Orlyak message. What kind of plant is - fern Orlyak ordinary

Orlyak fern is a beautiful perennial plant belonging to the class of fern and the Dennstedtiyevy family. This plant is used not only to decorate the garden plot or room, but also in culinary purposesas well as for the treatment of certain diseases. In this article we will share with you recipes for the preparation of the Orlyak fern, as well as tell about the peculiarities of its cultivation at home. It is quite simple to care for him, and the fern grows very quickly.

Photo and description

Fern Orel is a herbaceous plant, externally resembling a low shrub. Its height varies from 30 to 100 centimeters. The powerful combined root system grows in horizontal directions and nourishes young shoots. The plant name was given due to spicy leaves resembling the shape of the eagle wings.

The fern of Orlyak (photo in the article) is famous for its heightened vitality. Not only that the plant is coming even on the harsh and non-fermentation soils, even a fire is not terrible. Fern one of the first will begin to grow on the same site, even if the fire destroyed everything alive around.

Beneficial features

Fern Orlyak contains an incredible amount of beneficial substances, and each part of the plant is rich in special elements. For example, phytosterols are contained in the leaves, normalizing cholesterol, and flavonoids, strengthening small capillaries, as well as regulating blood coagulation process. In addition, the leaves are rich in sesquiterpen with antichelmint properties, and tanning substances that increase immunity and preserving youth.

By eating stems and young shoots, you are saturated with essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, fatty acids, tyrosine, phenylalanine and iodine. Also stalks of fern are rich in aspartic, nicotine and glutamine acids. This plant stimulates the metabolism and increases the stress resistance to stress.

Application in medicine

Therapeutic properties of the ferns of Orlyak have long been used to combat numerous diseases. Bars of dried roots and shoots are used to treat:

  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • nervous disorders;
  • headaches;
  • hypertension;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • weakened immunity.

Also, the fern copes well with rheumatism, arthritis and convulsions. The decoction of this plant is used as an expectorant and choleretic agent. As in any case, applying a fern, it is important to observe the measure. Even in the youngest shoots, there is a small number of poisonous substances that are able to accumulate in the body. It is undesirable to apply a fern even in therapeutic purposesIf we are talking about pregnant or nursing women.

Orlya Fern Life Cycle

This process differs significantly from the reproduction of most other plants. The cycle consists of two main steps: for useless and sex. The stages of the life cycle of the Orlya fern pass in the following order:

  • education dispute;
  • development of Gamenaophyte;
  • formation of egg and spermatozoa;
  • fertilization and process of the formation of zygota;
  • formation and development of the embryo;
  • development of an independent plant.

Dust spores of the fern, pouring off in favorable conditions, germinate and form a gametophyte. It is on it that the formation of eggs and moving spermatozoa, which merge and form the zygota.

Preparation for landing

If you decide to grow a fern on your site, it is best to get a young plant in a proven store or nursery. When buying, conduct a thorough inspection of the plant - the leaves must be elastic, without traces of damage and disease. The same applies to the root system.

By bringing a plant home, leave it for a day in the shaded room. After that, transfer to the pot with the prepared soil. At its bottom, it is defined by a layer of drainage, and the substrate itself should consist of most of the sand and less - land. A little compost is laying up in the landing puddle and fern, straightening the roots. After that, the plant is watered and fertilizes the growth stimulant facilitating the adaptation process.

Conditions for growing

To obtain a lush and healthy plant, comfortable conditions should be organized as close as possible to natural. For this, the pot with a fern is placed in a shaded place, away from heating sources. The active effect of sunlight is contraindicated with this plant.

The air temperature for the cultivation of the fern can be quite different - from +10 ° C to +25 ° C. Therefore, in the summer, it is possible to carry a plant on the glazed balcony to be protected not only from bright sunlight, but also from possible drafts.

Evalnamed and humidity - both soil and air. To maintain the required level of humidity, it is enough to periodically spray the plant from the sprayer. Summer spraying is made daily.

Plant care

Fern Orlyak is considered a moisture-loving plant. In the warm season, watering is carried out twice a week, since the plant is actively developing and requires a lot of water. In winter, watering is reduced by 4-5 times, but spraying is preserved.

Due to the high sensitivity of the plant to chemical preparations, feeding is made in the soil every 7-10 days. Begin to fertilize the fern of early spring when the plant awakens after the hibernation and is ready to actively grow.

Orel transplant is extremely rare, only in the case of the development of a very large bush, which lacks the place in the pot. Sometimes the strengthened plant is transplanted in open sad For summer time, but with the arrival of cold weather it returns home. The fern transplant to the garden plot is performed as follows: the hole is swollen and protected from the wind, on the bottom of which lay down a bit of compost or humoring, after which the plant itself is moved and reproduced with fresh soil. This procedure is carried out in spring.

In trim, the Orel does not need. In terms of home cultivation, it does not reset the leaves. And the garden fern replaces faded leaves with new ones, which will give a plant fresh and healthy appearance.

Features of the collection

Collect fern in spring. Moreover, it is not difficult to find it. The plant is found in almost any forest, birch and even in many garden sites. Some inexperienced gardeners are trying to get rid of him from him from an annoying weed, not to imagine how much it is useful.

Spring collecting is due to the fact that the edible parts of the fern are young shoots, who did not have time to release the leaves. By the end of the spring, the shoots begin to rush, the leaves are actively growing, forming a lush bush, unsuitable for eating. In addition, the older the plant, the more harmful and even poisonous substances accumulate in it. In the process of collecting, it is important not to miss the very moment when young stems are tender and fragile, and shoots bend into the hook.

There are no more than two days in the freshly edged view of the Orlyak, and only in the refrigerator. If you do not use or recycle it during this period, the plant will be completely poisonous. Therefore, it is not necessary to greeding, collecting fern, especially if you do not plan to harvest it for long-term storage.

Preliminary preparation

Fresh fern contains a small number of poisonous substances, therefore, before you begin cooking, prepare the plant. Otherwise, the use of this product in food threatens poisoning. To purify the plant from bitterness and poisons, it is enough to soak it in a salt solution. After that, shoots are soaked in fresh water. Such treatment will not only allow to protect the fern of Orlyak, but also will retain all its taste quality, nutrients and attractive appearance.

If you want to speed up the process of cleansing the plant, then you can boil it several times in salted water, which you must replace at least three times. The first two boiling is lasting for 1-2 minutes, the last - at least 10 minutes. Remove the fern from the fire at the moment when his shoots curl into cute rings.

Billet and long-term storage

Since B. fresh form The fern of Orlyak is stored for a short time, and they want to rummage as long as possible, there is the main method of its workpiece - salting. To do this, it is better to use in which young plants are stacked by salt. The fern kilogram is consumed at least 250 grams of salt. From above, the whole design is pressed with the press and leaves for a couple of weeks. After that, the oppression is cleaned, the brine is drained and the upper layers are changed to the bottom with the bottom, then poured fresh brine. In such a state, the fern leaves for another week.

Before use, the fern is soaked in fresh water for 7-8 hours, then boil 5-7 minutes. Only after these procedures can be bred to the preparation of ferns of the Orlya.

Delicious and useful salad

One of best recipes A meat salad is considered to be a meat salad. For its preparation use gentle veal meat, boiled eggs, solid cheese, cucumbers, fresh onions and tomatoes. All components are taken in equal parts and cut. The crude fern copes in water, after which it is roasted on oil to get rid of excess moisture and imparting a spicy taste. If you plan to use the salty fern of Orlyak, then you first need to soak it in water and also fry. After that, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and refilled by mayonnaise.

Dietary Dish from Fern

Among the multitude of recipes from this plant, low-calorie, dietary dishes occupy a special place. For example, a fried fern will become an excellent addition to any garnish.

For its preparation you will need a plant, onions, some flour and sour cream. The bulb is finely cut and roasted on the oil until golden color. After that, a prepared fern is added, which is roasted along with the bow for 10 minutes. In a separate container, the sour cream with flour is mixed and poured into a fryer with a fern and onions. After that, the frying pan is sent to the heated oven. Baking is carried out before the appearance of a ruddy crust. The finished dish is perfectly combined with boiled rice and potatoes.

Growing in the forests, among shrubs and young rigs. Ferns are widespread all over the world and many legends, legends, mystical sacraments and customs from different nations are associated with them.

The Slavs believed that the fern was blooming only on the night before the holiday of Ivan Kupala, and his flower glows in the dark with the magic light and indicates where the treasure was buried. On the basis of such a believer there was an interesting rite: on the night before the day before the holiday, all selenia is sent to the forest in search of "Purunov Fireball". It was believed that the color of ferns would be strong and beautiful, and the flower would serve as a maligning potion.

In France, the girls were preparing a font of the fermentation root also for finding a beloved, for cleansing the skin and body.

The fern is mentioned in the writings of Plina and Dioscarid, and the detailed description of the plant and its use gave Avicenna in its writings in the XI century.

In the Middle Ages, the Swiss leakage and pharmacist Nuffer made a recipe for making medicine from a fern, who kept secret. Later, after the death of Nuffer, this recipe for a large amount was bought from the Spirit Pharmacy to the decree of the leader of the French king of Louis XVI.

The plant contains flavonoids, tubyl substances, bitterness, fatty and essential oils, Organic acids, vitamins C and A. are particularly vitamined by the shoots of the plant.

Carcinogenic Fern Furnace Connections

ATTENTION! Orlyak fern contains carcinogenic compounds Ptaquiloside, contributing to the development of stomach cancer. (PMID: 22143989)

Settlements, most of which are in Japan, where young stems are used in food, have some of the highest rates in the world in the incidence of gastric cancer. Orlyak consumption is considered one of the reasons for high rates in the incidence of stomach cancer in the Andean state, Venezuela.

According to research 2007 in Japan, the content of carcinogenic compounds Ptaquiloside in ferns turned out to be changeable. For example, the concentration of carcinogenic compounds in dry leaves of the Orlya fern was 0.1-0.6%. (PMID: 17653360)

Application of fern Orlya in cooking

The shoots of Orlyak are tasty and nutritious, widely used in fresh and salty form in the countries of the East - Japan, Korea, China, on the Islands of Polynesia.

In our country, Orlyak is eating only lovers. You use the young eagle shoots, cleaned from unacceptable leaves. The shoots are boiled, twice is washed with water and used for the preparation of salads and soups or roasted and served as seasonings to the second dishes. Fried shoots have the taste of mushrooms.

On the Canary Islands from the root of Orlyak, they are preparing a flour, because in dry rhizomes a lot of starch, and baked Bread "Harko" (Sp. Helecho). For the preparation of bread, the rhizomes of the Orlya were used in Germany and Bulgaria, as well as Maori New Zealand, Indians of North America. Eating also baked fern rhizomes.

In China, Korea and Japan, young young people who have not yet unfolded leaves and shoots of Orlyak (snails) are eating like asparagus or olives in European countries, pick up the future. In Primorsky and Kamchatka Territories, their collection is carried out for exports to Japan and China. Japanese sweets "Varabi Moth" (pies with stuffing) are prepared from fern starch.

Application of ferns Orlyak in medicine

In antiquity, ferns were used as a means. Nasty rhizoma was used in folk medicine For treating children.

Sin.: Austrian Shield, Jesus Grass.

Orlyak ordinary - a long-term herbal fern. It is easy to distinguish from other ferns at the poor edge of the leaflet and along the longitudinal covered row of sporangies. Thanks to its useful properties, the Orlyak is used in folk medicine, and is also used in the countries in Asia, in New Zealand, on Canaries.

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In medicine

Orlyak ordinary plant is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine.

Contraindications and side effects

Orlyak contains in its composition to poisonous substances, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use this plant in food or apply for the treatment of infusions and decoctions on the basis of all categories of persons. Application of the Orlya may entail a violation of the liver, kidneys, CNS, gastrointestinal tract of cardio-vascular system, reduce leukocyte and erythrocytes, increase bleeding, cause an allergic reaction and even lead to a fatal outcome.

In cooking

Orlyak ordinary is widely used in the national cuisine of Japan, China, Korea, New Zealand. It is believed that the plant contributes to longevity, rejuvenates the body and strengthens the immune system.

In Japan, the sweets "Varabi Moth" are preparing in Japan, which are similar to small pies with filling. Every year, about 300 tons of Orlyak ordinary are consumed in Tokyo alone.

The inhabitants of the Canary Islands are mixed with the crushed rhizomes of the Orlya to the flour, from which the sneakers are delicious, nutritious and useful bread called "Heheho".

In Korea, the Orlyak plant is used for the preparation of Chon, the filling of which can be meat, seafood and vegetables.

At home

In the leaves of the Orlyak well wrap vegetables and fruits for storage. The litter from the leaves in Klelev improves the quality of manure. In the ash from the leaves of the Orlay a lot of potassium carbonate. From ancient times, people knew about his detergents: water insisted on the ash and the obtained click was used in the farm instead of soap. The shoots and leaves of the Orlya of the ordinary have an antickered effect. So, the vegetables or fruits have been kept for a long time and do not spoil.

Wairay Orlyak have insecticidal properties: they can scare insects (cockroaches, bugs, flies and spiders), so in Western Europe, the peasants were used the leaves of the plant for packing mattresses and pillows. In addition, it was believed that such a packing prevents from the radiculitis. And Frenchwomen used the root of the Orlya in cosmetic purposes For skin cleansing. Finally, to this day, the fern rhizomes produce special glue that does not dissolve in cold water (sports and tourist backpacks impregnate such glue with such glue to give them waterproof).


Orlyak ordinary, fern - Orlyak (Lat. Pteridium Aquilinum) - view of the family of Orlyak (Lat. Pteridium), family of iridium (lat. Pteridiaceae), or cyatine (lat. Cyatheaceae).

Botanical description

Orlyak ordinary fern can reach a height of 150 cm, but mostly sizes range from 30 to 100 cm.

The root system of plants is powerful, strongly branched, consists of black horizontal and vertical deeply located underground roots.

Orlye leaves twice-, three timesperous, with a peculiar smell, dense and rigid, on long fleshy stiffs, in the outlines are triangular. The leaflets are oblong, lancertoid, on the end are stupid, at the base sometimes blade or peristraized. The edge of the segments of the leaves is wrapped.

Saruses are located on the cover of a sheet plate covering them, lie on the vascular grip, connecting the ends of the veins. On the inside of this heavy, the poorly developed inner coat-made film is attached, sometimes it is also represented by few hairs. Sports are not developing annually and ripen in July - August.

Wijah Orlyak up to 250 cm high and more, stroke, thick, turns into a reprehensive rahis, only slightly deviating back from the vertical position in the departure places of feathers. Wiji's plate in the total outlines are oblong-egg-shaped, three times, a four-part, the book is a tapering, the Top Wiray remains undeveloped during the whole growing period; The basal pair of feathers tends to dry towards the end of the growing season. Feathers, especially the lower, are significantly spaced apart, are arranged by tiers of one over others.


Orlyak ordinary is widespread and occurs everywhere all over ground Shar.except arctic areas, steppes and deserts.

In Russia, he grows in the European part, in Siberia, in the Far East and the Urals.

Habitat - bright forests, both coniferous and deciduous, forest edges, open sublime places, thickets of shrubs. Light and poor soil prefers, sometimes found on limestone.

In natural habitats, Orlyak rarely becomes an aggressive spreading plant. But human activity contributes to the transformation of it into one of the most common ferns. Deeply occurring rhizomes and ability to stormy vegetative reproduction allow the Orlyak to master the places of fires, abandoned fields and pastures.

In some countries, the haynesses are considered to be a hard-painted weed that requires special measures to fight.

In the mountains, it reaches the average, less often - uppergore belt.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Preparation of raw materials

The rhizomes of the ordinary Orly are harvested in autumn or early spring (from May to June), when the above-ground part of the plant begins to grow.
Rhizomes are cleaned from the ground, while all small apparent roots are removed, which are not discarded, and dried separately. The underground part of the plant is dried in the shade.
The leaves of the Orlyak are harvested exclusively young, and together with just appeared from the ground, the shoots that are not yet unfolding Wii (the height of the escape cut should not exceed 20 - 30 cm).
The collection is subject to only juicy, fragile and easily breaking the shoots of the plant. As soon as the flexion shoots will stop breaking, and they will only bend, the collection of raw materials stops, because it becomes bitter and unsuitable for food, and the content of the useful substances in it will be minimal.
The collected shoots must be recycled immediately, because after 3 - 4 hours after the collection they will load and lose their food, and therapeutic value.

Chemical composition

All plant contains organic acids (fumaroic, amber), carotenoids (including carotene and lutein), sesquiterpenoids, steroids, cyanogenic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids, phenolic compounds (including lignin), tannilic substances, flavonoids (including isokvercitin, Rutin). Carbohydrates and related compounds (galactose, xylose, fucose, arabinosis), aromatic compounds, lipids, starch (up to 46%), oily oil - found in Orlya rhizomes. Thritteroidoids were found in the aboveground, in the leaves (wighs) - cinnamon, benzoic, couber, coffee, ferul, protocateh, vanilic acid and proteins.

Orlyak ordinary fern contains a huge number of trace elements: iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, nickel, sulfur, phosphorus. It also contains vitamins - carotene, riboflavin and tocopherol.

Pharmacological properties

According to the literary data of Schringer A.I. and Kornishina L.M. Therapeutic properties of an ordinary orchard is very extensive, the plant has anti-inflammatory, anti-shine, antipyretic, hemostatic, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, antimicrobial, wound-healing and painkillers.

Also noted the antiemetic and diuretic effect of Orlyak. However, these studies have been confirmed by any clinical data and apply the Orlyak independently for therapeutic purposes.

Application in folk medicine

The medicinal properties of Orlyak ordinary are very valued in traditional medicine. Infusion of rhizomes is used as an anti-shine, for the treatment of rickets in children, decoction - as an antitussive, laxative, toning, wound-healing. The decoction of rhizomes is used in diseases of the respiratory organs, as an analgesic with gastralgia, Malgia, headache, binding in diarrhea; Decoration, ointment (locally) - with eczema, abscesses. Also, the decoction of the leaves of Orlyak ordinary is used in rheumatism, with diathesis in children.

In Indian medicine, the decoction is used with the infiltrate of the spleen.

In Mongolian medicine, the leaves are used as wound-healing, decoction - as opposite.

Historical reference

About fern how about therapeutic plant In his writings, there were still pillies and dioscarides, while a detailed description of this plant and how to use it described Avicenna in the XI century.

In the Middle Ages, the Swisshekrake and Pharmacist Nuffer was compiled a recipe for an anti-shine medicine, the basis of which was the fern. This recipe was kept in the strictest secrecy, which was revealed for a great remuneration after the death of Nuffer (the recipe was redeemed at the Spirit Pharmacy by decree of the French king of Louis XVI). Already at the end of the XVIII century, the fern included in the pharmacope of Europe countries as a means that helps not only get rid of worms, but also facilitate the flow of arthritis and polyarthritis.

This fern was obtained for the fact that the vascular bundles in the rhizome are located in such a way that some semblance of the State Eagle represent on the cross section (hence the name: German. - Adlerwurz or Adlerfarn, or a similar French. - Fougère Imperiale, and Polish. - Orlica POSPOLITA); Sometimes vascular bundles on the cross-section represent as if initials named Jesus Christ (IC), why the Orlyak is also called Jesus herb (it. Jesus Christus Wurzel).


1. Orlyak // encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: 86 tons. (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.

2. Orlyak - an article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia.

3. Gubanov I. A. et al. 19. Pteridium Aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Ex Decken - Orlyak ordinary // Illustrated determinant of plants of Central Russia. In 3 tons. - M.: T-in Scientific. ed. KMK, Institute Technologist. Issh., 2002. - T. 1. Ferns, horsetails, planes, viced, coated (single-bedroom). - P. 93.

4. Schreter A. I., Kornishin L. M. The use of ferns of the USSR flora in scientific and traditional medicine // Rast. resources. - 1975. - T. 11, no. 4. - P. 50-53.

Fern, called Orlyak ordinary is a perennial plant from the Multalone Family. It is found in the forest area almost throughout Russia, except deserts, steppe zones and the Arctic. Orlyak fern is a large plant. It can reach from 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters in height. He has a powerful, branched, deeply located in the ground. The leaves are bright, filament (feathers), tough, are located on a long cutting. Each such sheet-opac can reach up to two meters long (though, such dimensions are found only in southern latitudes).

Orly ordinary fern

Young, twisted in the snail, the leaves are called Wijah. In general, they look like an eagle wings, hence the name. Translated from Greek, Vaia is a palm branch. The fern branch really looks like it. The lower sheets of the sheet have the ability to highlight the sweet nectar attracting ants and other insects. And at the end of the summer, the plant throws out disputes - these are cells for breeding. There are disputes on the back of the leaves and when ripening is clearly visible. In addition, every year a fat root gives all new and new above-ground shoots. So the fern breeds. But, it is the vegetative reproduction of the rhizomes that this culture gives its preference, rather than a dispute.

Fern Orlyak is sometimes called a plant aggressor. This is because it is capable of actively growing. It fasses all loose glades in the forest. He is not afraid of a sultry sun, nor forest fires, because if foliage will perish, then deeply located roots will remain unharmed. At the same time, creating such large plantations, the fern of Orlyak prevents the fertile layers washed away, for example, on the slopes. The plant with its violent growth, of course, interferes with the shoots of other light-affiliated crops, including young trees. But, if among his thick thickets grow pine, fir or ate, then they can not be afraid of any frosts.

Chemical composition

Fern leaves and rhizome are in their chemical composition Many useful substances:

  • carotenoids (lutein, carotene);
  • steroids;
  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates (xylose, fructose, arabinosis);
  • lipids;
  • organic acids (cinnamon, coffee, vanilic, coumar, etc.)

And also does not lag behind the fern of Orlyak from other types of beneficial plants and in terms of vitamins. The research of biologists showed that it has:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • copper.

Billet fern

In view of such a number of beneficial properties of the plant, it has long been produced by its cultivation and a blank for industrial and pharmacy production, as well as for personal use.

In order to comply with the extermination measures of fermentation resources, it is necessary to observe some conditions during the workpiece. Collection is recommended when:

  • The length of the succulent part of the sheet reached at least 20-25 cm.
  • For the season it is necessary to carry out a one-time cutting of the fern during three years, and in the next 2-3 years take a break.
  • Store the collected raw materials is recommended to 12 hours at a temperature of 20 degrees. At a higher temperature, it is necessary to keep a fern harvest without processing even less.
  • Freshly ready shoots quickly drain, so they need to have time to recycle on the same day.

The most popular method of recycling, which the fern of Orlyak is exposed - this is his slash. Industrial salts are carried out according to the technical conditions (TU 61 RSFSR 01-93-92E), developed yet in soviet times. It is called a revised product - "Fern Orlyak. Salted semi-finished product. " You can store it for a long time in the refrigerator and add to the food gradually and as needed.

In addition to salting, a popular processing method is drying Leaf shoots. This production is also made in accordance with all the rules and standards (TU 61 RSFSR 01-101-89E). In addition, this option is more economical in time, since it takes about two months to the salting, and the drying can be carried out in 2-3 days.

Not only leaves, but the root is dried. It is stored for many years also using parts if necessary. The root is usually a clutch into powder, which can be added to flour and stove from her bread. Or kneading into the dough and sculpt dumplings. Yet root applied for head washSince it is perfectly foaming in the water. As well as it can be used as soap (for example, in a tourist campaign).

How to use an orly plant plant

Ferns live on earth a lot of millions of years. During this period, across paleontologists claim, their appearance has not changed significantly. Fern, although it is considered a wild plant, but has long been emphasized. Orlyak ordinary found his application not only as a decorative culture, perfectly inscribed in summer cottages, but also as a medicine and even food plant. It is used to prepare soups and salads, applied both in boiled and fried, dried, pickled.

Orlyak has a peculiar smell and mushroom taste.

For example, only blooming leaves of the plant, when they are still wrapped in a snail, you can use in boiled, salty or pickled form.

The Russians are not accustomed to fresh use, although in the old days they used instead of bread. After all, there are a lot of protein, carbohydrates, different vitamins. From the leaves make salads, seasonings and all sorts of snacks.

But in Japan, China or Korea juicy stalks are widely used as raw vegetables. Of particular value in this case, young fresh shoots-wiy have. For the Japanese, it's just a delicacy. Orlyak is imported into this country in large quantities, including from Russia.

In our Far East, Orlyak has long been popular with indigenous peoples. It is consumed in food for many centuries. Fernal leaves made a little bitter. Therefore, before use, they are filled with boiling water for several minutes, then withstand in cold salted water for two hours.

Consider several recipes:

Salad of leaves

Young shoots of leaves wash and boiled. Finely cut and stirred with a green bow and a boiled egg. All solid, fill with oil or sour cream.

  • fern leaves - 100 gr;
  • green bow - 20 grams;
  • egg boiled - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil (or sour cream) - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Soup from leaves

Boil the meat broth. The young leaves of the ferns of the Orlyak, carrots, frightening flour and onions are added to it. Salt and bring until readiness.

  • bouillon meat or chicken - 0.5 l;
  • fern (leaves) - 100 gr;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • onion repka - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato Pasta - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste.

Fried fern

Young fresh leaves wash, cut, roll in flour and roasted on oil (better than a creamy). Use as a side dish to fish, meat, vegetables.

Fern Orlyak in the household

The fern is very popular as a decorative plant and it is often used in the design of cottages and household plots. From its plantations, you can form solid fields under growing trees. It gives the landscape a mysterious sinking and mysteriousness.

Fluffy bushes with filigree leaves harmoniously look with blooming plants on the flower beds and create a beautiful background.

Orlyak is unpretentious, it prefers both dry, loose and wet soils and looks great in natural reservoirs or made with their own hands, rocaries.

In the household, the fern long apply. So, not yet blossomed leaves possess anti-shinking properties. They shift the harvest: fruits and vegetables, which after that can be stored for a long time. Also, the leaves scare harmful insects.

Rural residents still use fern of Orlyak, in sufficient quantities growing in the near forest, for embanking bedding, pillows and mattresses. It is believed that such litters help from the radiculitis, and, in addition, the flies of flies, cockroaches and spiders.

Girls use fern leaves for swimming, as they have the effect of cleansing and rejuvenation of the face and body.

Recall another mystical property of a fern, which, nevertheless, use young people for many centuries. In the Slavic epic it was believed that on the night for the holiday of Ivan Kupala fern blooms. And his founding fire flower will certainly be lucky to find the treasure. Who will see the first flower - to wait for ambulance and happy family life. So the day of Ivana was celebrated in that night, and looking for a flowering fern of young lovers.

But, this culture has contraindications, they need to know when using fern in the household.

  • Fern Orlyak is considered poisonous plant Therefore, you can use only the youngest leaves that did not fully unfold. Before use, they must be boiled and washed several times in flow salted water to get rid of bitterness.
  • Excessive use of fern leaves may threaten avitaminosisBecause in fresh shoots, the enzyme thiaminase destroys thiamine in our organism (Vitamin B1).
  • In Orlyak ordinary contain carcinogenic substance called Pintkvikloside. Because of this, carcinogena, alternating cultures are not used for livestock feed, since it is subsequently detected in cow's milk and is not destroyed.

Therapeutic use of fern

Known such a case that occurred in the XVIII century. The Swiss pharmacist invented the fern medicine, the composition of which he kept in strict secrecy. After his death, this recipe was redeemed from the widow for a huge money with a personal doctor of Louis XVI. After that, in 1775, the fern for his high medical properties included in the official pharmacology of many European countries.

In the preventive and therapeutic purposes, the Orlyak is used in vascular diseases, sugar diabetesas an anti-shine.

The root of the plant has knitting properties, disputes are applied to non-healing wounds, from the leaves prepare chambers and alcohol infraces for the treatment of cramps, inflammation, intestinal disorders, ulcers and epilepsy.

The roots and leaves of Fern Orlyak are used in folk medicine with a variety of illness:

  • Decoration - in the treatment of cough.
  • Fresh juice - for disinfection and wound healing.
  • Flour and bran from the root - from pain in the joints.

Dried shoots and fern roots Orlyak helps to fight such diseases like:

· Nervous disorders;

· headaches;

· Vomiting and diarrhea;

· Related immunity.

Home recipe for the use of therapeutic properties of the fern:

  • grinding fermentation root Orlyak - 3 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
  • water - 0.5 l

The root of the fern is crushed and boiled. Boiling decoction is held on a stove for about 15 minutes. After that, remove and leave for 2 hours to appease. This is the composition of the daily dose that an empty stomach is taken (in 20-30 minutes before meals). And the decoction is used for row and compresses on sick places (bruises, joints, loin).

But, when using a fern in home healing, it is important to observe the measure. After all, poisons are contained in minor quantities even in young shoots. They have the property to accumulate. Also cannot use fern medications Patients suffering from hypotension (reduced pressure), pregnant and lactating women, as well as young children.

Ferns are ancient plants that dominated the planet about 400 million years ago. Modern representatives of this group are modified forms of once existing giants. In the systematics of plants, they are combined into a larger unit than the class, in the department, numbering about 300 genera. One of the most numerous (about 20,000 species) is considered to be the name of Orlyak. The most famous representative is ordinary Orlyak.

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    General characteristic of kind

    Representatives of the family of Orlyak combines a number of general features:

    • strong, creeping and deeply walking deep into the earth rhizome;
    • alternately located and rare pasty leaves;
    • the presence of a "rim" from the seats along the inside edge of the sheet.

    There are several representatives of this kind on the territory of Russia.

    • orlyak ordinary;
    • ostrichnik ordinary;
    • female jar;
    • shield;
    • nefrolyptic.

    Orlyak ordinary

    This is one of the largest and most common types of genus growing in Russia and the CIS. Orlyak ordinary grows around the globe with the exception of the Arctic areas, steppes and deserts. It can be seen in coniferous and deciduous forests, among the thickets of shrubs, on dry and poor soils.

    Running in the forests, Orlyak often "comes out" to forest edges and "captures" the meadows and cutting. In mountainous areas, he "closes" in the mountains, climbing above the forest belt.

    There are two main theories explaining the origin of the name of this plant:

    1. 1. One of them is based on the external similarity of the form of mature fern leaves with an eagle wing.
    2. 2. The other was based on the similarity of the vascular pattern on the cross-section of the rhizomes with the "coat of arms" with a two-headed eagle or initials of Jesus Christ - IC, for which the fern was popular with the name "Jesus Grass".

    In Russia, the Orlyak is called a scene, a caticker, a fleshnik, Perunov firewood and a heat.

    Botanical description

    Orlyak ordinary - herbal sporing plant. Under the conditions of the middle lane, this fern grows from 30 to 70 cm, occasionally reaching 1 m. In the southern regions there are larger, in human growth, copies. Orlyak ordinary is easily recognizable by the characteristic structure of large fan-shaped leaves.

    Rhizome and its features

    Orlyak has a well-developed root system. It is represented by strong and thick (diameter to 1 cm) rhizome black, deep (up to 1.5 m) flowing into the ground. Being at such a depth, the rhizome does not freeze in frosty winters, does not suffer from forest fires and the drought is not afraid.

    The rhizomes in the horizontal and vertical direction are formed branches or arrows. They form leaves from side kidneys.

    Thanks to the active growth of the rhizoma, the Orlyak forms thickets and quickly develops new territories, for which he received a reputation as an aggressive plant. In some countries, it is even referred to as difficult weeds.

    Wiji and feathers

    Right from the rhizomes on the long vertical brownish cutters leave the leaves.

    Vaia Translated from Greek - Palm Branch

    They are very different from the leaves of most plants and are a system of branches located almost parallel to the surface of the Earth. Scientists are called their places or planes. Outwardly, they resemble palm leaves, for which they received another name - "feathers" or "Wii".

    Eagle is long (from 50 cm to meter) and wide (30-50 cm) feathers of light green color with a peculiar smell. They are formed by an odd number of leaflets called segments or blades. Depending on the location, they are different in form and length:

    • At the base of the sheet twice or three times later dissected and the same in length.
    • As the length approaches the top of the sheet, the length of the segments is reduced, and they themselves become whole, elongated lanceal, with a stupid vertex, bent into the tips.

    Such a structure and location of sheet segments are associated with the unpaired top formed the general triangular outline of the sheet, distinguishing Orlyak ordinary from other species of fern.

    At the pair of the lower feathers there are nectors that distinguish the sweet liquid.


    Orlyak breeds disputes and vegetatively. The main type of breeding, especially in the northern regions, is vegetative.

    In the second half of the summer, small brown tubercles or sporangies are formed along the bottom or inside of the sheet segments.

    Sports are located groups forming the rim. This is a durane - the body of the most powerful reproduction of ferns.

    Saruses are attached on vascular heavy, connecting the ends of the veins. From the inside, it has a small increase or a coat in the form of a film or a few hairs. The outer side of the seats is protected by curved tips of the leaves.

    In July or August, sporangies ripen spherical brownie disputes. Feeding, they are spread by the wind and germinate, in the first year forming a circle in the first year. In subsequent years, real ferns are formed from it.

    Features of development

    Each autumn has an entire ground part of the Orlyak. Feathers dry out, gradually twist and brown. The plant winters in the form of rhizomes.

    The first leaves appear in spring. Their growth in medium latitudes coincides with the blossoms of the cherry. Externally, they are very unusual and are brownish street-shaped primitives.

    The first leaves of fern are called Rahismi, which translated from Greek means "Range"

    Legends and truth about blossom

    It is the opinion that the fern blooms once a year, namely, at night, Ivan Kapahu from July 6 to July 7, a few hours before midnight, opening the fire-red bud. At this time, folk festivities are arranged with songs and rounds. Many people on the night of Ivan Kapahu go to the forest in search of a fern flower, believing that his contemplation:

    • eliminates any unclean;
    • fills a man with magical forces;
    • indicates unable wealth.

    But this is only belief, see the flowering fern has not yet managed to anyone. His description is fiction. Scientists argue that the fern of Orlyak is one of the rare plants that are not typical of flowering. He does not need a flower initially representing a reproductive body. Ferns breed disputes.


    Orlyak ordinary contains a large number of useful substances and therefore has been widely used in different industries.

    It is used in industry, folk medicine, cooking and decorative flower growing.

    A powerful fleshy rhizome is rich in starch, so glue is obtained from it, and also used in the production of beer.