Furatsiline. Fucking pills for rinsing. Furatsiline Avexim for washing eyes

The drug "Furacilin Aveksim" for the eyes is one of the best, efficient, non-toxic medical products for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision. It is used for all age categories of patients, because pharmacies are released without a recipe. The aqueous solution is easy and quickly prepared independently.

Composition and mechanism of action

The effervescent "Furacilin Avexima" is a medicine, which includes the active substance nitrofural. This is an antiseptic with antimicrobial effect. Under its influence, there is a braking of the reproduction of microorganisms and their death. Adaptation of bacteria to the preparation develops slowly. It also suppresses the vital activity of fungal flora. With the outer and local use of the solution, suction is insignificant. Auxiliary components (soda drinking and calcined, wicnic acid), in contact with water form gas, which contributes to rapid dissolution.


The aqueous solution is used locally to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes (eyes, oral cavity, gums) of the edges of the century, cornea, almonds caused by pathogenic bacteria. Appointments for outdoor use:

  • Washing purulent wounds.
  • Disinfection with damage to the skin:
    • burns;
    • breakdown;
    • microtrauma epidermis (scratches, abrasions).

Instructions for use

The furaticiline solution is made with the calculation of 1 tablet per 100 grams. Packaging warm water, respectively, if it is necessary more or less proportion is twice.

To dissolve "Furacilin Avexima", it is necessary to 1 tablet (20 mg) omit to the container with warm boiled water (100 ml) and wait approximately a minute to its complete dissolution. If there is a lot to carry out a procedure for such a quantity, it is necessary to pour sufficient volume to a lower capacity. The remaining part is to close the lid and put in the refrigerator. When re-using furacilin to heat to room temperature. You can breed half a pill. Superflow will help divide the drug on 2 the same parts. In the treatment of organs of vision of "Furacilin Aveksim", the following methods are used:

  • Wash eye. Moisten a cotton swab solution, squeeze and wipe the inner and outer side of the century. For each eye, apply a pure tampon. Repeat several times using new tampons. This procedure will help destroy pathogenic microorganisms, remove inflammation.
  • Installing. Dial the solution into the pipette. Pull the lower eyelid and release 1-2 drops. Excess the sterile napkin. Repeat after 12 hours. Installations contribute to the regeneration of conjunctiva.
  • Baths. Special cup fill in a warm medicine. Applied to the century. Open eye and hold 1-3 minutes. Behind the absence of a special adaptation, a solution "Furatcilina Aveksim" pour into a bowl and lower the face into it for a few seconds. The eyes do not close. Do the procedure several times. This will help remove the eyelidity, remove the contamination from the eyes. Children this method does not fit.

If after washing, you need to stop the eyes with another ophthalmic drug, it is necessary to withstand the interval of 50-60 minutes.

Unwanted reactions, contraindications

The drug has good tolerability, but before use it is necessary to test the allergic reaction.

"Furacilin Aveksima", possessing a mass of positive properties, in hypersensitive persons to nitrofural can cause allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to test the drug tolerability. How to do this will explain an ophthalmologist. The drug is contraindicated in violation of kidney functions and leaning to bleeding. About the overdose of medical preparation Manufacturer does not report.

Furatsiline Avexima application for use contains all the most important information about the composition, properties and forms of production of an effective antiseptic drug based on nitrofural, which is now presented in a hip form.

Also, you can find out where Furacilin helps, than it threatens its overdose, on how to use this means, how to prepare a solution of furaciline, about its use when breastfeedingas well as about possible contraindications and side effects.

Forms of release and composition of the drug Furatsiline Avexim

Furatcilin, being one of the most efficient and affordable antimicrobial drugs during for long years Successfully applied in medicine.

The liquid with a characteristic yellow color has long been used to rinse the throat, as well as for disinfecting processing of wounds, scratches and abrasion.

The only disadvantage of classic furacin in tablets was problematic breeding it in water.

The well-known Russian pharmaceutical company "Aveksim" has released the safest antibiotic in the most convenient forms for the use of forms - these are hidden tablets, alcohol mixture and ointment.

Nitrofural is used as the main active substance in all forms of antiseptics - highly efficient antimicrobial tool local action.

The most popular form of release is Furacilin Avexim Evilichi, which is characterized by the following composition:

For these tablets, yellow color is typical. They are packaged in jars or packs of 10, 20, 25 and 30 pieces.

Other forms of this antiseptic have the following characteristics:

Indications for use

  • Alarg, tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • Prolesidery.

Indications for use

The main active substance of the hip preparation Furatcin Avexim, nitrofural, has a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

It is characterized by the ability to destroy many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, an intestinal wand, Salmonella, Streptococcus and Stafilakokok.

This drug has the following testimony to use:

  • Alarg, tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • Purulent wounds and strip suppurations;
  • Scratches, abrasions and other damage to the skin;
  • Otitis and other diseases of the ears;
  • Burns of the second and third degree;
  • Prolesidery.

In addition, ordinary and effervescent tablets are accepted inside with acute form of dysentery, as well as after the recent transfer of this disease.

The main purpose of the water mixture is the rinse of the oral cavity and the throat with angina and stomatitis, as well as the dysfunction of the nasal sinuses during sinusitis and ritin.

The alcoholic solution of furacilic acid is effective at various lesions of the middle ear.

A furacilic ointment effectively helps in injuries of mucous membranes, inflammatory processes in the field of the eyelids, as well as in burns or frostbite of various sections of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of furaciline of a hip-based nitrofural practically does not exist, with the exception of dermatosis and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The mechanism of action of the drug Furacin Avexim is softer and gentle compared to many other antibiotics.

With external and internal use, it is easily transferred, but in rare cases there are versions, disorders of the digestive tract, a decrease in appetite, allergic reactions and dermatitis.

Overdose of the drug with internal use may cause nausea attacks.

How to make a solution of furaciline?

It should be sorted out how to prepare a solution of furaciline in all the rules.

There are two types of furaticiline Avexima preparation solution - aqueous and alcohol.

The pharmacy offers a ready-made option, but this medicinal tool is easy to prepare on their own.

For the preparation of an aqueous solution, using a fuzzy furacilin Avexima, it is necessary to simply dissolve the tablet in 100 milliliters of warm boiled water.

In the liquid, the presence of small undisguised particles is possible - this phenomenon is absolutely normal, since the active substance of the drug (nitrofural) is practically insoluble in water.

If a regular furancylin tablet is used, it must be pre-tightened into powder, and then pour over a liter of warm water. This method of preparation requires the mandatory sterilization of the solution before applying.

In order to prepare an alcohol solution, one hip tablet in 33 milliliters of a mixture consisting of two parts of medical alcohol and one piece of boiled water should be breeded.


Rules and features of application

Ways to use the drug Furaticyline Avexim differ depending on diseases and states.

With angina, tonsillitis and other throat diseases are recommended to use an aqueous furacilin mixture for rinsing with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

For one day, no more than ten such procedures are allowed. The optimal number is five. It is also effective to use tablets for resorption and a special spray with furacilin for the treatment of ENT diseases.

From a cold and other diseases The nasal sinuses should be used furacilin in drops. You can also prepare a means for these purposes, soluble 1 tablet in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. The resulting solution should irrigate the nasal sinuses with an ordinary pipette.

In conjunctivitis The solution cooled to room temperature should be strain through sterile gauze. Then wrench in it a cotton swab and gently rinse the mucous membrane of the eye towards the external corner to the internal.

The concentration of furaticiline for rinsing wounds should be 3%. If it is higher, there is a strong burn of the skin. For the impregnation of the gauze tampon, it is necessary to use an absolutely sterile solution.

With burns Milk Furatcilina tablet in water follows 1: 5000 proportions. If you arise allergic reactions to this drug, it is possible to replace it with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of a rivocolon.

With outdoor otitis It is necessary to bury in the ears of 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution. This will ensure effective disinfection of external hearing aisters.

Furacilina's difference from Frasola

Many are interested in what is the difference between Furacola and Furalastic from Furatcilina, and whether these drugs are analogues.

Frasol - This is a fuzidine based drug, which is produced in powder form and has brown color. It has an antimicrobial effect and suppresses the development of staphylococci, streptococci, as well as gram-negative sticks.

It is appointed for the treatment of small wounds with a threat of infection, as well as infectious inflammatory diseases of the rotogling having different etiology.

Furalastic is not related to medicines, it is a chemical concentrate, widely used in the speed and intended for softening and stretching the skin.

Features of the use of furaciline for children

Children's age is not a contraindication to the use of furacin, but it is not recommended to apply it to children inside.

The kids are prescribed a furaciline solution on a water basis for rinsing the throat, however it is necessary to comply with certain safety rules. :

  • Child in no case should not swallow even the slightest amount of the mixture;
  • At the beginning of the procedure, he must breathe a spout;
  • The duration of one rinse should not exceed 5 minutes;
  • After rinse, the baby must slip the solution and make some deep breaths;
  • This procedure can be repeated from two to six times.

Is it possible to use a fuzzy furacilin aexim during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Formally, the instruction for use does not prohibit furaciline to be treated during pregnancy and feeding the baby breast.

It can be used to eliminate conjunctivitis, as well as for processing wounds.

But when ringed the throat, a certain amount of this drug, which is an antibiotic, can penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and subsequently harm the baby. To this not happen, it is necessary to comply with extreme caution.

Furacilin Aveksima

MNN or grouping name:


Dosage form:

tablets are hidden for the preparation of the solution for local and outdoor use.


on one tablet
Active substances: nitrofural (furacilin) \u200b\u200b- 20 mg;
Excipients: Wine Acid - 300 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 390 mg, sodium carbonate -330 mg, sodium chloride - 100 mg, macrogol 4000 - 60 mg.

Tablets from light yellow to yellow with splashes, plane-cylindrical shape, with a fan on both sides.

Do not take two effervescent pills for oral solutions on the same day. Then start taking a hip tablet for oral administration once a week on the selected day. If you have any questions about the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist or nurse.

How to breed furacilin for rinsing the throat and how to rinse the throat with an angina?

If you accidentally took too much effusive tablets binoto, drink a complete glass of milk and immediately consult a doctor. Do not induce vomiting and not relax. A complete list of excipients is given in the section. White-whitish effervescent tablets, flat, round with a diameter of 25 mm and beveled edges. After dissolution, the solution has a pH 8.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:

Nitrofuran antimicrobial means.

ATH code: D08AF01.

Pharmacological properties


Antimicrobial remedy, nitrofuran derivative. Bacterial flavoproteins Restoring the 5-nitro group form high-formative amino production, capable of causing conformational changes in proteins (including ribosomal) and other macromolecules, leading to the death of bacteria. Active in relation to gram-positive and premature bacteria incl. Staphylococcus SPP., Streptococcus SPP., Escherichia Coli, ClostridiumPerfringens. Stability develops slowly and does not reach a high degree.

The recommended dose is one hip tablet at 70 mg once a week. They must take a hip tablet as the next morning when they were noticed. You do not need to take two silent pills on the same day, but you have to start taking a hip tablet once a week on the selected day, as mentioned earlier.

There was no stability in the optimal duration of the bisphosphonate treatment of osteoporosis. Sodium alendronat is not recommended for use in children under the age of 18, since data on safety and efficacy associated with pediatric osteoporosis is not enough.

With local and outdoor use, suction is insignificant.

Indications for use

Externally: purulent wounds, breakdowns, burns of II-III degrees, minor skin damage (incl. Absadines, scratches, cracks, cuts).


Increased sensitivity to nitrofural, nitrofuran derivatives and / or other components of the drug, bleeding, allergermatosis, pronounced renal impairment.

In clinical trials there were no evidence of differences in age on the effectiveness of Alandronate or security profile. Therefore, for older patients, a dose adjustment is not required. Application in patients with renal failure. To get an adequate absorption of alendronate.

When Furacilin is applied

Binoto 70 mg should be taken at least 30 minutes before meals, drinking or drugs per day, only with tap water. It is likely that other drinks, products and some drugs reduce the absorption of alendronate. Hypersensitivity to alendronate or any of the excipients listed in the paragraph.

Application during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period

Application during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period is possible if the intended benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or child.

Method of application and dose

Outwardly, locally.
Aqueous 0.02% nitrofural solution is prepared immediately before use: 1 part of furaticiline is dissolved in 5000 parts of distilled boiled water. For faster dissolution, boiling or hot water is recommended. Then the solution is cooled to room temperature.
Outwardly: in the form of aqueous 0.02% (1: 5000) of the solution - wipes irrigate, impose wet dressings.
Locally: blepharitis, conjunctivitivitis, bury the aqueous solution in a conjunctival valve bag.
In tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis - 20 mg (1 tablet) are dissolved in 100 ml of water, rinse mouth and throat is 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
Duration of treatment - according to the indications depending on the nature and localization of the affected area.
If the symptoms are saved, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible: skin itching, dermatitis.
If any of the side effects specified in the instructions are exacerbated, or you notice any other side effects that are not listed in the instructions, report this to the doctor.


On cases of overdose were not reported.

Interaction with other drugs

It is very important that the patient knew well and understood how to take the drug. Patients should be reported that if these precautions are not respected, they can increase the risk of esophageal problems. While extensive clinical trials with alendronate tablets did not show increase in risk, rare cases of stomach and duodenal ulcers were recorded, some of which are serious and related to complications.

The atypical and diapassotic fears of the femur, mainly in patients with long-standing bisphosphonates of osteoporosis. These transverse or short-spectrocated fractures may occur in any part of the femur only from a small spit before over the supervisual line. These fractures occur spontaneously or after minimal injury, and some patients show a hip or groin pain, often associated with signs of stress fractures, weeks or months before the fracture of the femur is complete.

Not studied.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles, mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to manage transport or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Form release

Tablets are filming 20 mg.
2 tablets in the contour bale-free packaging (strip) from the packaging material combined on a paper basis.
10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 tablets into a plastic tube, bought by a plastic cover with moisture absorber and the control of the first opening.
10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 tablets into a can of polymeric materials from low-density polyethylene, bought by a plastic lid with moisture-loader and first autopsy control.
According to 5 contour bale-free packages (strip) with instructions for medical use are placed in a pack of cardboard.
1 Tuba Plastic or Bank of polymeric materials with instructions for medical application Place in a pack of cardboard.

How to prepare a solution from furatsilina aexim

Fractures are often bilateral; Therefore, patients who received bisphosphonates undergoing femoral diaphysia should be studied by contralateral femoral bone. It also reported on limited healing of these fractures. In patients with suspicion of atypical fractures of the femur, the interruption of bisphosphonate therapy should be considered in anticipation of the patient's assessment based on the individual risk ratio.

During treatment with bisphosphonates, patients should be recommended to report any pain in the field of thigh, hips or groin, and any patient showing such symptoms should be assessed for the presence of incomplete thigh fracture. In post-marketing experience with Alendronat, there were reports of serious skin reactions, including Stevens Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necroliz.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, protected from light, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

2 years.
After the expiration date, the drug does not apply.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturer / Organization accepting complaints
OJSC Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant.
623856, Russia, Sverdlinding region, Irbit, ul. Kirov, 172.
623856 Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Irbit, ul. Karl Marx, 124-a.

Osteonecrosis of the outer auditory can be used using bisphosphonates, mainly in combination with long therapy. The potential of osteozecosis of the outer auditory canal should be assessed in patients who received bisphosphonates that show the symptoms of the Ear, including chronic ear infections.

Causes of osteoporosis other than estrogen deficiency and age or using glucocorticoids should be carefully considered. Hypocalcemia should be corrected before the start of therapy by alendronate. Patients with these clinical conditions should control the level of calcium in serum and symptoms of hypocalcemia during therapy of binosto 70 mg. Due to the positive effect of alendronate, with an increase in the mineralization of the bone, the levels of calcium and phosphate in serum can decrease, especially in patients receiving glucocorticoids, in which calcium absorption can be reduced. limited and asymptomatic.

Good day!

Today's review I want to enable such an important issue as health. After all, we all have long been known that it is not even for money for money, although I still have a doubt about this item.

And it seems to be the cold have not yet been put on our region and in the mornings in the window of the apartment still shines bright, and warm sun, but son, and behind him, followed by the spouse, have already managed to catch some kind of infection.

However, there were rare reports of symptomatic hypocalcemia, sometimes severe and often in patients with predisposing diseases. This drug contains 26, 2 mmol sodium per dose. It should be taken into account in people who follow a diet with low sodium content.

Interaction with other medicines and other forms of interaction

There is no evidence of the alendronate metabolism in animals or people. This drug is in the form of a solution for applying to the skin. This is indicated for moderate hair loss in adults, men or women. It promotes hair growth and stabilizes hair loss phenomenon.

AND culprit of this review will be a sore throat. How to rinse it? The choice today is just huge. But, there is a drug that I do not really love for an unpleasant taste, smell, dancing with tambourines during breeding and adore for the quick, and the main guaranteed effect. Many of us he is familiar with childhood, meet - "Furatcilin"!

Method of cooking or application

You should not take this medicine if you are allergic to minoxidil or on any of the fillers of the skin solution. If you have any questions, you must ask your doctor or pharmacist. For heart disease, even if he is older, you must consult a doctor before first use.

Application of Furatsilina Aveksim Children

Minoxidil is not effective for this type of hair loss. On another part of the body. . Stop treatment and consult medical care in the case of redness or permanent irritation of the scalp. It is important to comply with the recommended doses and the path of administration. Do not increase the dose or frequency of use. Do not apply minoxidil on healthy scalp. Avoid applications in case of irritation, persistent redness, inflammation, painful sensation in the scalp. Minoxidil does not apply simultaneously with retinoic acid or anthraline or any other dermatologically irritant drug. If these symptoms arise: stop taking medicines and consult a doctor.

What do I want to surprise you? "Furacilin" this is not simple - He is silent! and has the full name " Furazelin Aveksim. "

Surprised? And me too. He came to the pharmacy, the queue as in the epidemic season, asked drugs on the list, seized the assembled package and escape from the rampant infection home.

House pack open and i see a stylish silver box. WHAT IS IT? Ba!, Yes, this is an updated furacilin in an easily soluble form.

In the case of accidental contact with the eyes, with a wound, with a mucous membrane, the skin can cause a feeling of burning or irritation; It is recommended to rinse with abundant water. Do not expose the skin of the Sun after processing; Requires a measure of protection.

If you are pregnant or breastfeed. Before using this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Use minoxidil during breastfeeding should be avoided. Ability to manage or use machines. Alopecia 2% does not affect the ability to manage or use machines. However, during treatment, you can have very rare headaches, dizziness or impairment of vision.

Purchase place - network of pharmacies "GOLDEV".

Price - 56 rubles. Price on normal "Furatcilin" - 52 rubles. Yes, and when he was worth a kopeck.

In general, savings are not great, is there any advantages? After all, it is "dancing" with breeding, ordinary furaciline make me lazy and rinse the throat with something else.

List of fillers with a well-known effect: propylene glycol, ethanol. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you take or recently accepted another medicine, even if it is a medicine obtained without a recipe. Use only adult people.

Furacilin Avexima - instructions for use

Use twice a day by a dose of one ml of the skin on the scalp, taking the center of the area to be treated as the starting point. The daily dose should not exceed 2 ml of the skin solution, regardless of the size of the treated area. Throw the skin with fingertips to cover the entire area to be treated. Wash hands thoroughly before applying the skin.

let's find out this together.

In a box We are waiting: instruction (such a short instruction I have not seen for a long time) and five paper napkins for two tablets in each. Total: the usual 10 tablets.

How to make a solution from pills of furaciline?

Apply a skin on your hair and a beautiful dry head. The pipette allows you to accurately extract one ml of the skin solution, which will spread throughout the region to be treated. Apply one ml of morning mortar in the morning and one ml of solution in the evening.

Do not increase the dose or frequency of use. The initial and response course of treatment varies from each patient. Resume regular frequency management: statement in the morning and evening statement. The possibility of local irritation with scratches, itching, redness of the skin, dry skin, hypertrophy, burning; rarely, allergic reactions, dizziness, tingling, headache, weakness, swelling, violation of taste, ear infection, violation of vision, eye irritation, neuritis can occur; In rare cases, decrease in blood pressure, acceleration of the pulse, hair loss at the beginning of treatment, chest pain, change in the liver function; Due to the content of propylene glycol, there is a risk of eczema. In any of these cases, treatment should be discontinued, and the doctor said.

Breaks the napkin easily and simply, even with the help of fingers.

TABLET light yellow color (lighter than ordinary furacin) with minor splashes, flat, large diameter. In essence, it becomes clear from its appearance that it is a "pop."

We try to dissolve.

We act according to the situation and instructions from the manufacturer:

Outwardly, a locally water 0.02% solution of nitrofuras is prepared immediately before use: 1 part of furaticiline is dissolved in 5000 parts of distilled boiled water. For faster dissolution, boiling or hot water is recommended. The solution is then cooled to room temperature. Required: in the form of aqueous 0.02% (1: 5000) of the solution - wipes irrigate, impose wet bandages. Fuck: blepharitis, conjunctivitis - injection aqueous solution in a conjunctival bag. Trimsillite, stomatite 20 mg (1 tablet) is dissolved in 100 ml of water, the rinse of the mouth and the throat is 100 ml 2-3 times a day. Personalization of treatment - according to the indications depending on the nature and localization of the affected area. If the symptoms are preserved, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In our case, we are talking about tonsillitis, the poet drank the tablet in 100 ml of water room temperature.

Initially, I did not believe my eyes, so quickly, simply and easily "Furacilin" I never dissolved.

Poured water, threw a tablet, 1 minute and solution is ready to eat!

Scheme of breeding of the usual "Furatcilina": melt the tablet (I do it with a hammer to beat meat in a closed pack), fall in hot water (otherwise do not wait for high-quality dissolution) prevent and wait for cooling.

It takes all these manipulations 15 minutes. I do not argue, the bulk of the time eats the solution of the solution to an acceptable temperature. But, I always have a hurry and I need everything quickly and immediately, it is for this reason that this fact I was always terribly annoyed.

What about the sediment?

  • "Furacilin Aveksim" - I will not say that it is not at all, but this is rather suspended. Yes, it only appears with a long standing of the finished solution.

  • "Furacilin" - At first glance, this is all the same suspension, but there may be not soluble grains,which may cause tangible inconvenience to the sore throat when rinse and washing the wound.

What is Furacilin to taste?

Here, one hundred percent wins "Furacilin Aveksim". When ringed, the throat is felt light sourness during the procedure and light mustard after the procedure.

When rinse the throat the usual "furacilin" strong bitterness will accompany us both throughout the procedure and after it.So I want to get or put this muck, and it is impossible.

What about the effect?

Actually, on the content of the active substance "Furacilin Aveksim" does not differ from the usual - in both cases, it is 20 mg nitrofural.

Nitrofuran derivative. Yellow or greenish-yellow powder bitter taste. Very little soluble in water (1: 4200), little - in ethanol, soluble in alkali solutions, practically insoluble on the air.

pharmachologic effect - antimicrobial.

Active with respect to gram-positive and gram-negative flora, incl. Staphylococcus SPP., Streptococcus SPP., Shigella Dysenteriae, Shigella Flexneri, Shigella Boydii, Shigella Sonnei, Escherichia Coli, Clostridium Perfringens, Salmonella SPP. Effective in the stability of microorganisms to other antimicrobial means (not from a group of nitrofuran derivatives). Suppresses the life of fungal flora. It has a mechanism of action other than other chemotherapeutic agents: microbial flavoproteins are restored to a 5-nitro group, which formed high-reactive amino production changes are changed by the conformation of proteins, incl. Ribosomal, and other macromolecules, causing cell death. Resistance develops slowly and does not reach a high degree. Increases the absorption capacity of the reticulosendothelial system, enhances phagocytosis.

When taking inside quickly and fully absorbed. Easily passes through histohematic barriers and is evenly distributed in liquids and tissues. The main way in the conversion in the body is the restoration of the nitro group. Examined by the kidneys and partly with bile in the intestinal lumen. Tmax in the urine is reached 6 hours after reception.

But, there is still a difference:

If a in the usual "Furacilina" constituent twoT. in the "Furaciline Aveksima" there are already five of them.

Is it bad or good every one will solve himself. I think that for the kids, it's better to buy ordinary "Furacilin" and bother with breeding, cooling and filtering (if necessary). Especially if your situation is similar to ours.

ATTENTION! All the lower written in no case regard as a recommendation for action, Without consultation, ENT - a doctor, I would apply such a way on my child.

Son has tonsillitis already familiar comrade, he walks hands in hand with pharyngitis . Unfortunately, a vomitive reflex in the child is very strong and the rinse of the throat of speech does not go at all.

  • we divorce "Furacilin";
  • fill into a bottle from "Miramistina";
  • place in the bathroom and irrigate the throat, surplus Son does not shut up, but spitches!

We repeat this operation two or three times.

In fairness I want to note that this time I used the "Fuzhelin Avexima", nothing bad happened, but the next day I had acquired the usual instance since childhood.

BUT FOR WHAT at all Can be used "furacilin "and there is Lie him Contraindications?

  • Indications:

Externally: purulent wounds, breakdowns, burns of II-III degrees, minor skin damage (incl. Absadines, scratches, cracks, cuts). Most: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, acute tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

  • Contraindications:

Application during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period is possible if the intended benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or child.

For which I use "Furacilin", and now "Furacilin Aveksim" I:

  • With angina. The result is always pleased with Since already 30 minutes after rinsing, relief comes, the throat is not so much and tricks.

With gun-form in my opinion, "Furacilina",especially in the company with "Lugolam" just no equal.

Although I lie, there is a "chlorophyllipt." It is also very effective, but not specific to everyone.

I clam the throat 4 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

  • Conjunctivitis. In my life, he happened three times and I will never forget these terrible feelings - I woke up in the morning, but I can't open my eyes, I stopped tightly. "Furacilin" works here perfectly , the next day you feel if not complete, then at least a person, and not blind kitten.

In this place the question arises - and How much can I store the finished solution "Furaticilina", because for washing eyes (or wounds), it takes a capability?

According to the information obtained by me from the ENT doctor, to store the finished solution "Furatcilina" can in a protected from light, a cool place, for 5 days.

If this is a refrigerator, then all 10. But I usually prefer to use a solution of 3 days, and then prepare a new one.

  • STOMATITIS. Perhaps, this is the only case when "Furacilin" could not please me very muchand I had to call for replacement for other drugs. But, justice, for the sake of note that the stomatitis we had a "mixed" (combined) form.
  • Washing wounds. ANDused mainly on animals.In particular, on the selected crippled kitten - and the eyes were washed, and the ranks were processed. R the result is wonderful, Kitty quickly went on amend He became a favorite of my parents (our cat did not accept a categorically new tenant, I had to give), but apparently he exhausted his nine lives - fell from the balcony and died. Roveted with the whole family.

Now answer the main question - Is it effective "Fuzhelin Aveksima" as his fellow? Yes, and yes again yes !!!

  • Efficiency in relation to the patient throat with suppurations at height. Already in the morning of the next three evening rinsing days, my throat did not look like so red, and the number of uluses was halved.

On my sony's throat, my happiness was not at all - in four days of irrigation of the pharynx (three times per day) All the corks disappeared!Prior to that, they used two weeks with different sprays ("inhalipte", "hexoral"), and the result is zero.

  • Efficiency and convenience in processing wounds (Hooray! Now it is not necessary to polish anything, previously used sterile wool for these purposes) just pleased with Verified on the legs of the spouse encouraged with a cracked staircase. All wounds quickly dragged and cost without suppuration and severe pain.

For other cases, fortunately, it was not possible to judge. But, I think that in this issue "Furacilin Aveksim" will also show himself an excellent student.

Of the interesting but not tested by me personally.

From a familiari heard that "Furatcilin" is very effective when "smelly" swelling of the legs. How it works?

Since it is not invented by me, I put under the quotation.

Dilute 2 pills "Furatcilina" in 2 liters of water.

Lower into the solution of the leg, keep 10 minutes.

After the time expires, take out the legs from the basin and let them dry yourself.

Familiar broadcast that After five such leg procedures, if they sweat, then no longer smell.

Why did I try this method? Everything is simple - at the moment, none of our family suffers from such a problem. But as a stuck hamster placed this information in the bowels of its long-term memory. But what if?

Bring Outcome: "Furacilin Aveksima "No doubt was the day of me the discovery of this year in the field of drugs.

I will buy it more than once and you RECOMMEND!

Well, on the eve of the gloomy autumn days, I want to wish everyone good health and good mood! After all, for autumn - we will again wait for the blooming spring and sunny summer.


Trade name of the drug:

Furacilin Aveksima

MNN or grouping name:


Dosage form:

tablets are hidden for the preparation of the solution for local and outdoor use.


on one tablet
Active substances: nitrofural (furacilin) \u200b\u200b- 20 mg;
Excipients: Wine Acid - 300 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 390 mg, sodium carbonate -330 mg, sodium chloride - 100 mg, macrogol 4000 - 60 mg.

Tablets from light yellow to yellow with splashes, plane-cylindrical shape, with a fan on both sides.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:

Nitrofuran antimicrobial means.

ATH code: D08AF01.

Pharmacological properties


Antimicrobial remedy, nitrofuran derivative. Bacterial flavoproteins Restoring the 5-nitro group form high-formative amino production, capable of causing conformational changes in proteins (including ribosomal) and other macromolecules, leading to the death of bacteria. Active in relation to gram-positive and premature bacteria incl. Staphylococcus SPP., Streptococcus SPP., Escherichia Coli, ClostridiumPerfringens. Stability develops slowly and does not reach a high degree.

With local and outdoor use, suction is insignificant.

Indications for use

Externally: purulent wounds, breakdowns, burns of II-III degrees, minor skin damage (incl. Absadines, scratches, cracks, cuts).
Most: blepharitis, conjunctivitis, acute tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis.


Increased sensitivity to nitrofural, nitrofuran derivatives and / or other components of the drug, bleeding, allergermatosis, pronounced renal impairment.

Application during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period

Application during pregnancy and in breastfeeding period is possible if the intended benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus or child.

Method of application and dose

Outwardly, locally.
Aqueous 0.02% nitrofural solution is prepared immediately before use: 1 part of furaticiline is dissolved in 5000 parts of distilled boiled water. For faster dissolution, boiling or hot water is recommended. Then the solution is cooled to room temperature.
Outwardly: in the form of aqueous 0.02% (1: 5000) of the solution - wipes irrigate, impose wet dressings.
Locally: blepharitis, conjunctivitivitis, bury the aqueous solution in a conjunctival valve bag.
In tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis - 20 mg (1 tablet) are dissolved in 100 ml of water, rinse mouth and throat is 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
Duration of treatment - according to the indications depending on the nature and localization of the affected area.
If the symptoms are saved, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible: skin itching, dermatitis.
If any of the side effects specified in the instructions are exacerbated, or you notice any other side effects that are not listed in the instructions, report this to the doctor.


On cases of overdose were not reported.

Interaction with other drugs

Not studied.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles, mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to manage transport or engage in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Form release

Tablets are filming 20 mg.
2 tablets in the contour bale-free packaging (strip) from the packaging material combined on a paper basis.
10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 tablets into a plastic tube, bought by a plastic cover with moisture absorber and the control of the first opening.
10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 tablets into a can of polymeric materials from low-density polyethylene, bought by a plastic lid with moisture-loader and first autopsy control.
According to 5 contour bale-free packages (strip) with instructions for medical use are placed in a pack of cardboard.
1 Tuba Plastic or Polymer Materials with Medical Instructions are placed in a pack of cardboard.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, protected from light, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

2 years.
After the expiration date, the drug does not apply.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturer / Organization accepting complaints
OJSC Irbit Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant.
623856, Russia, Sverdlinding region, Irbit, ul. Kirov, 172.
623856 Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Irbit, ul. Karl Marx, 124-a.

In Russia, despite the emergence of a huge number of alternative drugs, Furacin is still a major antiseptic used at home with sore throat. Low cost and good antibacterial activity make it a popular drug. The only minus of Furatcilina pills is their very complex breeding. The Russian company Aveksima came to the rescue, which on the basis of the Irbit Himfarmzavod began the production of instant bulk pills for the name of Furacilin Avexim.

It is implemented in jars, packs and tubes of 10, 20, 25 and 30 tablets.

Aversion Avexima Antiseptic:

  • Nitrofural (20 mg)

Additional substances in the composition:

  • Soda;
  • salt;
  • sodium salt of coalic acid;
  • wine acid;
  • E1521 (macrogol).

Instructions for the use of throat rinsing


Nitrofural acts on streptococci, staphylococci, intestinal wand, dysenteric chopstick and other microbes.

There are the following methods for the use of furaciline Avexim:

  • Irrigation of wounds and burns;
  • wiping small skin damage, laying out;
  • rinse throat and mouth;
  • installing in ears and eyes;
  • washing stripes, nasal sinuses with sinusitis (in the hospital).

The action of nitrofural is preserved for 6 hours. Based on this, the recommended use frequency is 3 times a day.

In order not to reduce the concentration of nitrofuras directly after rinse, you should not eat food and drinks for 1 hour.

Furaticiline solution is not prepared by the future. The solution prepared at home should be used immediately.


Furacilin Avexim is allowed to use children at any age. The only limitation of the throat disease - the child should be able to independently carry out a rinse.

In order to teach the child to rinse the throat, give him the following instructions:

  1. Warn the baby so that it does not swallow the solution.
  2. Tell us that at the beginning of the procedure should be breathed through the nose.
  3. When the solution turns out to be in the mouth, you need to throw the head back and look at the ceiling.
  4. Ask a child to open the mouth and exhale say a long "and-and-and-and".
  5. The duration of one rinse in children should not exceed 5 seconds.
  6. Let the child suck the solution and restore breathing.
  7. Repeat items 2-6 as many times until a cooked solution for rinsing is over.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is believed that the drug under local use is safe for pregnant and lactating women.

For a more detailed description of the use of furaciline during pregnancy, read in this article.

However, it should be borne in mind that after rinsing the throat of Furacilin Avexim some part of the solution remains in the mouth, diluted with saliva and then automatically smoothes. Nitrofural is an antibiotic. If you get into the digestive system, it acts as well as other antibiotics. In the described scheme, a negligible amount of nitro-pouffloral is swallowed, which is unlikely to have any effect on the fruit or penetrate into breast milk. Nevertheless, in the instructions for the use of Furatsilina Aveksim, it is specified that the use of this medication during pregnancy is not desirable and should be assessed by a doctor from the risk / benefit.

How to prepare a solution from furatsilina aexim

Depending on the purpose of the application, the Avexima Furacilina solution can be 2 species:

  • Water;
  • 70% alcohol.

For the preparation of an aqueous solution, the pill tablet Avexima is bred in the standard for this drug proportion - 1: 5000. To obtain the necessary concentration, you should dilute 1 tablet in 100 ml of warm water.

The presence of small undisguised particles in the diluted solution does not mean the poor quality of the drug. This is a normal phenomenon, because Nitrofural is practically not soluble in water.

The alcohol solution does not spawn the throat. It is intended for disinfection of an outdoor auditory passage when otitis.

Alcohol solution for local application is prepared in proportion of 1: 1500. For the preparation of 70% of the alcohol solution of the specified concentration from Furatsilina Aveksim Follow the instructions:

  1. Mix 2 parts of medical alcohol and 1 part of boiled water.
  2. Measure 33 ml of the obtained 70% alcohol.
  3. Dissolve in 33 ml of alcohol solution 1 Tablet Furatcilina Aveksim.

pharmachologic effect

The aseptic effect of furaciline is based on the ability of nitrofurant to damage the structure of proteins of bacteria. As a result, the synthesis of amino acids is disturbed, and the microbial cell dies.

Nitrofural is effective in respect of fungal infection.

In the instructions for the use of furaciline Avexim, it is noted that bacteria practically do not acquire resistance to Furacilin. However, there are evidence that as a result of the long-term use of furacin in the hospital, hospital infections demonstrate resistance to it.

Indications for use

With angina (tonsillitis)

Furacilin is traditionally used in the treatment of acute angina in hospitals. When aggravating chronic tonsillitis, doctors advise rinse throat at home.

Rinse mode during acute threshing - up to 5 times a day.

Furacilin rinsing with angina is auxiliary treatment procedure. Antibiotics taken inside or injected injectable are paramount.

With pharyngite

For a long time, Furacin was prescribed by doctors with pain in the throat caused by bacterial inflammation. Today, this approach is considered obsolete.

Despite the high antibacterial activity of nitrofural, the rinse of the throat as a procedure for pharyngitis is considered low efficient and pursues, rather, hygienic than therapeutic goals.

With viral pharyngitis, immunostimulating drugs should be used.

In case of bacterial - prefer the aerosol form of antiseptics sprayed directly to the mucous throat.

Other indications for use

Purulent wounds, strip suppuration

Processing of purulent wounds and washing cavities with pus - the main purpose of nitrofural. This means is as efficient effect against the global bacteria. It is applied depending on finding the source of suppuration in the form of irrigation, washing (including the drainage of cavities), imposing bandages.

Blepharitis and conjunctivitis

Furaticyline can be used at eye infectious diseases:

  • Inflammation of the age in children caused, including pathogenic golden staphylococcus;
  • inflammation of the mucous eye.

Dissolved in water the drug is buried in a conjunctival bag of 2-3 drops.

Skin damage

The antiseptic properties of furaticiline makes it a suitable means for treating skin damage (abrasion, scratches, etc.). In this regard, nitrofural is superior to many drugs, for example, hydrogen peroxide.


With omitted otte, the alcohol solution of furaticiline is used. It can be done at home (see instructions for use above), or buy a ready solution in a pharmacy. The drug bury 2-3 drops into the outer hearing pass for its disinfection.


The following contraindications are noted in the instructions for use of furaciline Avexim:

  • Sensitivity to the components of the drug, incl. to any nitrofuran derivative;
  • does not apply in places of bleeding;
  • skin diseases in the field of use of the drug.

Medicinal interaction and overdose

Furatcino's interaction with other drugs has not been studied.

Overdose of nitrofuras is possible only in the case of drug intake. Symptoms of overdose:

  • Nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness.

Side effects

With local and outdoor use, the drug is well tolerated. Allergic skin reactions may occur extremely rarely at the place of use.

Also, the instructions for the use of furaciline Aveksim notes that allergies can cause a macrogol included in its composition (food additive E1521).

Terms and Storage Terms

Furatcilin pills are suitable for 2 years. Subject to storage in a dry room and room temperature.

Reviews about Furacilina Aveksim

Some consumers who used Furacilin in chronic throat inflammation over several years have noted a decrease in its effectiveness. In all likelihood, this is due to the development of nitrofural resistance bacteria.

Consumers who are accustomed to be treated with Furatcilina, in most cases give positive feedback on the drug. The main and obvious advantage is called the rapid solubility of tablets from Aveksim.

How to make it possible to quickly prepare a solution of furaciline.


The soluble furacilin Avexim is convenient for use and effective antiseptic drug. Used in bacterial and fungal infections locally and externally.

It should be noted that for 60 years of furaticiline, its antibacterial activity decreased: increasingly there are cases of sustainability of bacteria to nitrofural. In this connection, many national health systems today refused to use it (European countries, the USA, etc.).

Furacilin Avexima - antimicrobial drug Treatment For the external and local use of antibacterial and anti-infertion, a derivative of nitrofuran.

Release form and composition

Drug form Furacilina Avexima - Tablets Swiming for the preparation of a solution for local and outdoor use: flat-cylindrical, on both sides of the chamfer, color from light yellow to yellow, enclosures (2 pcs in contour bale-free packages / strips, in a carton 5 packs 5 packs / Stripov; 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 pcs. In plastic tubes, clapped with plastic lid with moisture-bellor and control of the first opening, or in polymeric banks, in a cardboard pack of 1 tuba / bank).

Composition on 1 tablet:

  • activity: Nitrofural (Furacin) - 20 mg;
  • auxiliary components: sodium bicarbonate - 390 mg; Wine Acid - 300 mg; sodium chloride - 100 mg; sodium carbonate -330 mg; Macroogol 4000 - 60 mg.

Pharmacological properties


Furatsiline Avexima is an antimicrobial drug, as a valid component, it includes nitrofural - nitrofuran derivative.

Bacterial flavoproteins by means of the reduction of 5-nitro groups form high-formative amino production, which are able to activate the conformational transformation of proteins, including ribosomal, as well as other macromolecules, which leads to the death of bacteria.

Nitrofuran shows activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, including bacteria of the genus of staphylococcus (Staphylococcus SPP.), Streptococcus (Streptoccus SPP.), Escherichia Coli, Kloostridium Perfringens.

In pathogenic microflora, the development of furaciline resistance occurs slowly, does not reach a high degree.


With the local and external use of Furatsilina Aveksim, its suction is insignificant.

Indications for use

  • locally: Stomatitis, angina (acute tonsillitis), gingivitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • outwardly: Prolesidery, purulent wounds, burns of II-III degrees, shallow skin damage (scratches, abrasions, cuts, cracks).


  • allerglassmatosis;
  • bleeding;
  • pronounced disorders of the kidney function;
  • increased individual sensitivity to nitrofuran derivative, nitrofural, other components of the drug.

Instructions for use of furaciline Avexim: method and dosage

Furacilin Avexim is designed for local and external use in the form of aqueous freshly prepared solution of 0.02%, for the preparation of which 20 mg (1 tablet) of furacin is dissolved in 100 ml (½ cup) with warm boiled water or distilled water temperature water directly before use.

Application of 0.02% solution according to readings:

  • acute tonsillitis (angina), stomatitis, gingivitis: rinse the throat and oral cavity with a warm solution 2-3 times a day of 100 ml;
  • blepharitis, conjunctivitis: instillation of the solution in a conjunctival bag;
  • puttinglery, purulent wounds, burns II-III degrees, shallow skin damage: externally, irrigated damaged sections, impose wet bandages.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature and localization of lesion foci.

Side effects

The use of the drug may cause allergic reactions such as skin itching and dermatitis.


There is no data.

special instructions

With the exacerbation of the side effects described in the instructions or identifying any other negative reactions, you should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

There are no data O. negative influence The drug on the ability to concentrate attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use Furacilin Avexim, subject to exceeding the estimated benefits for the mother over the potential risk for the fetus / child.


The preparation is used in pediatrics.

With violations of the kidney function

Furacilin Avexima is forbidden to apply with pronounced disorders of the kidney function.

When violations of the liver function

There is no data.

The analogues of Furatsilina Avexim are: Furacilina Tablets for outdoor use of 0.02 g, furaciline, furatsiline-SF, Furatsiline-Lect, Furaticilina Alcohol solution 1: 1500.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in the place protected from moisture and light, the storage temperature is not higher than 25 ° C.

Take care of children.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Released without a recipe.

Reviews about Furacilina Aveksim

Most reviews about Furaciline Avexim positive. Compared to conventional furacilin, the use of furaciline Avexima provides almost instantaneous and complete dissolution of tablets. The drug is an excellent antiseptic, well helps with an angina, conjunctivitis, gingivitis, otitis, stomatitis. Some users advise to apply a cooked solution to remove the fungus in the rooms. The solution is well disinfecting the wound surfaces, reducing the probability of suppuration.

Price for Furacilin Aveksim in pharmacies

Approximate price for Furatsiline Avexim for 10 pcs. Packaging is 115 rubles, for 20 pcs. Packaging - 130 rubles.

Furacilin Avexim Sipichy - instructions for use of tablets and a solution, analogues, reviews. How to breed furaciline pill for rinsing throats, washing eyes, ears, wounds, mouth, teeth, for inhalation adults and children?

The article will tell you how to use Furaticyline for the treatment of infectious diseases.

Furacin: from what Helps?

Furacilin is a popular and affordable drug. The effect of this medication very effectively affects the human body, killing several types of destructive microorganisms. Furatcino tablet solution has a powerful antiseptic property And it not only reduces, completely eliminating inflammation, but destructively affecting bacteria by the type of antibiotic.

Furacilin is helped by:

  • Promotes the speedy healing of skin damage and wounds.
  • Eliminates purulent and ordinary inflammatory processes on mucous membranes.
  • Reduces burns, improves their healing
  • Removes swelling and inflammation of the nasal sinuses
  • Treats inflammatory and purulent processes in the mouth
  • Reduces the inflammatory process in the ear, eliminates furuncula
  • Helps to heal wounds when transplanting
  • Helps to cope and eliminate excessive foot sweating
  • Reduces the inflammatory process and throat pain
  • Helps to fight with a thrush, suppressing fungus

Furatcilina Tablet in 20 mg

Furacilin Avexima - instructions for the use of solution and tablets to adults and children

Furacilin is produced in several forms:

  • Pills -available at 20 mg. We are necessary for the preparation of solutions and extracts used externally. The dosage of 100 mg tablets is necessary for taking inside.
  • Water solution -it is used for washing and rinsing wounds, nose, throat, oral cavity.
  • Alcohol solution -we are necessary for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the ears.
  • Furacilin ointment -need to treat skin damage: burns, wounds, injuries.

How to make a solution of Furacelin Aveksim:

  • Prepare clean and sterile glass dishes
  • Tablet at 20 mg spread with a spoon
  • Powder pour into clean glass dishes
  • Fill the powder with distilled water warm temperature
  • Mix thoroughly and give it an hour
  • After an hour you can use a solution
  • Cover the vessel with a saucer or pure lid
  • The solution can be used during the day, after that it should be prepared.

Furacilin Aveksima

How to breed furaciline pill for rinse throat to adults and children and how many times a day rinse?

Rinsing the throat with a solution of furacin in the presence of a cold, an angina or inflammatory disease - a frequent practice. Such a rinse is available, easy to use, completely harmless and useful. Rinse not only has an antiseptic effect (removes the swelling, removes redness and pain), but also flushes, killing all pathogenic bacteria.

How to make a rinse for the throat:

  • You will come in handy 0.5 glass jar, clean and disinfected.
  • Pill 20 mg of Furancyline remember with a spoon in powder, pay to the jar.
  • Pour warm distilled or boiled water
  • Dissolve the powder and add the iodine droplet (it will help faster to escape inflammation).
  • If desired, you can also add 1 tsp. Sea salt - she will remove the redness.
  • Cooked rinsing should be used for one day

Furacin: Rinse

Is it possible to wipe the eyes of a newborn, infant, with conjunctivitis furacilin, how to breed and how much to wipe?

Conjunctivitis - a frequent problem of infants, the tear canal of which is not yet enough formed and is vulnerable to infections. It is possible to rinse the eyes with a solution of furaticiline with a solution of furaciline, but it should be done correctly:

  • Disinfect glass
  • Pour in it warm distilled water
  • Tablet in 20 mg of Furatcilina Grind into powder
  • Practice powder in water, solvent
  • Give it a solution of half an hour
  • Using a cotton disk dipped in solution, make the eye wash every time when zaking.
  • The resulting solution cover with a lid or a saucer so that dust and other substances do not get into it during the day.

Furacilin solution when overclocked by the eyes of the children

How to breed a pill furatciline for washing the nose to adults and children and how much to rinse?

Nasal washing with a solution of furacinille will help to get rid of infection, eliminate pathogenic bacteria, remove the swelling and swelling of the nasal sinuses, improve the patency of the mucus in the nose. Wash the nose with a solution of furaticiline can be children and adults:

  • In a clean 0.5 liter can, dissolve the powder from one tablet 20 mg of furaticiline with water
  • Add 1 tsp. Sea salt without a slide and mix the solution thoroughly, giving it to be broken for 10-15 minutes.
  • The resulting solution should be washed using a special device "Cuckoo".

Is it possible to rinse the nose with furacilin during a cold and rinse the throat during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Furacin is prescribed very often with colds and infectious diseases, both for outdoor and internal use. However, during pregnancy, it should be carefully treated for any drug so that it does not harm the fetus.

How can Furaciline during pregnancy be used:

  • For cooking throat
  • For cooking nasal rinsing
  • For alcohol tinctureto treat otitis
  • For the preparation of alcohol rubbing
  • You can also externally use furacilin ointment.

Is it possible to rinse ears with adults and children for treatment?

Furaciline alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy. it effective tool To combat otitis and inflammatory diseases of the external, as well as the inner ear. It is absolutely safe to drip in the ears, both during the period of treatment and for prevention purposes.

The tool will help you also kill pathogenic bacteria in the body:

  • "Kill" Golden Staphyloches
  • Eliminate streptococcus
  • Wand in intestinal
  • Salmiel

Otitis is a disease that is often in the people the name "Floa disease". It occurs when the person falls into the ear infection (in most cases with water). Bacteria begin to develop in the tissues of the ears of the sink and in Otitis will be able not only to destructively influence the eardrum, breaking it, but also worsen hearing.

Alcohol Furacilin

How to breed furacilin for rinsing wounds?

The most important requirement in the preparation of a furaciline solution to rinse the wound is to comply with limit sterility. You should use only sterile dishes and purified water (distilled). The powder of one pill of furacilina should be pouring heated or boiled water and give the solution to be laughed at least half an hour.

How to breed furacilin for mouth rinsing during flux, tooth removal, stomatitis?

Rinse the mouth with the case of dental problems is often prescribed with Furatcilina tablet. Such a solution will allow to remove putrid bacteria accumulated between the teeth, contribute to the wound healing (if you removed the tooth), or soften the inflammation of the gums and nerve.

Prepare a solution is very simple. For this, as usual, use clean water and dishes. Dissolve one tablet of 20 mg in 200 ml of water and cooled mortar (preferably not hot and not warm). You can simply dial the solution into the mouth and hold it half a minute, moving later. Prepared solution should be used during the day.

How to make inhalation with furacilin?

In some cases, in the presence of strong respiratory infectious diseases, you can use very effective inhalation with furacilin. It is desirable to have a special flask for inhalations. In the bowl, pour boiling water and dissolve the powder from one pill of furaciline in 20 mg.

Furatcilina solution

How to breed furacilin to paint during discharge, thrush, beaming when itching?

Why such a douching effectively:

  • Eliminates unpleasant symptoms of the disease
  • Soothes burning and itching in the field of vagina and germ lips.
  • Does not dry mucous
  • Does not irritate mucous membranes
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Wash off curls

How to cook:

  • Mind a pill in powder
  • Dissolve the powder in half a glass of water
  • Water should not be hot, only warm
  • Disinfect Sprintsovka
  • Dial a solution into a fringe
  • Enter a 5 cm deep in the vagina
  • Make a washing
  • Pour the solution, you can not use it anymore

Pouring furaticiline powder (the tablet is very poorly dissolved) is heavily hot or warm water. You can dissolve powder with boiling water if you intend to make inhalation. In cases of solutions for rinsing, this is not useful, and the property will worsen, reducing its effectiveness twice.

Is it possible to drink Furatcilina tablets when cystitis?

Furacilin is one of the main drugs appointed during cystitis (inflammation of the urinary channel). This tool will help effectively kill pathogenic bacteria, not only an antiseptic effect (relieve inflammation), but also to remove unpleasant pain.

Furatcilina Analogs: What other medicines exist?

If a person has developed intolerance, sensitivity and a strong allergic response to Furacilin, you can try to make analogs of this tool:

  • Furacilin-Lect.
  • Lifusol
  • Combutek-2.

Furacin: Reviews

Antonina: "The doctor snatched a wise tooth and forbade her first day at all of him to rinse the first day. And then, the next day, recommended to use a solution of one pill furatciline on a glass of water. As the wound began to heal, so I began to wrestle.

Novel: "I recently earned my flux. The cheek was swollen and the "walnut effect of the cheek appeared" on the one hand. I read on the Internet about Furacilin rinsing. Fortunately, there were weekends and to Monday the tumor left, then went to the doctor. "

Catherine: "And I always caught Furacilin's throat. How a slightly slaughter or overtakes - so right away. Better tools I have not opened for myself. Of course, I add comprehensive treatment: pills and lollipops, but the more I clamp, the faster I recover - I know for sure! ".

Video: "How to prepare a solution from furaticiline?"

A source:

Furacilin Aveksim: description, composition and methods of application

Antibacterial drug Furatcilin, produced by the Russian pharmacological company Aveksim, has long been widely popular in the medical sphere.

Perhaps, everyone else since childhood is familiar with a light yellow medicine that has been treated with numerous abrasions on her knees and elbows after falling from a bike.

The composition of Furatsin, the peculiarities of its action and the methods of applying this drug will tell in the article.

Composition and description

Drug Furatcilin Avexima is produced in the most different types. It can be tablets, and mixtures, and ointments. In addition, this drug is present as part of some complex medicinal combinations.

The preparations of the drug contains nitrofural in the amount of 0.2 g and sodium chloride 0.8 g. They can also be used for the manufacture of extract for external application, and for use inside the organism. Page 20 or 100 mg.

Aqueous mixture of furaciline in its composition includes nitrofural and purified water at a concentration of 1: 5000. Usually a 0.02% mixture is packaged in 100 ml of glass containers.

The furaciline alcohol mixture consists of one part of nitrofuras and 1500 parts of the alcohol and enters the pharmacy in the bottles of dark glass of 10 and 25 ml. The percentage of nitrofural in this form of the medication is 0.065%.

The ointment contains 0.002 g of the active substance, and the remaining volume occupies a soft white paraffin. Produced in jars for 25 g

When Furacilin is applied

Furaticilin antimicrobial properties are shown to disinfect the open wound surfaces of the skin. They are washed cavity and treat viral diseases of hearing and vision organs.

  • Furaticiline tablets produced by 20 mg are used for the manufacture of water and alcohol extracts, which are processed by the zones of the lesion of the stood wounds, ulcers, burns. Tablets of 100 mg are treated, taking them inside, patients suffering from acute form of dysentery or recently suffering the disease.
  • The aqueous mixture of nitroofuras is prescribed to dry the nasal apparent sinuses during the disease by sinusitis, the throat during the angina and the oral cavity during stomatite.
  • The alcohol mixture is used in the diseases of the middle ear.
  • When frostbite or burns of skin sites, inflammation of the eyelids and injuries of the surfaces of the mucous membranes, furacin ointment is used.


Furacilina Pharmacology Pharmacology

The substance is nitrofural, which is active in Furancyline, is bitterly taste of yellowish powder. It almost does not dissolve in water and alcohol, but it is excellent soluble in alkalis. Nitrofural is afraid of sunlight, so furaciline solutions should not be left in light.

In contrast to other drugs, nitrofural from the protein of the microbial cells forms amino derivatives of increased reactivity, capable of changing the structure of the molecule. As a result, the exchanged process is broken in the microbe cage, and it dies.

Furacilin has the ability to destroy gram-positive and negative microorganisms, as well as many simple and viruses. Their number includes streptococci and staphylococci, intestinal wand, salmonella and others. Furaticiline is elusive effectively affects such a microflora, which is resistant to other antimicrobial drugs.

Although there are also such varieties of microbes that are not afraid of the actions of the active substance nitrofural.

If the medicine is used on the surface of the skin, the active substance penetrates the body fabric in small quantities. Excreted by kidneys and together with bile.

Side effect

Reception of medicine inside in the form of tablets can be accompanied by a lack of appetite, disorder of the digestive tract, dizziness.

The external use of the medication is sometimes complicated by the occurrence of dermatitis and allergic reactions.

How to prepare aqueous furacilin solution

For the manufacture of the extract, 20 mg tablets are intended. The method of manufacturing depends on where and how the mixture will be used. The requirements for the preparation of the solution to disinfect wounds in an adult will clearly differ from the preparation instructions for the child.

To prepare a water extract of furaciline, you need to take 1 tablet, rub it into powder and pour 1 liter of warm distilled water. Before using the mixture, it is subjected to half-hour sterilization.

Rules for applying a solution

Open wounds

The aqueous mixture of furaciline, cooked at home independently, can be stored for a long time, but immediately before use should be sterilized on the continuation of half an hour. Then the solution should be cooled, without overflowing from the pan, where it is boiled, and to treat the wound, watering it with a weak jet.

With angina

Horny sick, very useful to rinse the throat with aqueous mixture of Furatcilina. Of course, these procedures will not be fully cured without the use of appropriate antibiotics, but can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and speed up the process of recovery.

This is quite explained, because being an excellent antiseptic, Furacilin not only flushes malicious microflora, but also stops the division of microbacteria. The most important property of this medication is its bad suction in the blood. Therefore, it becomes possible to apply a furaciline mixture to dry throat and adults, and kids.

To make an extract for rinsing with an angina, you should take one 20 mg tablet of the drug and grind it until the powder is obtained. Ready powder pour 100 ml hot water. You can add to the cooled solution of 2 hours. Spoons of hydrogen peroxide.

When the temperature of the solution reaches 35 degrees, you can start a rinse, which is done within five minutes. To improve the result of treatment, before drew nitrofural, it would be nice to rinse the throat of soda, in order to get rid of mucus and pus. It is advisable to do a procedure for no more than 10 times in one day.

With a cold

Furacilin is an indispensable tool of nose rinsing during a cold. With it, bacteria, dust and allergens from the mucous membrane are removed, the swelling disappears and the mucus is reinforced. It is used as an additional treatment with a hyamorite.

Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to dissolve 1 pill of Furatcilina in 1 tbsp. Purified water. For washing, you can use both the device specially designed for such purposes, which should be used in advance and ordinary homely kettle.

Filling the tank with extract that cooled to a temperature of 40 degrees, leaning over the basin, poured the mixture first into one, then in another nasal passage alternately. After the procedure, it is not necessary to immediately leave the room, in order not to exacerbate the course of the disease.

In conjunctivitis

In the event of conjunctivitis and other eye inflammations, you should not forget about Furacilin, especially since this medicinal tool is suitable for people of all ages and even women during pregnancy.

For the manufacture of an extract for rinsing eyes, 1 pill means and 200 ml of water takes. The tablet split into dust and add boiling water. After the mixture cools, it is necessary to strain it through two layers of gauze to avoid even the slightest powder crystals in the mixture.

Pure hands take a tampon, twisted from the wool, immerse themselves in the extract, and, carefully moved the eyelid down, washed the mucous membranes of the eye, moving from an external angle to the internal.

At stomatitis

The mixture to dry the oral cavity during stomatitis and other inflammatory processes is prepared in the same way as for cleansing the throat, only the peroxide of hydrogen is not needed in this case.

The oral kneading is carried out in front of all the treatment procedure, since this process contributes to an increase in treatment efficiency, bringing the patient's recovery.

Customer Reviews

Of course, it is impossible to cope with an angina with one furaticiline. But in combination with rinsing antibiotics help very well. I also like that if I accidentally swallow the medicine during rinsing (which I often happen to), no negative reaction occurs.

In our first-aid kit, this tool is almost always, and if it ends, we immediately buy a new packaging of tablets or a solution bottle. After all, in wounds and abrasions, you can also apply Furacilin. It turns out that by purchasing one inexpensive medicine, we acquire a wand-cut from one hundred diseases.

A source:

From what Furacilin Avexima tablets: instructions for use

To date, there is simply a huge number of different medicinal medicines intended for the treatment of throat pain. Already no decade of effervescent pills Furacilin enjoy incredible popularity in the pharmaceutical market.

Aveksima decided to improve this drug, making it more convenient to use, which makes this medicine even more in demand.

For the drug Furatcin Avexim, the application instruction is used by the source of important information about the properties of the drug.

A few words about the composition and form of release

Furacilin Avexima is yellow pills sold in blisters, tubes or jars. At the same time, the composition of this medicine includes such an active substance as nitrofural. In addition to him, such auxiliary components can also be found as:

  • wine acid;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • macrogol.

Before taking any medicine, it is necessary to determine what effect it has on the human body. So here Furaticyline is asepticcapable of destroying the proteins of pathogenic microorganisms. The remedy is very effective and in the treatment of various diseases of the fungal nature.

Many patients are interested in how to use Furacilin from? The scope of their application is quite extensive. At the same time, malicious bacteria during the use of the medication will not be allowed to be resistant to its active ingredients.

And this suggests that the drug will perfectly cope with its appointment even in one therapeutic course.

Features of applying adults

These effervescent pills are able to provide independent effect At such groups of bacteria as staphylococci, streptococci and many other pathogenic organisms. At the same time, with the help of such a fund, you can not only rinse the oral cavity and the throat, but also rinse the wounds, breakdown, burn into the eyes and ears.

Tool is provided active impact on the body for six hours, Therefore, it is recommended to take it three times a day.

In order for the result from treatment to be maximum, it is not recommended after rinse the oral cavity to eat for about an hour. So the concentration of nutrients in damaged tissues will be the most optimal.

As soon as you prepare the solution, it will immediately need to apply it. Otherwise, active ingredients will simply lose their useful properties.

So, one-time dosage should be one tablet. Fill it in milliliters of purified water, and rinse your mouth and throat.

Use of children

Furatcilina Powder in Tablets you can use kids Even in the very early age. It is very important to explain to the baby, how to properly perform rinsing.

In no case can not swallow the prepared solution. The baby needs to dial a few cooked liquid into the oral cavity, and to carry out a rinse for a few seconds.

Such a procedure must be repeated until the medicine will end in the glass.

Important! Make sure that the kid does not swallow the cooked liquid and threw the head back during rinsing. Only in this position can be well handled the damaged surface of the throat.

Is it possible to use the drug during lactation and breastfeeding? In fact, Furatcilina pills when lactation can be usedHowever, only with external use.

After all, you should not forget that nitrofural, which is part of the medicine is an antibiotic, which can cause significant damage, both mother and baby.

Therefore, even despite the small dosage of Furancylin, rinse the mouth and the throat is still prohibited.

Before applying any antibiotic, be sure to advise with the attending physician, in order not to apply significant harm to your health.

Preparation of solution

Depending on how purpose you use furacyline (composition in tablets is described above), and a solution is prepared. It is usually done on the basis of water or alcohol.

Of course, in order to rinse the oral cavity and the throat, you need to use purified warm water. Dissolve one tablet in a hundred milliliters of water.

At the same time, do not worry if you see the sediment at the bottom of the glass, because the tablet simply will not be able to completely dissolve.

But with the help of alcohol solution usually wash your ears when otitis. But even in this case, the alcohol must be diluted with purified water. Take two parts of the alcohol and mix it with one part of the water. Measure thirty-three milliliters of the resulting liquid and dissolve the tablet in it.

When processing outdoor wounds, you can use both alcohol and aqueous solution. What exactly is suitable for you, will say your attending physician.

Most often, the course of treatment is about three days, but each case is individual, so sometimes treatment lasts a little longer.

Indications for use

Very many people are interested in the question, from which Furacilin helps.

In fact, the sphere of their application is very extensive, because they are intended not only for rinsing the throat, but also various diseases Orthodox cavity, ears, eyes and skin.

Also means excellent changes even with the most severe wounds and burnsand also able to fight purulent processes in the body.

Adverse reactions

From which Furacilin helps, we have already disassembled. Now it is worth understanding that the use of this medication can be used to how negative phenomena. Most often, the use of the antibiotic is very well tolerated by patients.

However, the improper dosage of furaticiline medication can lead to undesirable phenomena. Most often, patients complained about the emergence of allergic reactions, as well as on irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and throat.

As soon as you notice any manifestations of adverse reactions, contact the medical institution immediately.


The method of applying data of tablets primarily depends on disturbing patient diseases. But before using an absolutely any medical device, it is very important to consult with an experienced specialist. After all, it is possible to use it impossible. And so, consider when this means is contraindicated:

  • it is impossible to use furacilin if there are strong bleeding in the body;
  • also, the means is contraindicated in patients having g iperchitivity to any componentsincluded in this medicine;
  • it is impossible to use tablets in dermatoses of allergic etiology;
  • the medicine is prohibited to use lactating and pregnant women.

Overdose Furatcilina

In fact, this medicinal agent is relatively safe. However, overdose may cause the development of a large number of side effects.

Quite often an overdose by such a substance as nitrofural leads to problems from digestive system. Patients complain of nausea, vomiting, as well as pain in the abdomen.

Sometimes occur Fevering condition, anemia and allergies. In any case, at first symptoms of overdose it is very important to apply to the medical institution and wash the stomach.

In addition, symptomatic treatment may be appointed.

The main analogues of Furancylina

To date, there are a large amount of medicines capable of replacing the effervescent pills Furacilin. They have a similar effect on the body, but to appoint them themselves independently and take a doctor without a knowledge of it is strictly prohibited.

Most often, experienced professionals appoint their patients an analogue of this drug from the following list:

  • Lifusol;
  • Combutek-2;
  • Furacin-lobe and many others.

They all are in their composition same active substanceTherefore, their influence on the body is similar.

The method of using furaciline in tablets is described in detail in this article. If you want to maximize yourself to protect yourself during the course of treatment with this medicine, carefully follow the conditions in which the drug is located.

According to the instructions for use, the medication can be kept in a cool ventilated room for five years. At the same time, make sure that the straight sun rays do not fall on the packaging with the medicine.

Consider the wrong storage conditions as much as possible the term of the drug.

How to cook a solution of furacilina at home / Horn / sore throat / sorry / pharyngitis / tonsillitis / prevention

How to prepare a solution of furaciline from tablets


Finally, I would like to say that your health is in your hands, so they are already doing today. Contact specialists at the first signs of diseases. After all, any pathology is much easier to heal on the most early stage. Take care of yourself, and then you will not need any drugs.

A source:

How to prepare a solution of furaciline?

Furatsiline Avexima application for use contains all the most important information about the composition, properties and forms of production of an effective antiseptic drug based on nitrofural, which is now presented in a hip form.

Also, it is also possible to find out what Furacilin helps, which threatens its overdose, on how to apply this tool, how to prepare a solution of furaciline, about its use in breastfeeding, as well as possible contraindications and side effects.

Forms of release and composition of the drug Furatsiline Avexim

Furacilin, being one of the most efficient and affordable antimicrobial drugs, has been successfully used in medicine for many years.

The liquid with a characteristic yellow color has long been used to rinse the throat, as well as for disinfecting processing of wounds, scratches and abrasion.

The only disadvantage of classic furacin in tablets was problematic breeding it in water.

Nitrofural is used as the main active substance in all forms of the antiseptics - highly efficient antimicrobial means of local action.

The most popular form of release is Furacilin Avexim Evilichi, which is characterized by the following composition:

Makroogol (E1521) Wine Acidantrofural (or Nitrofrazon) in the amount of 20 MHSODANTRATITIVE Salt of coalic acid

For these tablets, yellow color is typical. They are packaged in jars or packs of 10, 20, 25 and 30 pieces.

Other forms of this antiseptic have the following characteristics:

Indications for use

The main active substance of the hip preparation Furatcin Avexim, nitrofural, has a pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

It is characterized by the ability to destroy many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, an intestinal wand, Salmonella, Streptococcus and Stafilakokok.

This drug has the following testimony to use:

  • Alarg, tonsillitis and pharyngitis;
  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • Purulent wounds and strip suppurations;
  • Scratches, abrasions and other damage to the skin;
  • Otitis and other diseases of the ears;
  • Burns of the second and third degree;
  • Prolesidery.

In addition, ordinary and effervescent tablets are accepted inside with acute form of dysentery, as well as after the recent transfer of this disease.

The alcoholic solution of furacilic acid is effective at various lesions of the middle ear.

A furacilic ointment effectively helps in injuries of mucous membranes, inflammatory processes in the field of the eyelids, as well as in burns or frostbite of various sections of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of furaciline of a hip-based nitrofural practically does not exist, with the exception of dermatosis and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The mechanism of action of the drug Furacin Avexim is softer and gentle compared to many other antibiotics.

With external and internal use, it is easily transferred, but in rare cases there are versions, disorders of the digestive tract, a decrease in appetite, allergic reactions and dermatitis.

How to make a solution of furaciline?

It should be sorted out how to prepare a solution of furaciline in all the rules.

The pharmacy offers a ready-made option, but this medicinal tool is easy to prepare on their own.

For the preparation of an aqueous solution, using a fuzzy furacilin Avexima, it is necessary to simply dissolve the tablet in 100 milliliters of warm boiled water.

In the liquid, the presence of small undisguised particles is possible - this phenomenon is absolutely normal, since the active substance of the drug (nitrofural) is practically insoluble in water.

If a regular furancylin tablet is used, it must be pre-tightened into powder, and then pour over a liter of warm water. This method of preparation requires the mandatory sterilization of the solution before applying.

In order to prepare an alcohol solution, one hip tablet in 33 milliliters of a mixture consisting of two parts of medical alcohol and one piece of boiled water should be breeded.


Rules and features of application

Ways to use the drug Furaticyline Avexim differ depending on diseases and states.

With angina, tonsillitis and other throat diseases are recommended to use an aqueous furacilin mixture for rinsing with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

For one day, no more than ten such procedures are allowed. The optimal number is five. It is also effective to use tablets for resorption and a special spray with furacilin for the treatment of ENT diseases.

From a cold and other diseases The nasal sinuses should be used furacilin in drops. You can also prepare a means for these purposes, soluble 1 tablet in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. The resulting solution should irrigate the nasal sinuses with an ordinary pipette.

In conjunctivitis The solution cooled to room temperature should be strain through sterile gauze. Then wrench in it a cotton swab and gently rinse the mucous membrane of the eye towards the external corner to the internal.

The concentration of furaticiline for rinsing wounds should be 3%. If it is higher, there is a strong burn of the skin. For the impregnation of the gauze tampon, it is necessary to use an absolutely sterile solution.

With burns Milk Furatcilina tablet in water follows 1: 5000 proportions. If you arise allergic reactions to this drug, it is possible to replace it with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of a rivocolon.

With outdoor otitis It is necessary to bury in the ears of 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution. This will ensure effective disinfection of external hearing aisters.

Furacilina's difference from Frasola

Many are interested in what is the difference between Furacola and Furalastic from Furatcilina, and whether these drugs are analogues.

Frasol- This is a fuzidine based drug, which is produced in powder form and has brown color. It has an antimicrobial effect and suppresses the development of staphylococci, streptococci, as well as gram-negative sticks.

Furalastic is not related to medicines, it is a chemical concentrate, widely used in the speed and intended for softening and stretching the skin.

Features of the use of furaciline for children

Children's age is not a contraindication to the use of furacin, but it is not recommended to apply it to children inside.

The kids are prescribed a furaciline solution on a water basis for rinsing the throat, however it is necessary to comply with certain safety rules.:

  • Child in no case should not swallow even the slightest amount of the mixture;
  • At the beginning of the procedure, he must breathe a spout;
  • The duration of one rinse should not exceed 5 minutes;
  • After rinse, the baby must slip the solution and make some deep breaths;
  • This procedure can be repeated from two to six times.

Is it possible to use a fuzzy furacilin aexim during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Formally, the instruction for use does not prohibit furaciline to be treated during pregnancy and feeding the baby breast.

But when ringed the throat, a certain amount of this drug, which is an antibiotic, can penetrate the gastrointestinal tract and subsequently harm the baby. To this not happen, it is necessary to comply with extreme caution.