“Role-playing game as a means of all-round development of a child. Consultation for parents "what is a role-playing game and what role does it play in the life of a preschooler"

Consultation for parents and educators of the preschool educational institution "Subject role-playing game in the life of a preschooler "

Preschool age is the most important period in a child's development. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed. The main activity of children preschool age - a game.

Play is the main activity of a preschooler, it has a multifaceted effect on mental development child. In it, children acquire new skills and abilities, knowledge. Only in the game the rules of human communication are mastered. Outside the game, the child's full moral and volitional development cannot be achieved; outside the game there is no upbringing of the personality.

LI Bozhovich speaks of preschool childhood as a large segment of a child's life. Living conditions at this time are rapidly expanding: the framework of the family expands to the limits of the street, city, country. The child discovers the world of human relations, different types of activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to join this adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not yet available to him. In addition, he no less strongly strives for independence. From this contradiction, role play is born - an independent activity of children that simulates the life of adults. Role-playing or as it is sometimes called creative play appears in preschool age. This is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and in a generalized form, in play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them. The child, choosing and performing a certain role, has an appropriate image - a mother, a driver, a pirate and models of his actions. The figurative game plan is so important that without it the game simply cannot exist. But although life in play proceeds in the form of representations, it is emotionally saturated and becomes for the child his real life.

A special place in the activities of a preschooler is occupied by games that are created by the children themselves, these are creative or plot-based role-playing games. In them, children reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, he can fairly evaluate the actions and actions of his comrades and his own.

The outstanding Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky also noted that although the child creates imaginary situations in the course of role play, the feelings he experiences are real. “Katya is a mother,” says the tiny girl, and, trying on a new role, plunges into an imaginary world. And, regardless of whether her “daughter” was bought in an expensive toy store or sewn by a caring grandmother from Katya’s old tights, the little mother does not just repeat the manipulations that are supposed to be done on babies for her elders, but feels a real feeling of maternal love for her “ baby. "

In the role-playing game, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, significant changes take place in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler. (A small card index on a role-playing game can be found on my page in photo albums).

Also LS Vygotsky emphasized the unique specifics of preschool play. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players is combined with strict, unconditional obedience to the rules of the game. Such voluntary obedience to the rules occurs when they are not imposed from outside, but follow from the content of the game, its tasks, when their fulfillment is its main charm.

Thus, in connection with all of the above, Dear Parents, play role-playing games with your children.


Play has always been, is and will be of great importance in a child's life. And if you think that the game is just entertainment and an empty pastime, you are deeply mistaken. In the process of playing, the child learns to analyze, develops his imagination, thinking and many other useful things happen in the development of the child.

There are several types of play activities. It is individually objective, which arises at an early age from six months to two years, objective imitative, which manifests itself in the second year of life and plot-role. That's about role-playing games we'll talk below.

What role-playing games?

Role-playing games - these are games in which children "dress" on themselves a role, conveying its character, and act according to a certain given plot or create it themselves. That is, it is a kind of theatrical performance. Children get used to their role and behave as they see their character from the outside.

FROM southerly role-playing games take their place in the child's life when he learns to use objects not only for their immediate purpose, but also in accordance with the plot of the game. In the process, the child will have a desire to copy the actions of adults, he will learn to interact with other children in the game, or adults.

Initially, the role-playing game manifests itself in the usual imitation of an adult by a child. The kid independently vacuums, cooks soup, puts toys to sleep, repairs something. After a while, the child begins to play up familiar life situations: "visiting the hospital", "going to the store", etc.

At this stage in role-playing game the dialogue of the actors is added. The help of a parent is very useful here. If you help the kid in the game, then by the age of two and a half, the child will independently play role-playing games with his toys.

Next comes the complication of the game due to the appearance of the plot - the combination of several situations. For example, the plot can be a trip to nature - first the child will collect the necessary things, then sit in the transport, unpack his bags on the spot, he can take a fishing rod and go fishing, or something else like that. Children begin to agree on the rules of the game - business communication develops. At 4-5 years old, children not only play out everyday situations, but also add stories from fairy tales, cartoons, books to the game.

Older children are easily included in the role-playing game, but even this does not mean that an adult can stay in the background and let everything go by itself. If the parent does not provide the child with new situations for play, then the child may stop developing and stop showing independence. The manifestation of creativity and independence in role-playing games shows the level of development of the child's thinking.

The value of toys for the development of independent play by older preschool children is also specific. If in the play of kids the subject situation determines the plot, then the older preschoolers themselves construct the subject-play situation depending on the chosen theme and the planned course of the game, subordinating it to the play idea.

The play of younger preschoolers requires a significant degree of reliance on toys and objects that replace them. The main requirement for a substitute toy is convenience in performing play actions, proportionality in size with another play material... It is very important that such a toy resemble the depicted object in general outlines. So, a doll can be made of a towel, if you roll it up and put on an apron or a bow, instead of a plate, you can offer a circle of cardboard, etc. they choose and agree in advance what they will mean (“This is a doll”, “This is a plate”). Sometimes they give the toy a substitute role (“Let's be the dad, and this is the daughter”). Children of 4-5 years old also carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but they are already beginning to use a gesture, a word, and a certain position of an object or the child himself. At this age, attributes are of particular importance: all kinds of hats, aprons, dressing gowns, handbags. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of tool actions in a particular profession. The doctor needs a gown, an appointment table, a stick representing a thermometer or a syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be large dolls with easily removable clothing or naked, wrapped in a blanket. Sick children should have their own fathers and mothers.

For a child of 6-7 years old, the main thing is no longer in performing role-playing actions with the help of toys and objects, but in communicating with those who have taken on other roles related to his role, with the meaning of the plot of the game. This significantly changes the requirements for a toy and forces us to look for an answer to the question of what it should be not so much in the game itself as in the most real life today. This is not only games with the family, school, hospital, but also the conquest of space, harvesting, the construction of a gas pipeline, etc.

Thus, role-playing games teach the child to coordinate his actions with other participants in the game, try on various personal qualities, as well as find ways out of various situations. Playing these games, the child grows up to be a creative and independent person, ready to deal with life situations.

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Consultation for parents "Role-playing games in children's lives"


Play has always been, is and will be of great importance in a child's life. And if you think that the game is just entertainment and an empty pastime, you are deeply mistaken. In the process of playing, the child learns to analyze, develops his imagination, thinking and much more useful things happen in the development of the child.

There are several types of play activities. It is individually objective, which arises at an early age from six months to two years, objective imitative, which manifests itself in the second year of life and plot-role. That's aboutrole-playing games we'll talk below.

What role-playing games ?

Role-playing games - these are games in which children "dress" on themselves a role, conveying its character, and act according to a certain given plot or create it themselves. That is, it is a kind of theatrical performance. Children get used to their role and behave as they see their character from the outside.

FROMsoutherly role-playing games take their place in the child's life when he learns to use objects not only for their immediate purpose, but also in accordance with the plot of the game. In the process, the child will have a desire to copy the actions of adults, he, or adults.

Initially, the role-playing game manifests itself in the usual imitation of an adult by a child. The kid independently vacuums, cooks soup, puts toys to sleep, repairs something. After a while, the child begins to play up familiar life situations: "visiting the hospital", "going to the store", etc.

At this stage inrole-playing game the dialogue of the actors is added. The help of a parent is very useful here. If you help the kid in the game, then by the age of two and a half, the child will independently play role-playing games with his toys.

Next comes the complication of the game due to the appearance of the plot - the combination of several situations. For example, the plot may be a trip to nature - first the child will collect the necessary things, after that he will get on the transport, unpack his bags on the spot, he may take a fishing rod and go fishing, or something else like that. Children begin to agree on the rules of the game - business communication develops. At 4-5 years old, children not only play out everyday situations, but also add stories from fairy tales, cartoons, books to the game.

Older children are easily included in the role-playing game, but even this does not mean that an adult can stay in the background and let everything go by itself. If the parent does not provide the child with new situations for play, then the child may stop developing and stop showing independence. The manifestation of creativity and independence in role-playing games shows the level of development of the child's thinking.

The value of toys for the development of independent play by older preschool children is also specific. If in the play of kids the subject situation determines the plot, then the older preschoolers themselves construct the subject-play situation depending on the chosen theme and the planned course of the game, subordinating it to the play idea.

The play of younger preschoolers requires a significant degree of reliance on toys and objects that replace them. The main requirement for a substitute toy is convenience in performing play actions, proportionality in size with other play material. It is very important that such a toy resemble the depicted object in general outlines. So, a doll can be made of a towel, if you roll it up and put on an apron or a bow, instead of a plate, you can offer a circle of cardboard, etc. they choose and agree in advance what they will mean (“This is a doll”, “This is a plate”). Sometimes they give the toy a substitute role (“Let's be the dad, and this is the daughter”). Children of 4-5 years old also carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but they are already beginning to use a gesture, a word, and a certain position of an object or the child himself. At this age, attributes are of particular importance: all kinds of hats, aprons, dressing gowns, handbags. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of tool actions in a particular profession. The doctor needs a gown, an appointment table, a stick representing a thermometer or a syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of the doctor and nurse. These patients may be large dolls with easily removable clothing or naked, wrapped in a blanket. Sick children should have their own fathers and mothers.

For a child of 6-7 years old, the main thing is no longer in performing role-playing actions with the help of toys and objects, but in communicating with those who have taken on other roles related to his role, with the meaning of the plot of the game. This significantly changes the requirements for a toy and makes us look for an answer to the question of what it should be not so much in the game itself as in the most real life today. This is not only games with the family, school, hospital, but also the conquest of space, harvesting, the construction of a gas pipeline, etc.

Thus, teach the child to coordinate his actions with other participants in the game, try on various personal qualities, as well as find ways out of various situations. Playing these games, the child grows up ready to deal with life situations.

Ponomareva Lyudmila Georgievna


MADOU child development center -

kindergarten number 146 of the city of Tyumen

Play is the main activity of preschool children. It is of great importance for the intellectual and social - personal development baby since game situation requires from everyone included in it, a certain ability to communicate, as well as to clarify his knowledge of the environment. Play, like no other activity, by virtue of its specificity, ensures children's activity, independence, self-expression, and amateur performance.

A wonderful teacher and scientist DB Elkonin said: "... play arises from the conditions of a child's life in society and reflects these conditions ...". His words are now acquiring special relevance. Watching the games of children, we notice that they reflect modern reality: they play not in the “Shop”, but in the “Supermarket”, not in the “Hairdresser”, but in the “Beauty Salon”, etc.

Kindergarten and parents should help the child correctly comprehend new phenomena and concepts, new words and phrases, acquaint him with the social and subject world, various professions, the world of spiritual and social values, so that in preschool childhood the child can use this knowledge in play, and in the future he could easily adapt to reality.

“The sources of all good things lie in the game and come from it” - Froebel Fr. - German teacher.

Play is the highest stage of childhood development, the development of a person of this period; after all, it is an arbitrary image of the inner world, its image according to its own necessity and need, which is already expressed by the word itself. Play is the purest and most spiritual manifestation of man at this stage, and at the same time it is the prototype and copy of all human life, inner, innermost natural life, both in man and in all things; therefore, play generates joy, freedom, contentment, peace in and around oneself, peace with peace. All good things come from and come from the game.

A child who plays self-motivated, calmly, persistently, even to the point of bodily fatigue, will certainly become just as capable, calm, persistent, selflessly caring for someone else's and his own welfare. Does not the child at play represent the best manifestation of the child's life of this time? - Or a child who discovered his whole nature in the game and fell asleep in the middle?

The play of this time, as it was casually noted above, is not empty fun, it has a high sense and deep meaning; take care of her, develop her, take care and protect her! The calm, penetrating gaze of a true connoisseur of people in a child's spontaneously chosen play clearly sees his future inner life. The games of children are, as it were, the essence of almost the entire future life, because in them the whole person develops and manifests itself in his most subtle inclinations, in his inner feeling.

Many adults think that all the activity of a child in the first years of life is that he eats, sleeps, runs uselessly, has fun. This view is wrong. The human child differs from any, even the most intelligent animal, in that it early begins to inquisitively peer into everything around it, to listen. It starts thinking early, asking questions, demanding an answer, or giving itself simple answers. Around the child is the life of adults with its bustle, change of joy and sadness, with its work, worries, successes, failures. This life for the most part is incomprehensible to the child, inaccessible to him. Meanwhile, a child, as an adult, strives to live a varied life, to experience a lot, to experience a lot, to think about a lot. And he not only strives, but can also live such a varied life. And only such a life is full for a child, interesting, gives him happiness, creates in him a joyful feeling of enjoying life.

But what does a child need so that he can live a bright, joyful, diverse life? What can awaken the various feelings that are already dormant in the child, give an impetus to his thoughts, fill his entire existence with pleasant, fascinating content? The answer is clear to us - a toy. The toy gives the child the opportunity to live real, interesting, full life... With the help of toys in role-playing games, he builds his little world, his kingdom, where he is the master. He is the same as adults: foreman, engineer, chauffeur, builder, doctor, pilot, leader kindergarten; loving but strict father ...

I have been working in a kindergarten for 15 years, and I observe children's play with great interest: what games do children play during the day, how they play, how they communicate. From observations I made a conclusion: at any age, a role-playing game for a child is the main activity, a form of organizing life, a means comprehensive development... In the learning process, it is a secondary stage. In organized educational activities and in everyday life, children gain a wealth of knowledge about their surroundings. During the game, they learn to independently apply this knowledge in accordance with its rules. Thanks to this, their knowledge and ideas become more conscious, clear.

As a kindergarten teacher, my task is to unite the children's team, to teach children to play. 30 kids with different characters came to our group: silent, talkative, brawlers and bully. For most children, the kindergarten group is the first children's society where they acquire the initial skills of collective relations. It is necessary to teach the child to live by common interests, to obey the demands of the majority, to show goodwill towards peers. Therefore, I set myself the goal of instilling this feeling in children from the first days of being in kindergarten and decided to use role-playing games for this purpose. While playing with children, watching games, I found out how children manifest themselves in them. This helped me map out specific ways to interact with each child.

I set myself the following tasks:

  • teach a child to play;
  • to promote the unification of children in the game;
  • tactfully manage the choice of the game;
  • teach children to follow the rules while playing;
  • foster a sense of benevolence, mutual assistance.

I carry out work on the development of role-playing games in two directions:

  • Creation of the necessary gaming environment.
  • Direct guidance of children's games.

With the help of the parents, the play environment was equipped. Beautiful elegant dolls, furniture, various dishes quickly attracted the kids, and they began to act with them in a variety of ways: roll, feed, lay, etc. They played in the morning and after a nap. It was important that our kids learn to perform several interrelated actions. To this end, I made extensive use of questions prompting new actions. A large place was given to the demonstration of actions with certain toys. For example, in order to attract the attention of children, I start playing with a doll, combining several plots that are understandable for children: "feeding the doll", "putting to bed." The children are watching my actions carefully. Continuing to play, I hand over the doll to the children, verbally directing the further course of events.

To enrich children's games, I select simple plots for staging with a doll. For example: mom and daughter came home from a walk. The daughter was hungry. Mom cooked porridge, fed her daughter. Such dramatizations help children in their independent choice of the game "Mothers and Daughters", and additional attributes and substitute items enrich its content.

I widely use display games in my work. So, while playing with the doll, I said: "Our Katya wants to take a walk, let's help her get dressed." While dressing, we examine the doll's clothes, name it. Then I dress the doll in sequence. Children are watching my actions. To consolidate the skills, I suggest repeating my actions. At first, the children needed my help, and then they learned how to dress and undress dolls on their own. At the same time, I paid attention to the fact that clothes must be taken and folded neatly. The accumulated experience helps children to participate more actively in the game. And as a result of joint play activities, children learned to transfer play actions from one toy to another.

In terms of educational work I pay great attention to the formation of an independent, more detailed plot-reflective play of children with different toys, I outline special events for the development of the first plot-role-playing games.

IN younger group The plot of the game was simple, in the middle it gradually becomes more complicated, I introduce new game actions: mom washes clothes, bathes the doll, treats her, walks with her, etc.

However, for the development of games, it is not enough just to equip the group with game material. It is also necessary to have a variety of impressions about the surrounding reality, which children reflect in their play. At the beginning of the younger group, most children reproduce only object-related actions, many of them simply manipulate toys. My task is to direct children to enrich the game actions, to develop the game plot. For this purpose, in the younger group, we conducted observations with children at the work of a nanny; in middle group, organized excursions and targeted walks, during which they paid attention to the labor actions of the cook, nurse, chauffeur, janitor. During the observation, I drew the attention of the children to the fact that the chef had prepared a delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner. Introduced the children to the names of the dishes. Subsequently, while playing, the children did not just put pots on the stove, but "cook" soup, compote, telling about what products they used in preparing these dishes and that is why everything is so delicious.

At first, when some of the children did not know each other, they played alone and in a rather monotonous manner. I tried to help them unite into a single team. By the end of the junior group and in the middle group, children learned to play in small groups, and they began to show attention to each other, benevolence, and learned to yield toys to their comrades. There are fewer conflict situations.

As my observations show, by the age of 5 the heyday of role-playing has come! Now we have senior group, children actively interact in the game, unite in groups. Gambling interests are stable. They can play for hours, days, weeks in games with the same plot, and every time from the beginning. Children play more confidently on their own. If as kids they took me into the game with great pleasure, even yielding to me the main roles, now they take on all the main roles. My role is hidden leadership. This allows children to feel like adults, "masters" of the game. In children's games, leaders appeared who "move" the plot. The rest agree with the leader and usually adjust. Disagreements are extremely rare, and they have learned to settle them on their own.

With the help of parents, we designed several role-playing games: "Ship", "Supermarket", "Veterinary clinic", " Road traffic"," House "," Beauty Salon ".

While playing, children communicate, learn to behave correctly in a public place. What is valuable in the game is that you can create difficult situations and awaken the desire in children to help each other. For example, in the game "Mothers and Daughters" you can combine several socio-role games. The time and place of action are very important. As in ordinary life, every little thing is first thought out, discussed, and then carried out. I suggest the scenario, but during the game something can change. For example, “mother” takes “daughter” to the kindergarten, she drives to work, and “grandmother” is in charge of the house. In the evening they get together, drink tea, talk, and they all take the bus to the theater together. In the theater, they sit in the auditorium, and on the stage children sing, recite poetry, and show a fabulous performance. When the concert ends, everyone goes home, has dinner, and prepares for the next day. So, we see a scene from our life, only in children everything is embellished a little, simplified, the sharp corners of conflicts are smoothed out. We can play such a game for more than one day, we stretch it for two or even three days, and then we can start all over again, but the children change roles.

The group has created conditions in which each child could show their emotions, feelings, desires and views, and not only in ordinary conversation, but also publicly, without embarrassing the presence of strangers. Theatrical games can play a huge role in this. The role played, the spoken remarks put the child in front of the need to clearly, clearly and understandably explain. The child improves dialogical speech, its grammatical structure. Theater is associated with a fairy tale, and thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.

In order for the narrative role-playing game to develop, it is necessary to give children knowledge about the environment, to promote the development of imagination. For this purpose, I use didactic games. (Application). They contain a complex of various activities of the child: thoughts, feelings, experiences, searches for active ways to solve a game problem. With the help of such games, children learn the ability to compare, classify, generalize, analyze, draw conclusions ...

Didactic games are a complex phenomenon, but they clearly reveal the main elements that characterize play as a form of learning and play activity at the same time. The role of didactic play is especially great in enriching the vocabulary of children and is one of the most important means of working on speech. Therefore, in front of me, tk. it is I (the educator) who directly supervise the game, the task is not only to acquaint children with new words, but also to achieve their use in coherent speech. Didactic play is necessary, as it creates a positive emotional background. It is in it that the social skills necessary for children are formed, it makes the child's life exciting, corresponding to his needs.

In our group, a play environment has been created, taking into account the needs of the child in various activities, in which children can play on their own, at the same time, without interfering with the games of other children. I see that our children really like didactic games, because they are easy to organize, do not require costs and additional items, they can be dealt with at any moment. Each didactic game this is the communication of a child with an adult, with a peer - this is a school in which he learns to rejoice and endure his failures. Kindness, a joyful atmosphere, invention and imagination are necessary in the game, only in this case the games will be useful for the development of the child.

I really love to play with children, with full dedication. The main thing in the game is to preserve the immediacy of the game, to make the life of our pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions and so that the skills gained in theatrical, didactic and role-playing games can be applied by children in everyday life. I am constantly in search of new techniques that allow children to learn new games with interest and quality.

Positive results in the development of children through play can be achieved by acting in close contact with parents, enriching them with knowledge about the features of the child's play activity. In order to choose the right direction in working with parents, I conducted a survey in the younger group (Application). The analysis of the answers helped to clarify a number of questions on which it is necessary to clarify the parents, to outline a work plan. The group set up a stand "Children are playing". Prepared a number of consultations: "Play and toy in a child's life", "What your child's favorite toys talk about", "Meaning role-playing game in the life of a preschooler "," Who is your child playing with ", etc. ... (see Attachment) All this work contributes to the development of parents' interest in the play activities of children. They take all the recommendations correctly, which helps me a lot in my work.


Attachment 1

Photo report about the group.

Dear colleagues, let's go on a journey through our group. It's called The Nest.

Here we have a big "Bus"

I'm swinging, flying at full speed.

I myself am the driver and the motor itself!

I step on the pedal

and the car rushes into the distance.

Here we have "Beauty saloon"

It's light and interesting here:

Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs, the hall is large,

But it can be seen, even,

Better than your trellis.


And now we are in the "supermarket" -

All products on display:

Tea, candy, sausage -

Eyes scatter.

Come buy,

Give the money to the cashier.

Look, and here we have "Hospital"

Always attentive, with love

Our doctor treats you guys.

When your health improves -

He is most happy!


Come here to be treated

Lion, dog and she-wolf ...

And here we have "Construction site".

The whole area knows the builder,

He is an excellent master

With his brigade, he

Builds a brick house.

House among other houses

And slimmer and taller.

They say up to the clouds

The house will reach with a roof.


Now you see how much interesting there is in our group.

Children can play wherever they like.

Appendix No. 2

Didactic games.

"Find a baby for mom"

PROCESS: The teacher draws the attention of the children to the car that brought the guests and says: “Once a calf, a kitten, a puppy and a foal ran away far from their mother and got lost; alarmed mothers drove to look for them. The kitten, he was the smallest, stumbled and meowed. How did he meow? (Choral and individual answers) The cat heard him and called: "Meow-meow."

The teacher invites one of the children to take a cat from the back of the car (find it among other "mothers"), along with this toy, go to the table with pictures of a kitten, foal, calf and puppy, and choose a baby cat.

Similarly, children perform three other tasks - to choose the desired picture

"Wonderful bag"

PURPOSE: to teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features.

PROCESS: Organizing the game, the teacher selects objects familiar to the children. Having seated the children in a semicircle, so that all objects are clearly visible to them, the adult conducts a short conversation. Then he asks several kids to repeat the names of the objects, to answer what they are for.

We're going to play now. Whoever I call must guess what I will put in the bag. Masha, look carefully at those objects that are on the table. Remember? Now turn away! I’ll put the toy in the bag, and then you’ll guess what I put. Put your hand in the bag. What is there? (Child's answer) You named the item correctly. Other children can be called in this way.

In order to complicate the game, another rule is proposed: several toys are put in a bag. None of the children know about them. The summoned child, with his hand in the bag and groping for one of the toys, talks about it. The bag will open if the children recognize the toy by the description.

"What would happen if disappeared from the forest ..."

Move: The educator offers to remove insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were missing? And if there were no mushrooms? And if the hares left the forest?

It turns out that it was no coincidence that the forest brought its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are related to each other. They cannot do without each other.

"What plant is gone?"

Move: Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

"Where does that ripen?"

Purpose: to teach to use knowledge about plants, to compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.

Course: two branches are laid out on the flannelgraph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks the question: “Which fruits will ripen and which will not ? " children correct mistakes made in drawing up.

"Guess what's in hand?"

Move: Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs. The teacher lays out dummies of fruits in the hands of the children. Then he shows one of the fruits. Children who have identified the same fruit at a signal run up to the teacher. It is impossible to look at what is in the hand, the object must be recognized by touch.

"Flower shop"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the desired flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.

Progress of the game: Children come to the store where the big choice flowers.

Option 1.

On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of different shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals both in color and shape.

Option 2.

Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must describe the flower he has chosen so that the seller can immediately guess which flower he is talking about.

Option 3.

Children independently make three bouquets from flowers: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.

Fairy tale game "Fruits and vegetables"

Visual material: pictures of vegetables.

Course: The teacher says: “One day a tomato decided to gather an army of vegetables. Peas, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, potatoes, turnips came to him. (The teacher alternately puts pictures of these vegetables on the stand) And the tomato told them: “There are a lot of people willing, so I put this condition: first of all, only those vegetables will go to my army, in the name of which you can hear the same sounds as in mine - pommiidoorr. "

What vegetables do you think responded to his call, children?

Children name, highlighting the necessary sounds with their voice: peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips, cucumber, and explain that these words contain the sounds p, p, as in the word tomato. The teacher moves the pictures with the images of the named vegetables on the stand closer to the tomato. Conducts a variety of tomato workouts with peas, carrots, potatoes, turnips. Good for them! And the rest of the vegetables were saddened: the sounds that make up their names do not fit the sounds of the tomato in any way, and they decided to ask the tomato to change the condition. The tomato agreed: “Be it your way! Come now those in whose name there are as many parts as there are in my name. "

Who do you think, children, has responded now?

Together they find out how many parts are in the word tomato and in the name of the remaining vegetables. Each respondent explains in detail that the words tomato and, for example, cabbage have the same number of syllables. Pictures depicting these plants also move towards the tomato.

But the onions and beets were even more saddened. Why do you kids think? The children explain that the number of parts in the name is not the same as that of the tomato, and the sounds do not match.

How to help them. Guys? What new condition could a tomato offer them so that these vegetables would also be included in his army?

The teacher should lead the children to formulate the following conditions themselves: "Let those vegetables come, in the name of which the accent is in the first part" or "We accept into the army those in the name of which the same sounds are heard (onions, beets)." To do this, he can invite children to listen and compare where the stress is in the remaining words - the names of vegetables, to compare their sound composition.

All vegetables became warriors, and there was no more grief! - the educator concludes

Distribution of fruits by color

Course: The teacher asks the children to distribute the fruits by color: put fruits with a red tint on one dish, on another with yellow, and the third with green. The playable character (for example, Winnie the Pooh) also participates in this and makes mistakes: for example, he puts a yellow pear next to green fruits. The teacher and the children kindly and delicately point out the bear's mistake, they call the shades of color: light green (cabbage), bright red (tomato), etc.

Distribution of fruits by shape and taste

The teacher invites the children to decompose the fruits in a different way, in shape: round - on one dish, oblong - on another. After clarification, he gives the children a third task: to distribute the fruits to taste - put sweet fruits on one dish, and unsweetened ones on another. Winnie the Pooh rejoices - he loves everything sweet. When the distribution ends, he puts the dish with sweet fruits to himself: "I really love honey and everything sweet!" “Winnie-the-Pooh, is it good to take all the most delicious for yourself? - says the teacher. - Children also love sweet fruits and vegetables. Go wash your hands, and I will cut fruits and vegetables and treat everyone. "

"Earth, water, fire, air"

Move: Players, stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. If the driver said “ground,” the person who caught the ball should quickly name the person who lives in this environment; the player responds to the word "water" with the name of fish, and to the word air - the name of birds. At the word "fire" everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver. The wrong person is out of the game.

"Protect the environment"

Move: On a table or typesetting canvas, pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes the bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to humans, to plants, etc.

"What first, what then"

Course: With the help of games with cards, books, introduce the child to the words "first" and "later". When he begins to understand the meaning of these words, invite him to continue the phrases: first they pour compote, then they drink, first they put on a jacket, then a jacket, etc. Then start confusing the child, let him look for your mistakes in speech. First, the carrots are put in the soup, then they are washed and peeled, etc. Change places with the baby, he starts a phrase - you finish.

Appendix 3

Application form

Parent's surname

1. Does your child often play at home?

2.What, what games does your child play?

3. What toys are most interesting to him?

4. What is your child's favorite game.

5. What are the sources of the game's plots (TV series, cartoons, adult stories, etc.)?

6. Do you play with your child? Who does the child most often play with - mom or dad?

7. Do you offer your child the games of your childhood? What kind?

8. While walking with which of the children does your child prefer to play (with boys, with girls)?

What does your child like to play on the street?

9. If there are children of different genders in the family: please tell me how they interact with each other: do they like to play together, what games;

do they often have conflicts because of what; Do they have common interests, games (what)?

When analyzing the answers of parents, one should pay attention to what games the child prefers to play at home, what are the sources of their origin. With parents or with a child, what gender he likes to play, whether the plots and features of the child's play in kindergarten and family are repeated. If the family has children of different sexes, then it is important to pay attention to how they interact with each other in play activities.

Appendix 4

Consultation for parents on the topic "Play and toys in the life of a child."

Play, as an independent child's activity, is formed in the course of upbringing and teaching a child, it contributes to their assimilation of experience by human activity. The toy, in this case, acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to learn the purpose of which and to master the various actions with which the child should. Play, as a form of organizing a child's life, is important in that it serves the formation of the child's psyche, his personality.

The game and the toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring play to life, and play sometimes requires a new toy to develop. And it is no coincidence that toys bought in a store, but also made by educators, parents or the children themselves, participate in children's games. Toys can be very diverse, but they all must meet certain pedagogical and artistic and aesthetic requirements.

At every age, a child needs toys that are different in their subject matter and purpose: plot (dolls, animal figures, furniture, dishes), technical (transport, construction sets, etc.), toy tools (hammer, screwdriver, sweeping brush, a rake, a shovel, in other words, toys that imitate the simplest means of adult labor), fun toys: theatrical, musical. Large-sized toys such as scooters, children's cars, tractors, large easily transformable construction kits help to combat physical inactivity, teach the child to move and orientate in space. Sitting at the table, it is more convenient for a child to play with small toys that are clearly visible from all sides. For playing on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the height of the child in a sitting and standing position. Outdoor games in the yard require large toys, small ones are not suitable. The selection of toys is closely related to the tasks of aesthetic, as well as moral education child, with his desire for collective play, in which he uses all the toys together with all the children. When selecting toys, age-related patterns of development of play activities should be taken into account. Not all children have the opportunity to see live animals and birds. Books, toys, television help to get to know them. It is very important that the selection of toys contributes to the formation of the correct ideas about the environment in the child. It is advisable that the toys are brought into play by an adult. He gets the child interested in the plot of the joint game, asks him questions, encourages him to "communicate" with a new toy. “Is the doll awake? Treat her with compote. " A toy for a child is full of meaning.

Children of four to five years old carry out play actions most often with the help of toys, but their play actions can already be indicated by both a gesture and a word. At this age, those items that are commonly called attributes in practical pedagogy are of particular importance: all kinds of hats, beads, aprons, dressing gowns. During this period, toys are needed that reflect the specifics of a particular profession. For the captain, the ship is not so important as it is important to have a telescope, binoculars, and a cap. The doctor needs a gown, an appointment table, a thermometer stick, a syringe, and he certainly needs patients who patiently endure the care of a doctor and a nurse. These patients can be large dolls. Sick "children" should have their own "moms" and "dads".

Correct guidance of the game by adults makes it meaningful, truly leading in preschool age, significantly expanding the horizons of the child.

However, no abundance of toys, which would seem to be able to deploy the most story games, will not replace playmates for your child. The forced need to play alone, sometimes, can lead to overexcitation of his nervous system. Playing alone, the child is excited by the abundance of roles he has taken on. Naturally, after the game, he will be overly mobile, irritable, “loud”. But the same game in a team of peers does not cause a similar reaction in a child.

Many children use not only toys in the game, but also adapt other objects for this. A sofa can become a steamer, chairs can become train cars, bumps can become funny hedgehogs. Such use of objects in the game indicates a high level of intelligence of the child, the development of his imagination. Unfortunately, not all adults understand this. It is necessary to enrich the game with homemade toys, including those made from natural waste material.

The game develops and pleases the child, makes him happy. In the game, the child makes the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration. In the game, his imagination, fantasy develops, and, therefore, the soil is created for the formation of an initiative, inquisitive personality. Play for a child is a sure remedy for idleness, leading to lethargy, aimlessness of behavior. For a good one, fun game the child needs a good toy. Choose it carefully for your child.

Appendix No. 5

Consultation for parents "A toy in a child's life"

Let's remember our childhood, What happens right away? Of course, mother's warm hands, and a favorite teddy bear (doll, bunny, etc. - everyone has their own). It is with toys that most people associate childhood. But, in addition to personal value for each of us, the toy has universal human value, since it is a creation no less grandiose than a computer. In addition, there is no teacher and educator in the world who is more literate and cheerful at the same time. Therefore, at least adults need to take the choice of toys very seriously. So let's start with the smallest ones. In the first days and months of his life, the child's ability to cognize the world around him is limited. The whole world for the baby is in her mother's smile. And through communication with her, the child gets acquainted with the first objects and toys. During this period, the baby needs all kinds of rubber rings, rattles, pendants. They should be bright and within the child's field of vision, as the toy should attract the child's attention. A little later, with the development of grasping, the baby should be able to act with the object: knock with it, throw it. It's good if the toy is sounding. At 6-9 months, you can add so-called toys - inserts that allow the child to develop intellectually. Gradually, animals and dolls made of rubber can be introduced into the objective world of the baby. They should have large components and well-defined facial details. At 9-12 months, you can please your child with clockwork fun toys: pecking chickens, drumming hares. At 10-12 months, a child needs pyramids of 3-5 rings and cubes. Many parents are alarmed by the fact that during this period the child literally pulls everything into his mouth. Do not be alarmed: firstly, the baby is simply teething, and secondly, the mouth is for the child the same means of cognition as the hands and eyes, you only need to remember about the hygiene of toys.

At the age of 1 to 3 years, the baby becomes more independent, he has the opportunity to move independently. But the joy of the baby is a problem for the parent! So that your favorite vases, sets and books continue to serve you, remove them from the eyes of the child, do not provoke him to "deeds". During this period, you can already buy a fur toy for your child, with which he will fall asleep wonderfully. A large box and your help will help the kid remember to put away toys.

By the age of 3, the baby begins to assimilate the functional purpose of objects. And where, if not in a game, can he most sensitively learn that they sit on a chair and eat from a plate? Therefore, it is necessary to expand the set of children's toys with dishes and furniture. It should be close to the size of a nursery, but be lighter. The child strives to live an adult life, so help him. A toy display of real life will allow the child to easily get used to further in the group of peers and fully develop both emotionally and intellectually. By the age of 3, the toys that live with the child should increase in size: a large doll, a large car, a large toy animal. All kinds of pyramids and constructors must be included in the set of toys. These toys themselves tell the child how to act with them. For example, a pyramid with a cone-shaped rod will not allow a child to randomly string rings, he will have to understand the principle of collecting a pyramid. Or we all know nesting dolls. If the child does not place at least one of them correctly, the nesting dolls will not be inseparable sisters. Also during this period it is necessary to introduce various board-printed games into the child's life.

By the age of 4-5 years, all kinds of sets of families, soldiers, animals begin to arouse a keen interest in a child. The child begins to come up with various options for games with them. In general, at this age, all types of toys begin to be available to the child: both a doll and construction material, and puzzles, and attributes of professional activity, and various technical toys. Game preferences are beginning to be divided by gender: boys choose cars and weapons, and girls choose dolls and everything connected with them. But both of them continue to develop an interest in different types mosaics and lotto. By the age of 6, the child wakes up an interest in modeling, design, that is, in those games that allow him to make something with his own hands.

All of the above toys can be attributed to the so-called "ready-made forms", that is, these toys are made in a factory way and they already have a functional purpose. But there is one more, no less important group - substitute items. It includes, from the point of view of an adult, completely unnecessary things, or rather, garbage, but for a child it is the most valuable material for the development of imagination and creativity. These are all kinds of scraps, rags, boxes, stumps of boards or sticks, circles, fragments of something, etc.

The introduction of these objects is advisable from 2-3 years old, since it is during this period that active speech develops, and substitute objects put the baby in front of the need to call them a really existing and accepted word in relation to one or another object. In addition, they contribute to the expansion of living space by introducing an imaginary situation (this is a wonderful "as if"!). You say: "All this is good, but each of the listed toys costs money and not every family can afford them!" Yes, this is undoubtedly so. But it is important to remember the rule: Toys should be chosen, not assembled! Naturally, you cannot help but buy some toys for your child. But if you wish, you can make all the toys with your own hands and they will look no less beautiful and valuable for the child than those bought in the store. Turn on your imagination - and you will succeed. Firstly, dad can make magnificent doll furniture from scraps of wood, make a typewriter, secondly, mom can sew a magnificent doll and clothes for her from the leftover yarn or fabric, thirdly, loto and puzzles can be cut out of newspapers and magazines themselves ... On the one hand, this is budget savings, and on the other, a good opportunity for family cohesion. I would like to dwell on one more point - the choice of toys.

If you want to buy your child a new toy, follow 4 rules. The toy should be:

  • Safe (check the workmanship, material it is made from)
  • Aesthetic, in appearance
  • Age appropriate
  • Multifunctional (than more action the child will be able to perform with the toy, the better; Naturally, this does not apply to rattles for babies) In conclusion, it is necessary to remind you, dear parents, that no, even the best toy, can replace live communication with your beloved dad and mom!

Appendix No. 6

Consultation for parents "What your child's favorite toys are talking about"

Want to know who your baby will become? Take a closer look at his favorite toys. A toy for a kid is not just fun, it is a smaller model of the surrounding world.

By playing, the child learns to act, think and build their relationships with other people. Therefore, toy preferences allow not only to get to know his character better, but also to look into the future.


Children who prefer to tinker with the designer are persistent, assiduous and patient. Design develops logic, teaches you to concentrate, teaches you to be independent. A child who enjoys building a construction from a construction set, as a rule, loves exact sciences. These are future mathematicians, programmers, system administrators or architects.

Toy soldiers

Toy soldiers are a favorite toy of many boys. Playing with toy soldiers contributes to the development of a full-fledged personality, because this is not just a game, but a whole toy army that requires strategy, hierarchy, develops interest in children and teaches you to look at everything from the outside. The game with soldiers is loved by children with the makings of leaders and it is difficult to say who they will become in the future, but your baby will definitely not remain on the "side" roles.

Toy cars

Cars are played by children who want to grow up faster, copy the behavior of adults, especially men. For toddlers, drivers are strong and interesting people who can playfully drive large iron cars. Cars are certainly not an intellectual game, since they do not give room for creativity, so such a pastime is often manipulative. Children who prefer cars rarely achieve great heights in life. In order to develop or instill in the baby other abilities, switch it to other toys.

Stuffed Toys

A nursery filled with soft toys characterizes a sociable baby, for whom communication with other people is more interesting than objects or phenomena. Toys, as a rule, "humanize" - they are fed, put to bed. In addition, a soft toy is an ideal friend: kind and sympathetic, who always behaves correctly. Future humanities - philologists, journalists, social workers adore soft toys.


Extinct monsters are usually interested in children at an older age. Interest usually arises after school lessons or visiting a museum. Such children are smart and inquisitive, they grasp everything on the fly. Kids begin to systematize the received data - watch movies about dinosaurs, read books about them and cut out their images from magazines. Before you is a future researcher. Most likely his area of \u200b\u200binterest is natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics)

Dolls for a boy, cars for a girl

If such a hobby was not long, you can not consider it as a systemic one. If you observe the constant interest of the baby in toys of the opposite sex, this behavior is really alarming.

Usually, a boy plays with dolls in two cases: when he grows up in an incomplete family or has difficulty finding a common language with his peers. It's not superfluous to show such a child to a psychologist.

The opposite case - a girl who enjoys playing cars - is less common. Usually this speaks of impulsiveness, impulsiveness and an overabundance of energy, which cannot be thrown out in calm girlish games.

Appendix 7

Consultation for parents "LET'S PLAY ...?"

Your child is five years old. This is already a reasonable man who knows a lot, knows a lot, sometimes even knows how to read. And how do children play after five years? Maybe they no longer need the game and should transfer their more serious activities?

No, and older preschoolers play and need adults to play with them from time to time. Even when a child moves from kindergarten to school, play does not disappear, it takes up less space in the child's life, but it is still necessary for him for emotional well-being, self-expression and self-affirmation, and finally, for communication with peers. Friends of your child come to him not just to visit, as adults - to talk, exchange impressions, but to play (a typical child's request: "Mom, can Masha come to me to play?").

How do children of five to seven years old play? The child's plot game becomes diversified.

Often a special game arises - dressing up, where the matter does not come to play. Girls who decide to play princesses can dress up for a long time, trying on mother's dresses and shoes, and boys - father's soldier's belt or cap.

The desire to reflect the world in his games takes the form of a director's game, where the child, without changing himself, acts as the director of this world. For example, playing with toy soldiers, the device of doll houses. Children become biased in choosing appropriate toys. If before they were pleased with any new toy, now they are asking to buy exactly the one that is needed for the game, the missing one. Girls have a desire to fully equip the house for small dolls (doll furniture is arranged, appropriate scraps are selected to decorate the doll room, etc.). Designing, sculpting, cutting out missing items from paper are included in the game.

At 5-6 years old, a child often plays, in an imaginary world, in the so-called fantasy game. Moreover, the game can be, only verbally framed, be a pure work of the imagination. And then the adults begin to convict the child of lying, but this is not so - this is also a game. For example, your son begins to talk about how he and his group went to Disney Land, how they had fun. Do not rush to scold him - he is playing, he is living a fictional event. Surely, every adult in childhood had a fictional character with whom he lived through many periods of his life.

So, the plot game of children 5-7 years old has extremely diverse forms. And then the question arises: does an adult need to connect to the child's play, if he already knows how to play?

Undoubtedly, since the child experiences difficulties in coming up with plots and their deployment, in the so-called plot formation. After all, the journey involves both preparation for it, and a variety of routes, and a multitude of adventures ... how can one come up with all this! This is where an adult should join. With his life experience (playing on everyday topics), with his literary experience (playing on fairy-tale themes), with encyclopedic knowledge and the ability to get the missing ones (books, Internet ..). And also a notion game: make up yourself and push children to it! Besides interesting game, You will also develop imagination in your child!

Appendix 8

Consultation for parents "The value of role-playing games in the life of preschoolers"

Play occupies a very important, if not central, place in the life of a preschooler, being the predominant type of his independent activity. In Russian psychology and pedagogy, play is viewed as an activity that is very important for the development of a preschool child; it develops actions in representation, orientation in relations between people, initial skills of cooperation.

Free storytelling is the most engaging activity for preschool children. Its attractiveness is explained by the fact that in the game the child experiences an internally subjective feeling of freedom, the subordination of things, actions, relationships - everything that is in practical productive activities resists, is difficult. This state of inner freedom is associated with the specifics of the plot game - action in an imaginary, conditional situation. The plot game does not require a real, tangible product from the child, everything is conditional in it, everything is "as if", "for fun."

All these "possibilities" of the plot game expand the practical world of the preschooler and provide him with inner emotional comfort. This is due to the fact that in the game the child recreates areas of interest to him with the help of conditional actions... First, these are actions with toys that replace real things, and then - pictorial, speech and imaginary actions (performed internally, in the "mind").

Play is important not only for the mental development of the child, but also for the development of his personality: taking on various roles in the game, recreating the actions of people, the child is imbued with their feelings and goals,

empathizes with them, begins to navigate between people.

Play also has a great influence on the development of children's ability to interact with other people: firstly, by recreating the interaction of adults in play, the child learns the rules of this interaction, and secondly, in a joint game with peers, he gains the experience of mutual understanding, learns to explain his actions and intentions, coordinate them with other people.

However, the game fulfills its developmental functions in full, if it becomes more and more complicated with age, and not only in its thematic content.

Appendix 9

Consultation for parents "Who is your child playing with?"

The kid grows up, he becomes interested in games in the company. Some kids are willing to play and like to communicate with everyone, other kids are very selective, and their parents notice that the child chooses some children for play and ignores others. And no amount of persuasion: "Look what a good boy is, play with him", does not help. Why is this happening? What does a child's choice of a friend or friends with certain qualities and behavioral features indicate? This is largely due to temperament and character, but the choice of a child is also influenced by his emotional development, internal problems.

So, let's analyze the choice of the child.


If the child easily makes contact with any age category.

There are few such children, and if your child belongs to this category, he has a "social intelligence", ie. communication talent. He does not have such problems as anxiety, fears, low self-esteem, shyness.

The child prefers to play with peers.

The child loves to play more with children who are older than him.

There may be several reasons: the child is ahead of the intellectual development of his peers, he has "outgrown" their games, interests; the child's ability to communicate “as equals” is not well developed. Often these are the only children in the family who do not attend school, brought up by the idols of the family. They expect indulgence, concessions, do not know how to reckon with the opinion of another child. Older children find this behavior amusing.

The child prefers to play with babies.

In such games, the older child feels skillful and experienced. Girls especially love to tinker with babies, this is due to the formation of role behavior (girls "try on" the roles of mothers, teachers, mentors, etc.). Although playing with the baby is useful, it is worth considering if the child practically does not play with his peers. A possible reason is that his peers do not accept him (transfer to another school, insufficiently developed communication skills, etc.). In this case, the child needs the help of parents or a psychologist.

The child only plays with adults.

Often such children - "at home", not attending the children's team, imitate close adults in everything ("adult" speech, sedate behavior, lack of children's games and fun). The consequence of this behavior is the inability to communicate with peers, the emergence of communication problems later, at school.

Kids under 2 years old do not care who plays with them - a boy or a girl.

At about 3 years old, the child begins to realize his gender (I am a girl / boy), so 3-4 year old children may prefer to play with babies of the same gender. And the games for boys and girls begin to differ, if the former like to play with toy cars, a designer, then the latter (girls) focus on dolls, soft toys, mini-copies of household appliances. Boys more often than girls play active, noisy games.

If a child is interested in playing with children of the opposite sex, is it worth considering that he is lagging behind in development or does he develop incorrect role behavior? When a 4-year-old boy from time to time plays with dolls, while not forgetting about the "boy" games, and in the role-playing game chooses male roles - dad, driver, etc., then, most likely, he simply copies the actions of his peers (girls). At this age, children tend to imitate, they try to repeat, copy the actions of other children, the behavior of adults seen on TV. If a boy avoids "boy" games and entertainment, steadfastly prefers the company of girls, adults need to think. Behind this behavior may be covered serious problems, emanating from mistakes in upbringing, internal fears of the child. You need to pay attention to how often the boy communicates with his dad, grandfather (does he have an example of worthy male behavior); who the mother wanted during pregnancy - a son or a daughter, how this affects her attitude towards the child. The same applies to girls, persistent refusal to play "girly" can indicate a number of problems in the emotional state.

At 5-6 years old, the desire for various games becomes more and more obvious. But against the background of divisions of games according to "sex" roles, interest in the opposite sex is growing. Children can play together, but boys will choose male roles, and girls will choose female roles, or the roles will not have gender differences at all (for example, playing in the store). If at this age a child prefers to play with children of the opposite sex, perhaps he is trying to meet the expectations of an adult! For example, a mother likes that her son is calm, gentle, she encourages such behavior, thereby imposing traits of female behavior on him; or dad admires that his daughter knows how to stand up for herself, he teaches her aggressive games, and the girl tries not to disappoint her father's expectations.

From 6-7 years old, girls and boys become more tolerant of each other. They are united by the common role of students, school interests. Together they play outdoor games at recess. Therefore, if at this age a child likes to play with children of the opposite sex, this is not an indicator, although most children in games retain their preference for children of the same sex.

List of references.

  1. L.F. Ostrovskaya "Toys and manuals for kindergarten".
  2. Magazine "Preschool education" No. 7 2012
  3. Zvorygina E.V. "The first story games for kids." Moscow, Education, 1988
  4. Anikieva N.P. "Education by play". M., Education, 1007.
  5. Boguslovskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. "The role of play in the moral development of a child." M., Education, 1991.
  6. N.F.Gubanova " Play activity in kindergarten ".
  7. Bodaleva A.A., Spivakovsky A.S. Popular Psychology for Parents. M., 1998.
  8. Elkonin D.B. "Psychology of the game". M., Pedagogy, 1978.

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