Frame baths with a single roof. Construction of a bath with a single roof.

Single Roof For a bath that occupies a small area is the most optimal option for the arrangement of roofing design. This type of roof does not require in the process of installation of the arrangement of a complex carrier power system. The single roof on the bath can be mounted with their own hands from almost any roofing system. With single-sided roofs, it is best to build a bath and verandas combined in the same complex.

Before proceeding with a single-table roof, it is best to familiarize yourself with possible options for project designs through photos located on the pages of specialized sites, which are devoted to the construction of various designs of bath complexes.

The angle of the shape of a single-table design depends on the load rendered to the surface of the roof plane with precipitated precipitates in the winter period and the pressure of the wind plane. In the regions in which there is a lot of snow loss, increase the angle of inclination of the design and make it sharper.

The slope of such a roof is an angle of over 15 0 C. The steep roof contributes to the rapid one of the snow in the winter period. If strong winds are observed in the construction of construction, it is recommended to build a roof with a more common, having a smaller angle of inclination.

Single Roof Design Ideal when developing frame bathing projectsMore on the location country house Looks like a two-story saucer with a single-sided roof. On the second floor of such a bath you can equip recreation rooms.

Construction of a single-table roof of a bath complex

Before you begin a single-piece roof device with your own hands, it is necessary to study in detail the design of this type of roof.

The design of a single room for a bath is extremely simple. The angle of the embedded roof is formed by the construction of the walls differ in the height on the opposite sides of the building. The roof design can be performed in two variations:

  • with an attic;
  • without a attic.

When installing the design without a attic, the inner part of the roof is simultaneously the ceiling bath complex. In order for such a design to perform functions assigned to it, it is required to fix the binder and insulate the roof supporting structures from the inside. When arranging an attic space in the bath, you will need to carry out installation work on the installation of horizontal ceiling lags.

The design of the roof is based on the rafters stacked on the walls of the structure. Special grooves are prepared for mounting rafters in the upper crown. Laying the rafter is carried out in increments from 0.6 to 1.2 m. The shafts are installed on the rafters. Out of the crate system, waterproofing is mounted and roofing material.

The bath with a single-table roof is very easy, but before installing the structure, it is necessary to study its features on the photo on specialized sites dedicated to building themes.

The roof of a single-table without arrangement of the attic space is used in the construction of bath complexes that have a small area. In the event that the length of the roof of the roof has a length of over 4 m, the doprels are mounted under rafters, which are based on its end ceiling beamsrepresenting the foundation of the overlap.

As roofing material when conducting installation work during arrangement single Roof Can be used:

  • rolled - glassizol, rubberoid or soft roof;
  • metal professional sheet - sheets of professional flooring and metal tile;
  • ondulin.

Slate or sheet metalLike roofing building materials for a single roof, it is rare enough, since these building materials are highly weight, which leads to the weighting of the roof structure.

In the last stage, construction is insulation.

Advantages of using a single roof and the features of the use of materials

When erecting ne. bathroom The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is about 15 m 2. For this reason, the use of a single design is the most optimal option. The construction of such a design will save significant financial resources. When designing a bath complex and its roof, it should be remembered that the larger the roof area, the more material will be required to build the structure, while not only the cost of building materials increase, but also increases the time at.

Not only its design features, but also materials applied during installation work, are very important in the construction of the roof. When carrying out work, select those construction Materialsthat are optimally suitable for construction, taking into account design features. For example, with an inclination corners from 8 to 9 0, the optimal building materials for the roof is a professional flooring, for the roof with an inclination angle to 25 0 it is best to use metal tile for roofs having an angle of skate 5 0 You can use rubReroid.

The choice of materials used in the conduct of thermal insulation of the roof completely depends on the features of the further use of the bath complex. If the construction is planned for round year, it is best to create under the roof.

When using the bath only during the warm period of the year, it is possible to insulate the roofing rod. This installation option is cheaper, but unacceptable during the operation of the structure in the winter period.

Materials and tools used in the implementation of work

When carrying out installation work, you will need to prepare a certain list of building materials:

  • wood cutting board having a thickness of 40 to 60 mm;
  • 20 mm board and moisture-resistant plywood mounting;
  • building materials for installation of roof waterproofing;
  • building materials for mounting roofing;
  • building cutting board for mounting ceiling plane binder;
  • material for insulation.

During the work, the following tools will be required:

  • manual electric jigsaw;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • a knife for holding a building materials for hydro, vapor and thermal insulation;
  • roulette construction;
  • a hammer;
  • stapler construction.

In addition, it is required to prepare antiseptic solutions and antipyrine for processing wooden structuresIt is required due to the fact that the bath is a room with an increased moisture content in the air and at the same time fire hazard. Wood processing allows you to extend the timing of the wooden structures.

In order to warm the roof with high quality, various thermal insulation building materials are used. Such materials may be fibrous insulation made from mineral or stone wool. When installing the roof without a attic, insulation is carried out directly by the underpants space, and in the presence of an attic room, the ceiling of the bathroom is insulated.

Setting the roof frame setting

If necessary, the installation of the roof with the attic space is required to prepare beams. The size of their cross section is completely dependent on the area of \u200b\u200bthe bath complex and the weight of the materials used to create a roof. Step Montaja boy structures The attic space should be in the range from 0.6 to 1.2 m.

After installing the beam system, you can start working on the installation of a rafter system. Rafyla carrier design Roofs are located at a distance from 0.6 to 1.2 m. The distance between them depends on the type of construction and weight of the material used to cover the roof. In addition, the cross section of the rafter affects the amount of precipitation, which fall out at the construction site of the bath complex in winter time.

There are several varieties of the carrying roof support. The use of one or another design depends on the size of the bath complex. For example, with a width of the bath 6 m, an additional layer is used, which is based on a subcupile foot. This element of the reference design gives additional stability for the whole support system Roof.

When building a bath from a log or bar, the last crown of walls serves as a support when installing the roof support design. In the case of use as a material for the construction of a bath of a stone or brick, it takes over the wall for fastening the rafting system to pave a timber bar. Before laying on the walls, a layer of waterproofing should be pre-apply.

To give stiffness, various struts, screeds and jumpers are used. As a material for the manufacture of additional elements of the supporting design, wood is used.

Installation of crates and roofing material

At the end of the installation of the carrier roof design, the fittings are started. The distance between the elements of the crates, fixed on the supporting structure, is completely dependent on the size and weight of the material used to cover the roof plane.

In case of use as a coating soft roofMade on the basis of bitumen, or when using a ceramic recorder, the crate should be solid. Processed boards or moisture resistant plywood are used as building material. When using roofing material in the form of sheets, you can use a shit.

In the case of an application in the design of a heavy roofing building materials for construction, metal profiles are best fixed for construction.

At the end of the installation work on the assembly of the supporting design and the crates, wood is carried out by antiseptic and antipyarem.

After carrying out all installation work on the installation of the carrier frame and the crate, with the subsequent processing of all wood structures, chemical specialists can be processed with waterproofing and roofing material.

First, laying construction materials, providing hydro and vaporizolation of the roof design. When used as roofing material, the number of pair and waterproofing layers should be at least three.

Laying of roofing material should be carried out in the bottom upward, brass. The consolidation of the building material is carried out with the help of fastening elements.

After installing the roofing material, the trimming of the frontones and the insulation of the roof of the heat insulating building materials is carried out. With the insulation of the interconnection space in the attic, matte from mineral or stone wool fit and fixed in an interconnection space. After laying insulation, sheathing is carried out finishing material. In the insulation of the ceiling space, the insulation is laid into the space between the ceiling lags and is sewn with a finishing material.

A single roof is an economical and comfortable design, but it is inconvenient, if necessary, the arrangement of the attic, in this case it is best to use a double or attic design.

Hello, dear readers of the blog Samych himself, today we will talk about the most optimal roof version - a single roof for a bath. In the last article we discussed questions, as well as counted optimal bathIf you did not read, I recommend getting acquainted.

I came to the conclusion that a single roof is the most the best way For the bathhouse of small and medium sizes. Despite the many advantages, I chose for your bath double roof. Why I decided so, I will tell at the end of the article.

An example of a bath with one slope

As long as the positive sides of the single roof:

  • Simplicity. Fast and easy laying method. No need to invent anything, the difference in heights is explained by different heights of the walls.
  • Weight. A single-sided roof has a significantly smaller weight, therefore, does not require the construction of powerful bearing walls and complex rafting fasteners.
  • Price. One of the fiscal options of the roof, requires significantly less building materials.
  • Materials. For the device of a single-table roof, almost any kinds will fit roofingAnd you can choose the most optimal option.
  • Convenience. Planning a bath under one roof with the house? Single roof is the most practical option. Read the same topic - "".

Stock Foto Bath extension with visor to home

Unfortunately, this type of roof has its own minuses. Under such a roof will not be able to make a big attic room, and elsewhere. As well as on a single-sided roof, a lot of snow is going, therefore you have to clean it in a timely manner. Cons, who found our readers, you can read at the end of the article.

Council an experienced builder . Use a single-piece roof only if you plan to attach a bath to the house. In all other cases, I recommend making a double roof.

Single-car roof device

The roof design itself is simple and simple. To give the roof slope, the two opposite walls are made different in height. Sometimes, if the walls are already erected and have the same height, you can lift one of the walls to the required level using special wooden racks. This option is suitable for frame bathand for a cut.

As I said, a single-piece roof can be done both with a attic and without. Naturally, the full attic there will fail there, because The optimal slope is 20-30 percent, and this circumstance significantly reduces the sizes of the attic. If the attic is not planned, then the single roof serves not only the roof, but also the ceiling of the bath. What it follows that the roof should be as follows.

Roofing in details

If the attic is planned, then standard roof warming activities are carried out, it takes a slightly greater bias for the roof, which allows us to increase the useful space of the attic room. Special guides from a bar are stacked on the walls that will serve as the basis of the future ceiling. How in the bath read the link.

The optimal angle of inclination of the roof is 20-30%. Such an angle will not let the snow lay on the roof surface.

When the roof is erected, special wooden guides (rafters) are used, which are stacked on the walls of the bath with a step of 0.5 - 1 meter. In turn, the drying is nailed to the rafters, on which directly roofing material is stacked.

Before proceeding with the construction of the roof, you need to know several nuances:

  • Important! If the attic device is not planned in the bath, the roof can become a bath ceiling, but only under one condition - the roof length should not be more than 4 meters. If the roof length is greater, then it is necessary to install horizontal guides from the bar, which will rely on the roof of the bath in the middle. This is due to the excessive weight of the roof and without additional supports the roof will lead and deform. And imagine if 400 mm snow drops on your roof? Without additional supports, your roof will be in the center as a card house. From this we can conclude - if the roof length is more than 4 meters, then the installation of the internal vertical supports is required, which already implies the creation of a attic.
  • As a roof, it is best to use light types of materials: Ondulin, Ruberoid, soft tile. Heavy types of roofs such as slate or sheet metal are less suitable.
  • If you do the attic, then rational bath. If a bath is planned without a attic, the roof is insulated.
  • Be sure to share the article - ""

Here are the main points you want to know. We turn to the construction technology.

Roof mounting with your own hands

Before proceeding with construction, we need to prepare necessary materials. The basis of the whole design is wooden brushes and roofing material. Let's look at what building materials we need for construction.


  1. Mauerlat.. To begin with, we will understand what kind of beast is this? Maurylalat - foundation roofing system, More precisely, its lowest part, which lies around the perimeter of the walls. It is at Mauerlat that a bar is attached, called rafters. For these purposes, the timber is best suited, with a cross section of 15 × 15 or more centimeters. The tree should be previously treated with a special antiseptic or roofing mastic.
  2. Rafyla. This is exactly the part of the roof to which the roofing material will be laid. It is important to remember that the whole severity of roofing material will fall on the rafter, as well as the severity of what will fall on this roofing material 🙂 Therefore, high-quality boards without cracks and holes are used, with a cross section of at least 5 × 15 centimeters. The length of the rafter should be with a margin, do not forget to take into account the size of the visors. Special grooves under Maerab should be made on the rafters. Mounting Maurolat and rafters is carried out with the help of nails or metal corners.
  3. Okeekhet. The lamp is placed on rafters perpendicular to their direction. When installing the crate, consider the features of the roofing material if it is flexible, for example, a soft tile, then it is possible to be solid plywood. If it is used, for example, ondulin, then there will be a fairly ordinary rack of the crate.

Maurylalat, layout scheme on the wall and scheme in the context

We discussed the main points of preparation for construction. And now we turn into business actually and find out how to make a roof with your own hands.


We have prepared all the necessary materials and remained to decide which in what sequence to start the construction of the roof. In this example, we will look at the example of a small bath (up to 4 meters), for which the horizontal supports will not be erected and in which the attic is planned, therefore will be carried out. If you are interested in the construction of a single-piece roof for a big bath, please email in the comments, we will definitely add material. So, on points:

The bath with a single-sided roof is a popular option for eating on its own. Such a building can be built without unnecessary financial costs. But that the bath is well kept warm and able to serve not one decade, it is important to carefully treat the selection of materials for the construction and technology of installation.

One skate bath

Benefits of a single bathhouse for a bath

If there is no special requirements for the roof, in addition to reliability, durability and ability to maintain heat, a single design is the best option. Among the benefits of a bath with a single-table roof can be attributed:

  • Ease of installation. Even a person who has not been engaged in this type of work can cope with construction. It is enough to have at least the basic skills of working with tools and small knowledge in the field of roof arrangement. You can build a compact bath with such a roof alone.
  • Small budget. The construction of a single-board roof will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than the arrangement of the two-sheet for the structure of one area. This is due to the fact that it is required noticeably less than high-quality lumber on slinge system, Materials for mounting insulated roofing cake.
  • Durability and reliability. If you correctly design and mount the roof, it is able to withstand the atmospheric load for many years.
  • Practicality. A single roof version is the perfect solution for a bath attached to the house. The terrace or veranda of the bath will also successfully be under such a roof - it is not necessary to mount a complex rafter design with unnecessary adjoins.

Bath project with a veranda

The main characteristics of a single design

Single Roof has extremely simple design. The skate is a plane of a quadrangular shape with a smooth surface located at an angle to the horizon due to the height difference between the supports.

To make a single roof for a bath, a rafter system of the skate should be opened on the designs located at different heights. This is done in several ways.:

  • The walls of different heights are erected. Mauelalat is mounted directly on them, which will rely on rafters.
  • The walls are elected the same height. The vertical racks with crossbar are attached to one of the walls, which serves as a supporting timber for the top edge of the rafted. The lower end of the rafter is attached to Mauerlat on the second wall. This design is cheaper, as it allows you to save an expensive wall material, but in this case the underpants space requires enhanced insulation.
  • Combined option. It is applied if the project provides for the arrangement of the root terrace instead of the angular part of the rectangular cut or on the side of it. In this case, the portion of the Mauerlat (support beam) is made beyond the wall and rests on the rack of the corresponding height.
  • With an additional support. If the terrace or veranda is located along a high wall, the rafters are based on the Mauerlat on both walls, and additionally - on the support beam mounted on the racks. This will allow the speaker "visor" above the terrace or veranda to withstand loads.

The principle of installation of a chalk system of a single-table roof is determined at the design stage of the bath.

Construction of carcass

Tilt angle

Slope slope depends on climatic features region, since the load from precipitation affects the requirements for the strength characteristics of the rafter system (the smaller the step of the rafter, the firm structure, but it increases its weight and the cost of sawn timber).

The recommended angle of the shape of a single-table roof is 20-30 degrees for regions with a small snowy and rain load. For climate with snow winters, the optimal parameters of the slope are 30-45 degrees. In this case, water is easily rolled with a roof, and the accumulated snow comes out under its own weight.

Note! The angle of inclination of the roof is less, the higher the smoothness of the roofing material should be the smoothness. This will prevent moisture accumulation in places of fasteners and adjoints. The stagnant moisture can trigger damage the roof and fasteners. This will significantly reduce the service life of the roof.

Roof inclination angles and roofing material

Since the angle of inclination depends on the height of the supports, it should be taken into account when preparing the Bani project, especially if it is decided to build a wall of different height. Adjust the wall design is more difficult than the height of the support racks.

Thermal insulation of the roof

For the bath, the issue of thermal insulation of roofing pie is pressing, since it is through the roof the main part of the heat from the structure. So that the steam room does not cool for a long time, and in the living room and the pre-tribades even in winter it was comfortable, it is necessary to think well insulation.

There are two main options how to insulate the bath:

  1. In the bath for use only in summer period The roof can simultaneously serve the ceiling. It is insulated, high-quality steam insulates, the heat-reflecting foil material is mounted and weathered with clapboard.
  2. In the Ban, designed for year-round operation, the overlapping should be mounted, and the insulated with the help of leafy or roll materials, or the thermally insulated by a flowing method.

If you use a bath with insulated roofing skate-ceiling in winter, you will have to burn a large amount of firewood to compensate for increased heat loss. As a heat insulator, it is desirable to use fibrous slab or rolled materialResistant to ignition - mineral or stone wool. But it is necessary to provide high-quality vaporizolation, since moisture, accumulating in the heat insulator, worsens its thermal protection indicators.

Warming overlap of mineral wool

Warming of overlapping is a simpler and cheap option if you use frosting materials - slag, crumples, vermiculitis. The advantages of oiling materials include an affordable cost and limiting simplicity of laying. For the bath it is recommended to use snowing from non-combustible materials.


A single-table bath project can be prepared independently. Building projects are easy to find on the Internet - the most convenient to choose the appropriate option and adapt it to the existing conditions. If there is no experience in construction, it is advisable to pay attention to projects, as simple as possible in the implementation.

At the design stage required:

  • determine the amount, dimensions and purpose of the premises, their mutual arrangement;
  • calculate the optimal height of the walls;
  • design the roof design, taking into account the angle of inclination and the selected roofing material;
  • choose materials for fixing a log and roof;
  • decide with the materials for external and interior decoration;
  • calculate the foundation based on the total load on the base.

Bath layout

It is necessary to prepare drawings with the indication of all sizes. It is important to carefully treat the installation of each assembly of the rafting system on the bath and choose the optimal technology.

If you first take over the construction of the roof, mounting her frame is useful to have detailed explanatory drawings of the correct attachment of the rafter feet before your eyes.

Single roof Bath do it yourself

We choose materials for mounting design. They must have sufficient strength so that the roof is withstanding the calculated loads.

  1. Maurylalat. Horizontal supports for rafter feet, which are mounted on the wall or rack, it is best to make them from the coniferous timber with a cross section of at least 150x150 mm.
  2. Rafters. The perfect option is the boards of pine or wood dense breeds with a cross section of 50x150 mm - such dimensions make it possible to mount the insulation, the thickness of which is 150 mm. The length of the rafter is calculated taking into account the length of the scenes beyond the support structures.
  3. Obsek. Cross bonds connecting rafters with each other add stiffery frame, help distribute the load on building construction Both the foundation serve as a support for roofing. For a rarefied clamps, racks with a thickness of 30-40 mm, for a solid crate (necessary for some roofing materials, or if selected minimum corner Tilt of the skate) - moisture-resistant plywood, OSB slabs, boards.
  4. Roof. Lightweight materials are recommended, which can be mounted even alone - bitumen slate (ondulin) or flexible tile, professional flooring, metal tile. Ruberoid is traditionally used as waterproofing.

Fastening options raftered to Mauerlat
The sawn timber should be dry, without deformations (bending, twisting), without wood defects in the form of fistulas and bitch affecting the bearing ability of the elements. After cutting the elements in size, they should be qualitatively treated with a means for flame-traasty twice.

Mounting work

Considering how to make a single roof, you should pay attention to the sequence of actions and technology of work:

  • If the walls have the same height, the construction of the roof begins with the installation on one of them racks and fastening the support bar at the estimated height. All compounds are performed by the word of the word inwards with additional fixation with metal brackets or droves at the corner of nails.
  • A timber is laid on the walls of different heights, which will perform the functions of Mauerlat. This item is required for log Ban.As well, if the walls are elevated from brick, foam block and other materials. Walls from piece materials require the arrangement of a belt from monolithic concrete With mixed fastening studs and waterproofing of Maurolat with a double layer of rubberoid. In the walls of the bar, the Mauerlat function performs the upper crown.
  • Stropile legs. If the boards length is insufficient for overlapping the span, composite rafters are used from scrambled boards. In the rapid leg make special cuts to install it on Maurylalat. The first raftered, fitted at the place, convenient to use as a template to make the right number of rafter feet according to the project. Elements to Mauerlat are fastened with nails, metal gear plates, are additionally fixed with wire cleans.
  • The waterproofing material (strips, with an adhesive of 100-120 mm) are laid on top of the rafter legs and is attached to the rafting feet with longitudinal reckons of counter-crate.
  • Perpendicular to the counter-crate is mounted with a lattice lattice with a step according to the project, or solid flooring. The gap between the crate and waterproofing allows for air circulation in roofing Piece, due to which the wood frame does not rot for a long time.
  • +2

It is unlikely that something can be compared with your own bath. Without a doubt, one of the most important stages of its construction is the installation of the roof. It is the roof that protects against precipitation, which means that it protects the entire structure from the effects of moisture. In this article we will talk about how to properly make a single roof for a bath with your own hands, as well as show the video and photo instructions.

Types of roofs

Speaking about the construction of the roofs, it is worth highlighting several of their species:

  • single one;
  • double;
  • multicate.

Perhaps there will be a mistake of the assumption that if during the construction of the roof is primarily interested in the simplicity of installation, the rate of construction and saving of funds, then there will be more priority to the other options. If the choice fell on this option, you should decide on the roof material. It must be done first, because it is from the characteristics of the material depends on the angular magnitude of the roof of the roof, which means that the overall layout of the upper part of the construction depends.

Materials for construction

The modern building market offers a huge selection of various materials for the roof, and among them you can find optimal options. Among the roofing materials are especially common: the following:

  • metal (metal tile, professional flooring, steel sheet),
  • rolled materials (for example, well-known and no less widely available backrueroid),
  • slate,
  • tile (from classic ceramic, to more modern from polymeric materials).

Note! Metal and slate for the construction of the roof for the bath is better to use in extreme cases if there is no possibility to make a roof from other materials. The fact is that both the metal and slate have a significant weight, and the weight of the design is of great importance for a single roof. An ideal option will be a soft roof.

Of course, the combinations of the above materials can also be used. Today there is the possibility of building roofs from more exotic, such as reeds, materials, however self-mount They are unlikely to be suitable, and when it comes to saving funds, then work is more expedient to themselves. This approach without a doubt has the right to exist, even if a newcomer is taken for the construction, a clear thing is that, in this case, it is necessary to first learn how to make this most sacrifice roof.

What you need

The process of manufacturing this roof is not really something in complicated. Especially if available has a set required toolsAnd all the materials planned for use are purchased. So, when building a single-piece roof will be required:

  • tools (roulette, construction level, screwdriver or drill, hammer, electrolovka and others),
  • wooden bar,
  • wooden plank,
  • paro- and moisture insulation materials,
  • directly roofing materials.

Of course, you will need a lot of things, such as consumables or different species insulation, but their listing is inappropriate. If all of the above is available, then you can start building a single bath roof.

Stages of construction

It is necessary to start this building with the construction of the so-called rafter system, the initial stap of the construction of which is the calculation of the angular value of the inclination of the roof of the roof relative to the horizon line. As mentioned above, this indicator will differ depending on the selected material for the roof.

In the case when the roof is assumed to cover the rubberoid, the angle of inclination of the skate must be about 10 - 15 degrees. Such indicators will be the most optimal. So, most simple way Provide the desired and uniform slope of the roof skate is the construction of walls of different heights. Back at the stage of initial planning of the whole structure, the height of the walls is calculated taking into account the roof skate. Such an approach greatly simplifies the subsequent roofing.

  • The rafters of the roof are necessarily processed by an antiseptic, and then fit and secured directly on the walls.
  • One of the most reliable variants of this attachment are steel studs, embedded one of their ends vertically into the wall.
  • The holes are drilled in the rafters, and they simply wear on the hairpins, it remains only to fix the design with nuts. Thus, the rafters are stacked throughout the roof area. The distance between the rafters is determined by the width of the roofing material used. What he is heavier, the more often the timber must be laid.

  • Then you can proceed to the assembly of the root. It can be performed from a conventional unedged board, which is placed and fixed perpendicular to the rafters using self-samples.
  • The layer of waterproofing material is stacked on top of the roaring, and on top of it are performed directly roofing. It should be remembered that whatever material is selected, its laying should be taken from below, and so that each subsequent row is a little covered with the previous one. This is done to ensure the best ability of the finished coverage to remove snow and rain falling on it.

  • After the roofing works are completed, it is worth conducting a number of works indoors, namely, perform insulation and finishing the ceiling. The insulation is placed in the space between the rafters, after which is covered with a layer of a pair-insulating material, which in turn closes the ceiling material, for example, clapboard. On this, a single-table roof for a bath is almost completed.

Summing up, it should be additionally mentioned that such an embodiment of the roof of the bath has a number of positive qualities:

  • ease of assembly,
  • availability of materials
  • common economy.

This is far from an exhaustive list of qualities inherent in this type of roof, but they are already quite enough to pay attention to it.

For the bath, the most appropriate is a single roof. After all, it is essentially the most fiscal option. Yes, and the device of such a roof does not require special knowledge and skills. But this is when our construction has an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 15 square meters. The larger the surface, the more cost, you will have to install additional supports and beams.

How to install a single-piece roof for large areas

When the surface of the roof is calculated, it is necessary to calculate the length that sinks have.

Next, you must select the desired angle of inclination. It will depend primarily from the region, and secondly, on how much precipitation is falling here for the year. In the steppe zone, enough from 8 to 20 degrees. Where there is a lot of precipitation from 30 to 45 degrees. The cooler roof, the faster the precipitates roll, without lingering on.

The slope will depend on the roofing material used:

  • - 8-20 degrees.
  • - from 25 degrees.
  • - enough and 5 degrees.

The angle of the slope is called the difference from the height of the walls. Choosing the height of the walls, one of them will be required to increase in height depending on the angle that is necessary.

Another important condition is. It is dependent on how often you will use the bath. In the case when the construction is used during the year, then the attic must be inspired. For a bathhouse that works only in summer, insulation will not need.

On the roof for the bath in attic overlaps it is necessary to install beams. Their parameters will be directly dependent on the material you choose for the roof. In addition, plays the role and width of the roof. With large sizes and severity of the roofing material, the beams of a large cross section will be required. The overlap step is approximately 60 cm or one meter.

When you mock the attic overlap, you need to install rafters. Their step will be 60-120 centimeters. This also depends on the material for the roof and precipitation. With a large amount of precipitation and severity of the roofing material, the step is changing. For slate, the steps are minimal, since asbestos-cement materials have a large mass.

Most often, the beams in the attic and the rafter system are connected to each other. They are bonded by brackets resembling the letter "P". Sometimes they are prepared from the reinforcement. You can also use nigel spikes from wood for these purposes, driven into special holes.

Single-table differ in designs. It is clearly visible in the picture below.

For Brousa or log Bani. The upper crown can have a special role - support for beams. In stone structures on the brick, it is necessary to put a bar or Mauerlat. They will connect the rafter system and the box of the building. Under Mauerlat, waterproofing is stacked.

The ends of the beams are laid in special, cut holes whose depth is ½ beam height. In the place of contact with Mauerlat, you need to create a layer of waterproofing using rubberoid. So that the beams are stronger, infended by setting the strut, jumpers, screeds.


When the roofing frame is mounted, proceed to the crate. The distance between its elements will depend on the size and weight of the coating material:

After the installation of the roof frame is completed, it is necessary to mount the crate to fasten the roofing material. The shaft step depends on the type of roofing material:

  • If, from bitumen or ceramic supervision, then the crate makes solid using sheet moisture resistant materials.
  • If the roof has the form of sheets, then a rarefied doom is applied. It is mounted from the unedged board, from 25 to 40 millimeters. The wave slate is placed on the bar 50x120mm, when step from 80 centimeters to one meter.
  • Heavy roof is better laying on metal profiles.
  • To increase the service life, you need to process all the elements of the antiseptic.
    We work with roofing materials
  • The material is placed on the bottom, the brass, fixing the fasteners. Do not forget about the waterproofing materials! If the roof lies with the tone or runner, then at least three layers need.

Soft roofing laid from the top. The mastic is glued with parchment, the sheets are superimposed on each other of the vents (from 10 to 12 cm). You can navigate special cloves. The mastic is glued and the material for the roof. Aerial air bubbles need to be released. Having lowered the roofing material of the book, it should be started under the roof and arrive at the crate. In order not to be in the future flow, be sure to follow the important condition - laying the brass, using the allowance.