Project in Russian Language Frameological dictionary. Project in Russian: "Phraseologisms in our speech

fFMunicipal budgetary educational institution Secondary school №17.


Project work in the Russian language

pupils 8 b class MBOUSOK №17

Suura Alina

Lecturer: Teremkova Tatyana Ivanovna

Tula, 2015


    Theoretical part

3. Practical part




Phraseologists Call sustainable speech speeds that have an independent value and are characteristic of a specific language. In other words, phraseologism - This is a winged expression that does not have the author.

The phraseologism is indivisible in meaning, that is, its value does not consist of the values \u200b\u200bof the components of his words. It works only as a single whole, a lexical unit.

I chose such a topic for my project workbecause I am interested to know the origin of phraseologism, for which they need, the meanings of some of them.

The purpose of my work is to study the concept of phraseologism, show its use in various speech styles (conversational, artistic), the reasons for obsolescence and the emergence of new phraseologism.

Tasks that I put in front of myself:

    Find out where phraseologism appeared

    Find out the values \u200b\u200bof some of them

    Show where they are used

The origin of phraseologism.

By origin, some phraseological units are actually Russians, others borrowed.

The main source of Russian phraseology are free phrases, which, consuming in a figurative value, become phraseologists. For comparison: the boat sails downstream. - He wants to change anything, floats downstream. The usual sphere of occurrence of such revolutions is a conversational speech.

Some phraseologisms of the original Russian nature are closely related to the history and culture of Russia, the customs and traditions of the Russian people, for example: Topoon work, to register an Izhitsa, the sky seemed to the sheepskin.

Some phraseological units are borrowed from the Old Slavonic language: to carry their cross, the salt of the earth, the manna of Heaven, Thomas unbelieving and reflected superstitious representations of our ancestors.

So, for example, the phraseologist is neither a fluff nor a pen (wish for someone good luck, success in any kind). Initially, it was a wish of good luck the hunter, departed for a hunt, expressed in a negative form, so as not to "smooth out" if you wish right luck.

With pagan beliefs, the expression "after the rain on Thursday" believes, i.e. never. Thursday at the Slavs was Day Perun, the God of Thunder, and the rain was expected in the drought on this day, but since the pleas was not reached by Perun, this expression was born, painted sadness and regret.

The proverbs also formed a lot of phraseologisomes: "chasing two hares" (you will chase two hares - you can't catch one), "My grandmother has said" (Grandma wondered yes.

The works of Russian writers had a great influence on Russian phraseology. Many phraseological units came to us from Bassen I.A. Krylova: "And WHO and now there", "And Vaska is listening and eats."

Oral folk creativity is also a rich source of Russian phraseology. Of folk fairy tales Frame units came: a fairy tale about white bull - "The infinite repetition of the same" , with the Tsar, the pea is "for a long time", the blazes immortal - "very thin and terrible man" and others.

The main source of phraseological union of Russian origin is, for example, a professional speech (sharpening a lady, beat the bumps, without a bitch and zadorinka, remove the chips, get stranded, play the first violin).

After the October Revolution, in soviet timeThere are many phraseological units associated with technology (descending on the brakes, gain the height, the coil is missing), with the development of sports (score goal into their own gates, come to the finish, forbidden reception, second breathing).

Some phraseological units fell into a literary language from Zhargon (rub the glasses, a bit map, to go a bank - at the gamblers) and spoken Speech. Some came from dialects and are associated with the difficulty of the peasantry (turning the robbery, from the Kulka in the cargo, on the water, the villas are written).

Many phraseologisms have their source of liturgical books (Holy Saints, the Fusion of Hell, in the image and similarity, voice of the blatant in the desert, the promised land).

In Russian phraseology there is a considerable amount of phraseological units that came to us from other languages. Most often, these are expressions associated with Greek mythology. Take, for example, the expression of Augean Stables. It has the meaning of the "launched room" or "hard-to-disorder", and is associated with the myth of Hercules, which cleared the huge stables of the king Avgii.

Sometimes borrowed phraseological units are used without translation: Alma Mater (lat. Mother's Kormilitsa); Tabula Rasa (lat. Clear board; something pristine, absolutely clean).

The source of the original phraseology is the turnoves from the works of writers: the happy hours are not observed (A. Griboedov); affairs of the long-lasting days (A. Pushkin); Knight per hour (N. Nekrasov); living corpse (L. Tolstoy); man in a case (A. Chekhov); A person - it sounds proud! (M. Gorky)

Over time, some phraseologists leave speech, that is, they become obsolete, while others, on the contrary, come to replace them. Why does this happen? What caused this phenomenon?

The language development is reflected in the change in vocabulary and phraseology. If the phenomenon disappears with general value phraseologism, or stipulate the words constituting phraseologism, obsolet the entire phraseological turnover.

New phraseologists reflect the events of our life. Each important event is reflected in Russian phraseology: we will express the "enter into orbit", which appeared in connection with the development of flights, meaning "achieve success."

Eating phraseologisomes in speech.

Phraseologisms should be distinguished from free phrases. To understand their fundamental differences, we will focus on the features of the use of phraseologism in speech.

The most important feature of phraseologism is their reproducibility. They are not created in the process of speech (like phrase), but are used as they gained in the language.

Phraseologisms, like other words, serve to transfer thoughts to reflect reality phenomena. Their basic value is to give an emotional painting to expression, strengthen its meaning. If they are competent, they will help add speeches a special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.

However, not all phraseological units are figurative. They do not characterize the phenomenon, but only call it. Some terminological phraseologists sometimes begin to be used in a portable value and in this case acquire imagery. So, the marine phraseology to give ends - "sailing from the coast" began to be used in the meaning of "die".

The phraseologists inherent in the stability of the grammatical structure, the grammatical forms of words are usually not changed in them. So, it is impossible to say to beat the fruit, pull the lasce, replacing the shape of the plural number of baked, lyasy with the shapes of the only number, or to use a complete adjective instead of a brief in the phraseology on a boss foot. However, in special cases, the variations of grammatical forms in phraseologizams are possible (Wed: Hand Hand - Great Hands, Whether the case is heard - whether the case is happressed).

Most phraseological units have a strictly fixed order of words. For example, it is impossible to change the words in the expressions or the light either zary; Bitted nebeta lucky; everything flows, everything changes; Although the meaning, it would seem, did not suffer if we were told: "Everything changes, everything flows."

At the same time, in some phraseologizams, it is possible to change the order of words (Wed: to score in the mouth of the water - in the mouth of the water to dial, do not leave the stone on the stone - do not leave the stone on the stone). The permutation of the components is usually allowed in phraseologiza, consisting of verb and nominal form dependent on it.

Some phraseologisms are the only ones for the expression of the phenomena denoted by them, because there are no words or other phraseological phrases that can convey the same value.

Other phraseological units are synonymous. For example, if you need to say about something that is very small, then people say: "Cat is cutting" or "a drop in the sea." However, in any case, these phraseologisms can be used.

Errors in colloquial speech are quite common.

These include:

    The use of phraseologism in the unusual meaning of him: Vasya is beautiful, like a chicken paw, wrote title.

    The replacement of words in the composition of phraseologism: "Speak by the car" instead of the "soul of a lap."

    The use of phraseological units in an unknown style (for example, conversational phraseological units in business papers).

Thus, we see, in colloquial speech together with the right use there is an incorrect use of phraseological units. In the fiction literature, phraseologism is sometimes converted to creating imagery.

Take an excerpt from the text Yu. K. Oleshi:

In the hands of Pushkin there was a notebook. He shifted it and, finding what he was looking for, spent loudly title. From the very first words, friends realized that now they will hear poems in which they will talk about them. So it turned out. Pushkin read poems about his comrades, and they did not drive eyes.

Here the author uses the phraseology "not to reduce the eyes." This, of course, does not mean that Pushkin's comrades sat and, not blinking, looked at the poet. Not at all. This phraseologism means that they intently looked at Pushkin with admiration. It is used in order to show how carefully comrades listened to his speech.

Also take, for example, a small fragment from the text Y. Ya. Yakovlev

- Everything? - asked director.

- No, we were still in the police.

Hour from the hour is not easier! The director with noise pulled the chair to the table.

The phraseology "Hour from the hour is not easier!" It is used when all new and new difficulties arise as something. So here - the boy tells the director about how he brought a dog to school and one of the teachers scolded on him. Then the director thought that this was all, but then the boy says that he was in the police. It all became even worse, because one thing is to leave the dog under the desk, but something else is to be because of this in the police! The author uses this phraseologist in order to show that the more the boy tells, the more problems "appears".

In his novel, "Thomas Gordeyev" M. Gorky also uses phraseological units:

Sitting at school, Thomas felt freer and began to compare his

comrades with other boys. Soon he found that both of them are the best

at school and first rush, as sharply, like these two digits 5 and 7,

do not erased with a black chalkboard. And Fome has become nice because of his

comrades are better than all other boys.

Thomas thinks that his friends are very bright personalities, they should not be noticed. To strengthen this effect, the author uses the phraseology "rush into the eyes", which gives speech to the liveliness and colorfulness.


So, I came to the conclusion that phraseologists play a large role in human speech.

Sometimes there are such cases when phraseologism has no equal expression and to accurately transmit this or that phenomenon you need to use it.

Phraseologisms are used both in conventional speech and in fiction. This makes our speech brighter and more more.

Some phraseological units are obsessed with time, "come out of the language", but they always come to replace others that are associated with the events of our life.

I consider my work relevant, because phraseologisms are often found in jobs OGE And the exam. This project helped me prepare for the upcoming exams.


V.P. Zhukov, A.V. Zhukov "School Phraseological Dictionary of Russian Language"

N.S. Ashukin, MG Ashukina " Winged words»

Yu. K. Oleshi "Friends"

Yu. Ya. Yakovlev "He killed my dog"

M. Gorky "Thomas Gordeev"

Kotova Valentina 2 class

Presentation on the topic: "Frase units"



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Studying and use of phraseologism in speech Author of work: Kotova Valentina Vitalevna 2 class, Bayunokutsk secondary school

The introduction of the richness and strength of the Russian language is determined by the possibilities that are hidden in each word or phraseology. Phraseologisms are very important in creating works of oral folk creativity, fiction and in everyday speech. In literary works, in life, I will encounter phraseologists and, of course, I will need to know their meaning. In general, it seems to me that the topic of "phraseologisms" is very interesting for studying, understanding, since many phraseological units have their own history, origin.

Objectives of my project: 1) Find out the values \u200b\u200bof the most frequently used phraseological phraseologism to apply them in their own speech, as well as to understand texts in which these phraseologists will meet; 2) deepen their theoretical knowledge on this topic;

Theoretical part of phraseological phraseology is a special section of the Russian language, reflecting the wealth of expressive language. Phraseologisms are phrases that are not in the literal sense, the essence of which can be replaced by one or two words. In Russian phraseologizs, historical events were reflected, and popular relation to these events was expressed. The first feature of phraseologisomes is the accuracy with which phraseologism can characterize the phenomenon.

Another feature of phraseology is a picture. Studying speech phraseology introduces us to the history of the people - Pagnogochka, and it is not by chance that its writers who see in Russian phraseology are great ways of expressing reality phenomena in Russian phraseology. It is necessary to distinguish phraseological units from free combinations. In free phrases, one word can be replaced with another: "Typographic worker is a good worker." In a phraseological combination, it is impossible to arbitrarily replace the phrase, i.e. They possess the constancy of words.

The list of the main methods of forming the phraseological units of the Russian language in Russian language there are several ways to form phraseological units. 1. By rethinking free phrases: white flies, a soap bubble, a grated Kalach, stroking the head, take a throat, drive pigeons. 2. Oral conversational speech associated with various kinds of crafts (no bitch nor zadorinka), everyday life (rummary in dirty underwear, sorry from huts), superstitious performance (guessing on the coffee grounds). 3. As a result of the reduction of proverbs and sayings. "It's not a different to another pit, you yourself will not fall," to dig to someone, "you will hit two hares, you can't catch one" - chanting two hares. 4. As a result of the change of existing ones. (Long ruble - for a long ruble, sharp angle - under an acute angle).

The practical part The theme "phraseologisms" is very interesting and fascinating. In the Appendix, I present some well-known and interesting, frequently used phraseological units in pictures, containing the interpretation of the value and history of origin.

Bring to clean water to expose dark cases, fraud; Street anyone in a wrong. In antiquity, many nations had such a custom: people suspected of a crime were tested with water or fire. The accused was taken to the river and threw into the water. If he popled, it was believed that the water does not accept it, and he is guilty. If I started sinking, it was recognized that he was accused of vain.

The collar is the opposite way, on the contrary. Shiveur in Russia called the embroidered collar of boyars. Boyharin, who was subjected to the royal anger, in the punishment put on a skinny knocked back forward, putting clothes on him, too, as well before, or, as they spoke in the people, "Shivo - Overall", that is, on the contrary.

Laying a pig to arrange a secretly of some napeliness, any nastiness. In the Muslim world, the pig is considered unclean animals and the Koran forbids her meat. To treat a Muslim fraudulently with a pork dish means to apply a cruel insult.

White crow a person sharply different from others, not like everything in nature is very rarely found animals white colorThey are called albinos. Albinos are among the raven, but it is very rare. This expression applies to a person drastically distinguished among those surrounding with its special qualities.

Led in the nose to deceive, promising and not fulfilling the promised. It can be seen, the trained bears were very popular, because this expression was associated with fair entertainment. Gypsies drove the bears for the rings in the nose. And forced them, poor people, do different tricks, deceiving the promise of the hand.

The hair end, he strongly stray. But what is the "dub" so? It turns out that "stand end" is an empty, on the tips of the fingers. That is, when a man is frightened, he has hair like a tiptoe on his head stand.

All Tryn-grass is all indifferent, nothing worries. The mysterious "Tryn-grass" is not some plant drug, so as not to worry. At first she was called "Tyn-Grass". Tyn is a fence, i.e. "The grass pavement", not necessary for anyone, to all indifferent weed.

Up Tormashkami, the opposite is, everything is not like before, kwyrkom. Tormy - in many Russian provinces, this word meant "walk". So, "upside down" is just "up" upside down "," upside down ".

"It is like a fish" is you known for a long time ago. And suddenly "roar by Blood"? It turns out that it is not about Beluga here, but Belukha, so called Polar Dolphin. So he really roars very loud. Retreat of bluish shouting loudly or cry.

Conclusion when performing your work, I set a goal - to learn how to find phraseologisms in the texts; Use these phraseologists and in their own speech, because they are very bright and just can pass feelings, emotions.

List of references: 1. Educational Frameological Dictionary of the Russian Language: OK. 2000 units / A. N. Tikhonov, N. A. Kovaleva. 2. Dictionary of winged expressions. - Tula: 000 "Publishing House" Rodnichok "; 3. http: // / dic / 4. http: // /

I.Toretical axes

1.1. The concept of phraseologizams
1.2. Climbing phraseologism
1.3.Prigations of phraseologism
1.4.Frazheologisms in other languages
2.1. Results of student questionnaments
2.2. Results of studies of questionnaires teachers
2.3. Creating a phraseological dictionary

(project in the Russian language "Amazing world of phraseologism»


You can hang on a nail
Towel and cane
Lamp, cloak or cap.
And the rope, and a rag ...
But never anywhere
Do not hang nasal in trouble!
Y. Corinet

There are throughout the history of the language, they concluded the centuries-old experience of the people, which is transmitted from generation to generation.

Russian is one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bin the world, there is no doubt about it. To achieve complete mutual understanding, clearer and more specifically expressing its thought, a person in his speech uses phraseologisms. Phraseologists in Russian in everyday speech are used quite often. Sometimes people do not notice that these sustainable expressions utter - they are so familiar and comfortable. Eating phraseologisomes gives speech to liveliness and colorfulness.

Unfortunately, the speech of modern children is distinguished by the poverty of the vocabulary, there are often no phraseological units in it. When a person and phraseological units are in relationships, they help to clearly express the thought, give speech imagery. And sometimes it makes it difficult to communicate, because they are not always and not everyone is understood by their meaning.

I suggested that the value of the winged expressions is associated with their origin. Having learned about the origin and importance of various phrases, I can discover the language history pages unknown to me.

I was interested in this topic. I decided to learn more about such sustainable combinations, their meaning, origin, the appearance of phraseologism in Russian. I decided to explore the phraseologisms and tried to understand how often they are found in the speech, what they denote.

Based on this, I have any questions: " Do all the guys know what phraseologisms are? Are there any phraseological units that are used more often than others? Do you know the guys class the value of phraseologism?

I became interested, and I decided to search for a response to this question, so I chose the topic of your research project: "The amazing world of phraseologism".

Relevance of the topic due to the fact that everyday life, Faced with phraseologists, many people do not even notice this. They do not know how to use phraseological units in speech, because they do not know their values.

The purpose of my work: Create your phraseological dictionary in pictures.

Object of study: Oral speech and certification of fifth graders.

Subject of study: phraseologism.

To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. search for the necessary information about phraseologizams;
  2. get acquainted with the phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language;
  3. explore phraseologisms found in our speech;
  4. conduct analysis and find out the significance of the most frequently used phraseological units;
  5. conduct a survey of students for use and understanding phraseologism.

Hypothesis: I assume that phraseologists decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright.

Research methods:

  • learning and analysis of literature;
  • collection of information;
  • poll - Questioning;
  • observation;
  • study.

Project type: Research, short-term.

Check hypothesis: Collecting information about phraseologizams, conducting research and observations, I created a "phraseological dictionary in pictures". In my opinion, this material It helps to explore not only Russian, but history, traditions, customs of Russian and other peoples.

I. Main part

1.1. What is phraseologisms?

We lived in workshop 2 parts and rods that were used together and separately. But once, the worker took and welded them into one new detail in the form of the letter F.

Fig.1. The formation scheme of phraseologism Fig.2. Shut down the believer

This is happening in the life of words. They live-lived words-details, they enjoy separately, but when there is a need, the words merge into indivisible combinations - phraseologism. There are words to shut, for, belt, and phraseological shut up for the belt (easy to cope with anyone). In the phraseological units, the words lose their previous values.

Russian language is very rich in labels and shaped sustainable combinations of words. Such stable combinations are called phraseological circulation. The word "phraseology" comes from two words greek: "Phrase" - the expression of the turnover of speech, "Logos" is a concept, teaching. Phraseology is a steady combination of words used for the name of individual items, features, actions. The Ozhegov Dictionary gives the following definition: "Frameology is a steady expression with an independent value."

Lexical meaning It has phraseologism as a whole, for example: beat egglush - "idle"; for thirty lands - "far". In contrast to phrases or proposals, phraseologism is not compiled every time again, and is reproduced in finished video. The phraseologist as a whole is one member of the sentence.

Phraseologisms characterize all parties to human life - his attitude to work, for example, golden Hands Beat Bowls, attitude to other people, for example, dusty friend, bear service, personal advantages and disadvantages, for example, does not lose your head, led by nose and etc.

They are used in everyday life, in artwork, in journalism. They give expressiveness to saying, serve as a means of creating imagery.

Phraseologisms have synonyms and antonyms - other phraseologisms; For example, synonyms: on the edge of the world; where the crows of the bones did not roll; Antonyms: return to heaven - tap in dirt.

There is a section of linguistics, which is devoted to the study of the phraseological composition of the language - phraseology.

1.2. The origin of phraseologism

Most phraseologisoms came from folk speech: to criticize the soul, to file your hand, on my mind ...
From the speech of people of different professions: shave (joiner), swear (cook), as hand removed (doctor)...

Many phraseological units were born in fiction, biblical legends, mythology and then came to the tongue. For example: manna Heavenly, Martishkin Labor. They are called or.

Frameologists exist throughout the history of the language. Already since the late 18th century, they were explained in special collections and intelligent dictionaries under various names ( idioms, Proverbs and sayings). M. V. Lomonosov, making up a dictionary of the dictionary of the Russian literary language, indicated that "phrases", "ideomatisms", "spending", that is, expressions should enter it.
However, the phraseological staff of the Russian language began to be studied relatively recently.

Frameological turns were formed in different ways:
1. Frameological turnover created on the basis of proverbs and sayings ( Hunger is not aunt, hand my hand washes.)
2. Frameologists who have entered our lives from professional speech. ( Beat frills.)
3. Some expressions came from myths ( Achilles' heel), folklore ( Megillah - Russian folktale), literary works (martishkin Labor - From Basni I.A. Krylova "Marty and glasses").

Phraseologisms can be meaningful. For example, put on your feet:
1. cure, get rid of the disease;
2. Grow, raise, bring to independence;
3. To make actively act, take an active part in what - either;
4. Strengthen economically, financially.

Phraseologisms divided into different groupswho characterize a person, his actions, its character, his psychological state. According to the characteristic:
Characterizing the action of a person based on its relationship and relationship with environmental, team:
1. Walk, stand on the hind legs - "Pleased to be served";
2. Soap head (to whom) - "Burn badly. Split anyone.

Characterizing a timer of speech communication:
1. Tick \u200b\u200bLyasi Balas - "Engage in empty chatter";
2. Twist - "Speak, chat nonsense."

Characterizing human relations to work and the case:
1. Shove the sleeves - Diligently, diligently, energetically, do something.
2. Beat eggs - idle time to spend time, idle.

Characterizing the mental state of a person who is manifested by externally, in his manner of behavior:
1. Pout - angry, offended, making a disgruntled face.
2. Like aspen leaf trembling - Shake, usually from excitement, fear.

All phraseological units originally arose to designate specific events, phenomena, facts. Gradually, due to various reasons, it began to be portable to designate others, but in something similar with the initial meaning, phenomena. This gives phraseologists a special imagery and expressiveness.

Most of the phraseological units take their origin from the depths of centuries and reflects deeply popular. The direct meaning of many phraseological units is associated with the history of our Motherland, with some customers of our ancestors, their work. All phraseological units can be divided into two groups: 1. Exactonorussian;
2. Borrowed.

The main mass of currently consisting of phraseological revolutions is the sustainable combination of words of priority - Russian origin ( beat the bumps, look for winds in the field, do not overcome water). They arose in Russian or inherited from the more ancient language. The phraseological units of the Russian language in their origin are diverse. Most of them arose in Russian itself, they are angularly Russians: what mother gave birth, goal as a falcon, grated Kalach, hang his nose, on one block, take for living and mn. Dr.

The image is born as a reflection of real reality. In order to imagine the phenomenon of reality in the form of an image, we must first, rely on knowledge of this reality, secondly resort to imagination. The image is usually created by the "double vision".

So we see a high person, and this is real, but at the same time we can remember another fire calans, which used to be the highest structure in the city. Combining these two "visions" we call a high person fire calane.And this is already an image. For a better understanding of the formation of phraseologism, it is necessary to develop imagination.

Organized Russian phraseological units may be associated with professional speech: pull the rope (weaving), an ax, without a bitch, without a zadyrinka (carpentry), set the tone, play the first violin (musical art), put in a dead end, give reverse (transport).

A certain number of invalid Russian phraseological units arose in a dialectic or jargonary speech and became the property of a nourished language. For example, smoke rocker, ax, pull strap and etc.

Russian phraseologisms can be borrowed. In this case, they represent the result of rethinking in Russian soil of phrases from Staroslavlyansky and other languages.

Borrowed phraseologisms came to us from other languages.
Staroslavlyansky by origin are such phraseologists as: second coming - "The time that is unknown when it comes", the Forbidden fruit - "A tempting, but not allowed."

Many phraseologism came to us through different sources from mythology. They are international, as they are common in all European languages: sword of Damocles - "constantly threatening some danger"; tantalum flour - "The suffering caused by the contemplation of the desired goal and consciousness of impossibility to achieve it", apple of discord - "The reason, the cause of a quarrel, disputes, serious disagreements," cook in - "Be forgotten, without a trace disappear", colossus on clay legs - "I look at the majestic, and essentially your weak, easily destructive", etc.

Among the borrowed phrases are phraseological traps, i.e. Literal translations of foreign-speaking turns in parts. For example, blue Stocking - Blue Stocking from English on a wide leg - auf grobem fub - from German to be not in its plate - Ne Pas etre Dans Son Assiette From French.

The Russian phraseological system of the Russian language is not once and for all frozen and immutable. New phraseologisms inevitably arise in response to phenomena modern lifeBorrowed as cripples from other languages. And enrich modern speech new, relevant expressions.

Organized Russian phraseological turnover, can be divided into several groups, each group has an interesting, fascinating history of origin:

Phraseologisms associated with the historical past people, for example, where raks are winter "Many landlords loved to be enjoyed to fresh racks, and in the winter it was difficult to catch them: the crayfish are hiding behind the corygas, dig holes in the shores of the lake or river and there.

I was sent to catching cancers in the winter they sent the defeated peasants who were supposed to get cancers from ice water. Much time passed before the caress of crayfish.

Wakes up in a dilapidated clothes, standing up hands. And often after that a person was seriously sick. From here and went: if they want to seriously punish, they say: "I will show you where the crayfish is winter."

Figurative expressions reflecting folk customs, belief, for example, run on Ogonok - Previously, in small cities of Russia was an interesting custom to invite to visit. High candles put on the windows. If the candle is burning on the window (flames), then the owners of the house and invite everyone who wants to see them. And on the light, people went to visit familiar.

Sustainable combinations of words arising from various crafts, for example, per hour on a teaspoon - Initially, this expression was used in the speech of physicians literally towards the medicine. Then it began to be used negligently in conversational speech with the meaning "to do something very slowly, hardly."

The origin of many phraseological units is associated with folk and literary fairy tales with fables I. A. Krylov and other works. In his speech, we often use various technicians created by writers, poets. ( Elephant then I did not notice - did not pay attention to the most important and the Lark just opened - a simple way out of the seemingly difficult position, princess on the Pea - spoiled person).

Such expressions are called welbs. They, as it were, flew outside the works, in which were originally created, entered the literary language, having received a broader, generalized meaning.

To properly use phraseologisms in speech, you need to know their meanings well. The values \u200b\u200bof some phraseological units can be understood only by knowing the history of the Russian people, its customs and traditions, since most phraseological union Russians. Studying this topic, we learned a lot of interesting things about our past, about the history of the Russian people.

1.3. Signs of phraseologism.

- Low at least two words. .
In phraseology, always at least two words. If we see one word in an unusual value, it is not a phraseological unit. For example, in the proposal "Student flew along the corridor" there is no phraseologist, and the word fly is used in a figurative sense.

It has a steady composition.

If we see the phrase, which looks like a phraseology, it is necessary to check whether one of the words of this phrase can be replaced with another. For example, in the phrase, breathing the roof each word can be freely replaced: a holey jacket, a tiled roof, - the remaining word will save its value. And if you replace the word in the phraseological formation of golden hands, it will turn out to be nonsense, for example: golden legs, silver hands. You can say: "skillful hands" - but the word skillful in this case will be used in the literal sense.

If one of the words in the composition of phrases can be replaced with a very limited set of other words ( fear takes, longing takes), most likely, this is a phraseological combination.
-Not is the name.
Geographical names, institutional names and other names are not phraseologists (Bolshoy Theater, "Red Arrow", Dead Sea).

1.4. Phraseologisms in other languages.

Phraseologists exist in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Often phraseological general is the property of only one language, but, despite, it is similar in meaning, for example:

Russian language

Foreign languages

Wait for the weather by the sea.

Wait for a hare under the tree. (Chinese)

To make mountains out of molehills.

Do from mosquito camel (Czech)

Deceive yourself.

Steal the bell, thickening her ears. (Chinese)

The mouse's eyes are seen only on the top of the head. (Chinese)

White crow.

Baran on five legs. (French)

Willows on the water written.

It's not in my pocket. (French)

The soul went into the heels.

He has blue fear. (French)

Buy cat in a bag.

Buy a pig in a bag. (English)

Dog ate

He is in this big master. (German)

II. Practical part

2.1. Results of student questionnaires

Unfortunately, in school for familiarity with phraseologists, too little time is given. I decided to find out what the level of ownership of phraseological units in my classmates. To do this, conducted a survey with the help of specially developed issues.

In the course of the study, survey was conducted among students of 3-b class, in the amount of 31 people.

Purpose of questionnaire - find out whether schoolchildren know what phraseological units; Does the value of phraseologism understand; How often schoolchildren use phraseological units in everyday speech.

Students proposed questions:
1. Do you know what phraseologisms are? (Well no)

We found out that all the children surveyed know what phraseological units are. Twenty-one of the children surveyed, they know what phraseological units, ten people do not know.

2. Do you use phraseological units in your speech? (Yes, no, sometimes)

Analysis of the responses showed that 9 students use phraseological units in their speech, 7 students - sometimes 15 people - never used in their speech phraseologism.

3. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units: Bear Service, Tips to talk, Hands are leaning, like a pea wall, like with a goose water.

It should be said that out of 31 people with a high level of understanding of phraseological units of only 5 people, 8 people could not explain the meaning of one phraseologist, 6 people have a medium level of understanding and 12 people low. All children have the greatest difficulty in all children's phraseological units "Bear Service" and "Like Water Goose".

The survey has shown that most of the guys understand the value of phraseologism, but selectively. The guys can not always explain in their own words, which means any expression or invent their interpretation options. So it was with the fourth issue.

4. Extract phraseologisms by selecting the desired word.
a) do from ... (mosquito, flies) elephant
b) not in his ... (cup, plate)
c) take ... (forty, raven)
d) throw words ... (in the sea, on the wind, in the well)
e) ... (fifth, third, seventeenth, seventh) water on a kiere.

Confidently and clearly answered the question, choosing the desired word 19 people (60%), could not correctly record 1 - 2 phraseologism - 7 people (28%), do not know the data of phraseological units - 5 students (12%).

5. Where do you meet phraseologisms? (At home, at school, in the literature, in speech, I find it difficult to answer).

27 students believe that phraseological units are found in speech;
22 students - at school;
13 people responded - in the literature;
3 students found it difficult to answer.

The survey showed that children most often consider, with phraseologists they are found in school lessons and in the speech of parents.

2.2. Results of the study of questionnaires teachers

I wanted to find out, and as belong to the phraseologism of the primary school teacher. To do this, conducted a survey with the help of specially developed issues. In the survey, 15 teachers operating in 1 - 4 classes participated.

Teachers followed the questions:
1. Do you use phraseologisms during the educational process?
a) yes
b) NO
c) rare

From the diagram we see that most teachers, 83% often use phraseological units during the educational process, 16% - rarely and there is not a single teacher who does not use the phrase units at all in the educational process.

2. What do you think, do students understand the meaning of the phraseologism you use?
a) understand;
b) do not understand;
c) do not always understand;

From the chart we see that most teachers believe that 66% of students understand the meaning of expressions used by them, 25% - do not always understand and only 9% - do not understand the meaning of expressions used at all.

3. Select the 10 most "popular" phraseologisomes among teachers.

As a result of the analysis of this issue, we allowed to allocate the 10 most "popular" phraseologisoms among teachers of MBOU SOSH No. 5 the most popular "Popular" turned out to be "to consider Raven", "to blame in the clouds", "bruit on the nose" and less "pull for the language", "Like fish in water."

During the studies, it turned out that not all students could correctly explain the value of phraseological units, do not know where they are used and rarely use them in speech. Many students heard the winged phrases, but do not know their meanings, and some of them never heard at all. But the teacher of our school in working with children is often used in their speech phraseologism. During the survey, the 10 most "used" phraseologisoms among teachers of MBOU SOSH No. 5 were identified.

Thus, it can be concluded that in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading, a little attention is paid to the study of phraseologism. But they express the essence of rather complicated phenomena, make it a brighter and emotional. Undoubtedly, phraseological revolutions in Russian is a huge amount. This can be seen by opening any phraseological dictionary.

I came to the conclusionIn order to know the Russian language better, they could use phraseological units in their speech, they need to clarify what phraseological units are, for what purpose we use them, the origin and the significance of some phraseologism. I wanted to interest the guys so that they use the phraseological units in their speech more often, so I created a presentation "The Amazing World of Phraseologisoms" and introduced the guys with her extracurricular activities. I hope she was interesting to them and useful.

2.3. Creating a phraseological dictionary

I decided to create my own dictionary of phraseological units, such a dictionary can be offered to schoolchildren for use. The dictionary will explain the value of phraseologism and will also be added pictures for better understanding.

For the dictionary, the most common in the daily speech of phraseologisms, whose importance will be interested to know schoolchildren will be selected. Also in the dictionary were added phraseologisms, which, when survey, caused difficulties from most children. In total, in our dictionary contains 21 phraseologism.

After making, the dictionary was printed and offered to the guys in the classroom. My dictionary is attracted to the attention of the guys in the class. Everyone liked pictures, which illustrated phraseologism. Having considered the images, the children gladly read explanations for phraseologists.


Working on this topic, I received a more complete picture of phraseological units, learned to find them in the text, use phraseological units in my own speech. I also made sure to work with dictionaries.

I came to the conclusionIt is necessary to know the values \u200b\u200bof phraseologism in order to properly use them in speech, they help to make our speech alive, beautiful, emotional. Studying this topic, I learned a lot of interesting things about our past, about the history of the Russian people, its traditions, customs.

The purpose of my research is achieved - make your phraseological dictionary in pictures.

The tasks that were delivered before work are madeput forward the hypothesis is confirmed - Phraseologists really decorate our speech, make it expressive and bright. In the future, I would like to continue working on this interesting and fascinating theme.

List of used literature

1. Burmako V.M. Russian language in drawings. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

2. Mali L.D., O.S. Aryamova. Speech development lessons in the third grade: Purchasing and didactic materials - Tula: Spring, 2006.

3. Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language 8000 words and phraseological expressions / Russian Academy of Sciences. - M: LLC Publishing House Elpis, 2003.

4. S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova et al. Russian language: Grade 3: Tutorial for students educational organizations: at 2 h. 1 / 3rd ed., - M.: Ventana Graf, 2014.

5. M.T. Baranov, TA Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova. Russian language. Reference materials: Tutorial for students / 5th ed., - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

6. N.V. Bogdanovskaya. Aspects of the study of Russian phraseology / tutorial - St. Petersburg: 2008.

7. Kohtev N.N. Russian phraseology / N.N. Koktev, D.E. Rosenthal. - M.: Russian, 1990.

8. Zhukov V.P. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language / Tutorial. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994.

State budgetary

general Education

Krasnodar Region

school boarding school sports profile


phraseologism in our speech.

Research project.


students 6 "A".



2015-2016 academic year


    Project passport ............................................................

    Annotation of the project .....................................................................

    Project plan……………………………………………………….

    Theoretical part of the project ...............................................

4.1 Introduction ....................................................................

4.2 Linguistic reference ................................................

4.2.1Frazheologisms that occurred from myths ......................

4.2.2 phraseological units who came from the Bible .........................


4.3.1 phraseological units in Basnya I.A. Krylova .........................

4.3.2 phraseologists in N. N. Nosov's stories .........................

4.3.3 phraseological units in fairy tales M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin ...... ...

4.3.4 phraseologisms in Russian folk tales ..................

4.4 Frameological dictionaries ...........................................

4.5 Omonymis - phraseologisms, synonymous phraseological units,

antonyms - phraseologisms .................................................

    Analytical materials ............................................. ...

    Description of the product-booklet ..................................................

    Conclusion ....................................................................

    List of references used ................................. ..

    Applications ................................................................. ..

    Internet resources………………………………………………...

1. Project Passport


The role of phraseologism in our lives





A type

Research project

Basic academic discipline

Russian language

Additional discipline



Determination of the role of phraseologism in the speech of our contemporaries of different ages


    Familiarize yourself with the scientific literature on the topic;

    Reveal what are characteristic signs of phraseological units and determine what the phraseological units differ from free combinations;

    Identify the composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used;

    Find out the value of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries;

    Make conclusions, what is their role as a stylistic agent.


What is the role of phraseological units in schoolchildren and adult speeches

Estimated result

Prove the most important role of phraseological units to give speech

pictures, brightness, expressiveness

Estimated product

Booklet with the most interesting phraseologists

Necessary equipment

experimental Materials - Questionnaires, Literature on the topic, Computer, Internet

The composition of the project group

Karpov Valentin, Naumov Dmitry, Yakovenko Dmitry

2. Annotation of the project.

This project is designed to study how often our contemporaries of different ages use phraseological units.

Problem: What is the role of phraseologisoms in schoolchildren and adult speeches.

Purpose: ABOUTthe role of phraseologism in the speech of our contemporaries of different ages.


1. To know with scientific literature on the topic.

2. The composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used.

3. Clear the value of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries.

4. Cold conclusions, what is their role as a stylistic agent.

Research objects:

    speech of adults and schoolchildren;

    works of art;

    phraseological dictionaries;

3. Project plan.


Direction of work


Planned result



Choosing a problem, sources of literature, drawing up a plan

September 2015.

Determination of the field of activity and structure



Formulation of the hypothesis, compilation of the questionnaire, the study of materials according to the stated topic

September 2015.

Scientific justification Themes of the declared project and the depth of the coverage of the studied question


Structure of research

Work with literary sources (modern fiction, Bible, myths)

September 2015.

Preparation of theoretical calculations



Processing the data obtained

October 2015.

The final definition of the content of the practical component of the project




Analysis of the results

October 2015.

Formulation of the conclusion and practical calculation of the project

4. Theoretical part of the project.


Frameological turnoves are stable combinations that are an inexhaustible source of speech expression. The use of phraseological units in speech makes it a strong, bright, tag, convincing. With the help of phraseological units, it is possible to say shortly because they define not only the subject, but also its sign, not only the action, but also its circumstances. The use of phraseological phrases contributes to the development of a sense of language, expands knowledge of the language, enriches speech, makes it figurative and expressive. The presence of a large number of phraseologisoms in the language shows its wealth, and cannot be learned by language without examining its phraseology. Very often for such words and turnover lies the whole world, the historical era - the facts of the departed life of the ideas and beliefs of our ancestors, the real events of the distant past.Russian language is very rich in phraseologism. So, for example, only with one wordhand there are more than fifty phraseological revolutions. For phraseological expressions, most scientists include proverbs, sayings, label and vivid expressions of writers, scientists, public figures that have become covered. Some of them are used in a figurative value, others - in the direct value.


We chose this particular topic because the study of the phraseology of the language is an integral part in learning the language as a whole. You can not know the language, not knowing phraseology. Appeal to the topic "The role of phraseologism in our speech" will expand the knowledge of the language, will enrich the speech, will help relevant use of phraseological expressions.

purpose educational and research work - determination of the role of phraseologism in speech.


    familiarize yourself with the scientific literature on the topic;

    reveal what are characteristic signs of phraseological units and determine what the phraseological units differ from free combinations;

    identify the composition of phraseological units in the text and determine the circumstances under which they are used;

    find out the value of phraseological units in linguistic dictionaries;

    make conclusions, what is their role as a stylistic agent.

Practical significance It is that classmates can be found with the results of research, to speak at a scientific and practical conference, promoting the need to study such an interesting section of language science as phraseology, and use the knowledge gained in the lessons of Russian language and literature.

Research objects:

    speech of adults and schoolchildren;

    works of art;

    phraseological dictionaries;

    scientific and methodical literature.

Research methods:

    solid sampling method;

    contextual analysis method;

    sociometric survey method;

    statistical processing method.

4.2 Linguistic help.

Wordphraseology comes from two words of Greek: phrasis - expression, speech turnover andlogos is a concept, teaching, therefore, phraseology is a section of science about words (lexicology) studying sustainable phrases and turnover.

Phraseology is a steady combination of words used for the name of individual items, features, actions. Lexical significance has the whole phraseology general, for example,beat eggs - "sit back", For thirty lands - "long away".

Phraseologisms have synonyms and antonyms - other phraseologisms; For example, synonyms:on the edge of the world, where the crow knots did not roll; antonyms: Relieve to heaven, tap in dirt.

Phraseologisms characterize all parties to human life - his attitude to work, for example,golden Hands Master On All Hands , attitude to other people, for example,open friend, bear service, Personal advantages and disadvantages, such as, does not lose your head, led by nose other.

Phraseologists are used in everyday speech, in artwork, in journalism.

The value of phraseologism can be found in the phraseological dictionary. To find the desired phraseologism there, you need to start a search from the first independent word. In the "School Phraseeological Dictionary of the Russian Language" V.P.zhukova Vocational articles are given strictly according to the first word phrasecamism.

The most common phraseological units explained in sensible dictionaries. They are placed under the sign ◊ at the end of the vocabulary article of an intelligent dictionary, which coincides with the first independent word of phraseologism, for example:

Squirrel, -And, Rod.Mn.-Lok. Data-Cames, g. Small furry crown of rodents, with a large fluffy tail living on trees, as well as the fur of this animal.

Like squirrel in the wheel spin (orspin cool ) - To be in indifferent troubles, to be busy many things.

Using phraseologisms, it must be remembered that they cannot be inserted new words in them or replace some others. It is impossible to say insteadsit in Kalos - "Seeking a children's canoe", or insteadput in a long box - "put in a box." In the composition of the phraseologist, no sense has certain words, but all the expression as a whole. This means that phraseologisms should be remembered, to know in the form in which they established in the language.

Features of phraseologism.

Phraseologisms exist in a language in close connection with vocabulary, their study helps to better know their structure, education and consumption in speech.

So, to characterize the hero - a person who does not understand what he does - it is possible with the help of one phraseologist:without a king in my head.

In this way, accuracy - this is the first feature of phraseology.

Another feature of phraseology - its imagery. Writers see in Russian phraseology excellent examples of the figurative expression of reality phenomena. The picture and image patterns are expressed by phraseological units that affect the imagination of the listening, forcing him to worry out more stronger, emotionally than if the speaker turned to him with a speech of purely logical.

Comparison is the easiest linguistic way image(Arrow to fly, fly, like an arrow).

The formation of phrase units are based on various techniques, for example: hyperbole - there is no living space, you can't throw a gun ; litotes - with Gulkin nose, quieter of water, below herbs, from pot two tops . [ 1]

The objects and phenomena are usually used to create imagery. For example, many phraseological units include the names of animals, and the assessment of these animals, their signs are the same as in folklore: the hare - a cowardly, the Bear is bad (bear on the ear came) wolf - hungry and greedy, fox - tricky,elephant - Something big, significant

numeyelephant I did not notice, make an elephant from fly) .

4.2.1 phraseological units that occurred from myths

The origin of phraseologism.

1) invalid Russian(Top artwork, Green Street) ;

2) Older Slavonic(Look for and unite) ;

3) Latin and Greek(Augiyev Stables, contribute to lpet);

4) Western European(Blue stocking, throw a glove).

Most of the phraseological units reflect the deeply popular, distinctive nature of the Russian language. Direct (initial) meaning of many phraseologism is associated with the history of our Motherland, with some customers, their work.

So expressionbeat eggs (idle) arose on the basis of the direct meaning "to split a chubby on the baked eggs (chocks) for the manufacture of spoons, cooks, etc., etc.", T e. To make an easy, not difficult.

Phraseological units who came from myths.

We seemed very interesting to us phraseological units who came from myths:

    Augean stables

    Ariadnina thread

    Achilles' heel - Vulnerable.

    Sword of Damocles

    Two-bit Yanus - Two-faced person.

    The Golden Fleece -

    Cook in fly

    Olympian calm

4.2.2 phraseological units who came

from the Bible

Phraseological units who came from the Bible.

We met with phraseological units that came from the Bible:

    To contribute

    Voice in the wilderness

    Dopovetal times - Prehistoric times.

    Talent in the ground

    Manna Heavenly

4.3 Eating phraseological units in works


4.3.1 Frameology in Basnyakh I.A. Krylova

4.3.2 Frameology in the stories N. Nosova

4.3.3. Phraseologist

in fairy tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

4.3.4 phraseology

in Russian folk tales

We conducted a certain researchwork, as a result of which we learned whether our Writers in their works of phraseologism.

To obtain the result, Basni I. A. Krylov were investigated. In them --9 phraseological units:

- "Donkey and Solovy":for a thousand wards, for thirty lands

- "Trishkin Kaftan":Trishkin caftan;

- "Two dogs":walk on the hind legs;

- "A monkey":martishkin labor;

- "Cat and cook":and Vaska listens and eats;

- Demyanova Ear:Demyanova Ear;

- "Squirrel":like squirrel in the wheel;

- "Larchchik":and the Lark just opened;

- "Wolf on Psarn":and I know your wolf for a long time.

In the stories of Nikolai Nosov, 21 phraseologism was found:

    run in the whole jumping is very fast;

    beat eggs- idle;

    rush the southwer - escape;

    two accounts - very quickly;

    in three pines they got lost - confused in a simple matter;

    take a tug-help;

    bring to clean water - to make the truth;

    look at all eyes - very carefully;

    drossing the sleeves - energetic;

    and the case with the end is completed the work begun;

    as in the water looked-forested;

    as in the water omitted - the droops;

    as from the moon fell, it appeared unexpectedly;

    kalach do not lure - do not seduce anything;

    hire along neck - punish;

    wash the neck - to beat;

    do not see how your ears are never to see;

    nor alive either - very frightened;

    go to the edge of light - very far;

    his feet - very tired.

I get acquainted with the fairy tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin, we found 21 phraseologism. For example:

Phraseologisms from Tales M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin

The lexical meaning of phraseologism

Tale name

keep a stone

hang angrily

"Wild landowner"

do not give up

not at all give

"Wild landowner"

stand one's ground

make the fulfillment of their requirements

"Wild landowner"

nowhere to flas down

nowhere come out

"Wheel Pescar"

uma Castle

have a lot of mind

"Wheel Pescar"

look at both

be Bdittelen

"Wheel Pescar"

sleep in hand

prophetic dream

"Wheel Pescar"

stay for seven wool kisle bread

go far for anything

"Wheel Pescar"

we have a yard

in place


hold your pocket wider

hope for anything that can not be


In Russian folk fairy tales found 10 phraseologisomes.

From folk fairy tales came phraseologisms:

    and I was there, honey-beer drank

    a hut on chicken legs

    Koschei the Deathless

    Fox Patriyevna

    neither in a fairy tale say no pen

    with Tsar Gorokhe

    no sooner said than done,

    tale - lie, yes in her hint


    three days and three nights.

The phraseological wealth of the tongue comes to life under the pen of talented writers, publicists and become a source of new artistic images, jokes, unexpected Kalasburov.

Such research Let us conclude: Our writers very often use phraseological circulation in their works, which help them brightly figuratively give a characteristic of the hero, logical, consistently state their thoughts, to make a saturated, emotional, rich. What and we need to strive. And you need to learn from our classics.

4.4 Frameological dictionaries

We learned that there are phraseological dictionaries in which the sources of origin of phrases are presented, their meaning. Authors of dictionaries: V.P. Zhukov and A.V. Zhukova "School Phraseological Dictionary", A.I. Fedors "Fraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language", A.I. Molotkov "Fraseological Dictionary of Russian Language", E.A. Bystrov, A.P. Okuneva, N.M. Shan "Training Fragracyological Dictionary", Zhukov V.P., Sidorenko M.I., Shklyarov V.T. "A dictionary of phraseological synonyms of the Russian language and others.

4.5 Omonimi-phraseology,

synonymous phraseological units,


When studying dictionary articles, it became clear that the phraseologism had homonyms, synonyms and antonyms.

In the dictionaries, we found examples of omonymous phrases:

    Put a rooster - means fake make a melody.

    Put a rooster - this is setting up something.

But examples of synonymous phrases:

    Mystery Chamber - seven spans in the forehead

    The head on the shoulders is a light head. Two pair boots - one berry field.

    Purchase swords on the oral - to put the sword into the sheath.

AND, finally, examples of antonym phraseologisomes:

    Although the pond of the twigs - the cat is applied.

    Sleeping sleeves - after the sleeves.

    Raw porridge - break porridge.

    He was hard on the rise - the lung on the rise.

5. Analytical materials

Sociometric study.

We conducted a sociometric survey of adults (parents and teachers of the school) and students of grades 6-7 on a voluntary basis. Respondents were asked questions:

4. Your favorite phraseologism.

93% of teachers know what phraseology is 7% do not know; 65% of parents know, and 35% do not know, from children - 83% know, 17% do not know.

Most often adults are found with phraseological units in fairy tales and oral spoken speech, children - in artwork and fables.

Of all the wealth of phraseologism, phraseologicalism sounded in the speech of our respondents.beat the bumps, break into the cake, bore on the nose.

Adult respondents first heard phraseological turnover at school, children respondents - in kindergarten and school.

Among adult respondents, 42% do not use phraseological units in their speech, although they know them, they do not use phraseological units in their speech 48%.

The origin of phraseologisov turned out to be for many adults and children by unknown (83% and 78%, respectively), and only 17% of adults called the source of origin Bible and myths and 22% of children called ancient Russia.

Favorite teacher phraseology -nor neither dawn

pupils -like water off a duck's back,

parents -nick down.

6. Description of the booklet product

The booklet is a collectionthe best phraseologisms compiled during research work.

See Appendix No. 3.

7. Conclusion.

During the research work, we learned to the sources of the phraseologism of the Russian language, Improved skill work with phraseological dictionaries, created a presentation of phraseological units.

We found out that the use of phraseological units in speech makes it a strong, bright, tag, convincing. The use of phraseological phrases contributes to the development of a sense of language, expands knowledge of the language, enriches speech, makes it figurative and expressive. The presence of a large number of phraseologisoms in the language shows its wealth, and cannot be learned by language without examining its phraseology. Very often for such words and turnover lies the whole world, the historical era - the facts of the departed life of the ideas and beliefs of our ancestors, the real events of the distant past.

At the end of research work we came To the conclusion: you need to constantly get acquainted withphraseological turns, That it becomes more accurate, richer. To do this, it is necessary to read more, contact various dictionaries, keep searching for work, addressing the creativity of writers, the works of Russian scientists.

8. List of used literature.

    Baranov M.T., Kostyaeva T.A., Prudnikova A.V. Russian language. Reference materials. Training manual for students. Edited by N.M. Shansky. M, "Enlightenment", 1993

    Zhukov V.P., Molotkov A.I., Fedorov A.I. Frameological dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. A.I. Molotkova. - 4th ed. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1986.

    Fedorov A.I. The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - 3rd ed., Act. - M.: Astrel: AST, 2008.

    Lapatuhin M.S., Slavupovskaya E.V., Snetova G.P. School dictionary Russian language. Manual for students. Edited by F.P. Filin. M. Enlightenment, 1981.

    Subbotina L.A.-Author-compiler. Frameological dictionary of the Russian language for schoolchildren. -Katerinburg: urban, 2004.-412 p.

    Tutorial: Russian literature. From the word to the literature. 5 Class: Tutorial / R.I. Albetkova. - 10th edition, stereotype - M.: Drop, 2010.

    Textbook: TA Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trenutzova and other Russian language. Depositories for the 5th grade in 2 parts. M.: Education, 2014.

9. Prints.

Appendix number 1.


1. Do you know what phraseology is?

2. Where do you most often meet phraseologis?

3. Give examples of phraseologism.

4. Your favorite phraseologism.

5. Do you use phraseologisms in your speech?

6. Where did phraseological units come from?

Appendix number 2.

Table. The results of a sociometric study "Knowledge of phraseology".

Appendix number 3.

Dictionary of phraseologisomes, compiled during research work.

    BUT Vaska listens and eats, does not pay attention.

    BUT Lark just opened The problem seemingly difficult, had a simple decision .

    Augean stables - Highly clogged, contaminated or littered room.

    Ariadnina thread - What helps to find a way out of a predicament.

    Achilles' heel - Vulnerable.

    Run in all jumping is very fast.

    Beat egglush - go.

    Rush to run out- run away.

    Two accounts are very fast.

    In three pines they got lost - confused in a simple matter.

    Take a tug-help.

    To contribute - About the man who took in some kind of his own participation.

    Bring to clean water - to make the truth.

    Voice in the wilderness - Infoliated appeals remaining unanswered.

    Look at all eyes - very carefully.

    Look for both Be vitel.

    Sword of Damocles - Missed, threatening danger.

    Two-bit Yanus - Two-faced person.

    Demyanova UHA Nasive excessive treat, contrary to the desire of the husty.

    Keep a stone To hurt.

    Hold your pocket wider- Hope for anything that can not be.

    Dopovetal times - Prehistoric times.

    Talent in the ground - About a person who does not develop its natural abilities.

    Drinking the sleeves is vigorously.

    The Golden Fleece -gold, wealth that seek to master.

    AND Wolping Your I have long known, I know a lot of life experience.

    And the case with the end is to commemorate the case.

    TOaK protein in the wheel- bin indifferent troubles.

    As in the water looked-foresaw present.

    As in the water omitted -pic.

    As the moon fell away, it appeared unexpectedly.

    With the Kalach, they do not tempt anything.

    Cook in fly - disappear forever, be forgotten.

    Manna Heavenly - Unexpected luck, wonderful help.

    M.artyshkin labor is in vain.

    N.and a thousand wards, for the thieves of land - loudly, far.

    Cut the neck- punish.

    We are koking in place.

    Wash your neck.

    Do not see how your ears are never to see.

    Nowhere to the nose to turn Nowhere to go out.

    Neither the dead is alive - very frightened.

    Neither inches do not yield Not at all give

    Olympian calm - Calm, unprofitable.

    Go to the edge of light - very far.

    His feet are very tired.

    Sleep in hand - prophetic dream.

    Stand one's ground To achieve fulfill their requirements.

    Go for seven wool kisli bread-go far for anything.

    Trishkin caftan- Careless and ill-conceived elimination of some disadvantages that entertain the emergence of new ones.

    The mind of the House Have a lot of mind.

    H.late on the hind legs -perform all whims, to serve, tremble and obey.

    And I was there, honey-beer drank-I got on the walk.

    Hut on chicken legs - dilapidated housing.

    Koschey immortal - old and greedy.

    Lisa Patriyevna-Surgery.

    Neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen described is very beautiful.

    With Tsar, the peas - very long ago.

    It is said - Made -na, fulfilled.

    The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hinting meaning of the fairy tale.

    The fairy tale about the white bull, about a long, infinite history (while often bored).http. :// cle.. pickens.. k.12. sC. uS./ images/ announcement./142542-2081126-857. gIF.


