the bottom is covered with the temper of Shmaro 50
Schmár - Tina on the water.

Small green moss or short waterflower - and water gets a greenish color from its lining, just like a crystal or glass, sublated by green foil, seems to be green.

I love such such autumn, not only like a hunter, but as a passionate lover of nature in all its diverse changes.

A. Chekhov
Belated flowers

... Clear day, transparent, slightly frosty, one of those autumn days, in which you willingly, and with cold, and with dampness, and with heavy caloes. The air is transparent to the point that visible at the tank, sitting on the highest bell tower; It is all saturated with the smell of autumn. You will go outside, and your cheeks will cover a healthy, wide blush, resembling a good Crimean apple. For a long time, fallen yellow leaves, patiently waiting for the first snow and inhibitable, gold on the sun, emitted rays like Chervonians. Nature falls asleep quietly, quietly. No wind, no sound. She, a fixed and dumb, exactly tired for the spring and summer, is nearing for the heating, caressing the rays of the sun, and looking at this beginning peace, you yourself want to calm down ...

A. Pushkin
* * *

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise was bare
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard.

Like birds and animals for winter are preparing

Berloga swathped with the roots of the old ate, removed her branches, shed Moss. In winter, Her in Beror will have a bearish.

Autumn in the forest. Do not hear bird songs. Drozda-Rubbermen gathered in the flocks and fade before compromise into warm edges.

The corrider used to move everyone before, because he flies to the south, then walks on foot.

Soyuka burles the reserve. Chooses the most ripe, only often forgets about them, and young oaks grow from these acorns from these acorns.

So far, the land has not been squeezed by frost, the Valdshnepa feed on the swamp. Runs the validshnep beak to the ground - pulls out worms and larvae.

The Ceremaker swallows pebbles on river shallow. In winter, he pecks the chewing, the murzlus cranberry, and pebbles, like a millstone, will handle food in the Mustoharian Goobu.

Bumbers left for the summer, fat accumulated, they do not leave the hole.

Protein will soon become gray, puts on the winter fur coat, but while the nuts are spares and acute. Folds them in the hollow. And mushrooms hangs on prickly bitch - dried.

Yozh found a hole in a trumper stump, she spacked the leaves there - that's ready housing for the winter.

Lisa sneaks in the autumn forest. Leaves in the forest are red, and red wool. Easily foxes imperceptibly sneaking to mining.

Padded wish-leaf falling. Do not jump, traces do not leave. And then Fox will find them and eat. It runs past the bunny, feed the milk and further jumps into the Osiennik.

High in the sky stretched caravalid flocks. They are forgiven with their homeland sad cries. Cranes will be winter in warm Africa. But as soon as the flow of the streams are risen, the grass grafts on the tubercles, the cranes will return home to their homeland.

The first snowflakes spoke in the air, and goose flocks also flew south.

Folk calendar

Folk calendar calls september ryun. (from yellow foliage), vrésen (from the blooming heather). And also - howler and gmury. The wind is roar, the weather frowns, pour rains. Summer ended, outdated street walking and dance. Goodbye, Red Sun! It became colder. Therefore, September was called lettering.

IN october For a short time, we have clear days, falling golden leaves. And then comes bad weather - october-mud. Selects small cold rain falls, dismissed a slush - neither go around: "October on Peg's mare is driving - no wheels, no caustic love." October - listobo, October - wedding. In October, rustic weddings began.

Breast - so called november (From the soast of the frozen land). Legogo - from heavy leaves; semianist - Winter is struggling in autumn.

The day decreases, the night arrives, fasten freezing. Autumn goes into winter.

Riddles Autumn

Empty fields

Moknet earth

Rain wipes.

When does it happen? 51

Red York

Fell on the lake

He himself was not drowned

And the water did not shuffle. 52
(Autumn leaf)

Rose-raised, from a bush

Rose, rolled hand

On the teeth it was found. 53

Les a peasant in gold

Kaftan, subjected, and not a belt,

Do not raise - it will not get up. 54

Standing old men - red hats;

Who will come, he worst. 55

Folk proverbs and sayings

Summer with snops, autumn with cakes.

In autumn bad weather, seven weather in the yard - sows, itifies, turns, druses, and roars, and pouring, and the bottom of the sweat!

Cold September, yes.

In the spring rain rain, and in the fall in the fall.

In November, winter is struggling with autumn.

The first snowball is not a lying.

Folk signs

Thunder in September - warm autumn.

Oktyabrsky Thunder - to a honest winter.

From the first snow to the sump of 6 weeks.

In the forest, many rowan - autumn will be rainy, little is dry.

Autumn questions

1. From what side of the tree need to look for mushrooms? 56
With North. The mushrooms have no green leaves, and they do not need the sun. Mushrooms need moisture.

2. Where can I see the spring in the fall? 57
On a small swamp, at the water itself, where the bow for the bow. In the fall she blooms the second time.

3. What kind of forest bustice does not know the leaf fall? 58
Lamberry, heather and cranberries.

4. Whose leaves fall into green? 59
In the garden - the leaves of lilac, in the forest - the leaves of alder.

5. What is the beast in the fall in the leaf fall of cubs? 60
At the bunny.

6. What leaves of what trees are blushing in the fall? 61
Ryabins, Osin, Clean.

K. Ushinsky
Four wishes

Mitya rolled on the Santochoka from the ice mountain and ice skating on the frozen river, came running home ruddy, merry and says Father: "Just as fun in winter! I would like all winter to be! "

"Write your desire to my pocket book," said Father. Mitya recorded.

Spring came. Mitya Vetya clogged behind the top butterflies along the green meadow, narrowing flowers, came running to his father and says: "What kind of beauty is this spring! I would wanted to be all spring. "

Father again took out the book and ordered the Mita to record his desire.

It is summer. Mitya and Father went to Senokos. The whole long day was having fun boy: I caught a fish, scored a berry, tumbling in the scented hay and evening said Father: "That's already today I have fun to volatile! I would have wanted to not be the end of the end. " And this desire of Mitya was recorded in the same book.

Autumn has come. Fruits were harvested in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said Father: "Autumn is best of all time!" Then the father took his notebook and showed the boy that he said the same thing about the spring, and about winter, and about the summer.

Author data

Educator of the speech therapy group ogneva Yu.A.

Place of work, position:

MBDOU "Kindergarten № 17" Educator

Leningrad region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Student (student)

Subject (s):

Literary reading

Subject (s):


Subject (s):

The world

The purpose of the lesson:

Objective NOD: Development of coherent speech through recumbent training.


Educational: Expand knowledge about the autumn season, about birds, their lifestyle. Establish links between changes in nature and flying birds. Specify the concept of "migratory birds". Intensify the dictionary on a lexical topic, to introduce the words: Golden autumn, slim joint, native swamp, clear sky.

Developing: Develop children's connected speech, learn children retell text, based on graphic symbols using mnemonics. Develop thin finger motility.

Educational: To form interest in wildlife, the ability to see the beauty, the fragility of nature, the desire to help the wintering birds. Educate collaboration skills during educational activities.

Type of lesson:

Combined lesson

Methodical literature used:

Used Books:

one). "Training of preschoolers reserves" abstract classes. Collective authors. (Algorithm for building an abstract, see Attached files)

2). T. B. Polyanskaya "The use of a method of mnemonics in teaching children telling preschool age"(Doing" Why? ")

3). N. V. Nishchev "Correctional work system in speech therapy group For children with ONR "(text of the story, Exercise" Rain "p. 458)

four). L.L. Timofeyev "Baby and the world»Comprehensive classes in the older group. (Speech game" What happens? ")

Murals are developed independently.

IN hospiter Ogneva Yu. A. (see Attached Files)

Equipment used:

Equipment, attributes:

Pictures depicting birds of winter and migret. Murals for recovery. Sheets A4, color pencils. Ball.

Preliminary work:

Viewing paintings with the image of the birds of migratory and wintering.

Reading the fairy tale "Frog-traveler" Garin

Exhausting by heart the poems "fall, fall leaves" with the help of mnemotable.

Watching birds while walking.

Short description:

An occupation for teaching children of the preparatory group of retelling adapted text using copyright mpmotables (see Attached Files). Such classes can be based on a special algorithm (see Attached Files).


1. Organizational moment.

Creating a positive emotional background:

Now, guys, we will repeat your finger gymnastics familiar to you and you will understand what time we are talking about.

"Autumn leaves"

Times, two, three, (fucking fingers starting with big)

four five,

We will collect leaves (compress and squeeze the cams)

Bereza leaves, (fucking fingers starting with big)

Rowan leaves,

Poplar leaves,

Osin leaves,

Oak leaves we gather

Mom autumn bouquet traveled. (Step on your fingers on the table)

N. Nishchev

What time of year we talked about?

About autumn.

That's right guys. We have already talked a lot about the autumn and now we will repeat her signs.

Speech game "What when happens?"

Purpose of the game: Specify the knowledge of the seasons, develop attention, speed of the reaction.

Equipment: The ball of medium size.

Algorithm for conducting:

Children stand in a circle, the tutor inside the circle with the ball, calls the challenges of the seasons. If the sign is autumn, then the child just catches the ball, if another time of the year, then immediately throws his tutor and explains why. With the explanation, children should be proposals with the AI \u200b\u200b"A" interconnection.

Yellow leaves

Flowers bloom

Collect yield


People sunbathe and bathe

Collect mushrooms

Frequent rains are coming

Kidney bloom

Birds fly to warm edges

Well done, you were attentive, sit down in our place.

2. The main part.

Preparation for the perception of text.

Today we will talk about birds. What happens to them in the fall?

They fly into warm edges.


It becomes cold, food disappears.

Do all birds fly away?

No, only migratory.

And what do we call the birds that you stay?


Let's remember the names of birds, consider the pictures and clarify which of them are migrated, and what kind of wintering.

Didactic exercise "Birds"

Children sit beyond the tables. On the demo board, pictures with images of different birds.

The rules are: if I call a pilot bird, then you raise your hand, and if the winter, then the hands are folded on the desk.

Crow, Grach, Tit, Sparrow, Swallow, Forty, Stork, Crane.

Well, you know the birds perfectly, the game is over. Which of you remember, what bird did I call the last?

Crane. (Pictures of everyone, except the crane removed from the board)

That's right, today I will read the story "Fly cranes".

Status reading: "Fucking cranes." Development auditory attention and memory.

Listen carefully to the story I. Sokolov-Mikitov "flew cranes."

"Frequent cranes"

In the golden autumn days gathered to the cavulus departure. Enter over the river over the native swamp. Gathered in slender shoals, reached in warm countries. We heard their farewell screams with a high clear sky. Goodbye, goodbye, cranes! Before the joyful meeting in the spring.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov

Conversation in content, meaningful and linguistic text analysis.

What days did the cranes going to the departure? (In the golden autumn days gathered to the departure cranes)

What were they concerned about? (They concerned over the river over the native swamp)

Where did the shoals of the birds stretch? (Slender shoals reached in warm countries)

How do we hear their farewell screams? (With a high clear sky, we hear their farewell screams)

What did children scream by cranes? (Goodbye, goodbye, cranes. To the joyful meeting in the spring)

Lexico-grammatical exercise "Why?"

And now we will play in the game "Why?" I ask, everyone thinks, and the one who will show for.

Why are autumn days golden?

Why a marsh rod native?

Why do the shoals of birds are slender?

Why is the sky high and clear?

Why are the shoes farewell?

Why will the meeting in the spring be joyful?

Physical Pause


Coordination of speech and movement

To us on a long thin leg (jumping on one leg)

Rides a rain along the path.

In a puddle - look, look! - (Rhythmic squats)

He is letting bubbles.

Steel wet bushes, (hands up, shocking with brushes)

Steel wet flowers. (tilt, hands to the floor, shake)

Wet gray sparrow (straighten, hands down, shake)

Drying the Pynes soon.

N. Nishchev

Repeated reading the story.

In the process of reading on the demonstration board, mnemotablites are exhibited on one to each sentence. The educator explains what symbols mean, pronounces phrases from the text, shows the symbols.

And now I will read the story again and I will show the magic schemes - assistants who will help us remember and retell the text.

Children are called to retell text first one offer, then the whole text.

Productive activities.

Sourcing plan - schemes.

Children are offered with color pencils to make a sketch of mnemotable.

Guys, now you draw your magic plans, in order to spit at any time and remember the story "flew cranes." At home you can tell it to your parents.



What time of year we talked today?

What are the names of birds that fly into warm edges?

What is the name of the story, who we retold today?

Will it easily manage to make retelling?

Have you helped the schemes during memorization?

Assessment of children's activities. At the end of the good work, the children are awarded with medals made by the educator.

Registration of the exhibition of children's work.

Anna Mikhailovna
A summary of the study of speech - retelling the story I. S. Sokolova-Mikitova "Frequent cranes"

Retelling the story I.. FROM. Sokolova-Mikitova« Cranes fly away»


1 Educational: Teach children expressively retell text using reference signals;

2. developing:

Consolidate the ability to use the ability to use speech words« maps» , "Winter";

Fasten the ability to syntaxically correct suggestions;

Exercise children in education complex adjectives;

3. Educational: to educate in children interest in the surrounding nature and its inhabitants.

Equipment: Text story I.. FROM. Sokolova-Mikitova« Cranes fly away» ,

Structure occupation

1 Listen to the poem.

Soon white blizzards

Snow swell from the ground.

Fly away, flew away, flew cranes.

Who is this poem?

2 organizational moment. The game "Form the word"

Duck has a short tail - it means that it is a short duck.

In the ridge, a sharp beak means it is a strict rch.

The goose red paws means it is a red-headed goose.

Heron has long paws.

In the risk of black wings.

Aist has a thin neck.

3 Topics announcement.

What are the birds called in the fall fly in warm edges? (Children's responses.) And how are those that remain for the winter?

Today we will follow the flight craneswho described I. Sokolov Mikitov in his story« Cranes fly away» .

Cranes fly away

In the golden autumn days were going to departure cranes. Preparing in a distant path, they converted over the river over the native swamp. Having gathered into slim shoals, reached out in distant warm countries. Through forests, through the fields, through noisy cities high in the sky flew cranes.

In the deaf forest, on the edge of the swamps, stopped on vacation.

Even before dawn awakened sensitive cranes. Slightly forces over the river, an early dawn is an early trees. Dark and gloomy seems to be a deaf forest. In sequence cranes Rise from the swamp. In this early hour, birds wake up in the forest, furious steers run on the shore. Soon will go over the river and the forest of a funny sun. Everything then shines, all changes In the autumn dark forest. High raise cranes. FROM high Clear sky heard their farewell voices.

Bye-bye, cranes! To joyful meetings in spring! AND. Sokolov-Mikitov

4. Reading status followed by a discussion (where gathered flew cranes?

What time of the year of the bird fly in warm edges?

How are going cranes for flight?

How to say differently: "Jamb"?. (« crane key» )

Over flutters cranes?

Where did you stay on vacation?

What was the forest? (Gloomy, dark.)

When cranes Did you continue your way?

What will change in the forest when the sun goes?

When you can wait cranes back?

5. Fizkultminutka. "Cuckoo".

At the forest on the edge, High on bitch,

In the morning sings cuckoo

At the forest on the edge, High on bitch,

In the morning sings cuckoo: Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Children stand on socks and draw hands up.

At the forest on the edge, High on bitch,

In the morning sings cuckoo: Ku-ku! Ku-ku! Children stand on socks and draw hands up.

6. Repeated reading story with a retelling installation.

Repeated text reading and resection by contemptation of text-based proposals status.

In the last golden autumn days they were going to depart ...

Preparing in the distant way, they have been concerned about their relatives ...

Having gathered in slender shoals, flew cranes in warm ...

Through forests, fly through the fields ...

In the deaf forest, stopped cranes on ...

Even before dawn gathered cranes in the long ...

FROM high Clear sky is heard their farewell ...





Outcome classes.

What are the birds name, which for the winter fly in warm edges?

Which bird flight was described in story?

How to line up cranes for flight?

Publications on the topic:

Retelling the story I. Sokolova-Mikitova "Fly cranes" using supporting pictures Tasks: Educational: Intensify the dictionary on the lexical theme "Freight birds". Expand the knowledge of autumn, about birds. Install.

Abstract Node for speech development. Retelling the story V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple and Dawn" COMMUNICATION OF THE EDOD Speech development: familiarization of children with artistic literature On the topic: Retelling the story of V. Sukhomlinsky "Apple and Dawn".

Abstract OS for speech development in the preparatory group. Retelling the story of V. Bianki "Bathing Beds" Methodical support: the development of the speech of children is 5-7 years. Author O. S. Ushakov. Purpose: Training with a coherent consecutive retelling with visual.

Abstract Node for the development of speech with the children of the middle group. Retelling the story "Hedgehog" by E. Charshina Joint educational activity of speech development with children middle group With the use of game, health-saving technologies.

Speech development abstract in the senior group. Retelling the story of L. Tolstoy "Kitten" Topic: Retelling of the story of L. Tolstoy "Kitten" Objectives: Correctional and educational: - in children the skill of constructing connected monologic.

A summary of the development of speech. Topic: Retelling the story "From where the bread came" - drawing up a series of plot pictures. Topic: Retelling the story "From where the bread came" - drawing up a series of plot pictures. Purpose: find out where bread has grown? What is his baked?.

Complex work for grade 1

Read the text

Cranes fly away

In the golden autumn days they were preparing to fly the cranes. They convened over their native swamps, over the river and reached out into the distant warm countries.

Through the forests, through the fields, the caraways flew high in the sky. In the deaf forest, on the edge of the swamps, they stopped on vacation.

Slightly ferment over the river early dawn. Cranes rose from the swamp. Soon will go over the river and the forest of a funny sun. All then shines and change in the autumn forest. With a high clear sky, we will hear farewell voices of cranes. Goodbye, cranes! To the joyful meeting of spring!

I. Sokolov - Mikitov


    Note at what time of year there is an action in the story





2. Insert the missed word. They have been concerned over their native swamps, ____________________________ and reached in distant warm countries.

3. Mark where the cranes stopped on vacation.

On the edge of the swamp

In a noisy city

In the nature reserve

On the river

4. Write an exclamation point


5. Word cranes Divide on syllables and for transfer.

6. Select a group of words in which there are no errors.

Balled, cities, swamps, soon

Golden, cities, swamp, soon

Hall, Garad, Balot, Skira

Golden, Morad, Balot, soon

7. 10 cranes stopped on the swamp. Three cranes flew away. How many cranes remained on the swamp? Write an example with which you answered the question.

8. 9 borders flew to the feeder. It is 3 more than bullfire. How many bullfights flew to the trough? Write the solution to the problem.


9. Cranes flew to warm countries 1 week and 3 days. How many days of birds were on the way? Write down the answer.


10. Stress the red pencil of animals, and green birds.

Hare, Heron. Yozh, partridge, stork, protein, crow, shark.

11. Mark, in which line correctly lists migratory birds.

Stork, Heron, Crane

Stork, Sparrow, Pigeon

Snegir, Heron, Crow

Duck, woodpecker, forty

12. Write the fall signs using words for references.

Temperature _________________________________________________________________

Precipitation __________________________________________________________________

Natural phenomena ________________________________________________________

Words for references: hail, rain, rises, snow, leaf fall, falls.

Increased complexity

13. Establish a sequence of events taking place in the story.

    Birds stopped on vacation

    In the autumn days, cranes were prepared for departure

    To joyful meeting in the spring

14. Write what birds can be found in winter in our area. How do you help them in the winter stepmaking?


Used text from the book N. Sychevy "Dictation for 5 - 9 classes"

Explanatory note.

Objective: Determine the level of formation of meta-reported results in students of grades according to the results of the development of the program for grade 1 elementary school. You can use in work on any CMD.

Complex work tasks - set the formation level of reading skills, skill to work with text, understand and execute instructions.

1 - 3 tasks Check for the formation of reader skills, skills to work with text, understanding of the read text.

4 - 6 tasks are aimed at checking the skills of mastering the program material in the Russian language - finding in the text of the sentence on the purpose of the statement, the ability to divide the words to syllables, analysis of writing words.

7 - 10 tasks check the formation of mathematical skills and skills. We check the ability to solve the tasks of finding the unknown part, the task of comparison recorded in indirect form, the ability to navigate the time.

10 - 12 tasks Check the knowledge of children around the world: the ability to distinguish beasts, birds, fish, bring examples of migratory birds, call the seasons and their signs.

13 Task - Task increased level difficulties. Checks the skill based on the read text to set the sequence of events.

14 The task is creative and is practical.

Tasks 1 - 12 are estimated by 1 point for each. 13 - 14 Task - 2 points.

The maximum number of points is 16 points.

Less than 8 b. - Low level of formation of meta-subhead

9 - 13 b. b. - The average formation level of meta-delta wood

14 - 16 b. - high level of formation of meta-concrete ogud