Build a turnkey frame house for 1000000. Million house

The dream of any sensible person is to build or buy your separate house. Everyone goes to the realization of this dream with his way, based on financial capabilities: someone can afford to buy a ready-made luxurious cottage turnkey, and someone in order to save ways will be designed to design and build a house independently and errors are not excluded. Since families with the Middle and below average, most are most interested in the most economical construction option on their own or buy unfinished construction.

Is it possible to build a house for 10,000,000 rubles?

A positive answer to this question is quite real, if you build with your own hands. And the cost of the land plot will not enter this amount. Are you going to build a forest in the forest? If it is reasonable to approach the selection of the project at home and building materials, then you will definitely meet this amount. This question is relevant for those who are really ready to embody the dream into reality. And most importantly, everything is fully feasible. To build a house for 1 million rubles, it is reasonable to approach the selection of building materials and to the main stages of the construction of the house.

Council If you build yourself, then the house is 200 m.kv. With the ground, almost in any region of our country (with the exception of the capitals - there the Earth is very expensive) will cost at the same price that a duplicate dville in a bad area. Most people are so lazy that they simply do not want to count (or build). Therefore, they live in Khrushcheki.

What kind of house can be built on this amount?

As a rule, a tangible part of the cost of the house is paid by the payment of construction work, so if you want to save, then it is better to stock knowledge and modern materials that will allow all or most of all construction work independently.

Basalt plates began to use very popular with warm and insulation of houses. This material remarkably keeps heat, it is easy and quite simply cut into any sizes. In addition, it has high fire resistance and begins to melt at a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius. Such building material is used for insulation of walls in frame houses. The basalt panel is inserted into the frame and is attached to special plate dowels. A single-storey house box is collected in just a week, and your home is ready for interior decoration. Such a structure is quite easy and durable, so it does not require a reinforced foundation.

Another modern building material is a monolithic reinforced concrete. The walls of this material are erected using a non-removable formwork, which from the outside simultaneously serves as finishing materialAnd the inner side is practically ready for a simple finish. Such a house with a small quadrature can be easily built with the help of your forces. Molding a day wall half meter, you will have time to finish outdoor work for the summer season. Three builders can easily deliver a 120-meter house for a month and still spent a couple of weeks, to make a roof. Thus, the house that will be ready for interior decorationYou can build in just a month and a half. If the team of builders is your family, the price of construction will be made from building materials and energy consumption. If there are no builders in your environment, you will have to get out for a professional builder brigade.

Fairly cheap material, which most often gives the advantage, is wooden bar.. To build a box of the house from this material can be very easy and fast, but after that you need to wait 1-2 months to make the whole design of the village, as wood has a property to do. Building wooden house Turnkey for a family of 3-4 people will cost up to one million rubles, if some simple stages of work you will do on your own. For example, make a foundation, perform some internal finishing works. Naturally, a simple wooden house will not be very warm, but today it does not matter, because the insulation can always be applied. Such as foam plastic, glass cooker plates, mineral wool plates based on basalt fiber and others.

Aerated concrete - a new invention in low-rise construction, quite promising material. Its popularity is due to the fact that due to light weight, you can significantly save on the foundation. Despite the small mass, it has quite high strength. The house of aerated concrete can be at the age of 80 or more. The construction of walls from aerated concrete will cost you 30% cheaper than bricks. Your labor costs will decrease, because for the construction of the house with your own hands you spend four times less time than similar brick. Another plus in favor of aerated concrete is its environmental friendliness, it ranks second after the tree. It is made of natural materials: lime, sand and cement.

Depending on the selected materials from which the frame of the house and overlapping itself will be erected, it is necessary to select the foundation. So, if you choose on a monolithic reinforced concrete, the foundation will have to do reinforced, most likely the belt so that it can easily stand the entire design. Such a foundation can be made independently, but it will take a long time for its device. For a wooden house, an easier foundation will be required. The most simple and optimal foundation on the sandy pillow, but the most economical is monolithic pile Fundam. In any case, the choice of foundation will depend, first of all, on the nature of the material from which the house will be built.

Tip when drawing up the estimate round every way of consumption in the big face, and not to a smaller

House for 500 thousand rubles

Now complicate the task: can I build or buy a house for 500,000 rubles? With the stretch it can be really real, if you choose a cheap project at home and completely all construction works Conduct. And naturally, the value of the land plot is not included here, it is understood that the site you already have.

Buy a house for 500 000 rubles

Buy the house for such a sum is quite difficult, but perhaps. First of all, it is necessary to consider the property, which is located far from the city. And most likely it will be a country house on the land of agricultural purposes. Such real estate will not have modern amenities, i.e. Gas, water supply, but it does not matter, because it is easy to do without gas using electricity, and the water supply can always be done independently, if you have small skills and skills.

Build a house for 500,000 rubles

Build a full-fledged house in the usual understanding for such an amount is almost not real, but there is one idea that is mentioned below. And most likely it will not be a house, but a dwelling. Therefore, if you have the desired amount of 500 thousand rubles and any desire to do something, then it is best to accumulate more money and buy a ready-made home.

Cheap way to build housing - block containers. Probably this is the cheapest way to build a house and besides fast. Block containers do not require fillings of the foundation, they may be transported by road, they can be connected both horizontally and vertically no more than 3 floors. You can order block containers with any stuffing (windows, doors, heating, insulation, etc.). Block containers are of different sizes. Connecting them, you will have a modular building.

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The residential building from the container block is quite suitable for temporary housing or as a lot of maintenance during the construction of the main house. To solve only you!

To buy a house

By deciding to buy a house, you can post a large amount of information on the Internet or media, or simply contact the popular real estate agency where you will quickly help find a suitable home. True, such a service, of course, paid, but reliable. If you do not understand the economic documentation at all, then better choice And buying home to entrust professionals. In addition to the real estate agency, a good lawyer can do. If you are going to make a purchase yourself, then you need to check all the documentation well. You can bring references or talk to your neighbors who will tell more about the owner. In a word, you need to be very careful and attentive when making such a serious solution if you want to purchase good house And not to lose your money in vain.

Buy house abroad

For example, consider overseas real estate prices. As a rule, real estate prices abroad are very different. Moreover, here you can find a good house or apartment much cheaper than in many regions of Russia. Therefore, it is quite possible to buy a house abroad at a nice price.

For 2013 in Hanko (Finland), you can buy an apartment by 50 square meters in just 20 thousand euros, and a small cottage in South Savo Sava with an area of \u200b\u200b22 square meters will cost 35 thousand euros.

If you are looking for an inexpensive house in Italy, then first of all, you need to pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bCalabria. Here you can easily buy a small house on the seashore at a nice price. Today, prices in the area are the lowest in all of Europe.

Property prices in Thailand are also lower than in large cities of Russia. Here you can buy a small house or apartment as part of a large residential complex with a communal pool for 30 thousand dollars. As a rule, such purchases are carried out by tourists who do not want to rent housing, and they wish to live in their own home a year. The rest of the time the acquired property can be easily leased and receive an income of 6% per year from the cost of housing.

Another popular country where you can buy an apartment or a house affordable priceIs Turkey. Here you can easily buy an apartment to 50 square meters in just 30 thousand euros. As a rule, this is the price of real estate, which is closer to the sea and the center of the country. Therefore, 30 thousand euros - this is not the minimum price for good house or apartment. And buy a house for 1,000,000 rubles abroad - it is quite real.

Buy a house in the suburbs

If you want to buy a house in the suburbs, it is best to contact the agency where you will definitely help you find a suitable real estate and check all the purity of the transaction, but the agency will have to pay the percentage of the real estate amount. If you are well versed in economic documentation, then you can buy a house on your own. More environmentally friendly areas are located in the direction of southwest from Moscow, but prices there are relatively high.

Investment in the construction of the house

Of course, the investment of money in the construction of the house is a very reasonable move, but you need to invest with the mind. Can be built yourself, then when selling ready House In get big profit and you can invest in the construction of the next house. But you can order a ready-made turnkey house construction company, then your cash will be more.

Earth for the construction of the house

Before trying the construction of your own home, you need to buy the land where you will build. Therefore, a very important stage in the construction of any real estate is to issue a land plot for construction, the so-called. Earth under ILS. If you want to save, you can independently explore the town planning plan, find a suitable plot there and contact the appropriate municipal body dealing with land distribution in the area. Then the auction opens to this site and you are applying for participation in this auction. If you offer the greatest amount than other participants, the land plot gets you. You still need to spend money on the design of the land in the property.

Commercial agencies also sell land plots under ILS, but the prices are higher there.

Selection of a plot for the construction of the house

Another important stage in the construction of the house is the selection of the site. How well will the choice be made, a lot depends. For example, the cost of preparing terrain for construction. If the site is quite smooth, then you will not have to align various soil irregularities, which will significantly save time and money, if you do it yourself. Also, you should not choose a plot in a lowline or a swamp.

If you are going to build a house for permanent residence all families, you also need to think about the availability of public transport and the surrounding infrastructure ( kindergarten, school, shop, etc.).

Available communications on the land plot is also an important criterion. An acceptable year-round road, electricity, possibly gas, possibly sewage can be suitable for the site. With electricity you need to clarify how much kilowatt you can single out the power company. If electricity is not yet connected on the site and he is redressing several times, then the power line has already been distributed and will not allocate anything. There are situations where the power line needs to be lengthened to reach their site, keep in mind that the pillars will be put at their own expense, the poles are put every 50 meters.

Purchase of land

When buying a land plot, first of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of communications, such as water supply, sewage, gas, electricity, communication. As a rule, at the conclusion of the contract, the seller reports all the conditions for connecting to engineering communications: how much you need to pay for connecting missing communications when they plan to do (complete) them. But if the site is beyond the existing links, the issue of servicing utilities becomes especially relevant. In this case, the Buyer should ask the seller if there is a cooperative or another organization that could take on to ensure the collective interest of the developer. In the absence of such an organization, the buyer must understand that he either risks an indefinite time to be without communications or should hope only in solving the task of providing engineering.

To purchase a plot for building a house, you can do this at auction, but how to buy a land plot at auction?

As a rule, the auction for the sale of land plots is carried out by district executive committees or rural advice, which is much less likely. As long-term practice shows, such auctions are carried out once twice a month. At the same time, the quantity depends on the sections formed, as well as the number of applications filed from the participants and the activity of buyers.

All information about the upcoming auctions can be seen on the official websites of the district executive committees, more precisely in the section "Auctions". They are posted on sites one month before.

In addition, rural councils also advertise their land plots by hanging the list of areas on the stands of the rural executive committee or ads in local newspapers. More detailed information About each land plot can be obtained directly in rural councils. Here you will tell you where the land is located, the availability of infrastructure, as well as engineering communications.

All those who want to take part in the auction are submitted to the Statement Commission, where the cadastral number and the address of the site are specified. In addition, a statement must be filed a copy from the bank, which confirms the payment of the deposit, as well as a copy of the identification information of the participant. In turn, the winner's deposit will be counted at the expense of the main payment.

Land for free

As a rule, the acquisition of a land plot in Russia is carried out at state auctions or for a commercial price. But in many regions, promoting programs needed quite successfully. So a large family in need of improving housing conditions can get a plot for the construction of the house. But where this land plot will be located, this is another question, perhaps there and does not want to build something.

Canadian technology house

When building a house on canadian technology SIP panels are used, otherwise they are also called a sandwich panel. The house of the Canadian technology of the SIP panels perform the function of the power elements of the structure, and not only as a heater. In this technology, brus are used to connect SIP panels.

The main advantage - such houses are very warm. Such a house is faster heated by the heating system. The disadvantages include flammability, isolation of poisonous substances, high water absorption.

Build a house in 7 minutes. Slow motion

A unique opportunity opens to our customers - a super offer "Canadian house for a million rubles." If you use this proposal, you will become the owner of a cozy, warm, spacious, comfortable and economical house, which created all the conditions for living. round yearAnd all this for one million rubles.

What is a Canadian house for a million rubles? This is a spacious house, which is erected using the SIP panels. Technology of such house-building is widely popular in many countries of the world. The main advantages of such a house include high heat-saving indicators. The house for a million, thanks to the SIP panels, has a slight weight, which allows to significantly save when the foundation is erected.

Fast-based Canadian house per million from panels sip

The house for a million is erected from sip panels and consists of several components that are included in the final value.

Do not miss your chance. Take advantage of the unique proposal that the company "Building together" offers a Canadian house for a million right now, another chance for such a successful investment is not worth waiting.

Project documentation
Includes architectural and construction sections and the project of the foundation part of the house.


  • Screw piles made of high strength steel.
  • The diameter of the design is 108 mm.
  • The diameter of the blade is 300 mm.
  • Pile length 2.5 meters.
  • Screw to screaming from a bar of 200x200mm.
  • Hand board 200х200 mm.
  • Work on the category of foundation is made in the installation of piles, concreting to the level of trimming.

Complete set of home:

  • Overlapping for floor of the first floor consists of SIP panels 174 mm (OSP-3 shredded 12 mm - polystyrene foam KNAUF 150 mm - OSP 12 mm, dry planed timber 150 * 50)
  • The outer walls on the first floor have a height of 2.5 meters and erected from SIP panels 174mm (OSP-3 seeded 12 mm - polystyrene foam KNAUF 150 mm - OSP 12 mm, dry planed timber 150 * 50)
  • Build a household complex according to the proposed project, using fasteners and mounting foam "Moment installation Pro 65".


  • Grand Line metal roof
  • The set includes metal tile, cornisic and face planks, Planks of adjoining, self-tapping screws, installation work.
  • Inserting the eaves of softens with perforation


  • Plastic windows from Rehau
  • White plastic windows With a two-chamber glass, installation includes work on the design of the window sill and lowbow.
  • Installation of plastic drainage


  • Exterior finish at home Siding Grand Line. Color you can choose!
  • Entrance door You acquire yourself, we will install the door for free!

The construction of any home is a rather complicated process. It consists of several stages of work. One of them includes the choice of materials. If the budget is unlimited, then you can not stop yourself in your preferences. And if you need to build a house for a million? What then? And is it real?

Preparations of building materials for the construction of a residential building

Today, the building materials market is so rich that it is possible to choose suitable. For example, the most common building of the house from:

  • brick;
  • foam blocks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • shelluca;
  • woods.

But they are all pretty expensive, and those who want to build a house for a million, they definitely do not fit. There are other ways of building a residential building that are no less popular.

What should we build a house

This expression is probably familiar to everyone. Only if everything was so simple, as they say, the new buildings would appear in a fairly short time. For any construction of the house requires a certain period. And, as a rule, work requires careful preparation. It includes several stages:

  • planning buildings on the site;
  • creating a project of the future structure;
  • construction;
  • selection of building materials;
  • selection of finishing materials;
  • work on construction.

Many doubt that you can build a house for a million. With modern technologies and materials there is nothing complicated.

The first stage is the choice of place on the construction site at home. It can be any. The most important thing is to ensure the normal supply of all communications to the structure. The second stage is to compile a project of a residential building. It includes the choice of materials and refinement.

At the next stage, the construction estimate is drawn up, and only then everything is bought. necessary materialsthat will be used in the construction process.

What is included in the estimate of the construction?

As soon as the plan has been drawn up, it is necessary to accurately calculate not only the number of materials, but also their cost. In some cases, the estimates indicate labor costs or rental of necessary equipment.

The estimate includes:

  • boxing costs;
  • costs for materials and to summarize communications.

Accordingly, two separate calculations must be made for ease of use. Especially if you need to build a house for a million rubles.

General estimated house construction


What is included

Building boxes at home

All construction work

Water supply, sewage

Pipe laying, equipment connection


Connecting equipment and executing system wiring


Connecting a house to power

Finishing work

Internal and external finish

There is an additional estimate that does not make it possible to allow miscalculation in construction.

Estimation to build a box




The cost of building a foundation based on materials

Erecting the walls of the structure

Construction of roofing designs, taking into account the necessary materials

Overlapping, stairs

Creating concrete or wooden overlaps, stairs

Facades, openings

Registration of facades and openings taking into account materials

Looking at all interest ratios seems to be quite easy and easy to build a house. The estimate helps it significantly. If there is a certain amount, then judging by it, you can easily plan finances and initially see what it is enough for it.

Methods of economical construction of the house

How can I build a house for a million? For this is modern technologieswho came to us from the West and became popular. The entire process of building the structure on the application of the framework is based.

It is worth considering that frame houses There are different, and in their construction can use any materials.

Important. Of any construction stone, it is not possible to build a house in just a million rubles. Such materials are quite expensive.

Characteristics of frame construction

With confidence we can say that building a house for a million is quite simple using the new Canadian technology - frame structures. It is based on the use of durable building materials, which in some cases do not need additional finishes. It is also worth considering that such houses are full, since they can freely bring any communications to them and build any number of rooms in them.

So, the construction process begins with the construction of the foundation under the house. Frame structures are pretty light, and there is a possibility to save a little. It is for this reason that tape-pile foundations or columnar are most often used. Monolithic base is more expensive.

Important. The choice of foundation is based on the analyzing of the soil on the plot.

  • wooden;
  • metallic.

More practical, reliable and durable is considered wooden possess similar properties, only the structure of the material itself is rather mild and is able to react with deformation on the impact of moisture.

Next, the main material is mounted on the frame. As a rule, the plywood or OSB is used in this capacity. Then inserted into the frame of the frame of the foam or any other insulating material, which is closed by sheets of the same OSB or plywood.

Internal and external finish can be any. When building a roof, modern material is used.

Other ways of economical construction

A more advanced embodiment of the house is a sip-panel. The house can be collected as a designer. Panels immediately have exterior decoration. The internal is performed at its discretion. Also, the material is insulated and has a slight mass. Despite this, it is necessary to do the base for such a house. With this technology it was possible to build a house for a million. Photos of such structures are diverse. The project of the structure can be compiled independently or use the services of professionals in this area.

It is worth saying that in front of them, we set the goal to build a budget version of the house, a total area of \u200b\u200ba hundred square meters. We do not have large finances, therefore, our funds are limited and should not exceed the outlined amount, in our case, 10,000 rubles.

Step-by-step calculations How to build a house for 10,000,000 rubles turnkey

Based on its calculations, we created a separate characteristic of the future at home. It will be a single-storey building, an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters. For example, the average apartment has an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters, then 100 square meters for the house will be quite enough. In the calculations, we will include all materials.

Step 1.

First, the project of the building. In fact, you can easily transfer several rooms to the second floor, thus obtaining a two-story building. On the Internet you can find hundreds of houses of houses. Try to make the project itself adapted to the conditions in which you plan to build. Some people try to hire an architect for such purposes that is quite reasonable. It will calculate the area for each room, will make a detailed full-scale project.

The second step.

For each house, you need to choose the foundation separately. This is due to the fact that for each type of soil there is its own kind of foundation. This item will require you a geodesic examination. For example, if your primer is not quite even and has height differences, it will be appropriate in this case to put piles. You follow screw pilesYou can adjust each of them under the foundation. Piles are quite long, so they will pass through the soft soil (if there is such) and is introduced into solid soil. Thus, they will become a reliable basis for any home.

If there are underground communications on the site, it will be used to apply their excellent option.

To note, the installation of piles takes only one day. We take into account this fact, because the longer the construction, the more we will pay for the construction. Installation of pile can be made at any time of the year, they retain the ecosystem and do not damage the upper soil layers without disturbing our landscape. By stopping the choice for piles. You will save about half the amount that could pay for other types of foundation. For our project, we will spend about 80 thousand rubles, this is a calculation of 100 square meters of the house, including the piles themselves and installation. In order for piles to serve you for more than 50 years, look carefully on the quality of the products, the most optimal and right choices There will be piles made by the method of burning forging, they are protected from metal corrosion due to the coating from zinc. After installing piles, we can move to the next step.

Step 3.

And so, for a start, decide from what you would like to make walls. If you use a semi-liter yellow brick when finishing, our walls will come out about 600 thousand rubles, which will very much undermine our budget.

This is a fairly expensive option, but we will be able to save a little using instead of the material. ceramic brick. We will save about 150 thousand rubles, which is very not enough. Also, you can significantly reduce our waste when mounting walls. There is a small secret: the puzzle block is not to be laid at the solution, but on the adhesive mixture. There are several advantages to use this material. First, your masonry seam will look more neatly than when using cement. Secondly, we will improve the thermal insulation of the building. Thirdly, get rid of such costs as: ordering concrete mixers, delivery of building materials (sand, cement) and it will not be necessary to hire an additional workforce. If the construction process is delayed for the winter, it is possible to use an adhesive mixture with winter additives, it will be built in -15 degrees Celsius.

Step 4.

It approached the time to think about the roof. When choosing, do not oriented only on appearance and the decorative part of the product, the most important thing here is in operational characteristics. Do not plan to install a roof having several rocks, it will be extremely expensive for a one-story house. Should not also stop your choice on flat roof. Materials from which such a roof is made, and this is mostly ruled, it will be necessary to replace in five years. This is not what. Therefore, the most optimal option for us will serve double roofing. Costs for lifting mechanisms will not. To note, it will serve such a roof much longer than the previous option. You need to choose that roof that could quietly fit into our budget and did not underminate it. According to the calculations, about two hundred thousand rubles came. Some people choose the roof of the tiles. In principle, this option can also be considered. It will cost cheaper than our sheets of professional flooring. However, have some negative sides. The laying of such a material should produce experts, otherwise, with incorrect work, cracks may form and your roof is unlikely to endure weather. Such things happened often, so risk and save on such a component of the house - should not be.

Step 5. Windows and doors.

According to our calculations, the house will be enough seven windows. Where to position what is your choice. It all depends on the room, for example, in the kitchen prefer to make windows standard sizesIn turn, the lounge is trying to choose as widely as possible frames. The choice is very large. As for doors, choose high-quality, because there are many different options on the market, but the quality, unfortunately, wants to leave the best. In total, approximately 150 thousand rubles will be released.

So we have a full-fledged "box" at home. But this is not the end of the whole construction. There are several more stages that we now learn.

Step 6. Communications.

Electricity is an important part of construction. Invite experienced electricians and engineers who will make up the network plan. Once in advance with experts, wherever you want to have exits in the electrical network (sockets). For this, we would recommend on the plan to note which rooms for what will serve and already at least partially arrange furniture on the layout. Focusing on this scheme, it will be quite easy to solve the issue with electricity.

To do this, you also need to invite a specialist. They will promptly install you all the counters, pipes, heaters, etc.

Decide whether you want to have gas in the house. Many people prefer to have electric stoves in their home, rather than gas. This is due to the safety of the house. It will cost 70 thousand rubles.

Step 7.

Finishing and purchase of equipment and materials. It will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

The construction is completed and we got a wonderful house by an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters. meters. So how much did such a building happened and did we manage to answer such a question "How to build a house for 100,000 rubles turnkey"?

And so, the amount spent on the construction of this type of object 1050000 rubles. So in the end, we have?

First, a good budget option at home. Not bad - it is gently said. Not everyone can boast a house in 100 squares, which would cost 1050000 rubles.

Secondly, the area. We will pay attention to this item.

1) And so, if you take according to standards, the average area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen is about 10 square meters, it is quite enough to produce the entire kitchen headset (plates, lockers, dishwashers) and a dining place. There are about 90 squares.

2) You can safely take a place in the house for two bedrooms with a total area of \u200b\u200b30 squares. TOTAL: 60 squares.

3) Bathroom. Give this room 10 squares. In total, 50 square meters remained.

4) Living room. A good area will be a room in 20 squares. And we have another 30 squares in stock.

5) You can distribute other meters yourself at your discretion.

This house will envy each. He is strong and persistent. Made of good materials that will serve you about 60 years old, and this is a rather long term for the building.

To note, at the moment there are many construction companies in the real estate market that are engaged in the construction of this type of houses. The cost of such objects will vary in the limit of 800-000-1500000 rubles. It all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged building, materials, etc.

The house is fully suitable for normal family living. It has a good area and is equipped with all communications. Also at home is fully separated both outside and inside.

We answered the question of how to build a house for 10,000,000 rubles, which has a warm fitting of the box of the house, a strong roof of a corrugated floor, plastic windows and doors.

Construction with your own hands at home for 10,000,000 rubles turnkey

Can also be build a house for 10,000,000 rubles turnkey with your own hands. It will save you much more money than with the hired construction organization. But, this method is suitable for those who know the foundations of architecture and construction, and also knows how to handle the tools. The result will in this case will depend completely from you.

In such a type of construction there are nuances, among which:

First, materials. If construction companies are fully charged for buying on themselves, in our case all this goes to your shoulders.

Secondly, time to build. Construction can be delayed by year if you do not have good helpers. All work you will have to do yourself and professionally.

For example, many people were able to build a house, spending about 600 thousand rubles. It is even much lower than we put in the task "how to build a house for 10,000,000 rubles." In this case, people built at home from aerated concrete blocks. This material is quite cheap and at the same time durable, to stop several decades.

Another way to build at home with your own hands, it is application frame design. This option is also quite cheap and much fast.

In any case, the choice will remain for you.

  1. Up to three bedrooms.
  2. Tambour, entrance hall and (or) spacious hall.
  3. Living room and kitchen.
  4. In many projects - balconies, veranda or terrace, as well as a sauna and garage.
You will not be closely even in the house with a total area of \u200b\u200b53 m2 with a spacious bedroom, a living room and a household room, and the cost of building such a house is commensurate with the cost of the middle class car.

Put in the budget without prejudice to quality

Country houses worth up to 1 million rubles can be made of timber, logs, as well as based on frame; Some projects can be implemented from foam blocks. We can build both a completely inexpensive country house-studio for summer holidays and a more solid home for year-round residence.

We are building at home for more than 20 years, and our customers are ordinary people. Therefore, we proposed inexpensive houses up to 1 million rubles are thought out to the smallest detail, comfortable and functional. In most cases, a house of about 100 m2 has all the necessary rooms for a comfortable stay and conduct of a family of 4-6 people. Perhaps you do not need more. First, you will not spend money on construction, finishing and repair of premises, in which you will not live, and secondly, compact layouts help to save on heating and energy consumption. This is important in the conditions of ever-growing prices for energy.