Relief from breastfeeding in the summer of Komarovsky. Three ways to take a breast child from a pediatrician

Lactation period for most mothers is the most beautiful time. But the moment comes when it's time to stop it. And if during the day somehow you can cope with shirts, then at night it is harder. How to wean a child from Night feedings Komarovsky and other famous pediatricians give many tips upon completion of the GW. But each kid is individual, and everyone needs his approach.

When it is better to teach a child from the chest, he solves every mother personally. It depends on many factors:

  1. A child can eat food itself, drink liquid from a glass or a rifle.
  2. Food has already been established, and the main meals are at least three.
  3. When the child is removed from the chest, it is not very indignant.
  4. The amount of feedings decreases, as well as their duration.

Doctors recommend starting excuses from breastfeeding Not earlier than 1 year. But in physical and psychological needs, it is necessary to withstand at least 6 months. Up to this age, breast milk is simply necessary to the baby, this is his only food. After half a year begin to introduce lures, and you can also gradually clean the chest. Or you can replace breast milk to the mixture.

Breastfeeding consultants are recommended to feed the child before that age, while the milk does not disappear (the so-called involution). That is, this age can reach 3-4 years, which can negatively affect the state of the mother's health and bring a lot of problems in the future in the child. Adherents of this theory believe that long-term feeding favorably affects the health of the child, helps the spiritual connection of the mother with him, creates natural unity.

The most optimal paste age is still from 1 year to 2 years. At this age, the child is already able to walk, that is, he does not need to be constantly on his mother's hands.

He also requires more independence, increasingly departs to the side, letting her mother's hand. The kid is already eating adult food and does not need additional supplies. Everything you need is obtained from such nutrition (useful substances, vitamins). In addition, most often at this age, the mother is going to give the child to the garden. So, we need to wean from GW before that, since otherwise it will be a double stress and will develop a sharp hostility to the nursery state institution.

Old weedness methods

Earlier, it was very early to work, sending the baby to Nurserie. For this reason, it was necessary to resort to fast efficient methods. No one often thought about the possible consequences.

The most common method was to send a kid for several days to relatives. During this time, he died from his chest, and the mother gradually disappeared milk.

But this is a huge stress situation for a child: not only that the child has shock from the cessation of breastfeeding, but also the most native and close person, that is, the mother is absent, and in understanding the baby - threw. Because of this, the child can get a huge shock, various psychological diseases are possible (enuresis, edible behavior, etc.), which after have to be treated for a long time. Many of the consequences of such an rally show themselves in an older, adolescence.

Often, you often simply dragged the chest with a dense sheet. But this method is fraught with detrimental consequences. Because of the loading of the chest, seals are formed, which lead to the masst, which, in turn, can be resolved only by the operational way. Moreover, many women who used this method later revealed malignant breast tumors, that is, cancer.

No less bad way is to smear breasts with something that repels the baby. This can be simply frighteningly externally (Zelenka), according to taste (mustard, aloe juice), is not physically the baking of the nipples with the plaster. All these ways are quite very popular and now, but little effective. The child still sees the breast, feels the smell of milk, but can not get it. This is the same stress.

Modern methods

IN modern world There are many solutions to this problem. But at the same time, young mothers still arise many problems in the matter, how to wean from breastfeeding a child.

The fastest and efficient way is medication. With the help of drugs such as Bromrtintin and the Reservice stops lactation. They can be purchased in a pharmacy only by the doctor's prescription, as it is hormonal drugs. They affect the body, preventing the production of prolactin. Milk ceases to stand out, thereby just nothing to suck. But these drugs affect the hormonal background, which negatively affects the health of the child. And also a sharp cessation of feeding morally poorly reflected on the psyche of the baby.

You can dramatically refuse feedings without giving your breast to the child. With a large amount of milk so that there are no stories, you just need to join. Child distract various games, fairy tales, walks. Putting on a dream in this case it is better to trust someone from relatives (dad, grandmother, grandfather) so that the baby does not feel the smell of milk.

To wean a child from night feedings tightly feed it with dinner. You can also give a bed kefir, ryazhenka or milk with cookies. If the baby ask for a night, do not refuse to him in this, give milk too. But this method has cons: a sharp breaking of a child from breastfeeding, a sharp cessation of lactation.

The most favorable and easy for mother, and for a child is a smooth cessation of breastfeeding.

Options here are also two: first we are learned from daytime, and then from night feeding or vice versa. Which of the options is better - to solve the mother, since all children are different, and the approach to them is also different.

So, how to lean. First remove day feeding. This is a more comfortable transition, as you distract the child in the afternoon. The child is fed along the usual diet, but at the same time they do not remember with milk. You can gradually remove one feeding so that the baby is less noticeable to the baby. After all day feedings are removed, proceed to the night. When the baby wakes up at night, you can give it to drink some sour milk drink or slowly point, pat on the back, etc. The very latter clean the feeding in front of the night bed.

With the reverse version, the same is done, but start from the night. It is said that many people are comfortable, since it is having to having to eat at night, it is easier to stop breastfeeding in the afternoon. In addition, do not forget to close the chest so that the child forget about it as soon as possible.

Each options have its advantages and cons. And each mother herself must choose how to overcome the child, and at what moment it is better to do.

taming from breastfeeding in separation
  • quite fast;
  • not reflected on the health of the mother
  • big stress for a child;
  • the possibility of developing various psychological problems in a child
lactation stoppingfastpossible complications of health in a woman (mastitis, breast cancer)
disgusted methods- ineffective
medical methodfast
  • problems with hormonal balance are possible;
  • a sharp cessation of GW can negatively affect the psyche of the child
sharp refusal of gvfast, lightpsychological unpreparedness of the child and possible consequences after it
gradual cessation of gvsoft cessation, good feeling of baby, gradual reduction of milk to its full disappearancelarge duration

What Komarovsky says

In the question, how to teach a child from breastfeeding Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich gives a rather ambiguous answer. He says that for each kid needs its own method. Someone will fit the option associated with the beast disgust: the child will not like the form, taste, and he will no longer take it, and someone will not cost any special drugs.

More positive resultIn his opinion, it has, of course, gradual excuses. As Dr. Komarovsky says, it should not bring any miscomipant from breastfeeding, not a child. If some method did not come up, try another. Do not get upset. To do this, you can listen to reviews of mammies already from the chest.

But about the age of Komarovsky is responsible more clearly - he considers it inappropriate to feed the child for longer than two years, since he does not see the point in this. If the child eats the same food as adults, he gets everything required vitamins And trace elements from there, and milk loses its main function. In addition, with age, the composition changes, becoming useless.

To fully understand what Komarovsky says, you can watch a video with his "school", where he explains his position.

Folk Methods

Folk Methods Not widely popular. And in vain - most of them do not have the consequences of health or a child nor a woman.

The most famous is the decoction of Sage. The decoction is prepared according to the instructions on the package, cool, filter. Drink a decoction of room temperature. Number - no more than 2 glasses per day.

In addition, at the end of the GW, you should not forget about drinking mode. If you had previously needed to drink as much liquid as possible, then in this situation the amount is reduced 4-5 times. Moreover, drinking should be cool. Food at this time also needed or cold, or room temperature. And from the diet temporarily need to remove products that help lactation: dairy, chicken, broths, etc.

The peppermint has similar properties with sage. For cooking, you need 2 tablespoons to pour a glass of boiling water, to insist for about an hour. Then strain and drink a drink cool. Besides her less side phenomenaAnd there is practically no allergic reaction.

Another simple, but effective method. For him, you need a white cabbage. Separate sheets, take only those that are not damaged. Disable every leaf with a hammer, but only slightly, so that the juice stood out, and attach the chest. To be more convenient to walk, you can attach them with the help of bandages. But you do not need to tighten tight. Walk so much day, periodically changing sheets. The procedure can take from 3 to 7 days.

Help helps and cabbage juice. To do this, drink 1-1.5 glasses per day.

Reducing milk and child failure from breasts can provoke reinforced load on the mother's body. This is due to the fact that under loads are excessive water, and lactic acid is produced in the blood, which falls into the milk and worsens his taste. Due to the same amount of milk decreases.

It often happens that the baby himself refuses to feed the mother at a certain age, and the question of how to wean a child from breastfeeding simply does not get up. Because of what it happens - it is unclear, but most likely due to the fact that the baby does not need it in either food or in psychological assistance. That is, the child is eaten by ordinary food and feels protected at any time.

If your baby is heavier away from the chest, think, maybe he is missing something. Try to fill his life so that he felt your presence always, knew that he could always contact you, and you would help. And, perhaps, the excommunication of a child from night feeding must be temporarily postponed until the baby is growing, and his still not established fragile psyche will not grow.

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But far from all moms, there is enough patience to go through the whole long process. After all, long feeding over time brings physical and emotional fatigue, possibly painful sensations in the chest. And how loves the child just "hang" on the chest, and not because of hunger, but just he is so cozy and calmer. Yes, and during the illness or teething of teeth, children simply "hang" for hours on her mother's chest. This is an indispensable soothing agent for them.

Another circumstance, because of which it is necessary to start excuses - the yield of the mother to work, a shaded state of her health, urgent departure or someone else's opinion. After all, long feeding often causes bewilderment among others, especially at grandmothers. The same doctor Komarovsky believes, to overcome a better one-year-old kid from the breast, when he can already fully eat and do without her milk milk.

There are several ways to stop breastfeeding a child. They differ from the speed, experiences and degree of injury to the psyche of Mom and her baby. The following methods are known:

  • the oldest, grandmother;
  • with the help of drugs;
  • natural.

To choose and solve will have to mom yourself when and how to wean a child from breastfeeding.

Method of grandmothers and mothers

This is the easiest, but cruel and traumatic child for the psyche. The only plus is that you can quickly overcome your son or daughter from the chest. A couple of days-nights and baby will forget about the mother's chest. Especially hard at night, as the child is used to eat several times at this time of day.

Usually a child is given to a grandmother or other relatives. And mom pulls her chest sheets so as not to produce breast milk.

Of course, it is hard to have a baby without a mother and without a breast at the same time. And the mother, in addition to the experiences for his child, is added and physical indisposition in the form of crowded breast milk and pain for the same reason. In addition, the mother can increase the temperature, the loading of the mammary glands. All this can lead to negative consequences - mastitis (inflammation of the thoracic glands), which often leads to surgical intervention.

The risk of complications for mother and stress for the child is too large when using this method. Of course, not everyone comes to serious problems. In addition, mom can then regret that so it cost with his baby. Therefore, you should not risk.

Use of medicines

This is more modern methodSupported mainly doctors gynecologists. To reduce lactation, special preparations are attributed to the production of prolactin hormone. These drugs include, for example, the achievement. It has both unwanted effects that it is recommended to consider. These include pain in the head, dizziness, nausea and bad sleep. They are temporary and are a consequence of the violation of the hormonal background of the body of a woman.

The above drug will act as efficiently possible if the woman cuts to a minimum amount of applying to the chest. This is especially true for night feedings and the morning too. It should be done gradually, not in one day.

There are a large number of ways to distract the child from the sucking of the chest. The most famous tricks include:

  • breast flaming with green, mustard or tincture;
  • relief involving the maximum number of relatives, in particular, grandmothers and dads to distract the child from the chest;
  • it should be more often kissing and hugging a child, wearing him in your arms, play and have fun with it;
  • do not feed at night, and try to put the baby in your arms or in his crib;
  • do not wear open blouses and neckline, it is better to hide the chest away so as not to provoke the child.

In any case, all distracting maneuvers are not easy to transfer with a mother and a child. But it will still ever happen, the main thing is to be patient.

When using medical preparations, it is not necessary to bandaging breasts. It is enough to wear a free free bra bone.

If the milk is to stay and the feeling of overflow in the chest will arise, it must be pulled out, until the mother becomes a little easier. It is impossible to push all milk, as it will arrive as much. Gradually, milk will become less, and then it will disappear at all.

Relief from the breast by a medication method is much softer than grandmother methods. Although not so fast. Mom remains next to the baby, restrictive relations and psychological discomfort is practically absent. Such an excommunication is certainly not bad, but any hormonal intervention is fraught with negative consequences for the body of a woman.

Natural lactation stopping path

This is the longest exciderace of the baby from the chest, but the most soft, natural and psychologically painless. The process can take half a year or more. To achieve maximum efficiency, the conditions should be performed:

  • Gradually cancel all unnecessary and disorderly feedings: when he is just boring, he is tired or demanding consolation. Try to distract it to games, entertainment and walks.
  • Reduce, and then completely cancel day feeding before and after falling asleep, as well as during the awakening of the child. It is better to replace them with a tech, singing a song or reading fairy tales.
  • Gradually cancel feeding in the morning and instead of the usual breakfast, to offer the baby to the kish.
  • Apply everything at bedtime in the evening. It is better to feed the child tightly dinner and continue to distract it with fairy tales and songs. Wear more on hand and rock.
  • Gradually, to overcome the child from feeding at night, moving to damp and stroking.

Perform the above requirements should be gradually and in turn. It is possible to switch to the next item only when the previous ones are performed.

Mother should be as possible to offer a child adulthood. According to Dr. Komarovsky, the child knows the alternative to the porridge and soups, so it will refuse her.

The natural method is considered optimal, as it allows the child to have time to adapt to the new life conditions and the world around. Due to the unwitting transition from some conditions to others, the mother enters into a new phase of communicating with the child. Mom and baby at the same time do not have physical and psychological discomfort, respectively. Mother hormonal background naturally returns to the prenatal state. Lactation slowly decreases and the milk gradually disappears.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Evgeny Komarovsky's doctor advises to stop lactation, adhering to the first method - excommunication from the breast with the help of a grandmother's way. In addition, the famous pediatrician is an opponent of sharing sleep with a child, despite the fact that it is quite convenient for mom and baby. Therefore, the child gradually needs to lay sleep in a separate bed. As he gets used to, to start excuses him from the chest.

His breast release tips can be divided into 2 categories: reducing the amount of milk allocated and caused it. According to Komarovsky, the main conditions that must be accomplished is:

  • minimize liquid consumption;
  • do not grind milk;
  • do not feed at night;
  • exercise more physical exercises or sports (a woman sweats more and it produces less milk);
  • do not stimulate lactation;
  • reduce the amount of applies to the chest, distracting the child with all sorts of games or books;
  • to spoil the taste of milk, eating, for example, garlic.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is not worth stopping the lactation when a child or someone in the family fell ill, his teeth are being cut and a moving or a trip is planned. As soon as everything gets better, you can start excuse.

According to Evgeny Komarovsky, annoyance from the chest should be held at the age of one year. This is not only his personal opinion, but also the opinion of the majority of European ministries of health. Komarovsky claims that doctors recommend feeding babies to a year, but do not interfere with longer breastfeeding.


If my mother doubts that continue to feed the child with breasts further or stop doing it, it means that it is not ready to stop lactation. It is very important that the child is physically prepared to be produced physically and psychologically, and Mom was ready emotionally. Mom should say with confidence: "Everything, it's time to teach from breastfeeding!". Only so everything will turn out.

There are cases when carrying out an excommunication from the baby's chest follows as quickly as possible. It is good that in the reserve remains a few days. It is necessary to be patient and not to give the chest at all. After several days of the whims and the requirements of the child, he calms down, will forget about the chest and get used to do without her.

It is very important to give to understand your tea that Mom excites him from his chest, but not from himself. Therefore, you need to take love and tenderness to him as often as possible to mitigate the stressful situation.

Lactation stopping is always an unpleasant situation for mom and her baby. Especially when the crumbs have not yet a sucking reflex. In this regard, there is a logical question, how to wean a child from breastfeeding. On the forums you can often meet the answers that westing from the chest is a long and painful process. Even when Karapuzu is more than one year, it is necessary to refuse natural feeding gradually, so as not to cause stress.

The readiness of the kid to the excavation from the chest

This problem is interested in mammies, which are physically and emotionally tired of daily feedings, which arose to go to work, were dependent on public opinion Either they have difficulty lactation. How to understand that the time has come to wean a child from the chest and thereby replace the natural feed on another product?

Tip from Dr. Komarovsky! Each loving mother must and simply obliged to breastfeed - this period may continue 1, 2, and even 3 years. After all, no other product can compare with mother's milk that is the most nutritious and useful for the child.

If a woman decided to excommunicate from the chest, then it is better to do it painlessly for a child. Sometimes there are cases that closer to the year, Kroch himself refuses milk. This behavior indicates that his body is fixed and ready for receiving more adult food. At the same time, learning the baby from breastfeeding will be much easier and easier.

Radiation technique from breastfeeding

  1. On grandma technique.
  2. By medication treatment.
  3. Natural or light.

All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice and final decision remains behind a nursing mom.


This is one of the best methods, as it is necessary to properly teach the baby from night and day feeding. This method is like a shock therapy. The baby was left on the care of her grandmother, and in the meantime, the mother pulled the sheets of her chest and so walked two weeks, trying to artificially stop lactation.

The minus is that in addition to experiences and discomfort (milk iron overflows), the mother exposes his health. As a result of the seals formed around the chest, there is a high probability of developing such a disease as mastitis, which often leads to surgical intervention. Also, the new supply mode will be difficult to adapt and karapauz, because it digestive systemhas not yet been overwhelmed from the night feeding mode.

The only advantage of the "grandmother's" method is that within 10-14 days you can quickly stop breastfeeding.


A look into the past. A few decades ago, no woman could have imagined that with medicines it is possible to reduce lactation. One of those medicinal preparations It is a "achievement", which in the shortest possible time is capable of suppressing the production of prolactin - hormone, which is responsible for lactation processes in the body of a woman.

Dostinex medicine is not effective if the woman continues to feed her child in the afternoon and at night. Of course it is impossible to abruptly deece the baby from breastfeeding. Most pediatricians advise reduce the amount of feeding gradually.

In some cases, this drug may adversely affect the health of the mother and cause side effects. For example, dizziness, insomnia and frequent headaches. Such troubles are caused by a violation of hormonal background in the body. Therefore, before the adoption of the drug "Assistseks" requires a consultation of a gynecologist.

How quickly and painlessly stop gv

In modern pediatrics, there are already accommodated ways to stop breastfeeding a one-year-old child. The list of rules includes the following actions:

  • grease the nipple with mustard, green or tincture;
  • ask for help from relatives. During the applied, dad, grandmother or grandfather should teach a child from breastfeeding, by communicating with him, reading fairy tales, games or just fun;
  • abandon night feedings, and so that the baby is easier to carry to sleep - ignite in the cradle or on the hands;
  • do not wear clothes with an open neckline, as she provokes the kid to reach her mother's chest.

Relief of the child from breastfeeding by a medical method will not give a quick result. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait a bit.

In the first few days, the lactation process will not change much. As before the reception of drugs, the nursing mom will feel that her breast is filled with milk. To alleviate its condition, it can be grambled. It is impossible to empty all the breasts, since the salar resumes in the same volume. Gradually, the lactation will decline, and soon disappears at all.

The disadvantage is that any interference in the female organism can adversely affect the health of the mother.

Natural method stop lactation

This is the longest way that can last more than 6 months. To quickly wean your child from the chest, follow the following rules:

  • Gradually reduce the number of day feeding, even when the child asks the chest for consolation or simply tired. Try to distract it to other classes, for example, show a new toy, play entertaining games or go to walk to the street;
  • As possible, apply to the chest, before putting the baby to sleep at night. So that the karapuz does not feel hunger, better feed it with a dense dinner;
  • Reduce at least 2 times the number of night feedings, changing them to warm hugs and points.

Subject to the first fulfillment of the above points, we can travel from breastfeeding even one year. The main thing is not to hurry, to do everything gradually and luck will smile.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends to take note of the "natural way to stop lactation". He considers him one of the most successful. This method allows you to quickly adapt mom and baby to new life conditions. With a smooth reflection from the chest, the child's body does not experience sharp psychological loads, and the hormonal background of women is restored to the previous prenatal position. In addition, the lactation process is reduced by naturally and with time milk simply disappears.

Komarovsky is also a supporter of 1 method - "Babushkin". He believes that annoying from breastfeeding can be carried out by reducing the influx of milk or spoiling its taste.

List of basic actions:

  • as often to perform physical exerciseswho contribute to the reduction of lactation;
  • consume garlic to spoil the taste of milk;
  • in the period of omitting, reduce the amount of liquid use (water, tea);
  • give up applying to the chest at night;
  • gradually reduce the amount of feeding during the day;
  • start to teach the baby from the chest when he is not ready for change;
  • if the child fell ill (ARVI, infectious diseases);
  • when the first teeth begin to cut.


Remember that the process of teaching the chest will not be easy and can delay up to 1.5-2 months. Especially hard will be at night. After all, the child has already developed a habit of eating several times during this period of time.

Another newly new mom nervously, that breast milk is not enough or it is not the quality. But somehow everything is smoothly settled, the baby grows and already actively eats porridge, meat puree, fermented dairy products. He had the first teeth, and Mom intuitively understands that it is time to stop breastfeeding.

How to make it painless for a child and your own body - a serious question. In addition, on women's forums on the Internet, where the woman will definitely be asking for the search for answers, it is always ready to intimidate and absorb to such an extent that she will generally change his mind to overcome the Karapuz from the chest. Famous Children's Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky tells how and when to stop breastfeeding and what to do with lactation.

When to stop?

Breast milk is a very nutritious and valuable product for a newborn, and no mixture, even the most modern, dear and adapted, cannot compete with the nature itself provided for baby food. Evgeny Komarovsky claims that a person has no biological necessity in breast milk after the appearance of the teeth. When it may already have more thick food, its body begins to demand a qualitatively different composition of food, which muming boobs can offer. It comes after the child turns one year.

Deciding on the termination of feeding, Mom must remember that it is not only a walking factory of milk, but also a member of society, social being, and she needs to be carried out not only to their biological functions (feed the child), but also to engage in their social functions (go to people , work, communicate, learn).

In the end, she can get sick, and it will require medicines that are incompatible with breastfeeding, such a probability can also not be taken into account.

If the adherents of breastfeeding up to three years want to forget about social features Moms and her personal desires, then this is their business. Harm breast milk will not cause a two-year-old child nor a five-year-old. But great use - too.

Komarovsky believes that the mother, who honestly saccmed the crumb to the year, can be calm - the biological debt has fully fully. It is time to think about how to wean a child from breastfeeding after a year.

Where to begin?

It is difficult to start, warns Komarovsky. The kid, who in his 12-14 months knows perfectly, what is a delicious Mine Tite, it is hardly wanting to give it without a fight. It will fight as the last time, yell, roll hysteries, demand.

In such conditions, it will endure not every, even very nervous mom. At some point she will give Lubrelka, allowed to suck a little, and everyone will have to start first. To stop the lactation of milk until the child is annoying the receptors on the nipple, it is impossible.

In order to proceed with the campaign on the excavation of Chad from the chest, it is necessary to gain determination and understand that the dependence on the sucking of the chest in the crumbs is no longer physiological, but psychological, and without breast milk, it will quite well live normally. Mom and grandmother, as well as other relatives living on one housing, you need to stockday valerian.

It is best to separate mom and a child for several days, Evgeny Komarovsky believes.Send mom to the cottage or in a sanatorium for 5-7 days will be enough for the child to have learned to do without breast milk. After the mother's return, there may be quenching children to selected pleasure, but they should be resolutely stopped. Of course, the child will be dissatisfied, and can cry. But the Mom's decisions should not be changed, otherwise the oscillation process stretches for months and the years and will deliver all the households a lot of moral suffering.

If the admonition does not help, try to spoil the taste of milk. For this, according to Komarovsky, it is enough to eat garlic or smear the nipple mustard.

If the child gets his breasts several times with such a "product", next time he will think well, ask her again or do. Although this method is not valid on all: some kids really like the "garlic" milk mom, and they do not bother them somehow.

Information that the child fails to breastfeeding is the strongest stress and injury for life, according to Evgenia Komarovsky, does not have any soil. All this speculation is distant from medicine and even psychology mom-fans of breastfeeding up to five years. Stress will be minimal and very quickly will rush to the baby if the mother does everything right. This means - quickly, decisively and irrevocably.

Best time

You can finish feed at any time of the year, says Evgeny Komarovsky. Winter on the street or summer, values \u200b\u200bdoes not have. But it is important if the child is ready to change. There are several situations in which with letting it is better to postpone:

  • Toddler disease. If he is bad, not the most a good idea To do even worse.
  • Painful teething.If the process is in full swing, it is better to give the familiar breast and not injure the already inflamed gums. In addition, in breast milk contains a large number of antibodies to different infections, and it has an antibacterial property.
  • A change of scenery. If he himself has to move or go on vacation with a child or go on vacation, you should not start excuse. It is better to leave it for later when the child falls into the usual setting.

After recovery, in a few days, you can proceed to the conceived.

Very long ago, it was believed that in the hot season of the year it is impossible to feed the breast, and at that time it was quite reasonable - after the abolition of breast milk, the incidence of intestinal infections was almost always increased. Now XXI century, and elementary observance of hygienic standards makes it possible to stop feeding without any problems when it needs mom.

Termination of lactation

Stop the production of breast milk is quite difficult, since its psychomotor mechanism is very stable. But there is nothing impossible, says Evgeny Olegovich, and if the first stage - redemption from the chest - took place, and Mom withstands the persistent Oer of Distyat for several days, then it's time to take care that milk becomes as little as possible.

For this, the doctor recommends less drinking fluid. This does not mean that mom needs to be sued to death. Just follow the drinking mode as it was at the time of the formation of lactation and its maintenance, no longer needed. In no case should not grind milk, even if it happened so that the child fell ill a few days after the start of the promotion of his breast. Stirling launches the mechanism of production.

Mom Komarovsky urgently advises to engage in active sports - run, pushing, pull up, raise a bargain, to do anything, if only more sweat. The abundant sweat, the less breast milk produces.

If the above-mentioned measures of particular relief to a woman do not bring, you can additionally drag the chest sheets. Today, other ways are available to Russian women who are considered more civilized. They are based on the reception of drugs that block the ability to lactation on the hormonal and chemical level.

To such means overwhelming prolactin, in particular, "bromcriptin" or "achievek". But to start receiving tablets is best after consulting a doctor. Helps and decoction of Sage, and linden flowers that mother can brew and drink small portions.

Common mistakes

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that a rare mom in the process of excommunication from the baby's breast is not possible to make any errors. The most common misconception is that the baby without mother breast will begin to fall immunity. Until six months, Krochi Mimin innate immunity, then his immune system goes into independent "swimming", the defense is stronger by the year, and then it will only gain momentum, facing microbes and viruses, and producing antibodies against them.

Some moms begin prophylactically instead of breast milk to give antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and immunostimulators. There is no need for this, assures Evgeny Komarovsky, especially since the effectiveness of these drugs is not clinically proven. And the child's extra "chemistry" is completely nothing to do.

There are mothers who, by canceling breastfeeding, translate the child to a whole cow or goat milk. Komarovsky believes that it is better to give the baby to drink an adapted mixture with labeling from 12 months. It is saturated with microelements, vitamins, minerals, and is deprived of a rather allergenic cow protein.

For details on how to wean a baby from breast feeding, you will learn from the following video.

Mother's milk is the most valuable and for the baby, but, despite this, the time will come when the child will need to take away from the chest. It does not matter whether it will be done if necessary for mom or for the fact that the baby has already grown. The most important thing is that this time of time, as a rule, is not paying due attention from the point of view of mom's sensations. You can find a lot of discussions on what to do to wean a child from the most expensive and enjoyable classes for him, but how to be a mammy with overwhelming chest glands? That's what I want to tell.

We travel to the kid

For those who are first faced with this issue and have not yet decided on how the child's excuses will be held off, I offer information about possible options. Those who have decided on this issue can be safely moved to reading the next part of the article.
Everything I want to tell the reader of Mirovetov, I myself worry at the moment, so I am building my judgments and conclusions on the real sensations that did not downgrade, as a rule, these experiences are quickly forgotten by any other unpleasant events.
Age. The first dilemma that gets up in front of moms, at what age you need to do it. There is an opinion that the younger than the child will, the easier it will take the process of excision. And another opinion tells us that the longer breastfeeding (GW) lasts, the healthier will be the baby. Again, others believe that long feeding leads to braking in the development of the child. Perhaps each of these statements has its own foundations and in its own way true. But I suggest to approach this issue on the other hand. The state of a nursing mother is the main criterion. Anyway, after birth, the child is already a separate life, and although it is closely connected with the mother, it is impossible to force a woman to be a "victim." Therefore, take your baby from the chest when you feel the need. Only your emotional and physical condition can be a 100% indicator. In addition, the confidence and willingness of the mother will have its own positive effect on the kid. My baby was knocking 1 year and 2 weeks, at the moment when I decided to take it from GW. I was previously asked for a week of 2-3 by this question, sometimes I said to my son, that soon the milk would end and he would have to eat alone. Apparently, when my inner voice told me "Enough", I came with a child from the street in the evening and said: "Everything!".
Methods. How to say or explain the baby that mom's milk is no longer? It is this question that "scares". In fact, this is a contrived problem. Subconsciously, each mommy understands that with the cessation of GW, the thread between it and the baby will become weaker. On the second day I wanted to spit on everything and continue breastfeeding. Feelings were such as if we break off a piece of your heart, but on the other hand, the painful sensations in the glands were forced to hold on, as I perfectly understood that sooner or later everything would start first.
So, options may be such. You put the closed clothes so that the child will be able to get to the chest and attempts to explain that the milk is no longer there, only in a molome. Let him drink and eat as much as he wants, satisfied, the child will stop his attempts. I chose this method.
As an option, very common, child is sent for 2-3 days to her grandmother so that he sees mom. This method is good for mothers, but, in my opinion, it is morally more difficult for the child. Imagine that he will have not only excommunication from GW, but also from mom! This is a double stress.
Older children can already be negotiated. Starting from about 1 year and 4 months (but again, children are different, so judge by your child, its level of development and perception). You can buy body-colored leucoplasty and stick nipples so that the halo is also closed. When a child dares to his chest, tell him that "Titia is now such and the milk from it no longer take." This method took advantage of my girlfriend, exciting your one and a half year. The child was puzzled, but no longer suitable with this question. The first night wept in a dream, but then calmed down, and I did not have to raise any more.
Another similar option is the suggestion of the concept of "Tite - Kaka". Nipples Majut lemon juice or another product of an unpleasant taste (usually something bitter). After 2-3 attempts, the child no longer wants to try to make a chest. The only one, you need to choose such "lubricants" that will not harm the child. For example, I heard about the use of mustard for this, but it is not only bitter, but also sharp. There are special ointments that can be purchased at the pharmacy. But there is already an individual solution to every mother.
Gradual excommunication. IN lately Psychologists I advise you to stretch overcome from the chest for 2-3 months. To do this, it is recommended to gradually reduce feeding, starting with one in the morning hours and gradually reducing up to once a week or two, to reduce them on zero. That is, we remove the morning feeding, in two weeks the following and so on. In the latter, we remove night feedings. This method is considered favorable for both moms, as it is supposed to gradually burn milk. But it seemed to me that this was when feeding on demand, and not by the regime it is not a very good option.
Droidery period. How many days the child will fall off? From 2-3 days to several weeks. But this does not mean that the child will demand the breast all this period. Just he will need time to forget this process. Therefore, try the first month (it is possible and longer) not to show the topless child, so as not to disturb his memory and desire. He will reach the chest, it will be necessary to relate to his behavior and give to drink or eat. Tears and hysteries on this occasion from different children last different time. For example, the older daughter I took a lot with the help of my mother, these were three or four sleepless nights for her. But son I decided to overcome myself, next to me, he suffered all this easier than I expected. We cried only on the first evening when they were put to sleep, but after 20 minutes I found how to distract it and he fell asleep. You can distract to the toy, the phone, something else, why the child will show interest, in our case it was a melody of wind music - I think this thing is familiar to everyone.
Relief from GW gives an answer another question: when children cease to eat at night. Then, when you no longer need to suck your chest. For a while, the child will wake up at night, you need to give him a drink. It can be milk, tea or just a water. I gave the first three nights of milk, but seeing that he drinks no more than 3-4 sips, I realized that he wakes up not from hunger and replaced milk on tea. When a child bothers nothing, he sleeps all night, without waking up at all.
Watering a child is preferably from a mug, and not from the bottle. This is due to the fact that the child needs to fall from congenital sucking reflex. If you use a bottle, then this time will have to fight attachment to the bottle. And after Radiation from the chest, you will continue to get up at night for feeding a child, but already out of the nipple.

Now let's talk about the feelings of mom. Unfortunately, to tell the dairy glands that more milk is not needed, there is no possibility. The baby we no longer feed, and the milk continues to stay. As a result, the chest is exposed to severe stretching, and the sensation with each tide becomes more and more unpleasant and painful. During this period of time, it is recommended to wear a bra. It should be without bones, but a dense cotton (natural) fabric and should not stretch. That is, play the role of the corset. If there is no such in your wardrobe, anyone can wear, but prepare for the fact that it can crash into the body and cause itching: stretched skin becomes more sensitive. It will be necessary to wear it until the milk does not completely overrigent. Alternatively, recommended by an elastic bandage or something else. But it is more painful and unpleasant.
The troubles begin on the second day, when milk becomes a lot. Choose yourself, what option you like more. You can grab my milk, it will help to mitigate the "pressure", you can use the milk pump and decrease to a soft breast, but leaving the part of the milk. In the first version, the brand of milk will pass faster, but several days will have a lot of unpleasant sensations. In the second painful sensations there will be no, but the process of burnout will be delayed. To some extent, it is also to tear off the child from the breast gradually.
When plotting on the first principle of different women, the moment of termination of milk production can begin for 3-5 days. I stacked little by little on 2 and 3 days, the tides stopped for 5 days. These days, give up hot nutrition and liquid: soups, tea, etc. Rather, cut to a minimum, arrange yourself unloading Days. The restriction in the liquid is better to preserve to the complete brave of milk in the glands, that is, until the moment when the chest returns to the sizes to feeding, it will become soft and all seals will disappear, even small. After that, by about 1-2 months, give up that it can contribute to the restoration of lactation. In particular from beer, since after its use, testers can be resumed. Or do not abuse these products, eat in small quantities and follow the body's reaction on them.
The process of blowing milk is also accompanied by certain, not very pleasant sensations. If during the tides it is felt how the skin stretches, the combustion is accompanied by the reverse process - "pulling". It is less painful, but also unpleasant. It seems that from the inside something sues the contents of the glands, and sometimes the feeling of tingling appears. After the tides are stopped, "resorption" will last another 5-7 days.
Pain and psychological state (despite the fact that the majority of women during the care of the child and so are depressed) lead to nervous breakdowns and increased excitability. Therefore, it will be necessary to show patience to the mother itself, and the concern for her husband and other family members. You can drink sedative herbs or antidepressants.

Lactation suppression

It's no secret that there is a lot of recommendations for what you need to eat and drink to improve lactation. Do you know that there are also various means to suppress lactation? It can be specially made preparations that can be purchased at the pharmacy, but to apply them better only to the appointment of a doctor (in coordination with it), or folk remedies. I want to tell about both options, as I think, the knowledge of knowledge is sooner or later any woman can be useful (and caring husbands too).
Medical (Chemical) Preparations. There are a lot of various drugs that can be prescribed by a doctor to suppress lactation in various situations that you require. All these drugs have a hormonal composition that affects the work of the brain, or rather, on the front share of the pituitary gland, forcing it to work in the inhibited (suspended). The course, depending on the drug, may have a duration from 1 to 14 days. Here are some names of such drugs: Bromocriptine, pairodel, reaches, microfallines, Nigolut, Tourist, Azetomopegenol, Ormetril, Duphaston, Nor-Nor, Utrezhastan, Cabbergoline. All of them are created on different hormones and at different concentrations, this is explained by this time interval for their reception. These preparations are produced, both in the form of tablets and in the form of solutions for injections.
Since this hormonal drugs have a series. side Effects And the harmful consequences for the body of a woman, it is possible to decide on their application only after consulting a doctor and under strict observation. For some drugs there are contraindications: hypertension, varicose veins, kidney and liver disease, diabetes, thrombophlebitis, as well as various diseases and deviations in the work of the female organs of a woman.
I also want to draw your attention to the fact that long-term painful sensations in the field of mammary glands, non-absorbable seals during the cessation period can be a sign of mastitis. If there are any doubts or suspicions, contact your attending gynecologist immediately, it is in such cases that it is most often recommended to apply those listed above.
Folk remedies . And now let's talk about the means that each woman can apply during the completion of lactation. Before special pills were invented, such a simple procedure was added to reduce lactation to restrict fluids as diuretic receptions. There is no need to drink chemicals and pills, because there are a lot of herbs that possess this effect.
Your task when the lactation is stopped getting rid of excess fluid, thereby stopping the production of milk, contributing to its "bravery" or "absorption". Drinking up diuretic herbs should be started on the first day and continue within 5-7 days, followed by necessity, but most likely it will be enough. I started taking the infusion of diuretic grass for 4 days (before that, I simply did not know that you could take something), after 2-3 hours the tides were stopped, and literally after 5-7 hours, the feelings from the catchments were changed to the feelings of "brave »Milk. The chest became softer, seals and painful sensations began to weaken.
Here is a list of some of the herbs that have diuretic and stream effects: Bear ears (Toloknik), Lingonberry, basil, Russian beans, horsetail, Maren Drying, Parsley Garden, Nather. In general, it is not difficult to find such herbs, they are in every pharmacy.
But the most interesting thing is that there are herbs that contribute to the cessation of lactation. Most often for these purposes is mentioned by the sage medicinal. One of it healing properties is the cessation of lactation in nursing mothers. To do this, tea is made and drinks for several days, the signs claim that enough 2-3 days to completely stop this process. In addition, it has a useful impact on the health of a woman, treats from infertility and strengthens the body. Other herbs: White Papers, Jasmine, Promotional Belladonna.
I only walked around the diuretic grass, but because after stopping feeding, milk production can be resumed for another 6 months, then I think it is possible to drink herbs for braking lactation if you wish. MirSovetov warns that if you find milk in glands after a six-month period from the last breastfeeding, you should seek advice from a doctor, as this may be a sign of any disease.