Guava leaves. Guava - useful properties and contraindications, calorie content, composition

Guava is an evergreen tree, reaching 10 m in height in nature. But when grown artificially, this plant turns out to be more compact. Its height in captivity is not more than 4 m.

What does guava look like and where does it grow?

Guava has a thin trunk with branches on the sides. There are leaves on them. Guava leaves grow up to 6-15 cm in length. They are glossy on top and velvety on the bottom. The leaves do not fall off even in winter.

This plant blooms 1-2 times a year. The flowering period can last from 3 to 5 months. After its completion, the fruits of the guava are formed. Their shape, size, pulp color and taste depend on the variety. Without knowing what this fruit looks like, people often cannot identify it.

Guava fruits are similar to apples, pears or zucchini. Depending on the variety, their sizes range from 3-15 cm. The outer color of the fruit can be bright green, burgundy or pale green. The rind of the fruit appears to be thick, like a lemon, but is actually very thin.

Optical illusion is associated with the pimpled surface of the peel.

The fruits of different varieties of this tree differ not only in the color of the peel, but also in the shade of the pulp. The fruit in the cut can be cream, red, yellow, cherry or pink. Inside the pulp there are up to 500 seeds. But this figure also depends on the variety, as well as the taste of the fruit. Some plant varieties have no seeds at all.

Guava was first found in Peru in the 16th century. Over time, the tree took root in North America, Thailand and Africa, where it still grows. This representative of the flora feels good in the tropical zone and in the south of the subtropics.

Guava season in Thailand

In Thailand, guava is sold in all markets all year round. The local population prefers to pick unripe fruits because they are better stored. In Thailand, guava is used as a main dish and desserts.

The main course refers to the pulp flavored with pepper or salt. For the preparation of desserts, ripe fruit is taken, peeled, cut into pieces and aged in syrup. In this form, guava is similar to candied fruit (in appearance and taste).

If you want to stock up on fruit pulp and bring it home, buy dried or cured products. It can be stored for a very long time without losing its beneficial properties and retaining its aroma and taste.

Popular varieties

There are over 100 species of this plant. Some of them are artificially bred. The most popular guava varieties are:

  1. Red Indian is a sweet fruit with red flesh.
  2. Redland is another sweet guava with white flesh.
  3. Supreme is a sweet and sour fruit with white flesh. The sour taste is associated with an increased content of ascorbic acid.
  4. Kettley is a fruit with red flesh and strawberry flavor.
  5. Giant - guava with fruits weighing up to 0.5 kg.
  6. Cas is a fruit from which cocktails and desserts are made.
  7. Coronilla is a fruit saturated with vitamin C. Guava of this variety is used for making ice cream and juices.

Guava composition and calories

Guava satisfies hunger well and saturates the body with useful substances. It serves as a source of energy for internal organs. Therefore, people eat guava not only as a delicious dessert, but also as a dietary product.


The fruits of this plant are not in vain considered dietary. They contain about 70 kcal per 100 g of edible pulp. Fruit is used in weight loss diets and diabetics.

Patients who have undergone serious illnesses will find it useful to learn how to eat guava to restore strength. For this purpose, dried or dried fruits are suitable. Their caloric content is 3 times higher. Eat these fruits daily until you feel better. But remember that they are not suitable for weight loss due to their high calorie content.

The nutritional value

Each 100 g of guava fruit contains approximately:

  • 2.75 proteins;
  • 9.95 carbohydrates;
  • 1.46 fat;
  • 1.55 ash;
  • 5.4 grams of fiber.

The fruits of this plant are very juicy. Each of them has about 4/5 water, if you calculate its amount from the volume of the entire fruit.


Guava is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its fruits contain:

Vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, beta-carotene, choline, K. Compared with citrus fruits, there is much more vitamin C in guava.

  • Iron;
  • Manganese;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Magnesium;
  • Selenite sodium;
  • Copper;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium. This trace element is found in guava in a higher concentration than bananas.

All parts of the plant (including leaves, seeds and bark) are saturated with essential oils, fatty acids, lectins, pectin, carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins.

Why guava is good for you

Guava is used for medicinal, health and beauty purposes. It has a healing effect on the human body:

  • Stimulates the immune system (thanks to vitamin C).
  • Helps in the fight against dysentery and food poisoning. For these purposes, fruit pulp is used.
  • Relieves inflammation, including pneumonia.
  • It inhibits the growth of tumors and prevents the appearance of new ones. Best of all, guava helps with breast or prostate cancer. To treat the disease, you need to use the fruits of the plant.
  • Normalizes the function of the thyroid gland and restores the production of blood cells (due to the increased content of copper).
  • Helps in the fight against stress and strain.
  • Improves digestion and relieves constipation. To normalize digestion, you need to swallow the bones whole. Guava is also effective for diarrhea if you drink tea from its roots.
  • Accelerates the treatment of colds. The beneficial properties of this plant help to reduce fever and eliminate cough. Guava also helps with sore throat by gargling with juices from unripe fruit. The juice can be replaced with a decoction of the sludge of the leaves if you do not have fresh fruits.
  • Normalizes heart rate and breathing.
  • Improves vision and prevents cataracts from developing.
  • Reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Tropical guava serves as a good prevention of thrombosis.
  • Disinfects wounds and promotes their healing. On the wounds, you need to apply a gruel from crushed leaves. For toothaches, it is recommended to chew fresh guava leaves.
  • Promotes normal sugar absorption.
  • Strengthens the vascular walls.
  • Relieves epileptic seizures and convulsions.

Guava is also used in cosmetology. Masks are made from its pulp to narrow pores and remove excess sebum. A decoction of the leaves or fruit rind is also beneficial. They are washed to refresh the face.

Guava harm

The benefits and harms of these fruits are of interest to all buyers, without exception. People know that the benefits of plants are often accompanied by side effects. In the case of the guava, this is out of the question. The fruits and leaves of the tree are absolutely safe. The main thing is that you follow simple rules:

  1. Don't eat a lot of pulp if you have allergies. Try a small piece of fruit first to test your body's response.
  2. Didn't eat too much guava at one time. Do not eat more than 1 kg of fruit. This can lead to diarrhea.
  3. Don't eat unripe guava if you have adrenal gland problems or kidney stones.

Eating large amounts of sweet pulp is not recommended for diabetics. In them, guava provokes an increase in blood glucose levels.

Guava and guayava: what's the difference

If you are offered to buy guava instead of guava, don't be alarmed. They are one and the same fruit. It has other names by which the plant is known in different countries... The term "guayava" originated from the Latin classification. In Latin, the name of the plant sounds like "Psidium guajava".

How fruit is eaten

If you've never tried guava before, read reviews for this fruit. People write that the fruit of the plant tastes differently, depending on the variety. Their flesh can resemble strawberries, needles, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries or lemon. The palatability is especially pronounced in fresh fruit.

The guava is cut into slices and served on skewers or cut in two and the pulp is removed with a spoon. This fruit is eaten peeled or peeled. For recovery, it is better to take unripe fruits and eat them with the skin.

But keep in mind that the skin of an unripe guava has a bitter taste. If you bought the fruit from the supermarket, it is best to peel it. Large shops treat fruits with antibiotics and wax for long-term storage. Therefore, you can eat the whole product only when you buy it on the market in Thailand or other countries where it grows.

You don't need to spit out fruit seeds. They cleanse the stomach well and saturate the body with essential oils and iodine. Swallow guava seeds whole without biting into them. These bones are very hard. You can damage your teeth with them.

What can you cook

Guava is used to make jelly, jam, salads, sauces. Ice cream is poured over her juice. These fruits are simply boiled, making compotes from them. They are added marinated to fish and meat dishes.

Smoothies are made from this fruit - a diet cocktail. To prepare it, you need to take 1 guava, 1 apple (it must be crumbly), 7 strawberries, 100 g of milk. The fruit is peeled and finely chopped. Then they are placed in a blender, poured over with milk and whisked for 20 seconds. The finished drink can be garnished with lime and mint.

Guava is also made delicious appetizer by simple recipe... Prepare 300g cooked chicken fillet, half an avocado, 2 guavas, and lettuce. Cut the fruit into slices and beat in a blender with 2 cloves of garlic and juice from half a lemon. Place the salad leaves on a plate, place the chicken and fruit puree on top of them.

If you love cottage cheese, you will love the following sweet dessert. To prepare the dish, you need to take 150 g of cottage cheese (fatty), 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 large guavas (seedless variety), a handful of strawberries.

Wash the guava, cut it in half and gently scoop out the contents with a spoon. You should have walls up to 1 cm thick. Take cottage cheese, mix it with honey and guava pulp. Whisk the mixture with a blender and place in the fruit rind baskets. Decorate the dish with strawberries.

Guava frieze

In hot weather, you can make a cold guava drink. You will need 300 g of this fruit pulp, 125 g of orange juice, 3 tablespoons of lime juice, 4 mint leaves, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 200 g of ice.

Having prepared the listed products, proceed as follows:

  1. Mash the pulp of the fruit to make a smooth puree.
  2. Mix the mixture with orange and lime juice.
  3. Season the drink with salt and stir.
  4. Pour the cocktail into glasses, add ice and garnish with mint leaves.

Guava diet

The low calorie content of guava makes this product suitable for diet nutrition. If you decide to change your diet in order to lose weight or are going to periodically arrange fasting days, a guava will suit you.

It has no contraindications (except for individual intolerance) and easily replaces breakfast, lunch or dinner. This fruit:

  1. Neutralizes hunger for at least 4 hours. This long-lasting effect is due to the high amount of fiber in the fruit pulp.
  2. Dulls the desire to eat pastries and sweets. Guava tastes sweet itself. By consuming it, you will forget about high-calorie confectionery.
  3. Improves mood and invigorates. The fruits of the plant contain nutrients and vitamin C in large quantities. These components help to get rid of depression and feel the influx of new strength.

A guava-based diet is about more than just fresh fruit. You can make an extract (juice) and stir with milk. This drink is very tasty and healthy. The fruits can be mixed with biokefir, low-fat yogurt, and oatmeal.

Where and at what price to buy

Guava is rarely sold in supermarkets, but you can easily find this product in online stores. Its cost will depend on the way the fruit is processed and stored. Fruit can be fresh or dried. They are often sold in syrup or puree.

Guava fruit how to choose and store

When buying fruits on the market, you do not need to choose them by color. It depends on the variety of the plant, not on the ripeness. Pay attention to damage to the skin. If the skin has brown spots or dents, then the fruit is already spoiling.

If the fruit is stored for a long time in the warehouse, their peel wrinkles. Choose only guava with shiny, firm skin. It shouldn't be too soft. Better to take unripe fruits that will not deteriorate during transport.

Store the product in fresh better in the refrigerator. In the cold, it does not deteriorate for about a month. In the absence of a refrigerator, ripe fruit should be used within a few days. You can freeze the fruit immediately if needed. In this form, they remain useful for months.

The tropical apple came to us from distant Mexico and America, in addition, it took root well in other countries, especially in India and Africa. What is this miracle, the guava fruit? Let's get to know him better, because some exotic lovers have managed to grow a foreigner even at home, and for this it is worth knowing at least a little about what the culture is and what requirements it has.

The scientific name of the plant is no less exotic and sounds like "psidium".

Botanical characteristic

Guava is a medium-sized fruit tree with a spreading crown, the height of which is 4 m. In natural conditions, it can reach 10 m, but in captivity it has a more compact size. Guava belongs to the myrtle family, where it is a representative of the class of dicotyledonous plants from the angiosperms department.

Guava leaves do not fall even in winter. Five months after flowering (sometimes three), large fruits weighing up to 160 g ripen on the tree. By the way, the flowering bush looks very impressive with its white inflorescences. The tree bears fruit quite richly: up to 100 kg of fruit can be harvested from one crop. There is also a second wave of fruiting, but in this case, the size of fruits and their number is half.

Taste qualities of exotic

Guava looks like a cross between an apple and a pear. The fruits are rounded, like an apple, or slightly elongated, like a pear. The dense bumpy skin resembles citrus fruits, but in yellow fruits it looks more like a quince.

As the fruits ripen, they turn yellow or burgundy, but some species remain green. Ripe fruits spread a strong lemon scent around them.

The thicker the peel of a guava, the more bitter it is, while the sweetest fruits are those with a thin skin.

The flesh of the fruit is quite dense and juicy; small hard seeds of yellow color are hidden inside. There are a lot of them, more than 100 pieces in one fruit, covered with a hard shell on top, and therefore some difficulties arise when growing guava by seed method.

To have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the fruits look like, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo of guava fruits:

It is very difficult to answer unequivocally what the taste of guava is like. It depends on the specific variety. Most species have white pulp, but there are varieties in which it is pinkish, yellow and even red. For example, varieties with red fruits are more like raspberries, while their skin has a coniferous flavor. But strawberry guava, accordingly, has a taste with a slight pineapple aftertaste. But regardless of the variety, ripe psidium is very sweet. Unripe fruits are sour, and they are not recommended to be consumed.

Green fruits can not only cause digestive upset, but also have a negative effect on kidney function.

How is guava eaten? The answer is unambiguous - only fresh. Long-term storage of fruits only worsens their taste, but they can still lie down in the refrigerator for a day or two, but the freezer is a completely different matter. The only condition: the presence of a sealed package, since the fruit quickly absorbs odors.

Fresh fruits can be made from ripe fruits - it is also very tasty and sweet. Fresh or frozen fruits are added to various dishes or prepared from them and syrups, and from dried fruits original oriental cheese is obtained. Still juicy pulp can be marinated, and you get an original side dish for meat.

And a little more about eating whole fruits, namely, how to eat guava correctly. This is best done by cutting it into wedges. It is advisable to eat them along with the skins and seeds for maximum benefit. In this case, one should not forget that the peel can be bitter or with a coniferous taste (then it is better to cut it off), and the seeds have a hard shell. Therefore, we eat carefully, swallowing them whole, and you can gnaw them if you are sure of the strength of your teeth.

Not a fruit, but a vitamin bomb

Guava fruits, despite their sweetness, contain only 69 kcal, but they contain more than enough vitamins and trace elements. Among them:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin of group B, A, C and PP.

As in other fruits, guava contains the most water (80.7 g per 100 g of pulp), but there are only 17.4 carbohydrates, while the share of dietary fiber is 5.4 g.

What are the benefits of a tropical apple?

Due to the rich complex of nutrients, psidium is recommended to be used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, namely:

  • with gastrointestinal problems;
  • for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the throat;
  • with lung diseases;
  • to relieve seizures and epileptic seizures;
  • with heart disease.

The beneficial properties of guava fruit also relate to its peel: it contains antioxidants in an amount that exceeds their composition in the pulp of the fruit itself. Eating guava whole, together with the skin, helps relieve pain and spasms, helps relieve inflammation and acts as an antineoplastic agent in combination with the main therapy.

In addition to the juicy healthy pulp, medicinal purposes also use leaves. In folk medicine, decoctions from guava leaves are recommended to be taken for coughs, diseases of the oral cavity, dysentery. Herbal tea made from fresh leaves will help with frequent dizziness and will serve as an excellent tonic.

Can guava harm the body?

There are no direct contraindications to the use of an exotic fruit, however, precautions should be observed even despite the beneficial properties of guava. First of all, this applies to persons susceptible to allergic reactions.

With caution and in limited quantities, it is necessary to include guava in your diet for people with diabetes mellitus, because the use of sweet fruits, especially with the peel, causes a sharp jump in blood glucose.

You should not lean on juicy fruits even for absolutely healthy people - as you know, excess is not the norm, and eaten in large quantities can cause frustration, especially if the body tries them for the first time. The same effect will be after eating green fruits.

Is it possible to grow guava on your site?

Recently, many exotic fruits are found in local gardens, especially in the southern regions, where the warm climate is most consistent with their natural environment cultivation. However, growing guava at home in open ground here it is practically impossible, since the tree will not endure the Russian winter. Critical for him are already 3 degrees of frost. This is enough for even an adult tree to die.

But do not despair, because there is another option - to grow guava as a potted culture, especially if there is a winter garden where it will be warm and light. Of course, the tree will hardly please with a bountiful harvest of 100 kg, as well as its large size, but it is still possible to enjoy ecologically clean fruits using self-pollinated varieties for this.

Unlike most plants, which often suffer from various diseases, guava has natural immunity and more rarely. This is a definite plus in her favor, as it minimizes the use of chemicals for tree treatment and ensures a safe and tasty harvest.

As a houseplant, such a guava variety as the Littoral psidium, which is also coastal, is most suitable. Of the advantages of the variety, it is worth noting that it:

  • does not require pollination;
  • resistant to diseases and pests;
  • blooms beautifully with large white inflorescences;
  • bears fruit in small (4 cm in diameter), but tasty, yellow fruit with a strong aroma;
  • reproduces well both by seed and vegetative way.

Slightly less fruit in the Catley variety (only 2 cm), but they taste like strawberries. This variety is also suitable for growing guava as a houseplant.

Growing features

Some gardeners believe that seeds from fruits purchased for consumption in the domestic market or in a store are suitable material for its propagation. In some ways they are right, because they grow lemons and tangerines this way. But it is worth considering the fact that not all guava species are self-pollinated, there are also varieties among them that do not bear fruit without additional pollination, but this may already be a problem. It is best to purchase seed material in a special store - this way you will be sure that your tree will bear fruit, or use proven varieties.

When planting, do not forget that the seeds have a hard shell. To speed up and facilitate germination, they must be soaked for 2-3 hours in a growth regulator. In addition, it will not hurt to scratch the seeds a little with sandpaper - this will make it easier for the sprout to hatch.

For growing seedlings, it is better to use a greenhouse or greenhouse, because they need a sufficiently high temperature, at least 24 degrees Celsius. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds, it is enough just to sow them on top of the loose soil and lightly sprinkle with sand. When the seedlings grow up and reach a height of about 5 cm, they must be pinched and transplanted into separate pots.

How to care for a home guava?

Further care for the guava indoor fruit is simple and includes:

  • annual spring transplantation of young plants with a change of the flowerpot to a more spacious one;
  • moderate watering, not allowing the soil to completely dry out and not bringing it to the state of a swamp;
  • regular bathing in the shower or abundant spraying;
  • complex mineral dressing once a month during the growing season.

Psidium, although unpretentious, requires two things: light and heat. In the room, he should be assigned the most lighted place, and for the summer it should be exposed to the open air. The winter content of the plant is somewhat different: for this period, the frequency of watering is reduced and the temperature is reduced to 20-16 degrees Celsius.

With the arrival of spring, you can begin to form a beautiful crown at the bush, but it should be borne in mind that it bears fruit on young shoots. But it is better to remove the root processes in time in order to prevent thickening. One of the forming methods is pinching the top of the branches - this stimulates branching and prevents the trunk from stretching.

As you can see, the guava fruit is not only very tasty and healthy. Its simple and undemanding nature makes the exotic plant into a home plant, which will not be difficult to grow. Plant some bushes in your home to pamper your loved ones with juicy fruits. And in conclusion, I would like to add that this ornamental evergreen plant is also capable of purifying the air in the house, taking care of your health.

Guava is a small evergreen tree up to 3-4 m high, belongs to the myrtle family, tolerates drought well. It blooms once or twice a year. It gives one main crop - up to 100 kg per tree and 2-4 additional, much smaller crops.

Guava ripens ninety to one hundred and fifty days after flowering. The shape and size of the fruit is extremely variable. Guava looks like a lumpy apple of green or yellow color. The fruits are round and pear-shaped, with a bright yellow, reddish or green thin skin. Fruit weight of cultivated varieties is from 70 to 160 g, fruit length is from 4 to 6.5 cm, diameter is 4.8-7.2 cm.

The homeland of the guava is South and Central America, presumably Peru. In any case, the Spaniards found it in Peru and Colombia and spread it almost throughout the tropical zone. Guava is common in tropical and some subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, South and North America.

Calorie content of guava

The calorie content of guava is 68 kcal per 100 g of product. When consumed in moderation, it will not cause excess weight.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Benefits of guava

Guava contains a lot of vitamins, and especially, up to 10 times more than citrus fruits (240 mg per 100 grams), so they are recommended to be used to strengthen the lymphatic system and to raise the general tone in the body.

Guava is very rich in fiber, protein and fat, calcium, phosphorus and iron. According to European nutritionists, guava is a wonderful, important and absolutely irreplaceable element that underlies baby food and the diet of expectant mothers, a product that strengthens the immune system and perfectly restores strength.

Guava has an astringent, bactericidal and antispasmodic effect. It is consumed together with seeds or cut, like apples. Ripe guava can be eaten with the peel (thin but bitter in taste). It improves digestion, stimulates the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

This is the only fruit in the world in which the vitamin C content is several times higher than that of oranges. Therefore, guava fruits are recommended for strengthening the body's lymphatic system and increasing its overall tone.

On the islands of the West Indies, guava fruits are eaten against epileptic seizures and seizures, in Brazil - for diarrhea, in the Philippines - for heart diseases, in Panama - against bronchitis, asthma, sore throat and lungs, and in Israel, simply because they prefer tasty and healthy food.

Guana leaf tea helps with stomach upsets, dysentery and dizziness, and also regulates menstrual cycles.

Crushed guava leaves are applied to fresh and abscess wounds. They are also chewed for toothache. A decoction of the leaves is used as a cough suppressant, for gargling, as well as for diseases of the oral cavity. The broth is used as an antipyretic agent and for skin diseases.

Ripe guava has a pleasant and very strong scent. If such a guava is introduced into a smoky room, its smell will drown out the smell of tobacco.

Guava makes excellent jams and jellies, due to the high pectin content in the fruit, as well as juices, salads, jellies, syrups, purees and quince-like paste. Guava can be canned, spiced, butter, jam, pies, ketchup, or chutney.

Guava jelly, which can be spread on bread or served with venison or roast pork, is delicious and healthy. Jelly is very easy to make: it requires the fruit itself, lemon juice and sugar. Guava can also be used as a substitute for apples that do not grow in Thailand and make wonderful purees, compotes and pie filling. Guava is ideal for baking fillings.

Jam is made from the fruit of the guava. Guava is used in ice cream. The fruits are added to waffles, puddings, milkshakes. Due to its sugary consistency, guava is combined with sweet, sweet and sour fruits, as well as with all dairy products.

Dangerous properties of guava

Excessive consumption of guava (more than 1 kg at a time) can cause stomach upset.

People who are prone to allergies need to eat guava carefully.

Also, unripe guava fruits should not be eaten for those who have a tendency to form kidney stones.

Anyone who wants to learn how to eat guava properly, as well as see it in section, will be interested to watch this video.

Guava is an exotic fruit that many have compared to a regular apple. And, despite its unassuming appearance, the fruit is distinguished by its excellent taste. In addition, it is a storehouse of useful substances, which makes it suitable for use not only by adults, but also by children. Experts believe that guava can be eaten by young children and pregnant women.

Guava - what it is and how it looks

Guava is an evergreen tree approximately 4 meters high and belongs to the myrtle family.

Describing the plant, it can be noted:

  • The leaves are oval in length up to 16 cm and are painted in a deep green color;
  • Guava fruits are slightly lumpy, have a thin skin, despite the apparent density. The color of the peel depends on the varietal affiliation of the plant - it can be yellow, raspberry or light green. The mass reaches an average of about 100 g. And the diameter is about 12 cm;
  • The pulp is rather loose in structure and soft. The color can also be different - yellow, pink or burgundy. The taste is rich, sweet. True, unripe fruits have a pronounced sourness. Small grain-seeds are present;
  • Fruiting occurs several times a year. One is the main one, with a more abundant mass of fruit. And 2 more with less fruitfulness.

Where does guava grow

The homeland of the guava is Central America. True, the range extends to the northern regions of South America. But here the plant is less diverse. With cultivation, it was also brought to southeast Asia and some regions of northern Africa and Oceania. For example, in Thailand, guava is called farang and here it bears fruit almost all year round.

In this country, the fruit is the main one for consumption by most of the population. It is used not only raw, but also numerous desserts are prepared from it, candied fruits are dried or dried slices are made.

Popular guava varieties

To date, more than 100 tree species have been bred. But nevertheless, the most popular are 2 varieties, which are distinguished by the highest taste qualities of the fruit part:

  • Strawberry guava. The variety has a yellow skin and flesh of the same color. A highlight is the light strawberry aroma.
  • Guayava. The fruits of this variety are larger and have a creamy pink or red flesh.
  • The giant guava is grown exclusively in Thailand. Its fruits can reach a weight of 500 g. But, the taste is somewhat inferior to the first two varieties.

Biochemical composition of guava

Exotic fruit not only tastes good, it also has a number of beneficial properties. It contains in large quantities:

  • Vitamin A and group B.
  • There is more vitamin C than citrus fruits.
  • In addition, there is vitamin E and K.
  • Of the minerals, most of all are potassium, phosphorus, calcium and copper. Less amounts of zinc, selenium and manganese are contained.
  • A large amount of pectin has the most beneficial effect on the body and especially on the digestive tract.
  • Essential oils help to eliminate pathogenic microflora, harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Flavonoids, tannins and fatty acids have the most beneficial effects on the body.
  • The carbonyl components in guava give it that unique taste.

The benefits of guava

Guava is both a delicacy and a medicine for different age groups of people. Even official medicine recognizes the benefits and health benefits of eating the fruit. Here's what you can achieve by using this fruit regularly in your menu:

  • Stimulate immunity.
  • The bones can relieve constipation and optimize the digestion process.
  • The pulp relieves the symptoms of dysentery.
  • In case of poisoning, this food product is able to quickly restore the full functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Fruit juice can help with angina and any infections that develop on the oral mucosa.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is effective to use the pulp of the fruit for various inflammatory processes of the body, for example, with pneumonia.
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • The heart rate becomes correct.
  • If you regularly eat the fruits of this product, then you can reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases... For people suffering from this terrible disease, guava is able to slow down the growth of cancer cells. The effect is especially effective in breast cancer and oral mucosa.
  • Effectively supports vision, especially in old age. This is due to the high amount of vitamin A.
  • The abundance of copper helps in efficient collagen production. And this contributes to the health of the cartilaginous structures in the joints. In addition, it does not maintain the epidermis in optimal condition, while maintaining the oval of the face.
  • Normalizes the thyroid gland.
  • Reduces stress levels.Therefore, if a person is depressed, guava is prescribed a couple of times a day.
  • Fruits are the strongest aphrodisiac that can increase libido not only in men, but also increase the passion of women.

Use in cosmetology

Guava is also called a tropical apple. From her in their homeland, women often make different recipes to maintain their own beauty. Here are the most popular uses for skin, hair and nails:

  • Skin masks reduce oil production, thereby reducing the level of oily sheen.
  • The pulp applied raw to the face tightens the pores. In addition, the view becomes fresher and more rested.
  • If you make a decoction of guava leaves, then you can wash with this composition. True, it is almost impossible to get them in our conditions, therefore it is recommended to use the peel of unripe fruit for the same purposes.
  • If you rinse your scalp and hair with freshly squeezed guava juice, you can achieve amazing shine.

This effect is achieved due to tannins, fatty acids, a rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Useful properties of the fruit

Guava possesses:

  • Astringent effect.
  • Spasmolytic properties.
  • Bactericidal action.
  • A positive effect on the nervous system due to the rich composition and amount of vitamin B.
  • Increases blood flow to the brain.
  • If a person has natural unhealthy thinness or is prone to anorexia, then guava will help solve the problem.
  • And most importantly, using this exotic fruit, you can avoid the appearance of type II diabetes.
  • If you want to eliminate the smell and taste of tobacco in the room, you can put a few cut fruits in the room.

Harm from the use of an exotic fruit

Among most exotic fruits, guava is the least harmful and insidious among the rest of the tropical representatives. It should be carefully used only by those who:

  • Prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, if a person has such a deviation, then it is necessary to take it in small pieces.
  • When this fruit is used for the first time, it is necessary to very carefully introduce it into your diet. Starting with small doses, you can gradually increase its amount later.
  • If too much of the pulp is eaten at one time, diarrhea may result.
  • Unripe fruits are undesirable for those people who suffer from various functional abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • If the fruit bites along with the bones, you need to be careful so that the hard seeds do not damage the teeth.

What does guava taste like?

Fruits that have a slightly soft texture and are the same to the touch have the best taste. It is very difficult to say unequivocally what the taste of this exotic is like. It is both sweet and slightly sour. Most often people associate it with a combination of pineapple and strawberries. Some, instead of strawberries, feel notes of raspberries or strawberries. Thanks to the mild acidity, others have an association with lemon.

If we talk about the taste of the skin, then here you can feel the smack of pine needles.

How to use

Fresh guava fruits will be an ideal option - they retain the maximum of useful properties, vitamins are not destroyed. But also processed different ways exotics are also quite tasty. If desired, salads, desserts, ice cream additives or whipped cream can be prepared from the fresh fruit pulp. If the fruit has time to overripe, then it is better to cut it in half and remove the pulp with a teaspoon or tablespoon.

It is worth knowing that the unripe skin of the fruit can have a healing effect. It is for this reason that in the homeland of the tree, guava is eaten with its peel. But it is not recommended to do this when buying fruits in the supermarket. After all, they are treated with different chemical compositions to increase the shelf life.

The seeds are also beneficial for human health. They contain a lot of different trace elements, especially iodine. Essential oils also have many beneficial effects. Therefore, when peeling the pulp, do not get rid of the seeds. A more exotic way of using guava is to add pulp to meat dishes or savory salads.

What can be made with guava

Guava is most often eaten raw by cutting the flesh into slices. But, at the same time, you can cook the following dishes from this fruit:

  • Various types of compotes.
  • Cocktail with added milk.
  • Squeeze fresh juices.
  • Prepare fruit salads.
  • Add both whole fruit pieces and freshly squeezed juice from it to various alcoholic cocktails, making amazing exotic mixes.
  • By adding other ingredients, especially superfoods, you can get various tonics and energizers.
  • In combination with yoghurt, you can get different flavor combinations.
  • Fruit cocktails are also prepared from guava with the addition of citrus fruits, various berries, bananas, pineapples.
  • Can be used as pie filling. But it is worth considering that if you want to cut whole pieces, then it is better to choose dense fruits. If the filling is in the form of mashed potatoes, it is better to prefer soft ones.
  • Guava-based creams have excellent taste. They are used in a wide variety of cakes and rolls, especially those with an exotic look.
  • Ice cream is made on the basis of the fruits.
  • In the countries of Asia and Africa, wine is made from this exotic fruit.
  • In India, pieces of fruit are used to make chutney and eaten along with meat and fish.

How to store and choose an exotic fruit

You need to know that these fruits are not capricious in terms of storage. Therefore, they do not need to create special conditions:

  • At room temperature, it will be unchanged for several days;
  • If you need to increase the term, then they take it out to cool or put it in the refrigerator.

But before choosing, you need to know what distinguishes a ripe and juicy guava:

  • It doesn't have to be green and hard.
  • The shade of the skin is yellowish or a pinkish undertone predominates even on green.
  • In terms of its elasticity, the fetus has average indicators.
  • Too soft will be overripe, due to which some of the taste is lost. In addition, the peel in this case is covered with brown small specks.
  • You also need to smell the fruit. It should not give off unpleasant odors that are not typical of fruits.
  • If there is a need to keep the exotic for at least 2-3 days, it is advisable to choose slightly dense ones. In such a slightly immature state, they can be easily brought to the desired condition by placing them in a plastic bag along with apples. Within 12-15 hours, the guava will become soft and ripe.

Here are the most interesting things about this plant:

  1. Guava is called a tropical apple.
  2. Unripe fruits are used as intensively as ripe ones. Their only scope is medicine.
  3. The essential oil is used for flavorings.
  4. A planted adult tree can give its first harvest no earlier than 2 years after planting in the ground. And sometimes it takes a tree as long as 8 years to start bearing fruit.
  5. The number of seeds in one fruit can reach up to 600 pieces.

A large number of biochemical substances have the most beneficial effect on the human body, maintaining its health at a high level. Therefore, if possible, you should not refuse to use this fruit, especially since it tastes so good.

Guava, or Psidium (Latin Psidium) is a plant from the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). It is assumed that the original area of \u200b\u200bits distribution covered Mexico or Central America, tropical America and the Caribbean. As an agricultural crop, it began to be grown in subtropical and tropical Asia, in the southern United States and in tropical Africa.

Plants from the genus Psidium are now cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries. Since the middle of the 20th century, some varieties have been cultivated in Spain, in the coastal region of the Costa del Sol.

Photo: Guava on a branch

Depending on the species, psidiums are evergreen shrubs or small trees with gray and smooth bark. Their branches are covered with hairs. The leaves are lamellar, opposite, elliptical, 5–15 cm long and 3–6 cm wide. Relatively large white flowers are located separately or in pairs in the leaf axils. The ovary is four-five-celled or multi-chambered. Each chamber contains numerous ovules.

Fleshy fruits are ball-shaped to pear-shaped berries that contain seeds in a hard skin. At first they are green, and in mature form they acquire a color from yellow to burgundy and give off an intense fruity aroma. The fruits of wild plants contain many seeds and little pulp. In culture, on the contrary, there is more pulp. The peel of the berries is rough and bitter or soft and sweet. Its thickness depends on the variety.

Photo: cutaway Guava fruits

In producing countries, ripe guavas are processed immediately after harvest. They are stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks, and outside the refrigerator for several days. The fruits that are exported, like bananas, are harvested unripe. The genus Psidium includes 100 to 150 species. The most common of these is the common guava (Latin Psidium guajava), which is also called guava.

Interesting fact: In Africa, the leaves of the plant are used as a psychoactive agent. They are chewed during magical rituals and healing ceremonies.

What is guava

Guava is an evergreen plant in the myrtle family.

What does guava look like and where does it grow?

The tree does not really stand out against the general background of tropical fruit flora:

  • Height up to four meters, there are instances up to ten meters.
  • Guava leaves 12-16 cm long, dense green, slightly “fluffy” below, glossy from the face.
  • The pimpled rind appears to be thick, but is actually thin. It can be dense bitter or soft sweet. Its color is determined by the variety and where the tree grows - from pale green through yellow to deep crimson.
  • Guava fruits are similar to a lumpy apple: round or pear-shaped. Weight 75-160 grams, length and diameter 8-15 cm.
  • The pulp of ripe fruits is loose, soft, rich: yellow or like a watermelon - from pink to purple or burgundy. Lined with small seeds - from one hundred to five hundred grains per fruit.
  • Unripe specimens are sourish, ripe sweet.
  • The aroma is intense, but not cloying.
  • Fruiting several times a year: one main crop (up to a centner per tree) plus two or three additional, more meager ones.

America is considered homeland: Central plus North South. Trees strewn with fruits were discovered by the Spaniards during the Conquest. Today the tropics and southern outskirts of the planet's subtropics have been conquered by the exotic. There are plantations in Southeast Asia, Oceania, both Americas near the equator, in northern Africa.

Guava season in Thailand

The local name for the fruit is farang. For the country, this is an all-season product: you can come to taste it at any time of the year. However, Thais love the immature specimens that are flooded with local markets. In Thailand, the fruit is used in all forms for all dishes. Dish number one is the salted or peppered guava pulp. A favorite among desserts is peeled and pitted pieces cooked in sugar syrup. Peculiar candied fruits. Tourists are also offered a dried or dried product.

Popular varieties

There are over a hundred varieties of wood. The most popular guava varieties are guava and strawberry.

Strawberry - small (2.7-3.6 cm), with a scarlet or yellow skin, pulp of the same shade, smells of strawberries. The guayava is larger; peel, pulp - cream or red. In Thailand, the "giant guava" is grown. The fruits of this variety are pulled for half a kilogram.

Guava - what it is and how it looks

Guava is an evergreen tree approximately 4 meters high and belongs to the myrtle family.

Describing the plant, it can be noted:

  • The leaves are oval in length up to 16 cm and are painted in a deep green color;
  • Guava fruits are slightly lumpy, have a thin skin, despite the apparent density. The color of the peel depends on the varietal affiliation of the plant - it can be yellow, raspberry or light green. The mass reaches an average of about 100 g. And the diameter is about 12 cm;
  • The pulp is rather loose in structure and soft. The color can also be different - yellow, pink or burgundy. The taste is rich, sweet. True, unripe fruits have a pronounced sourness. Small grain-seeds are present;
  • Fruiting occurs several times a year. One is the main one, with a more abundant mass of fruit. And 2 more with less fruitfulness.

Guava fruit how to choose and store

The fruit is not particularly picky, it is easy to choose, save.

How to choose

The quality, ripeness of the fruit is identified by external signs. Ripe exotics are not green or hard. They have a yellowish, pinkish or red hue plus a slight softness. Overripe fruits are too soft, peel with brown spots.

It is easy to identify the condition of the fruit by smell. A ripe high-quality specimen cannot exude the "aroma" of homemade pickles, cabbage, and even more so of chemistry.

If you want to bring exotic fruits home, they choose unripe ones: they are easier to transport, and in a day or two they will ripen.

How to store

At room temperature, ripe exotics last for several days, greenish ones - for half a month. In the cold, the period increases to a month. The advantage of guava is to remain tasty and healthy even after freezing. It can be stored for months at subzero temperatures.

Selection and storage rules

It is very easy to choose a high-quality exotic fruit even in the absence of experience:

  1. Fresh guava should be covered with smooth, uniform yellowish skin without spots or dents.
  2. The fruit should be firm to the touch, but not firm.
  3. Fresh guava should have a pleasant strawberry-musky aroma.

Do not buy too soft, brownish, spotted fruit. It is also better to give up the odorless guava, most likely, the fruit is overripe.

Store psidium in the refrigerator on a vegetable shelf, in a dry plastic container or plastic bag. The temperature should not exceed 8 ° C, in which case the fruit can retain its beneficial properties and taste for up to 3 weeks.

The fruit is stored long enough under the right conditions.

How fruit is eaten

It is best to enjoy the fruits fresh, although the processed ones are also good. They peel and eat guava like an apple: peel the skin (or leave it), cut it in half with a knife or into slices. The pulp of the fruit is eaten with a fork, planted on skewers or biting off pieces. If the fruits are overripe, they are cut in half. Take out the pulp with a spoon. For seeds and skins, there are options:

  • Unripe skin is bitter, but curative. In ripe specimens, it is sweet and thin. If the fruits are bought "at home", they are eaten with the skin. Fruits from retail chains are treated with antibacterial drugs, coated with wax to keep their presentation longer. They must peel off the peel.
  • Seeds are also useful: they contain trace elements (especially iodine), essential oils. This is an excellent stomach scrub. Ripe fruits are eaten with them, but you do not need to bite through the bones so that your teeth do not suffer. Better to swallow whole.

Fresh exotics are consumed not only as an independent dish. They make salads, jellies, desserts, jams. Sherbets and ice cream are flavored with juice. They prepare compotes like from our apples. Pickled fruit adds spice to meat and fish dishes.

Harm from the use of an exotic fruit

Among most exotic fruits, guava is the least harmful and insidious among the rest of the tropical representatives. It should be carefully used only by those who:

  • Prone to allergic reactions. Therefore, if a person has such a deviation, then it is necessary to take it in small pieces.
  • When this fruit is used for the first time, it is necessary to very carefully introduce it into your diet. Starting with small doses, you can gradually increase its amount later.
  • If too much of the pulp is eaten at one time, diarrhea may result.
  • Unripe fruits are undesirable for those people who suffer from various functional abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • If the fruit bites along with the bones, you need to be careful so that the hard seeds do not damage the teeth.

What does guava taste like?

Fruits that have a slightly soft texture and are the same to the touch have the best taste. It is very difficult to say unequivocally what the taste of this exotic is like. It is both sweet and slightly sour. Most often people associate it with a combination of pineapple and strawberries. Some, instead of strawberries, feel notes of raspberries or strawberries. Thanks to the mild acidity, others have an association with lemon.

If we talk about the taste of the skin, then here you can feel the smack of pine needles.

How to use

Fresh guava fruits will be an ideal option - they retain the maximum of useful properties, vitamins are not destroyed. But exotics processed in different ways are also quite tasty. If desired, salads, desserts, ice cream additives or whipped cream can be prepared from the fresh fruit pulp. If the fruit has time to overripe, then it is better to cut it in half and remove the pulp with a teaspoon or tablespoon.

It is worth knowing that the unripe skin of the fruit can have a healing effect. It is for this reason that in the homeland of the tree, guava is eaten with its peel. But it is not recommended to do this when buying fruits in the supermarket. After all, they are treated with different chemical compositions to increase the shelf life.

The seeds are also beneficial for human health. They contain a lot of different trace elements, especially iodine. Essential oils also have many beneficial effects. Therefore, when peeling the pulp, do not get rid of the seeds. A more exotic way of using guava is to add pulp to meat dishes or savory salads.

Guava is most often eaten raw by cutting the flesh into slices. But, at the same time, you can cook the following dishes from this fruit:

  • Various types of compotes.
  • Cocktail with added milk.
  • Squeeze fresh juices.
  • Prepare fruit salads.
  • Add both whole fruit pieces and freshly squeezed juice from it to various alcoholic cocktails, making amazing exotic mixes.
  • By adding other ingredients, especially superfoods, you can get various tonics and energizers.
  • In combination with yoghurt, you can get different flavor combinations.
  • Fruit cocktails are also prepared from guava with the addition of citrus fruits, various berries, bananas, pineapples.
  • Can be used as pie filling. But it is worth considering that if you want to cut whole pieces, then it is better to choose dense fruits. If the filling is in the form of mashed potatoes, it is better to prefer soft ones.
  • Guava-based creams have excellent taste. They are used in a wide variety of cakes and rolls, especially those with an exotic look.
  • Ice cream is made on the basis of the fruits.
  • In the countries of Asia and Africa, wine is made from this exotic fruit.
  • In India, pieces of fruit are used to make chutney and eaten along with meat and fish.

How to store and choose an exotic fruit

You need to know that these fruits are not capricious in terms of storage. Therefore, they do not need to create special conditions:

  • At room temperature, it will be unchanged for several days;
  • If you need to increase the term, then they take it out to cool or put it in the refrigerator.

But before choosing, you need to know what distinguishes a ripe and juicy guava:

  • It doesn't have to be green and hard.
  • The shade of the skin is yellowish or a pinkish undertone predominates even on green.
  • In terms of its elasticity, the fetus has average indicators.
  • Too soft will be overripe, due to which some of the taste is lost. In addition, the peel in this case is covered with brown small specks.
  • You also need to smell the fruit. It should not give off unpleasant odors that are not typical of fruits.
  • If there is a need to keep the exotic for at least 2-3 days, it is advisable to choose slightly dense ones. In such a slightly immature state, they can be easily brought to the desired condition by placing them in a plastic bag along with apples. Within 12-15 hours, the guava will become soft and ripe.

Here are the most interesting things about this plant:

  1. Guava is called a tropical apple.
  2. Unripe fruits are used as intensively as ripe ones. Their only scope is medicine.
  3. The essential oil is used for flavorings.
  4. A planted adult tree can give its first harvest no earlier than 2 years after planting in the ground. And sometimes it takes a tree as long as 8 years to start bearing fruit.
  5. The number of seeds in one fruit can reach up to 600 pieces.

A large number of biochemical substances have the most beneficial effect on the human body, maintaining its health at a high level. Therefore, if possible, you should not refuse to use this fruit, especially since it tastes so good.

Guava composition and calories

This is a real find for gourmets, gourmets who want to keep their figure. It is good as a snack, as it saturates the body, suppressing hunger.


Fresh guava has a symbolic calorie content - 67-75 kcal per 100 g of pulp. It is included in the diet of dieters or diabetics. Dried, sun-dried fruits are three times higher in calories. They are not suitable for losing weight, but they are ideal to quickly regain strength.

The nutritional value

100 grams of pulp contains (g):

  • proteins - 2.62-2.75;
  • fat - 1.15-1.46;
  • carbohydrates - 8.97-9.95;
  • ash - 1.40-1.55.

Water takes up four-fifths of the volume, that is, 78-83 grams.


Guava contains a rich assortment of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances:

  • vitamins: A, group B (2, 5, 6, 9), C (an order of magnitude more than citrus), E, \u200b\u200bPP, choline, beta-carotene, K;
  • minerals: iron, zinc, selenium, sodium, manganese; especially a lot of potassium - up to 420 mg, copper - 235, phosphorus - 42, magnesium - 24, calcium - 19;
  • fruits, foliage, bark are rich in pectin, there are essential oils, alkaloids, carotenoids, fatty acids, saponins, flavonoids (including quercetin), lectins, tannins.

The "trademark" aroma of the fruit is the merit of carbonyl compounds.

Application in traditional medicine

Guava has no use in official medicine, but this does not mean that it does not have any beneficial qualities.

  1. Fruits are a very valuable food product that normalizes digestion and improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system. Guava helps to improve the overall tone of the body, strengthens the lymphatic system.
  2. The tannins, which are part of the guava fruit, help maintain the strengthening effect, so it can be used for digestive disorders. The fruits facilitate breathing by thinning and removing phlegm from the bronchi.
  3. Guava is widely used in traditional medicine. For example, guava oil is used for aromatherapy, as it has the strongest antimicrobial effect.
  4. Traditional healers use literally every part of the guava tree, from the fruit to the bark and leaves. Decoctions from the fruit support the body, help reduce fever and treat skin conditions.
  5. Brazilians use guava to treat diarrhea, Panamanians treat asthma, bronchial diseases, pneumonia of various types, and the common cold. In East India, guava is used to treat epileptic seizures and convulsive contractions, and in the Philippines, it is used to relieve heart and vascular diseases.
  6. Guava tea can relieve dizziness, cure indigestion and intestinal disorders, helps with dysentery and has a positive effect on the restoration of the menstrual cycle.
  7. Crushed guava leaves and juice heal open, fresh and festering wounds. Chewing the leaves of the plant reduces dental pain, restores the gums.

Why guava is good for you

Guava is a treat and a medicine. Its therapeutic effect is recognized by official medicine, healers in the East are prescribed to patients, and cosmetologists are using it.


Guava improves the functioning of the body physically and emotionally:

  • Vitamin C in large quantities is a powerful immune stimulant.
  • Bones, swallowed whole, relieve constipation, improve digestion. Tea from the roots of the plant stops diarrhea.
  • Seedless pulp is used to treat dysentery, food poisoning.
  • Juice of unripe fruits or decoction of leaves gargle with sore throat, other infections of the oral cavity; warm drink is given when coughing, as an antipyretic.
  • Exot is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for pneumonia.
  • Heart rate is debugged, blood pressure is normalized.
  • Fruits in the diet prevent or inhibit cancer. Especially effective is the effect on the cells of the prostate, mammary glands, oral cavity.
  • Vitamin A slows down the degradation of vision, prevents cataracts, and improves the general condition of the eyes.
  • The high content of copper helps in the production of collagen, normalizes the production of blood cells. Regulates the thyroid gland.
  • Cholesterol decreases, blood clots are prevented, blood pressure is lowered.
  • Fruit helps to overcome stress, cope with difficulties, overstrain at work.
  • The crushed leaves of this tree are applied to fresh wounds, abscesses, and chewed for toothache.

Unlike many other exotic species, guava is not prohibited in pregnancy or diabetes.


Tropical apple improves the condition of the skin, hair, makes them beautiful, healthy:

  • Pulp masks remove oily shine, tighten pores, and refresh the face.
  • You can wash your face with a decoction of leaves, peel or pulp of unripe fruits.
  • Rinse hair with freshly squeezed juice.

Guava juice is used to prepare various dishes, syrups and drinks. But what are its beneficial properties? Can it be consumed in its pure form?

  1. Guava juice has excellent bactericidal properties. The fruit contains substances that actively fight against harmful bacteria and viruses, and also help to remove harmful toxins from the human body.
  2. Natural juice is a great aid in losing weight. The high fiber content allows you to remove fats from the body, while saturating it and giving it a supply of strength and energy. To be successful, it is important to exercise along with drinking juice.
  3. Patients with type 2 diabetes can drink guava juice without harm to the body. It helps glucose to be properly absorbed in the blood and thereby lowers its content. The juice should be diluted with water before drinking.
  4. Guava juice helps to stop the development of cancer and cancerous tumors due to its high content of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body eliminate harmful free radicals. These radicals lead to cancer.
  5. Flu can also be cured by consuming guava juice. A large amount of vitamins helps the immune system to recover and promotes a speedy recovery.
  6. Guava juice, like fruit and syrup, helps to improve the condition of the skin and get rid of wrinkles, acne and blackheads. It tightens the skin and muscles due to its astringent properties.

Guava health benefits

The beneficial qualities of the "apple of the tropics" are due to the composition. For example, there is more lycopene (inhibiting cancer) than a banana or tomato.

Fruits are rich in vitamins A, B, C, potassium - recognized antioxidants, detoxifiers. The healing effect of the fruit and the components of the tree was appreciated even by European nutritionists. They recommend guava for children, pregnant women, debilitated patients. But it won't hurt the rest either:

  • Creates an astringent effect, a good antispasmodic, bactericide.
  • Tea from the leaves is beneficial for stomach malfunctions, menstrual cycle, dizziness.
  • Vitamin B3 increases blood flow to the brain, stimulates the desire for knowledge.
  • Vitamin B6 energizes the nervous system.
  • The increased concentration of fiber regulates the absorption of sugar by the body. The use of exotics poses a barrier to type 2 diabetes.
  • The fruit is useful for anorexia or natural thinness, as it regulates the absorption of nutrients.

The aroma of ripe guava drowns out the tobacco smell, so the cut fruit is placed in a smoky room to purify the atmosphere.

Fruit is eaten simply to stay young and strong optimist longer.

Benefits of guava syrup

Guava syrup is a very pleasant scent and excellent tasting tropical delicacy. He is loved by both adults and children. The syrup is made from guava juice with pink pulp. It has become widespread in cooking, but few people know that it has enormous benefits in the treatment of diseases.

Even after prolonged heat treatment, vitamins and minerals do not disappear anywhere. Guava in the form of syrup is actively used to treat colds and coughs. It contains a large amount of useful acid esters, as well as arabinose.

Consuming guava syrup and fruits reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases. Guava syrup kills germs and relieves pain by reducing throat spasms. A couple of days after starting the intake, the cold begins to recede.

A decoction based on guava leaves also helps with a strong cough, and it is also extremely useful for them to gargle for disinfection. Tea made from these leaves saturates the body with vitamins. If you drink it before bedtime, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases and help the body recover if it has already been infected.

Guava has practically no contraindications and side effects, therefore, it is allowed to drink syrup from it even during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and it can also be given to children from 3 years old for the treatment of colds.

Daily use of syrup helps to improve the condition of the skin, relieves of expression wrinkles, and gives general tone. The vitamins contained in the drink slow down skin aging.

Excessive consumption of syrup can lead to diarrhea and indigestion, so you shouldn't overdo it either.

Guava harm

Guava is not considered a particularly insidious exotic. It suits most Europeans. Restrictions - As with other tropical fruits:

  • People prone to allergies should be alerted by the rich aroma. Half or less is enough to test personal compatibility with the fruit.
  • Healthy people should not be zealous at the first tasting either: it is not known how the body will react. It’s good if it’s just an upset stomach.
  • Even if everything is normal, excessive consumption (more than a kilogram of pulp at a time) can provoke diarrhea.
  • Unripe specimens are contraindicated if the kidneys or adrenal glands are sick, there is a threat of stone formation.

Caution requires bones. They are hard, biting through it is easy to damage tooth enamel or break a tooth.

Limitations and contraindications

There are relatively few prohibitions on the use of fruit, but he also has contraindications. You cannot eat the fruit:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with chronic kidney disease and calculi in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis.

Psidium is useful for a weight loss diet

Use the fruit with caution when diabetes mellitus... Even healthy people should observe small dosages, psidium contains many organic acids, and in excessive quantities it can provoke diarrhea.

The use of guava in cosmetology

The exotic fruit is beneficial not only for our body, but also for the skin. Guava acts as:

  • exfoliant;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • a healing component;
  • an antioxidant.

In cosmetology, oil and guava extract are used. The remedy is indicated for skin rashes, acne, post-acne. The product relieves puffiness, dries up local inflammation, prevents their reappearance, does not clog pores and tones the face. A remedy with guava is indicated for comedones, atopic dermatitis, various allergic manifestations on the skin.

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Guava is a leading ingredient in the prevention of wrinkles. The product actively smoothes the skin, evens out the tone and removes signs of aging. The leaf extract helps fight hyperpigmentation. In some cases, the patient needs a course of six months to a year to get rid of spots on the skin without using a laser.

Don't self-medicate acne. In order for guava therapy to work, you must consult a qualified dermatologist.

Where and at what price to buy

It is difficult to find such exotic things in an ordinary supermarket, so you can buy guava in online stores of exotic fruits and vegetables.

You can order the fruit fresh and thermally processed with delivery to all regions of Russia.

How to grow an exotic fruit at home

At home, guava is best grown from seed. Remove the bones from the pulp, wrap in cheesecloth and put in water for 4 hours. First, pour a little expanded clay gravel into a small pot, make a small layer of manure, and then - a mixture of peat, sand and soil. Lay the bones to a depth of half a centimeter.

The plant loves light and warmth, the temperature should be at least 23 ° C, in winter - not lower than 21 ° C. Watering is regular, it is important not to allow the roots to dry out; it is periodically necessary to pour over the leaves.

When the sprout reaches 10 cm, it must be transplanted into a larger container. This should be done during the spring months. The next transplant is made when the plant is 70 cm high. Transplanting a flowering plant is not recommended. It is better to cut very long branches. To get a luxurious bush, the growth point must be pinched from time to time. Fruits can be expected in 3 years.

If you are interested folk recipes from plants of non-exotic origin that do not grow in overseas countries, then you will certainly like a detailed article on the benefits and dangers of the common pea. No less useful than exotic guava is the well-known adonis growing on the outskirts of forests, in meadows, in the steppe. Perhaps, information about the medicinal properties of -borechavka will be useful.

If you, dear readers, collect folk recipes, share your exclusive information, necessarily with comments on the results of use.

How to distinguish guava from other tropical fruits

Guava is an evergreen shrub that can only exist in a wet and dry climatic zone, where frosty periods do not occur. It is appreciated for the fact that no chemical additives are required during cultivation, since the plants do an excellent job with the invasion of pests.

The fruit of this plant is green in color with a bumpy surface, and inside, in the very center, a large number of small seeds are hidden. It has a rather strong specific aroma, and the taste, as gourmets describe it, is sweet, but with an original sourness. In terms of taste, it simultaneously resembles strawberries, quince and pineapple. Of course, until the guava reaches the shelves of European stores, it loses its taste, therefore it is lucky for residents and travelers in Asia and Africa, since it is here that the plant is cultivated and is widely sold.

The fruit of psidium is shaped like apples. They are green to yellowish, sometimes creamy. Depending on the variety, the flesh of the berries is white, yellow or pink.

These fruits have a unique taste. They resemble at the same time strawberries, pears, figs and quince. To fully enjoy the unique taste, it is better to buy guavas, packaged at home. For example, in cans of syrup.

How is guava eaten?

Since it is an exotic fruit in Russia, many do not know how to eat guava correctly. Mostly it is eaten raw, cut in two like a kiwi. Ripe pulp is very juicy and soft, so it is convenient to pick it up with a spoon. The seeds can be swallowed, but it is not recommended to chew them.

What can be made with guava

Guava, due to its high pectin content, is excellent for making jellies and jams. Jams from this fruit can be added to the main course of meat, and are often spread on sandwiches and served with tea. They need sugar to make lemon juice and guava fruits.

Various mashed potatoes, jams and preserves are made from the fruit, ideal for adding to pies. Drinks with the addition of guava juice are distinguished by a refined taste, these can be:

  • compotes;
  • milkshakes;
  • alcoholic cocktails;
  • fruit juices (with the addition of juices of other fruits);
  • tonics;
  • drinking yoghurts;
  • fruit cocktails.

Guava pulp is used as a raw material for the production of various bars, jams, ketchup, oils, fruit syrups. It is used to add to puddings, pies and ice cream. Caramel is a great addition to guava.

This fruit is found in a variety of cakes, sauces, side dishes, sorbets and pastries. It is used to make food for young children; soft drinks and various foods are enriched with vitamins with guava. The fruits can be quickly frozen, dried and canned.

Guava goes well with beef and tuna, ham, tomatoes, red bell peppers and various herbs. Jelly made from it is perfect as a side dish for venison.

In African countries, wine is produced from guava, and in India, a special seasoning for various dishes is chutney.


Kristina, Saratov

“Guava juice helped me stabilize my blood pressure. For two years I struggled with the onset of hypertension, took medications, but could not achieve a lasting effect. When the doctor advised me to include guava juice in the diet, she was skeptical about his words, but, of course, she followed the advice. After a month, the pressure stopped rising above 140 to 90, the state of health became much better. "

Valentina, Kursk

“Once a week I make myself a glass of guava juice with pulp and bones. I have a very delicate problem: chronic constipation. Guava juice, prepared in this way, does a great job with it. "

Vitamins in guava (100 g)

VitaminsContent mg \u200b\u200b(μg)% of the daily value
AND5 μg1 %
E0.2 mg1 %
WITH11 mg11 %
IN 10.02 mg1 %
IN 20.07 mg3 %
AT 50.09 mg2 %
AT 60.05 mg2 %
AT 916 μg4 %
PP0.2 mg1 %

Cooking use

Cooking options for guava.

Jam or jelly

The exotic fruit contains a large amount of pectin. The substance has the property of combining liquids into a jelly-like structure. An obvious plus - no need to add chemical powders and not always useful substances to achieve the effect of viscosity or viscosity. People who eat a healthy diet need to reduce their sugar and trans fat intake. Guava jelly / jam is a great option for a second breakfast or dessert for dinner.


Guava juice is an excellent antioxidant that can replace the popular detox jars today. Do not exhaust the body, but please with useful and nutritious ingredients.

Puree or pasta

The structure of the dish will be traditional, but the taste is exotic. The sweet-spicy flavor palette can be diluted with fruits, vegetables or spices. Guava puree is a real space for experimentation.

Canned snack

Canned guava is slightly similar to our canned peaches. The same viscous, loose and original in terms of taste and aroma.

Syrup, ketchup, sauce, butter

Guava perfectly "fits", and the consistency depends on the accompanying components and methods of preparation. A blender will provide a liquid spreading liquid, and a regular fork will provide a dense mass with tangible pieces of ingredients.


You can grind the guava pulp into flakes, cut the zest like from citrus fruits, or grind it to a powder state and add to your favorite dishes.

Guava is great for baking. The viscosity of guava syrup can be used instead of eggs in desserts. An exotic fruit is a suitable option for raw foodists and vegans looking for plant-based substitutes. The people of the tropics use guava as much as we use apples. Replacing apples in our culinary practice is quite possible, but not everyone will find the new combination to their taste.

Guava goes well with all types of meat, but it is especially revealed with pork and venison. This combination maximizes the health and pleasure of the taste buds. One of the most extraordinary combinations: guava + dairy products. Low fat cottage cheese with chunks of guava, or a whole fruit with a glass of fresh milk create a unique combination of benefits, taste and unrivaled aroma.

Strawberry Guava Lemonade Recipe

Nutritional value (based on 1 serving of ready-made lemonade)

We need:

  • guava juice - 8 tablespoons;
  • strawberries - 8 pieces;
  • honey / sweetener to taste;
  • lemon juice - 12 tablespoons;
  • ice to taste.


Take a wide container, grind strawberries in it to a state of liquid porridge. Add sweetener and stir thoroughly until dissolved. Add lemon juice, then guava juice. Add water, lemon / guava juice as needed until you get the flavor you want.

Prepare your glasses. Place the required amount of ice on the bottom. Pour the berry mass into glasses and serve immediately. Think about the décor or simply serve the drink in a large decanter. If you minimize or completely remove the sweetener, then such a drink can be drunk throughout the day along with purified water. Lemonade will tone the body, improve digestion and have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Baked ham with guava and rum glaze

Nutritional value (based on the entire finished dish)

We need:

  • ready-made ham (boiled / smoked) - 2 kg;
  • guava jam - ¾ glass (glass - 250 ml);
  • cloves - 2 teaspoons;
  • rum to taste - 2 tablespoons;
  • peach nectar - 1 tablespoon (can be replaced with any other fruit to taste);
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • dijon mustard - 1 tablespoon


Prepare the oven by preheating it to 180 ° C. Now tackle the ham: cut off the excess fat and poke small holes with a knife. The incisions should be cross-shaped in a grid pattern. You don't need to make deep holes - 2 centimeters will be enough. Insert the desired amount of cloves into each intersection. Brush the ham with olive oil (using a special cooking brush is recommended), line the baking sheet with parchment and lay out the prepared meat. Bake at a constant temperature of 180 ° C for 60 minutes.

Prepare the sauce: Combine jam, alcoholic beverage, fruit nectar and mustard. During the cooking process, constantly try the sauce, add your favorite spices and additional ingredients. Spread the sauce over the ham and put it back in the oven for 30 minutes. After the meat is ready, remove the cut from the oven, transfer it to a wide container, cover with foil and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. After 15 minutes, chop the meat and serve with your favorite side dish.

Description of the fruit and its taste

Scientifically, this fruit is called Psidium Guava. The fruit is a fruit that blooms, bears fruit all year round, and grows in countries with hot and humid climates.

The top of the guava is wide. The leaves reach 15 centimeters in length, they are oblong and oval in shape, usually do not have symmetry, covered with a thin layer of cannon from the bottom of the leaf.

The trunks are often cracked and brown in color. Flowers are greenish, usually bloom alone or in inflorescences. The fruits usually grow in warm tropical climates and are able to survive small cold times with temperatures slightly above freezing.

This adaptation is a plus for the commercial industry as the plant can be sold year round. Guava fruits are like little balls. Their peel is wrinkled, which at first seems dense.

Usually the peel is not thick, it contains a lot of valuable properties. Inside the guava, you can find many small seeds. Guava is a special plant because it is able to protect itself from all kinds of pests, so there is no need to resort to different pesticides.

This plant has its own protection. For this reason, the plant is considered the purest of all tropical fruits. Guava is a very mysterious fruit. Guava is often called the king of fruits, greenish in color with a sweetish odor and slight sourness, looks like an avocado, inside it resembles a feijoa.

The taste for the first time is quite difficult to tell right away what this fruit resembles. As is the case with other exotic fruits. For some, the fruit tastes like a lemon with small notes of needles, for others it tastes like strawberry with raspberry.

In Russia, it is almost impossible to see guava in stores, and even if it is sold, it is immature and its taste is not at all the same as that of fruits from tropical countries.

Benefits of Guava - or Top 10 Health Benefits of Guava

How is guava good for you?

  • Strengthening immunity

Guava is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, fruits contain four times more vitamin C than oranges. With one medium-sized fruit, a person gets five times the daily requirement of vitamin C, which in turn improves immunity and protects against common infections and pathogens.

The fruit's role in stimulating immunity is also attributed to its anti-inflammatory action and its ability to inhibit the inflammatory prostaglandin molecules released in autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The fetus also helps with colds, bronchitis, even with pneumonia, guava in Asia replaces lemons, as a vitamin and antimicrobial agent.

  • Reduces the risk of cancer

The anticancer or antitumor properties of guava are due to the presence of antioxidant compounds including lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C, and a complex of various polyphenols. These compounds neutralize cancer cells that form in the body. There is compelling evidence demonstrating the potential of guava extract in preventing prostate, breast, skin, colon and lung cancers.

  • Benefits of guava for diabetics

The anti-diabetic effect of guava has been mentioned in Chinese medicine. A study published in Am J Chin Med found that 1 g / kg of guava juice significantly reduced sugar levels in diabetic patients. Research has shown that this exotic fruit improves the condition of diabetics and also prevents the development of the disease.

In addition to the insulin-like activity that guava fruits have, their high fiber content and low glycemic index make them extremely beneficial for diabetic patients. Although the fiber content ensures stable sugar levels, a low glycemic index suppresses the sudden spike in sugar levels.

  • Has anti-aging properties and improves skin

Damage to the skin can cause wrinkles and early aging. Guava, rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants such as lycopene and carotene, helps protect the skin from wrinkles and wrinkles, which makes a person look younger. Old age is a certainty in the life of every person, but you can use guava every day to prolong your activity and performance even in old age.

Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin by the skin. A decoction of the leaves helps with pustular skin diseases, acne.

  • Improves heart health

A study in the journal Human Hypertension found that following a guava diet improves sodium / potassium balance in the body, thereby regulating blood pressure in patients with hypertension. In addition, guava helps lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels, which contribute to heart disease.

  • Treat constipation

One guava provides about 12% of the daily recommended fiber intake, making it extremely beneficial for the health of the digestive tract and timely transit of food contents. Daily consumption of guava (1-2 fruits) helps in bowel cleansing and thus relieves constipation as a mild laxative. Along the way, flatulence decreases.

  • Helps Improve Eyesight

Although guava is not as rich in vitamin A as carrots, it still remains very good source nutrients. Vitamin A helps to keep the eyes in good condition and also helps to improve vision. Night blindness, also called chicken, is one of the diseases associated with vitamin A deficiency.

Also, the regular inclusion of guava fruits in the diet will slow down the development of cataracts, problems with the blood supply to the retina, and corpus luteum degeneration with age.

  • Promotes proper fetal development in pregnant women
  • Relieves stress

Magnesium, found in tropical fruits, helps relax the nerves and muscles. In today's stressful times, consuming guava to combat stress is definitely a good idea.

  • Helps brain function

The brain is one of the main organs of a person, and maintaining its health should be on the list of priorities, regardless of how smart an individual considers himself to be. Guavas contain vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, also known as niacin and pyridoxine, which improve blood circulation in the brain, enhance cognition, concentration and memory, and promote relaxation of the nervous system.

  • Soothes Toothache

Guava leaves can be used as an excellent home remedy for toothache, gum disease, and stomatitis. They have potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and strong healing and antibacterial effects.

To do this, you can make an infusion on the leaves or simply chew fresh clean leaves of a tropical tree several times for a couple of minutes.

  • The use of guava normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, affecting the production of thyroid hormones.
  • Helps with convulsions and epileptic seizures.


Guava refers to fruits that have practically no contraindications. However, the use of such an in all respects safe fruit requires certain restrictions. Mainly, caution is needed for allergy sufferers and persons suffering from diseases of the endocrine system (in particular, diabetes mellitus).

If you wear dentures or have crowns or bridges, be sure to strain the juice before drinking. You must be especially careful and careful: hard bones caught in the juice and not found in time can damage them.

It is undesirable to drink large quantities of juice, even for those who do not complain about their health. If you drink a whole glass at once, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid an upset stomach, especially when a person has tried this drink for the first time. The juice of not only ripe, but also unripe fruits can strongly weaken, and in much smaller quantities. Having decided to taste it, take your time, let the body decide whether guava is right for it or not.

Having tasted the healing and delicious guava juice at least once, you will not remain indifferent to it. Good health to you!


If you look with scientists into the pulp and skin of a guava, you can find out that it contains many substances necessary to maintain human health:

  1. C - improves the strength of the capillaries, relieves nervous excitement, takes part in the synthesis of collagen.
  2. A - delays the development of colds, increases the acuity of twilight vision.
  3. B vitamins that regulate many metabolic processes.
  4. K - participates in complex processes of blood coagulation, enhances intestinal and stomach motility.
  5. E - positively affects the work of muscles, endocrine and gonads.


The fruit contains magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, manganese, sodium.

Polyunsaturated acids

And above all, omega 3, which activate the immune system, regulate fat metabolism and cholesterol content, and increase vitality.

How to store guava

Unripe guava usually ripens at home at room temperature in a few days, and its shelf life is a week. The best way to preserve guava is to process it into juice, jam, or jelly. Also, fruits are well stored frozen and all the beneficial properties are preserved.

Guava, like most fruits, is a fairly pleasant fruit, and most importantly, it contains a lot of useful substances for the human body. When visiting a tropical country, try the fruit every day.

This fruit will help to strengthen the immune system, and by trying several types of guava, you can discover new taste advantages of this fruit. An important factor is that there is no need to choose a certain period in order to taste this fruit, it can be purchased at any time of the year, because it produces guava fruits all year round.

In Thailand, unripe fruits are often sold, but in Indonesia, all fruits are fresh and ripe. You can try several varieties of this extraordinary and nutritious fruit and get acquainted with new taste experiences.

And it is better to bring these fruits with you in order to surprise your loved ones as you cannot buy such a fruit from us, especially in such good quality as it is sold in tropical countries.

Main varieties

There are almost 100 varieties of guava in the world, of which several varieties have been artificially bred. Moreover, each of them is distinguished by fruits of a different shape, color, structure of the inner part.

Among the common varieties of guava are:

  • Red Indian is a dessert variety with thick red flesh.
  • Supreme is a fruit with a juicy white pulp, high in vitamin C.
  • Redland - has white flesh and low ascorbic acid content.
  • Guava Kettley - has a pronounced strawberry flavor and juicy red flesh.

Red Indian was developed in California, Supreme in India.

Red Indian variety

What to consider when choosing a fruit

When traveling in Thailand, you can buy fresh guava from street vendors. When choosing a fruit, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The fetus must have:

  • yellowish color;
  • slightly soft structure;
  • whole skin without damage / signs of rotting;
  • strong aroma of strawberry and musk at the same time.

An unripe tropical apple will taste sour. Such fruits are consumed by the locals of Mexico and Thailand, having previously seasoned them with salt, sugar, and pepper.

Tourists should be careful when consuming unripe guava as it negatively affects kidney function.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of unprocessed food)

Vitamin composition (in milligrams per 100 grams of unprocessed product)

Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams of raw food)

Additional substances (in grams per 100 grams of raw product)