Reset unnecessary with Elena Malysheva: approximate menu for a week. Remove an excess with Elena Malysheva: Approximate menu, blogs losing weight Blog Irina Lukyanova Slimming

Last year, Elena Malyshev very much lost weight, was transformed and crushed. How did she succeed, you ask? We tell me what is the diet of the famous TV presenter, give the menu and the features of the diet.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

Elena Malysheva is a nutritionist, a doctor and a famous TV presenter from Russia. It is mainly engaged in propaganda of a healthy lifestyle. To feel even better, Malysheva decided to lose weight and it turned out perfectly. According to the Doctor, "When you have an overweight, then many pleasures of life replaces the food. But when you lose weight, you are pleased to come back. Dressed is one of the main female pleasures. So I get it in full program, "she shares his impressions.

Elena Malysheva diet makes it possible not only to lose extra pounds, but also prevent the occurrence of heart disease. In general, the TV host proposes to lose weight with low calorie nutrition, which will help to throw about 500 g.

Malysheva diet: basic rules

TV presenter has developed a complex of the finished diet, but there is no opportunity to buy it. Therefore, budget and not less effective way For women will be the development of exactly such a new menu at home independently.

For efficient weight loss, it is necessary to follow some rules:

On the diet, the Mushroom menu for the week is drawn up with the help of such conditions:

  • - Full getting rid of salt, seasonings and salted products. Such a diet can be calculated for 13 days;
  • refusal of sweet, flour, harmful and fried products;
  • one portion of food should fit in 250 ml of a glass;
  • eat food at one time;
  • per day it is necessary to consume no more than 1,200 calories;
  • adhere to the balanced power mode.

It is best to comply with dietherapy for 14 days. Below is painted sample menu daily diet:

  • for breakfast, eat oatmeal, diluted with berries and cooked on water or milk;
  • the second breakfast is allowed to eat fruit fruits;
  • to eat a boiled chicken breast with porridge;
  • before dinner, you can easily eat with an apple or crude carrot;
  • for dinner, eat a vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil or a degreased kefir, as well as eggs;
  • do not forget to drink a large amount of water, because it will help to remove slags and toxins from the body.

Malysheva's diet offers its recipes that can be cooked without any problems - this is a cream soup from broccoli, tomato soup And Spaghetti "Balumniza".

Malysheva diet: menu for every day

The method of losing weight from the TV presenter consists of a complete abandonment of sweet, flour, animal fats, alcohol and salt. With such therapy, it is allowed to consume:

The diet can be observed both 7, 10, 14 days and 28. Choosing a diet for a week, you can get rid of 4 kilograms excess weight. At the same time, it is advisable to do physical exercises.

TV presenter invented better dietin which it is described in detail that it is necessary to eat for a week. The menu looks like this:

  • in the morning eat low fat curd, vegetable salad, a piece of black bread and drink green tea;
  • on the second breakfast eat an apple;
  • for dinner, cook cream soup from broccoli, cook chicken fillet and buckwheat. Put a glass of natural juice;
  • at the afternoon a great option will be eating fruit or berries (but not more than 300 g);
  • for dinner, eat 100 g of cottage cheese, boiled fish, a piece of bread. Put all this degreased kefir product.

Observe such a diet you need 7 days. Of course, the products in the menu can be changed, but choose only easily digestible food. For example, you can eat oatmeal, muesli, fruit bars. For lunch Spaghetti "Bolognese", prepared with their own hands, white fish fillet, vegetable casseroles. For dinner mushroom soup, vegetable pilaf, stewed meat or fish. On the second breakfast and afternooner it is recommended to use fruits, berries, fruit bars, kozinaks and nuts. Discovered water, freshly squeezed natural juices, green tea. Each Sunday you can make a unloading day and eat boiled porridge on the water (it can only be rice or buckwheat porridge).

If you need to throw off 5-6 kg, then you can use a 10-day diet. The menu in it goes from day:

Malysheva diet for 14 days

Diet therapy for two weeks from Elena will help to achieve effective results in weight loss, which will be noticeable with a naked eye. The diet is monotonous, but it will help to get rid of 7 kg of excess weight. Also this diet will wait digestive system, reduce appetite, normalizes the color and elasticity of the skin, will help to remove the orange crust and cellulite.

The menu for two weeks contains in its diet breakfast, a second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. On the morning meals it is recommended to use oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt. You can mix porridge or cottage cheese with berries. Late breakfast you need to eat fruits (pears, oranges and others). In the dietary diet should be protein products. They can be both vegetable (soy) and animals (meat or fish). Meat dishes can not be fried, only cook or stew. Before dinner, it is advisable to eat fruit. A combination of acidic and sweet fruit fruits is well suitable. Follow the day you need a light dish: stewed fish, vegetable salads that are filled linen Oil. Also during dinner, you can eat nuts - it is useful for both body and brain.

Dietotherapy is advised to comply with the power schedule. You need to have breakfast at 8:00 am, snack at 10:00, dining at 13:00, afternoon snack to eat by 16:00, and dinner at 19:00. It is advisable to follow 5-way nutrition with an interval of 3 hours before each meal. And the dinner is better no later than at 19:00, so as not to go to bed with a full stomach. If it is impossible to make an evening meal at 19:00, then you need to eat no later than 3 hours before sleep.

Diet for 4 weeks will give the opportunity to get rid of almost 7-9 kg, And the process of weight loss will not harm your body. Diet of diet and therapy is such as for a weekly and two-week courses. Withstand these 28 days, you will not recognize yourself in the mirror. It is important to remember that the course of therapy itself can last 14 days, and the rest of the time will take an important way out of the diet. At the exit, it is necessary to observe the same diet as with a diet, only gradually add something new. After graduation, it is not recommended to immediately start eating cakes, candy, boots, otherwise efforts will be in vain.

What is included in the Helen Malysheva diet menu?

In the diet, the diet will include products that are equipped with all useful components, trace elements and vitamins. And also the provision that is not too calorie and is easily absorbed.

There is a list of prohibited products that categorically impossible to use during a diet:

  • salt;
  • spice;
  • sausages;
  • sausages;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • soda;
  • sweet products;
  • flour works.

The list of suitable products includes:

An approximate description of the diet days looks like this:

  • for morning meals, you can use oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, carrot salad, eggs, barrid, rice, muesli;
  • for the second breakfast, it will be useful to eat a fruit salad or just a fruit;
  • for lunch there is meat, fish. Just need to remember that it should be either boiled or stew, frying these products can not be. You can cook vegetable soup soup, mushroom soup or pea, vegetable salad, buckwheat;
  • for afternoon, it is better to choose a bar with bran, apple, berries, dried fruits;
  • for the evening reception of the provincture, you can choose rice, buckwheat, pilaf, skimmed kefir, steam dishes, vegetable salad, cottage cheese;
  • drinking recommended water, green tea, juice. In the morning you can drink coffee.

All dishes prepared for dietherapy are delicious, useful and rich in vitamins. By holding an exemplary diet, you can throw off extra kilograms, improve well-being and find a slim body. Presented dietherapy will bring the body only benefit.

It's time to think about a beautiful body, because summer has come! But for this it is not necessary to spend a bunch of money on fitness coaches and weakened to chew buckwheat. There are many other ways to lose weight. We have made a selection of 10 bloggers for you, which are free for free useful advice and tell how they managed to reset to 30 kilograms. Among these people there are Petrozavodchanka! We read and inspire!

Blog Kati.

In this online magazine about weight loss, leaving and healthy lifestyle, everyone can find useful advice. Here you will find out, whether you get fat from seeds, how to lose weight in caviar and what habits to get to get a slender every day!

Blog Alexandra Pavlova

Petrozavodchanka Alexander Pavlova, who now lives in St. Petersburg, has created its own website, where he tells how for the year she lost 30 kilograms. The girl is actively and for free sharing his experience with other wishing to lose weight. Moreover, on its website, Alexandra places not only articles about weight loss and proper nutrition, but also shares the recipes of dietary dishes to lose weight it was not only effectively, but also tasty.

As Alexander writes, her weight loss began with the fact that she stopped eating meat. This is what prompted the girl to start healthy image Life.

Blog Diana Belkova

Another petrozavodchanka Diana Belkova per year dropped 30 kilograms! The girl created his page in Vkontakte, where he talks about how to lose weight without harm to the body, with what difficulties she had to face, and what she did to part with hate kilograms. By the way, Diana is not afraid to show his photos to weight loss and after. On the contrary, she is proud of himself and what work she was able to do.

Tatiana Rybakova's blog

Tatiana Rybakova is another fitness blogger who teaches others to lose weight on his own experience. Previously, Tanya weighed 100 kg! But when the girl came out of adolescence, I realized that it was extremely unhappy with my external species. As a result, Tanya Rybakova dropped 51 kg, but her way to the perfect body was a thorny. At first, the girl tried to starve, sat on the monodulations and got his body, until he understood that he could only help healthy nutrition and sport. Now Tatiana records its video tutorials that are enjoying great popularity.

Heidi Somers

Sexy tanned blonde with cubes of the press and magnificent chest Heidi Somers possesses the perfect body. This girl is one of the most popular fitness bloggers in the US. Heidi developed a sports program, thanks to which for 6 weeks of training, anyone can lead themselves in perfect shape. In almost all of their rollers, Heidi is filmed in mini-bikini.

Jasmine Chong

Specialist in Yoga Jasmine Chong shows what attractive and sexy can be a flexible girl engaged in yoga. Jasmine tells in detail the beginners, how to properly do exercises, thanks to which you can lead ourselves in perfect shape.

Katya Energy

Fitness blogger Katya Energy not only performs exercises, but also talks about his journey and reveals the secrets of beauty. The girl holds his online training in a sexy swimsuit than motivating all of his subscribers!

Simon Anderson

A resident of New Zealand turned the process of his weight loss in an online project, the results of which is divided in its Instagram. For two years, Simon Anderson managed to reset about a hundred kilograms.

Carly Roven

Carly walks with the camera to the store and shows subscribers, what products should pay attention to, and what to forget forever. And so that the subscribers it was misfortune, Carly invents various tasks for them. For example, to abandon sugar at least for a couple of days or spend a week without buns. And it works!

Tatyana Fedorchev

On the Tatiana Channel in Youtube you can find exercises for all occasions - the blogger will teach correctly squat, pick up the training under type of Figure, make a daily plan of classes and not retreat from your goal. Tatiana lost 7 kilograms and now tells subscribers how to do it right.

Basically, the project "Remove the extra" with Elena Malysheva is based on proper nutrition. The network you can find blogs losing weight about this program. There people give useful tips to everyone who wishes to lose weight, since they have already experienced a healthy nutrition system.

Doctor's methods are known to the whole world. They help people burn fat in a short time. It is desirable that any diet lasts about 2 months. The composition of the famous nutrition is selected very harmoniously, which protects the human body from exhaustion and load. As a result, the mood improves, and human well-being moves into a positive channel.

How to become a candidate and what does the latest technique offer?

All who suffer overweight may take part in the television program. The only thing you need to fill out the form on the official website, tell about yourself. Then a vote will be conducted, on the basis of which, will be chosen 12 candidates with the largest number of votes.

It is them that they will be invited to shoot the transfer. But those who did not score the right number of votes may not be upset, as they can be invited to be removed in the project "Remove the extra". This competition is held on the Internet. The participant will have to fill in a diary daily, keep a blog, communicate on the forum.

Before candidates proceed to weight loss, they all must complete the full examination. These are ultrasound of all organs, blood test, visit the endocrinologist, cardiologist and psychologist. Also, all participants will hold computer diagnostics where experts will establish fat with muscle mass.

Project "Reset Upcess" with Elena Malysheva: Useful Tips

Before entering the diet, you need to get acquainted with some features.

1. Be sure to make sure that low-calorie products come into the diet. The total amount should be less than or equal to 1200.
2. Breakfast is best to eat porridge. It must be boil on the water, do not add salt and oil. It is recommended to eat oatmeal in the morning. Try to use that porridge, which is preparing by pouring boiling water. Boil porridge is not recommended!
3. During the day, try to eat more proteins. A low-fat veal or rabbit is considered a healthy dish. Optionally, you can cook fish. The dish is prepared for a couple, cooked or stewed.
4. In the evening, add vegetable salads, boiled eggs and kefir in the menu.

In the interruptions you can eat fruits or berries. In some reason, it is advisable to make unloading. All day you can eat only boiled rice and drink water. Just below, we have an approximate menu in order to. Based on this, it is possible to compile your own diet for 1-2 months.

Compiled nutrition


210 grams of oatmeal with berries, a glass of low-fat milk;
2 hours after breakfast: 210 grams of puree (eggplants / zucchini);
Pilaf with white chicken meat and vegetables, 110 grams of salad of vegetables, a glass of ragger rosehip;
3.5 hours after dinner: Semirinko Apple and Zhmanyka Walnuts;
210 grams of cottage cheese casseled and a large spoon of low-fat sour cream.


210 grams of boiled Hercules, a large spoon of berries and a glass of skimmed milk;
2 hours after breakfast: 210 grams of beet salad and two pieces of rye loaf;
155 grams of vegetable pillings, 110 grams of vegetable salad and a piece of chicken fillet, a glass of horse racing;
3.5 hours after dinner: 110 grams of cottage cheese and half a bioachurt;
Cod dish and 210 grams of boiled beans.


Omelet, carrot-apple puree;
2 hours after breakfast: apple;
plate vegetable soup, a piece of chicken and a large spoon of beans;
3.5 hours after dinner: 210 grams of carbon cabbage;
155 grams of cottage cheese.


55 grams of boiled beef, 110 grams of green peas and 2 loaf pieces;
2 hours after breakfast: 155 grams of Vinegret and 2 loaf;
155 grams of stewed cabbage with carrot and a glass of horseradish beam;
3.5 hours after lunch: walnuts with an apple;
210 grams and a large spoon of sour cream.


4 large spoons of boiled Hercules with dried fruits;
2 hours after breakfast: 210 grams of vegetable puree (eggplants / zucchini);
110 grams of boiled fish, 210 grams of stew vegetables and a glass of brave rosehip;
3.5 hours after lunch: vegetable pilaf;
110 grams of cottage cheese.


Boiled egg, 35 grams of cheese, 55 grams of green peas;
2 hours after breakfast: baked potatoes, 110 grams of vegetable salad;
155 grams of pea soup, 110 grams chicken fillet, 155 grams of stewed zucchini and 2 loaf;
3.5 hours after dinner: 210 grams of vegetable salad;
250 grams of baked cauliflower, 55 grams of cottage cheese.


210 grams of pearls welded on water and 55 grams of stewed carrots;
2 hours after breakfast: orange;
210 grams of stewed cabbage meat and 75 grams of beef, apple of green varieties;
3.5 hours after lunch: 110 grams of cottage cheese;
155 grams of boiled fish and the same amount of beans.
Also, in addition to the menu, you should not forget about the reception of a large amount of water. Plus, every time you drink a glass of kefir before bedtime.

Useful advice

1. Elena Malysheva advises to slowly resort to the diet. At the same time, you can per day lose half a kilogram of excess weight.

2. All participants advise to forget about the hunger strike. If you do not eat, then reduce weight, but get a bunch of health problems. With a nutritionist system, people will be able to stick right regime Nutrition. You need to eat 5 times a day, but small portions. At one time it is necessary to eat no more than 250 grams.

3. Also important factor is abundant drinking. During the day you need to drink a minimum of 1.5 liters of boiled or purified water. It is forbidden to consume carbonated and mineral beverages, alcohol and juice.

4. Among other things, the weight loss process will last faster if we combine proper nutrition from exercise. Personal jog is considered useful.

Anyone can become a candidate of the project. All results will be fixed on the camera, the only thing in each program is offered various methods Combating overweight.

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02.05.2017 / 18:11


21.09.2017 / 14:11

After the second birth, I scored a lot of extra kg, I have no time to walk in sports halls, I sat on many diets, even special drugs for weight loss seized several times, but I did not get the desired result, or rather, it was, but after stopping the seating on a diet, kg Returns again. About the diet Elena Malysheva, I learned from the Internet pages, many reviews are written, I decided to try, I will not say that this diet is tough. Sitting on it you can eat diverse and nutritionally, not hungry, do not feel feelings of hunger. For two weeks of seating on the diet, Malysheva, I dropped 5 kg.

20.07.2018 / 15:43


Hello, after a third of the birth gained sooo a lot of kilographers. Driving 167 I have a weight of 90 kg. I want to lose weight, you began to hurt all the joints especially legs and spin. Please help me.

14.11.2018 / 10:34


Age 52, weight 73, height 169.Ald thyroid. I want to lose weight, but the experience of the skin scares.

17.08.2019 / 21:33

A terrible diet. Reset 1 kg in two days - shock for the body. People are individual. The proposed diet is suitable for people with low weight, but not for people with exceeding weight. For men, women with exceeding weight and obesity, as well as people active this diet is harmful and dangerous.

15.09.2019 / 18:14

Guestgasanova Zuhra

Hello. The name of Zuhra I am 37 years old I live in Makhachkala weigh 125 kg. Work on two works and day and night so that you can live and contain two children and pay for an apartment. I can not allow myself to afford to allow yourself as salary only to get some kind of salaries products will pay for the apartment and the needs of households. Not there is no work with such a schedule or sit on the diet lacks the power of will and time, but the weight began to bother me. The difficulties of inconvenience did not want to contact people with people by work. Life has become sulfur. Mysteriously affects my mental I'm rapidly irritating constantly experiencing the aggression of the decline of the forces constantly want to sleep. I will have the only one my joy, but after going again the despondency comes disappointment and not satisfied the Sabya itself. I want to lose weight and confident that if you wanted to lose weight 60 I will change your help in my life Because on my own I can not, I want to lose weight under the supervision of specialists. The root will get rid of extra kg.

We declare about the start of the project "Reset Upcessory - Win Million" of the new season 2019 - 2020.

In this project, participants seek tremendous success in lowering weight, become beautiful, slender and healthy! This project is a direct road to the implementation of your dreams!

Registration order

On our site you are served ( reception of applications is over) in project "Reset is superfluous - win Million". Each participant must accommodate its videos of 1 minute.

Determining the initial weight of the participant

After the application is filed, you must implement the weighing procedure. Make it you can in several ways:

  • Make your own video or photo of your weighing. Your weight should be visible (for men you need to measure the waist amount in addition to weight). To be understood by the date of shooting, write on a sheet of paper a date in DD.MM.GYYYGG format (date, month, year) and remove yourself in your hands with this sheet.
  • Or come to your Weight loss clinic . Tell an employee of the weight loss clinic that you are a project participant and have come to have a weighing on the project "Discharge". The weighing procedure is free for the project participant.

Control Weighing Data You must send to the address

The control weighing data will be listed in the base of the project participants (but only if you have excess weight (with BMI\u003e 25).

You can ask your questions about the project at.

The terms of participation

So, you registered and started to lose weight. Now, for staying in the project, you need to perform the following conditions:

  • every day to celebrate its current weight (for men it is also necessary to mark the amount of the waist) in your personal account on the website www.Syt.
  • to write blogs daily
  • regularly make a photo report on weight loss in the gallery of your personal Cabinet
  • Each participant attaches to the curator and becomes a member of his group. The curator is a participant in previous projects "reset unnecessary." Selected by the organizers from among the most competent and experienced our registered users. The curator will help you effectively reduce weight.
  • Every 2 weeks from the group will be excluded 3 participants with the worst weight loss indicator or not complying with all the project conditions (daily blogging, in the section of the parameters, celebrate its weight daily and regularly set a photo report.) Excluded participants have the opportunity to return to the main team of the team at The condition for the implementation of all project conditions and on the personal discretion of the curator.
  • Those curators that will go beyond the limits of BMI over 25 will be excluded from the curators. The curator is obliged to observe the weight in the norm within the entire period of the project.

The main prize will be admitted to the draw:

  • Groups (curator and at least 3 participants), which looted to normal weight, and also fulfilled all the mandatory project conditions.
  • Mandatory participation in TV shooting. Refusal to participate in TV shooting removes a group of access to the final
  • Mandatory blogging and publishing photos and video reports on the Dem.
  • Only those groups in which the starting weight was recorded on a photo or camcorder

Cheating votes using special services and other software tools is strictly prohibited! If dishonest actions are detected, the administration reserves the right to reset the voices or remove the participant's questionnaire from voting.

Selection in TV groups

The project organizers at their discretion will select participants in TV groups. The curator with the group should take part in TV filming in the plots of "Live Great" and Health programs.

To get to the TV group will help you:

  • The maximum number of likes under your video
  • Interesting and bright video plot
  • Active participation blogs on the site
  • Interesting personal page in Instagram

How to become a curator.
You can become a curator - help the participant to fulfill your dream, and to win money yourself.

  • Send an application with a note "I want to become a curator" on
  • You must be a member of the previous seasons "reset the extra"
  • Have
  • Send us 2 of your photos "before and after"
  • Be able to take part in television shooting on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays

Curator duties:

  • Control the weight of the participants in their group.
  • Write blogs yourself and help participants writing blogs

Surface more closely with Elena Malysheva:

Any participant can buy a course for a week or a month, as well as sign up for (in the weight loss clinic) with a special discount.

How will the results of the project be supplied:

From January of the month we will introduce the rules for the selection of participants to enter the final.

At the very end of the television season, in June or July, we will summarize. All groups whose participants loomed to normal weight will be allowed to the drawing of the main prize, and have fulfilled all the mandatory conditions of the contest project. We will fix all applicants for the main prize, and a special program by random choice will announce the winner. 1000,000 all participants together with curators lost to normal should come to Moscow to measure their data and participating in the shooting of the program with the choice of the project's winner. We believe in you and wish you good luck on the way to an ideal figure and the main prize !!!

The main prize will be divided by a layman between the curator and participants.

The project organizer has the right to make changes to the rules and conditions of the project at any stage.