We make a pre-design - design and rules of arrangement. We draw up a pre-banker: tips about what design to choose and what will help create a cozy atmosphere

The functional bath equipped with everything necessary for holding health procedures is the subject of the desires of many land owners.

The pre-banker in the bath is an important part of the structure that not only prevents the penetration of cold to the steam room, but also allows you to fully enjoy a bath rest.

A competently equipped pre-equipment can be a full-fledged functional room in any bath. As a rule, it is located between the steam room and washing, so used:

  • to protect against cold and drafts penetrating the inside of the premises;
  • for recreation after procedures before visiting or;
  • for changing linen and clothing that can be comfortable to cheer and not worry that they are wrapped;
  • for leisure in a warm friendly atmosphere.

If a ready bath Not equipped with a pre-banker, then you can expand the structure quickly and economically. Considering the question more in more detail how to make a pre-banker, it is recommended to choose the framework method of construction.

The main advantages of the method are:

  • ease of construction of a frame with minimal cost on the base;
  • construction speed;
  • a wide selection of materials for internal and external arrangements;
  • high heat capacity building.

How to attach a small pregnant to a bathhouse bath?

Construction of the foundation for the pre-banner

Before the beginning construction work The working circuit is selected and the graduate size is determined. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is calculated according to the following principle: 1.35 square meters. m per person. The width of the pre-banker should be at least 100 cm, the length is arbitrary.

For a frame design, a lightweight base is suitable - pile or finely breed.

How to build a foundation with minor bulk? Works are performed as follows:

  1. Make up the layout for development.
  2. Prepare a trench with the desired parameters: a depth of 55 cm, 35 cm wide.
  3. The base under the foundation is filled with fine sand, tram, wet.
  4. Perform a formwork from the board to the size of the foundation.
  5. Set the reinforcing base under the foundation.
  6. Poured formwork with a concrete mixture.
  7. The concrete base is dry and protected by a waterproofing layer from the rubberoid.

Construction of frame construction

Before mounting wooden design All elements are carefully treated with protective and antiseptic compositions for wood.

The assembly is performed in such a sequence:

  1. Installing the bottom strapping from bars with a cross section of 10 × 10 cm.
  2. Installation of angular racks, checking the correct installation of each element using a level.
  3. Installing intermediate racks with a step in 80 cm.
  4. Execution of the upper strapping from bars with a cross section of 8 × 8 cm.
  5. Installation in the outer angles of diagonal planks to increase the rigidity of the finished design.
  6. Fixing lag for floor from the unedged board.
  7. Installing elements under the openings for doors and windows.
  8. The inner covering of the finished design of the membrane material, which provides protection against wind penetration and moisture.
  9. External wall covering.

Installation of ventilation system in the pre-banker

Ventilation in the pre-banker is important elementwhich will provide the necessary influx and indoor outflow. This is required to maintain a favorable climate inside the bath and adherence to the optimal heat transfer regime.

Ventilation channels for the pre-banker are equipped as follows:

  1. At a distance of 55 cm from the stoves, we do a small hole with a size of 16 × 21 cm.
  2. We prepare a wooden flap of the desired size, with the front side, add a bar with a handle.
  3. On the side opposite to the ventilation channel, we do another hole of the same size at a height of 200 cm from the floor level.
  4. The second hole is equipped with a similar damper.

The valve for ventilation channels should always be closed.

How to insulate the pre-equipment correctly to keep the required temperature regime between and other functional premises? In this case, all surfaces are subject to insulation: walls, ceiling and floor.

Features of floor insulation

The functional bath with a warm female is placed by the basis, which is resistant to high humidity.

To make a warm wooden floor, it is enough to establish expensive heating systems - water or electric. An affordable option is the use of inert floor insulation materials - wool and extruded foam.

Works on heat insulation are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. On the wooden lagows Install bars for rough base.
  2. Cover bars membrane for vaporizolation.
  3. We lay under the lags insulating material, tightly fix to the frame.
  4. We are placing the waterproofing of the mustache and fix the construction brackets with the help of a stapler. Connecting joints We protect scotch on a metallized basis.

The wooden base under the floor is treated with antiseptic compositions to prevent possible rotting and destruction of wood.

Specificity of ceiling ceiling ceiling

A warmed ceiling reduces thermal losses and provides a comfortable indoor microclimate. Basalt wool is used for surface insulation. Additionally, work is carried out for the ceiling vaporizolation.

The process of insulation is carried out as follows:

  1. Between ceiling beams Layer layer of insulation basalt wool.
  2. On top of the insulation, the peeled polyethylene flag on a foil basis. For fixing to beams use thin strips.
  3. Connecting joints are closed with scotch.

If during the operation of the bath, the attic room will not be involved, then in the pre-tribades the ceiling surface can be arranged in the flooring. Wood sawdust, clay or clay crumb are suitable as the heat insulation base.

Subtleties of insulation of walls

For the inner warming of the walls of the log pregnor, a foil foam or mineral wool is used.

All works on internal wall insulation are carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Installation of a vapor insulator from the membrane on wall structures.
  2. Installing a wooden crate of bars with a cross section of 5 × 5 cm with a step of 55 cm. Before the installation starts, all the elements of the crates are thoroughly treated with antiseptic compositions.
  3. Flooring mineral wool between the elements of the crate.
  4. Laying polystyrene foam on a foil basis and fixation to the crate using brackets and a construction stapler.

The next step is to summarize communications and laying electrical wiring in plastic corrugation.

After the completion of warming work, you can proceed to the interior decoration of the room. The traditional interior of the pre-banker provides for use natural materials - Wooden lining or tank board. Do not forget that the design of the pre-banker should be combined with the common style of the design of other bathrooms.

Decorative floor finish

The next stage of the arrangement of the pre-banner is the floor facing. Moisture-resistant wood breeds are suitable for decoration - larch, oak and cedar. Before starting work, all materials are treated with antiseptic impregnation to prevent rotting and destruction of wood fibers.

Works are performed in such a sequence:

  1. Bruks for the crate with a step of 40 cm on the waterproofing layer.
  2. The lining is treated with flame retardant compositions for wood.
  3. The board is installed on the crate by the type "Spike and Paz" with fixation on the screws near the walls.
  4. The protective rubber coating is laid on top of the lining.

The sheath is carried out as follows:

  1. On the ceiling surface, you install the control cage for fixing the wall paneling.
  2. Mount the initial element against the inlet door with a small nail at an angle (45 degrees).
  3. Check the level and install the following elements.
  4. The bars thick up to 4 cm fixed to the insulating layer.
  5. Mounting the wallboard on the walls, starting from a long corner, the hidden method.
  6. After completion of the installation, platbands and plinning plates are mounted.

Important! Pre-tribada finishes allows you to perform a vertical, horizontal or diagonal setting of the lining.

The photo shows how stylishly looks the lining on the wall surfaces in the finished room.

Interior I. outdoor finish The pre-bankers must harmoniously complement each other. In the constructed design of the pre-equipment, it suffices to perform an outer panty, grinding and processing of wood with special protective compositions.

The final stage of the design of the pre-banner in the chopped bath is the placement of furniture and decorative elements. The harmonious interior of the pre-banker contributes to the maximum relaxation and comfortable rest.

The traditional interior for the pre-banker is drawn up in a Russian style, which provides for the use of outdoor or wall hanger, shoe shelf or cabinet, mirrors, table, shops, sofas, household appliances and dishes.

To get a finished interior, designers recommend using decorative elementsmade from natural materials - wood, stone and textiles.

What is interesting, the defendants just in the Russian bath never happened: in the steam room went straight from the frost, and dived in a snowdrift after a good heat, just opening the door. But now, when the interior and layout of the bath became much more complicated, without this room no longer do. After all, it protects the rest room, the pool and the boiler from the abundant steam and high humidity, which always makes his way from under the door of the steam. It is the pre-binder that serves as a link between all the premises of the bath and allows the oven not in the steam room. And it is the foregoing, oddly enough, creates the first impression of a bath - after all, it falls in front of him. That is why its arrangement to pay special attention. BUT nice pictures The defendants that we have collected for you, they say that you can approach this case with an entrance and soul!

In the pre-banker traditionally undress, put their things, the remote heat exchanger and the boiler are installed here, the brooms hang here and the samovar is hanging. What is the difference between the interior of an ordinary pre-banner from a full-fledged rest room? Despite the fact that these two concepts are often confused, the pre-banner and guests are different rooms.

Basically, they differ in size and square, and secondly, the rest room is always separated, has its own, so to speak a niche, and the pre-training. It is always at least three doors, noticeable engineering systems, settings and switches are set. In fact, this is a technical premises, due to its destination, it is not at all forbidden to be stylish and cozy.

Interior Design Styles

Naturally, the ball is Russian - and the style in it is welcomed by Russian. And it is not difficult to adjust the design of the design fee for it: bundles of bagels, dried fragrant brooms, huge samovar, wooden topchak or wicker furniture, lapties on the walls and carved Russian bears on the doors. That the pre-tribades that Seni in Exemplary will be difficult to distinguish.

For those for whom the most important thing is comfort, you can forget about conventions and furnish at home: a lot of fabric and decor, cute curtains on the window, soft sofa and paintings with painting, and, of course, a good built-in extractor in the ceiling to All this in a month did not rot from moisture.

It is worth noting that the yacht style is the most popular for bath complexes. It is just perfect for those rooms in which cold metal and soft cloth are forced to combine, plastic structures and warm tree. The most traditional design of pre-bankers with their technique and curtains in a cage! And, since there is such a source material, it remains only to stylize the image for completeness:

  • If possible, noticeable metal parts and chrome walls - this will be the brightest accent of yacht design.
  • Add and Fur to textile is an important element of this style. Those. Fur bedspreads on a sofa, a bear skar on the floor or a stretched wolf on the wall.
  • The technical part, as the door to the boiler room or any levers, can be allocated and necessary - but in a harmonious combination with the interior of the pre-banner.
  • On the floor - a red carpet, which is not particularly afraid of moisture or the floor of a good strong board.
  • Lining as it is impossible to suit better in the form finishing material In this style, the oak will fit perfectly.
  • And the decor, and furniture only such as for yachts - moisture-resistant and durable!

And finally, bright elements of the sea decor: sinks, fishing net instead of curtains, thematic decorations, present anchor and beautiful metal inscriptions on all doors. Such decisions can be seen on some glossy interior photos of the pre-banker and its detail - it looks very and very solid. More chic and brilliance - behind the doors of the Captain cabin!

Finishing materials and stylized furniture

Initially, in the pre-tribades only put the benches, and the walls were not separated by anything - the log house is so log. Today, even in a miniature bath with a small square, everyone wants to achieve maximum comfort. And all because the functional purpose of the steam room has long changed: here no longer come to wash and wash, on the contrary, the last funds of the Russian man will spend to build a bathhouse and ride it every weekend with big company Friends. This is the removal of stress! Therefore, the pre-banker no longer serves as a wardrobe or hallway - in case it is impossible to build a full-fledged rest room, it is achieved by all available methods.

The most popular finish of the pre-bankers - and the stone (although the latter can be seen more and more often in the photo than in life). Moreover, you can now use the pine lining of the lowest class - there is no such heat in this room, there will be no flow to flow, and the swirls with their resin pocket look like decor. The only one only, to handle the lining here, you already need two times, as in the washing machine (there is a humidity in the pre-tribades), and it is still to refuse from birch.

Especially good also wicker furniture from rattan - and the place will not take a lot, and it is inexpensive, and the care for her is simple. But then, from wet air, they will also have to get rid of modern methods - the same ventilation or a special air dryer.

As for the design of the furniture of the pre-banker, the so-called "" benches and a table of coarse, suitable natural patterns, carved elements on a tree, mirror and paintings in the frame of the tree, uses in great demand. Leshego's style in the pre-tribades creates the impression that you just went into some kind of forest house and now a fairy tale will begin. Cute and quite Russian style.

How to settle in the Ban of the Russian Spirit?

But that it is still a bath, always reminds enveloping heat in the pre-tribades and specific aromas: birch brooms under the ceiling, smells of pine and fir, aromatic oils in jars and beautiful stylized shelves and lamps, with spectacular wood and vintage carvings Vintage execution.

An integral attribute is a smell of just brewed herbal tea, with spices prepared on special technology. Nic electric chairs! It is even dangerous. But the old Russian samovar will create its special atmosphere of comfort: it was not once that boiling water can be waiting for a whole hour. After all, this is a whole ceremony, a long process from the splitting of the rays to the arrangement of cups, which takes place in unhurried conversations, jokes and metabolism. Today, the bathroom comes to relax and relax after the labor week - there is no place to hurry here, the time is stopped here and there is no place to go. The same interior should have the same.

It is important to pay attention to the pre-banker and: the lighting here is traditionally mild, slightly muted and configuring to a relaxed way. After all, a person, opening the door to the bath, should feel - all the fuss, problems and tensions will have to be left behind the threshold, reset to the nearest snowdrift, and here he came to relax in the soul and body (and if it gets out of the street on the bright light and cold tiled floor - Feelings will be akin to how to be in the operating room). Itself is one of the central design elements, you need to select them with the soul, and it is better to give preference to a noble screw and simple simplicity than technological metal monsters.

And most importantly - the pre-tribades really should be warm. The fire screen plays fire, lightly smells a haze, which makes his way to the will with every laying of firewood, and because of the door in the steam room there are lively, satisfied votes of holidaymakers. For no reason they say - in the bath to wash, which is re-born!

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2014-03-02 00:35:34

Good day. Very long time I had a regular bath, without any frills and beautiful design. This year, finally, decided to do interior design His Balkee))) climbed on the forums, looked in other people's decorations and decided to make a cozy Russian bath in bright colors. I did not have any special means on the arrangement, so I had to save a bit on the materials. Well, it means I did the following: I have a rather large area. Before that, a lot of space disappeared, and most of the premises held a pre-banker. Therefore, I had to demolish the wall that separated it from the steam room, and make it a smaller square. The steam room I divided into two comments, which divided by a small partition (well, it is so, for the illusion). In one part left the oven, all the seats, etc., but in another part I put a small sofa, the table, hung some old vimpels and even samovar)) this room, for the most part, I equipped in order So that you can sit comfortably with the men and drink the beer, otherwise I had to go to the pre-tribader before, or just sitting in the steam room)) Now it became much more convenient and prettier) now I want to come up with something else))

2014-07-30 10:28:05

Personally, I think that the interior of the pre-bankers must be restrained and simple. It is not necessary to overload the space by all sorts of designer pieces, complex combinations of colors, and certainly no need to add new-purpose details to the interior. The ideal option in my taste will be a simple Russian motive, diluted by a little European style, or some other. It will be interesting to look if you mix Russian wooden log walls And for example, Chinese lanterns. The main thing is that the space is not overloaded. A man comes to the bath relax, but not to observe complex design solutions.

The dream of each dacket and the owner of its own private house is to build a bath on its plot. Baths may differ in design, material, sizes and multiple parameters, but always unites them one - there is no bath without a pre-banker.

The theater begins with hangers, and the bath is from the pre-banner. Here, not only undress and leave clothes, but rest between the adoption of the couple, drink tea or cold kvass behind a carved wooden table with comfortable benches.

What is the pre-banker

The pre-banker is built with such a calculation so that the moisture from the parley does not penetrate it and the clothes remained dry. In the premises of the premises should penetrate light, but not cold airTherefore, the window is done small. The outer door should also be low that saves heat as possible. Normal entrance door He has a height of 2 meters, and the door to the pre-banner rarely exceeds 160 - 170 cm in height and 60 - 70 cm in width.

The entrance door to the pre-banner is better to arrange from the south side. It will protect from the cold northern wind, and in winter snow drifts on the south side will be less.

The door to the steam room is being done even lower. This door should not open in the steam room, but in the pre-banner. It suspends the penetration of steam, and the air in the pre-banker will remain dry. Technical purpose of the EVEN creating an obstacle to get cold air to the steam room. In the premises of the premises, you can relax to get the maximum pleasure from the adoption of water procedures.

The pre-tribades can be squeezed any value, but usually its dimensions are 2x3 meters. In such a small room, you can place a table with benches, hanger. The choice of interior trim options is quite large.

Typically, a bath, built of logs, does not need an additional coating. The main task in this case is good insulation and wood treatment with impregnationsProtecting wood from negative effects.

If the structure still needs interior decoration, there are many options. It should be noted that due to increased humidity treat the selection of materials for interior decorations should be taken seriously.

Materials suitable for finishing the walls of the pre-banner.

  1. PVC. This inexpensive and practical material can be easily mounted, and even wooden walls Do not even require a frame. The choice of colors is wide, which will allow you to perform design in any style. But plastic can not be used on the wall between the pre-banker and the steamSince when heated it can be deformed and highlight harmful substances.
  2. Rubber paint. A novelty that quickly conquers the market. You can apply such paint on any surface. Waterproof paint, not peel and does not crack.
  3. Block house, imitating log walls, perfectly fit into the interior of the defendantHowever, it is necessary to install it carefully, especially at the corners, in places of docking with windows, doors, near sockets.
  4. Lining. The trim board is located vertically, so that the moisture is not delayed. Its thickness must be at least 16 mm. On the smooth wooden surface, the board can be laid without a crate.

What tree is better to use to cover the prevention?

  • Oak. Responds to all requirements, moisture consists, durable, durable. Possessed antiseptic properties And positively affects the vessels and pressure.
  • African Abash distinguishes low heat capacity, hardness, resistance to deformation and good performance properties.
  • Canadian cedar is resistant to high humidity, fireproof, not deformed from temperature drops. When heated, antibacterial essential oils is distinguished.
  • Lipa has a large resistance of texture and colors, does not secrete a resin when heated, absorbs sounds and water, emits a pleasant relaxing flavor.
  • Aspen is immune to moisture, not deformed. Over time, it may lose appearance , therefore needs processing. Osin's aroma soothes.
  • Larch is distinguished by durability, therefore, difficult in processing. Adoptedly withstands complex performance, durable. Reduces arterial pressure And strengthens immunity.
  • Pine is perfect for finishing the pre-banner. It is resistant to rotting and fungus, does not crack and is not deformed, as well as durable. Over time, pine acquires a pleasant reddish tint. It has bactericidal properties and increases immunity.

Flooring of floors can be made of wood or use ceramic tiles with anti-slip coating.

Pre-banker design options

Design of the Earbank

The main quality you should have a pre-banker is convenience. Coming to the bath hit, vacationers should not think, where you can undress where to put things to not soak and not blur them. Therefore, it is necessary to provide convenient benches, hangers for clothes and shelves.

In addition, it is desirable to equip the pre-tribades so that there is a place for gatherings with friends, rest after steam room. The interior of the pre-banker must be comfortable and functional.

Russian style

The most traditional style for the bath. The room is easy to transform with various traditional trifles: fragrant oak and birch brooms, dried herbs bundles, decorative lapties, a large samovar with a shiny side and a bunch of rams. Also help create a wicker chairs, carved wooden benches and tables, carving on wooden panels, birch motifs and rowan, dishes and ornament towels. You can inspire the interiors of traditional Russian rustic houses.

Bring the elements of home comfort to the pre-banner, as in a rustic house at the grandmother, upholstered furniture and textiles - cute curtains, tablecloth, napkins and towels. Save the excess moisture, all dear heart things will help high-quality built-in extractor.

Leshego style

Pretty popular solution. Furniture of coarse performance, often imitating stumps and snags, natural and vegetable ornaments, carved animals and plants. The decor will complement the mirror in the frame of the frame from corigracy painted with dark varnish. Craft brooms, dried herbs bundles. Such a pre-tribader creates the impression of a fabulous forest house, feeling intimacy to nature. In the photo you can appreciate the charm of this style.

Yacht style

This style is also quite popular in modern baths. It is great for premises in which wood, metal and plastic are combined. If these elements are present in your pre-tribades, then you just need to stylize them. To make a real captain's cabin from the pre-banker, you need:

  • chrome noticeable metal parts and surfaces. Pipes that previously hid, can become a bright accent of yacht design;
  • fur is another important attribute. Fur bedspread or skin of the beast on the wall or sex perfectly complement the interior;
  • the door to the boiler room, various control levers and other elements of the technical part can be allocated and stylized;
  • on the floor of an excellent strong board, a red carpet from moisture-resistant material will be perfect;
  • for decoration of the walls, the lining is perfect, in this stylist it will be profitable to look at Oak;
  • decorative elements and furniture need to choose moisture-resistant and durable.

Excellent examples of yacht style you can see in the photo.

Classic style

In the bath you can feel not only with yachtsmen, but also aristocrats and nobles. To do this, choose a classic design. Furniture with elegant shapes, curved legs, skillful thread, gilding, shelves of an interesting elegant design, curved hangers under ancient. Create the right atmosphere will help textiles - a luxurious tablecloth, stylized furniture upholstery.


What furniture is needed in the bath? Without benches and hangers, it is definitely not possible to do, it is a necessary minimum. But this does not mean that nothing else in the pre-banker is needed. At all we can use a small chest of drawers or a shelfwhere you can fold clean clothes, towels, tablecloths and other necessary things. Of course, if there is an opportunity, then in the pre-banner you can place not only a chair and benches for recreation, but also a refrigerator or even a TV.

If you want to put a sofa in the pre-tribades, then choose skin upholstery or leather, due to high humidity, textiles will become disrepair faster. If you do not like to sit down after the package on the skin, then purchase a bedspread from natural fabric. All textiles in the pre-tribades should be easily emitted and dry quickly. For a long service of furniture and decor elements in the pre-banker, you need to trace that vapor barrier and insulation are made in all the rules.

Choose your favorite design version or invent your own. Each pregnant looks in his own way and bears the character of the owner's character. You can see interesting ideas in a selection of photos.

This question is worried about many people - how the finishing of the pre-banker is performed. The photo in this article will be necessary, so you will see everything with your own eyes. In any case, such a job is hardly done without a competent approach.

The bottom line is that the premises is multifunctional. Here we usually leave our clothes before going to the steam room, washing and so on. There should not be too high temperatures, but also the coolness should be avoided. In the pre-tribades, people not only change clothes, but also rest from water procedures, drink hot tea after steaming and so on.

Pre-banner - the beginning of your bathroom

The pre-banker is an excellent obstacle to the cold air masses, that is, due to its presence it is more difficult for them to penetrate the steam room. The pre-breaker contributes to the maintenance of heat in the bathroom, so that the doors here, like windows, are made of small size - this tradition is not one hundred years.

From the pre-banner to the door steam usually open inside the first room - this rule is observed in order to secure from excess moisture clothing.

The area of \u200b\u200byour pre-banner may have different sizes, but it is customary to do no more than six square meters. Another question that many people are asked - how to separate the pre-tribades correctly, is it necessary to insulate? We will definitely talk about this, but just below.

In the pre-tribades must be certain items and designs to use it was convenient.

And more precisely:

  • There is necessarily a bench (or even several pieces of such designs);
  • No hanger here is also impossible;
  • Someone loves to install the table, in the corner there are a shelf;
  • You can also deliver the refrigerator here, the TV is, but it is already at will, after all, this is not an apartment of an expensive hotel.

In any case, when there is a space in the pre-banker, follow your own wishes and preferences - after all, it's all you do for yourself, it is important that the comfort is at the proper level.

What materials to use for the pre-banner

You must clearly understand: the finishing of the pre-banker should be such that within this room there is a pleasant, comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. So that no problems here could have time with friends. Many make a choice in favor of traditional, original Russian solutions, styles for trim.

Here it will be appropriate to use certain hardwood: aspen, linden, birch. Someone to finish the pre-tribades chooses coniferous breeds - fir, pine tree, spruce. For the entourage, you can put a real samovar in your pre-tribbon, rolling up Russian wooden spoons on the walls. Baranki, drying, Matryoshki - all this only stronger emphasizes the features of the style you have chosen.

It is important to premire the premises strictly corresponded to some requirements.

We are talking about the following paragraphs.:

  • The space has a good insulation, the end-to-end wind does not miss
  • The optimal dimensions of such premises can be called 150 to 240 cm
  • One person here occupies on average square meter with a little - then it will be comfortable, as well as everyone else
  • Lighting the pre-banker is a very important aspect of such a design. Therefore, the window is not very low, the curtains are not accepted for it. And in general, artificial lighting here should also be plentifully, without it anywhere.
Consider, the pre-banker is made to arrange necessarily with the shelves for shoes. Seats here should be comfortable. And if your bath is to the coal, here usually put a special box with a reliable lid. Near the box should be free space - so that you can do clean up here without unnecessary difficulties.

Materials that are used to finish the pre-banker are not so important - here the choice is more rich than for washing or the steaming due to their specifics. If you wish, in the pre-tribbon, you can use panels made of coniferous wood, ideally suited, for example, pine products of this format.

In the pre-tribades, not very high temperature is usually maintained - with such a selection of the resin, it will not be accurate. The finishing of the pre-banker can always be ordered from real professionals, but it is not necessary to do this, because you, with your own hands, you too can be able to fulfill everything you need. It will provide additional savings that will never be superfluous for the family budget.

Pine panels in the pre-tribades are good because they will come from a very pleasant, coniferous flavor. A similar atmosphere has a very beneficial effect on the human body - this will confirm any doctor.

Installation of panels - the procedure for performing work

Now consider detailed instructions About how the installation of panels is carried out in the pre-banker - pine or any other.

The process looks like that:

  • You first need to insulate the walls in your pre-tribades;
  • The role of the insulation here can be successfully made mineral wool, even the use of foam is allowed. Such materials perfectly retain heat, while their cost is not entirely large (if compared with other popular modern materials, which are often selected for the insulation of certain premises);
  • On the walls, mineral wool is fixed through wooden specks. They also apply to the fastening of the insulation to the ceiling - a proven, the sure version;
  • To fix the foam on the ceiling or walls, choose special fasteners. You can also boldly insert in emptiness that will be in the finished doom (someone prefers to equip the framework). The main thing is to cut the insulation exactly under the size of the cells of the root;
  • To perform the shap (frame) under the pine panels, wooden bars are used. The mount is carried out accurately - the construction level is used in the work. Dowels are used for fasteners;
  • To secure the pine panels themselves, simple self-tapping screws or carnations are ideal - there is nothing complicated here.

Paul in the pre-banker - what you need to know

About the insulation to apply in the pre-tribades, you now know. It's time to talk about a friend - how to separate the floor here. Everyone will agree that it is unpleasant to step on the cold surface - it is especially felt when the legs are already brewing with paired or water treatments. Just a concrete floor here is not the most successful solution, also not recommended. And in general: competently choose the materials is not so easy, as it may seem first.

The prebator is a room where people can run even completely in their nude. Moisture can always get to the floor, and then spread - along the slots, different holes. In general, it is typical for any room where the level of evaporation and humidity is great.

You must take care that the surface of the floor is able to be comfortable, was warm. Many covers become slippery, especially if moisture falls on them - such a situation should be avoided in their own pre-tribades, otherwise the risk of injury is very large.

Paul from wood - how to make

The humidity of the boards made of larch or pine should be no more than 10%. The selection of the lag is made in accordance with similar criteria.

The second wood and in some situations of the third grade are used as logs or bars lag.

Calculate the number of necessary materials

Everything is simple enough. Every 100 square meters of the floor surface (If the bottle thickness is 30 mm), you will need:

  • Plinth, somewhere 40-44 rose meters;
  • Boards - 2.7 cubic meters, but better with a slight margin - 3;
  • Nails require approximately 12 kilograms;
  • The calculation of the insulation is made individually, since the variety of materials here is great, as can be different climatic conditions. From the method that your bath is heated is also a lot depends.
It is very important that the floor in your pre-banker remains dry, not painted and warm. The fact is that the paint material will evaporate much more intense due to the effects of hot air. And such evaporation is harmful to human health.

  • The floorboards are taken to crack always, must be carefully cleaned;
  • Pine panel is a wonderful material that is often used today for flooring;
  • For connecting lags and boards usually choose nails. The length of the nail, on average, ranges from 2 to 2.5 cm - that is, the mount is obtained more than reliable;
  • Here is such a pre-tribbon, where the wall decoration is made, like the sheath of the floor with pine material, will look very aesthetically, it will be better. If you know the total area of \u200b\u200byour pre-banner - we will calculate without any problems, how much the material is required here.

Other important aspects

For floor insulation, you can choose both water and electrical method. Warming the floors accepted in Turkish baths - it reduces the heat loss very much - you will personally feel on the example of your own bath.

Economical and quite affordable option - cover concrete top ceramic tiles Heated, also on the floor in the pre-banker of your bath never prevented mats and other similar materials.

For finishing pre-bankers different materials - The only thing is to refrain from the use of lacquer for wood. It is better to make a choice in favor of paint. Rubber paint, no doubt, deserves attention - it turns out a very high-quality, durable layer, in the design plan also here you get solid advantages: the variety of shades.

However, the base color is white. Such paint will feel great even in the room where the level of moisture is much higher than the average.

The finishing of the pre-banker can be made by clapboard (including aspen). However, this can be said at all about the entire bath or sauna.

How to produce finishing works of this level:

  1. In the framework of the first stage, the basis of the doom is usually assembled - this particular element will be carrier designon which various finishing materials are attached;
  2. Fasten bars depending on where the panels are located;
  3. If the panels are attached vertically, the bars of the roasters are installed at the bottom (near the floor), as well as at the top (close to the ceiling);
  4. If the panels have horizontal location, the bars put it vertically, while fixing them in the corners of the room with a slight indentation;
  5. A mounting cord is tensioning between starting bars. It performs the function of the reference point when intermediate elements of the roasting are fixed on the wall surface - in terms of and plumbing;
  6. The doom is built in such a way that between the layer of vaporizolation and finishing panel there was an air gap;
  7. Another important moment - Fastening elements should not interact with moisture.

Please note: the materials you choose to separate the pre-banker must necessarily comply with all current fire safety rules during the operation of a bathroom. Also an important aspect There remains environmental safety of the materials that you have chosen to finish. Also, watch video

What is interesting, the defendants just in the Russian bath never happened: in the steam room went straight from the frost, and dived in a snowdrift after a good heat, just opening the door. But now, when the interior and layout of the bath became much more complicated, without this room no longer do. After all, it protects the rest room, the pool and the boiler from the abundant steam and high humidity, which always makes his way from under the door of the steam. It is the pre-binder that serves as a link between all the premises of the bath and allows the oven not in the steam room. And it is the foregoing, oddly enough, creates the first impression of a bath - after all, it falls in front of him. That is why its arrangement to pay special attention. And beautiful photos of the pre-bankers that we have collected for you, it is suggested that you can approach this case with an entrance and soul.

In the pre-banker traditionally undress, put their things, the remote heat exchanger and the boiler are installed here, the brooms hang here and the samovar is hanging. What is the difference between the interior of an ordinary pre-banner from a full-fledged rest room? Despite the fact that these two concepts are often confused, the pre-banner and guests are different rooms.

Basically, they differ in size and square, and secondly, the rest room is always separated, has its own, so to speak a niche, and the pre-training. It is always at least three doors, noticeable engineering systems, settings and switches are set. In fact, this is a technical premises, due to its destination, it is not at all forbidden to be stylish and cozy.

Interior design styles.

Naturally, the ball is Russian - and the style in it is welcomed by Russian. And it is not difficult to adjust the design of the design fee for it: bundles of bagels, dried fragrant brooms, huge samovar, wooden topchak or wicker furniture, lapties on the walls and carved Russian bears on the doors. That the pre-tribades that Seni in Exemplary will be difficult to distinguish.

For those for whom the most important thing is comfort, you can forget about conventions and furnish at home: a lot of fabric and decor, cute curtains on the window, soft sofa and paintings with painting, and, of course, a good built-in extractor in the ceiling to All this in a month did not rot from moisture.

It is worth noting that the yacht style is the most popular for bathing complexes. It is just perfect for those rooms in which cold metal and soft cloth, plastic structures and a warm tree are forced to combine. The most traditional design of pre-bankers with their technique and curtains in a cage! And, since there is such a source material, it remains only to stylize for the end of the image.

If possible, noticeable metal parts and chrome walls - this will be the brightest accent of yacht design.

Add and Fur to textile is an important element of this style. Those. Fur bedspreads on a sofa, a bear skar on the floor or a stretched wolf on the wall.

The technical part, as the door to the boiler room or any levers, can be allocated and necessary - but in a harmonious combination with the interior of the pre-banner.

On the floor - a red carpet, which is not particularly afraid of moisture or the floor of a good strong board.

Lining as it is impossible to better fit in the form of a finishing material in this style - the oak will fit perfectly.

And the decor, and furniture only such as the yacht - moisture-resistant and durable.

And finally, the bright elements of the marine decor. Sinks, fishing mesh instead of curtains, thematic decorations, present anchor and beautiful metal inscriptions on all doors. Such decisions can be seen on some glossy interior photos of the pre-banker and its detail - it looks very and very solid. More chic and gloss - behind the doors of Captain cabin.

Finishing materials and stylized furniture.

Initially, in the pre-tribades only put the benches, and the walls were not separated by anything - the log house is so log. Today, even in a miniature bath with a small square, everyone wants to achieve maximum comfort. And all because the functional purpose of the steam room has long changed: it's no longer come here only to wash and wash, on the contrary, the last Russian men will spend to build a bathhouse and ride it every weekend with a large company of friends. This is the removal of stress! Therefore, the pre-banker no longer serves as a wardrobe or hallway - in case it is impossible to build a full-fledged rest room, it is achieved by all available methods.

The most popular finish of pre-bankers - lining and stone (although the latter can be seen more and more often in the photo than in life). Moreover, you can now use the pine lining of the lowest class - there is no such heat in this room, there will be no flow to flow, and the swirls with their resin pocket look like decor. The only one only, to handle the lining here, you already need two times, as in the washing machine (there is a humidity in the pre-tribades), and it is still to refuse from birch.

Especially good also wicker furniture from rattan - and the place will not take a lot, and it is inexpensive, and the care for her is simple. But then, from wet air, they will also have to get rid of modern methods - the same ventilation or a special air dryer.

As for the design of the furniture of the pre-banner, the so-called "style of Leshgo" is in great demand here - benches and a table of coarse design, suitable natural patterns, carved elements of the forest on a tree, a mirror and paintings in the frame of Koragi, painted with dark varnish. Leshego's style in the pre-tribades creates the impression that you just went into some kind of forest house and now a fairy tale will begin. Cute and quite Russian style.

How to settle in the Ban of the Russian Spirit.

But that it is still a bath, always reminds enveloping heat in the pre-tribades and specific aromas: birch brooms under the ceiling, smells of pine and fir, aromatic oils in jars and beautiful stylized shelves and lamps, with spectacular wood and vintage carvings Vintage execution.

An integral attribute is a smell of just brewed herbal tea, with spices prepared on special technology. No electric kettles! It is even dangerous. But the old Russian samovar will create its special atmosphere of comfort: it was not once that boiling water can be waiting for a whole hour. After all, this is a whole ceremony, a long process from the splitting of the rays to the arrangement of cups, which takes place in unhurried conversations, jokes and metabolism. Today, the bathroom comes to relax and relax after the labor week - there is no place to hurry here, the time is stopped here and there is no place to go. The same interior should have the same.

It is important to pay attention to the pre-banner and light design. The lighting here is traditionally mild, slightly muted and configuring to a relaxed way. After all, a person, opening the door to the bath, should feel - all the fuss, problems and tensions will have to be left behind the threshold, reset to the nearest snowdrift, and here he came to relax in the soul and body (and if it gets out of the street on the bright light and cold tiled floor - Feelings will be akin to how to be in the operating room). The lamps themselves in the pre-banker themselves are one of the central elements of the design, select them with the soul, and it is better to give preference to a noble screw and simple simplicity than the technological metal monsters.

And most importantly - the pre-tribades really should be warm. The fire screen plays fire, lightly smells a haze, which makes his way to the will with every laying of firewood, and because of the door in the steam room there are lively, satisfied votes of holidaymakers. No reason to say - in the bath to wash out that it is re-born.

Good day. A very long time I had an ordinary bath, without any frills and beautiful design. This year, finally, I decided to engage in the internal design of my bathhouse))) I climbed on the forums, I looked at other people's decorations and decided to make a cozy Russian bath in bright colors. I did not have any special means on the arrangement, so I had to save a bit on the materials. Well, it means I did the following: I have a rather large area. Before that, a lot of space disappeared, and most of the premises held a pre-banker. Therefore, I had to demolish the wall that separated it from the steam room, and make it a smaller square. The steam room I divided into two comments, which divided by a small partition (well, it is so, for the illusion). In one part left the oven, all the seats, etc. But in another part, I put a small sofa, the table, hung some old pennants and even samovar)) this room, for the most part, I equipped to sit comfortably with men and drinking beer, but before To do this, it was necessary either in the pre-banker to go out, or straight in the steam room)) Now it became much more convenient and prettier) Now I want to think of something else.

I can say that I personally like more exactly the combination of styles, that is, the same Russian bath can well be well combined with some elements of European, namely Finnish bath, for example, in terms of planning tables and fireplace. This is unusual, and at the same time quite practical and interesting. Yes, and thanks to the application of the appropriate technologies, heat is held in such a room and smoke does not apply. That is why it will still be better if you immediately make a similar finish, including using modern elements in terms of coloring, but keep the traditional style at the heart.

Personally, I think that the interior of the pre-bankers must be restrained and simple. It is not necessary to overload the space by all sorts of designer pieces, complex combinations of colors, and certainly no need to add new-purpose details to the interior. The ideal option in my taste will be a simple Russian motive, diluted by a little European style, or some other. It will be interesting to look if you mix Russian wooden log walls and for example, Chinese lanterns. The main thing is that the space is not overloaded. A man comes to the bath relax, but not to observe complex design solutions.
