Photos of Lenin with his arm outstretched. V.I.Lenin in photography

Fresh review

I will continue to publish photographs taken by a German tourist in Almaty in December 2013. There will be everything about the upper areas of the city (well, or almost everything - something will be included in the next review). And without any special details: everything is beautiful multi-storey buildings, everything is clean and beautiful. In general, this is what our authorities want to show tourists. And of course the Independence Monument will be detailed.

The first photo is the Television Center on Mira-Timiryazeva. The building is really very beautiful.

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Of course, if you look at the map, in the center of Sharjah there is not a lake, but a bay, connected to the sea by a long and not very wide arm. But for some reason local guides call it “lake”. There’s not much to write about, just a lot of photographs and panoramas. I came out to him by chance. The heat was 45 degrees, so it was deserted - normal people don’t walk in such weather.

The amazing thing is that with such heat, which lasts here not one or two days, but almost all year round— everything around is quite green. Here is the first photo on this very topic.

According to the excursion program that we were provided with in Almaty, on the second day there should be an acquaintance with Tbilisi. But everything turned out wrong. The host party had its own considerations for organizing excursions. And on this day we went to the Borjomi Gorge. In principle, we didn’t care where to go first, so we weren’t upset. Moreover, we were not the only ones from our hotel on the excursion minibus. The guide warned that the excursion will be long and you need to have money in local currency with you, because lunch is not included in the price of this trip, and there may not be ATMs or exchangers on site. And our transport set off through the streets of Tbilisi, collecting tourists from other hotels. So our acquaintance with the city continued, at least from the bus window.

I've always wanted to see Switzerland. But after listening to friends who have already been there or even live there, and also after reading all sorts of ratings of the most expensive cities in the world (for example, according to the rating of the Swiss bank UBS in 2018, Zurich is in first place), Switzerland somehow scared me away. Well, mountains, well, architecture ... - In Almaty, there are also mountains, and in Germany, in any city - architecture. What if Switzerland is a mixture of Germany and Almaty, but for the price of an airplane? It's not interesting

But the company I work for has a contract with the University of Zurich - UZH, and since the beginning of 2018 I have been lucky enough to visit this city several times - mostly on business trips, but once I even went there as a tourist. When I started writing the article , there weren’t very many photos, because during business trips you don’t really walk around the city - from work to the hotel, and back in the morning. But over these few times they have accumulated enough for a couple of articles. So, article nummero uno.

Another notable place nearby is Carbon Canyon Regional Park. And it is notable for its grove; there is even a walking path leading to it, along which we actually walked. This park belongs to the neighboring town of Brea (that’s what it’s called in Russian on the Google map, and in their name Brea). But I’ll start from the beginning, we were driven to this beginning of the trail by car, and then we set off on foot, although not everywhere it looked like a path.

I heard about either a national park or a geological reserve, which is located near the town of Obzor, in the neighboring village of Byala, and which is called “White Rocks”. I rented a car and went to see what it was. Firstly, Byala turned out to be not a village, as everyone calls it in Obzor, but a normal tourist city, the size of the same Obzor, which became a city in 1984. Secondly, the name Byala is translated as “White” and this name, just like once, comes from this natural monument - “White Rocks”.

In this review I will tell you how to get there and what is there, beautiful or interesting. And in the next one - about the museum and about the rocks with more scientific point vision.

In general, it is believed that Sharjah is such a not very cool emirate. Well compared to Dubai. But apparently for Lately Sharjah has become very smart in terms of building new beautiful skyscrapers.

Well, again, by the time we were driving around Sharjah, we had not yet been to Dubai and therefore Sharjah seemed to us quite cool in terms of development. I have seen enough multi-storey cities - this is , and , and even the new one, but in terms of the density of skyscrapers, Sharjah wins. It may be comparable to it in this parameter, but in Urumqi the skyscrapers are quite simple - in architecture they look like single-color boxes, not all, but many. But here everything is different, modern, unique.

There's not much to write about. Therefore, basically, just photographs, the bulk of which were taken from a moving car, therefore with glare.

Giebichenstein Castle was built during the early Middle Ages, between 900 and 1000. At that time it had a very important strategic importance not only for the Magdeburg bishops, whose residence it was until the castle was built, but also played an important role in all imperial politics. The first written mention dates back to 961. Built on a high cliff above the Saale River, approximately 90 meters above sea level, on the site where the main Roman road once passed. In the period from 1445 to 1464, the Lower Castle was built at the foot of the castle rock, which was intended to serve as a fortified courtyard. Since the transfer of the episcopal residence to Moritzburg, the so-called Upper Castle began to fall into decay. And after the Thirty Years' War, when it was captured by the Swedes and destroyed by fire, in which almost all the buildings were destroyed, it was completely abandoned and was never restored. In 1921, the castle was transferred to city ownership. But even in such ruined form it is very picturesque.

This review about the Review will be large, and perhaps not the most interesting, but I think it’s quite beautiful. And it will be about greens and flowers.

The Balkans in general and Bulgaria in particular are generally quite green areas. And the pastoral views here are gorgeous. But in the city of Obzor, greenery is mainly in parks, although there are also vegetable gardens, as you will see in the middle of this report. And at the end a little about wildlife in and around the city.

At the entrance to the city from Varna, there is a gorgeous flowerbed, which is very difficult to see while walking. But on foot it turns out that “Overview” is written there in flowers, and in some stylized Slavic font.

Tri-City Park is located in Placencia Township, bordering Fullerton and Brea Township. All these settlements are part of Orange County, in southern California. For all the time we've been here, we haven't figured out where one city ends and another begins. And, probably, it’s not that important. They are not very different in architecture and their history is approximately the same, and parks are within easy reach. We also went to this one on foot.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian revolutionary, Marxist theorist, statesman and political figure of the USSR, the main organizer and leader of the October Revolution, creator of the world's first socialist state. This is how everyone knows and remembers Lenin. Today we will take a look at the political leader from the other side and find out what he was like as a child.


Vladimir Ilyich was born on April 10, 1870 in the small city of Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk), which is located on the banks of the great Volga. His parents were representatives of the mixed intelligentsia. In addition to Vladimir, the family had five more children: Alexander, Dmitry, Anna, Olga and Maria. Lenin's parents tried to be honest, hardworking, versatile and sensitive to others. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that subsequently all the children of the Ulyanov couple became revolutionaries.


Nikolaevich (1831-1886) came from poor Astrakhan bourgeoisie. From an early age, he faced the difficulties that, under tsarism, beset all people from the people who wanted to get an education. Only thanks to his outstanding abilities and persistent work, Ilya Nikolaevich managed to graduate from Kazan University and become a teacher of exact sciences in secondary educational institutions in Nizhny Novgorod and Penza. As a result, he was even awarded the title of nobility for his length of service.

Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov was a progressive person for his time, close to the ideas of the philosophers of the 1860s. High ideals awakened in him dreams of serving the people and educating them.

In 1869, I. N. Ulyanov left his job as a teacher and became an inspector, and a little later, the director of Simbirsk public schools. Being a true teacher and enthusiast of public education, he was in love with his work with all his heart, giving it all of himself.

Activities in the field of public education forced Ulyanov to constantly travel around the province. He left home for weeks and months, visiting villages and villages. At any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, Ilya Nikolaevich went to remote places, created schools there and assisted teachers in establishing educational process. This difficult, although very important, task took a lot of energy from him. Moreover, the greatest difficulty was not the harsh winters, but the need to fight the resistance of landowners, kulaks and officials, who completely hindered the creation of educational institutions. It was also not easy to prove to the backward part of the peasants that it would be extremely useful for them to learn to read and write.

Disagreeing with the bureaucracy with its careerism, subservience and disdain for the people, Ulyanov was a true democrat. When addressing the peasants, he was always friendly. Ilya Nikolaevich paid a lot of attention to the issue of enlightening the non-Russian peoples who inhabited the Volga region. Treating them with respect and understanding, he spent a huge amount of effort and time organizing schools for the society oppressed by tsarism.

Ulyanov’s efforts have borne fruit: over almost two decades of his activity, the number of schools has increased significantly. He trained many high-quality public teachers, who began to be called “Ulyanovsk residents.”


Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (1835-1916) was the daughter of a doctor. She grew up in a village and was only able to receive home education. Due to lack of funds, it was not possible to continue her studies, which she greatly regretted. But being very gifted and inquisitive, Maria Alexandrovna easily learned several languages, which she later taught to the children. In addition, she read a lot and played the piano beautifully. After self-training, Ulyanova managed to pass the exam for the title of teacher as an external student. She, like her husband, was passionate about the issue of public education. However, Ulyanova did not have the chance to work as a teacher: housekeeping, raising children and caring for the hearth took up all her time.

Ulyanov family

Love and harmony always reigned. Despite his busy schedule, Ilya Nikolaevich was an exemplary family man and always found time for his wife and children. They looked at their father and saw how much effort he was ready to devote to public education, with what rigor he treated the performance of his functions and how much joy the discovery of new ones brought him. educational institutions. The life of his father, his passion for work, attentiveness to the people, and modesty towards himself, had great educational significance for Lenin's brothers and sisters. In the Ulyanov family, the authority of Ilya Nikolaevich was unshakable.

In raising children, Ulyanov proceeded from the views of N.A. Dobrolyubov - he strengthened their will, taught them to understand life, developed a thirst for knowledge, and finally, taught them to be strict about themselves and their actions. In addition, he taught children truthfulness and sincerity. By reading N.A. Nekrasov to his children, his father instilled in them a love of literature from an early age.

Ilya Nikolaevich always rejoiced at the successes of his children, and thereby inspired them to do more. He could not stand vanity, and demanded the same from his family. He was a fascinating storyteller and never shied away from children's questions.

Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova had a rare educational talent. Always friendly and flexible, she did not embarrass the children, but knew how to maintain discipline in the family. The woman passed on her organization, neatness, thrift and modesty to her children. Despite her outward fragility, she was endowed with courage, perseverance and selflessness, and she demonstrated this many times during the years of difficult trials.

The family environment was favorable for the development of the children's character and intelligence. Lenin's parents never suppressed the natural liveliness of their children, and on the contrary, they encouraged it. If in the summer in the village little Volodya wanted to take a shortcut through the window, no one stopped him. Moreover, to prevent his son from hurting himself, the father made wooden steps near the window. When the older children decided to publish a home magazine, everyone contributed to their passion to the best of their ability. These and many others Interesting Facts From childhood, Lenin always caused surprise in society.

The Ulyanovs taught children not only to realize their creative abilities, but also to work. From early childhood they had the opportunity to take care of themselves and help their elders. They always helped their mother take care of the garden and have tea in the gazebo: the boys carried chairs and dishes, and the girls helped wash the dishes after. In addition, girls were obliged to always take care of their clothes and the clothes of their brothers.

The childhood of the future revolutionary was bright and happy. He grew up a healthy, cheerful and playful boy. Volodya inherited his appearance and sociability from his father. He was constantly the instigator of children's games. In games, Lenin was fair and did not tolerate fights. Already at the age of five, Volodya read very well.

Simbirsk gymnasium

The first place where Lenin studied was the classical Simbirsk gymnasium. Already at that age, his good manners and self-discipline were evident. Every morning Volodya got up on his own at exactly seven o’clock, washed himself to the waist and made the bed. Before breakfast he had time to repeat his homework. At half past eight Ulyanov was at the gymnasium, located a few blocks from the house. This happened day after day for eight years.

At the gymnasium, thanks to his inquisitive mind and lively attitude to his studies, Lenin immediately became the best student. His concentration, ability to get things done, sincerity and ease of communication, as well as willingness to help at any moment, greatly attracted his comrades. Ulyanov did not lag behind in sports development - he was a good swimmer, chess player and speed skater.

Formation of revolutionary views

Vladimir Ilyich’s childhood and youth included years of brutal reaction that reigned in Russia. Any manifestation of free thought was nipped in the bud and persecuted. Later, Lenin called this period "an unbridled, incredibly senseless and brutal reaction." Since in those days all freethinkers were expelled from educational institutions, the gymnasium did not become a place for the development of his social ideals.

Lenin's worldview in childhood was influenced primarily by family education and the personal example of parents. In addition, his elder brother Alexander was an indisputable authority for Vladimir Ilyich from early childhood. Volodya tried to be like him in everything, and in any difficult situation he thought: “What would Sasha do?” Over time, his brother's authority only grew. It was from Alexander that Vladimir learned about Marxism.

Sasha Ulyanov was a very gifted young man. From childhood, he conquered everyone with his high moral qualities and strong will. Just like his father, Alexander was serious, thoughtful, strict with himself and fair. In relation to his younger brothers and sisters, he was affectionate and sensitive, so it is not surprising that all the children in the family loved him.

Analysis of the surrounding reality

From his early youth, Volodya Ulyanov vigilantly peered into the surrounding reality and analyzed it. Being a sincere person who does not tolerate hypocrisy and lies, he quickly saw the line between faith and religion. The final impetus for this was a scene that outraged him to the core. One day, Ilya Nikolaevich was talking to a guest in his house and said that his children were not attending church well. The enraged guest, looking at Vladimir, declared: “The whipping, the whipping must be done!” Quite angry, the child ran out of the house and tore off his cross. Therefore, the answer to the common question about whether Lenin was baptized is positive, in contrast to his personal attitude towards religion.

Closely analyzing life, Vladimir saw the need they were living in simple people and what wrath the peasants and workers are subjected to. He listened very carefully to his father's stories about the ignorance and darkness that reigned in the villages, as well as about the arbitrariness of the authorities and the situation of the peasants. Communicating with the workers, he noticed in what a powerless and humiliating position non-Russian nationalities were: Tatars, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Udmurts and others. Despite all Lenin's poise as a child, his heart was filled with burning hatred towards the oppressors of the people.

Help Okhotnikov

The future leader's sympathy for nationalities oppressed by tsarism is clearly illustrated by the fact that in the senior classes of the gymnasium he helped the Chuvash school teacher N. Okhotnikov prepare for the matriculation exam. Chuvash had outstanding mathematical abilities, and passionately dreamed of getting higher education. To enter the university, he needed a matriculation certificate, which is issued after passing an exam in various subjects, including ancient languages. It was very difficult for Okhotnikov to study these languages ​​on his own, and he did not have money for a tutor. Having learned about the desperate situation of the Chuvash, high school student Vladimir Ulyanov decided to help him free of charge. For a year and a half, Lenin studied with Okhotnikov three times a week, as a result of which he received a matriculation certificate and successfully entered a higher educational institution.


Books had a significant influence on the formation of Vladimir Lenin’s personality. Most of all he loved the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Nekrasov, Turgenev and Saltykov-Shchedrin. Lenin's revolutionary spirit was reinforced by the books of Herzen, Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky and Pisarev. Thanks to the writings of revolutionary democrats, young Lenin began to hate the socio-political system Tsarist Russia. In his youth, Vladimir Ilyich was fascinated by the works of the poets of the satirical publication Iskra. This magazine was one of the main revolutionary press organs. In it, various poets spoke out against noble-bourgeois liberalism and serfdom reaction.

As a child, Lenin found it difficult to hide his revolutionary views, so periodically glimpses of them appeared in his writings. Once, the director of the gymnasium F. Kerensky (the father of the later famous Socialist Revolutionary A. Kerensky), who always set the works of Vladimir Ulyanov as an example to other students, asked him warningly: “What kind of oppressed classes are you writing about?”

Loss of father and brother

In his youth, Lenin experienced many serious upheavals. So, in January 1886, his 54-year-old father died. In March of the following year, when the family was just beginning to recover from terrible grief, Alexander Ulyanov was arrested for participating in the preparation of the assassination attempt on Alexander the Third in St. Petersburg. Following him, Anna Ulyanova, who also studied at the university, was arrested.

No one in the family knew that Alexander Ilyich had taken the revolutionary path. He studied brilliantly at the University of St. Petersburg. The young man's achievements in the field of chemistry and zoology attracted the attention of many prominent scientists. For one of his works, written in his third year at university, he received a gold medal. The teachers predicted Alexander Ilyich to become a professor.

In the last summer, which A.I. Ulyanov spent at home, he devoted himself entirely to writing his dissertation. No one knew that while in St. Petersburg, the young man visited revolutionary circles and carried out political propaganda among the workers.

A relative of the Ulyanovs wrote to the city of Simbirsk about the arrest of Alexander and Anna. Fearing for Maria Alexandrovna's reaction, she sent a letter not to her, but to a close family friend, V.V. Kashkadamova, who worked as a teacher. She immediately called Vladimir and told him the sad news. According to Kashkadamova’s memoirs, Vladimir was silent for a long time, then said: “But this is a serious matter, it could end badly for Sasha.” It was not an easy task for the young man to prepare his mother for the sad news and provide her moral support. The news of what had happened immediately spread throughout the small town, subsequently causing the Ulyanovs to be disowned by everyone who had visited them before, and by the entire liberal society. At that moment, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) absolutely clearly saw the true cowardly face of the liberal intelligentsia.

Maria Alexandrovna was present during the trial of her son and his comrades. She listened to his speech, imbued with the deepest conviction and denouncing the tsarist autocracy. Alexander did not doubt the inevitability of the victory of socialism over the old social order. Later, Maria Alexandrovna will tell you that she did not expect that her son could speak so openly, eloquently and convincingly about political issues. Along with pride, she was filled with despair, because of which she was never able to sit through the end of the hearing and left the courtroom.

On May 8, 1887, 21-year-old Alexander Ulyanov was executed. This event shocked Vladimir Ilyich and finally strengthened his revolutionary spirit. A.I. Ulyanova wrote moving words about the brothers: “Alexander Ilyich died as a hero, and his blood illuminated the path of his next brother, Vladimir, with the glow of a revolutionary fire.”

Admiring the courage and dedication of his brother, Vladimir, however, rejected the terrorist path he had chosen. He firmly decided, “We will go a different way. This is not the way to go."

Graduation from high school

During the tragic days for the Ulyanov family, Lenin's brothers and sisters could not find a place for themselves. Vladimir Ilyich showed incredible perseverance: he studied hard and passed the matriculation exam brilliantly. Being the youngest in the class, he was also the only one who received a certificate with a medal. The administration of the gymnasium hesitated for a long time before presenting such an award to the brother of the executed “criminal”. However, Lenin's deep knowledge and outstanding abilities were all too obvious. Leaving the gymnasium, Vladimir Ilyich received good characterization from the director, which noted his accuracy, diligence and talent. Thus ended Lenin's childhood.

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Each reader has a different attitude towards Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, so we offer a small retrospective of his life in historical photographs, many of which are well known to us from early childhood, others have been forgotten or were not published at all until relatively recently. Volodya Ulyanov with his sister Olga. 1874 Simbirsk. It seems that the same Ilyich from the October star, “When Lenin was small with a curly head.” We had just such a portrait hanging in our school office for grades 1-3. Ulyanov family, 1879 Vladimir Ulyanov in his gymnasium years, 1887 21-year-old Ulyanov in Samara, 1891
Ulyanov during his arrest in the case of the St. Petersburg “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class,” 1895.
Entire security card.
Ulyanov among the members of the St. Petersburg “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class,” 1897. I can’t understand one thing: an underground organization, but the whole crowd went to take pictures in a photo studio. But what about basic conspiracy? Ulyanov in Moscow after being released from exile in the village. Shushenskoye, 1900
While visiting Gorky in Capri, Ilyich plays chess with A.A. Bogdanov, 1908 Ulyanov in Paris, 1910
On a walk in the vicinity of Zakopane, Austria-Hungary, 1913. Lenin in a wig before leaving for Finland (to avoid arrest), July 1917
Lenin in a box at the Tauride Palace at a meeting of the Constituent Assembly, January 1918.
Lenin in Smolny at a meeting of the Council People's Commissars, beginning 1918
Lenin in the Kremlin presides over a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars on recovery from injury, October 1918.
Lenin in his Kremlin office, October 1918
May 25, 1919
Lenin and H.G. Wells, 1919. Lenin with a cat, 1920.
Lenin in 1920 Lenin and Stalin in Gorki. Lenin in Gorki at the telescope, 1922 Lenin in Gorki after his third stroke, 1923 Last lifetime photograph, 1923
Farewell, 1924

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is a famous Russian revolutionary, Soviet politician and statesman, founder of the Soviet Union, organizer of the CPSU. He was involved in many areas. He is considered the most legendary leader and politician in history. Moreover, Lenin organized the first socialist state. This communist figure was interested in the politics of Mark Engels, and soon continued his work. Vladimir Ilyich changed the fate of not only the Soviet state, but the whole world. Lenin is the founder of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. The main task of this statesman was to create a party of the working class. Such an innovation was supposed to have a positive impact on the fate of the state in the future, according to Lenin.

Portrait of Vladimir Lenin

Biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

This person is considered the most important organizer and leader of the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. In addition, Vladimir Ilyich - first chairman of the Council of People's Commissars.

Despite the huge period of time that has passed since the reign of the legendary figure, historians are increasingly paying attention to studying his policies, methods of activity and the life of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He actively developed his policies at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, his form of government was not to everyone's liking. Some condemned the politician, others admired him. Despite everything, he still remains one of the most significant personalities in the field of politics.

Lenin was an ardent Marxist and always clearly defended his opinion. He is considered the founder of Marxism-Leninism. Vladimir Ilyich is the ideologist and creator of the Third Communist International. The state representative was also involved in the field of political and journalistic work. His pen includes works of various nature. For example, materialist philosophy, the theory of Marxism, the construction of socialism and communism and many others.

Vladimir Lenin and his sister Maria

Millions consider Vladimir Ilyich Lenin to be one of the most famous political figures of all time. world history. This is due to the methods of his government and the nature of his activities. The staff of the popular Time magazine added Lenin to the list of the hundred most significant revolutionary figures of the twentieth century. This Russian leader was included in the category "Leaders and Revolutionaries". It is also known that the works of Vladimir Ilyich annually lead in the lists of translated literature. Printed works rank third in the world after the Bible and works Mao Zedong.

Childhood and youth of Vladimir Ulyanov

The real name of the great Russian leader is Ulyanov. Vladimir Ilyich was born in 1870 in Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk today) in the family of an inspector of public schools in the Simbirsk province. Vladimir's father Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, was a state councilor. Previously, he taught in secondary educational institutions in Penza and Nizhny Novgorod.

Vladimir Lenin in childhood

Mother of Vladimir Ulyanov, Maria Alexandrovna, had Swedish and German ancestry on her mother’s side and European ancestry on her father’s side. Maria Ulyanova passed the exams for the position of teacher as an external student. However, she later finished her career and devoted everything free time raising their children and housekeeping. In addition to Vladimir, the family had older children - son Alexander and daughter Anna. A few years later, two more children appeared in the family - Maria and Dmitry.

As a child, young Ulyanov received Orthodox baptism and was a member of the Simbirsk religious Society of St. Sergius of Radonezh. During school, the boy received high grades according to God's law.

Little Vladimir was a very developed child. At the age of five he could already read and write perfectly. Soon he entered the Simbirsk gymnasium. There he was attentive, diligent and devoted a lot of time to the educational process. For his hard work and efforts, he constantly received certificates of commendation and other awards. Some teachers often called him a “walking encyclopedia.”

Vladimir Lenin in his youth

Vladimir Ulyanov was very different from other students in the level of his development. All his classmates respected him and treated him like an authoritative friend. IN school years the future leader read a lot of advanced Russian literature, which soon influenced the boy’s worldview. He preferred the works of V. G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen, N. A. Dobrolyubov, D. I. Pisarev and especially N. G. Chernyshevsky and others. In 1880, a schoolboy received a book with gold embossing on the binding: “For good behavior and success” and a certificate of merit.

In 1887 He graduated from the Simbirsk gymnasium with a gold medal; in general, his grades were at a high level. Then he entered the Faculty of Law of Kazan University. The leaders of the gymnasium, F. Kerensky, were extremely surprised and disappointed by the choice of Vladimir Ulyanov. He advised him to continue his studies at the Faculty of History and Literature. Kerensky argued for this decision by the fact that his student was truly successful in the field of Latin and literature.

In 1887, a terrible incident occurred in the Ulyanov family - Vladimir’s older brother Alexander was executed for organizing an assassination attempt on the Tsar. Alexandra III . From that moment, Ulyanov’s revolutionary activities began to develop. He started attending an illegal student group "Narodnaya Volya" headed by Lazar Bogoraz. Due to this, he was expelled from the university already in his first year. Ulyanov and several dozen other students were arrested and sent to the police station. The situation with his brother affected his worldview. Vladimir Ulyanov seriously protested against national oppression and tsarist policies. It was during that period that the guy began his revolutionary activity against capitalism.

Vladimir Lenin in his youth

After expulsion from Kazan University, he moved to a small village called Kukushkino, located in the Kazan province. There he lived for two years in the Ardashevs’ house. In connection with all the events, Vladimir Ulyanov was included in the list of suspicious individuals who must be carefully monitored. Moreover, the future leader was prohibited from resuming his studies at the university.

Soon Vladimir Ilyich became a member of various Marxist organizations that Fedoseev created. Members of these groups studied the essays Karl Marx and Engels. In 1889, Vladimir’s mother, Maria Ulyanova, acquired a huge plot of more than a hundred hectares in the Samara province. The whole family moved into this mansion. The mother persistently asked her son to drive such big house, however, this process was not successful.

Local peasants robbed the Ulyanovs and stole their horse and two cows. Then Ulyanova could not stand it and decided to sell both the land and the house. Today, the house-museum of Vladimir Lenin is located in this village.

Lenin abroad

In 1889 The Lenin family changed their place of residence. They moved to Samara. There, Vladimir’s connections with the revolutionaries resumed again. However, after a while, the authorities changed their decision and allowed the previously arrested Vladimir to begin preparing for exams to study jurisprudence. During his studies, he actively studied economic textbooks, as well as zemstvo statistical reports.

Participation of Vladimir Lenin in revolutionary activities

In 1891 Vladimir Lenin entered the Faculty of Law at St. Petersburg University as an external student. There he worked as an assistant to a sworn lawyer from Samara and defended prisoners. In 1893 he moved to St. Petersburg and devoted much time to writing works related to Marxist political economy. During the same period of time, he created the program of the Social Democratic Party. Among Lenin's popular and surviving works is “New Economic Movements in Peasant Life.”

Vladimir Lenin with a newspaper

In 1895 Lenin went abroad and visited several countries at once. Among them are Switzerland, Germany and France. There Vladimir Ilyin met famous personalities such as, Georgy Plekhanov, Wilhelm Liebknecht and Paul Lafargue. Later, the revolutionary figure returned to his homeland and began to develop various innovations. First of all, he united all Marxist circles into the “Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class.” Lenin began to actively spread the idea of ​​fighting the autocracy.

For such actions, Lenin and his allies were arrested again. They were in custody for a year. Next, the prisoners were sent to the Shushenskoye village of the Elysee province. During this period, the statesman actively established relations with Social Democrats from various parts of the country, namely from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, and Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1900 he was free and visited all the cities of Russia. Lenin devoted a lot of time to visiting various organizations. In the same year, Lenin created a newspaper called "Spark". It was then that Vladimir Ilyich first began to sign the name “Lenin”. A few months later he organized the congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. In connection with this event, a split occurred into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Lenin became the head of the Bolshevik ideological and political party. He tried with all his might to fight the Mensheviks and took radical measures.

Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin

Since 1905 Lenin lived in Switzerland for three years. There he carefully prepared for an armed uprising. Later, Vladimir Ilyich returned illegally to St. Petersburg. He tried to attract the peasants to him so that they would be one strong team to fight. Vladimir Lenin called on the peasants to actively fight and asked them to use everything that was at hand as a weapon. It was necessary to attack civil servants.

Role in the execution of the family of Emperor Nicholas II criticism and accusations

As it became known, on the night of July 16-17, 1918, the family of Nicholas II and all the servants were shot. This incident occurred by order of the Ural Regional Council in Yekaterinburg. The resolution was headed by the Bolsheviks. Lenin and Sverdlov had a certain number of sanctions that were used for execution Nicholas II. These data have been officially confirmed. However, historical experts and other specialists are still actively discussing Lenin's sanctions for the execution of the family and servants of Nicholas II. Some historians acknowledge this fact, others categorically deny it.

Initially, the Soviet government decided that it was necessary to try Nicholas II. This issue was discussed in 1918 at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, which took place at the end of January. The Party Collegium officially confirmed such actions and the need for a trial of Nicholas II. This idea, accordingly, was supported by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and his allies.

Speech by Vladimir Lenin

As is known, during that period, Nicholas II, his family and servants were transported from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg. Most likely, this move was connected with all the events taking place. M. Medvedev (Kudrin) provided confirmation that it was not possible to obtain sanctions for the execution of Nicholas II. Lenin argued that the tsar needed to be transferred to a safer place to live. On July 13, a meeting was held at which issues related to the military review and the careful protection of the Tsar were discussed.

Wife of Lenin Vladimir Ilyich Krupskaya said that on the night of the murder of the Tsar and his family, the Russian leader was at work all night and returned only early in the morning.

Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky

Personal life of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Krupskaya

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin tried to carefully hide his personal life, like other professional revolutionaries. His wife was Nadezhda Krupskaya. They met in 1894 during the active creation of an organization called "Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class". At that time, a Marxist meeting took place, where they met. Nadezhda Krupskaya was admired by Lenin's leadership qualities and his serious character. She, in turn, interested Lenin in his analytical mind and development in many areas. Government activities brought the couple closer together and a few years later they decided to tie the knot. Vladimir Ilyich’s chosen one was restrained and calm, extremely flexible. She supported her lover in everything, no matter what. Moreover, the wife helped the Russian revolutionary in secret correspondence with various party members.

However, despite Nadezhda’s wonderful character and loyalty, she was a terrible housewife. It was almost never possible to notice Krupskaya in the process of cooking and cleaning. She did not do housework and cooked extremely rarely. However, if such cases did occur, then Lenin did not complain and ate everything that was given to him. Let us note that once in 1916, on New Year's Eve, there was only yogurt on their festive table.

Vladimir Lenin and Nadezhda Krupskaya

Before Krupskaya, Lenin admired Apollinaria Yakubova, however, she rejected him. Yakubova was a socialist.

After they met, love broke out at first sight. Krupskaya followed her lover everywhere and participated in all the actions of Vladimir Ilyich. Soon they got married. Local peasants became best men. The rings were made for them by their ally from copper coins. The wedding of Krupskaya and Lenin took place on July 22, 1898 in the village of Shushenskoye. After this, Nadezhda truly loved her husband. Moreover, Lenin got married, despite the fact that at that time he was an ardent atheist.

In her free time, Nadezhda went about her business, namely theoretical and pedagogical work. She had her own opinions regarding many situations and did not completely submit to her abusive husband.

Vladimir was always cruel and callous towards his wife, but Nadezhda always bowed to him, loved him faithfully and helped him in all areas. In addition to Nadezhda, there were many other women in Lenin’s life, even after marriage. Krupskaya knew about this, but proudly restrained the pain and endured the humiliating attitude towards herself. She forgot about feelings of pride and jealousy.

Vladimir Lenin and Inessa Armand

There is still no reliable information about the children of Vladimir Lenin. Some claim that they were infertile and had no children at all. And other historians say that the famous Russian leader had many illegitimate children. There is also information that Lenin has a child named Alexander Steffen from his beloved Inessa Armand. Their romance lasted for five years. Inessa Armand was Lenin's mistress for a long time and Krupskaya knew about everything that was happening.

They met Inessa Armand in 1909 while in Paris. As you know, Inessa Armand is the daughter of a famous French opera singer and comic actress. At that time, Inessa was 35 years old. She was completely different from Nadezhda Krupskaya neither externally nor internally. She was distinguished by beautiful features and unusual appearance. The girl had deep, beautiful eyes long hair, an excellent figure and a beautiful voice. Krupskaya, according to Anna Ulyanova, Vladimir’s sister, was completely ugly, had eyes like a fish, and did not have beautiful expressive facial features.

Inessa Armand She had a passionate character and always expressed her emotions clearly. She loved to communicate with people and had good manners. Krupskaya, unlike Lenin’s French chosen one, was cold and did not like to express her emotions. They say that Vladimir, most likely, had simply a physical attraction to this lady, he did not experience any feelings for her. However, Inessa herself loved this man very much. Moreover, she was radical in her views and categorically did not understand open relationships. Armand was also an excellent cook and always took care of housework, unlike Nadezhda Krupskaya, who was almost never involved in these processes.

Vladimir Lenin

Information was also known that Nadezhda Krupskaya suffered from infertility. It was this fact that argued for the absence of children from the couple for many years. Later, doctors stated that the woman had a terrible illness - Graves' disease. It was this disease that was the reason for the absence of children.

In the Soviet Union, information was not disseminated about Lenin’s infidelities and the couple’s lack of children. These facts were considered shameful.

Nadezhda's parents loved Vladimir Ilyich very much. They were happy that she connected her life with an intelligent young man, very educated and discreet. However, Lenin’s family was not very happy about the appearance of this girl. For example, Vladimir’s sister - Anna, hated Nadezhda and considered her strange and unattractive.

Nadezhda knew everything about her husband’s infidelities, but she behaved with restraint and never said anything to him, much less to Inessa. Everyone around him knew about this love triangle, since the famous revolutionary did not hide anything and did it in plain sight. Inessa Armand was always present in the life of the couple. Moreover, Inessa and Nadezhda tried to maintain friendly relations and communicate.

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich

Lenin's French mistress helped him in everything; she went with him to party meetings throughout Europe. The woman also translated his books, articles and other works. Let us note that Nadezhda kept a photograph of her husband’s mistress in her bedroom and looked at her competitor every day. Nearby there were photographs of Vladimir and Nadezhda’s mother.

Nadezhda endured her husband’s humiliation and betrayal until the very end, and, it would seem, had already come to terms with Vladimir’s mistress. However, at some point she could not stand it and invited her husband to leave. He did not agree and left his mistress Inessa Armand. In 1920, Inessa died from a terrible disease - cholera. Nadezhda Krupskaya also came to her rival’s funeral. She held Vladimir's hand the whole time.

Lenin's French fiancee left two children from her first marriage, who became orphans. Their father also died earlier. Therefore, the couple decided to take care of these children and look after them. Initially, the children lived in Gorki, but later they were sent abroad.

Vladimir Lenin in last years life

Death of Vladimir Lenin

After the death of Inessa Armand, Lenin's life went downhill. He also began to get sick often; the Russian leader’s health condition deteriorated significantly due to all the events taking place. He soon passed away on January 21, 1924 at the estate Gorki Moscow province. There were many versions of the man's death. Some historians suggest that he died due to syphilis, which could have been transmitted to him by his French mistress. As is known, he took medications for a long time to treat such diseases.

However, according to official data, Lenin died from atherosclerosis, which he had suffered from recently. Vladimir Ilyich's last request was bring Inessa's children to him. At that time they were in France. Krupskaya fulfilled this request of her husband, but they were not allowed to see Lenin. In February 1924, Nadezhda proposed burying Vladimir next to the ashes of Inessa Armand, but Stalin categorically denied this proposal.

Funeral of Vladimir Lenin

A few days after the death of the world-famous leader, his body was transported to Moscow. He was placed in the Column Hall of the House of Unions. For five days, farewell was held in this building to the Russian leader, political and statesman, to the head of the Soviet people.

January 27, 1924 Lenin's body was embalmed. A Mausoleum was specially built for the body of this legendary personality, which is still located on Red Square to this day. Every year the issue of reburial of Vladimir Lenin is raised, but no one does it.

Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow

Creativity, writings and works of Lenin

Lenin was a famous successor Karl Marx. He often wrote works on this topic. Thus, hundreds of works belong to his pen. IN Soviet time More than forty “Lenin collections” were published, as well as collected works. Among Lenin's most popular works are “The Development of Capitalism in Russia” (1899), “What to Do?” (1902), “Materialism and Empirio-Criticism” (1909). Moreover, in 1919-1921 he recorded sixteen speeches on records, which testifies to the oratorical abilities of the people's leader.

Cult of Lenin

A real cult began around the personality of Vladimir Lenin during his reign. Petrograd was renamed Leningrad, many streets and villages were named after this Russian revolutionary. In every city of the state a monument to Vladimir Lenin was erected. The legendary man was quoted in many scientific and journalistic works.

Revolutionary Lenin Vladimir Ilyich

A special survey was conducted among the Russian population. More than 52% of respondents claim that the personality of Vladimir Lenin has become one of the most important and necessary in the history of their people.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is a world-famous Russian revolutionary, the main leader of the Soviet people, politician and statesman. He was involved in the field of journalism; hundreds of works belong to the pen of this legendary man. Over the past decades, many poems, ballads, poems have been published in his honor. In almost every city there is a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whose reign will be talked about for decades to come all over the world.

Studied for 3 months at Kazan University.