Abstract of the open class "safety trip with toffee" in the middle group. Summary of a security lesson in the middle group "Home alone. Summary of a security lesson in the middle group

Inoculate fire safety skills;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Equipment: a model of a house with furniture, an iron, an ironing board, pictures on the topic "fire safety", a ball of thread, baskets for the game, subject distribution cards, attributes of a fireman, a Cat costume.

Preliminary work:

Dramatization of the nursery rhyme "Tili-bom";

Dramatization with toys "Fire in the forest", "Fire in the house";

Practicing practical actions in case of fire through the game;

Conducting classes on the activity "Cat's House", "Do not play with fire";

Games in the "Safety Corner".

Course of the lessonon the basics of life safety in kindergarten

Educator: Guys, I will ask you a riddle:

The red beast sits in the oven,

The ginger beast is angry with everyone.

He eats firewood out of anger,

Maybe an hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand,

Bites the whole palm! (Fire)

Educator: Right. This is fire. And now Masha will tell us the poem "Fire can be different"

Child: Fire can be different:

Pale yellow

Bright red

Blue or gold

Very kind, very angry.

Educator: Guys, tell me, why do we need fire? (children's answers)

Educator: Right. The power of the fire is very great. It warms you up, helps you cook, makes machines run, and fires rockets. And there are also factories where fire also lives in furnaces, it helps to “cook” the metal from which cars and airplanes are made. This is good fire. (showing pictures)

Educator: And fire can also be evil. What is it like? (children's answers)

Educator: Fire becomes dangerous when people forget to handle it carefully. A fire breaks out in the house; it is very dangerous when dry grass in the forest catches fire; the crops in the field can catch fire. You need to be very careful with fire. (showing pictures)

The phone rings.

Cat: Hello, this is kindergarten # 1? Can I invite children to visit me?

Educator: Of course, we will come to you.

Visit our cat

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.


One after another

In an even circle

We walk along the paths.

And our legs will get tired

Let's sit down together and rest.

Let's sit quite a bit

Let's stand up, clap everyone

And we'll start walking again.

Visiting a cat

The cat strokes the blouse, gets distracted, forgets about the included iron.

Educator: Hello, Cat!

Cat: Hello guys! Well done for coming. How good and beautiful you are. I invite you to come into the house and sit on the chairs.

Educator: Cat, look how inattentive you are, left the iron on and burned the jacket. Children, how can you leave electrical appliances on? What electrical appliances do you know? (children's answers)

Educator: Can children turn on electrical appliances? (children's answers)

Child: The iron cannot be turned on,

It is strictly necessary to know.

Closing the door in the house

Has everything turned off, check.

Cat: Let's play. But I have no toys. (thinks) Yeah, I thought of it, I have matches, so let's play with them. (takes big matches, lights it and it turns out to be a fire-fire. Afraid, runs to hide in the closet).

Educator: You can't hide in the closet.

Cat: Then I'll crawl under the bed.

Educator: And you can't under the bed, they won't find you there.

Educator: Children, what should be done when the fire started? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's call the firemen for the cat. We need to dial 01, give the last name, first name and address. (kids call firefighters)

Educator: You need to wet a towel or handkerchief, close your mouth and nose and leave the house. You can't hide. (hand out handkerchiefs. All come out)

The fireman comes.

Firefighter: Hush, don't make noise!

Don't joke with fire!

But if there is a fire, don't get lost!

Contact the fire department urgently!

Extinguishes the fire.

Educator: Children, let's thank you for your help.

Firefighter: And you, cat, do not play with matches and be careful with electrical appliances.

Child: So that there is no fire,

You cannot play with matches.

Neither the street nor the kindergarten

We will not take matches.

Firefighter: Goodbye.

Children say goodbye.

Educator: Guys, let's teach the cat to play and explain with what objects you can play and what you can't.

Didactic game "Yes, no" (dangerous situations)

On the table are pictures of toys and objects: matches, candles, an iron, a gas stove. Children should choose any picture and correlate with the designations on the baskets: "toys", "prohibiting fire sign", explain their choice.

Educator: Well, Cat, but now you know which objects you can play with and which you cannot.

The cat thanks the children and says goodbye.

Educator: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Physical minutes "One after another"

Educator: Guys, I have threads of knowledge, I will distribute to everyone. Tell me what you have learned. (children's answers)

That's how much you've learned, and now let's connect the strings, wind them into a ball. See how much you know. And this knowledge will stay with us forever.

Children read poetry:

If suddenly a fire broke out,

You must call instantly

Every citizen knows

Part of the firefighters - "01"!

If something is on fire

Take the liberty:

Urgently "01" call,

Give the exact address,

What is burning, how long ago, where.

And the fireman will help you in trouble!

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the basics of life safety in the middle group, topic: "Do not joke with fire, so as not to regret later"

Software content:

Raise responsibility for their actions, a conscious desire to comply with fire safety rules. Consolidate knowledge about the causes of a fire, fire safety rules, rules of conduct in case of fire and smoke.
Exercise in drawing, modeling, application.
Develop attention, coherent speech, a sense of rhyme, general and fine motor skills.
Foster respect for the work of firefighters.


Audio recordings: sounds of burning, fire truck sirens.
A cone-torch glued from cardboard.
Red napkins.
Drawing depicting ancient people.
Red pencils.
Wooden thin sticks cut from brown paper circles.
Cardboard image of the stove. Plasticine is red.
Ribbons of red, yellow, blue colors.
The remains of burnt paper on the plates.
Numbers 1 and O cut out of red paper.
Glue, brushes, napkins, backing sheets, brush holders.
Helmets, fire extinguishers, hatchets, water cannons from the "Firefighters" toy set.
Dolls, wet towels, buckets, phones.

Course of the lesson:

Surprise moment:

Guys, our classes, holidays, games are often visited by guests. We have many guests today. Educators from other groups have come, you have already greeted them. And there will be one more, very unusual guest. This guest can be useful and harmful, kind and evil, helper and destroyer. Listen to him. (An audio recording of combustion sounds is played.)

I can protect.
I can light up.
I can feed.
And I can warm you.
I am your helper, friend, dependable servant,
But don't piss me off in vain.
After all, then I turn into an evil enemy
With a terrible merciless force.

Have you already guessed who will be our guest? This is fire.

Conversation and visual activity "Assistant Fire"

The fire illuminates

Now let's think about it. how can fire illuminate when we use electric light? If there is no electric light, then you can light a candle or lamp. People began to use electricity not so long ago. And before the light of a candle, a Torch, gave them light. Lamps.

I suggest you make an antique torch. Take a red napkin. Crumple it, not too much, and put it inside the finished torch (cardboard cone). Raise your torches high and show us.

Fire protects

Ancient people had many enemies and very few friends. Fire was their main protector from wild animals, because all animals are very much afraid of fire. Therefore, ancient people always kept a fire in the fire in front of their homes. In the picture you have ancient people at the fire. But the fire is very weak, small. Light a big fire - add the flame.

Fire feeds

How can fire feed? To prepare food, we light a fire on a gas stove. And how can fire feed us far from home, in the forest, for example? You can cook food over a fire. Let's make a shashlik craft. Take a stick and string paper circles, pieces of meat, on it.

Fire warms

What keeps us warm in our apartments and here in the kindergarten? Warm batteries. But earlier, when they had not yet come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bheating the veda and putting it through pipes into the batteries of houses, people were warmed by fire. Do you know how? People were heated with stoves: wood and coal were burning in them, and heat came from the fire.

Let's light up the stove with the help of plasticine. Roll out a thick sausage from a piece of red plasticine, attach it to the wood in the stove and draw out the flames with your finger. Let the flames be of different sizes, then it will turn out more similar.

Take a look at your drawings and crafts. They will remind you of how fire can help people.

Reading a poem

For fun, for playing you
Do not pick up matches.
You are not joking with fire.
In order not to regret later.
Do not light a fire in vain
And don't let others!
Even a little light
Not far from the fire.

Outdoor game "Fire and water"

A fire is starting!
The flame is higher, the flame is steeper.
Reaches out to the very clouds.

(Children stand in two lines facing each other. Children of one rank have red ribbons in their hands, the other - blue ones. Children from the "fire" team slowly walk towards the "water" command and wave the ribbons).

But water will appear
And then the fire is in trouble!

But the wind blows the fire
And the flame burns again.

(One of the children - "the wind" runs between the ranks with sultans from transparent bags).

But we will add water
To avoid trouble!

(Children from the "water" team step forward and wave blue ribbons).

Examination of paper burning residues

Consider carefully what became after the burning of the paper. You can use a magnifying glass. It was an old newspaper that burned down. But your favorite book or photograph can look exactly the same if you encounter fire. The fire very quickly turns everything around to such ashes.

Causes of fires

Guys, do you know why fires happen? What are the causes of the fires? Games with matches or lighters. Electrical appliances left on. Bonfires not extinguished, butts.

Didactic game "Listen carefully"

The teacher asks questions, and the children must answer in unison: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Who, having heard the smell of burning, informs about the fire?
- Who of you, noticing the smoke, will shout: "Fire, we are burning!"
- Who among you plays with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?
- Who invisibly hides matches from the little sister?
- Which of you is playing pranks with fire? Admit it honestly.
- In vain does he not light fires and does not allow others?

Pantomime games:

Show "good fire", depict fire "evil", the flame of a candle, bonfire, fire.

But if suddenly trouble happened, what to do?

Reading a poem

Smoke and fire are not good, so know
Call adults for help soon.
And call "101" as soon as possible:
Urgent firefighters! Lights will help!
And don't hide under the bed - mind you.
That you can't just get away from the fire.
Don't stay in an apartment with fire.
And get out an accessible way:
Put a wet rag to your mouth.
Hurry to the front door through the smoke.

Application "101"

Guys, put the fire department number and stick it on. And most importantly, remember this number. When the fire department receives a call to the number "101", rescuers ask what happened and where, at what address. Meanwhile, the firefighters are already getting into the car.

Fire trucks are colored red in hazard color and have a siren sound. (An audio recording of the fire truck siren sounds).

And firefighters instantly
They will rush to the call
Rescuers know their business:
Long hoses pull
Evil flame is flooded with water.
And ice water will hit with a jet.
And the fire will go out little by little ...
This is what happens to those misfortunes.
Who pampers with fire in vain.

Relay "On fire"

Children take turns dialing 101, put on a helmet, take a fire extinguisher, unwind a hose, put a wet towel on their face, save a child, break open a door with an ax, carry a bucket of water.

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

We will quickly defeat the fire
If we call on ... (101)

The firefighters are not in vain
The color of the car is bright ... (red)

Down the street like a bird
On a fire, a car ... (rushes)

To defeat the fire,
Need on time ... (to be in time)

Do not yawn in case of fire
Fire with water ... (fill)

Trouble awaits in the fire
If it ends ... (water)

Every inhabitant must know
Where it hangs (fire extinguisher)

Our lesson has come to an end. You can take these pictures with a picture of a fire engine and paint in free time... After sleep we will watch the cartoon "Smeshariki" about fire safety.

Well, and most importantly, of course:
Don't play with fire!
It is both bright and funny,
But the danger is hidden in him.
He is fire! He is a friend of the guys.
But when they play naughty with him,
He becomes the enemy
And burns everything around!

Integrated lesson summary

on the basics of life safety in middle group, topic: "You are not joking with fire, so as not to regret later"

Objectives :

Raise responsibility for their actions, a conscious desire to comply with fire safety rules.

Consolidate knowledge about the causes of a fire, fire safety rules, rules of conduct in case of fire and smoke.

Exercise in drawing, modeling, application.

Develop attention, coherent speech, a sense of rhyme, general and fine motor skills.

Foster respect for the work of firefighters.


Audio recordings : sounds of burning, fire truck sirens.

A cone-torch glued from cardboard.

Red napkins.

Drawing depicting ancient people.

Red pencils.

Wooden thin sticks cut from brown paper circles.

Cardboard image of the stove. Plasticine is red.

Ribbons of red, yellow, blue colors.


The remains of burnt paper on the plates.

Numbers 1 and O cut out of red paper.

Glue, brushes, napkins, backing sheets, brush holders.

Helmets, fire extinguishers, hatchets, water cannons from the "Firefighters" toy set.

Dolls, wet towels, buckets, phones.

Course of the lesson:

Surprise moment:

Guys, our classes, holidays, games are often visited by guests. We have many guests today. Educators from other groups have come, you have already greeted them. And there will be one more, very unusual guest. This guest is useful and harmful, good and evil, helper and destroyer. Listen to him. (An audio recording of combustion sounds is played.)

I can protect.

I can light up.

I can feed.

And I can warm you.

I am your helper, friend, dependable servant,

But don't piss me off in vain.

After all, then I turn into an evil enemy

With a terrible merciless force.

Have you already guessed who will be our guest? This is fire.

Conversation and visual activity "Fire Assistant"

The fire illuminates

Now let's think about it. how can fire illuminate when we use electric light? If there is no electric light, then you can light a candle or lamp. People began to use electricity not so long ago. And before the light of a candle, a Torch, gave them light. Lamps.

I suggest you make an antique torch. Take a red napkin. Crumple it, not too much, and put it inside the finished torch (cardboard cone). Raise your torches high and show us.

Fire protects

Ancient people had many enemies and very few friends. Fire was their main protector from wild animals, because all animals are very much afraid of fire. Therefore, ancient people always kept a fire in the fire in front of their homes. In the picture you have ancient people at the fire. But the fire is very weak, small. Light a big fire - paint the flame.

Primitive people by the fire

Fire feeds

How can fire feed? To prepare food, we light a fire on a gas stove. And how can fire feed us far from home, in the forest, for example? You can cook food over a fire. Let's make a shashlik craft. Take a stick and string paper circles, pieces of meat, on it.

Fire warms

What keeps us warm in our apartments and here in the kindergarten? Warm batteries. But earlier, when they had not yet come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bheating the veda and putting it through pipes into the batteries of houses, people were warmed by fire. Do you know how? People were heated with the help of stoves: wood and coal burned in them, and heat came from the fire.

Let's light up the stove with the help of plasticine. Roll out a thick sausage from a piece of red plasticine, attach it to the wood in the stove and draw out the flames with your finger. Let the flames be of different sizes, then it will turn out more similar.

Take a look at your drawings and crafts. They will remind you of how fire can help people.

Reading a poem

For fun, for playing you

Do not pick up matches.

You are not joking with fire.

In order not to regret later.

Do not light a fire in vain

And don't let others!

Even a little light

Not far from the fire.

Outdoor game "Fire and water"

A fire is starting!

The flame is higher, the flame is steeper.

Reaches out to the very clouds.

(Children stand in two lines facing each other. Children of one rank have red ribbons in their hands, the other - blue ones. Children from the "fire" team slowly walk towards the "water" command and wave the ribbons).

But water will appear

And then the fire is in trouble!

But the wind blows the fire

And the flame burns again.

(One of the children - "the wind" runs between the ranks with sultans from transparent bags).

But we will add water

To avoid trouble!

(Children from the "water" team step forward and wave blue ribbons).

Examination of paper burning residues

Consider carefully what became after the burning of the paper. You can use a magnifying glass. It was an old newspaper that burned down. But your favorite book or photograph can look exactly the same if you encounter fire. The fire very quickly turns everything around to such ashes.

Causes of fires

Guys, do you know why fires happen? What are the causes of the fires? Games with matches or lighters. Electrical appliances left on. Bonfires not extinguished, cigarette butts.

Didactic game "Listen carefully"

The teacher asks questions, and the children must answer in unison: "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Who, having heard the smell of burning, informs about the fire?

Who of you, noticing the smoke, will shout: "Fire, we are burning!"

Which one of you plays with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon?

Who invisibly hides matches from a little sister?

How many of you play pranks with fire? Admit it honestly.

In vain does he not light fires and does not allow others?

Pantomime games:

Show "good fire", depict fire "evil", the flame of a candle, bonfire, fire.

But if suddenly trouble happened, what to do?

Reading a poem

Smoke and fire are not good, so know

Call adults for help soon.

And call "101" as soon as possible:

Urgent firefighters! Lights will help!

And don't hide under the bed - mind you.

That you can't just get away from the fire.

Don't stay in an apartment with fire.

And get out an accessible way:

Put a wet rag to your mouth.

Hurry to the front door through the smoke.

Application "101"

Guys, lay out the fire department number and paste it on. And most importantly, remember this number. When the fire department receives a call to "101", rescuers ask what happened and where, at what address. Meanwhile, the firefighters are already getting into the car.

Fire trucks are colored red and have a siren sound. (An audio recording of the fire truck siren sounds).

And firefighters instantly

They will rush to the call

Rescuers know their business:

Long hoses pull

Evil flame is flooded with water.

And ice water will hit with a jet.

And the fire will go out little by little ...

This is what happens to those misfortunes.

Who pampers with fire in vain.

Relay "On fire"

Children take turns dialing 101, put on a helmet, take a fire extinguisher, unwind a hose, put a wet towel on their face, save a child, break open a door with an ax, carry a bucket of water.

Didactic game "Speak a word"

We will quickly defeat the fire

If we call on ... (101)

The firefighters are not in vain

The color of the car is bright ... (red)

Down the street like a bird

On a fire, a car ... (rushes)

To defeat the fire,

Need on time ... (to be in time)

Don't yawn in case of fire

Fire with water ... (fill)

Trouble awaits in the fire

If it ends ... (water)

Every inhabitant must know

Where it hangs (fire extinguisher)

Our lesson has come to an end. You can take these pictures with a picture of a fire engine and paint in your free time. After sleep we will watch the cartoon "Smeshariki" about fire safety.

Well, and most importantly, of course:

Don't play with fire!

He is both bright and funny,

But the danger is hidden in him.

He is fire! He is a friend of the guys.

But when they play naughty with him,

He becomes the enemy

And burns everything around!

Download the synopsis of an integrated lesson on the basics of life safety in the middle group, topic: "You don't joke with fire, so as not to regret later"

Integrated lesson in the middle group.
Topic: "Walk in the forest".
Areas to integrate: Safety, cognition, communication, physical education.
Purpose: Development of attention and curiosity.
1. Continue to develop Orientation in space using the words: for, on, under, right, left.
2. Exercise in a count to 5.
3Exercise children in different types of walking, jumping, balance, throwing.

Material and equipment: Doll-Masha, gymnastic bench, massage track, cones, geometric Figures, Animals-Toys, Christmas trees.
Course of the lesson
Guys, listen to the riddle:
Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear,
He himself, without knowing it, carries her home. (Masha)
What is this girl's name? What fairy tale is this girl from? What happened to Masha? (She was lost in fairy tales, was mistaken, could not find her way home).
And today, Our Masha is also lost in the forest and cannot get out. How can you and I help her? (To accompany her, show the way, Do not leave her alone, Go with her).
Physical education instructor:
Good forest, old forest is full of fabulous wonders,
We are going for a walk now and are calling you with us.
(Music from the film "Masha and the Bear" is included.
Children walk in pairs to music (on the way there is a narrow path, massage mats, footprints).
Birds, butterflies, animals are waiting for you at the forest edge,
And funny rabbits, long-eared guys
Jump, yes, jump, Jump, yes, jump, across the field for the woods.
Educator: So we ended up in a clearing. How beautiful it is here! How many trees are there in the meadow? How many colors?
Who is sitting on the tree? (bird) Where is the bunny hiding?
Who is to the right of the tree? (Left). Guys, who guessed where the cones are? (Under the tree)
(Children take two cones)
Physical education instructor:
We wandered into the clearing, we found a lot of cones.
When we play, we will throw them into the basket a little.
OSU in a circle:
We raise the cones up and quietly lower them
And now we bent the bumps down we put
Now let's sit on the road and bend our legs at the knees.
We sat, rested, now began to jump together.
It's good in the clearing, but it's time for us to move on.
OD streaming method.
(two benches of different sizes - let the children choose,
Two baskets).
Now Masha will show you how to walk along the log, jump down and throw one cone with her right hand (then with her left).
Guys, what are your emblems? These are geometric shapes. And now we will play the game "Find your house" (3 times)
Educator: Reflection, What did you like during the walk, What is interesting, what difficulties? Masha, our children today were all attentive, inquisitive. Now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (Soundtrack)

Attached files

Summary of GCD in the middle group of kindergarten

Prepared and conducted by the teacher of the MADOU "Atyashevsky kindergarten №1" VV Khonyavina.

Home Safety.

Lesson objectives:


Teach children to behave properly at home when they are alone; form an idea that you cannot open doors to anyone outside. Prevent children from getting into the trouble of contact with strangers.

To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about objects and situations that are dangerous to the life and health of people and situations that they encounter in life (about their meanings for people, about the rules for using them).

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can and cannot be done when in contact with cats, find out how and why the cat licks its fur.

Teach children to listen and answer questions.

Developing :

Continue working on the formation of connected speech.

Develop memory, logical thinking, imagination.


Formation of accuracy and independence in use various materials and items.

Materials, equipment:

toys (cat, Pinocchio), a piece of sandpaper, cotton pads, a pencil, chips (green and red), dangerous and safe items, pictures with dangerous items.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Guys, imagine that you are left at home alone. Dad is at work, mom went to the store, and you are alone in your room.

Educator: Do you hear someone knocking on the door? What should we do? Can the door be opened immediately? Why?

Children's answers: ……… ..

Educator: First look through the peephole or ask "Who is there?"

Never open the door to strangers... And if the stranger continues to persistently knock on the door, then the police must be called. You need to call "02", give your first and last name, home address. To say that a stranger is stubbornly knocking on your door, and you are afraid. The police will definitely come and help you.

Do you guys remember how to behave? Who will tell the police phone number?

Children: "02"

A knock on the door.

Educator: Do you hear someone knocking at us? Guys, what should I do now?

Children's answers: __ _

Educator: Who's there?

Buratino: It is me, Buratino, who came to visit you.

Educatorb: Guys, Pinocchio came to visit us and brought a whole basket of various objects that he collected at home and wanted to play with them, but taking one of them, he cut his finger. He came to you for help, so that you choose the items that you can play with.

Educator: Guys, can we help Pinocchio?

Children:Yes! We will help you!

(Items in the basket: matches, buttons, lighter, scissors, pills, book, ball, etc.)

Educator: Let's see what's in your basket. How many different and interesting things are in it! Dasha, take any item in the basket. Show it to everyone. What is it? Do you think this item is dangerous or safe?

Children's answers:……..

Educator: A lit match and lighter are very dangerous and can cause a fire. If you are left alone at home, then when smoke or fire appears, you must call the fire brigade by phone "01",

wait for an answer and give your address, or contact your neighbors. Remember, you cannot hide under the bed from a fire, run away to another room, but it is better to completely run away from the apartment and call people for help.

Let's call the fire department number together again.

Educator: Medicines, pills are also very dangerous, they are prescribed by a doctor. If someone is seriously ill and urgently needs help, then you need to call "03". A doctor will come, examine the patient and prescribe treatment. You can drink the medicine only if you are sick and a doctor has prescribed it for you and only under adult supervision.

Do you remember the ambulance phone number? Who will call her to me. ( Children's answers)

Educator: Buratino, you have a lot of dangerous items in your basket, but now you know how dangerous they are, you cannot play with them. Be careful!

And you guys Buratino says thank you and wants to play with you.

physical education

Buratino stretched,

Once - bent

Two - to bend

Three - three claps in your hands,

Head three nods.

Four arms wider.

Five, six - sit quietly

(We perform movements along the text)

Educator: Guys, we have one more guest in class, he sleeps quietly in my chair. Who could it be? To find out, you need to solve the riddle:

Mustache muzzle,

Striped fur coat,

Washes often

But he doesn't know water.

Children: cat, kitten.

Educator: What can you do with it? Maybe someone will tell you what kind of cat he has at home?

Children's stories:…………..

Educator: At home you have wonderful cats (animals)! Tell me what you can't do with animals?

Children: Tail pulling, teasing, etc.

Educator: When the animal eats, can it be stroked? Why?

Children: Can bite, lash out, etc.

Educator: Have you watched a cat brush its fur?

Children: Licks herself with her tongue.

Educator: Want to know how she does it? Take a pencil and rub your finger with a lead until a pencil mark appears on it. Now, with light pressure, rub your soiled finger with a piece of sandpaper. Examine your finger and paper. What do you see?

Children's answers….

Educator: Now take a cotton pad and rub it against the sandpaper. Examine them, what do you see?

Children's answers….

Sandpaper removes the pencil marks and individual cotton fibers from the finger. Cat's tongue is rough like sandpaper. The cat licks its fur with a rough tongue, removes dust, dirt and loose hairs from it.

The cat loves cleanliness, often washes. And we need to wash our hands with soap and water in order to be healthy.

Let's remember how to properly wash your hands? I will show, and you do everything together with me.

Exercise "Wash Hands".

The cat with the help of the tongue not only washes, but also eats. What does the cat like to eat?

Children: Milk, meat, fish.

Educator: Where are these products stored?

Children: In a refrigerator

Educator... How can we warm food?

Children: Using a microwave oven, gas stove.

Educator: Now, all houses have gas stoves, they require careful handling. Why?

Children's answers ...

The gas stove is a useful invention. You have probably often observed how your mother lights a fire on the stove - she turns the knob, brings a burning match to the burner, and the gas ignites. You can put a pot of water or a skillet with oil on the fire and cook. Yes, without a gas stove, mom would hardly have been able to cook so deliciously.

But mishandling gas stove can lead to trouble.

Firstly, you cannot just turn the knobs of the burner. Why do you think? (Answers of children.) Gas "lives" in the stove. You can release it outside. If the gas does not burn, it is very dangerous: the gas can be poisoned.

Secondly, never play naughty near a lit stove. You could accidentally hit a pot of hot soup or a kettle of boiling water and you could burn yourself.

Children: You can get burned, there can be a fire, you can get poisoned.

Educator: today guys, we talked a lot about dangerous items. And as you remember them, let's check again, let's play a game. I will show you pictures with objects, and you will pick up the chips that are on your table. If I show you a picture with a dangerous item, then you pick up a red token, if with a safe item, then a green one.

Educator:How great we had the time! What did we do with you?

Children's answers ... ..

Educator:Who will tell me the fire department phone number? Ambulance? The police?

Children's answers ...

Educator:Remember, although the house is reliable, you still need to remember about safety.

Everyone knows - self-indulgence does not lead to good.