Borodin is a loss story. Diet Xenia Borodina: "No discharge days, no starvation! Food system Ksenia Borodina

Fan club at the leading reality show "House 2" Ksenia Borodina is big. All fans are closely followed by their favorite. This is not surprising. In this girl, so much charm and cheerfulness, and the beauty of God that woman generously endarily. True, after the birth, Ksyusha scored about 16 kg. But quickly returned seductive forms. Naturally, fans wondered: How did Ksenia Borodin lose?

Lose extra kilograms when you are inspired by your favorite idol, always easier and more interesting. That is why we decided to figure it out in order, from which the diet is our beloved Ksyusha.

When the Internet has become known for the fact about the slimming of Ksyusha Borodina, there is a pretty contradictory information. Everyone had an increased interest in what a diet was, which was so effective for leading after delivery.

Some comrades even tried to earn on such a magical transformation of Ksyusha. Created sites that were offered for a certain fee to send a magic diet in detail.

Others simply tried to attract attention, spreading "interesting" facts about the diet leading. They wrote, for example, that Ksyusha lost weight after childbirth, thanks to the enhanced consumption of cucumbers. In other sources, it was possible to meet information that Ksenia spreads goodbye to extra kilograms after several courses of hydrocolonotherapy AI passed, was cleaned by enema. Some wrote that the leading smokes hard to fit the feeling of hunger.

Of course, all this is not true. Ksenia Borodin lost weight only thanks to an integrated approach to his problem.

Constitution Borodina

The Constitution of Ksyusha implies a tendency to fullness. The banal limitation of itself in certain products is unlikely to help achieve such phenomenal results. How many kilograms would have lost a Borodin if it would just refuse some products? Well, by 4-5 kg. And how much did you need to lose a kilogram? In fact, at least 10 kg.

Therefore, it was important to take radical measures. Such measures and were undertaken. And the result was on the face. Favorite leading lost weight after giving birth by as much as 16 kg. Miniature Ksyusha, taking into account its low growth, very to face. And Ksenia herself says that now she likes it more.

Supply system

So what kind of power rules implies a diet, thanks to which Ksyusha dropped 16 kg?

Let's describe them:

  1. The diet implies an exception from its diet of confectionery, baking, fast food, oily food. There is also a ban on too calorie products - nuts, legumes.
  2. Borodin forgot about the use of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard. This was the required diet.
  3. The main products that include diet are fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and dairy products, meat and fish low-fat varieties cooked for a couple.
  4. Ksenia diet includes compliance with drinking mode. On the day she drank at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water. Borodin necessarily drunk a glass of water for half an hour before meals, which significantly reduces appetite.
  5. Diet involves the principle of fractional nutrition. It is impossible for a person for a long time without food. How much does he lose nerves at the same time? This makes it irritable, spoils the mood. Therefore, the feeling of hunger is better to sink as it approaches. Ksyusha was fed several times a day with small portions.
  6. This is a diet in which the first dishes often appear. They fill in the stomach perfectly, while the calorie content is very small. Thanks to sobes, you can remain full within 4-5 hours.

Physical exercise

It is stupid to think that you can lose weight by 16 kg after childbirth, without loading yourself physically. In fact, Ksenia actively worked on himself in the gym. Favorite TV presenter actively engaged in dancing, swimming.

So that fitness does not bother to her, she changed his different types, one on another. The presenter says that it was not specifically raped by the types of fitness that she was not interested.

She is convinced that throwing weight after giving birth helped her just those physical activitieswho brought her pleasure.

Healthy sleep

Borodin also focuses on how important for weight loss and wonderful healthy healthy sleep. Of course, the baby is not so simple with the baby, but Ksyusha tried to do it very much. It was a dream given to her forces in order to stick to the diet and engage exercise.

No Magic Tablet

As we see, there is no magic tablet in the Slimming System of Ksenia Borodin. It is also impossible to allocate some one aspect, which helped the TV host to reset after the birth of 16 kg. Everything worked in the complex.

Here, of course, the motivation of a losing weight person is also important. The TV presenter knew that dropping extra kilograms after childbirth, fans would love her even more. Borodina waited for a favorite job, for which it was worth losing weight. I wanted to please and your beloved husband, and for daughter to be an example of a beautiful mother.

TV presenter Ksenia Borodina after childbirth easily threw 25 kg! Want also? Find out 8 rules for slimming from the star, get 3 effective diets And lose up to 10 kg per month!

Now Ksenia Borodin with a height of 165 cm weighs 46 kilograms, however, if you believe some sources, after childbirth, the celebrity weight was about 70 kg. What a diet is sitting Ksyusha to keep himself in excellent form, we will tell today.

Photo by Ksenia Borodina after weight loss

How Loseava Borodina

The network presents the mass of versions of the TV host managed to lose weight. One of them says that it was only 400 kcal for the sake of his goal every day, but such a deficiency of calories and, therefore, macro and microelements, threaten serious health problems. Others are confident that Ksenia followed the advice of his namesake, and in the past, colleagues on the television building, Sobchak and not only limited himself in food, but also regularly put the enema with the addition lemon juice. Such a method cannot be called safe, since it is fraught with a disorder of intestinal microflora. Well, finally, the third people believe that the method of leading "House 2" was the technique, which she actively promoted one time, we will talk about this system today in detail.

There is a mass of fat combustion complexes, which the Ksyusha allegedly followed. Some of these will be discussed below, but if you wish to increase their effectiveness, then you should not neglect the following advice:

  1. Completely engage in sports and use protein cocktails and energy bars.
  2. Refuse sweet, white bread, fastfood.
  3. Drink, minimum, 8 cups of clean water.
  4. Tell me "Basta!" Alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  5. Be sure to eat soups.
  6. Food techniques arrange not on schedule, but when you feel hunger. However, the break between the trapes should not be shorter than 4 hours, and a drinking glass of water will help to deceive the stomach.
  7. Take multivitamin complexes.
  8. Tune in to positive and be sure that everything will work out.


It is impossible to experiment with the diet of the diet of Xenia by Borodina to women carrying and nursing baby, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teenagers and the people of old age. Even if there is no obvious reasons for refusing a losing weight like this way, be sure to check the competent physician.

Traditional method of Borodina

Perhaps the most popular diet Ksyusha Borodina is the one that she introduced several years ago together with Leoit. More precisely, the system was developed by this company, and the leading "telestroy" became only her face. The complex is called "losing weight in a week" and includes dietary sets, each of which is intended for use at a certain stage. In total these stages - 3, a total of a total of 3 months.

Maximum daily portion of calories is limited to the mark of 530 kcal. Thus, prepare for the fact that apathy, the decline in performance and weakness will become your satellites throughout the event.

The first stage was called "Cleansing". His duration is a week. 5 days you have to eat products from a chest with the same name, it will be prepared on the weekend yourself, but only those dishes that are not prohibited by the complex. By the way, in the set of products goes detailed instructions and a list of what you can eat and what is impossible.

When the body was cleared of slags and is already configured to fight fat, the step "weight loss" begins. The duration of this step depends on the desired result and on average is 7-14 days. Here you can experiment from the menu, but without going beyond the permitted.

Finally, the final stage - "Stabilization". Anyone who at least once fought with kilograms knows that it is not so hard to say goodbye to them how to prevent them. So after the event should not immediately increase significantly daily rate Calories and move to the usual diet. So, in the first week it is better to eat products from a discharge chest all the same system. In the second, you can arrange unloading days. Third, you will have to sit on an express diet. On the fourth, go back to the discharge chest. After weight loss try to eat useful food, Observe the drinking mode, give preference to boiled and stew, do not abuse fat and salty. It will be nice to add sports in the routine of the day, if for training in gym There is no possibility, then limit the outdoor walks, swimming or yoga.

Menu options

In addition to the presented, there are several more bodies correction complexes called in honor of Ksenia.


This diet of Ksenia Borodina is known as a diet for lazy. The thing is that you do not have to prepare some kind of complex dishes, nor buy expensive products, nor spend hours in the kitchen. The main ingredient, which will allow you to quickly lose a couple of kilos, are cucumbers. It has been proven that the cucumbers contain a minimum amount of calories, moreover, it is appropriate to talk about the negative caloric content of vegetable, since the combustion of the received portion requires more energy than the organism with her received.

For 3 days

  • a pair of fresh ground cucumbers;
  • slice of rye bread.
  • vegetable soup-pour (once a week can be replaced by a piece of boiled low-fat meat);
  • salad of cucumbers and greens splashing with olive oil.
  • cucumber salad with olive oil.

The duration of the event is 3-5 days. After 2-3 days, the course can be repeated. However, it is not recommended to conduct a similar experiment more often than two times a month.

For 5 days

  • screw or 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • tea without sugar.
  • vegetable soup puree;
  • boiled meat / fish;
  • cucumber.
  • vegetable assorted with cucumbers.

For a week

  • salad of cucumbers and greenery, seasoned with natural yogurt;
  • slice of whole grain flour bread.
  • boiled chicken breast - 100 g;
  • salad from Chinese cabbage and cucumbers with olive squeezes.
  • cucumber salad with egg, arched by low-fat sour cream;
  • a piece of whole grain bread.
  • summer salad, polished lemon juice and olive oil.


The lack of cucumber system is a deficit of proteins. With minimal flow of proteins begins to collapse muscle mass, Therefore, instead of a slender body, a slideging risk to get sick. That is why the protein diet Borodina is more fans. Thanks to this complex, fat is leaving, because the body needs energy, and carbohydrates - its main sources are prohibited, therefore it is released from fat deposits. The duration of the program is up to a month, during this time it is lost up to 10 kg.

Fat, salt, alcohol, rice, starchy vegetables (potatoes, carrots), sugar and flour fall on the ban.

Menu example

  • oatmeal cooked on water;
  • minimum fatty kefir - 1 cup.

Lunch and afternoon book:

  • a pair of apples or citrus.
  • boiled or baked meat / fish (can be replaced by a pair of boiled eggs).
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • vegetable salad;
  • degreased natural yogurt.

How to get out of the diet

Regardless of what kind of diet Ksenia Borodina had to do you more, all the efforts will be reduced to zero, if you ignore the rules for getting out of it.

So, if for a certain time you have been powered by vegetables, try to gradually introduce cereal and proteins into the diet. The perfect breakfast will be a porridge on the water, to dove the boiled or baked meat with vegetables, do not neglect the snacks, but fervent drinks and fruits are suitable for this purpose.

After the event, be sure to make friends with sports, continue to comply with drinking mode, giving preference ordinary water and herbal teas. Do not abuse harmful food, in particular, refuse fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, confectionery, purchased sauces, including mayonnaise. Compliance with the principles of proper nutrition, regular physical training and great mood Be sure to help you see the desired figure on the scales.

Many fans of the leading realistic show "House -2" Ksenia Borodina with trepidation watching his idol. Bright, well, it is undoubtedly an ideal and an example for imitation for his fans. In December 2015, Ksenia, the second time experienced happiness to be mom. Naturally, during pregnancy, she has greatly recovered. Alas, public people are dependent on what looks in the eyes of the public. It's one thing when the sequapile diva is broadcast from the screen, and completely different. When a chubby woman of an indefinite age draws to her fans, because we all know that the extra kilograms visually adds to us for several years. Ksenia was necessary to return to himself a former form and she suddenly quickly succeeded in this. When the Internet has installed images of an updated Ksenia, a real excitement has arisen. Hundreds of women in question, what miraculous diet uses Ksenia? Or maybe these are magical foreign pills? Or maybe .. maybe ..

There were sometimes even ambiguous situations. Internet fraudsters tried to earn on the obvious results of Ksenia. Her photos were taken to weight loss and after, and various miraculous means were advertised, thanks to which the show business star was supposedly lost. There were also attempts to sell allegedly specially developed technology, which includes reception of various drugs, diet, and physical exertion. However, all these so-called methods are falsification.

The leading TV show itself admitted that until recently I tried a lot of diets, but the result was always the same: the weight quickly returned to the initial indicators, while moving only for a while. Ksenia wondered .. After all, in her profession it is impossible to launch himself, if you are a media face, you need to look good, to be attractive for viewers. Women should see in their idiot sample to follow, well, and men, naturally, the object of desire ..

So how much did the Ksenia lose, ask you a question? Not a lot nor little, but for as much as sixteen kilograms, that, given the not very high growth of Borodina, it is very to face. At the moment, TV presenter weighs 47 kilograms with 164 centimeters height. She considers this result optimal. And we fully agree with her. Not too thin. But there were moments when she was carried away by weight loss, weighing 44 kg. But it stopped on time. According to her, it was reflected in the mirror. Looking an angular, a handsome teenager was not included in her plans ..
So how did she lose weight? We will reveal this secret in our article.

Food system from Ksenia Borodina

  1. Full rejection of nuts, legumes, baking, mayonnaise, food with a large content of fats, fast food.
  2. Only vegetables, fruits, dairy products, low-fat meat, fish, preferably boiled or cooked steamed are used.
  3. Eating at least two liters of fluid per day. For these purposes, it's great mineral water Without gas or pure drinking water. You should drink a glass of water half an hour before meals to reduce the feeling of hunger.
  4. Power must be fractional. Food takes up to six times a day. The stomach and the gastrointestinal tract should not be overloaded. Carefully chew food. Well checked food is easier to digest, and small volumes will help the intestines to work without failures. The saturation signal enters the brain twenty minutes after the food gets into the stomach. Correctly taking food, you will be able to fulfill its smaller amount.
  5. Be sure to use first dishes in your diet. They fill in the stomach perfectly, giving a feeling of satiety and not very calories. Of course, if you boil potato soup with cheese and bacon, calories are off. Therefore, preference is given to light vegetable soups.

Exercise stress

It is stupid to assume that such brilliant results of Ksenia achieved, simply limiting themselves in food. As an accompanying element, some physical exertion is required with any diet. The intensity of loads depends on the features of the diet and human health. Thanks to physical exertion, it is possible to avoid felting muscles and skin, strengthen the heart muscle, increase the tone of the vessels.
Ksenia did not do, forcing himself, those types of loads that are not interested in it. She was dancing, swam, changed different kinds Fitness. It is a variety that believes Borodin, helped her to achieve the desired result. As one of the factors that helped her lose weight, Ksenia marks a healthy sleep for at least eight hours. A rested person is full of strength for action and accomplishments.

Many young mothers complain that they can not get rid of excess weightBecause there is no time to do yourself, the care of the baby takes all the time and strength. Once again, noise washed once, what's the fitness or diet? The kid must eat right when breastfeeding, To be rehung, therefore, you need to eat for two so that the milk is fat. Where can you lose weight? ..
Ksenia experienced twice the happiness of motherhood, and assures that even with round-the-clock care, there are moments when you can take care of yourself and control over your weight. Here is some of them:

  • Out of a walk with a carriage? Do not sit down on the bench at the entrance, bolding down into the phone or book, or attending to sue conversations with spelling neighbors. Note yourself a long time route and walk on it every day. Better if this route is away from the lively highway. Quiet sidewalks or park zones are perfect. Walking - a great pacemaker and effective tool To accelerate metabolism.
  • At the time when your baby sleeps, do not fit into the side of the company. You can break the mode of sleep and recreation. Capping the day, you will sleep badly at night, waking up from the slightest noise, and by the morning you will be exhausted and unwaited, which will negatively affect your energeticness. During the daily sleep of the child, try to remake the maximum of urgent domestic affairs. You will be free for yourself for yourself and to communicate with the child.
  • Power supply with breastfeeding should not be fat, high-calorie, but rather balanced. Those products that are suitable for breastfeeding are perfectly suitable as components. healthy nutrition With any diet. Vegetables, fruits, boiled low-fat meat, cottage cheese, egg, milk - is it bad?. And the refusal of fast food, oily food, sodes, chips, will benefit not only your child, but also directly to you. Proper nutrition for breastfeeding is perfectly disciplined.
  • A little about physical activity. No time to visit the gym or fitness club? This is not necessarily. Natural loads when leaving the baby can be systematized and diversified. More often wear your favorite crumb on hands. This is not only a great way to establish close psycho-emotional contact with the child (children's psychologists have been proven that children who are constantly feeling body contact with his mother, much less often capricious and sick, because they feel safe, mom nearby, no stress), but also excellent training For muscles back and press. When the child becomes older, you can lift it in front of yourself on the elongated hands, training the muscles of the hands and chest, and the baby will be delighted. Many exercises can be invented by himself. Swing on the knee, lying on the back, raise on the outer surfaces of the tibia, keeping the handles, wearing in the "kangaroo", instead of a stroller ... Happy laughter of the child - I am interested in playing with my mother (and my mother not only plays, but also losing weight) ..

Positive parties diet Ksenia Borodina

Eating a large number of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are natural vitamins. In addition, they are low-calories. When digesting the body of vegetables and fruits, more calories are spent on the digestion process than it will be assimilated from them. The fiber, the main component of many vegetables and fruits, perfectly cleans the gastrointestinal tract from slags and toxins, improving digestion and stimulating the excretory function. Preference should be given to vegetables and fruits of green. They are most of all vitamins.

And in such products as celery, parsley, dill, cabbage, olives, green onions, increased, compared with others, chlorophyll content. The increased content of chlorophyll in food products stimulates the metabolism, accelerating it, which contributes to rapid weight loss. Some time ago there was a certain direction in nutrition, the so-called "green diet". Fans of this type of weight loss were significantly lost in weight, but in Russia this method somehow did not fit.

Separately, it should be noted that foods such as zucchini, cabbage, avocado, due to the high content of coarse fibers, give a feeling of satiety for quite a long time. Green cucumbers are also useful. Cucumber, as we know, more than 90% consists of water. And not just water, and the water is naturally filtered, clean, useful. It is very well absorbed by the organism, and the stomach sends the brain signals about saturation.


This diet has one substantial minus - monotony. No matter how useful to eat foods, monotony in nutrition is harmful to health. The body should receive a variety of nutrients. Therefore, to keep yourself in the right form, we do not recommend using this diet more than two weeks. After two weeks, it is necessary to take a break for the week. Another minus this method is too fast slimmingwhat is fraught with serious stress for nervous system And for the body as a whole. Therefore, without fanaticism. Monitoring indicators, and if necessary, suspension or cancel a diet.

How Losea of \u200b\u200bKsenia Borodin after second genera / video /

How to lose weight Ksenia Borodin

For whom the stars lose weight

Diet "Minus 10 kg" from Ksenia Borodina

How did Ksenia Borodin changed

Ksenia about weight loss

Ksenia about weight loss Part 2



We have collected for you interesting information about how in fact I lost to Ksenia Borodin, well, and how believable, only she herself knows. Information about Ksenia is taken from open Internet sources. One thing to say exactly, the principles of healthy nutrition, which, according to her, it was guided, indeed, can be an effective weight loss.

Many young girls and women ask a question: How did Ksenia Borodina lose? In the past few years, the figure of the leading project "Dom-2" has changed several times, and a cardinal way.

Any girl dreams dreams about the perfect figure. Sometimes it happens that the figure is directly connected with success and career. Famous persons are difficult to keep themselves in the taped form.

After the birth of Ksenia, it was possible to achieve stunning forms quickly quickly, and it retains harmony until now. In this article, you will learn everything about the diet, system of nutrition and physical exertion of Ksenia Borodina.

Borodin to Slimming

The reasons for which Ksenia Borodin recovered:

  • Ksenia was never a thin, genetically, she is inclined to completeness. The fans of the lead remember that for the first time they saw her rather slim, its weight was about 50 kg at that time, but very soon against the background of an unstable schedule, the nervous work and hormone failures of Borodin recovered.
  • On full physical exertion of time lacked. TV presenter admits that before she tried to lose many times many times, adhered to various hard mono diets, for example, cucumber, and sometimes hungry.
  • The birth of a daughter Marusi and a divorce with her husband led to even big problems with the figure, For some sources of Ksenia recovered by 12 kg. Then Borodina firmly decided to lose weight, followed a series of diets, starvation and excessive physical exertion, the lead itself was recognized that this strongly reflected on her well-being and appearance.
  • After strong restrictions, the weight was returned all the time back, Therefore, Ksenia had to come up with his own weight loss technique, which allowed maintaining the form constantly.

Diet Ksenia Borodina

Now there are many variations in this diet on the Internet, and it is already difficult to say which one really lost the lead.

However, it is known that cucumbers were the foundation, and the following rules can be distinguished:

How did you lose the lead?

After a long period of hard restriction, the star understood that it was necessary to deal with overweight, not starving, not hungry, doing sports and making various procedures.

Borodina had to abandon the many of her beloved harmful products, for example, sweets, thoroughly play sports and build sleep mode, to lose weight without these three basic rules is impossible.

How much did Borodin lose?

How much could the TV presenter be chosen? This question is worried about many of its fans.

When Ksyusha only appeared in the Dom-2 project, its weight was only 50 kg, but after a few years it reached 63-64 kg, and after the birth of the daughter of Mary and reached 70.

In his interview, the star said that it was now weighs 46-47 kg with a height of 164 kg, that is tV presenter managed to lose weight more than 20 kg!

Supply system

Borodina realized that the diet would not lead it to a reliable and long-term result, because after hard restrictions of nutrition, it is not possible to lose weight, the kilograms are then returned with a double strength.

In addition, during diet, many do not stand and overeat and overeat.

Now Ksenia says that it is not looping on food, does not consider calories and does not suit unloading Days. It adheres to a special system of nutrition, which supports an excellent form for several years.

Here is its basic principles:

  • Full, fastofud, sweet and fat.
  • It is forbidden to eat too calorie products, such as nuts and legumes.
  • It is also necessary to exclude their diet, various sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.
  • Compliance with the food regime, namely: drink 2 liters of water per day, as well as drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning and before each meal of food - it helps a little stretch the stomach and brute.
  • Fabric nutrition, i.e. powered by small portions every 3-4 hours. So you will not remain hungry and do not be concealed to harmful foods.
  • At the heart of the TV presenter lie. They will give a long sense of satiety for a long time, and also do not provide negative influence On the stomach, and the calorie content is very small.

Remember that for effective weight loss Products can not be frying, butter can only fill salads.

To make meat and fish, it is better to use the grill to help the grill, it does not take all their useful substances from the products, and the steamer and the oven will also fit. Vegetables are better eating raw, as they have a lot of fiber useful for the body.

Physical exercise

To maintain itself in perfect form, the presenter chooses a combination of 2 types of loads: power and cardio. Thus, you can simultaneously lose weight by removing excess fat, and build muscles, thanks to which metabolism can accelerate by 40 percent.

Ksenia is trained 5 times a week, but the duration of training is only half an hour, which can afford almost any busy person.

For training you will need:

  • any cardio-simulator (running track, bike, ellipse);
  • dumbbells weighing 2-7 kg (newcomers can engage with their own weight or take dumbbells easier);
  • stopwatch.

The power part of the workouts differs every day, but the warm-up must always be done: so you will warm up the muscles and joints, which will help to avoid injuries and stretching. Use any cardiotrymer for 5-7 minutes to warm up. You must stand a little, and the pulse must reach 130 beats per minute.

Now proceed with the power training:

Day 1

Day 2.

Day 3.

  • On the third day we arrange rest.

Day 4.

  • On the fourth we repeat the program of 1 day.

Day 5.

  • For the fifth day I repeat the second day program.


How does Borodina manage not to fully?

The secret to preserving the harness of Ksenia Borodina is very simple: moderate nutrition, exercise and healthy sleep.

Now the TV presenter does not follow the nutrition so strictly, since she has good metabolism and frequent physical exertion, but the above-described nutrition principles remain unchanged.

Photo before and after

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a gem: what it is easier, the more precious!


Many women who gave births are interested in the secret of the slimming of Ksenia Borodina, who was able to get rid of significant excess weight in a short time due to their purposefulness and an integrated approach to the problem. Fame to the TV presenter came on the set of the project "Dom-2", after once a slender girl became pregnant and scored a couple of dozen unnecessary kilograms. To return to television, celebrities had to lose weight quickly, for which she revised their menu: numerous photos demonstrate how Borodin lost weight and prove the effectiveness of its technique.

Borodin to Slimming

After childbirth, the famous TV presenter faced a problem of excess weight. The star experienced a lot of diet, worked hard, spent unloading days, but the weight was returning again. It was not possible to find the way of effective losing weight Ksyusha not immediately, and the problem was not only need to achieve a strong result, but also in a large number of unnecessary kilograms that needed to reset.

As much as Borodin lost weight

To achieve an ideal figure, the TV host had a lot to work on themselves, which is due to its tendency to overweight. With the help of the menu limit, the girl hardly managed to get rid of obesity and achieve such amazing results. How did Borodina fuck? For this ksyusha compatible proper nutrition with physical exertion. Moreover, as the star itself admitted, she did not make herself to do anything, but preferred interesting sports for themselves - swimming, dancing, fitness. This approach helped the girl to lose weight by 16 kg.

The weight loss method Borodina

The first thing that Ksyusha did to restore the figure - it moved to more dietary food, that is, lowered the daily calorie content of the diet. The TV presenter refused fat products in favor of fresh vegetables, fruits and dishes prepared from them. Ksenia prefers in large quantities to eat cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, radishes, while the main emphasis in her diet was made on the first (they constituted the basis of the star menu during a certain period of time). Vegetable nutrition is relatively easy to transfer with the body, because it does not infringe upon the losing weight in the size of the portions.

In addition, the plus method with which Borodin lost weight is that such nutrition provides the body with all the necessary minerals, while containing minimum calories. Thanks to the rough fibers entering the body together with meals, the feeling of satiety quickly comes. In addition, the fiber perfectly cleans the intestines, removing toxins, slags from it, and contributes to the improvement of the peristaltics. In addition to the diet, Ksyusha notes that the day of the day, training and a full sleep helped her to lose weight.

Diet Ksenia Borodina

There is no secret in how to lose Ksenia Borodin after childbirth, no. Ksyushi drinking mode involves consumption at least 2 liters of fluid per day, while you can drink not only water, but also natural juices, compotes, green tea, etc.

Borodina lost weight, thanks to the exclusion from the menu of saline and sweet food, while sugar leading rendered by a sugar substitute, and the salt abandoned. In an interview with Ksyusha admitted that when hunger appeared, there was a snag of a light salad or a small amount of cottage cheese. In total, the celebrity had 5-6 meals per day, but the portions of Borodin formed small. Nutritionists call such a diet unbalanced and this is true because the host's menu includes too little protein food.

Ksenia corrected this shortcoming, including lunch meat in the diet (beef, chicken or turkey) in the diet. In addition, Borodin allowed himself to be fascinated during the day 1 boiled egg and a slice of whole grain bread. All consumable vegetable salads Star fills vegetable oil and lemon juice or low-fat sour cream. An important advice from Ksenia is not to relax after meals, but to organize a walk, because even the minimum physical activity speeds up the process of digestion of food.


Ksenia Borodin before and after weight loss looks completely different, while achieving a slim figure the star succeeded surprisingly quickly. The diet of the TV host consists mainly of vegetable products, which, due to the content of coarse fiber, give a long sense of satiety. Borodino diet implies daily caloric content of only 400 kcal, which explains how the celebrity so quickly lost weight. Example diet menu TV presenter:

  • breakfast - cucumbers (2-3 pcs.), A pair of rye superstars, tea is unsweetened or non-carbonated water;
  • lunch - vegetable soup made of any green fruit (cabbage, green pepper, sorrel, olives, spinach, cucumbers, etc.);
  • dinner - Salad of green fruits, refilled with a spoon of olive oil.

How to lose weight Borodin after second genera

Personal experience of the TV presenter inspired many women who spoiled after women. Slimming Ksenia Borodina in more than due to its diet and workouts with electric muscle stimulation. It was engaged in a special costume with electrodes, which are electrotock conductor and muscle stimulants, which weighs 3 kg. Ksenia lost weight due to the help of a professional coach, which tracked and regulated the intensity of impulses. Such a device enhances the frequency of muscle contractions several times and, as a result, the efficiency of workouts.