Boiler two-fuel firewood gas. Varieties of combined heating boilers

Today in country houses, combined heating boilers are increasingly used. This is due to the fact that there are no gas pipeline in cottages and private houses, and problems with electricity can often appear. That is why people find such a decision of this issue as a modern combined heating system. Combined boilers work on different types Fuel - electricity, firewood, gas, diesel. This equipment ensures reliability and independence of heating from such frequent phenomena for owners of suburban real estate, as failures electrical Energy and gas.

Who should think about buying and why?

In a private house, heating must be established and work, even if you come to it infrequently and briefly. Reliable heating system creates comfortable temperature conditions in rooms, and also protects the structure of the structure from harsh Russian frosts - if a private house It will not be heated by a whole winter, then the likelihood of what it will increase, and cracks will be formed on the walls. This will all put before the need to carry out repair activities that imply not only the waste of their time, but also additional financial expenses.

Combined boilers, relatively recently emerged on sale, have already gained high popularity among country housing owners. In order for the boiler to serve, as the "faithful of the truth" says, for a long time, the design and installation of the system should be performed in the construction process. For the design you will need to pay the time to preliminary calculations and measurements of housing.

Carrying out calculations, you must necessarily take into account such parameters as the height of the ceilings, is there thermal insulation, which thickness is the walls, and from which material they are made. When the calculations are completed, a project is drawn up - a scheme of the future heating system, in which places are indicated, where the combined boiler and heating radiators will be located, the location of pipes. It is worth noting that only high-quality materials and equipment should be used in the installation of heating, because the heating system is set for a long time, and it is necessary that everything worked "as a watch" for a very long time.

Combined boilers are much more preferable than ordinary. One of their most significant advantages is the functioning in several different types of fuel (gas, firewood, electricity and others). These devices are indispensable if gas is not carried out to a private house or electricity failures are observed. The hosts of the house have the opportunity to choose, at the expense of what fuel will be performed by the work of the boiler, which is very convenient, for example, electricity is used as the main type of fuel, and suddenly electricity is turned off due to the accident that the accident happens - you simply go to gas, firewood or diesel .

The choice of the boiler should be based, first of all, by type of fuel on which it works:

  • electricity;
  • diesel;
  • firewood and coal.

Most convenient and lowered gas boiler. But in order for it regularly and stably worked, a pressure of 3.5 mbar is required. Sometimes gas pressure can be varied with the one that receives the boiler, and this means that you need to take another device.

If it is not possible to put a gas boiler, then pay for electrical and diesel options. As for electric, it has a lot with gas in the design and characteristics. So that he worked without interruptions you need a constant high voltage in the power grid, which is very infrequently able to meet in the private sector.

And in this case, the "hand of help" will stretch the combined heating, which are modern combined boilers. Today, the market offers a large number of different models of such installations, and in this diversity it is easy to find a device that would be perfect for each individual case.

Gas / diesel fuel boilers have deserved the greatest demand of rustic real estate owners. But the universal combined heating is often acquired, which "feeds" at once with 3-5 types of fuel, for example, gas / firewood / coal / electricity. For each particular case, the same or that model of the boiler is more preferred, and all these nuances need to be considered when choosing.

Advantages of combined boilers

This heating equipment has many advantages, the main of which are:

  • no need to choose a single type of fuel;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high efficiency;
  • the work of the boiler is automated, and when the need arises to switch to another type of fuel, the device does it on its own (according to the specified settings), without requiring direct owner intervention;
  • small sizes of the unit allow saving the living space;
  • financial savings achieved due to the possibility of choosing raw materials;
  • possibility of mounting a boiler drive;
  • the house will not cease to be heated when the supply of gas and electricity failures occurs - heating will be continued automatically;
  • you can connect the system simultaneously warm floors and radiators due to the presence of several boiler circuits.

Combined boilers are a real find for owners of country houses. However, you need to be prepared for what they have to lay out a slightly large amount of money than for monotocular devices. However, the advantages that provide these aggregates are more than fill their relatively high cost.

Our climatic conditions do not allow to relax in the winter. At a minimum, you have to take care of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house. Combined boilers are one of the functional solutions that can be applied as an efficient heating source. It is worth considering that they represent themselves, what happens, as they work.

Country construction is constantly being conducted, as a result, the search for optimal solutions for the heating of private houses in the winter time are becoming increasingly relevant. Moreover, traditional heating devices become less effective due to different circumstances:

  • the need for constant attention to the process, adding fuel;
  • insecurity of one source: Flies in supplying electricity, in gas supply, etc.;
  • horification of fuel: gas, electricity or other options;
  • complexity of service;
  • other reasons.

Therefore, at some point, manufacturers decided to combine technology to get a more advanced solution.

Combined boiler using firewood or gas fuel

Combined boilers are appliances whose functionality is designed for different types of fuel. Moreover, they can be used in houses without restrictions, which is very important for many regions of our country. At the same time, it is not necessary to calculate only one type of fuel, which can bring at the most inopportune moment, because it always remains alternative option. Such devices can use different types of fuel:

Combined boiler, using either gas or pellets
  • electricity;

Combined boiler, using or firewood, or pellets
  • solid;

The model of the boiler that uses firewood or gas as fuel
  • liquid fuel.


Universal combined boiler involves a design with two cameras. One uses gaseous or liquid fuel, to the other - solid. A TEN can also be built. Such devices can work not only in one, but also two heating circuits. And this means that the combined boilers can not only heat the premises, but also heat the water. And due to the presence in the design of the inflatable burner, high efficiency is provided.

Features of home heating with the participation of a combined boiler

More about species

So, the combined heating boilers are capable of working on different types of fuel. Models that use natural gas and diesel, are used in homes quite rarely, in contrast to other options. Indeed, in such a design, both expensive and cheap fuel are combined. But the solution has strong technical sides. As a result, boilers operating on solid fuel, as well as on diesel and gas become increasingly popular.

Solid fuel boilers began to be used less, but their production does not stop, since this option remains affordable and in demand in the most remote corners of the country. In addition, solid fuel - this does not mean that the firewood should be used. Instead, they can be used:

  • coke;
Coke boiler
  • coal;

Boiler in which firewood and coal
  • peat;

Boiler that uses for energy production peat
  • wood briquettes.

The least automated and safe are combined boilers on gas and firewood. Warning to them should be maximum, so their cost is slightly lower than other options.

Note: Devices running on solid fuel, gas and electricity are not able to completely warm the house. They can maintain optimum temperature in system. However, the use of such boilers allows to reduce operating risks, reduce the cost of heating in the house.

As a result, two main types of combined boilers can be distinguished:

  • bit fuel - only two types of fuel, such as gas and firewood, use only two types of fuel;

  • multi-fuel - three and more types of fuel are used, for example, gas, firewood and electricity.

Multi-fuel boiler, using either firewood, or coal, or pellets, or gas

Of course, instruments that use gas, liquid, solid and other fuels in their work are characterized by a higher price than devices operating in one form. Many owners of combined double-circuit boilers argue that the use of such devices is an effective and economical solution. Since all the advantages of the combination, such as gas and firewood, can only be senior with time.

Description of the principle of the combined boiler


Installation of a modern combined boiler

Note: If there are doubts about the possibility of an independent installation of the device, it is recommended to use the services of professionals. Their experience, as a rule, allows you to perform work and quickly, and qualified.

Thanks to the use of a universal solution, you can choose optimal fuels for sharing. The review can help determine the advantages and disadvantages of existing types of combined devices, it is more correct to make a choice, which means that there will always be warm and comfortable in the house.

Today, increasingly gaining momentum country houses and cottages, and with them and special septic equipment. Combined heating boilers are a great option for creating comfort and heat in your home. The heating system is too important and expensive item to acquire them without prior acquaintance. What we now and do.

Design features

For proper and efficient operation of such equipment, it is worth understanding its design. Universal heating boilers have several ways to combine different types of fuel:

  1. Replacing burners
  2. Transition to different furnaces

In the first embodiment, the boiler in the kit has several burners, under each type of fuel. To switch to another type of fuel, you only need to replace the burner. The second option involves several flaring fires. One combustion chamber uses solid fuel, a second gas or liquid fuel.


The following that should be aware of the types of heating systems are varieties. Fuel, which you will use, determines the type of equipment. Combined boilers are divided into:

1. Boilers on gas and liquid fuel

Operation of such boilers do not require much effort. To switch to another type of fuel, you do not need to spend a lot of effort or time, while the power does not change completely. These home heating boilers for work use gas or liquid fuel. Often the main fuel type is chosen by gas, due to its safety, environmental friendliness and low cost. The power of this equipment is large enough, which allows them to heat the large area.

2. Boilers "Gas Firewood"

Differ from the previous type - the presence of firebox under solid fuel. In addition to gas and liquid fuel, they also work on: coal, peat, firewood. Popular equipment, due to its price and versatility, but in comparison with the previous type of boilers, gas-firewood have a smaller efficiency and a low level of automation. It is often used for heating small areas, as the larger the area, the less its profitability. In the appendage to everything, the universal boilers of gas-wood heating require high-quality chimney to function steadily.

3. Boilers with electric Tanni

The above boilers differ only by the type of fuel used, the boilers with the age can work on electricity to heat the room. They are ineffective for large buildings, but they have a high level of automation and protection against moving. At temperatures below +5, the system automatically turns on the heater. Automation eliminates you from various interruptions and continuous control over work. Combined heating boilers on firewood and electricity can boast a high efficiency and multifunctionality.

Advantages and disadvantages of universal boilers

Considering the foregoing, it is possible to determine their strong and weakness. To the strengths can be attributed:

  • availability of fuel and low cost;
  • a rich selection in fuel contributes to maintaining the unit in working condition, even in the absence of one of the types of fuel;
  • the ability to regulate the mode of operation, saving the fuel;
  • environmental purity;
  • automatic work, and the possibility of compatibility with the Smart Home system;
  • reliability and easy to use.

Solid fuel combined boilers long burning We also have the weaknesses:

  • restriction in the field of application - only residential facilities;
  • requires a separate room in the house, under the storage of fuel and installation of equipment;
  • the need of regular inspection and maintenance.

Despite all the disadvantages, the combined long burning boilers show excellent economic and performance indicators, it supports the demand for them.

When buying a heating boiler, it is worth paying attention to such parameters:

  • power;
  • the presence of the second circuit;
  • the material of grate for sewing ash;
  • heating material;
  • chamber fire size;
  • valve for quiet boiler operation;
  • heat exchanger material.


From the right and high-quality installation, the equipment will depend on the reliability of the heating system, so it is necessary, it is responsible for the installation and monitor proper installation and connections of all nodes and components.

When installing equipment, such as, for example, pellet combined boilers, have specific requirements.

The best choice for mounting will be an outdoor boiler, as its installation does not require excess structures. Pre-installation Check the strength of the floor, to put the installation of the cola to put the non-controlled material, for example, asbestos and sheet steel. Watch that the boiler would be installed as soon as possible and still, if necessary, to put under the feet of the aggregate non-combustible materialfor balancing. Also, do not forget that you may need to dismantle it, so when installing, count on a convenient dismantling.

When equipped equipment, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and correctly connect the boiler to the chimney. The room for the location of the boiler must be chosen in advance. It must be well ventilated to ensure ventilation.

It is possible to engage in installation and alone, but when connected, the presence of a specialist is preferably.

Operation of universal boilers

Before installing a combined long burning boiler, you must consider that such equipment has a lot of weight, and requires a sufficiently powerful foundation. Another no less important is the moment - the purchase and installation of chimney sufficient to ensure the thrust of the boiler. It is also necessary to pay attention to the cleaning of the ashtar. The degree of pollution will depend on the type of fuel and the saturation of the boiler.

Boiler room important moment, which is not necessary to forget, acquiring universal boilers. Chimney should be bought with non-combustible thermal insulation, to exclude fire when contacting the heated surface of the pipes. The next must be placed before the firebox of the steel sheet to protect the floor from possible sparks or burning particles. Also, do not forget about the delivery and loading of fuel, some boilers must be downloaded every 4 hours. Humidity of firewood should not exceed 20%.

A few words about popular brands

Kiturami boilers, from South Korean manufacturers, designed for large loads and any weather conditions. Most equipment is intended for several fuels. Equipped with two contours, and I can be installed in both residential and industrial premises. The Kiturami KRM series has a durable two-chamber heat exchanger. The equipment has control from the console. The combined boiler for heating KRM 30 is heating the room in 290kv.m and less, KRM 70 - up to 570 kV. m.

The next company is Ferroli. It specializes in special protection from low and high temperatures. Italian company, thanks to the new technology, when developing reduces the toxicity of smoke and increases efficiency. Especially for Russian conditions, the company modifies its equipment. For example, under low-quality gas and water. Ferroli GN1 model, one of the most popular, cast iron shell and power from 22 to 92 kW. Uses liquid and gas fuel.

Zota is the Russian brand of heating equipment. Steel solid fuel combination of long-burning boilers with 4cm thick thickness and with a capacity of 22 to 48 kW. Domestic equipment complies with all standards of reliability and safety. All models of this brand have an increased working pressure, due to which the maximum efficiency is achieved. Reducing smoke density, increasing heat transfer rate and its quality and this for the price, below Western counterparts.


Universal boilers Excellent solution to the issue of heating. There are many models and modifications in the market that can satisfy any requirements. It is important to buy similar equipment in specialized stores, where you will not only provide a guarantee, but also a specialist who will help the Council when choosing and if necessary. Universal solid fuel boilers Long burning will be able to guarantee heat and comfort in your home.

The atmosphere of heat and comfort in the country mansion, a private house or apartment will best create high-quality heating equipment. To live in a comfortable environment and not think about possible interruptions in the work of heating due to lack of gas or electricity, a combined gas electricity boiler is guaranteed to solve these issues.

Fig. one Combined boiler

Work on several types of fuel and automatic switching from gas to electricity provide reliable and uninterrupted operation of a combined heat supplier.

Common types of boiler equipment

In the market of thermal equipment presented models operating on gas, electricity, traditional solid and liquid fuel. The regional attractiveness of heaters on firewood, coal or fuel oil gives a price chassis for fuel, but has a significant drawback - a constant supply of this fuel is needed, a separate room for installation and storage of its reserves, disposal of combustion products.

Equipment for the production of heating, which works without permanent participation of a person, does not pollute the premises and does not require periodic loading of solid or liquid fuel - precisely such are the traditional gas or electric boiler. A wide range of maintenance service and a large practical experience of using such a heating technology allows with high statistical accuracy to allocate strong and weaknesses.

Eco-friendly and practical - electric boilers

Easily mounted and democratic at cost. Electric boiler has gained well-deserved popularity.

Attractive sides of the electric boiler:

  • modest dimensions, which makes it possible to install it on the wall;
  • in the process of heating does not highlight combustion products;
  • works without additional equipment of the exhaust system.
Fig. 2.

Features you need to consider when installing an electric boiler:

  • high power consumption;
  • not effective for districts with an old electrical supply system;
  • heated area does not exceed 100 squares;
  • sensitively reacts to voltage drops on the network;
  • it is ineffective when the electricity is disconnected.

High cost of heating of premises with electrical energy and possible malfunctions electrical network Significantly reduce the popularity of this type of heating. The gas-electricity heating boiler reduces the use of energy resources, such equipment is combined.

Gas - familiar energy and economical storage heating

For many years, it is precisely this equipment that operates on gas is used to heal water and the heating of the premises.

Gas boilers have their own advantages:

  • economical;
  • heats the premises of any area;
  • easy to use.

Not without side effects of use gas equipment:

  • mounting the chimney and the organization of good ventilation of the room where the gas boiler is installed;
  • high cost gas boiler with automation, ensuring its operation.

Gas equipment has long been used for household purposes and has extensive operating experience. Gas heat generators are developed taking into account modern requirements, the use of a gas mixture allows to obtain a high level of heat transfer. Gasoelectric boiler heating collected the strengths of his predecessors and leveled side effects.

Combined boiler: gas and electricity - weighted heating selection

Setting precisely the combined heating system allows economically and high-quality hot rooms offline and expand the services received.

Important advantages of a combined heater:

  • has small dimensions;
  • has excellent efficiency;
  • reduces the cost of production of thermal energy;
  • automatic switching of gas or electricity supply modes;
  • reduces the environmental burden.
Fig. 3.

The most spectacular work can be achieved when the combined gas and equipment is designed at the stage of construction and equipment of the premises electrical system Heating. Professional installation and adjustment of combination equipment will also increase the high-quality and long-term gas and electric heating contour.

Gas electric boilers of heating allow not only to heat the water to supply heating into radiators, but also combine several functions at once. Combined boilers can be responsible for the operation of the "Warm floor" system, to heat the water for domestic purposes. Additional heat exchange nodes will support the water of the proper temperature in the pool, the boiler installation will provide hot water needs.

Principle of operation of a combined heating system that uses gas and electricity

Combined equipment for heating from gas or electrical energy has a separate combustion chamber for a gas mixture and a heating element for generating heat from electricity. Cameras are installed on each other, which does not require additional switching of a combined boiler from gas to an electric train.

An independent switching from one type of energy consumption to another is due to the automatic control system, which ensures safe combustion of the gas mixture. Such switching can be performed in manual mode. Heating and regulatory control devices have automatic or manual control. The combined boiler using gas and electricity is distinguished by the high quality of the protective equipment.

The presence of several outputs allows the use of a gas-electric boiler heating as multi-city:

  • organize sauna heating;
  • maintain the optimal temperature in the greenhouse or in the winter garden;
  • warm water in the pool;
  • heat the floors when installing a "warm floor" system;
  • produce hot water.

If the manufacturers have not provided in the combined gas and electrical heating design Special accumulation tank hot waterUsed as a flow, then to obtain it, you need to connect a boiler-drive.

The electrical pump connected to the combined heating system will significantly reduce the costs due to the accelerated circulation of water. However, such an improvement will lead to the impossibility of the operation of gas equipment, when there is no power supply.

Electric and gas energy carriers are traditional types of fuel for many regions. The simultaneous use of gas mixtures and electricity for heat production reduces environmental burden. Gasoelectric equipment is characterized by high-quality automation controlling the use of a gas mixture. Gas and electrical combined equipment allows you to make the heating system as autonomous and economical.

Combined gas and electrical equipment and its installation have a sufficiently high cost, which pays off the convenience and efficiency of its use.

Heating is perhaps the most relevant problem for country house owners and cottages. There are many options for organizing the heat supply system. You can choose a gas or electric boiler for heating dwelling, or a gas electric boiler. What kind of option is better, depends on a number of factors. Most often use electrical or gas boilers. Combined aggregates for many are still new. Therefore, this article will consider the technical specifications and the cost of gas-electro boiler equipment.

From the choice of the optimal type of heating, the costs of heating at home and comfortable living conditions in it are dependent. Therefore, it is important to think carefully, weigh and give preference to the most appropriate option. After all, the system is mounted for many years.

Consider, gas or electric heating - which is better for a private house. In this regard, the following important parameters must be taken into account:

  • area of \u200b\u200bheated room;
  • remoteness of the gas highway;
  • the presence of a power supply of the desired power;
  • heat loss through the walls, windows.

In order to understand, gas or electric heating - which is better in terms of saving and quality heating, a number of factors should be taken into account:

Thus, it is impossible to say for sure that it is better - a gas or electric boiler for heating a cottage. It all depends on technical characteristics The building itself and a number of other moments.

Electrogasse boilers

Sometimes, in order to ensure uninterrupted operation of the heat supply system, an electric concubite is installed in parallel with the gas boiler, which at times increases the reliability of heating. How two boilers work in one heating system can be read. Lately Combined boilers, which can work on gas, and electricity appeared on sale. Such aggregates are universal and do not stop functioning in the event of electricity interruptions or accidents on gas highways.

Of course, while the models of the combined boilers are not so much as gas or electric. It should be noted that gasoelectric boilers of heating have a rather complicated design. By purchasing a similar device, it will be necessary to prepare a separate room for it.

Equipped electro-gas boilers heating with a gas powerful burner. If running electric mode Works begin to function water heating lands. The devices are equipped with a program, thanks to which the transition from one mode to another is automatically carried out. There are also models that are able to simultaneously use both sources: both gas and electricity.

A gas-electric boiler is an ideal locality with harsh frosty winter. After all, the device is equipped with an option that protects the heat carrier from freezing.

An electogas-sized heating boiler has such advantages:

How much are the electro-gas boilers?

Gas and electrical heating appliances automatically adjust the mode of turning on and off, which thus maintains the necessary temperature in the room and spending resources as economical as possible. But the cost of such equipment can not be called cheap.

The average price of a gas electric boiler is about 70% higher than on gas analogs.

So, the universal floor CTC 2200 trio boiler can be purchased about 500,000 rubles. True, the installation of the combined boiler pays off quite quickly - in just 2-4 years. As a result, economic efficiency from the organization of the heat supply system with an electrogasse boiler is quite a decent amount. More detailed about combined boilers can be read in our article.

Final choice

Thus, today the choice of boiler equipment for heat supply at home is quite wide. There are electrical, gas, and combined devices. It is impossible to say that some particular type of boiler is more profitable. After all, it all depends on a number of factors.

It is worth noting that gasoelectric boilers are the most advanced and technologies.

They differ quite complicated design. Such aggregates allow you to expand the services received, high quality and economically heat vacation home offline. Of course, the cost of them is high. But the cost of acquisition and installation quickly pay off.