Rules of conduct for obzh. “Rules for safe behavior at home and on the street”

To achieve their criminal goals, terrorists use different kinds terrorist acts: they organize explosions, start fires, hijack planes, carry out mass poisonings, take hostages or simply kill people.

The most dangerous terrorist acts include explosions in crowded places (in markets, in train stations, in cinemas, during demonstrations, etc.); seizure of aircraft and ships, cars and other vehicles, holding hostages in them; kidnapping for ransom and threats of physical destruction of the hostage; impact on hazardous industrial facilities (for example, chemically hazardous industries, nuclear power plants, arsenals and other dangerous military facilities, the destruction or disruption of which may cause mass destruction of people); poisoning of water supply systems and food products; artificial spread of pathogens infectious diseases; artificial contamination of the area with radioactive waste.

Rules of conduct in case of possible explosion danger

Currently, the most typical action of terrorists is organizing explosions in crowded places and residential buildings.

Unfortunately, explosions on the street, in the yard, in the entrances of houses and cars have become part of our everyday life. Terrorists have a rich arsenal - from improvised explosive devices to grenades and mines used in the Armed Forces.

    Timely detection of explosive objects will save the lives of you and other people.

Signs that may indicate the presence of explosive devices:

  • an unknown item in a car, entrance, in the yard of a house, etc. (an explosive device can be disguised in a beer can, a pack of cigarettes, a toy, a bottle, a piece of pipe, a milk carton, any package or box);
  • stretched wire, cord;
  • wires or insulating tape hanging from under the car;
  • fresh scratches and dirt on glass, doors and other objects;
  • prominent areas of freshly dug or dried soil that were not there before;
  • your apartment has traces of recent renovation work (paint, plaster, etc.), about which you know nothing;
  • someone else's bag, briefcase, box or other item that happens to be close to your car, house, or apartment.

If there is an explosion

  • Try to calm down and clarify the situation.
  • Proceed carefully, do not touch damaged structures and wires.
  • In a destroyed or damaged room, due to the danger of an explosion of accumulated gases, do not use open flames (matches, lighters, candles, torches, etc.), and also do not turn on electric lights, as damaged wires may catch fire.
  • In case of smoke, protect your respiratory organs with a handkerchief (piece of cloth, towel) moistened with water.
  • Turn on the local (apartment) warning system and check the possibility of mutual communication (using television, radio, telephone communication, voices).
  • In case of forced evacuation, take the necessary personal items, money, and valuables. Isolate the apartment (close all doors and windows), immediately report the incident by phone to the relevant law enforcement agencies. Notify neighbors to evacuate. Help the elderly and disabled leave the premises. Take into account the persons remaining in the premises. Close the front door tightly without locking it.
  • If it is impossible to evacuate, you must take measures to ensure that you are known. Go out onto the balcony or open the window and loudly call for help.
  • When leaving home, move to a safe distance from it and do not make independent decisions about going to relatives and friends.
  • Act strictly in accordance with the instructions of officials.

Rules of conduct in cases of being taken hostage

  • Do not expose yourself to unnecessary risk, try to limit contact with criminals, do not cause aggression in them with your actions or words, especially if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Try to mitigate the hostility of criminals as much as possible by remaining flexible, calm and peaceful.
  • Do not resort to extreme measures to free yourself if you were unable to break free and run when captured.
  • From the moment of capture, control your actions, try to record all the actions of the criminals.
  • Assess your location and do not give in to panic, try to remain calm, even if criminals threaten you with physical harm, and also try to limit your mobility, create difficult living conditions, for example, limiting your food and water.
  • Use every opportunity to convey information about your location, signs of criminals, and the characteristics of their behavior to your relatives or law enforcement agencies.
  • Do not react to the provocative actions of terrorists, do not ask them questions and try not to look them in the eyes: this may cause additional aggression towards you. Follow the terrorists' demands and ask them for permission for any of your actions.
  • In a vehicle captured by a terrorist, stay in your place, do not move around the cabin, and try to attract the attention of criminals as little as possible.
  • Avoid rash actions that may threaten your life and the lives of other passengers, especially when aircraft are hijacked by terrorists.
  • In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during the assault of a special unit), try to hide behind objects (chair, table and other pieces of furniture), cover your body from bullets with improvised means, with everything that can weaken the penetrating effect of bullets.
  • Try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, portholes, hatches and take a horizontal position, remaining in it until the commander of the assault group receives a command to exit the room. In the future, unquestioningly follow all his commands.
  • During the assault, do not pick up the weapons of criminals, as you may be mistaken for bandits and open fire to kill.
  • Try, if possible, not to let the bandits take your place among the hostages.

    The success of your liberation depends on your endurance and ability to navigate a difficult environment.

Ensuring personal safety during a shootout

A person can find himself under a hail of bullets for a variety of reasons: criminal, political, military. IN Lately This situation has become quite common. How should a civilian behave in this situation?

Rules of conduct during a shootout

  • You cannot stay indoors near windows. This is dangerous: after all, a bullet, having flown into a room, can ricochet off the walls and ceiling, and more than once, especially in concrete houses.
  • You must immediately move away from the windows. If there is a bathroom, then it is advisable to hide there, lie on the floor or in the bathtub.
  • While in your shelter, you need to monitor the appearance of smoke and fire. Every 3-5th bullet is a tracer, so the risk of fire is high.
  • If a fire starts and the shooting does not stop, you must crawl out of the burning room (apartment), closing the doors behind you. In the entrance, it is best to hide away from the windows, for example in a niche.
  • It is dangerous to approach windows and go out onto the balcony, even if they are shooting far from your home.
  • When outdoors, you need to find shelter. This could be a building overhang, stone steps, a monument, a fountain, a concrete pillar, a brick fence or a curb. You need to crawl to the shelter. It is dangerous to run: they may be mistaken for an enemy.
  • If you are hiding behind a car, keep in mind that its metal is thin and there is fuel in the tank, but in any case, even such shelter is better than no shelter at all.
  • In such cases, there is no clear advice; the decision must be made on the spot, taking into account the situation.


  1. Currently, terrorism poses a serious threat to Russia's national security. Terrorism is the most dangerous crime against humanity, an extreme form of violence and cruelty against a person; any terrorist act is a crime.
  2. To counter terrorism, a system of measures equally diverse in forms and areas of effort must be created to prevent terrorist acts and reduce their consequences. One of the directions in this work at the individual level is preparing each person to comply with anti-terrorism security measures in Everyday life and the ability to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack.
  3. It is necessary to know and follow recommendations on the rules of safe behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.
  4. It is necessary to follow a number general rules personal safety in everyday life, which will allow you to reduce the consequences of a terrorist attack.


  1. What safety rules should be followed when finding an ownerless item?
  2. What safety precautions are recommended if you are taken hostage?
  3. What security measures are recommended to be observed when special forces storm an object captured by terrorists?
  4. What safety precautions are recommended during a shootout?


Rules for safe behavior at school

A school is a specially built building that is equipped with everything necessary for the study and life of children. The school has many rooms - classrooms, laboratories, workshops, sports and assembly halls. You can leave your outerwear in the cloakroom, have lunch in the dining room, and get help at the medical center. Typically a school building has two or three floors and a basement.

For safety reasons, schools are not built with multi-story buildings. In the event of a fire, it is very difficult to evacuate people from a high-rise building, especially small children. Therefore classes primary school are always located on the first floor.

School life is subject to strict rules and daily routine. The school director is responsible for the implementation of all rules, including the safety of children, and the administration helps him in this - deputy directors, teachers, medical worker, secretary, janitor, etc. Each of them has their own responsibilities.

After each lesson there is a break - school recess. This is the time when students of all classes go out into the corridors to relax, move from one office to another, and have a snack in the buffet. It happens that schoolchildren play pranks during recess, run around flights of stairs, shouting, pushing. The high school students on duty maintain order in the school yard and corridors. The requirements of the duty officers are mandatory for all students. When moving to another office, you should stay closer to your classmates and walk along the corridor and stairs on the right side. Running, especially down stairs, is just as dangerous as sliding down banisters. You should walk at a walk, holding the railing with your hands.

During lessons in subject rooms, dangerous situations that threaten injury are also possible. In class, teachers sometimes joke about a student who is falling asleep - you will fall asleep and break your forehead on the desk. Such an injury, of course, is unlikely even for a lazy person worn out by the spring sun. But even in the classroom, during lessons, troubles happen. Fingers and toes can be caught in hinged lids of desks or chairs, pull-out desk drawers, or entrance or interior doors. Therefore, be careful! Do not sharpen pencils with a knife or blade; use safe sharpeners for this.

Be especially careful in laboratories. Follow the safety rules outlined by the teacher. Poisonous chemical compositions and their vapors, open flames of burners, sharp objects, electricity If done incorrectly, they can cause serious injuries.

There is a high risk of injury during labor training classes. When mastering the simplest skills of working with carpentry, plumbing and other tools, working on machines and with electrical mechanisms, you are doing many things for the first time.

The fact that you have seen many times how someone chops with an ax or drills with a drill is not enough. To acquire sustainable work skills, you will have to shed a lot of sweat and get calluses and bumps. The teacher's task at the initial stage is to teach you to work safely, avoiding injury.

During school, a situation may arise that requires you to quickly leave the school building, such as a fire. Usually there is panic, a stampede, children can jump out of the window, get injured and even die. To prevent this from happening, both teachers and students regularly practice leaving the school building in an orderly manner without interfering with each other.

The rules of conduct in case of danger provide the following:

Danger alert. If you notice a fire, you should immediately report it to the teacher, janitor or any school employee.

Exit without dangerous place(evacuation). You must know the escape routes from the school building. Schemes of these paths are located on the walls in the school corridors. You should familiarize yourself with them in a calm environment before anything happens. Under the guidance of the teacher, students quickly take their things (if time permits) or leave the building without things along the indicated route. Having retreated to a safe distance, everyone stands together, ready for further action.

Providing assistance to victims. You should examine and ask your comrades how they feel. Are there any wounds, cuts, bruises, is anyone feeling sick, is anyone dizzy? If necessary, call a teacher or nurse to explain what happened. In addition, you must be ready to carry out instructions from adults - bring water, a first aid kit, etc.

In the event of an emergency evacuation, a teacher may not always notice the problems of each student. For example, when leaving school, when the corridors are filled with smoke, your eyes sting and it is difficult to breathe. You must be able to protect yourself, in this case your eyes and respiratory organs. To do this, bend closer to the floor. It is even possible to move on all fours - hot air with smoke rises, and below it is cooler and there is less smoke. You should cover your face with a wet scarf, hat or mitten and, keeping up with your comrades, leave the building. If you feel bad and cannot move, call loudly for help.

When each person protects himself from danger with the help of improvised or special means, this is called the use of personal protective equipment.

It is also possible that you have to use not only individual means. For example, there is a danger of a hurricane. In the middle of the day, clouds rolled in, the wind got stronger, and it began to rain. The wind is even stronger, it is already tearing off slate sheets from the roofs of houses and breaking tree branches. You can’t send your children home; it’s dangerous to stay in the classrooms: window panes could be broken. The director decides to save everyone in the basement of the school or nearby houses. In the basement, which must be prepared in advance for such a situation, the entire school staff can take refuge from danger.

Thus, if necessary, collective means of protection are used, such as shelters in basements or specially built shelters.

We have looked at some rules of conduct at school in the event of a natural disaster or fire. Summarize. Protection from dangerous situations at school can be organized in three ways:

The exit from the danger zone is evacuation.

Protection by individual means.

Use of collective means. All protection issues are handled by the Civil Defense Service. The head of the school's civil defense is its director.

When dangerous situations arise, the school often cannot cope with the disaster on its own. Then specialists from various services come to the rescue. In case of fire - rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For injuries, burns and wounds - emergency medical services. If the buildings are destroyed - the builders with their powerful equipment.

When bombs and wartime shells are discovered, they are neutralized by military sappers. But for any dangerous situation You can't do it without police officers.

Often citizens themselves, including schoolchildren, can help in the work of state security services. For example, if you see unfamiliar objects on the street or in the school yard, and these could be small containers, barrels, trunks, bags, packages, ampoules, you should not try to open them or even come close to them. You should immediately notify adults about the find - parents, teachers, watchmen, or call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and explain what was found and where, say your name and wait for the rescuers to arrive.

Foreign objects can be planted by terrorists or hooligans, and they can contain explosives and toxic substances. If you try to open such an object out of curiosity, turn it, roll it, an explosion or release of a toxic substance is possible, and not only you, but also other people will suffer. The rescuers who arrive will sort it out and prevent an emergency from arising.

Even if the alarm turns out to be false and the bag is lost by an absent-minded citizen, there will be no claims against you. After all, your call is not anonymous, and you acted to prevent an emergency.

Rules for safe behavior

Dear guys, there are certain situations in which you can get hurt. To prevent this from happening, study these recommendations and discuss them with your parents and friends. Remember these recommendations and follow them. This will help your safety. If something does happen to you, be sure to tell your parents or those you trust about it. If something does happen to you, be sure to tell your parents or those you trust about it.

If you are alone at home...
Check that Entrance door was locked
If they knock on the window, stay away from it
The doorbell rang - look through the peephole and ask “who’s there?” DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR!
Never answer questions from strangers, no matter who they introduce themselves to be.
When answering every phone call, say “Hello”, “They’re listening”, but do not give your last name, telephone number and home address, even if the voice seems familiar, do not answer questions
If they say obscenities on the phone, hang up
Carry your house keys in a secret pocket so that no one except your parents knows about it
Let your parents introduce you to someone in your neighborhood who you can turn to for help while they're away.
You approached your apartment and the door is open - IMMEDIATELY go to your neighbors and call the police
You saw a stranger near the apartment, do not approach him. Ask your neighbors for help
When you leave your apartment “for a minute” - to get the mail or take out the trash - be sure to look through the peephole. If you see a stranger, DO NOT GO OUT!

If you're waiting for the elevator...
A stranger wants to get into the elevator with you. If you were forgetful, go down to the mailbox, but don’t go into the elevator with him, even if the person seemed harmless to you
If you are being pushed into an elevator with your mouth covered, try to hit the attacker with any object or bite his finger.
Try to get out of the elevator: press “Stop” and the button for the nearest floor
If you hear people walking up the stairs, shout, try to attract their attention, ask for help
If you have a gas can or any sharp object, use it
Never threaten the rapist to tell everyone what is happening. This may provoke him to attack
Try to engage the criminal in conversation. Find out what he wants and whether it is worth doing it this way.
Offer to go to your house. Name any floor, maybe there will be a chance to escape (it’s more realistic to get to the street from the lower floors)
If you feel that the conversation is not going well, cling to the rapist, try to hug him and, if possible, grab his nose, lips or ear with your teeth, hit him in the groin. This should disable it for a while. While he is writhing in pain, run away.
If there is no way to get closer, hit him with a bag or kick him in the groin and/or under the knee, and step on his foot painfully.
If possible, run away. Don’t pack your clothes and belongings, run with what you have.
If violence was committed, immediately tell your parents about it and call the police. Remember that what happened is not your fault!

If you're alone on the street...
You approach the entrance and see a stranger not far from the door, do not enter the entrance until he leaves
Be careful when leaving the entrance. Open the door slowly and don’t run: there may be a car driving ahead
Always refuse to visit strangers
If you see teenagers heading sharply in your direction, then, avoiding contact, go to the first store you come across
Always refuse to get into a car with strangers or even acquaintances without your parents' knowledge.
For games, choose places away from roads and cars.
Refuse to go into basements and attics
If you leave home without your parents, leave a note telling you where you are going and with whom, where to look for you and when you will return.
To all persuasions of strangers to go with them, to look for your parents or offers to take you home, ALWAYS answer with a refusal!
If there is shooting on the street, stay home and stay away from windows
If shooting catches you on the street, lie down on the ground and try to hide. Crawl around the corner of the house or behind any obstacle (stop, flowerbed)
If you are forced into a car, shout “My name is…. My phone…. Call my parents! Or “They want to steal me! I don't know these people! Call the police! The text should be as short and clear as possible
You're in a car, they're taking you somewhere. Try to attract the attention of other drivers: turn the steering wheel, break glass, induce vomiting
Fasten your seat belt or grab the seat tightly and suddenly open the door wide. This will attract the attention of passers-by and other drivers. If possible, jump out of the car and run without wasting time.
If you feel like you often meet the same person on your way to school or home, tell your parents about it. Ask them to accompany you or change your route
Walk along illuminated streets, always cross the road only in authorized places
Avoid parks and forested areas. Remember: the shortest route is not the best!
Be careful everywhere and always. Know: your peer may also be a criminal
Refuse to allow friends you don't know well to visit you.
Don't invite anyone into an empty apartment. Teenagers often work as spotters for thieves. It’s easier for them to contact you with a request, for example, for a phone call, and when you open the door, a completely different person may enter the apartment.

We all live in a modern and complex world, where, unfortunately, there are many dangers that await us on the path of life. In order to protect yourself in this or that difficult situation or avoid it altogether, you need to know what emergency situations there are and how to behave if trouble happens. Let's look at the most common situations that occur in everyday life and learn how to protect yourself, as well as your loved ones.


In the chemistry lab:
- coordinate experiments with the teacher;
- read product labels and follow instructions;
- become familiar with the properties of substances;
- carry out experiments with volatile substances under traction;
- close containers immediately;
- sniff, directing the air with your hand and cannot taste;
- do not eat.

In the physics room:
- do not connect devices to the network without the permission of the teacher;
- having discovered a malfunction, turn off the device;
- do not touch exposed wires and capacitors.

In physical education lessons:
- start the lesson with a warm-up;
- check the serviceability of the simulators;
- belay on gymnastic apparatus.

In technology lessons:
- with cutting and piercing instruments, direct the cutting surfaces away from the body;
- body position must be stable;
- parts of clothing should not fall under the cutting edge;
- remove chips from the tool.


What dangers might there be from students?

They may extort money from you. Or valuables. Don't run away from extortionists. Most likely, they will catch up with you and beat you. When asked to give money or something valuable, give it. Life is more precious. But if you do nothing at all, it can happen again. Therefore, you need to seek help; you should not pretend to be a “tough guy.” You need to contact people you trust. We hope that these are the parents and the class teacher.

Don't go into the school bathroom if there's a party going on there. big company or an unfamiliar adult is standing.
-If a stranger comes to pick you up at school and says that his mother (father, grandmother) sent him and offers to go with him, refuse.
-Friends encourage you to prove your courage and prowess. They persuade you to steal something from a store or from a car. Don’t be fooled by the primitive: “What, weak.” This is not daring, but a criminal offense. You're not that stupid.
-It seemed to you that you were meeting the same person on the way to school, or that he began to appear nearby often. Tell your parents and ask them to accompany and meet you, change the route. It must be safe. Drive along illuminated streets, avoid parks and forested areas. Remember: the shortest route is not the best! By shortening the route home, you risk shortening your life.


Life in the city can be more dangerous than in deserted and wild places. In concrete jungles, people are usually isolated from each other. This indifference to other people's problems plays into the hands of criminals. And they take advantage of it. It is not uncommon for crimes to be committed in a dark entrance, at a transport stop or in a quiet park. If we stick to some elementary rules, then the likelihood of protecting your life, health, and dignity from criminal attack will increase significantly.

Before going outside, plan your future route and choose the safest route.
- Tell your parents where you are going and when you will return. This should not be interpreted as restriction of freedom, control and corrosiveness of adults who violate their rights.
- If possible, be outside in the company of friends. Be picky about who you meet. If you are offered ice cream or juice, politely refuse. Psychotropic drugs may be mixed into the “gift”. Remember that when drinking alcohol with random people, you may be drugged with something. If something is offered, then you need to be able to say “no”. To make it easier to refuse, practice at home with friends as a game. One offers something (smoke, run away from class, try a drug), the other must turn up. This seemingly easy exercise will help you refuse obsessive people in real life.

Try not to appear in places that are notorious. Try not to walk through deserted places, stay away from construction sites, reconstructed and abandoned buildings, and avoid remote areas of parks and squares.
- It is necessary to develop the habit of looking around carefully when entering a new place.
- If you happen to return home in the evening, try to avoid short roads through courtyards, landfills, vacant lots and poorly lit streets. In dark neighborhoods, walk down the middle of the street.

If you walk along buildings in the dark, stay away from them.
- Walk along the sidewalk towards the direction of traffic (so that they cannot be approached by a car from behind).
- If a car approaches you and the driver behaves aggressively, scream and run away in the opposite direction.
- Avoid coming close to parked vehicles with the engine running.
- When you see a noisy group of teenagers ahead, cross to the other side of the street.
- Turn around and check your suspicions if you feel like someone is following you.
- When entering and exiting public transport, be very careful and hold your bag with valuables close to you.
- Do not show your wallet and where it is stored to strangers.
- Keep money in your inner pockets.
- Do not enter the entrance, especially the elevator with strangers.

Junior schoolchildren should know well their home address and the telephone number of both their home and work parents.
Never accept sweets, gifts, money, or an invitation to go for a ride in a car from strangers.
It is extremely dangerous to agree to go or travel with strangers who ask them to do something (for example, find a lost cat or dog, bring things, play together, take a photo with them).

Don't engage in conversation with strangers. Especially when they try to find out where and with whom you live, where your parents work, etc.

If you see people fighting on the street, do not get involved in the fight. Avoid this dangerous place and tell adults to call the police.
If a group of people stops you with questions like “there’s no light” or “what time is it,” continue moving, answering as you go that you don’t smoke or that you don’t have what they’re asking. This way you will prevent them from surrounding you and will let you know that you are not scared.
If they grab you on the street and try to take you into a building, or push you into a car, or just try to drag you somewhere - scream, resist, call the police, attract attention to yourself by any means. If this happens indoors, shout “Fire!” Usually everyone who heard you responds to this cry, because a fire carries danger for everyone.


Never run into the road in front of an approaching car. This is dangerous because the driver cannot stop the car immediately.
The road must be crossed at specially designated places using pedestrian crossings.
Go out onto the roadway only after making sure that there is no approaching traffic on both the left and the right.

When getting off the bus, do not run out onto the road. Wait until the bus leaves, and only then, after making sure that there are no cars, cross the road.
It is dangerous to ride onto the roadway on skateboards and roller skates.
Do not run onto the road outside the pedestrian crossing zone; in this place the driver does not expect pedestrians and will not be able to instantly stop the car.

It is dangerous to play ball and other games near the roadway; it is better to do this in the yard or on the playground.
Know how to use a traffic light.
Remember! Only strict adherence to the Rules traffic protects you all from dangers on the road.


Wait for transport only at stops that are indicated by signs, do not go out onto the roadway.

Enter and exit the vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop.

Do not jump into vehicles while they are moving, do not stand on protruding parts or steps of cars.

Walk around the bus and trolleybus from behind, tram in front.

In case of an accident on a bus, use doors and ventilation hatches to escape.

In case of an accident in a trolleybus or tram, jump out of the passenger compartment without touching the handrail, since the car may be energized.

- Do not run along the escalator, do not place things or sit on the steps and handrails, do not stand with your back in the direction of movement.
- Don’t linger when getting off the escalator.
- Do not go close to the edge of the platform, do not go beyond the limit line.
- Do not approach the carriage until the train has completely stopped.
- Do not try to retrieve objects that have fallen on the rails yourself.
- If you fall on the rails, either quickly get up and run along the train
towards the stairs, along which you can climb to the platform, or lie down in the groove between the rails, covering your head with your hands, with your head facing the movement of the train.
- In the carriage, in any dangerous situations, use emergency communication with the driver: press the button, give the carriage number, take your time, tell me what happened.

- Do not sit in the front seat if you are under 12 years old.
- Once in the car, fasten your seat belt.
- If a collision is unavoidable, place your feet on the floor, cradle your head in your hands, and tighten your seat belt. When in the back seat, lie on your side.
- If an accident occurs, push out the front or rear window with your feet or break it with any heavy object. Once you get out, help the others get out, get a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher from the car.


Remember: it is dangerous to play around with matches and lighters; they are intended for household needs, but not for games. Even a small spark can lead to a big fire.

It is dangerous for young children to use household electrical appliances, such as irons, kettles, televisions, or turn on gas stoves etc., heat the stoves yourself, light fires.

Fires most often occur for the following reasons:
- careless handling of fire, playing with flammable objects;
- violation of rules fire safety when operating household electrical appliances, stoves.


First of all, call the rescue service by phone “01”.
Tell us what is on fire and the exact address.
If there are adults nearby, you need to call them for help. Never hide in secluded places during a fire (under a bed, in a closet, in a closet, etc.), as it will be difficult for firefighters to find you.
If the room fills with acrid smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth, bend down to the floor and leave the room immediately.
Know for sure that there are two from home life-saving exit: If you can’t get out through the door, call for help from the window or balcony.
If a fire occurs in your apartment and you have the opportunity to leave it, run outside, don’t forget to close the door tightly behind you and immediately inform the first passersby you meet about the fire so that they call the fire department.
A fire can occur in the entrance or in another apartment. If there is fire or smoke in the entrance, do not leave the apartment. Open a window or balcony and call for help.
During a fire, you cannot use the elevator: it may stop between floors.
If your clothes catch fire, fall and roll to knock out the flames.
If you burn your hand, for example, put it under a stream of cold water and call an adult for help.


The main thing: do not go into the forest alone, it is very dangerous. Inform your relatives (friends) about your route and return time.

What to take with you to the forest?
When going on a hike or just to the forest, be sure to take with you the essentials, namely: a compass, a knife, matches, salt, a small food ration, light spare clothes. Pack matches and clothes in plastic to prevent them from getting wet in case of rain. It is advisable to wear bright clothes: In case of searches, you will be easier to spot in the forest.

How to navigate in the forest?
Before entering the forest, find out where the main landmarks are: roads, rivers, streams, settlements in order to schematically represent the boundaries of the area in which you will walk. Determine the cardinal directions using a compass so that you know in which direction you will need to return. If you don’t have a compass, then remember which side the sun is shining from; when you return, it should shine from the other side.

If you're lost
First of all, don’t panic. Calm down, take a few deep breaths, rest for a few minutes. While you are resting, remember where and how you walked, listen for sounds that indicate the proximity of people. Know that in silence (especially in the evening) the audibility of various sounds is as follows:

Vehicle movement along the highway 1 - 2 km;
- vehicle movement on a dirt road 1 km;
- rifle shot 2 – 4 km;
- conversation – 250 m;
- loud scream 1 – 1.5 km.

But don't rush to follow the sound. It is necessary to check its direction several times. The sound is better heard on slides when the wind subsides.
When you come out to a stream or a small river in the forest, go downstream, the water will lead you to people.
While in the forest, do not put unfamiliar berries and mushrooms in your mouth, they can be poisonous.
Remember! They will look for you, but salvation largely depends on your competent behavior in the forest.


To avoid trouble, follow the rules of behavior on the water:
- do not go swimming without adult supervision;
- swim only in specially designated and equipped places;
- do not give false alarms;
- do not swim beyond the safety signs and do not swim close to passing vessels, boats, boats;
- it is dangerous to swim far, as you may not calculate your strength;

If you are caught in a current, swim diagonally to the nearest shore;
- if you get into a whirlpool, take in more air into your lungs, plunge into the water, and make a strong jerk to the side, swim out;

When swimming, do not let yourself get chills. Hypothermia may cause convulsions, respiratory arrest, and loss of consciousness;
- avoid heat stroke, do not stay in the sun for a long time;
- it is dangerous to jump or suddenly enter the water after a long stay in the sun. When cooling in water, a sharp reflex contraction of muscles occurs, which entails cessation of breathing;
- follow the drinking regime.
Remember: when near the water, never forget about your own safety, be extremely careful!




Pedestrians must cross railroad tracks only in designated areas on pedestrian decks or bridges and in places where “Crossing the Tracks” signs are installed.

Before crossing the path on the pedestrian deck, you must make sure that there is no moving train, locomotive or carriage.

When a train, locomotive or carriage approaches, you should stop, let them pass and, after making sure that there is no moving rolling stock on adjacent tracks, continue crossing.

When approaching a railway crossing, citizens should carefully monitor the light and sound alarms, as well as the position of the barrier. You can cross the track only if the barrier is open, and if it is not there, before crossing the tracks, you need to make sure that a train, locomotive or carriage is not approaching the crossing.


Walk along the railway tracks.
Walk around a standing train at a distance of less than 5 meters from a carriage or locomotive, and between standing carriages in a “gap” at a distance of at least 10 meters.
Use railway paths as footpaths.
Cross or run across railway tracks in front of a nearby train if the distance to it is less than 400 meters.
Cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction.
Cross railway crossings when the barrier is closed or the crossing signal is showing a red traffic light.
At stations and stages, crawl under the cars and climb over the automatic couplers to cross the track.
Walk along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail.
Walk across railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with paths for pedestrians.
Climb under a closed barrier at a railway crossing, and also go out onto the crossing when the barrier begins to close.
In electrified areas, climb onto overhead contact line supports.
Approach an electrical wire lying on the ground at a distance of closer than 8 meters.


Boarding (disembarking) into cars should be done only after the train has come to a complete stop.
Exiting and boarding cars must be done only from the side of the platform or boarding platform.
Young children should be held by the hand or in your arms!


Drive on the roofs, steps, and transition platforms of carriages.
Boarding and disembarking while the train is moving.
Leaning out of carriage windows and vestibule doors while the train is moving.
Stand on steps and transition platforms, open carriage doors while the train is moving, delay the opening of automatic doors on commuter trains.
Travel on freight trains without special permission.
Traveling on trains while drunk.
Leaving children unattended on boarding platforms and in carriages.
Carry flammable and explosive substances in carriages.
Get out of the cars at the intertrack and stand there as an oncoming train passes.
Jump from the platform onto the train tracks.
Organize various outdoor games on the platform.
Run along the platform next to the carriage of an arriving or departing train, and also be closer than two meters from the edge of the platform while the train passes without stopping.
Approach the train cars before it comes to a complete stop.
Unnecessarily stop the train without permission.


Any person, by coincidence of circumstances, can become a hostage to criminals. At the same time, they, criminals, can achieve any goals. In all cases, your life can become a bargaining chip for terrorists. Seizure can occur in transport, in an institution, on the street, in an apartment.

If you are taken hostage or kidnapped, we recommend that you adhere to the following rules of conduct:
- the most important thing: do not panic;
- do not allow actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties;
- endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look criminals in the eyes, do not behave defiantly;
- if necessary, comply with the demands of criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try to avoid hysterics and panic;
- ask permission to perform any actions (sit down, stand up, drink, go to the toilet);
- if you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss. Remember: your goal is to stay alive.

Remember that upon receiving the message about your capture, the special services have already begun to act and will do everything necessary for your release.

During the operation for your release by the special services, strictly follow the following rules:
- lie face down on the floor, cover your head with your hands and do not move;
- under no circumstances run towards security officers, it is dangerous;
- if possible, stay away from doorways and windows.

If you find a suspicious item that may be explosive

If the discovered item does not seem to you to be “in this place and at this time,” do not ignore this fact.
If you find a forgotten or ownerless item in public transport, tell an adult about it or ask people around you. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the driver or conductor.
If you find a suspicious item in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors to see if it belongs to them. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the police by calling “02” or to the rescue service “01”.
If you find a suspicious item at a school, hospital or any other institution, immediately report the find to the administration.
In all of the above cases:
- do not touch, open or move the find;
- record the time of discovery of the find;
- move as far as possible from the dangerous find;
- be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team;
- do not forget that you are the most important eyewitness.

Remember: appearance an object may hide its real purpose. Conventional bombs are used as camouflage for explosive devices. household items: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc. Therefore, any object found on the street or in the entrance can pose a danger.

Do not take any action on your own with finds or suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices. This can lead to their explosion, numerous casualties and destruction!


  • Do not touch a wire hanging from a pole.
  • Do not touch exposed, poorly insulated wire.
  • Do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.
  • Do not use faulty (sparking, heating) sockets.

Before plugging the electrical plug into the outlet, make sure that it is from the appliance you are going to turn on.
Do not handle the electrical plug with a wet hand.
Don't drive a nail into a wall unless you know where the hidden wiring is.
Make sure that sockets and other connectors do not spark, get hot, or crackle. If the contacts are darkened, clean them and eliminate the cause of the loose connection.

It is not recommended to walk under high-voltage power lines. What they create in the air electrical voltage has a harmful effect on the body.
Do not get close to the broken wire: step voltage may affect you. If you still have to cross a dangerous zone near a wire lying on the ground, you need to do it running: so that only one leg touches the ground at a time.
When entering a trolleybus, you should not touch its side with your hand. The trolleybus body may be energized due to insulation breakdown. It is better to jump on the trolleybus rather than get off: so that there is no situation where one foot is on the ground and the other is on the trolleybus step. Electric trains and trams are not dangerous in this regard, because they are always grounded.


Do not approach an unfamiliar dog and do not show it “signs of attention.”
- If your dog is acting aggressively, never turn your back on it or run away.
- Move away from an aggressive dog by backing away, without fussing and without taking your eyes off it.
- Do not swing at the dog, do not pick up a stick or stone from the ground.
- Try to give commands in a loud and confident voice: “Ugh!”, “Stand!”, “Sit!”

If the dog is preparing to jump, take a stable position: put your slightly bent left (if you are right-handed) arm forward, wrapping it in a jacket, blazer, scarf, and press your chin tightly to your chest.
If the dog lunges at you, hit it (very hard and accurately) in the nose, groin and stomach.
If the dog manages to knock you to the ground, protect your throat. Humane treatment of a dog in such a situation is inappropriate.


Don't answer strangers on the phone.
- Don’t open the front door to anyone (even friends) without your parents.
- Do not engage in conversations with anyone through the door.
- Check that the door is securely closed.
- In a dangerous situation, use the police number 02, ambulance 03, fire department 01, gas service 04.
- If there is no phone:
- knock on your neighbors' radiator or wall with a metal object;
- go out onto the balcony and call for help.


Never disclose your passwords to anyone. They are your main secret. Create your own unique password that no one can guess. Do not write down passwords on pieces of paper or store them in the public domain. Do not send your passwords by email.

Remember that a photo posted on the Internet is available for everyone to view. Try not to post photos that show your family, school, home or other personal information.

Try not to date people you meet online.

Remember that many people tell lies about themselves on the Internet.

Do not use a webcam when communicating with strangers, remember to maintain distance from strangers.

Respect your interlocutors on the Internet. Never, under any circumstances, threaten others or post aggressive or provocative material. Be friendly. Do not be rude.

Remember that even on the Internet there is “netiquette”. If you write a message in capital letters, the other person may think that you are yelling at him.

Do not join unfamiliar communities and do not distribute informational, provocative or aggressive materials and messages at someone’s request.

Not everything you can read or see on the Internet is true. Don’t be lazy and double-check the information in other search engines or ask your parents.

Remember that there are sites that are not intended for children; do not go to sites “for those over 18 years old”, indecent or aggressive sites. If you arrived at such a site via a link, close your browser using the “ctrl+alt+delete” keys.

Tell everything you saw, learned or discovered new to an adult.

Do not under any circumstances indicate your phone number or email address, or send SMS from it to unknown numbers on the Internet.

If you receive a message from an unfamiliar address, it is better not to open it.

If you feel like your friends are sending you “strange” information or programs, ask them again if they have sent you any files. Sometimes scammers can act on behalf of strangers.

If you want to buy any service or game online, contact an adult. He will tell you how to avoid being scammed.

Do not download files, programs or music without adult consent - they may contain viruses and harm your computer.

Ask your parents to install an antivirus and special software on their computer that will block the spread of viruses.


Criminogenic means criminal. Crime statistics show the diversity of criminal situations; it is impossible to give any specific recommendations for all situations, we can only recommend behaving more carefully. Trust your intuition. If you feel uncomfortable in any place or situation, leave.

If you find yourself in a situation that seems dangerous to you, then it is very important to seize the initiative. This is in to a greater extent depends on you, on your self-control and your willpower. For example, boorish young people may come up and ask: “What are you staring at?” You need to be calm and not be rude, as aggressive young people are just waiting for this. You can simply answer: “What reasons could I have for looking at you?” This type of response to some extent relieves a tense situation and the aggressor may not always be able to immediately come up with an answer. In order not to escalate the situation, it is better not to shout or speak rudely to the aggressor at all. Also, do not turn your back to him, wave your arms, or gesticulate. You should not speak to the aggressor in a commanding or disrespectful tone. In a tense situation, it is very important to be able to listen and ensure that the conversation does not stop, because as soon as aggressive person or you run out of arguments, he may attack you. Criminologists believe that there is a greater chance of not being subjected to physical violence if you do not resist. Even though it is unnatural to human nature. Of course, during an attack, you need to assess the situation and your capabilities, think about the consequences, and only then take any retaliatory actions.

If in a dangerous situation you decide to run, then do it as quickly and suddenly as possible, while loudly calling for help or another option - turn around and walk towards the pursuer, boldly, looking him in the eye and walk past him a couple of meters. Don't let him get close to you.

If it was not possible to avoid contact, try to apply mental pressure, act assertively and boldly, but you need to be prepared for an attack.

In the event of an attack, bite, scratch, and boldly use self-defense measures. Sometimes even an attempt to resist sharply reduces the desire of the criminal to continue the attack. The criminal expects to find you only as a passive victim, so any resistance on your part will take the criminal by surprise and may lead him to confusion.

The main rule is not to panic, act calmly, using your mind and ingenuity.

Do not provoke your opponent to escalate the conflict, do not respond with rudeness to rudeness, insult to insult, this may push him to aggressive actions.

When real threats and attempts to take possession of your things, it is better to give them away. Decide for yourself once and for all what is more valuable to you – things, money or life.

A very effective weapon on the street is an ordinary whistle. Not only can it cause confusion to the criminal, but it also attracts the attention of police patrols.

Try to remember the criminal’s appearance, paying special attention to scars, tattoos, and what he is wearing.

Remember: your greatest victory will be when you avoid physical contact in a conflict situation.

If you happen to witness a gang fight or a shootout, you need to lie on the ground face down with your arms stretched out in front of you so that you can see that there is nothing in your hands and you do not pose a threat.


In every city these days, specially trained people walk the streets and try to talk to both children and adults. Their only goal is to arouse interest in the totalitarian sect. What it is?

A totalitarian sect is an organization of people that restricts human freedoms and rights and poses a danger to life and health.
She achieves her goals by deceiving and confusing people's minds.
Often cult members think that they are the smartest and know the truth that others are not aware of. Their only goal is money and power.

Cultists are not always easy to recognize. They often hide under the guise of an educational center or religion. These people will smile at you a lot, listen attentively and show kindness with all their appearance. In reality, their main desire is to make the victim believe. They love to tell the meaning of life and how to achieve success. After establishing friendship with a new person, they will force him to work for the sect, pay money and honor it. Remember, this is all a hoax!

Any sect is an organization whose leadership wants to gain unlimited power, influence and money. The masks here are very different - philosophical, religious, psychological... A sect can pretend to be a charity committee, a university, courses in English or psychological training.

There are satanic, Protestant, pagan, oriental sects. One thing unites them: hiding behind words about goodness and truth, they separate people. Those who are with them are their own, good, those who are not with them are bad, enemies.

All the activities of the sect are aimed at making you stop thinking. Then you can be manipulated as you please: force you to work for free and around the clock, lie and rob others.

Sects are cunning and flexible. They appeal to very distinct and clear psychological needs: not to be alone, to find people to talk to, to feel part of a group of like-minded people, where you will be accepted as one of their own. And once you get there, in six months you won’t recognize your parents. If you try to leave the sect, you will end up going... out the window. And it all started so wonderfully: you found new friends and the meaning of life to boot...

So, let's make a few rules in order not to fall into a totalitarian sect:
1) Be cheerful and purposeful. If something doesn’t work out in life, cry less, and instead take it and do it! Keep your nose up. Remember that solving problems makes you stronger every time.
2) Listen and consult only with those you can trust. First of all, these are parents and teachers. Your parents can praise or scold you, the teacher can give you an A or a D, but they will never wish you anything bad.
3) Learn history and other sciences. All knowledge (even mathematics!) helps a person understand the laws of nature and life.
4) If you meet people who are somewhat reminiscent of those we talked about, leave them immediately.

Dear guys, these simple rules will help you not only avoid sectarian networks, but also go towards your goals with your head held high.


How to survive in a crowd of people?

The best rule is to go far around it. If this is not possible, do not go against the crowd under any circumstances. Constantly anticipate the situation. Be sure to consider the environment around you and your location.

If the crowd carries you along with it, try to avoid its center, edge, dangerous proximity of shop windows, bars, fences, turnstiles. Avoid everything stationary on the way - pillars, pedestals, walls and trees. Otherwise, you may simply be crushed. Do not cling to anything with your hands - they may break.
If possible, buckle up. High-heeled shoes can cost you your life, just like an untied shoelace.

Throw away your bag, umbrella, free your hands. If you fall something (anything), under no circumstances try to pick it up - life is more valuable. In a dense mass of people, if you behave correctly, the likelihood of falling is not as great as the likelihood of being crushed. Therefore, protect your chest with clasped hands, folding them over your chest. Another technique is to elastically bend your elbows and press them to your body. Pushes from behind must be taken on the elbows; protect the chest by tensing your arms. But if you do fall, you should protect your head with your hands and get up immediately. This is very difficult, but you can do it by using this technique: quickly pull your legs towards you, group yourself and try to stand up with a jerk. It is unlikely that you will be able to rise from your knees in a dense crowd - you will be knocked down. Therefore, you need to put one foot on the ground and sharply straighten up, using the movement of the crowd. But I repeat – getting up is very difficult; preliminary protective measures are always more effective.

At a rally, demonstration, or in a crowd, against your will, you may find yourself participating in a political crowd or riots. You should not approach aggressive groups. Stay away from the police. During the suppression of unrest, you may suffer from the harsh measures of its employees. Do not lose control of yourself, do not make sudden movements, do not shout, do not run - otherwise you may be mistaken for a trespasser or instigator of riots. Demonstrate peace and calm with your entire appearance. If you are detained, do not immediately try to prove that it was done illegally, do not incite law enforcement officers against you.


  • If you have to communicate a lot on your cell phone, don't keep it next to your ear all the time. Buy yourself some headphones. This will partially reduce the influence of high-power radiation.
  • Keep in mind that not all mobile phone devices have the same radiation strength: some are more, others are less. Therefore, when buying a phone, be sure to ask to see a copy of the certificate for the model you choose, which will indicate that it meets the requirements of the FCC standard. This means that it does not exceed the already high radiation levels.

  • When choosing a telecom operator, give preference to the one that has the most extensive network of repeaters. Because the more the phone strains in search of a base station to communicate, the greater the dose of electromagnetic waves it emits.
  • Do not choose small mobile phone models, they are more powerful than large ones.
  • Many people like to talk on their mobile phones in minibuses and in cars to have fun on the road. You shouldn't do this. Because the mobile radiation is reflected from the metal body of the machine, increasing the power several times.
  • By the way, for the same reasons, it is also better to take off glasses with metal frames during a conversation.
  • After dialing the desired number, do not press it directly to your ear - it is during the connection that powerful radiation occurs. Therefore, monitor the call process by looking at the mobile phone screen, and only after the connection has occurred, bring it to your ear.
  • Keep your phone at least 2m from your bed to distance yourself from the field it emits.
  • If the number of “antennas” on your mobile screen has decreased, it means you are in an area of ​​weak signal coverage. This happens in train stations, airports, subways, and in basements. Try to avoid using mobile phone under such conditions, therefore the intensity of its electromagnetic radiation increases several times.
  • Try not to talk for more than three minutes.
  • Take breaks of at least 15 minutes between conversations.
  • Make sure that the total number of conversations per day does not exceed one hour.

Target: get acquainted with the basic rules for safe behavior of the population during an earthquake.

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Training complex: poster on the topic, presentation, video

Equipment: projector, computer, screen, audio speakers, CD “Ministry of Emergency Situations for Yourself”


I. Class organization.

Greetings. Checking the class roster.

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

  • Updating knowledge.
  1. What activities does the organization of protecting the population from the consequences of earthquakes include?
  2. What are the features of natural phenomena occurring in earth's crust, are taken into account when developing earthquake forecasts?
  3. What forecasts exist to determine the time of a possible earthquake?
  4. How do pets react to an approaching earthquake?

III. Checking homework.

Listening to several students' responses to homework(at the teacher's choice).

IV. Working on new material.

According to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the share of earthquakes in the total number of emergency situations in Russia is 8%. A fifth of Russia's territory is subject to earthquakes with an intensity of 7 points or more. Particularly dangerous earthquakes with an intensity of 8-9 points occur in the areas of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, North Caucasus, Baikal region and Yakutia.

Earthquakes often start suddenly, predicting them, as already noted, is difficult, and the ability to reliably determine when, where and how strong it will manifest itself is limited. In this regard, it is important to prepare the population for actions during an earthquake.

Based on an analysis of the consequences of earthquakes, specialists at various levels have developed recommendations for the population, knowledge of which will help them correctly navigate and act during an earthquake.

There are no clear recommendations that are acceptable for all cases of earthquake occurrence. They all wear general character and take into account the most frequently recurring situations. Knowing these recommendations well, each person will be able to quickly assess the current situation, their capabilities and choose the most rational way of behavior to ensure personal safety and the safety of others.

How to Prepare for an Earthquake

Specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations recommend having a pre-thought-out action plan during an earthquake when you are at home, in a public place, on the street, or in transport. Arrangements should be made for where the family will gather after the earthquake. It is important to have a list of telephone numbers: the city administration, the department for civil defense and emergency situations, the fire service, the search and rescue squad, the ambulance station.

You should prepare the most necessary things in advance and store them in a place known to all family members. It is better to store documents in one, easily accessible place. It is advisable to store a backpack there, which should contain an electric flashlight, matches, a first aid kit, spare clothes and shoes. At home, you need to have a supply of water and canned food for several days.

It is also recommended to move beds away from windows and external walls, close cabinets, shelves and racks in apartments, and remove heavy objects from upper shelves and mezzanines. Do not block the entrance to safer places (in the apartment, at school, at work) where you can wait out the shocks. You need to know where the switch, main gas pipe and water taps are located in order to turn off electricity, gas and water if necessary.

Before an earthquake you need to:

  • inspect your home from the point of view of seismic resistance;
  • attach furniture to the walls;
  • take note of places where a fire may occur and keep flammable substances away from them;
  • check the readiness of fire extinguishers and learn how to use them;
  • periodically change supplies of food and drinking water and keep them ready;
  • keep a rescue backpack with a blanket, warm clothes, a sleeping bag, a flashlight with spare batteries, a portable radio, strong shoes, and drinking water and go in a box for 2-3 days.

How to behave during an earthquake

In order to behave correctly during an earthquake, it is necessary to remember that its damaging effect on people, the destruction of residential buildings and various structures occur in very short time(tens of seconds). However, very rarely the cause of human casualties is a direct vibration of the Earth's surface. Most victims are the result of falling various objects, glass, stones, collapsing walls, etc., when strong vibrations shake and destroy buildings and structures.

With all the variety of causes of injuries and deaths, their number can be significantly reduced if you prepare in advance for an earthquake, think through the procedure for your actions, taking into account the recommendations of specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and other specialists.

It must be remembered that a strong earthquake is very often preceded by weak tremors - foreshocks. There are many cases where, after the first weak tremors, people left their homes and thereby escaped from the subsequent, stronger shaking.

It has been established that if an 8-9 magnitude earthquake begins, then from the moment when 5-6 magnitude tremors appear until the time when the strongest vibrations follow and there is a danger of destruction of the building, 15-20 seconds will pass. The strongest fluctuations last several tens of seconds, then decline.

When you feel the vibrations of the building, see the swinging of lamps, the fall of objects, hear the growing rumble and the sound of breaking glass, do not panic (from the moment you feel the first tremors, you have 15-20 seconds from the moment you feel the first tremors to vibrations that are dangerous for the building). Quickly exit the building, taking documents, money and essential items.


In case of an earthquake, take the stairs instead of the elevator!

Once outside, stay there, but do not stand near buildings, but move to an open space. Stay away from overhanging balconies and cornices, and beware of downed wires.

If you are forced to stay indoors, then stand in a safe place: interior wall, in a corner, in an internal wall opening or at a load-bearing support, because the main danger comes from the fall of the side walls of the house, ceilings, and chandeliers. If possible, hide under a table before the ceiling collapses - it will protect you from falling objects and debris. Stay away from windows and heavy furniture, do not use matches, etc. - if there is a gas leak, a fire may occur.

  • While at home during an earthquake, do not panic and remain calm, stay away from windows and electrical appliances, and constantly listen to information on the radio.
  • Open the doors to provide yourself with an exit if necessary, do not go out onto the balcony.
  • As soon as the first series of tremors ends, leave the house, but before leaving it, turn off the water taps, turn off the gas and electricity, and remove essential items and valuables.
  • Leave your home with your back against the wall, especially if you have to go down the stairs; gather all family members, as well as those living nearby, go to the nearest gathering center (it is advisable to move on foot, avoiding narrow, cluttered streets).

In a public place, the main danger is the crowd, which, succumbing to panic, runs without clearing the road. In this case, try to choose a safer path (another exit, or an emergency exit). Try not to fall, cross your arms over your stomach to avoid breaking your ribcage, and be careful not to get between the crowd and the obstacle.

If you are under the rubble of a building, breathe deeply, do not allow yourself to be overcome by fear and lose heart, you must try to survive at any cost, assess the situation and study what is positive in it.


A person is able to withstand thirst and, especially, hunger for a sufficient number of days, if he does not waste energy.

Believe that help will definitely come, adapt to the situation and look around, look for a possible way out, discard sad thoughts, focusing on the most important; if the only way out is a narrow hole, you must squeeze through it. To do this, you need to relax your muscles and gradually squeeze through, pressing your elbows to your sides and moving your legs forward, like a turtle.

What to do after an earthquake

Provide first medical care those in need. If you can, free those trapped in easily removable rubble. Be careful! Don't use your phone unless absolutely necessary. Turn on the radio broadcast. Obey the instructions of local authorities and disaster response headquarters. Check for damage to the electrical wiring. Fix the problem or turn off the electricity in the apartment.


In the event of a strong earthquake, electricity in the city is automatically turned off.

Check for damage to gas and water supply networks. Troubleshoot or disconnect networks. Do not use open flames. When going down the stairs, be careful and make sure they are strong.

Do not approach or enter visibly damaged buildings.

Be prepared for strong aftershocks, as the first 2-3 hours after an earthquake are most dangerous. It must also be remembered that strong earthquakes are usually followed by many tremors of gradually decreasing strength, some of which may be only slightly weaker than the main one. Such shocks following the main shock are called aftershocks. After a strong earthquake, aftershocks follow one after another with changing frequency and strength of shocks and can last several days, weeks and months, for which you also need to be prepared. Therefore, you should not enter buildings unless absolutely necessary. If such a need arises, then you should try to be there for as little time as possible.

Do not invent or broadcast any rumors about possible aftershocks. Use official information.

Work on the studied material.

Questions and tasks:

  1. What guidelines should you follow when preparing for an earthquake?
  2. How to behave correctly if an earthquake occurs?
  3. What would you do if an earthquake started unexpectedly while you were indoors?
  4. How to get out from under the rubble?
  5. What will be your actions if you are in a damaged apartment after an earthquake and hear a warning that tremors may happen again?
  6. What to do after an earthquake?

V. Lesson summary.

Teacher. Draw a conclusion from the lesson.

Students. Knowing the rules of safe behavior during an earthquake, each person will be able to quickly assess the current situation, their capabilities and choose the most rational way of behavior to ensure personal safety and the safety of others.

VI. End of lesson.

  1. Homework. § 2.3 Study carefully general recommendations specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and other specialists in the field of life safety and in the safety diary, draw up a plan of your actions taking into account local conditions and your capabilities.

It is advisable to have sections in the plan:

  • Actions that need to be taken before an earthquake so that it does not take you by surprise.
  • Several possible behavior situations during an earthquake.
  • Safety measures to be followed after an earthquake.
  • Examples from publications in newspapers and magazines of people’s behavior during earthquakes, assessment of the correctness of their behavior.
  1. Giving and commenting on ratings.