Consultation for educators "Development of play activities in preschool children." Consultation for educators "Modern approaches to the organization of play activities for preschoolers. Consultations on play activities

Consultation for teachers

"Play activities of preschoolers"

Play is the leading type of activity of a preschool child, which determines his further mental development, primarily because an imaginary situation is inherent in play. Thanks to her, the child learns to think about real things and real actions. This is connected with the emergence of an idea in the game.

The peculiarity of the game in an imaginary situation is the emotional involvement of children with the displayed events: “the girl is worried if the cutlets are burnt,” “the boy carefully takes the sick doll to the hospital”. Play is always associated with the development and education of children's feelings. The child truly experiences what he displays in the game, and he can think about what he previously emotionally perceived in life. Play arises on the basis of real life and develops in unity with the needs of the child.

In the kid's play, the actions of adults are realized, those events in life that interested him.

Game actions have their origins. Play with elements of an imaginary situation is preceded by a period of the baby's play, which is characterized by two stages:

  • introductory;
  • reflective.

At the first, introductory stage, object-play activity, actions with toys are manipulative in nature, the child acts with her as his inept hands allow him. Then the baby himself or with the help of an adult discovers individual properties in the toy (the rattle sounds, moves). This is how the stage of reflective object-play activity begins. Children learn ways of acting with different objects, toys associated with their physical properties: knocking, throwing, moving, rolling, correlating one object with another.

Gradually, children begin to display in the game not only physical properties, but also the social purpose of individual objects (a car and a stroller - they roll, carry a load, a doll on them). Representative object-play actions are characteristic of children from 5-6 months to 1-1.6 years.

With the generalization of the experience gained in actions with toys and in real everyday life, the child gets the opportunity to more often reflect the actions of people with objects for their purpose, adopted in society. He can convey familiar situations in the game: feeding, treatment, building a house.

The plot-reflective stage of the play of children of the second and third years of life creates an opportunity for the transition to plot- role play... Children begin to transmit in the game not only individual actions, but also the elements of the behavior of those persons who performed these actions in life. A role appears in the action, for example: “the girl, laying the table, clearly imitates her mother, to the question:“ Who are you? ” answers: "I am Julia." Children begin to denote the role they play in the game: I am the driver, you are the mother.

Game actions in the plot-display and plot-role-playing game undergo significant changes. They become more generalized, turning into conditional actions... Some of the toys are gradually being replaced by substitute toys and imaginary objects. Thus, by the age of three, a child becomes aware of the conventionality in play, a playful imaginary situation, declaring: “it’s as if”, “it’s for fun”. A child can show himself as a bunny, a bear, a chanterelle, in a group room “to swim”, “to be like skiing”, etc.

A third year child has two sources of play goals.

First source - the actions of an adult that aroused a flash of interest in the baby, attracted his attention and prompted him to take similar actions. For example, a girl fries eggs for several days in a row, like her mother.

Second source play goals can serve as goals for a child that an adult specifically sets for him. This source is very important for the development of the baby, because, as noted above, the children's own play goals are still very limited (the child only does what he drives the car), and for some they are completely absent.

How to encourage a child to accept a new play goal set by an adult and begin to independently implement it?

As the first step on this path, the adult performs a play action with respect to the child himself, not the toy. An adult pretends to feed the baby, wash his hands, and roll him around in a car. In such a game, the baby is relatively passive and enjoys not eating, washing, but communicating with an adult.

The second step along this path is the role reversal. Now the adult invites the children to carry out the same actions in relation to him (feed, wash their hands ...). Riding an adult in a car, etc. the child receives an incomparably more interesting and grateful partner than a doll or bear. The main task in these games is to ensure that the play actions that children perform relative to an adult give them maximum pleasure and allow them to experience a sense of success. The positive emotions that a child can experience by performing new play actions for an adult will encourage the child to repeat them in relation to toys.

Preparing a child for taking on a role begins at 2 years 6 months and coincides with the beginning of the development of his self-awareness. What is this preparation?

Taking on a role means being able to imagine and designate yourself as someone else - a bunny, a driver, a train, etc. For a child, this situation is quite difficult. On the one hand, I am myself, on the other, I am not me, but someone else. The ability to “turn into another” appears in a child by the age of three, if appropriate pedagogical work is carried out. Otherwise, as practice shows, it appears much later.

Forming the child's ability to “transform into another” is the first and most important step in the formation of role play.

If, while preparing children for taking on a role, an adult will open before the kids a fan of images that are understandable and interesting to him, into which the child can reincarnate, then from an early age he will orient children to an exciting extraordinary game.

The sequence of transformations:

animals and birds known to children and attractive to them (kitty, sparrow);

objects interesting for kids, first of all moving ones (steam locomotive, plane);

adults, whose profession has characteristic external attributes (doctor, cook).

At the initial stage of working with children, images of animals and birds seem to us the most suitable. The fact is that each animal has its own distinctive external features. The fox has a luxurious fluffy tail, the hedgehog has needles, the hare has long ears. The baby easily remembers such images, they are attractive to him. The natural interest and attraction of children to animals and birds contribute to the readiness to enter these images. The child agrees with pleasure to imagine himself as a squirrel, bird, hedgehog. And, having imagined himself as someone, he is much more aware of himself as “another”, takes the first steps towards accepting the role.

It is also important that animal games do not require special attributes.

First part the game begins with the teacher showing the children how to enter into someone's image. For the kid to want and be able to enter the image of the “other”, show how easy and interesting it is. First of all, the teacher very clearly defines his role, names the image, for example: “Let's play. I will be a fox. " Then he reveals the image: describes the appearance of the character, emphasizing only the most characteristic features of his appearance (needles for a hedgehog, beak and wings for a bird, fluffy tail for a squirrel, etc.)

Further, the teacher tells where the character lives, what kind of house he has, what it is called (hollow, hole, den ...). It is useful to show the kids a picture that shows a character next to his house. This will clarify the children's ideas from the story.

Now you can tell what the animal (bird) eats, what it especially loves (squirrel - nuts, bunny - carrots ...)

Basic information can be supplemented with a story about what the character likes to do (play, jump). Having finished telling the character, the teacher briefly, in two or three phrases, informs the children that he was left without cubs (foxes, kittens, rabbits ...), that he misses them, really wants them to be with him again, what will he do for them something pleasant (give gifts, play with them, treat ...). At the end of this little story, the teacher asks the question: “Who wants to be my fox (squirrel)?”. The main stage is over. The educator encouraged the children to adopt play roles.

Now it is necessary to find out from the children how well they imagined themselves to be “different”, and at the same time help them to establish themselves in a new quality. For this, the question is asked: “Fox cubs, where are your ears? Do you have ponytails? Can you sniff? Show me how you can smell. " For the first time, questions are enough. There is no need to demand from children in the first games the same complete characterization of the character's image. The kid cannot immediately imagine and reproduce everything that was said to him, therefore, overloading with questions causes a reverse reaction - it will reduce children's interest in being in a playful image. This concludes the first part.

In the second part the task of the game is to prolong the stay of children in an adopted or role. Then a number of unpretentious and rather interesting play actions are played out with the kids: “The foxes went to visit the bunnies. It is necessary to cross the bridge (bench). Or: we crawled into the burrow of the rabbits, drank tea with them ”. It is necessary to organize the logical conclusion of the game: “The hares were given a book to the foxes. And now the fox mom honors her to her foxes ”.

This concludes the game.

Here are some tips for playing the game:

  • You don't have to play the entire game. At the initial stages, you can limit yourself to only the first part, i.e. provide entry into the image.
  • During the second part of the game, just as in the first part, it is necessary to call the children foxes (squirrels ...). However, do not seek to constantly impose this role on them. To little child it is difficult to keep oneself in a playful image for a long time. Some children may show their personality and switch to another character that is most attractive to them. Therefore, playing "fox", the child can suddenly say: "And now I am a bear cub."
  • When organizing the second part of the game, do not delay it in time. Kids should enjoy playing, communicating with a teacher.
  • It is not necessary for all children to be involved in the game. After all, some children join the game much later.

We must not forget that it would be impossible to organize children into plot roles in games without teaching them to communicate and play at the initial stage during the adaptation period, when many children find it difficult and lonely in a new, unusual environment for them. It is the game that can brighten up the first time a child is in kindergarten.

The main task of playing with children during the adaptation period is to establish trusting relationships with each child, to give the kids moments of joy, to try to evoke a positive attitude towards kindergarten in them. To solve this problem, the teacher must express his benevolent attitude to each child in a playful way. Therefore, the main game goal that the teacher sets for himself should be the goal: to show care, benevolence and attention to everyone (“I will hide you all from the rain” - an outdoor game “Sun and Rain”). Sometimes communication goals in a game can be combined with practical goals. So, if porridge is being cooked for children, then when treating them, the teacher must definitely find a friendly word expressing affection for the child (“I tried so hard to make you delicious porridge. And this, Kostya, you have porridge”).

When playing with children, the teacher sets not only simple play goals known to children. Children can pick flowers together with the teacher, ride a steam train ... If possible, it is necessary to offer children the same items. Equality shows them that the adult does not distinguish anyone, and treats everyone equally well.

There is no need to worry about the fact that playing with adults does not give the child room for his own activity. Many children are not yet ready for its manifestation in the first weeks of kindergarten. But, thanks to these games, the teacher proves his kind-hearted attitude towards children, becomes an interesting partner for them, and contributes to the accumulation of play experience in the kids. Games during the adaptation period should not be too long. It is better to play with children several times a day, but little by little.

So, the plot play of children of the second and third years of life goes a long way of development: from single actions of one child with one toy to the expanded individual and joint play of children in an imaginary situation, including a number of episodes that convey different actions of people and their relationships. The game is becoming more independent and creative. The kid masters independent play, feels really happy.

Consultation for educators Features of children's play activities preschool age

When accepting children into a group, it is necessary to immediately think about the organization of the subject-developing environment so that the period of adaptation to kindergarten is most painless. After all, newly admitted children do not yet have the experience of communicating with their peers, do not know how to play "together", share toys.

Children should be taught to play. And, as you know, a game - This is a specific, objectively developing ability, an activity that is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teach them various actions, methods and means of communication.

In the process of work, problems will inevitably arise:

Children play by themselves;

They do not want and do not know how to share toys;

They don't know how to play with the toy they like;

Children do not have mutual understanding among themselves in the game.

The reason for this is that the child is isolated from his peers at home. He is used to the fact that all the toys belong to him alone, everything is allowed to him, no one at home takes anything away from him. And, having come to kindergarten, where there are many children who also want to play with the same toy as his, conflicts with peers, whims, unwillingness to go to kindergarten begin.

For a painless transition from a home environment to a kindergarten, to organize a calm, friendly atmosphere of the children's team, it is necessary to help children unite, using play for this as a form of organizing children's life, as well as to develop children's independence in choosing a game, in implementing plans.

Much has been said and written about the fact that play is necessary for the full development of a child. Children have to play. The game captivates kids, makes their life more diverse and richer.

All aspects of the child's personality are formed in the game. Especially in those games that are created by the children themselves - creative or role-playing. Children play in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults.

Participation in play makes it easier for children to get closer to each other, helps them find common ground, facilitates learning in kindergarten classes, and prepares them for the mental work required for schooling.

It has long been known that at preschool age the assimilation of new knowledge in the game is much more successful than in training sessions... The child, attracted by the playful idea, does not seem to notice that he is learning.

It must be remembered that play always has two aspects - educational and cognitive. In both cases, the goal of the game is formed not as the transfer of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but as the development of certain mental processes or abilities of the child.

In order for the game to really captivate children, to personally touch each of them, the educator, the teacher must become a direct participant in it. By their actions, emotional communication with children, the educator involves the kids in joint activities, makes it important and meaningful for them, becomes the center of attraction in the game, which is especially important in the first stages of getting to know new game.

All games are designed to help children:

They evoke the joy of communication;

They teach by gesture, word to express their attitude to toys, people;

Encourage you to act independently;

They notice and support the initiative actions of other children.

In a child's play, those aspects of the psyche are formed, on which it depends how much later he will succeed in studies, work, how his relations with other people will develop.

The game is pretty effective remedy the formation of such qualities as organization, self-control, attention. Its rules, obligatory for everyone, regulate the behavior of children, limit their impulsivity.

The role of play is unfortunately underestimated by some parents. They think it takes a long time to play. Better to let the child sit in front of the TV screen, computer, listening to fairy tales in the recording. Moreover, in the game, he can break something, tear, stain, then clean up after him. Playing is a waste of time.

And for a child, play is a way of self-realization. In the game, he can become what he dreams of being in real life: a doctor, driver, pilot, etc. In the game, he acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. The game develops an attitude towards people, towards life. Having a positive gaming mindset helps keep you cheerful.

The child's play usually arises on the basis and under the influence of the impressions received. Games are not always with positive content; children often reflect negative ideas about life in play. This is a plot-reflective game where the child reflects familiar plots and conveys semantic connections between objects. At such moments, the teacher needs to intervene in the game unobtrusively, encourage them to act according to a certain plot, play with the child with his toy, reproducing a series of actions.

The game gives the child a lot of positive emotions, he really loves when adults play with him.

Didactic game as a means of teaching preschool children

A great place in work with preschool children is given to didactic games... They are used in the classroom and in the independent activities of children. A didactic game can be an integral part of the lesson. It helps the assimilation, consolidation of knowledge, mastering ways cognitive activities.

The use of didactic games increases children's interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of program material. Here, cognitive tasks are associated with game tasks, which means this type of activity can be called a game - an occupation.

In games - classes, the teacher thinks through the content of the game, methodological techniques for their implementation, communicates the knowledge available to the age of children, forms the necessary skills. The assimilation of the material occurs imperceptibly for children, without requiring much effort.

The developmental effect of the game lies in the game itself. There is no need for special training in the game. The methods of play activity are conditional and symbolic, its result is imaginary and does not need to be evaluated.

Didactic materials can be divided into two groups. The first includes materials that provide opportunities for children to be independent in their use. These are a variety of constructors and construction materials; plot-shaped and plot-didactic toys; natural material; semi-finished products (scraps of fabric, leather, fur, plastic). These materials allow children to experiment freely, using them extensively in games. At the same time, the child is free to choose the methods of transformation and receives satisfaction from any result.

The second group included didactic materials specially created for the development of certain abilities and skills. They have a predetermined result that the child should receive when mastering a certain method of action. These are multi-colored rings of different sizes, toys - inserts, cubes, mosaics. The freedom of activity with these didactic materials is limited by the certain modes of action inherent in them, which the child must master with the help of an adult.

During games with didactic material the tasks of acquainting children with shape, color, size are solved. The intellectual development of children is carried out - the ability to find common and different things in an object, to group and systematize them according to the selected properties. Children learn to reconstruct a whole based on a part of it, as well as a missing part, disturbed order, etc.

The general principle of activity, laid down in didactic games, opens up wide opportunities for solving didactic tasks of various levels of complexity: from the simplest (to assemble a pyramid with three monochromatic rings, put together a picture of two parts) to the most complex (to assemble the Kremlin tower, a blossoming tree from mosaic elements ).

In a learning game, the child acts in a certain way; there is always an element of latent compulsion in it. Therefore, it is important that the conditions created for play provide the child with a choice. Then didactic games will help cognitive development every child.

Games-lessons with didactic material are conducted with children individually or in subgroups. The training is based on the dialogue: “What color is the ball? And what is this ball? Blue, huh? " It is advisable to attract the attention of the kids by adding some new interesting toy to the group. Children will immediately gather around the teacher, asking questions: “What is this? What for? What are we going to do? " They will ask you to show how to play with this toy, they will want to deal with it on their own.

Consultation for educators "Development of the game activity of preschoolers"

Preschool childhood is the most important period in the formation of a child's personality, when he acquires the first initial knowledge about the surrounding reality, he forms his attitude towards people around him, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior and character are formed. The main activity of a preschooler is play, which develops under the influence of education and training, and depends on the acquired knowledge, skills, and interests. It develops the physical and spiritual strength of the child, his memory, attention, imagination, dexterity, discipline, etc. In the game, the individual characteristics of the child are manifested with special force. At the same time, the following can be observed: in the same child, you can find different levels of play creativity - this depends on the content of the play, the role played, and on relationships with comrades. In addition, play is a peculiar way of assimilating social experience, characteristic of preschool age.

Play is a special kind of human activity. It arises in response to the social need to prepare the younger generation for life.
The growing desire for independence and the need to act like an adult leads to the fact that the child seeks to imitate adults in everything. It is no longer enough for him to perform only everyday actions. He wants to drive a car, heal people, sell food. But it is impossible to do this in real life.

The created contradiction between the desired and the possible leads to the emergence of a role-playing game, where the child takes on the role of an adult, performing his functions "for fun."

According to the degree of activity and independence of children, games are divided into two groups: creative games and games with rules. TO creative games include object games of young children, plot - role games, construction games, games - dramatization. In them, children not only copy certain aspects of the life of adults, but creatively comprehend them, reproducing them with the help of roles and play actions.

Social relations are more pronounced in role-playing games, because the child himself is included in them. Therefore, elementary forms of role play can appear without adult guidance, on the basis of imitation. Hence the difference in the components of such games follows. In a role-playing game, this is a role that fixes the function of an adult; in a didactic game, it is a didactic task that involves the formation of means and methods of cognition.

Thus, at the senior preschool age, the child already has a certain set of knowledge, skills, and abilities. After the works of prominent Russian psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin in child psychology has firmly established that the leading type of activity of a preschooler is play. It is possible to single out special methods of play: the child assumes the role of an adult and his social and labor functions; generalized pictorial nature of reproduction of actions with objects; transfer of meanings from one object to another, etc. The main significance of play activity is that, thanks to play techniques, the child models relations between people in it.

The formation of individual components and the levels of development of the game are characterized by the brilliant researcher of the game D.B. Elkonin. He believed that play is social in nature, is the leading form of development of mental functions and is aimed at reflecting the world of adults. The main features are inherent in the game: emotional saturation and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity. The main source that feeds a child's plot-role play is the world around him, the life and activities of adults and peers.

D.B. Elkonin identified 4 stages of the development of the game: at the first stage, the action with the object aimed at another "feeding", "treatment", while it does not matter what and in what order. Roles are not named, there is no chain of actions. At the second stage, the main content is action with an object, but in accordance with reality, there is a separation of functions, the logic of actions is determined by the life sequence, the roles are distributed under the guidance of an adult. At the third stage, the roles are clearly identified before the start of the game, the role determines and directs the child's behavior, their actions are varied. Specific role-playing speech appears, rules of behavior are singled out. Violation of the logic of actions is contested.

At the highest, fourth stage, the main content of the game becomes the performance of actions related to the relationship to other people. The roles are clearly defined and maintained throughout the game, the role functions of children are interrelated. Game actions consistently recreate the logic of real events, they are diverse. The rules are clearly outlined; in the struggle between the desire that has arisen and the rule, the latter wins. These stages are associated not so much with age as with the level of development of the participants in the game.

Each game has inherentyour playing conditions - children, toys, objects. Younger preschoolers manipulate objects, for example, if a child “prepares dinner,” he repeats monotonous actions with plates and cubes. If another person (doll or child) is included, the manipulations have a special meaning and the corresponding image appears. Manipulations lose their original meaning, if the child is left alone, remove the toys that push him to the plot. With the change in play conditions, "lunch" disappeared from the child's ideas, he rearranges objects in size or shape, he explains that he is playing "with cubes", "so simple."

The main feature of the game is the presence of an imaginary situation in it, which consists of a plot and roles.The plot of the game Is a series of events that are united by life-motivated connections. The plot reveals the content of the game - the nature of those actions and relationships that connect the participants in the events.

Role is the main core of the role-playing game. More often the child takes on the role of an adult. The presence of a role in the game means that in his mind the child identifies himself with this or that person and acts on his behalf. Uses certain objects in an appropriate way (prepares dinner, like a cook; gives an injection, like a nurse), enters into various relationships with other players (praises or scolds a daughter, examines a patient, etc.). The role is expressed in actions, speech, facial expressions, pantomime.Role fulfillment proceeds with the help of certain game actions. So the girl, playing the role of a mother, feeds, bathes, dresses, puts her "daughter" to bed. As the child grows up, play actions are more and more generalized, acquire a conditional character, often being replaced by the words: "The laundry has already been washed", "You have already come from school", "You have already recovered." Mastering a variety of game actions allows the preschooler to most fully and accurately realize the role.
In the plot, children use two types
actions: operational and pictorial - "as if". Along with toys, various things are included in the game, while they are given an imaginary, playful meaning.

Another component of the game isregulations, thanks to which arbitrariness develops. Compliance with the rules and the child's conscious attitude towards them shows how deeply he has mastered the sphere of social reality reflected in the game. It is the role that gives meaning to the rule, clearly shows the preschooler the need to follow it and creates opportunities to control this process. Failure to follow the rules leads to the collapse of the game. Moreover, the rules are more successfully observed in collective games, since peers watch how their partners fulfill them. A child's attitude to rules changes throughout preschool age.

At first, the child easily breaks the rules and does not notice when others do it, because he does not understand the meaning of the rules. Then he records the violation of the rules by his comrades and opposes it. He explains the need to follow the rules, relying on the logic of everyday connections: this does not happen. And only then the rules become conscious, open. The child deliberately follows the rules, explaining the need to follow them. This is how he learns to control his behavior.

In a plot-role-playing game, children enter into real organizational relationships (agree on a plot, assign roles, etc.). At the same time, complex role relationships are simultaneously established between them (for example, mother and daughter, captain and sailor, doctor and patient, etc.). A distinctive feature of an imaginary play situation is that the child begins to act in a mental rather than a visible situation: the action is determined by a thought, not a thing. However, the thought in the game needs support, so one thing replaces another (for example, a stick replaces a spoon) for the action to take place.

The most common motive for plot-role play is the child's desire for a joint social life with adults. This desire is faced, on the one hand, with the child's unpreparedness for its implementation, and on the other, with the growing independence of children. This contradiction is resolved in the role-playing game: in it, the child, taking on the role of an adult, can reproduce his life, activities and relationships. The originality of the content of the role-playing game is also one of its most important features. Thus, play is an activity in which children themselves model the social life of adults].

Plot - role play in its developed form, as a rule, is of a collective nature. But this does not mean that children cannot play alone. But the presence of a children's society is the most favorable condition for the development of role-playing games.

The importance of play for a growing personality cannot be overemphasized. The role-playing game allows the child to understand the motives of the labor activity of adults, reveals its social meaning. If initially in the choice of a role the main place is occupied by its external attractiveness: a peakless cap, shoulder straps, then in the course of the game its social benefits are revealed. Now the child understands that the teacher is raising children, the doctor is treating them.

For older preschoolers, the number of roles performed expands to about 10, of which 2-3 become favorites. Role behavior is governed by rules that constitute the central core of the role. The child does not act the way he wants, but the way he should. In fulfilling the role, he restrains his immediate impulses, compromises personal desires and demonstrates a socially approved pattern of behavior, expresses moral assessments.

In the story-role-playing game there is emotional development... Although the child creates imaginary situations, he experiences the most real feelings, play experiences are sincere. The child does not pretend: the mother really loves her daughter - the doll, the driver is seriously concerned about whether he will be able to save the comrade who got into the accident. With the increasing complexity of the game and the game design, the feelings of children become more conscious and complex. Play both reveals the child's experiences and shapes his feelings. When a child imitates astronauts, he experiences his admiration for them, the dream of becoming the same. And at the same time, new feelings arise: responsibility for the task entrusted, joy and pride when it is successfully completed.

In the course of the role-playing game, the preschooler's intellect develops. The development of the concept in the game is associated with the general mental development of the child, with the formation of his interests. Children of preschool age have an interest in various life events, types of work of adults; they have favorite book characters that they try to imitate. As a result, play ideas become more persistent, and sometimes they take over the imagination of children for a long time, which speaks of a new, higher level of play creativity. In this case, there is not a repetition, but a gradual development, enrichment of the plot. Thanks to this, the thinking and imagination of the child becomes purposeful.

The role-playing game develops imagination and creativity. To implement a play plan, a child needs toys and various objects that help him to act in accordance with the role. The ability to see non-existent qualities in an object (replacing one object with another) is one of the characteristic features of childhood. The older and more developed the children are, the more demanding they are of objects for play, and the more similarities are sought with reality.

In the creation of an image, the role of the word is especially great. The word helps the child to reveal his thoughts and feelings, to understand the experiences of partners, to coordinate actions with them. The development of purposefulness, the ability to combine is associated with the development of speech, with the ever-increasing ability to clothe your ideas in words.

Consultation for parents

"Play activities in the family."

We love to play very much: you know friends!

A child can never live without games.

Go back to your childhood, stay with us in it,

AND best friends We will name the adults!

Modern living conditions are such that children can often play only in kindergarten, at home there is simply no time left to play - parents are placed in rather harsh conditions. They try to give children as much knowledge as possible, help them get a decent education, try to transfer play activities to the family, organize a single play space - the most important task of teachers kindergarten.

After all, everything that surrounds them is so interesting, and besides, it gives a lot of pleasure. The kids reflect their understanding of the picture of the world and their attitude to it in the closest and most understandable activity for them - the game. And the game is doubly interesting when the child feels the support and interest of the most dear and beloved people - parents, but, unfortunately, dads and moms, as experience shows, rarely play with children: some are busy at work or around the house, others do not know how to play with the child , and the third free time, the children are given to work with them.

One of the fundamental tasks facing the staff of the kindergarten, we consider the formation of relationships between parents and children in the process of play.

Play is the most important, interesting and meaningful thing for a child. This is joy, knowledge, and creativity. Play activity is the leading one for the preschooler.

Role-playing, moving, directing, didactic, dramatization - all this has a significant impact on the development of the baby's psyche, and the child gradually masters different types of games. In the Game, the arbitrariness of behavior is formed: cognitive processes are activated.

In the game, the preschooler reproduces the life and work of adults, various events in the life of the family, relations between people. In play, he learns to subordinate his desires to certain requirements - this is the most important prerequisite for the education of will. In the game, it is much easier to obey the rule associated with the fulfillment of the role assumed. Play is the source of the development of the moral qualities of a person.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without this, he is a dried flower.

According to L. S. Vygotsky, play is a source of development and it creates a zone of proximal development: “. in essence, it is through play activity that the child moves to a new, higher stage of his development. "

The child acquires the ability to play in the process of his development. A properly developing child is, without a doubt, a playing child. Play is a certain attitude of the world to a child and a child to the world, a child to an adult and an adult to a child, a child to a peer, a peer to him.

At the age of 4-6 years, that is, in the second period of development of children's play, it also contains the characteristic features of the growth and development of the child. Games of this period are characterized by free movement (mainly for the sake of movement itself, not for the sake of its results, focus on everyday objects and on what can be removed to do, as well as imagination and imitation (games at the house, shop, on the railway, in sewing, into the cooking).


In any family, parents, of course, as far as financially possible, need to take care of creating conditions for a variety of play activities.

In story games, you can easily provide the child with attributes to create a playable image (tinkering together, or use wardrobe items), and allow the use of items that are not specifically intended for play (chairs, cushions, etc.).

For director's games, you can purchase or make miniature toys with your child, which is even more interesting for the child, because he will be able to fully feel himself in the role of creator and artist.

It is advisable to purchase several board-printed games (children's lotto, dominoes)

Most important: Agree in advance with the child on the requirements for storing and cleaning toys. It is necessary to consider the possibility of temporary preservation of children's buildings and structures. In the absence of space for a long demonstration, one can “celebrate the result” (reward the author with applause, sketch his building, take pictures, etc.) and only then put away the toys for storage.

..Do not be afraid to remember your childhood and tell your child about how you played yourself and with your friends. The child learns not only by playing and manipulating objects himself, but also from the experience of those around him, especially close people.

At first, you can watch the child's games at home and tell (if desired) about them to the educators, finding out how the games in the group differ from the games at home. By comparing, you can complement the gaming development environment in your home.

The main thing is to show respect for the personality of the child, to reckon with the gradual development of play activity and not to try to artificially accelerate it.

Tactfully, but not obtrusively, offer your help in creating a play environment: “Maybe you need my saucepan when making dinner? "," Do you want me to help you make a garage for your car? "Etc. The child's refusal must be taken for granted:" Of course, you know better. But if you need something, I will be happy to help you. " Try to regard all subsequent requests from the child as a manifestation of trust and respect for your delicacy and tact.

It is important for adults to show initiative and a sincere desire to participate in the game. Having received the child's consent, ask about your role (“Who will I be?”) And unconditionally accept it with gratitude. By tactfully connecting to the child's play that has already begun, take on an additional role depending on the plot he is using.

If you do not understand the situation and the child's desires, try to clarify from him the circumstances that are important for the development of the plot, related to the characterization of the hero, his behavior, etc. ("And what kind of fox will I be - good or evil?").

Acting in a role, it is important for parents to show initiative and independence, to try to motivate the actions of the hero whose role they are playing. In case of difficulty, you do not need to get lost, stop playing, but you need to ask the child how you should act in a given situation ("What should I do next?").

In the process of joint play, try to encourage the child to play an increasingly complex plot each time, relying on the role that attracts him.

It is necessary to stimulate the speech activity of children, including various toys in the plot of the game, encouraging children to carry out role-based dialogue on their behalf.

Try to be positive about the appearance of imaginary partners in children's stories and games. It is useful to seriously and kindly discuss with your child the adventures that allegedly happened to him and his "familiar" bunny, puppy, and even a robot or policeman, etc.

Gradually, it is necessary to promote the formation of the most difficult way of building a game in children - joint plot-addition, which means the child's ability to highlight, designate integral plot events, combine them in sequence and do this in concert with a partner.

You need to teach children to play in the family board games and games with rules. As well as an adult, a child can be trusted to act as a partner and bearer of the rules of the game. It is important not to show condescension to older preschool children when following the rules and not to adapt to them, to bring the child to the understanding that you can win and lose in the game.

At the end of the game, you need to express your satisfaction and hope that the next time he will invite you to participate in a new game ..

Consultation for educators

« Modern approaches to the organization of the game activity of preschoolers "

Types of activity "href \u003d" / text / category / vidi_deyatelmznosti / "rel \u003d" bookmark "\u003e type of activity of the child - preschooler. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that: it satisfies his basic needs; in the depths of the game, other types of activity arise and develop; play to the greatest extent contributes to the mental development of the child.
In a variety of learning systems, play has a special place. And this is determined by the fact that the game is very consonant with the nature of the child. A child from birth to maturity pays great attention to play. A game for a child is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the external, adult world, a way of modeling his relationship, in the process of which the child develops a pattern of relationships with peers. Children are happy to come up with games themselves, with the help of which the most banal, everyday things are transferred to a special interesting world adventure. "The game, there is a need for the growing child's body... In the game, the child's physical strength develops, the hand is firmer, the body is more flexible, or rather the eye, intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In the game, the children develop organizational skills, develop endurance, the ability to weigh circumstances, etc., "she wrote.

In play, a child makes discoveries that have long been known to an adult. Currently, a whole direction in pedagogical science has appeared - play pedagogy, which considers play to be the leading method of upbringing and teaching children of preschool and primary school age and therefore the emphasis on play (play activities, play forms, techniques) is the most important way of including children in educational work. , a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions.

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· Household games: in “home”, “family”, “holiday”, “birthdays” (a lot of attention is paid to the doll).

· Production and community games, which reflect the work of people (school, store, library, post office, transport: train, plane, ship).

· Games on heroic-patriotic themesreflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.)

· Theme Games literary works, film, television and radio broadcasts: in "sailors" and "pilots", in the Hare and the Wolf, the Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena (according to the content of cartoons, films), etc.

Role-playing game components

The plot of the game is a sphere of reality that is reproduced by children, a reflection of certain actions, events from the life and activities of others.

Role is a play position, the child identifies himself with any character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character.

Formation stagesand role-playing game

In the first years of life, with the educational influence of adults, the child goes through stages of development of play activity, which are the prerequisites for role-playing play.
The first such stage is an introductory game. Refers to the child's age - 1 year. The adult organizes the child's subject-play activity using a variety of toys and objects.
In the second stage (milestone 1 and 2 years of child's life) appears imaging game,in which the child's actions are aimed at identifying the specific properties of the object and at achieving a certain effect with its help. An adult not only names the object, but also draws the baby's attention to its intended purpose.
Stage three development of the game refers to the end of the second - the beginning of the third year of life. Formed plot - display game,in which children begin to actively reflect the impressions received in everyday life (lull the doll).

Stage four(from 3 to 7 years old ) - own role-playing game.

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· At a younger preschool age (10-15 minutes);

· In the middle preschool age (40-50 min.);

· In senior preschool age (from several hours to days).

Director's games, in which the child makes them speak, perform various actions of the dolls, acting both for himself and for the doll. "alt \u003d" (! LANG: Site blocked" width="409" height="274 src=">!}

Most often, fairy tales are the basis of games - dramatizations. In fairy tales, the images of the heroes are outlined most vividly, they attract children with the dynamism and clear motivation of their actions, actions clearly replace one another and preschoolers willingly reproduce them. Easily dramatized by children loved folk tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Three Bears" and others. In games of dramatization, poems with dialogues are also used, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce content by role.
With the help of games - dramatizations, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causation.
For the development of games - dramatizations, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bexcitement and development of interest in them in children, knowledge of the content and text of the work, the presence of costumes, toys. The costume in games complements the image, but should not embarrass the child. If you cannot make a costume, you need to use its individual elements that characterize individual signs of a particular character: a cock's comb, a fox's tail, bunny ears, etc. It is good to involve children themselves in making costumes.
The teacher's guidance lies in the fact that he, first of all, selects works that have educational value, the plot of which is not difficult for children to learn and turn into a game - dramatization.
You should not specially learn a fairy tale with preschoolers. Beautiful language, fascinating plot, repetitions in the text, dynamics of the development of the action - all this contributes to its rapid assimilation. When repeating a fairy tale, children remember it well enough and begin to join the game, playing the role of individual characters. While playing, the child directly expresses his feelings in word, gesture, facial expressions, intonation.
In play - dramatization, it is not necessary to show the child certain expressive techniques: play for him should be just play.

Construction and construction games

Building materials (portal "href \u003d" / text / tema / stroy / materials / "\u003e building materials. Building play is such an activity of children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in various buildings and related activities.
The building game is somewhat similar to the role-playing game and is considered as its kind. They have one source - the life around them. Children in the game build bridges, stadiums, railways, theaters, circuses and much more. In building games, they not only depict the surrounding objects, buildings, copying them, but also bring their own creative idea, individual solution of constructive problems. The similarity of role-playing and building games is that they bring children together on the basis of common interests, joint activities and are collective.
The difference between these games lies in the fact that the role-playing game primarily reflects various phenomena and masters the relationship between people, and in the construction, the main one is familiarization with the corresponding activities of people, with the technology used and its use.
It is important for the educator to take into account the relationship, the interaction of the plot-role-playing and construction games. Construction often occurs in and is triggered by role-playing games. It kind of sets the goal of the building game. For example, children decided to play sailors - they needed to build a steamer; the game of the store inevitably requires its construction, etc. However, the construction game can also arise as an independent one, and already on its basis one or another plot-role-playing one develops. For example, children build a theater and then play artists.
In the process of building games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, correlate some parts of buildings with others, memorize and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions. Under his guidance, preschoolers master the exact vocabulary expressing the name of geometric bodies, spatial relations: high low, right to left, up and down, long short, wide narrow, higher lower, longer shorter, etc.

Didactic games - games specially created or adapted for educational purposes.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They contribute to the development of sensations and perception in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, the assimilation of knowledge. These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways of solving certain mental and practical problems. This is their developmental role.
It is necessary to ensure that didactic game was not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but would also contribute to the general development of the child, serve to form his abilities.
Didactic game helps to solve problems moral education, the development of sociability in children. The educator places children in conditions that require them to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding. "alt \u003d" (! LANG: site" width="552" height="437 src=">!}

The emphasis on the joint activities of the educator and children, on the game forms of education of preschoolers, on the absence of strict regulation of children's activities, taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children when organizing the pedagogical process at the preschool educational institution introduces the necessary changes into the content of the programs .

The essential features of the joint activity of adults and children are:

The presence of a partner (equal position) of an adult

· The presence of a partner form of organization (cooperation between an adult and children, the possibility of free placement, movement and communication of children) This is indicated in the works of a number of modern researchers (N. A. Korotkova, etc.) This is especially important for the organization of play activities.

Taking into account the aforementioned essential features, the organization of joint activities of adults and children should extend both to the holding of regime moments (this was understood and done earlier), and to the whole directly educational activities. The latter is carried out in the process of organizing children's activities, primarily in the game as a leading activity.

According to the opinion, “if an adult controls a child all the time, then he simply has neither the opportunity nor the need to make a volitional effort and master the means of regulating his own behavior (after all, someone already does it for him). At the same time, it is not the will of the child that develops so much as the will of the adult, who seeks to force the baby to act within the framework of his expectations.

Children's arbitrariness develops only in the process of vigorous activity that evokes emotions that the child learns to regulate.

In the course of planning the game, according to O. Skorolupova, it is necessary to be guided by the following planning principles:

Complex - thematic principle of construction educational process

· The principle of integration of educational areas.

Play as a leading activity cannot be carried out in isolation; it is closely related to other types of children's activities. Children cannot play in the absence of knowledge about the life around them, since the game is social in nature.