Finished projects for the construction of a private house. How to choose a house project with the possibility of making changes? House that is economical in construction

In this post, we will talk about how to plan a future house, provide all the subtleties and which house is better to build

Planning home options before building is a very important thing.

It depends on the quality of the project - the basis of the future home - whether it will be convenient, rational in maintenance, and beautiful. To make a choice, you need to study the project documentation and correctly set your own priorities.
What do you need to obtain a building permit for a house?
To obtain a building permit (building passport), you need to coordinate the project with the architecture and construction department of the local state administration. There they check whether the architectural and planning solutions correspond to the urban planning documentation, urban planning conditions and restrictions. In the presence of special conditions for the location of the object (historical zones of cities, seismically and landslide areas), it is necessary, upon instructions from the city planning and architecture authorities, to agree on the project documentation in the relevant organizations.

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The luxury residential real estate market is awakening, prompting entrepreneurs to build more expensive complexes. The amount of certified investments is 7 million levs. “This is only the first stage of the project, namely investments in infrastructure and real estate that the company will develop,” said project manager Emil Magrisso, who is also the chief secretary of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce - Israel.

What needs to be coordinated? The approved part of the RP (for a one-stage design) and a preliminary design (EP) (for a two-stage design) are subject to approval. Local building regulations may establish the specifics of project documentation approval. The list of attached documents is also determined by these rules. It may differ from region to region.

The difference in terms of plan is that you are given the option to buy only land and then build your own home by paying part of the infrastructure. Another option is the classic one - buy a ready-made house. At the award ceremony, Minister of Economy Bozidar Lukarski said that the project will open more than 100 new jobs, and the total number of workers employed during construction will be about.

According to the presentation of the project site, the settlement is intended for middle-class families who want to buy their own house ranging from 100 to 300 square meters with a plot of at least 500 square meters at a price of up to 99 thousand euros. The company will sell through the Build Your Own Home model - this phase is limited to the first 500 units, and the construction period is up to five years. At the second stage, the investor will sell ready houses.

What does a house project consist of? How much is?

Buying a ready-made house project, you receive a set of documents required for obtaining permits and carrying out construction work.

1. Architectural part:
plan of the site on which it is possible to place the house.
requirements for the site;
the appearance of the facades;
floor plans;
roof structure;
roof plan;
specification of windows and doors;
a description of the technologies and materials used for all structural elements of the house;
recommendations for finishing the building.
2. Design of structures:
plan and section of foundations; floor plan (s);
a method of making and reinforcing all monolithic reinforced concrete elements (beams, monolithic sections of floors, columns, stairs, crowns);
drawings of metal and wooden structures.
3. Projects (plans and schemes) of internal engineering networks - water supply, sewerage, gas supply, central heating, electrical wiring.
4. Material specification: list of basic materials; the scope of the main work.
The price may vary depending on the size of the house. When assessing the cost of a project, you need to take into account the costs associated with its mandatory adaptation to local conditions. If the changes are related to the need to design new structures, the price can be higher and even significantly exceed the cost of the finished project. Prices vary depending on the region. Both the cost and the level of detail of the documentation are set in the contract. Price is always negotiable. It depends on the expectations of the client and the reputation of the architect. Compared to the cost of the house, the project is relatively cheap. The success of the construction depends on how well it is made. Therefore, it is better not to save on it.

At the next stage, when houses are built, the cost of land will increase and is expected to be between 50 and 70 euros per sq. M. At the final stage, the price of the land should reach 100 euros per sq. The elevation plan is located about 25 km from Sofia, and the journey through Bistrita - Zeleznitsa - by plane takes about 30 minutes by car, investors say. “The state is committed to strengthening the old road, but in general it helps us mainly administratively,” Magriso said. He noted that he has a concept design for the new road, but he could not elaborate on it yet.

Two paths to the project

1. The customer buys a finished project, the architect ties it to the site conditions.
2. The developer orders the project from the architect
in accordance with individual wishes and site conditions. An architect is carrying out a working project.

Master plan of the territory and project of a country house

The general plan of a settlement is urban planning documentation that determines the fundamental decisions of development, planning, building and other use of the territory of the settlement. Before ordering or choosing a house project, you need to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the general plan of the territory on which the site is located.

After the first families start living in the complex, the company plans to buy two buses to be used as private transport to Sofia. The company wants to sell up to 40% of the property under the Build Your Own Home model, and 60% of the land will be sold by a company with ready-made houses. A project is a guide to building a family home or apartment. You will most often come across a project for a building permit and an implementation project. The building permit design is less detailed, which must be assessed by the building.

If there is no general plan, then with the decision made by the local administration on the conditions of development. Restrictions,
specified in the master plan, may contain requirements regarding the method of building, size, and even the shape of the house. For example, a master plan can determine what percentage of the area of \u200b\u200ba lot can be built up, or it can specify how houses are positioned in relation to a road. The number of storeys in buildings under construction may also be limited. In some localities, special requirements may be adopted regarding the shape of the roof or the angle of inclination of the slopes. All this should be taken into account when choosing a project. Otherwise, it may be difficult to obtain a building permit or costly changes to the project will be required. Statement
from the master plan or building requirements can be obtained from the local state administration, even without being the owner of the site.

According to him, the implementation project is much more detailed. The project coordinates the individual work. The bricklayer is only interested in the distance when building a wall around the future toilet. But the project should also allow the room to enter the room and wash basin and open the door. Even if that's not enough, in the case of a rough building. You can use my project to handle the project.

If the building authority requires a land use procedure, then a simple site construction project is processed. The building permit project is intended for the needs of the building. The Authority assesses how the construction affects its environment, whether it is safe to use and complies with legal requirements. Accordingly, she will resolve it or not. The draft building permit is the same as for the announcement.

General plan for the development of the territory - a legal document that must protect the common space and landscape-forming objects of a given area. It may prescribe the construction method, size, and even the shape and / or material of the roof of the house, depending on the location of the site.

What is the adaptation of a private house project?

Adaptation - this is a check of the possibility of using the project on a specific site and its binding to the conditions of the area. When performing adaptation, the shape and size of the site, its orientation relative to the cardinal points, the bearing capacity of the soil, the climatic zone, the depth of soil freezing, the direction of the winds, as well as the surrounding buildings are taken into account. Mandatory binding can be limited to making adjustments to the structure of the foundations in accordance with the characteristics of the soil. But often, due to the conditions of the location and the relief of the site, more significant adjustments to the project occur. For example, a different arrangement of windows and / or terraces, a garage extension, a change in the angle of inclination of the roof slopes. The adaptation of the project can include other changes, thanks to which the finished project will correspond to the individual wishes of the customer. Only a licensed design organization has the right to carry out the adaptation. By putting her stamp on the documentation, she takes responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the documentation, even if she does not make changes to the finished project.

The implementation project is intended for construction company, which, he said, will build the building. It is much more detailed than the draft building permit. In addition to more detailed blueprints, it also includes windows, doors, bills of materials. Details of ceilings, walls and unusual structures.

What is the optimal size for a house under construction or planned?

The actual construction project is only processed when the house is being built. The project for a building permit will be marked with changes to the building and will be transferred to the building office at the time of building approval. Each building will change according to the project. If the changes are too large, such as more than just moving partitions or chimneys, the building office may require reapproval of a new design for a building permit.

What is a site master plan?

This is a project for the location of a house on a specific site in accordance with the regulatory requirements and conditions of the territory (including the features of neighboring sites). It consists of an explanatory note (descriptive part), as well as a drawing (plan) made on a copy of the current geodetic map (copy of the area). The plan should indicate the spot of the house, the external outlines of existing and projected buildings, engineering facilities (septic tank, treatment facilities, places of laying pipelines and cables), entrances and entrances, characteristic features of the territory. Including the points of connection to the gas pipeline and electrical network... The licensed designer has the right to carry out the master plan of the site.

How to choose a house project with the possibility of making changes?

For a family home, you can apply for a territorial production and a building permit. Then only one project is developed for registration of permits and territorial procedures. If you are building a house that is already on the lot, you will also have to process it.

An implementation project is a detailed project for a building permit. When building a family home, only the building permit project is often processed in order to save money, and it is built on it. A missing implementation project means that the construction company reserves the right to decide the details of the project. However, there is a risk of changes, imperfect design decisions directly on construction site and additional works that lead to a construction cost estimate.

Which house to choose for construction - one-story, with a residential attic, two- or three-story?

1. A one-story house is best suited for a large plot


  • simple design, therefore - uncomplicated execution;
  • single-level housing is convenient for people with special needs and the elderly;
  • fits well into the landscape;
  • maximum opportunities for viewing the garden.


Extended building permit project

Therefore, the designer usually prepares a draft building permit before requiring a decree that construction firm could identify him. However, the details of the implementation project are insufficient. Such a project is ideal for not seeing existing building construction and additional money for a detailed implementation project.

How comfortable is the room for arranging furniture?

If you are unsure, ask the office building. Better than solving a black building in a few years. For a new family home, there is a project for an office building permit and a construction project for a construction company. For renovation, you must prepare for a building permit, which is halfway between a building permit and an implementation project.

  • the main disadvantage is the large building area.

2. A house with a residential attic is a popular solution

Benefits and pros:

  • traditional and familiar option;
  • more rooms can be planned on the first floor than on the second;
  • convenient division into functional areas; daytime (first floor) and nighttime (attic);
  • private area on the second floor.

Disadvantages and Disadvantages:

In an apartment, let the project work when cutting the core of the body or holes in the load-bearing walls. The construction of a family home begins with the selection of the land, the project, and the necessary administrative tasks. What is the best way to choose a building site and what to expect before building a family home?

Two- or three-storey house is the best option for a small plot

Of course, building a family home starts with choosing the right land. We can say that the quality of the building site is much more important than the building itself. Although the shape and location of the house can be chosen according to your wishes, you will not change the plot.

  • the main disadvantage is the large area of \u200b\u200broof insulation.

3. Two- or three-storey house is the best option for a small plot

Benefits and pros:

  • rational use of the territory (small building area compared to the area of \u200b\u200bthe house);
  • minimum maintenance cost for 1 m2 of area (in terms of efficiency of use);
  • an ineffective option.

Disadvantages and Disadvantages:

If you have a piece of land, your next steps will likely be sent to the local government building department or their website for a land use plan. In it, among other things, you will find out if construction is possible and what kind of construction is possible. The territorial plan also defines the various zones of protection and other possible restrictions.

When studying a land use plan, it is also good to check the surrounding area and the general urban planning of the municipality and its environs. For example, you might find out that a lot is planned for an industrial area, or that an expressway is planned.

  • the premises are separated by a staircase;
  • less connection with the site.

A house that's easy to build

Cottage without a basement - the simplest option - you do not have to make an interfloor staircase and ceilings above the basement in it. Such a house can be built relatively quickly. The fact that the house is not difficult to build is indicated by a simple plan. The fewer the corners, the easier it is to build external walls.
Of all types of roofs, the simplest in execution is a double-sloped symmetrical roof (from the same structural elements). Its additional advantage is its simple drainage system. The simplest from the point of view of construction are single-layer walls. But in order to obtain high thermal insulation characteristics, you should adhere to all the recommendations of the material manufacturer. A more reliable option is two-layer walls. A continuous layer of thermal insulation will ensure heat retention.

There is no need to create a building permit for a regular size family home, just a listing of the building is enough In addition to building and administrative considerations, geographic and social criteria must be considered. How is the slope oriented and on which side is the slope oriented? What are the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the site? Where do engineering networks work? What about sunlight and the state of the local environment? These are just a few of the many issues to consider when choosing a building site.

House that is economical in construction?

A good way to determine how economical a house will be to build is to compare the building volume (cubic capacity) with the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. The smaller the cubic capacity (for the same area), the cheaper 1 m2 will cost. The simple shape of the house provides an economical use of materials and allows you to build a house on a smaller plot. A cheaper option is a house without a basement. If the kitchen and all the bathrooms are close by and are served by the same chimney with multiple channels, the cost of utilities will be lower. The cost of a complex roof can be up to 40% of the total construction cost. Other expensive home items:
non-standard windows;
difficult to manufacture tin products;
high quality expensive decoration Materials;
branched engineering networks.

What can be changed in the finished home project?

By social criteria, we mean mainly aspects related to our own practical life in the future home and participation in the local community. These are mainly transport accessibility, local amenities, social composition of residents, social life in the village.

Typical Design or Architect Design?

The construction of a family home starts with a project. In general, at this stage you have two options. The first is the choice of a project of an already completed type, the second is the use of the services of an architect and designer who will prepare the house just for you. It may not be entirely clear which one is better, it all depends on your preference.

How to choose a house project that is economical to operate?

Building an energy efficient home is more expensive than usual. But its maintenance is cheaper. Projects of such houses are on sale.
The issue of reducing operating costs is becoming more acute. The lion's share of these costs in a private house is the cost of heating it. Therefore, it is important to choose a house that will be as cheap as possible to heat it.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of cataloged family homes is the speed of purchase. The project is ready, you buy it and you can build it. But these are also all the benefits. The typical project is universal, it does not take into account the uniqueness of the building land or the lifestyle of the future residents of the house. It doesn't matter that all directory houses are ugly and you can find interesting and smart buildings among them, but the design and the individual project are completely different. An architect can prepare your home exactly according to your wishes, both in terms of layout, material solution and financial requirements.

IN finished project the indicator of heat consumption must be indicated - the amount of energy required to heat the house and provide it hot water (with individual design, it can also be calculated).

The project may indicate heat consumption based on the total annual consumption for the whole house or for heating 1 m2 of heated area per year.

Is the entrance to the house convenient?

Many people still believe that the services of an architect are only the privilege of wealthy builders. Good architect can also create a family home that the builder has on a tight budget. It can be said that the more constraints, whether financial or spatial, the more the services of a quality architect are needed.

The administration is coming - a building permit or an announcement. The construction application form can be downloaded, for example, from the website of the Ministry of Regional Development. If you are building a normal size family home with a land use plan, you only need to report construction.

The latter method allows you to compare costs for houses of different sizes. The indicator of heat consumption is denoted by the symbol E and is measured in kWh / m2 per year.

In many countries, building codes are not up to date.

So, according to the norms, the E index can reach 146 kW "h / m2 per year.

But costs can be significantly reduced. In an energy-saving house, heat consumption does not exceed 70 kW "h / m2 per year, and in a passive house - 15 kW" h / m2 per year. The energy-saving characteristics of the house are influenced by architectural solutions - the plan, the shape of the house, the size of the openings. Grouping of utility rooms along one of the outer
walls and the differentiation of the number and size of windows on the façade indicate that energy savings were considered in the design. You can also save money with the correct orientation of the building to the cardinal points. Small windows on the north side will limit heat loss, while a large area of \u200b\u200bglass on the south side will increase the amount of solar energy heating the home. The closed shape of the house and the small area of \u200b\u200bthe external enclosing structures have a positive effect on energy saving.

How to choose a house project with the possibility of making changes?

When choosing a project, you can check whether it is possible in the future to divide, rebuild the house or change the purpose of a part of the building. Elements such as:

  • open plan - the minimum number of structural (load-bearing) walls inside the house makes it possible to freely plan the premises inside it;
  • high attic - will allow you to arrange additional living quarters;
  • the location of the stairs near the entrance makes it possible to add the second floor;
  • a gable roof will simplify the gable wall superstructure;
  • a large room along one facade can be converted - to arrange a workshop or housing with a separate entrance.

The house of the correct form and simple construction gives maximum possibilities for individual interior planning.
The absence of internal load-bearing walls allows you to plan the same house in different ways (three possible layout options are presented)

How do you estimate the size of your home?
The area of \u200b\u200bthe house is related to the individual needs of the customer in the number, purpose and size of premises. Summing up their areas, you can estimate the required dimensions of the house. It is important to take into account the minimum permissible dimensions of a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen.
The optimal area of \u200b\u200ba house for a family of four is 130-150 m2 (excluding the garage). You can get by and minimal set premises. But if possible, it is worth providing several bathrooms in the house, a utility room, preferably an additional room and dressing rooms next to the bedrooms.

  • about the high cost of building a square meter of housing;
  • the larger the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the higher the cost of heating it;
  • adult children are less likely to live with their parents;
  • on its own it will be difficult to keep an area over 130 m2 clean;
  • in the secondary real estate market, the best selling medium-sized houses - up to 200 m2.

What is the optimal size for a house under construction or planned?

When planning your future home, it is important not to miscalculate the area. There is a minimum required for each piece of furniture. If there is less space, you will have to change your plans, giving up what you really wanted. To avoid annoying mistakes, it is important to know about the minimum allowable area.

  • Living room, dining room and kitchen occupy at least 40 m.The proportions between the areas of these rooms can be different, depending on the composition of the family and preferences
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe garage for one car is approximately 16 m2. But if the garage will also perform the function of a storeroom, its area should be slightly larger.
  • Parents' bedroom. The double bed must be accessible from both sides. The minimum width of a double bed is 1.6 m
  • A child's room is not just a bedroom. It should also have space for a desk and space for games.
  • A separate dressing room must have an area of \u200b\u200bat least 3 m2, provided that the door is located in the middle of the wall
  • The width of the vestibule should not be less than 150 cm
  • In a utility room with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 m2, it will be possible to install a boiler and equip a storage room

By no means always, considering the project in the catalog, we can correctly estimate the size of the house. The area can be calculated in different ways.
In the system of building standards, there are definitions of total and residential areas, as well as methods for their measurement. However, the data in the catalog does not always correspond to the definitions of building codes. Therefore, when choosing a project, specify exactly how the area was calculated. It can be measured: at floor level, at the level of one or two meters; within plastered or unplastered walls. Depending on this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe same house may be different.

Area counting rules

Pay attention to what areas are indicated in the project. Built-up area -
the area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal section along the outer contour of the building at the level of the basement, including protruding parts. The area under the pillar building and the driveways under the building are included in the building area. The total area of \u200b\u200ban apartment (house) is the sum of the areas of all rooms, except for loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces, cold storage rooms and outdoor vestibules, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is calculated with decreasing coefficients: balconies and terraces - 0.3, loggias - 0.5, glazed balconies - 0.8, verandas, glazed balconies and cold storage rooms - 1.0. The area occupied by the stove is not included in the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises. The area under the march of the stairs, with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding
structures of 1.6 m or more, is included in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which it is located. The area of \u200b\u200ba residential building is the sum of the areas of the floors of the building, measured within the inner surfaces of the outer walls, as well as the areas of balconies and loggias. The area of \u200b\u200battics, technical floors and basements is not included in the area of \u200b\u200bthe building.
Attention! Building codes share the concepts of "total area" and "area of \u200b\u200ba residential building", although they are, at first glance, identical concepts.
Living area - the sum of the areas of living rooms, excluding built-in wardrobes.

How to measure? The area of \u200b\u200bpremises of residential buildings is measured between the finished surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level (excluding skirting boards).

Attic area. If the angle of inclination of the ceiling of the attic room is -30 ° (to the horizon), the area is considered along the line where the ceiling height is 1.5 m.When the inclination is 45 ° - at the level of 1.1 m, with the inclination of 60 ° or more - at the level 0 , 5 m. At intermediate values \u200b\u200bof the angle of inclination, the height is also calculated by the intermediate values. The area of \u200b\u200bthose plots where the height is below the indicated values \u200b\u200bis included in the attic area, but with a reduction factor of 0.7.

How much space to leave in the attic?

The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, measured at floor level, can be much larger than the area that can be fully utilized. The sloping roof slopes of the attic limit the space that can be furnished as you like. The steeper the angle of inclination of the roof and the higher the rafter wall (part of the outer walls above the ceiling of the first floor, on which the rafters rest), the larger the attic area will be. Under the attic
(hip) roof area is the largest, under a gable roof - a little less, even less area of \u200b\u200bpremises under a hipped roof. How much space in the attic is best seen from the section of the building. It is good if lines are marked on the plan of the attic, indicating the height of 1.90 m. This allows you to estimate where in the attic it will not be possible to stand freely, install doors or a shower.

Communication area

It is believed that in a medium-sized house, connecting rooms should not occupy more than 10-15% of the total area. But if the house is to be adapted to the needs of people with reduced mobility, more space should be provided. The smaller the area intended only for communication between rooms, the
rooms, bedrooms or bathrooms can be large. Simple and short connections between different parts of the house are an advantage of the project. But excessive limitation of the size of the corridor, vestibule or hall can be a flaw. There may not be any connecting rooms. For example, if the hall is small, it is enough to make the living room open (the corridor is not needed in this case).

Boiler room size

Gas equipment (water heaters, boilers and convectors) must be installed in separate non-residential premises - boiler rooms. As an exception, they can be installed in kitchens if the total power of the devices is up to 30 kW, and the volume of the room is at least 13.5 m3. To install equipment with a total thermal power of up to 30 kW, the volume of the boiler room must be at least 7.5 m3; from 30 to 60 kW -
13.5 m3; from 60 to 200 kW -15 m3. The height of the room in which the gas boiler is installed up to 30 kW should be at least 2.2 m.For more powerful gas and solid or liquid fuel boilers - at least 2.5 m.

Is the entrance to the house convenient?

The entrance to the house should be equipped in such a way that there is a zone in front of the doors that gives household members a feeling of comfort and security (and the ability to hide
rain when opening the door). This can be provided by a canopy (visor), a porch or a recessed entrance. If the entrance is protected only by a roof overhang, it should be significantly
protrude beyond the facade line. In this case, a good solution is the location of the entrance in a niche. The canopy, floor slab or roof overhang must protrude at least 1 m above the entrance.
entrance doors must be of appropriate width - at least 120 cm. If the height of the external staircase exceeds 50 cm, it must have a guardrail or be 50 cm wider than the doorway on each side.

Is the layout of the house successful?

Each room in a well-planned home fulfills its function.
A good layout provides comfort. The location of the premises should correspond to their purpose. For example, a garage is best done from the side of the main facade, a dressing room - at the entrance. The grouping of premises is also important. It is convenient to use successfully grouped rooms. It's good if the pantry is next to the kitchen and the terrace is next to the living room. In the planning, it is important to divide into zones: general (daytime), where the family spends time together, and also private, consisting of individual rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms. IN big houses often the parents' bedroom is additionally separated from the children's rooms. Some room functions cannot be combined or desirable.
It is worth separating the ceremonial premises from the utility ones. The household part of the house (laundry, boiler room, garage) should not be near the bedrooms.
If the hallway, corridor and staircase are isolated, some communication autonomy can be provided. Way from entrance doors to the bedroom, kitchen or boiler room should not run through the living room. Then there will be both a common space and a personal one - everyone
from the household. Family members can work or play without interfering with each other.
Attention! Successful functional zoning is the main value of the project. When making a choice, you should not be guided only by the appearance of the house.

Open or closed kitchen?

A successful project leaves the solution to this issue at the discretion of the customer. The ideal option is a kitchen, located in such a way that it can be connected to the living room or separated from it (in whole or in part). It is recommended to place the kitchen on the side of the main facade and / or at the entrance. This not only makes it possible to see the street and the entrance gate, but also provides household amenities (it is convenient to bring in purchases or take out the trash).
If the kitchen is located on the side of the garden, it is better when it has an additional household entrance. The separate kitchen should be large (12-18 m2) as there should be enough room for a dining table. If the kitchen is open, it is important that it has an entrance from the hall and the possibility of at least partial isolation, for example, using sliding doors. The kitchen can be positioned out of sight of guests in the living room.

How many bathrooms should there be in the house?

A bathroom is needed on each floor. In addition to the bathroom (or bathrooms) in the bedrooms, the house should have a separate bathroom located in the day zone of the house - not far from the entrance and the kitchen. Such a bathroom (it is usually called a guest bathroom) cannot be located opposite the entrance doors and in a place visible from the living room. The increased comfort of the house is evidenced by the increase in the number of bathrooms to three: in the day area of \u200b\u200bthe house, next to the parents' bedroom and for children. A large number of bathrooms allows differentiating their functions and choosing the optimal equipment. A bathroom in the day zone can also function as a pantry or laundry.

How comfortable is the room for arranging furniture?

If all the furniture will stand along the walls (this arrangement is typical for bedrooms and bathrooms), then the floor plan should be as close to the square as possible. This gives a lot of planning possibilities. A small square room may be more comfortable than a large one that is long and narrow. It can be difficult to plan furniture placement due to very large and / or poorly positioned windows. A door in the corner of a small room makes it impossible to position furniture along the wall adjacent to the entrance. The door opening direction also affects the mobility of the layout.
The shape of the room should not complicate the layout of a large living room, where you need to highlight various functional areas. It can be easier to arrange a table, chairs, upholstered furniture, a TV or place a library if the living room consists of semi-open rooms connected to each other.
The possibility of a successful layout of the living room is also influenced by the way it is combined with the terrace. The passage through the room to the terrace should be straight and free of furniture. Sometimes the location of the exit to the terrace can serve to functionally divide the living room into a relaxation area and a dining room. When planning the living room, pay attention to the location of the fireplace: there should be enough space in front of it for armchairs.

How does the house open to the plot?

The line of the outer walls, the shape of the house, the location of the terrace, balconies, as well as the number of windows and outer doors indicate how inner space the house unfolds to the landscape. Typically, architectural solutions that make it easier to combine a house with a garden are a project advantage. Interesting solutions contributing to: the absence of a basement, the level of the first floor, close to the ground level, a large area of \u200b\u200bexternal walls and their complex configuration. Thanks to the "recessed" entrance, the complex shape of the house (with niches or ledges), cozy places of the "garden interior" appear, and the terrace can be protected
walls from the wind. A plus is the ability to access the garden from various parts of the house (for example, from the bedroom or kitchen), as well as several exits to the terrace -
not only from the living room, but also from the hall. A balcony or garage roof terrace can make up for the lack of space around a home on a small plot.

What can be changed in the finished home project?

Each finished project must contain a list of permissible changes. Changes that do not affect the appearance of the building (eg.
interior curtain wall layouts) do not require the usual approval formalities. Other changes are often permitted under certain conditions. For example, a different arrangement of windows, an extension of a garage, abandonment of a terrace, basement or attic arrangement. But if nothing is said about these changes in the documentation (if they are not listed among the permissible changes), you must agree on them and obtain the written consent of the owner of the copyright for the project.

Can I use materials other than those specified in the project at home?

Replacement of building materials for walls and floors is possible. But they must meet design requirements and thermal insulation characteristics. Actually, this is exactly what the designer should evaluate when adapting (linking) the finished project. In many cases, the replacement of materials is associated with the need to perform new drawings and calculations. Easiest to replace:

  • materials of a two-layer wall, if the wall will have technical parameters and thickness similar to the design ones;
  • floor covering - if you plan to use a material of the same thickness; if the thickness differs, you will need to change the layers in the screed;
  • insulating material in a two-layer wall (cotton wool on expanded polystyrene or vice versa).
    Difficult to replace:
  • often ribbed overlap on a monolithic or wooden.
    Depending on the type, the slab has a different construction height and spacer, and also requires different insulation.

Hardest to replace:

  • a three-layer wall to a two-layer one - you will have to make changes to the designs of structures;
  • a two-layer wall to a three-layer one - it will be necessary to change the projects of foundations and floors;
  • technology - brickwork on wooden frame - you will have to re-execute the design of structures.

Note: Home planning - how what and why?

So that in the future there is no thought of moving or selling housing, the house should become the embodiment of comfort, coziness and economy. Knowledge of standard planning rules will help in achieving this goal:

  1. Building a rectangular house is cheaper than a house with a complex shape. The same goes for roofs.
  2. Building on a flat area is cheaper than building on a slope.
  3. The correct orientation of the house to the sun and wind reduces operating costs.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe house should be used as efficiently and rationally as possible. It is not worth building very much for living big house, this will require additional costs and time for maintenance, heating, lighting, ventilation and air conditioning.
  5. Building a house with a minimum number of hallways and corridors reduces the cost of living space. The number of corridors can be reduced by combining the functions of rooms: design some rooms as walk-throughs or arrange a corner for work in the living room or bedroom.
  6. If you stay in the house for most of the day, for psychological comfort a person needs from 40 to 50 m2, if the stay is shorter, only 30 m2 is sufficient.
  7. No matter how many tenants are planned in the house, it is desirable that the number of rooms is always
  8. one more than necessary. An additional room will be a common area where everyone can gather to relax.
  9. The number of residents and their interests depends on the number of storeys in the building. Usually there are two floors, and the second is often of the attic type. But there may be three floors, including the basement.
  10. It is better to place utility rooms on the north side, in which case the living rooms will be more filled with sunlight.
  11. How to properly design a house and ...
  12. Construction technical expertise - why ...
  13. Useful folk tips for home ...
  14. How to make beer at home –...
  15. Things to do before starting ...
  • Construction works
  • Modern houses
  • Approximate construction plan

Today, the construction of comfortable houses has become the norm. Not just one-story houses are being built, but two- or three-story cottages with all the comforts of home.

The most important thing is to correctly plan the whole process, think over a business plan for the construction of a private house, and only then proceed to the construction itself in stages.

Preparatory stage of construction

The business plan starts with preparatory work... A plot of land is selected for construction, which can be purchased from a private individual or rented from the municipal authorities. The self-governing body for the land cadastre determines the terms of land lease, draws up an act on the selection of a land plot, a draft of its boundaries, and then concludes a land lease agreement or transfers this plot into ownership. If there are still applicants for the land plot, then tenders and an auction are held.

Geodetic work is being carried out to measure the lengths, slopes of the site, geological analysis of the soil of the future site of the house. This must be done without fail, otherwise cracks may appear in the built house in the future if there is an underground stream or some other anomalies. Soil analysis determines the type of foundation for the future construction.

The future owner determines what his house should be: how many rooms, what is their area, the height of ceilings, windows, what amenities, etc. Then a project is drawn up, a plan for building a house, drawings, estimates. You can, of course, take a standard project, based on it, execute a business plan, but it will definitely have to be tied to the area, so a lot will need to be redone.

It is advisable to entrust the work on this project to an experienced architect who will professionally carry out his work. Then there should be no problems during the construction itself and there will be no unforeseen large unforeseen expenses.

The design and construction of private houses is not regulated in any way by law if the single-family house and its construction are not higher than 3 floors. Therefore, any person who is at least a little familiar with the basics of design can make a business plan for their future home. This may be enough to obtain permission to build a private house.

It will be 30-40% cheaper to build a house on your own, after going through all the stages of construction, than to buy it ready-made. However, you will have to learn a lot. Without a project, with just a plan, you can build a dwelling, but it will be small, rather, summer summer cottage option, without a set of urban communications.

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Construction works

The business plan includes the calculation of the necessary communications. Water supply and sewerage communications are being carried out, pipes and cables are being laid.

After that, the foundation is laid. The most reliable foundation during construction is monolithic slab... It can be installed on any soil, but the cost of this foundation is very high.

Strip foundation suitable for the construction of wooden, brick, frame houses on any soil, except for swampy areas. The strip foundation is durable and reliable. The cost of this foundation is cheaper than a slab, but more expensive than piles.

Most demanded pile foundation necessary for the construction of frame houses and houses from a bar.

The business plan implies, after the foundation work, the beginning of the construction of the building itself, this can be the installation of structures, the assembly of a log house or the laying of bricks. This stage is the most important and at the same time the shortest. Now with modern technologies you can assemble a house in 3-7 days, all this may resemble the assembly of an ordinary constructor. Bricklaying will of course take longer.

Modern construction of private houses is diverse. it frame houses, buildings made of brick, timber, foam concrete, aerated concrete.

As the business plan shows, finishing work (internal and external) of a built private house always takes about 50% of the time and financial investments.

Outdoor work is wall insulation, decoration with decorative plaster, clapboard, siding or other finishing materials.

Internal work begins with the wiring of communications, screed, and then plastering the walls, installing devices, equipment, and finishing.

To complete the construction, a blind area is made, the territory is landscaped, the entrance gates are installed, a fence, if there were none.

Of course, all these stages of the business plan are conditional and it is necessary for each house to draw up a separate plan for preparatory work, construction, taking into account all factors in each specific case.

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Modern houses

A business plan can be calculated when building a house from various modern materials at will, according to possibilities.

Sandwich panel houses are quick to erect and have a lifespan of over a hundred years. Buildings made of this material can withstand temperature drops from -50 to +50, hurricane winds, snow loads, earthquakes up to 8 points. Sandwich panels are versatile building materialwhich can replace brick, wood, concrete.

Walls made of sandwich panels retain heat more efficiently than brick dwellings. They are stable, durable. If desired, these buildings can be insulated, sound and vapor barrier installed, and protection from external influences.

Timber buildings are easy to build, but colder than log buildings. Therefore, they must be sheathed outside with clapboard, siding, laying insulation between the coating and the wall.

Technologies at frame construction allow you to quickly erect a building with a stable foundation. These houses are highly thermally conductive and affordable.

The metal frame structure is assembled from ready-made elements, in this regard, the construction process from these structures is much faster. Such a construction will be very short in terms of the construction itself, and finishing work, as usual, can take a long time, but the correct business plan and adherence to it can lead to the rapid construction of a hearth and a quick entry into your own home.

Frame houses can be erected by people with an average income, this is a good ratio of quality and price. It is also an investment of money in a big business in the future.

Houses made of foam blocks are durable, retain heat well, are fireproof, moisture-proof, soundproofed. Such houses are quickly being erected, 1 foam concrete is able to replace 15 bricks of wall masonry. For the construction of a private house, in addition to foam concrete, aerated concrete can also be used. This material is durable, non-flammable, does not corrode, rot, and is energy efficient.